
Story Info
Woman rebounds from a failed marriage into glorious slavery.
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I walked into my apartment and took a long sigh. It was finally over. I was divorced from Kevin. Divorces inherently have terribly bitter times. I was grateful I had a beacon of hope. The light that shined like a lighthouse in the darkest of days arose from an unlikely source, an online Mistress. I never romantically kissed another woman or anything. I'm heterosexual, but being with Mistress Janice seemed to come naturally. I thoroughly enjoyed submitting to her whim. She would watch me through my camera, hear what I said and her commands would come on the screen. I could feel the pleasure she derived from controlling me.

There were invariably limits as long as I was married; there was only so far she would take things. I think it was done to encourage me to finalize things. However, we made plans for this day. She sent me a large package, with instructions not to open it until my marriage was officially over. I thought about what was in the box. The box was large, but pretty light. I shook it, but the sound of something large and light gave me no more of a clue.

Mistress Janice lived in Denmark, I was in Canada. I purchased plane tickets for later today. I would be visiting her for a two-week vacation. I was so excited! She even assured me I would have my own bed; I wouldn't have to sleep on her couch.

I logged in and set up the camera. Mistress Janice was able to see and hear me. I had never heard her voice, she responded with text. She had sent me a picture for me to look at when serving her. Janice was online waiting. I showed displayed the box for the camera to show it was still sealed. It was important for her to know I was genuine and followed her instructions. I eagerly slit the tape and peeled back the box flaps. I reached into the packaging and pulled out a massive medical neck brace made of bright white plastic. The posture collar portion would clearly cradle my chin and rise up even higher behind my head. Two rigid steel bars dropped down from the front of the collar, one in back leading to a chest portion. The chest section was rigid plastic front and back. It looked truly formidable.

The words appeared on my screen. "Put it on dear."

As if in a trance, I opened up the fastenings on one side of the brace. I noticed the entire inside was padded. I slipped it on. It went all the way down to the bottom of my rib cage. I set my chin in the divot in the collar, feeling it gripping snugly, holding my jaw firmly in place. I secured the strap around my chest, then the one over my shoulder. The brace wasn't tight like a corset, but it was very rigid and so conspicuous. As I cinched up the neck portion, my head was forced into exact and proper posture. I couldn't turn much at all. Next I pulled the strap that connected to the back of the collar, all the way up by my temple. I pulled the strap across my forehead, forcing my head against the back of the collar. A bit of Velcro held it in place.

Janice typed out "How does it feel?"

I awkwardly got into my chair to respond. "It is totally controlling Mistress. I can't look up or down, or rotate my head at all. It is probably best I'm able to talk; I can't even look down enough to see my keyboard."

Mistress seemed quite pleased that it was so restrictive. "Oh how sweet! Take a while to adjust the fit. This is your new slave collar. It goes on before you leave for the airport, and stays on."

My jaw dropped as much as the collar allowed. "Everyone along the way would see it!"

"Exactly! Everyone will see you are restricted and controlled. I demand it to be very conspicuous."

My natural reaction was to dip my head submissively, but my head didn't move at all. I was forced to keep looking right at the camera and Janice. I muttered a timid "Yes Mistress." My mind swirled with such intense emotions. My terror battled with the thrill of showing off Mistress' collar. How would people react?

I realized I had no choice. The collar would be on, as Mistress Janice commanded it to be. With that realization, a sense of confidence came over me. I could obey Mistress' wishes, and my compliance would please her. It was time to finish packing for the flight.

I disembarked from the plane in Copenhagen. The trip had been a long blur. So many people asked what happened to my neck, and how long I would have to wear the brace. It started from the Uber driver who chauffeured me to the airport to anyone who spent more than 30 seconds near me for the entire trip. The first time I was asked, I stumbled over saying I tripped on steps while trying to avoid a cat. It seemed reasonably plausible. I nearly fell down the steps so many times from kitties getting underfoot. With each telling, the story got easier to tell as I convinced myself it was the truth.

I had a window seat for my flight. I couldn't really look out the window, nor turn to face the chatty woman who sat next to me. Every time I thought of doing it; I felt Mistress' firm hand restraining me. It was humbling and yet so intoxicating to be wearing a visible slave collar out in public!

I walked through the airport, seeing so many people turn their heads to gawk at me as they walked by. Some of them tried hiding it; some were blatant. I felt so self-conscious. Everyone who looked caused me to be all the more aware of my status and why I was wearing the conspicuous brace. I was owned; Mistress' property.

There were many people at the greeting area near the baggage claim in Copenhagen. Mistress knew what I looked like. I had earned the honor of one picture. Janice said she was female and in her 30's. All sorts of fears ran through my head. "Mistress Janice" could be a guy in his 60's pretending to be female; I couldn't really be certain. I rotated my body to scan through the crowd for someone who was looking at me. I realized the futility; half of the crowd was looking at my restrictive collar and me.

At the baggage carousel, everyone was peering down to watch as our luggage traversed. The brace firmly maintained my head upright; I couldn't look down. I knelt on the ground to get my head more aligned with the luggage. It was another sign I was different. I'm sure people stared, but I couldn't see their faces.

I saw my luggage, snatched it off of the carousel, and awkwardly meandered my way to the exit. I had no idea where I was going.

A pair of hands grabbed the lower part of the brace around my rib cage. I heard a female voice say "Hello slave. Welcome to Denmark!"

My feeling of being lost and alone was immediately transformed into elation. Mistress was here! And I loved her accent! I tried turning around to finally lay eyes on her, but her hands gripped me firmly in place. I felt utterly controlled, yet re-assured. She met me at the airport, and she is female as she said!

When I accepted her control and stopped trying to turn around, she handed me a ticket. "Don't turn around. Go out the doors and make a left. Climb aboard the second bus in line."

As I walked, I struggled against the nagging temptation to turn around and finally gaze upon her face. I dutifully boarded the second bus and sat down. I had no idea if it would be a 30 minute ride or a 4 hour ride.

I heard Mistress' voice from the seat behind me. "How was your flight slave?" We continued to chat as the bus started up and pulled away. After about 5 minutes, Mistress said "Wouldn't it be sweet if I controlled your cell phone?"

My eyes went wide. I started panting. My phone is my only contact with anyone else. It had access to all my private emails. However, once she mentioned it, I desired her to control that too. I feared where this was leading me, yet I had to find out. I wanted to be sucked all the deeper into her web. I pulled out my phone and held it over my shoulder. A moment later, it was seized. I had submitted all the more to her. I was deeper under her spell and thrilled by it.

The bus drove on for hours, passing through town after town. Mistress kept my phone, so I wasn't allowed to track of time. I didn't know where we were going, nor how much longer it would be. At long last, she said "Get off at the next stop. Leave your luggage and purse on the bus. Don't look back until the bus starts moving again."

Oh my god! Oh my god! This is it! She will abandon me there! Or deliver me to someone else or something! What do I do? The signs I saw were in Danish; I have no idea where I am other than "Denmark"! The bus came to a stop. Like a marionette, I got up, leaving my purse and bag behind and stepped off the bus. It was like the trust test where you close your eyes and fall backwards, depending on your friend to catch you before you hit the ground. I was utterly alone, lost, and helpless. I merely had the clothes I was wearing. I winced and whimpered as I stood at the small bus shelter. What have I done? I'm totally screwed!

After what seemed like ages, but was probably only seconds, I felt Mistress' hands on my sides. It was like an angel reached down to redeem me from hell. She slowly turned me around, and I was allowed to see her!

Janice was short, light skinned with mid length blond hair. She had the most expressive face. I could appreciate the joy in her expression, seeing I had utterly submitted to her. She was reveling in the control she had. Mistress called out "Welcome to Nykobing Sjaelland!"

I blinked, a bit dumbfounded. I was just told where I was, and yet I remained as clueless as before. I bent forward at the waist to see down. I was utterly relieved Janice had retrieved my purse and luggage from the bus.

She smiled and waved for me to follow. "I'll show you my home." She started walking. I really had no choice but to follow. Janice walked down between the shops of the commercial district. Like a line was drawn, the shops gave way to quaint row houses. Each home stood two stories with a sharply pitched roof.

I slavishly followed Janice and rapidly became utterly lost. Janice kindly waved or greeted people in Danish as we meandered through the streets. She took out a set of keys and unlocked the door. We were home.

The door opened to a modest abode. A comfy looking couch faced a large TV in the living room. I was profoundly aware I had to rotate my entire body to look around. Off to the side, a tidy and modern kitchen included a breakfast nook with a table. Mistress smiled with an inward pride as she opened the door to the bedroom.

A large, tall bed dominated the room. Vertical steel rods supported the bed off of the floor, forming a cage underneath. A mattress filled the floor of the cage. Mistress promised me she would provide a bed for me. This was it. It wasn't lofty enough to sit up in. It was barely tall enough to crawl into. It was perfect. The open gate looked formidable and inviting.

Mistress smiled, gesturing at the cage. "That is if you behave." She opened up a closet door. "I cleaned out the floor of the closet for if you are naughty." I looked in. It would be cramped and uncomfortable; an appropriate punishment for a disobedient slave. It was clearly something to avoid. I resolved not to require the closet treatment.

Mistress looked so utterly pleased that I was before her. She said, "Well, we dropped off your things, why don't I show you around town?"

I heartily agreed and grabbed my purse. Janice said "You won't need that dear." My mind screamed. My purse contained credit cards, my ID and...Mistress said I wouldn't require it. I left my purse behind, feeling naked as we set off. It felt marvelous to stretch my legs after an extended flight and bus ride. Within minutes, I was utterly lost in the town of Nyko...something.

We made our way to the harbor. A few charter and recreational fishing boats were still in the dock, but it was clear many more were out working. Mistress took my cell phone out of her purse and compelled me to pose for some pictures. We then strolled along the narrow sandy shore, the waters of the frigid fiord to our left, grassy dunes and pine trees to our right. She snapped more pictures of me; she wanted me to retain the memories as a keepsake.

After a bit of a walk, Mistress turned into the pine trees. She took a pair of manacles out of her purse. I looked around. We hadn't passed anyone on the beach for a while, and the woods would be even more deserted. I smiled. This will be delicious. I offered my hands out in front of me, inviting her to capture me.

Mistress sensuously wrapped the fur lined leather manacles around my wrists. The fur, while probably fake, felt wonderfully soft and cushy. The leather looked sturdy, yet incredibly supple. It was a delight and a privilege to be adorned with them.

Mistress commanded me to turn around. I instinctively put my wrists behind my back, anticipating our shared desire. With a subtle "click", I knew my hands were securely fastened. I tentatively pulled on my arms and was re-assured that they were as helpless as we wanted. I think we both would have been disappointed if I was capable of movement. My shoulders were pulled back, and my breasts thrust out. I didn't know it was possible, but was forced to stand even more upright and proper than the brace already enforced.

Janice's hand encouraged me to face her. Her expression was screaming out "Oh my god! I can't believe I'm finally able to actually cuff another woman! This is phenomenal!" She broke eye contact for a moment, pulling a metal leash with a pink leather handle out of her purse. She looked at me, her expression betraying her fear of me balking. I smiled all the more, holding perfectly motionless to make it easier for her.

Mistress snapped the clip end of the leash around the collar upright in front of my neck. She stood still a few moments, soaking in what she had accomplished.

The cuffs and leash made me happy. They showed Mistress Janice truly loved and coveted me. She didn't desire me to stray and would always take care of me. They didn't feel punitive; they were closer to an affectionate hug. It was the first time I felt cared for since marrying Kevin. I murmured a timid "Thank you for collaring me Mistress."

Mistress Janice's expression was extraordinarily vivid. I could see she felt complete for the first time in her life. She finally had a female slave on her leash. Her face was a swirling cauldron of joy, love, excitement, and gratitude. She was thrilled I allowed her to do this. My "thank you" seemed to take her by surprise.

She responded,"I was thinking I should be the one to thank you for being so sweet. Perhaps we are like two trees leaning into each other. Each one needs the other for support or it would fall, so it considers the other one to be the stronger of the two. You are the yin to my yang."

Mistress Janice possessed the most magnificent spirit that I had ever had the good luck to meet. I was honored to be on her leash; I would never be more than two meters away. With a grin that would make the Cheshire Cat proud, she turned and slowly strolled through the woods.

I followed wherever Mistress went, zig zagging between trees, and meandering where she chose. I was exclusively focused on her, unable to look elsewhere. She was kind enough not to go near low hanging branches; she could duck, but I was forced upright by the cuffs and collar.

We chatted as we I felt delighted, like I was walking on clouds. I heard a male voice call out from the woods. We turned to look. It was a police officer or a park ranger or something! I was terrified! My hands were cuffed behind my back, and Mistress had me on a leash! They started talking in Danish. Obviously, I had no clue what they were saying. Was he arresting her for kidnapping or something? I nervously pulled on my cuffs, but my hands remained trapped behind my back. I made sure I smiled as looked at the officer. I hoped it would convince the officer to let us go.

After a minute or two, Janice turned to me, pointedly speaking in English. "He asked how you were doing today."

"Oh! I am doing very well Sir! Janice has been kind enough to take me out for a walk and show the lovely sights Sir! I'm thoroughly enjoying it; she is so marvelous to me!"

Mistress turned and smiled lovingly at me. The officer nodded in understanding. He turned back to Mistress and said something in Danish. Janice smiled, and pulled my leash, conducting me away. It seemed the officer understood me, but wouldn't lower himself to actually speak English. As we walked through the woods, I realized it was fitting. I was incapable of understanding others unless they wanted me to.

After another few minutes, Mistress unfastened my leash. In a way, it was disappointing, like the end of a wonderful party. It was as if she read my mind as she explained "I'll show you around town." We walked around a copse of pine trees, and the village was before us.

The town looked charming with so many colorful buildings and signs. Of course, the signs were in Danish; I only really understood what Janice translated. In a twisted way, that felt right. I was lost, collared and utterly dependent on Mistress, yet I felt free of the burdens society placed on me.

Mistress guided me into Fakta, a supermarket and headed directly to the ladies room, waving for me to follow her. As we entered, she said "Take off your panties." She seemed to immensely enjoy being able to give whatever command she wanted, knowing I would comply without question.

I reached under my skirt and slid my panties down my legs. I stepped out of them and awkwardly clutched my aqua panties; I didn't have a purse! Mistress gently took them from me, then loosened the upright on my collar, freeing my jaw. "Open wide."

I opened my mouth, and Janice gently stuffed my panties in. I tasted a bit of myself as my mouth was filled with the soft nylon. Mistress then re-adjusted the brace upright, forcing my chin up to bite down on the panties. She looked at her handiwork. "There! Now isn't that better?"

I tried saying "Yes Mistress." It came out more of a monotone three syllable hum. I tried nodding yes. I don't think any minuscule movement was noticeable.

Mistress' face lit up at hearing my gagged mumblings. I could see Janice had been waiting for something like this for years, even before we met. Her face showed she was emotionally coming alive in a way she had only dreamed of. It was like a kid walking through the gates of Disneyland for the first time. The anticipation and eagerness mixed with joy and love in a stupendous mix. Janice's face beamed in a way that makeup ads can only aspire to. It was magnificent to see and to know I inspired that feeling in her really lifted me up.

Mistress was reveling in her control, and proudly strode out of the bathroom, confident I would follow. Naturally I did, feeling like her helpless playtoy.

We walked through town, I saw enough signs with "Nykobing Sjaelland" I started to memorize the name of the town. Mistress had me stand in front of some particularly picturesque buildings for more pictures. After one selfie, she mused "Do you like Rugbrød?"

I was bewildered. I tentatively whispered, "Mistress? What IS Rugbrød?" Unfortunately, it came out closer to a six syllable hum than understandable speech.

Mistress turned to face me, her face already grinning. The sight of me wearing her collar made her eyes sparkle. She truly enjoyed having me here; she reveled in the control. She said,"One mmmpphh for yes, two mmpphhs for no, three means anything else. Are you familiar with Danish cuisine?"

Other than Danish pastries, I had no clue. I let out two mmpphs.

"You are in for a treat these weeks then! Hope you are feeling adventurous!" We strolled on through the scenic town.

Mistress meandered about. I followed her like a lost puppy. I realized I was lost, and about as helpless as a puppy. Yet I was eager and thrilled to be here. Janice looked in the windows of some shops. Some of the times she looked in only to check out my reflection in the glass. That was a great compliment! I smiled, reveling in being with her. She asked me questions from time to time. "Are you doing OK?" "Do you like this dress?" I mmpph'ed answers. Next she turned to me "So tell me truthfully. How do you feel?"