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"I had a rotten day yesterday. Just nothing accomplished really, and then I had a spat with my neighbor, June. That bothered me a lot, but we got past that. But today I'm feeling and doing great."

"And you credit the change to what?"

"A tolerant and understanding neighbor, and somebody is going to book a party and a wedding with me."

"Owen, that's fantastic, and we have all evening so be sure you tell me everything about the party and wedding."

"Before the night is over you will know everything."

"Yes, I do want to know everything, and I'm going to hold you to that. Is there anything else exciting that has happened to you since the last time we were together?"

"I don't think so," he told her as images of Ann sucking his and Scott's cock jumped through his mind.

She took his hand in hers and led him to the sofa and they sat down before she said, "I had a very long talk with Scott."

He just couldn't look at her right then as he said, "Oh really?"

"Yes, about your second, um...let's call it a session. That isn't the right word, but let's us it for right now."

"Oh yes, the woods walk with Ann."

"You know, I've had twenty years with Scott, and he just can't lie to me or even hide much. The way he does or doesn't make eye contact, the way he stands or sits or uses his hands. The tone of his voice and his speech pattern, all of those things talk to me. He was fairly straightforward about the photo shoots, but he was struggling at one point, but it wasn't long before he told me about the other couple and how you invited them to watch as you two photographed this Ann."

"Yes well...I knew she'd be surprised, but..."

"The way I hear it, she was shocked."

"Oh I wouldn't go that far."

Nila allowed a hint of a smile as she said, "Okay, so she accepted that and then you propositioned the woman."

"That's not a very good way to phrase it. I didn't proposition her, I asked her if she would be interested in allowing us to photograph her, but she wouldn't agree to that."

"Right, but she didn't say no either."

"Damn, Scott did share a lot with you. Okay, true. Her husband called to let me know that he was talking to her, because he knows that she wants to do something like that."

"Oh really."

"Yes, and in fact, I was going to ask if you would join me and have dinner with them so she could...well we could talk about photography."

"It might be better to call it what it is, erotica, or erotic photography."

"Whatever, would you have dinner with us?"

"Oh yes, I want to meet this couple and see how this all works out. Now back to you, Scott and Ann."

"Like what?"

She stopped smiling, and rather than make him more uncomfortable while they talked, she moved closer until she was leaning into him and his arm went around her. Now she knew he wouldn't have to make eye contact with her as she dragged him through the rest of his story that he didn't want to talk about. "So okay, then Scott talked about more photographs. By the way, when do I get to see some of them?"

"Oh Nila, you don't..."

"But I do. I want to see them, and of course I'm interested in how good Scott is getting with his passion."

"I guess that instead of going out for dinner we could go to my place and order a pizza."

"Yes, let's have pizza and a beer or two and look at your photos. All of them."

", not all of them because..."

"Let's talk about that after we've seen some of them."

As they went down the road, he told her about the party idea a few days before the wedding and Nila said, "That's a different way to do it. I kind of like it actually."

"I have an idea. June will be helping me with things and she'll be there with me as my assistant. Would you like to be there too? It might look good if I had two assistants."

"I don't think that would work. Scott will be there and having his mother hanging around might well hamper his ability to perform his duties."

"Well if you change your mind, just let me know."

"I will, and thank you for asking me. Now do you think the party will be what you've had in mind?"

"Of course I can't know, but I'm going to do everything I can to steer the party in that direction. Good booze, a few erotic pictures around along with some other decorations. The topless or better, the almost naked female maids and the almost naked male maids, and they would be a fixture through the whole party and the reception."

"Have you discussed that with the guy?"

"I have, but it's his intention to keep much of the plan secret."

"Oh God, I don't see that as a good idea."

"I more or less said that, but it's his money, and he assured me that she would handle it just fine."

"He could find himself without a woman to marry too."

"That's not my problem. I host the event and charge him a lot of money. He pays and it's up to him, not me, to make his event a success. My job will be to see that my staff fulfills their obligations, and the food and drink is plentiful and good."

Well I hope all of that goes just as you want it to go."

"Thanks. I'll have a second photographer to work with Scott to make sure we don't miss anything and..."

What if somebody gets naked?"

"Then they'll get some really great shots."

"And what if something like...I don't know, say some sexual action."

"I can only hope, and of course Scott and the other photographer would be right there to document it all for the bride and groom."

Chapter Nineteen

As soon as they went in, Owen ordered the pizza, and then with icy cold beers in hand, he led the way to his office. Sliding a side chair over close to his desk chair, he said, "Make yourself comfortable and we'll look at dirty pictures until the pizza comes."

"Just for the record, I don't necessarily see photos of naked women as dirty pictures."

"That's nice to know," and his computer came to life.

One by one they went through the images from the food court and the first thing Nila said was, "Where did she find the courage to expose herself to you and Scott?"

"I think you can see in the first photos that she was petrified."

"That's what I mean. Petrified and still she went through with it."

"And notice how she begins to relax from one image to the next."

"My God, and with shoppers within...I don't know, fifteen feet of her or even less."

"That setting is exactly what I prefer."

"It's no wonder you don't have others to photograph. There can't be many women crazy enough to do something like that."

"In Ann's case it was strictly the money that got her interest. Well for the mall situation anyway, and that's what I expected. Not for thrills, but for the money. But now let's look at the photos from the nature center, and I haven't even looked at all of these."

"I would have thought you'd do that as soon as you got home."

"I'm not sure what happened."

Nila studied each image and a minute later she said, "These are more artistic."

"To be sure, but not quite what I would prefer."

"I'm sure you're the one that chose the park."

"Oh I'm not complaining at all. I'm still working on places where we can play and not get arrested."

Without taking her eyes from the large monitor she smiled and said, "Yes, that would put a dent in your enjoyment."

"Well I'll be damned," Owen said when Lowell and Meredith appeared. "I didn't know Scott got a shot of them right away. They..."

"Yes I know."

"Right because he told you."

"Yes he did."

When the first images of Ann in the field came up, Owen knew he couldn't show her everything, but he wasn't exactly sure when to stop. Then deciding it was safe to show her four images, he brought up the next one. "The open field certainly changes the effect, and I like what the tall weeds do artistically." On to the second image and then the third. Still safe he smiled to himself and felt confident he could safely go on to one more. When just naked Ann appeared he smiled and relaxed. "Very nice," Nila said, and Owen told her, "Well that's all of them."

She looked up at him and said, "Owen, you persist in forgetting that Scott is my son and I can read him like a book. You're also forgetting that we had that long talk." He looked up at the ceiling for guidance and stalled for time as he took a deep breath, but Nila was enjoying the moment too much to just let it go. "Show me the last pictures."

"Shit. Nila, you must know what happened and what..."

"I do know what happened." She really didn't know though. Scott had made a comment or two and been very evasive, and it was that evasiveness that had her curiosity in high gear. "I know that Scott took the pictures so of course he isn't in them, so I don't have to worry about seeing my son in a very compromising situation."

"But Nila...shit, I'm going to kill your son. He talks far too much."

"We have a very good relationship."

"Right. Okay, but then you have to hear how this happened. I want to be certain that you have the truth."

"Well of course. Remember our little conversation? You said you would tell me everything and I said yes, I want to know everything."

"I did not make love to Ann."

She hesitated for only a moment, and then lying, and not having any idea of what she was about to see she said, "I know. Now stop stalling."

"I say again, I'm going to kill your son." With five files left, he closed his eyes for a brief moment and then opened the first of that group of five.

Nila was silent as they stared at the monitor, and then he looked at her as she studied a perfect shot of Owen and Ann as she knelt in front of him reaching for his hard cock. There was no undoing the moment. He gave her a few seconds and then quickly opened the second file, but again they were looking at a nice close up of Ann's fingers wrapping around his shaft and his wet cock head glistening in the sun.

Nila couldn't bring herself to look at Owen. She now even knew he wasn't circumcised. She also knew he had a very nice cock. There he stood for her, naked in the weeds, and his clothes pooled near his feet. She said nothing so he went to the third image, and Owen was relieved that at least Scott wasn't zooming in on his anatomy, but still it was a very nice profile of him with Ann firmly attached to him by his cock deep in her mouth. He moved on to number four, and again Ann was sucking him, but this time her hand was cupping his balls. Owen gave up on worrying about Nila. She wanted to see, so by damn she was seeing, and he wasn't going to worry anymore about any of that. Number five showed Ann tipping her head back with her mouth wide open as she held his still hard dick. He wasn't about to explain to her that Ann had a mouthful of his cum, but then he probably didn't need to explain that to her. Hell, he figured, Scott probably gave her detailed information anyway.

"That is the last one," he lied.

She could see there was three more files to look at, but she was still struggling to settle down from what she had just seen. She leaned back, but kept her eyes on Ann about to swallow his goodies, but stayed quiet until, in a soft voice and almost to herself, "Wow."

He asked her, "Are you okay," and she finally nodded her head, but then told him, "Yes." She took a deep breath and then said, "I lied to you."

"You what?"

"Scott didn't tell me about any of that."

"Then how the hell did you know?"

She straightened up and forced herself to look at him and said, "He

did tell me a lot, including about the other couple, but I had to sort of pick at him before I figured more happened. Since he wouldn't tell me, and because of course I knew about everything else that the three of you had shared..."

"You figured out that Ann..."

"Sucked you off? No I didn't have any idea what happened, but I was certain whatever happened was significant."

"So you've also figured it out that she did the same for Scott."

That brought Nila almost to the edge of her chair as her eyes grew and she said, "No. Oh my God I never considered anything might happen between them. Then what about the last files that we didn't look at."

"There's no way I'm going to show them to you."

"Oh God, they are of Scott and Ann and they..."

"That's right. I don't even know if they turned out, because I don't know how to use his camera."

"I don't want to see those photos and thank you."

The subject of photos didn't come up again until he took her home and went in for a night cap. Even then it wasn't until he was ready to leave that she kissed him deeply and then smiling she said, "Damn you."

"That's an interesting comment right after one of the best kisses I've ever experienced. Care to elaborate?"

After another light kiss she told him, "I'm not going to elaborate, but I say again, Damn you."

"I think we better plan on trying for dinner again. Maybe next Wednesday night?"

"You have a date."

When he got home he had a message from Nila. "I've changed my mind, I will elaborate. Now I'm going to be seeing a few select photos from your collection in my mind over and over...damn you," and she hung up.

Chapter Twenty

Owen was surprised at how busy he was keeping himself. He met Kate, Kathy and Perry at Applebee's for lunch, and they requested the table at the far back so they could talk without worrying too much about others listening to their conversation. "Okay Owen, first of all," Kate said, "I haven't heard from you in I don't know how long, so tell us the latest about everything."

"Well let's see. There was another session with Ann, and that went really great, and...

"Wait, before you go farther, do we get to see the photos?"

Owen thought for just a second and then said, "Sure, I guess so."

"Sorry, okay what else?"

"I'm almost certain that I will be hosting a party and then a wedding. Same couple by the way and just days apart. Oh, and I have a couple that I hope will agree to...I mean she'll agree to a photo session."

"You're doing okay. A lot better than I would have ever guessed."

"I was hoping for more, but I wasn't being very realistic."

"My God, I guess you weren't."

"I'm having dinner with June to talk about wedding and party preparations. She's agreed to help me."

With his forearms resting on the table, Perry leaned forward and said, "I think it's about time we met your neighbor."

"Great, but she and I will be dining alone so we can talk business."

Perry smiled at the women and then said, "Right, it's all just a business."

"Wait a sec," and Owen called June. "Hi love, got a minute?"

"Of course."

My sister, and Perry and Kathy, my friends, are insistent that they meet you. Can you spare an hour to meet them over wine at my place before we go to dinner?"

"Of course I can."

"See you at five then," and he put his phone away. "There, now you'll meet June."

"Great. Now tell us the latest with Ann," and that subject carried them through dinner, but Kathy stirred them up when she said, "So tell me more about Ann. Give us an idea of what it might be like for a woman to pose in public places half dressed or naked."

"Check this out," Perry said smiling, "Kathy wants to pose for Scott and Owen."

"I do not, I'm just curious, now be quiet."

Owen focused on Kathy and said, "I don't know how to answer that because I'm not a woman, and she hasn't confided in me beyond telling me when she was petrified or just nervous, but also she admitted to enjoying everything we did and to getting excited. I think that if I was a woman, I'd be a slut."

They laughed at him, but then he said, "I'm serious. Unless I was ugly or fat or totally flat chested, I'd be embarrassingly quick to agree to posing naked."

"You just think you would," Kate said.

"I'm serious."

"Okay so you're not a woman, but if somebody, man or woman asked you to pose naked you'd just say hell yes?"

"Well it would depend on a few details, like what would happen to the images, but I'm sure I would say yes. Guys aren't as full of hang ups when it comes to nudity."

"You may be right, but I still can't picture you just dropping your drawers and skivvies in front of a camera."

"Care to test me Sis?"

"Most certainly not, I'm not interested in seeing my brother at his naked best."

"I would," Kathy said quickly, and the after a moment she told Perry, "Just kidding honey."

He smiled and said, "You are not."

"I am too kidding."

"Okay," Kate said getting back into the discussion. So if you were single or had Perry's permission, would you be as willing to see Owen naked?"

"Well it's like Owen just said, it depends on the details, but sure, why not? He'd be the one naked, not me."

"You make a good point Kathy. Perry, any comments?"

"Depending on the details as we keep saying, she has my permission and I don't even have to be there, though I would expect a full accounting later."

"Oh, now this is getting interesting," Kate said as she smiled and stared at Kathy.

"Now wait."

Perry laughed and said, "Well I guess we've settled that."

"No we have not. Now stop trying to push me into a corner. Okay damn it, Owen, you're being very quiet."

"I'm waiting for things to settle just a little. Kathy honey, I stand by what I said, but everything would be up to you, and if you said no, then I wouldn't tease you."

"I sure as hell would," Kate said as she and Perry glanced at each other.

Kathy was getting flustered as she searched for a way to prove her point without seeing Owen naked. She certainly wasn't afraid of Owen or that they would lose control and make love, but she did know that it would be painfully awkward for her to stare at him. She even had a brief flash of him standing before her with a full erection.

"Of course you have to take a lot of pictures too," Kate added. "I mean we have to have full proof that Owen was naked, and that you were right there. I know, you'd have to stand next to him with your arms around each other and get a picture to share with us."

Owen smiled at Kate and said, "Oh, so now you're volunteering to see your brother naked after all."

"Oh...well no, but...well Perry could verify it, so there's no problem there."

Perry knew Kathy wouldn't follow through, so he pushed it farther saying, "Personally I think you should be naked too Kathy."

"What? Perry you're not even thinking straight. You just said that your wife...get that, your wife, should be naked and stand next to your equally naked friend with our arms around each other."

"I'd pay money to see that happen," Owen added as he smiled first at Kathy and then Perry.

"How much?" Perry asked as he almost laughed.

"My going rate for a first time, three hundred."

"Damn honey," he said as he looked at Kathy. "Damn, three hundred bucks just for getting naked with Owen. That's fast and easy money."

Kathy was getting pretty nervous. Could Perry and Owen be serious?

"Oh sure, easy for you maybe. I'm not the one that said getting naked in front of others is easy."

"Okay, well that's settled, now all we have to do is pick a time and place," Owen said, and then standing up he added, "And of course I much prefer someplace in the great outdoors. Shall we go meet June?"

The others stood up, but Kathy sat there for another second as she said, "No, now wait, we didn't decide anything."

Perry held out his hand for her saying, "Of course we have. You'll be naked with Owen someplace outdoors, and you'll get pictures, and we'll look at them later, and we'll get three hundred bucks."

"But for a series of photos, not just one or two," Owen added before he led the way out of Applebee's.

"Well of course," Perry added, "It's only fair that you get your money's worth."

"Of course the proper way to do this and to be sure I get what I pay for is to have Scott take the photos. You know get professional results."
