Deviant Empire Pt. 08


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Once again could the hold break for them to pull apart a bit more. There was no fear to come back into it... but the two would need a free mouth. But they could just stay like this a bit more relaxed. By now, the woman barely cared that her pussy was practically being showcased.

"So... how did you find us?"

"A... friend told us where to find you." Will was trying to keep the shock down.

"Must have flown from far away to get here." Harry could enjoy those shuttles if it meant no more traffic jams.

"Actually, we live down the hall."

"What?! Did they intentionally place us here? They said it was random."

"Again, it was on my request... that the guy arrange it."

"Okay, who do you guys know who seems to just... do that?"

"Well, this is probably gonna be the biggest shock..." Will started.

"I don't know what else you can pull on us, but... go ahead."

"You know what... think he can show up. Because he's been watching... haven't you, James?" Win's voice took a slightly scary tone towards the end.

Both parents were baffled as a good distance before the group this man in a red coat just appeared as if assembling himself out of fog. Harry had just a moment of recognition, but his reaction to hold a hand defensively over his family was slower than Win pulling herself out of that embrace... marching over to the man to plant a good punch in his shoulder. He actually moved back a bit. The husband needed a moment to process exactly what was going on.

"You gave us the wrong door on purpose you ass!"

"Told you it's a good surprise. Should have seen your face. Actually, I can show it!"

Left hand held up for a new view screen to just show a still of the siblings from Sylvie's point of view. The sister gave another strike... she was not getting any returns... the man grinning ear to ear as he dismissed that image.

"I almost had a heart attack!"

"Yes, but... if you were standing aside... it was so funny. And cute."

Win practically growled at him before letting out a breath like it personally offended her. Harry could only point in confusion since... one part told him that man was dangerous, and the other showed he and his daughter seemed to be... almost friends. Win caught onto what he might want to say.

"Mom, dad, this idiot here is yes, the guy these people all worship... and an ass... and murdering a bunch of evil people back on earth." A groan. "But he helped a lot."

Hand raised as there was just astonished silence.

"Let's not play the whole 'prove you're a god' game. I think at this point a lot of people were convinced. But..." He pointed towards the group still seated. "Apologies to you two. I'm the reason you got on the ship. Mental suggestion. Dick move. Hate doing it. Made sure you were good and comfy in return."

"WHY?!" Sylvie could not believe what their kids got involved with.

"I asked him." Will fessed up. "Not for anything weird, but so you guys could be safe, with better conditions... and we found no way to do it without tripping some big alarms at the time."

"If we were more cool with this part I could have just beamed you over. Or asked my guys to come pick you up... but then you might resist. And it would not go well. Either way, still dick move, even if it worked out."

Win remembered their idea. Maybe their parents needed it more.

"How about for your other dick move you take us back..."

She got a simultaneous of "NO!" shouted back at her from the crowd.

" get some stuff and come back. Guys, I don't wanna stay there either!"

Sylvie and her husband surprised themselves at how eagerly they had that come out of them. Looks like they wanted to stay... but the idea to go pick some things up... was not a bad one.

"We... do have some things we could take. Can you actually do that?"

"Sure. And don't worry... not funny to pretend to leave you behind. We're coming back. So... right now or later?"

A shrug as right now did not sound like a too bad idea. The man stepped aside for a hand to be waved and a doorway to appear... beyond which they could see their house. Winnie was about to just step in before the man held an arm in front of her.


He waved his hand over his chest to make her look down and...

"Oh, fuck... right. Can't have some idiot see titties and go crazy."

The parents rose to this increasingly fantastic situation. As they started covering up, for once they felt it was not for each other... but for some judgmental idiots. The girl went first, James second, then followed Will and the two came last with a lot of trepidation.


Earth. The five stepped forward to marvel at the familiar, but now so strange sight of their family home. Of course, Win and her brother lived separately. They would have to make a trip over there as well. It was evening, but the place looked... scary.

The street was practically deserted, wind blowing as only a few distant sirens could be heard. No lights shined in any window and there was a lot of damage done all around... discarded trash on the ground, broken windows, smashed doorways, graffiti... looked almost apocalyptic.

Will and his sister, so accustomed to those worlds... even if for a week... coughed... and covered their nose. The taste of smog was light, but compared to the clean air of the places they were... it was like they just had a car exhaust blow in their face. The parents covered their noses... they could feel it too.

"Blegh... was it always like this?! Did it smell like this constantly? Fuck, did we basically come on the ship and stink up the place? And what the hell happened here?! We've been gone a week!"

"Yes, it was like this. Minimal, but you feel it when you have had better. A lot of people retreated to the bunkers once vigilante groups started forming, when a lot of looting started..."

But their house seemed almost untouched.

"You do that?" Sylvie dared to ask.

"Easy to make them not mind something. Yes, that's also mental suggestion, but instead of making them do something, just not do something small. We are also under such cover."

"So why'd you make me cover up?!"

"Because this isn't Redlight and you'd feel cold."

Not a lie... her face was feeling the breeze. The planet and ship had them under constant protection against it. And it was not warm. The mother had a small chuckle as he saw this action as... caring. A look towards his husband... a shrug from him back. Seems they could trust him if he has good intentions for their children and them.

Walking forward... there was a momentary awkward moment where they realized they left the key in those clothes of theirs they did not consider putting back on. James solved that with a click of the lock as he made a circling motion with his finger. Even opened the door for them. A flick of a light switch showed that power was out. They did not even see street lights on. Once again, god to the rescue as he made these little balls of light float above their heads.

"So, don't bother taking anything you might consider utilitarian... you'll get better stuff. Only sentimental things you might miss. Oh, and to make it easier..."

Floating boxes to follow them until they might decide to go away and back through the still open portal. He had mercifully made air not go through. Don't want to stink up the house... even if ventilation could hold. The parents were still amazed at such casual supernatural abilities employed, but they were not complaining. James just sat himself down on a couch and took his smoke while the family went through the house.

This time it really felt like leaving. For good. Family photos, little prized things they had, decorations that could bring a sense of home to their new home... perhaps they could give them a do-over with astorian tech and see how they might react to the stuff, but no doubt they would enjoy giving service. Slowly were boxes filled, the contents ferried over into their complex to be sorted through later.

And as they could finally take that last look through the place for anything they might miss... it was time to go. They stepped out to the sidewalk to take a last look at it, lined up with James on the side.

"A lot of memories here. Guess it's goodbye for good." The mother could feel like this place was all her life once. Now... not so much.

"We'll make better ones! Like, really good ones to make everything feel like a warm-up."

"Still, it has... some sentimental value."

"Mom, we're not carting the entire house on the planet!"

"Guess it's goodbye. Only gonna miss a few small things." Will could get some perspective.

"Yep..." James produced what looked to be an industrial detonator... plunger and all. "You wanna blow it up?"

"What?! Blow up the house?!"

"No, the planet... Yes, the house!"

"You can't blow it up... it's... it's..." Harry found few rational reasons to want to keep it.

"What about the neighbors? And I think we're too close."

"Abandoned it." Point to the left with his thumb. The Williams family decided to leave for another country. "Soon to be killed by me for being a serial pedophile." To the house on their right. Eyes shot open. They always had a bad feeling about that lone guy. "Come on, it's me. I think MOST things through. This time I did."

"Still feels like we could do something with it." The mother felt a bit attached to it.

"I think he means that the place really has no meaning other than... a small connection to this place. And by doing this we can cut that off." Will mused on what depth the man might have.

"Or just that blowing things up is fun. Do you have any idea how much restraint it took to not just... convince the decent people to not go into the building with these guys and then blow the place up?" Sharp inhale. "Could have leveled so many damned buildings. Probably would have made the White House be a fireworks show."

They had to agree that might have a very cathartic feeling. Shrugs and admissions that there wasn't much use to it so... Win reached forward to press down on the thing and.... It did not move.

"It's stuck!"

"I want you all to pull it together now." He got a leer from the girl. "Blame Will for making it all sentimental and stuff."

She had to chuckle to that as the family reached forward to grab onto the thing, the man standing slightly aside before their lineup so they got a good look at the place before they all pushed down in tandem. James had indeed covered every base.

The building erupted outwards in all directions as a fireball formed where their home was, its construction torn apart in a bright, loud and destructive explosion. The group was shielded from the blast as they could practically see the air cut apart in front of their eyes to have that shockwave split in two and leave this triangle of safety. Sound was muted so it was audible, but not deafening. Debris was flung towards their neighbor's yards, onto the street... but missed all of them, distant car alarms sounding... The house turned to a burning pile of scraps as their old lives went up in noise, fire and pieces.

All Carters watched as all they knew before was gone. It was just a bit painful... to let go of this... but they had so much confidence to do it. It looked like they would have a new and better home far from the issues of the old world, far from big issues like their growing distancing... as well as all the little troubles like having to tolerate a child screaming on an airplane. Despite the deity's lighthearted approach, they could see he had much more thought on this... it was a gesture to show there was no going back. They would go forward into whatever future they had in the empire, try all the things they scurried away from before and there would be no regrets.

And then Win had to ruin the moment.

"Okay, explosions ARE fun!"


Getting back into the place felt much more natural, though the trouble of putting away all their sentimental keepsakes would be left for later... maybe for their comfort worker to do. Portal closed to make that last look of the blast site go away for good.

"Still expected you to pull a joke about leaving us."

"Win, I like doing things to only momentarily displease you... not traumatize you. If I did that you'd have a breakdown. Especially after the whole house thing."

"Ngh... you're right. Not like you."

"Alright, well, I think I bothered your family reunion enough. Still got too fucking many people to go through. Fuck, next time I'll send a plague that hits only evil people or something."

"You mind doing our places later?" Will could think some things he might want from his place.

"Later indeed."

A wave, and the man blew away on inexistent wind. Despite being so strange, by now the parents were in a place where they could start to believe. Seeing the kids adjust their outfits... starting with the girl... reminded them to do theirs as well.

"Mom, we gotta go clothes shop... I mean... get that thing reformed. And maybe get some more. They have some really nice fashions for this place. And some can hold up your boobs like this..."

She had small cups, but they made a difference... made them bounce around a bit less. Sylvie had to agree that her jugs pretty much swung around constantly when they were exposed.

Back on the couch, there was far less tension in the air. They felt more comfortable. Will and his sister could start vividly describing their adventures together, with every tantalizing sexual detail that the parents shied away from less and less. It seemed like they had fun and grew up a bit. They learned a lot of things about themselves and the world... and despite starting on the wrong foot, they got to a better place. Even the video of their so brutal hatefuck was presented with confidence. And that made other things start coming from their links... mostly from Will. He barely told his sister that he downloaded some pictures of when they slept together. Harry and his wife actually felt like it was cute. Nothing like their embraces... no, just a brother and sister holding each other.

The parents would tell of their journey... and while they now knew why they made that decision, it was clearly a good idea. Their little conversion that went on with the Hendersons was like their own adventure. Obviously, the kids had seen more of this place and would show them around. There was not even a question of doing something sexual yet that they were not comfortable with... but there was that reminder that they should try.

And the first challenge was a very heartfelt hug for each... Win with her dad and Sylvie with the boy. They were no longer so little... but it was something they could indeed see they missed.

On the mother's side... she could now see what Jess meant. She was certainly not having sex with him, but she had insisted to once again expose as if to make a point... that she is not afraid of him looking, feeling... and yet his hands simply wrapped around her, head nestling on her chest, hers just above as she held... and did not want to let go. There was that fear before that would stop them from going into places that were suggestive, but now... they had none of it. He could touch her and she could trust him to do so well... she'd love to go to sleep like this, just on some nights, or afternoons... holding her boy to her chest to keep him close. And it was... something she would no longer be envious of as she now had it.

Harry could feel that his little girl was not so little. She had tits and a pussy that was a bit too close to the equipment. But his junk saw nothing particularly "sexy" about the situation. Just a good hug to show Win he was there and keep her safe. Strangely he did not feel like giving Will a similar hug... no, a strong clasp of the hand, a pat on the shoulder... man to man. Maybe a hug at some times of trouble, not afraid to share in some sorrow, but for them it was just a quiet acknowledgement. He was there for him, but that felt like they were doing something else. He would appreciate a nice man around to share things the women do not get. But for his little girl he had all the holds she needed, as could he trust his mother to give him nice and caring hugs. And he could never get jealous of his children. Will was right there with his mother for the taking and he was acting more like her child than a man out on the prowl. Neither was Win trying to seduce him. All was good in the land.

Miss Henderson just had to come later to find this wholesome scene... and she was more tempted to bring the party over than move them off the couch. After a stop over next door, it got blurry and heated in a thousand directions. Since the parents were still not too much into the sex, it would have to wait, but the rest pledged to help them get into it as much as they could. One step at a time, even if it's a big step... some more eager fondles of Sylvie's chest... welcoming a few others to have a taste. Harry could feel that little moment where he would measure if something was too long... but all stopped just before his feelings might say it was too much. Jess was far more eager to let Will and his sister get a taste of her tits... and he did not forget to ask for the pie. It took the air out of the moment. They'd have a very drawn-out evening of just coming together, with a few more steps managed for the Carter parents.

That night, Will and his sister did not go back to their complex. Instead they fell asleep in their parents' bed... right between them... fully naked all of them. It was awkward at first, but it soon got much more pleasant as they grew comfortable with each other. Sylvie felt like her breasts were barely being left alone, but she could understand the kids being so fascinated with their old friends. The younger generation fell asleep first... and despite earlier words, they held each other in a way that could make the parents stare at them for hours. So good to each other... their dear heads were asking for pets. Harry and his wife would complete the hold, not concerned to press their nude bodies against their kids, their hands intertwining above the product of their love... and they could believe it was going to be alright from here on.

And so did the Carter family abandon fear and rules that pulled them apart, journey from their world where they were surrounded by people willing to destroy them if it meant going a step higher... to a place where they could not only have old friends of great understanding to band with, but entire worlds of people willing to stand with them. They have found things of value beyond any material items, things that they did not even realize when they lost them... they found each other again and shattered the walls that tore them apart without concern for little details like incest or nudity. They were in a far better place now in all aspects of the words. And from a dimension above, James watched content as this little story found an ending he could enjoy... These flowers blossomed together with beauty in his garden. One more happy end in this so-called Deviant Empire.

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