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"OH! EE-OW!" Janette screeches. Her body starts trembling. Her feet fidget on the floor. If her hips could move forward, they would. "I'm too full! Oh, Lordie, please! Tell me that's all of it!" Janette pleads.

I give Janette a quick swat on her bottom with my hand as I scold her to narrate, not whine. Chris takes his peek, staring at the sight of the tube vanishing into her body. "My butt feels like I have to poop so badly I'm going to explode! I have to run for a bathroom, now! It hurts, I'm too full! Please, Dear Lord, please, tell me this is all of it!"

It's not even half of it. I don't bother to answer Janette.

"OW!" Janette cries out, "I feel like my insides are being stretched out and they're going to burst. I'm so full it hurts! And my butt hole hurts from straining to hold this in! Miss Rodgers just keeps putting more of it into me! Please! There's no room left in my butt!"

"OW! IT HURTS!" Janette cries out, "IT HURTS! I'M CRAMPING!" Janette pants a few desperate breaths. "My bottom is so full it hurts. My butt hole wants to explode! Now I have cramps, like female cramps! I know that's because I'm too full!"

"OW! OW! EE-OW! Please, mercy! PLEASE! IT HURTS TOO MUCH!" Janette cries out.

Now she has all of the enema. And despite her whining, she hasn't exploded yet. I know she can hold this in. It's just enough to ensure that her rectum is filled to capacity, but not to make it too painful for her. I start easing the nozzle back out of Janette's bottom.

"Miss Rodgers is finally pulling the tube out of me! I am more scared than I have ever been! It hurts. I have to poop so badly that there is no way I'm going to be able to do the assignment without making a mess!" Janette stops talking and cries.

A few seconds later Janette tells the class that the tube has slipped out of her asshole, and that's a relief because now she knows she won't have to get any more, but it's also a torment. Her asshole is straining with all her might to hold a tidal wave in. And it hurts!

I tell her to stand up. Janette starts to rise. She moves a few inches, then screams out. She freezes, then tells the class that a sharp cramp hit her. She starts rising again. Cramps again. Finally, she gets up.

I tell her that she has to find her own study partner. To pick anyone, since everyone has better grades than she does. And to go ask some politely, since no one has to agree to be her study partner.

Janette picks Izzy first. Maybe just because Izzy is the closest one to her. Maybe because Izzy hasn't really done much to her so far and she thinks Izzy will be the safest choice. Izzy just shakes her head, telling Janette that "this is a new outfit! No way are you and your butt sitting anywhere near it!"

Janette blushes, cringes, and then starts to double over. She takes the tiniest step as she turns to Kayla, the next closest girl. She asks Kayla "Please, Miss, will you please help me redo my essay?"

Kayla stares at Janette for a second.

"I'll do it." Chris offers. A wave of relief sweeps over Kayla's face.

Janette cringes a little more. Enough that it's clear she didn't want a boy to be her partner. But she's smart enough not to refuse his offer of help, no matter how much she wants to keep her distance from the boys while she's naked. Otherwise, she might find herself having to beg someone else. "Thank you so much, Sir." Janette politely says.

He stands and moves to take a seat beside Janette's desk to Emma's left. Janette goes to her desk, walking with tiny steps as she keeps her thighs squished tightly together, and her cheeks clenched just as tightly. She sits.

Immediately Janette cries out a long "OH!" drawing her cry out. "OH! Lordie, I'm going to lose it!" She sobs a little harder.

Chris takes a seat next to Janette and suggests they get busy. Janette's eyes are squished so tightly they're barely open. She gets out a fresh sheet of paper and her pen. Chris uses the moment to get a good peek at her breasts. And I'm sure he doesn't miss how her stiff nipples seem to be straining to stand up even further now.

I call Izzy up to "grade" her essay. She comes and hands me her paper. On it, she's written "We've been BFFs since the day I was born! You know all my secrets! Can I peek at Jacob's??? Pretty please, Pepper?" I giggle. I pretend to read it, taking a couple of minutes. I grade it and hand it back to her with "100" written on it. I write "No" on it, too, answering her question. Then I loudly announce that she's gotten a perfect score. Grinning widely, Izzy returns to her seat.

Jacob hasn't revealed any secrets. His just says "She is such a skank!" He gets a 98.

Paige has actually written the essay. I told her to before class. She's offered her biggest secret is that she hates the way I've never let her see me do anything with my toys Anita and Wayne just because they're her parents. She feels that since she is just my slave, she no longer has parents, just a Mistress, and she wishes I would "make full use of her as a slave should be used, instead of worrying about stupid little taboos that only apply to people." I already knew it. But I've still kept her away when I was her parents. Every time I tuck her away I can see it on her face.

Next up is Emma. She has not written the essay. She's just scribbled "I wonder if anal would hurt me as much as Janette says it hurts her. My boyfriend wants to try it." Emma is a very slightly heavy girl. I'd guess she's about 5'5" and maybe 155 pounds or so. I scribble "98" for a score on her essay and add "it doesn't hurt if you know what you're doing. Call me if you want a lesson." I hand it back, announcing her grade to the class. Emma's eyes go wide. She hurries back to her seat and hands her paper to Kayla.

I call Kayla up. She's simply written, "Emma's boyfriend is pressuring her for anal." That's her entire essay. I give her a 99. When I hand her paper back and announce her grade, I tell Chris that he can wait for his grade until he's done helping Janette. I add that we're all stuck in detention until Janette is done.

Janette works on her assignment. She whines near-constant little "OH!s" and "OW!s" as she does. Everyone else is mostly quiet, although Emma and Kayla chat idly about some TV show, and Izzy and Jacob chat about where they might go out together this weekend. All four are careful not to break one of the rules they had to agree to, not to say anything that would reveal they aren't high school students.

Chris and Janette talk only about the assignment. I'm sure that's all Janette can think of. The sooner she gets it done, the sooner she gets out of here and can race for a toilet. But she's also smart enough to know that she needs to do it well, so she listens to Chris' advice.

Neither she nor Chris knows that Janette is going to pass her essay, but by the skin of her teeth. Whatever she hands in, as long as it's close to the assignment, I'm going to pass it.

It's about fifteen minutes later when Chris tells Janette to raise her hand to tell me she's done. "Miss Rodgers, I'm done with my second essay."

I call her to come up with it. I make her walk back up here and sit in the seat beside my desk while I read over her essay. I don't put a grade on it. Instead, I tell her to stand and face the class and she can read them all her essay.

"My biggest secret is that I don't like to have sex with my husband. Being with him is just too plain. But it is that way with any man.

"I want a man to be a real man. I want a man to take me and just use me for his pleasure. I don't want to be asked. I want to be taken. And I don't mind at all if I'm taken roughly.

"That's why I see Dmitri. It's the only time I can be myself. The only time sex makes me cum. He knows how to take me and make me do things I secretly want to do, but never would do on my own. He's rough with me. Sometimes He even hurts me. He always makes me do things that are disgusting.

"He also never allows me to cum. When I'm with Him, cumming is a treat, a privilege that I must earn. I may only cum when He gives me permission. Otherwise, He will punish me harshly for it, then make the trip back to the edge of orgasm so much worse for me. Once I'm there, He'll make me wait three times as long before thinking of allowing me to cum.

"I wish all men were like Him."

Janette blushes, but the pressure in her bowels motivates her to read her essay without stalling. Modesty yields to the urgency building her bottom.

"Fine..." I sigh out. "I'll give you the points. Now you've managed to pass detention right to the point. Talk about cutting it close!"

I take out Janette's clothes and set them on the desk. Then I give her shoes to Emma and her socks to Kayla. Chris gets her panties. As I hand them to him, I whisper for him to make it easy for Janette to win them back. The bra goes to Jacob. Paige gets the sweater and Izzy gets the jeans.

"I suppose you'd like your panties back?"

"Yes, Miss Rodgers." Janette answers.

I tell Chris to ask her a question about the lessons we've studied this afternoon. He does as I've asked and gives her an easy one. She gets it right. I nod to him.

Then I tell Jacob to hold up Janette's bra. He does, and as I've asked him to do, he gives her a very difficult question. She misses it. I take her bra from Jacob, and as I hold it up in front of the class, I announce "some needy woman just got a new bra!" and I drop it on Felicia's desk.

Next up Kayla holds up Janette's socks and gives her an easy question. Janette gets her socks. Then Emma holds up Janette's shoes and gives her a difficult, but not impossibly so, question. Janette gets that wrong. So I take her shoes and announce that they are gone.

Now Izzy holds up Janette's jeans. She comes up with a question so obscure that I wonder if the answer is even in the text. It is, but it's in a footnote! Janette doesn't have a prayer. She forfeits her jeans.

And now, having won back only her socks and panties, she's starting to look very nervous, and blushing very deeply. I taunt her by reminding her that the sweater is the only thing left. And it's the only thing that will keep her from having to leave here with naked breasts.

Paige holds up Janette's sweater. Then she asks Janette a question that's not easy but also is easy enough that Janette should get it right.

Janette gets it right.

I tell Janette to go to one of the students and politely ask for the article of clothing she's won. She's to ask the student to choose whether he or she wishes to give it to Janette or to put it on Janette's body for her. Then she's to politely thank the student.

She goes to Chris first. She wants those panties. "Sir, will you please either give me my panties or if you'd prefer, put them on me?"

Chris decides to put them on her. And he takes his time as he slides them up her legs and over her bottom, allowing his hands one last caress over Janette's nakedness as he does.

"Thank you very much for putting my panties on for me, Sir," Janette says, her voice trembling as badly as her body is from the enema she's still holding in.

She goes next to Paige and asks for her sweater. Paige, as she's been told to do, elects to put the sweater on Janette. She does it slowly and sensually, just as Chris tried to do. Except Paige is far better at being sultry. She stops when the bottom hem of the sweater is just above Janette's breasts. She plants a quick, fleeting kiss atop each of Janette's stiff nipples. Each kiss making Janette shiver and raising goosebumps on Janette's breast. Then she lowers the sweater the rest of the way down.

Kayla just hands over the socks, leaving Janette to put them on herself.

It leaves Janette standing in front of the class with just her sweater, panties, and socks on. She pulls hard at the bottom of her sweater, trying to stretch it far enough down to cover her panties. It just doesn't quite make it all the way down.

I return her jewelry and purse. I make her stand there and put it on. Then, I tell her that Tony's grade will be benefiting from her extra credit detention. But from now on, she's to stay atop of his studies, because, from now on, every bad grade he gets will earn her another detention.

I see the look of fear that tries to hide the excitement on her face as I tell her that.

I send her away, telling her that she may go now. Detention is over.

Janette hurries out of the classroom, almost running for the door.

I quickly send Dmitri a text.

Chapter 07: A Slut's Thank You

The text I sent was another set up for Janette. I text Dmitri letting him know that I've just sent Janette out. We'd planned for him to start calling her as soon as he got my text and keep her phone ringing until she answered it. We both figured it would take more than a couple of rings for her to answer it. Right now, she's not thinking of anything beyond her bottom and getting out of the school.

It takes four minutes for a very sheepish looking Janette to hesitantly return to the classroom. I know it's because Dmitri ordered her to. That was why he called her. He was going to ask her if she was horny right this instant. When she said she was, he was going to order her to return and tell me.

As she comes in the students are gathering their books up. As soon as Janette had the door closed behind her, I told them she'd be back, to take their time leaving. It looked as if Kayla and Emma doubted me.

I can see Janette's phone in her hand, still on a video call. Dmitri was watching her to ensure she didn't masturbate before returning. And from what I saw of her pussy, she's definitely eager to masturbate. Only her face looks less than eager, but that's busy showing just how uncomfortable she is with her bottom still full.

Janette ends the call. Then she turns to me and stands mute for a moment. Finally, in the most humiliated voice I've heard from her, she says, "Excuse me, Miss Rodgers... I'm sorry! I have to tell you... that I've gotten so horny in detention that I can't stand it. My Master caught me thinking about... masturbating. I don't even think I can wait long enough to empty my butt out. My Master wanted you to know what a complete slut I am."

I stand silent for a long moment just glaring at Janette, letting her feel the shame and unease of knowing that I'm harshly judging her. Without any warning to her, I slap Janette's face hard, tossing her head off to the side and searing a bright pink handprint onto her cheek. "No wonder you did so badly on your work, slut! You were too busy worrying about that slutty little cunt between your legs!"

I slap her face again, leaving a fresh handprint atop the already stinging one. "Now you are going to learn about slutty around in detention instead of studying! Get your clothes off, now!"

Janette jumps. Her hands fly to the bottom hem of her sweater. Before she can even start moving it, my hands are on it. I rip it off, pulling it roughly over her head and throwing it off to the side. Somewhere. Before Janette can even move her hands for her panties I'm shoving them down her hips. They fall freely to her ankles. "I said get naked, slut!" My hand on her shoulder shoves her to squat down. Janette gets the message and squats to pull her socks off.

I grab her hair the instant her last sock is off. I yank hard, pulling her up to her feet. Then I spin her around to face the side of the desk. I shove her forward, hard. So hard that her face knocks into the desk. I use a foot to kick Janette's feet apart, opening her legs and giving me a full view of her pussy.

Janette just grunts and gasps as I'm knocking her around. She doesn't really resist me, but she's no help either. I can feel the light tension in her muscles, stiffening for the instant each time I move her.

"Stay!" I snap. I reach down and grab hold of her lips. They're moderately thick, and I can feel the plumpness of them in my hand. I pull them roughly, opening her lips wide to bare every bit of her pinkness. Her pinkness is light. But it's also flushed bright and hot. And everything is covered with a heavy, clingy film of her honey. Honey that's moderately thin, like oil, shiny clear, and has only the faintest tinge of muskiness to it.

But that's not what draws my attention. My attention is caught by her clit. It's rather wide, as wide as a marble. Its tip is gently rounded, curving up. It's also long enough for its tip to be standing above the nest of light purple folds of its nest. It's so hard that its tip looks to be almost white, not the purplish of everything else, and it's throbbing so powerfully that I can see it pulse.

Above that, I can see the entrance of her tunnel. It looks slightly narrow. It's rather "meaty," it's rim jutting out slightly with its uneven edges. It's flushed just as hot and bright as everything else. And it's virtually flooded with more of her honey.

I quickly put my fingers to Janette's pussy, pinching the nub of her clit between two fingers. It's a decently hard pinch. Janette sucks in a fast deep breath, squealing a loud "AH!" as she does. Her hips shudder hard as a crisp shiver sweeps over.

"OOH!" Janette moans out, drawing her cry out.

I roll the nub as I hold it pinched in my fingers.

"OH!" Janette cries out as a fresh shover sweeps over her body. As I continue rolling her clit between my fingers, I see a line of goosebumps shoot up along Janette's spine. The same goosebumps that I can see under her fur, covering her lips.

I pinch just a little harder as I roll her clit some more. A crisp shudder racks Janette sending her bottom snapping up as she rises to her tiptoes, knocking her knees against the desk. She cries out another loud "AH!"

I release her clit. I grab the ruler off Felicia's desk. I give Janette a hard swat with the ruler, landing it across her still-pink globes. "You skanky slut!" I swat her bottom.

Janette grunts a hard "UH!" as the ruler cracks against her cheeks, leaving a pink line across the pink flesh.

"You've been skanking up our classroom this whole time, and now you come back here just because you're horny?" I swat her bottom a couple of more strokes, earning nice grunts from Janette. "And to top it all off, you never even gave your friend a proper thank you for saving your worthless butt by helping you write your essay?" Another crack, this one a little harder and louder, snaps against Janette's cheeks. "What in G-d's name makes you think I'd allow such a rude cunt to actually enjoy her pussy and diddle it to cum?" Another crack of the ruler rings loudly against her cheeks.

I grab hold of Janette's wrists. I yank them hard, bringing them up, pulling them around behind her back, then bringing them up until her shoulders are strained and I'm pressing her face into the top of Felicia's desk. I hold her hands up high above her back. I slip a pair of handcuffs out of my back pocket and quickly snap them around Janette's lean wrists. I close them tightly, the cold steel snug against the bones of her wrist. I want those cuffs uncomfortable on her.

I let go of Janette's wrists. They fall softly, landing atop the bottom of her spine. I reach up and grab hold of her long hair, the soft, full strands lacing through my slender fingers. I yank it hard, pull, jerking, Janette to stand back up. I kick the back of her knees with a foot. At the same time that my foot is buckling her knees, I yank straight down on her hair with all my strength.

Janette's legs buckle, dropping her onto her knees. Her knees land hard on the hard floor. Her shoulders bounce off the edge of the desk. Janette grunts an "OW!" as she kneels.

I ignore Janette completely. I grab her shoulders and jerk them to turn her to face the class. Her knees shuffle on the tile as she spins. The class, already standing, all stare at the naked Janette on her knees. I can see on Emma's and Kayla's faces that the pair did not expect the sudden burst of "violence" from me. The hard, rough way that I'm handling Janette.
