Diary Of An Oversexed Housewife

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A life like no other, oh lucky me.
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I've kept a diary for as long as l can remember, hopes, dreams, and those special moments we hope never to forget.

I won't start from the beginning as those were filled with gum in my hair, excitement over a new toy, and the candy l fancied at the time. (Let me see, let me see. Yes, this will do.)

The year is 1981, my twenty-first year of existence. Married and with the first of my two children. I was never overly sexual; that wasn't until l met my now husband, and let me tell you, it's been a wild ride. But instead of telling you, allow me to read instead. Let's let luck take us there. (randomly opening the diary)

March 14, 1981

Today was fun, and this will be brief; you'll understand in a minute.

l heard Brice leave, and shortly after that, l went in to check on Jill (not her real name). What a little angel we have; l do not think there was ever a better baby. With her likely to sleep another good hour, I rummaged in the nightstand and picked out some of my favorites. I must have come ten times, but most of the credit goes to the note l left in Brice's lunch box; it read, "I need you to fuck my ass tonight, pretty please!"

Choosing a mid-size toy, l fed it to my pussy, and it felt so good. Then after coming, l teased my ass with things to come, hopefully later that night. As much as l enjoyed it, l longed for Brice's warm flesh to fill me in its stead. The waking baby cut short what could have gone on for some time longer, but l was now more peaked than ever.

l was thrilled when l entered the bathroom to shower just after Brice, there on the counter, laid two enemas. He hasn't forgotten, and why should he? We both enjoy anal sex.

Maybe l should blame my note as he wouldn't fuck my ass until l begged him to, and to be honest, it really turned me on... But it only leads me to think what a second cock might feel like, having both of my holes serviced at the same time. OMG, I'm so horny again... Mom is to watch the baby tonight. This evening should be fun.

(The pages turn) April 4, 1981

Fuck, last night was fantastic! We went to the adult movie house again; l think Brice knows. I look forward to it now. l can no longer hide my kinky ways. And l must say it has made me cock crazy... l find myself looking at guys' crouches, wondering about their size and shapes. Some look too big, Brice's can hurt at times, and some of those guys in the movies are much larger. l might need to seek help as I'm checking out the women, too; I'm so turned on by those with shaved pussies on the screen.

Now when Brice was taking me from behind, l wished someone had joined us; l am sucking their cock or eating their pussy... l can not make up my mind! Yes, I need help.

April 12, 1981

Damn, I'm so horny with Brice out of town. l think l fucked me with every toy l own and shoved it into every hole... And when we talked on the phone... He's telling me about the bikini-clad ladies at the pool just outside his room... In a twisted way, l hoped he fucked one of them, if only to brag upon it, how she sucked his cock, and what he did to make her cum. l wish l was there to eat his cum out of her while he deposits a second load inside of me. Shit, where is that fat dildo? Got it, l have to go.

May 5, 1981

We went to dinner, our favorite spot. I can't believe Brice caught me checking out our waitress; l don't think I was very convincing when l told him l wasn't. But those ruffled panties that come into view as she reaches across the table, that peek of the tattoo on her breast, hidden for the most part. l wish l dared to tell him how wet my pussy got. God, l know Brice wouldn't mind, but l have to try to contain myself.

June 4, 1981

Wow, what a weekend... It started on the way up the mountain, and it's beautiful this time of year and far cooler. We were in the Hot Tub outside of the condo where we were staying. With a few drinks in me, l took the dare made, removing my swimsuit. Who knew how much better it felt, l especially enjoyed backing up to one of the jets.

Very excited, l had Brice sit on the edge so l could suck his cock. Things were going well until he pushed me away before sinking back into the swirling water. Just then, l saw why, another couple came to join us. They were very similar to us in age. They looked and saw our wet suits set to the side, and l about lost it when they said "Cool" before removing their swimsuit and hopping in.

Her body was wonderful, with smaller breasts than mine, and her nipples were already hard as could be. Maybe it was the cool mountain air or, quite possibly, something else. As for him, even soft, he was bigger than Brice, not that I'm complaining, but l did wonder how much bigger it could get. l was about to find out.

They dipped in, and we shared our hellos as one would expect, but after that, he wasted no time sitting on the edge for his girl to suck him off. Brice leaned in, commenting on the size of his cock as if l didn't see it myself. What a monster it was. We continued to watch as we touched ourselves under the bubbling water.

Brice, seeing my excitement, whispered in my ear, "Now l know what you want for Christmas." l could do no more than nod my head yes in agreeance.

Things heated up even more when they switched places; l struggled to see him eat her pussy, but when things aligned just right, l got a good look. She wasn't shaved like l, but even with all that hair, her inner lips stood out, a well-warned kitty, and that made sense with the size of his cock.

As if the devil on my shoulder wasn't enough, Brice chased away the angel, whispering, "How would you like to taste that?"

I am still not sure how or why, but l was no longer myself; l stood up, tapped him on the shoulder, and asked if l could have a try. Then, whatever part of me that was still on planet Earth, it had left. My first time, but it was like l was a pro at it; she quickly came to the attention l was giving her. The boys, no longer willing to just watch, made their move, Brice entered me from behind, and her Guy jumped out to have her suck his wonderful cock once again.

We made plans to meet up the following evening at their place at seven, but l chickened out and asked Brice if we could skip it. We did and fucked all night, just the two of us, but l knew that wouldn't be the end now that the cat was out of the bag.

"Well, guys, as much as l would like to continue, this girl needs some alone time. l will see what happens with this and go from there; l have only scratched the surface." Kisses

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