Deviant Empire Pt. 08


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"Swear on all I've got left. I'll probably lose that if I don't follow through. Any plan? Idea how to find them?"

"Well, Hendersons are going to this place called Redlight... apparently they just... show off everything there. Mostly because those here who are still being stubborn idiots..." A chuckle at his little fall in expression. "There are more, but you decided to stop being one... those people might not go to such a place to see them. And... IF that happened... The kids doing it... Maybe they might do the same?"

Harry could find her reason sound until something else came up and a guilty smile came on his face.

"You're thinking of all the breasts and asses you'll see out there, aren't you?" She was teasing.

"No, no... just... thinking we might need to blend in and... you'd have to do it and I could look at them a lot."

"Good save... but I call your bluff." Another chuckle. "Talked about stuff like that too. You can look. Not like you can avert your eyes from every woman there. Can't help it."

He gave a shrug as parts of the smile held.

"Just... automatic. Happens to all of us. But that's just the instinct side. My reason... tells me that even if I see the finest pair of tits... I got my woman right here."

A warm smile from her. Damn, she was gushing when he said stuff like that.

"John said something similar. She lets him look and maybe... do... things... if he remembers where his leash is tied."

"They... wait, you mean they would be okay with sleeping with other people?" They had not considered it.

"Well, they are having sex with other people, and maybe sometimes having a good sleep... but nobody's leaving anyone for anyone else."

More information for the man. He furrowed his brows a bit. Things were not falling apart, but instead cementing into a wall that did not break, but took every strike to grow stronger. Every question... breaking the weak points to show where you've got nothing but a prayer. But every one of these facts reinforced each other rather than contradicting.

"Just... going around, taking the sights... but remembering where their leash is." The man postulated.

"Right here." She rubbed at his wedding ring. Looking down... it was like they saw it in a new light. "They do marriage. And this... is something she did not question. The woman who taught me these. Not Jess. Another. How could they get married if they have sex around casually?"

"Because it's not this." The man felt like they were renewing wedding vows. "This... does not mean being exclusive for them... but always coming back. No matter where, no matter who... nobody comes close. Leashed to each other."

"Even if I have to come after you to pull you down from a tree you won't come down from." Sylvie teased him, but it was a promise.

"Not just leaving me behind. And I shouldn't have."

"And neither should we do it to Will and Win. This is not what we are to them... never will. Even... if I jump into this with no hesitation... He will never have me as you do. And I'd show him immediately. Don't think they'd to this either. Not lovers. Just..."

"Family. That's what we are. So... time to bring it back together?"

"Nothing else really matters."

Change and healing can be painful... scary... but if one runs from it they will linger with more pain that they would have before. While they did not jump at all these options yet... they could listen. Together. Having John and Jess to return to have an honest conversation felt like seeing old friends again. The man could get increasingly comfortable with the much more casual tone of conversation... and see that these people they knew did not have a broken family because of their practice. So he believed that maybe they could as well. That one fact... that one exception broke the entire image built up until now, waved away as fear, seeing only the bad and not willing to do something new.

What the siblings did not consider was that their ship would arrive in just two more days... faster than the Phoenix for not having such a big load, the rest of the Carter family and the Hendersons would arrive at noon the day after tomorrow.


In select places around, there were landing pads for shuttles of special occasion. Out of the way, they had far less foot traffic. The two were early... but more out of excitement than not wanting to be late. They had a half hour to burn and this well thought of bench was where Win and her brother sat together...

"Shame she's not early as well." Win said as she leaned back.

"Mmm. Guess we got a bit too rushing."

"Can't even blame you for that. But... once this is done, we're... here for good." A look at him. "Thinking of turning back now?"

"Fuck no! I'd have to be mad to go back. You just saw what that place did to us."

The two had also skipped breakfast... which they got reminded of as they got here. Not willing to wander away and be late, a little vending machine took their eye, with some items in there that gave a sense of nostalgia. Burgers, fries and chicken nuggets. It was just like McDonalds food, if perhaps just a note higher. This prompted them to look up the brand of food that it was and.... It made the siblings give each other a look of realization.

Spacer brand food had one target: those who hauled around material from one port to the other, often with too little time to spare for a full restaurant or more proper food cart. Their cabinets could be found on such pads and in space ports, food ready and waiting for them to take in under a minute. However, they also openly admitted to the process being as low cost as possible, leading to it being stuffed with preservatives to last for weeks in the same form, no need to turn each cabinet into a food preserver or instant cook. Flavored food paste shaped into something that resembled a meal. They were eating low-cost trucker food and felt nostalgic.

"Eh, not like they're holding us here, just... ya know." Even if Win might be kept here prisoner this beat resorts they paid to stay in.

"Yeah. Bet you're just gonna go crazy on implants."

"Looked through a catalog. Damn blew my mind. One to get that permanent shit eating thing. And... that thing with James was weird but now I wanna work myself over again. Nothing really beats your own personal touch."

The discomfort in Will was falling, but she could still tell the man was not that okay with it.

"Still working you over? Maybe after this we can try and make some progress with that. How about... we go to one of those brothels and try it with a guy? If they're far better, maybe they can help with that."

"Part of me is still chickening out, but I have to tell it to shut up. Yeah. Let's do it."

She gave him a pat on the back.

"That's what I like to see! Hey, not gonna just put you on the spot. After that, we're sharing a girl. Any hit your fancy?"

"Mmm... maybe one of those short girls. Damn, are they ALL stacked?" Will had mostly preferred his species. No one was shaming him for that.

"Short and stacked. I know. Tits bigger than their head and they're walking around like they're flat. Must be all that strength... lotsa power to hold tits. We'll give one a go."

A squirm in place for the boy that prompted a question. In retrospect, the excitement and coffee was doing them over.

"Need to go. Hard."

"Me too. Is it weird that we're still being a bit sheepish about this?"

"Can't un-potty train me so quickly."

Still, it was a much more simple affair now. Standing up, the two would step aside just a short distance to.... Keep standing. After a few experiments, they felt most comfortable facing each other as they did this, gently holding on... also useful if it came out a bit harder.

"Mom and dad might not recognize us like this." Win chuckled as she alternated looking between her brother's face and his lower half.

"Maybe not start shitting on them from the start."

"You mean start again. Changing diapers can't have been a clean affair."

Another breath and... let go. Almost in sync... Will went first, that unconcerned jet flowing out of his cock with far more straightness than his sister, going a bit between her legs before splashing on the metal floor. Outfits could take care of any splash back. His stream was almost met by a spray coming from those closed lips. She was not holding her pussy open, so it was more like rain than a hose. It hit her between the legs plentifully... a very unpleasant deal before... now it was no problem.

"You guys are really lucky with that thing. See what mine does?"

"Everywhere. I'll have those moments."

"And I'm actually excited for it. Don't know what you'll get in the morning."

The rain of piss was merely a prelude for the main act as the girl actually went first on number two. Just a straight push... far more used and relaxed about this... they were coming out a bit bigger. A sausage stretched out of her ass to pull towards the ground, holding just long enough to invite comparison to a forearm before it broke off and Win inhaled again to continue shitting. Her waste would slowly sink into the ground as it got cleaned up. One more long push to give a creamy piece of crap that today would fall down. She's started enjoying this... especially when it's softer and just slides right out. But those last bits needed convincing.

For Will, taking a dump in front of his sister... holding her... was also starting to feel more comfortable than doing it alone. Just letting his ass push out those much more solid turds, holding for less and falling to the ground in palm-length bits. If there were any embarrassing farts or undignified sounds, they'd just laugh about them. There can be no rain without thunder. The boy was trying to rush this so their meeting does not arrive to catch them still leaking shit... so he gave more effort to really force the logs out... one after another they would go down until it was clear they were good.

"You're eating too much bread." Win told him in comment of what came out.

"Hey, it's damn good."

"Not contradicting... so, let's see who goes first..."

Rock paper scissors for who would receive the cleanup first. Rock for Will, scissors for his sister. A small groan before she took her fate on. Barely any hesitation to crouch down and slurp on his cock for any... dripping. If she went too long it might be confused for a blow job, but she was not interested in being caught with her pants down... metaphorically. One thorough suck on it to get the pipes as clean as she could force them to be... then Will turned around to bend over and offer his ass. Hands held his cheeks apart as the girl carefully stuck her tongue out to get those very persistent smears off him. One last look and...

"You're clean." She gave him an ass slap to showcase it.

Her turn. Will would exchange positions as he'd take the low ground, having a bit more to do for her... licking her legs where she pissed on herself because women don't have a natural hose, then working his way to the pussy to give it a thorough tongue cleaning. Win had to laugh at how it tickled. She turned around to let her brother kiss her ass, spreading it apart to return the favor. No extra licking for now. And finally a face inspection in case they got a bit carried away and some got on there.

"Uh... you got some on there." Win said.


"I'll get it."

Will expected her to use her hand, instead the girl just reached closer to stick out her tongue and lick his cheek of the one streak. It was a temptation to try... but both of them felt uncomfortable as it went. A look at each other with knowing looks.

"Nah, not us. You can ask your girlfriend if you get one." She was increasingly confident to have these moments... and declare them unfitting of their relationships.

It was not even problematic that the stain consisted of her own waste. But neither would start taking handfuls of their own crap and eating it. Just loses the value. These borders further made them feel quite sane. As they resumed their seat... the girl engaged in her newest... hobby. She pulled out a pack of cigarettes to light one smoke. Much better than earth variants. Barely any cancer, only addiction was psychological and the best part was that the filters and ashes would just disintegrate on their own... not even in need of the floor's power. One surprisingly pleased puff. Much better taste as well.

"Still can't believe you started doing that." Will said in astonishment.

"Well, you heard the man at the drug store. Practically doing a disservice not so. And these guys aren't trying to scam us out of everything or else they're in hot water. Yeah, it sounds like a sales pitch, but I gotta agree. These beat our own by far."

He had to do a double take at her words.

"You smoked before?!"

"Yeah, college. A boyfriend got me on it. Didn't tell you guys. Quit after a while. Seeing James puffing all the time kept making me hungry for one, though. But... told myself I wouldn't let them rule me."

"Are you sure these aren't doing so?"

"Oh, yep... at my height... couldn't go too long without one. Time will tell if they don't do it... and if they do... quitting again. Maybe they have something to just make it go away faster."

A strange new fact to learn about his sister. Will was not tempted. They watched shuttles fly through the sky for a while until one finally slowed down to land where they were.

"Here's our ride. Must be someone if she's got her own ride." One last pull for her before the cigarette was discarded, breaking apart before it hit the ground.

The two would walk towards the opening ramp to finally meet their "immigrations officer".


In the office of the grand overseer, the old man enjoyed that drink more often kept for THE guest as he watched the scenes put at his disposal. Corrupt officials, exploiting businessmen, or more lower class folk of very unpleasant bent getting taken apart. The scenes... were not that enjoyable. But he was used to death. At times he insisted to be there when one who is deemed beyond redemption faces the end. To make it a difficult choice... for one to not pick up the sword so easily.

No doubt James was carrying quite a weight, one that he slowly shaved off as each life went down. Details of operations on that planet would trickle up to him, more as noise than things he needed to pay attention to... but he paid attention. No doubt that planet would need some assistance getting their administration in order... James was practically cleaning house through the higher ranks. And that made the old man smile.

The untouchables... the rich and powerful, those with armies and influence beyond means. There were rich and there were powerful and influential in Astoria, those who have helped many and that fortune showed... many favors owed, but not coerced. Sometimes the wheels were squeaky and needed some oil, but that skip would happen only if it served better to the people. To bring fortune. But after a while... some could see that this incentive was merely a pair of training wheels. That desire has to come from within. Most of huge fortunes in this place did not care for them... while one cannot inherit a fortune, no one doubted that their effects remained. Their true inheritance was the better world... for their children and those beyond.

And now he was watching their Earth analogues... sad cowards who lost their way and pursued themselves, unable to see that they cannot catch this eternally moving target. He was watching them finally have their empires crumble. Quiet inquiries into what their god did to the system made for a growing list of things those people would need. There was still a big enough pool of people to lead them, to provide service and such. Despite their illusions, society would not collapse if they were gone. And from this horror show, they might heed the warning and avoid those previous mistakes.

Another sip of whiskey to see the financial elite of some country he never heard about get cut down. Apparently James has chosen a song fitting for the location, a variation of a local song of theirs... and something about a rebellion with bad timing. Well, he was all about rebellion. Defiance. Against even these people.

It was easy to secure that body for a bit of study, if just temporary. Their analysis revealed what James could tell at a glance. Under sound, well researched and explored science... his devices and enhancements did not work, and seemed to cease doing so as he died. No fingerprint lock or such... they could bypass it no problem. One did not even exist. Your average link had much more physics-defying construction than those trinkets. And they were scientifically sound.

Still, he did not dwell on the issue. If there are monsters out there... the outsider will take care of them. And what a nice gift he has given. A song for every caretaker to learn and sing. Benjamin could not even contradict it. He IS the empire. And they merely stand with him. Helping him do it. His grand project. His paradise. And as a generous god he simply wished to allow these people to experience it... no charge, no catch... no requirement to convert. They could keep their own gods, but what they would not approve of is any misfortune acts. He was wrong.... They put far more people on Threadway than it was initially predicted. These people are at times... unrepentant.

And so another group of people who obtained resources through threat, manipulation and exploitation fall. Their coins could not save them. So many videos to see already. He seems to be in more places at once. Perhaps he could best watch next the executions of the law officials boasting such a high conviction rate in complete apathy of the innocence of their victims... basically murdering people for an image. A visage so easily broken by casual observation. They could object, but it would be futile. And another surprisingly fitting tune to help drown out the screams. It was death... but it was necessary.

On more pleasing terms... the stream of applications for citizenships gave him a smile. And the price... just the certainty that their decision was well meaning...


They've been in a shuttle before, but this was a private shuttle. Much nicer furnished, a couch bearing two corners set in the back of it... a table, and one woman that caused an erection in Will just on sight. He could indeed go for chocolate. And her voice was close to it.

"Come in... sit down. Small drink before we get started on the real stuff?"

Before them, resting on that couch, windows half-shuttered to give the place a more private atmosphere... was a woman of perhaps forty years, skin, hair and eyes dark to a reasonable finish, smooth, silky... a sleeveless red dress upon her bore quite simple designs, merely a bit of trim around the cups that held up those two breasts of impressive size, barely hiding anything of them, with the transparent table allowing for one to see how her outfit slid down to split in four, vertical slits at her sides... and front... and that was a woman. Clean shaved cunt of shining finish. The man's boner was all the praise she needed.

"Uh, maybe keep a clear head? I mean... this is a big deal." Will said.

"Oh, don't worry too much. We handle the processing. Just... a walk out to discuss your decision."

They could not refuse to go in and sit on that couch across from her. You never realize how roomy a bus is until you don't have to share it with fifty people. Doors closed and they had to guess that they took off. Still no sense of inertia and they could barely see outside... the inside was lit not by the sun.

"Well... what is there to discuss?" Will managed to get out.

"How much you want to stay here."

"Honestly, at this point I don't care what you're gonna ask us to do. We're staying and that's settled. Our old guys can fuck right off. You want my firstborn... gonna give it. If you want it to be ours, not gonna like it... but if that does it I'm getting impregnated right now." The sister spoke with her usual passion.
