Dindi Pt. 02


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"Of course you do. You have no choice. You're being conditioned to think of me every waking -and sleeping- moment, considering you have a huge portrait of me right in front of your bed." She persisted in the picture thing.

Now I really had to explain myself.

"I'm a photographer." I began, feeling like an utter moron when she made a face that said that was obvious already.

I sighed, running a hand down my face, rethinking how I could explain it to her without making her think I was a pervert.

"I have a trained eye for beauty. And you're beautiful. I just-" There was no way I could tell her what it was I meant. But maybe I could show her.

I took her hand and felt a tremor run over her body.

Was it possible that maybe she felt as affected by me as I did by her?

Granted that I never had difficulty getting women, I hadn't exactly approached her the most smart way and from what I could gather she thought I was an idiot, and a pervert, and a weirdo.

Her body language hinted at interest, but she seemed like the kind of woman who listened to reason.

"Let me show you?" I asked her carefully.

She didn't look very certain at first, and I was afraid she'd run -again-, but then her face softened and she nodded. I guided her to my bathroom, feeling the warmth of her hand in mine.

Inside I positioned her in front of the mirror, and stood behind her. Our bodies were so close, my chest touched her back and her ass was lightly pressed against my cock. I just hoped to God it stayed down.

Morena's breaths came out short and rhythmical. She was several inches shorter than I, and her curls pickled my chin.

"Look at yourself." I told her, pointing to her image in the mirror.

She did as I told her, her eyes wider than normal and her lips parted as she exhaled through them.

"Do you see how perfect your lips are?" I pressed my fingers to the reflection of her lips in the mirror. "See how perfectly symmetrical they are? The upper lip just as plump as the bottom one? See how sexy the descent of your cupid's bow is?"

The sweet scent of vanilla coming from her hair invaded my nostrils and I was helpless to resist burying my nose in her curls. She gasped, audibly, and a rush of pleasure surged up my spine.

If she didn't let me touch her I'd go insane.

Moving from her lips, my fingers went up to the reflection of her nose, leaving the greasy trace of where they had been behind.

"Look how your nose gives you this elegant air. The way its tip points upwards." I ran my nose down from her hair to her ear. She pressed her body into mine and I groaned in her ear when her ass rubbed harder against my groin.

"And your eyes..." Her eyes were closed as I lightly grazed my teeth along the side of her neck. "Open them." I ordered her, and she obeyed. "Your eyes are perfection."

I didn't have the focus to outline her eyes in the mirror, and my hands were now encircling her waist. God, she was just so little, I could break her with my bare hands. Boldly, I let my hands go down her hips, to the sides of her ass.

"You see how round and perfect your ass is?" I pulled her harder against me as I said it, tricking another gasp out of her.

I looked at her reflection in the mirror, and my cock hardened at the sight of her.

She had her eyes closed, her head was cocked to the side, giving my lips more access to her neck. There was this look on her face, as if she'd lost a battle but felt delighted about it. And she was biting down on her bottom lip so hard, I could see it was white, deprived of all blood.

Closing my lips around a soft spot in her neck I sucked at it. She circled her hips against my hard cock and moaned. One of my hands moved up from her ass to grab one of her breasts.


It fitted my hand like it had been made just for me. I squeezed it tightly, to the point I thought it might hurt her, but the sound she made convinced otherwise. Her hips moved in an torturous dance, pressing more and more into me.

"Ah, fuck." I whispered.

When she heard my voice she opened her eyes, and our gazes met in the mirror reflection. She stopped moving. I could feel the frantic thumping of her heart in my chest. But I didn't want to stop touching her.

I couldn't.

The hand still on her ass moved down and down, until it met the hem of her summer dress. I saw her hazel eyes going wide in the mirror, but I still didn't stop.

I slid my hand under her dress, touching her thigh. Her skin was so warm and it got even warmer as I moved up her tigh. My fingers met the lacey fabric of her panties over her hip bone. My palm moved sideways and inward, feeling the skin of her belly. Slowly, I slid my fingers inside the waistband of her panties. Her eyes fell closed again. I didn't take my eyes from the reflection of her face for a second, drinking in every single little shift in her expressions.

My hand went down, feeling the hairless, smooth skin of her pussy, as it got warmer and warmer and wet.

She wanted me too.

"Shiiiiit, you're soaking, Dindi." I said in her ear.

She moaned and resumed the delicious swaying of her hips, but this time pressing herself against my fingers other my cock.

"You want this?" I asked her. "You want me to touch you? To make you come?"

She nodded, turning her face so that her lips touched my jaw.

I rubbed one finger over her slick clit, very quickly, just to give her a taste of it. The tremor that ran over her body shook me too.

"Say it." I demanded, turning my face, my lips inches from hers with the movement. "Ask me, Dindi."

She groaned and snaked a hand behind my neck, pulling my hair. "Yes." She croaked.

"Yes, what, sweetheart?"

"I want you to make me come."

I didn't need her to ask me again.



God, I was going to come. I was going to come very, very soon.

"Tell me how much you like it, Dindi." He whispered in my ear.

I felt his cock, hard and pressed against my ass. His fingers rubbed my clit like there would be no tomorrow.

"I love it." The lust and want in my voice impressed me.

Travis's tongue licked a line across my jaw. I wanted to kiss him and feel that tongue on mine.

He was driving me crazy.

I had come here on George's insistence and now I was in Travis Keegan's bathroom about to come on his fingers.

"Oh!" I breathed.

Travis inserted one large finger inside me and began pumping it in and out, while his thumb caressed the little engorged bud that was my clit. His breathing on my neck and ear and the feel of his body pressed to mine was as enticing to me as his hand on my pussy. The fact he was the one touching me like that turned me on even more. It wasn't just a finger inside me, not just a thumb circling my clit, it was him. My imagination had nothing to the feeling of his real touch.

His beard grazing over the skin on my neck and shoulder made it feel like it burned. "You're gonna come for me, Dindi?"

Everytime he spoke I felt myself getting closer to the edge.

"Yes. Yes!" I sounded desperate and needy.

I put my hand over his on my breast, squeezing, begging silently for him to squeeze it too. Inside, I could feel the grip of my walls tighten around his finger. It was insanely good. I had never felt so good just being finger banged before.

He sped up the pumping rhythm of his finger inside and the only reason I didn't crumble to my knees was because his body was pressed against mine so hard I was pinned between him and the sink.

"Open your eyes, Dindi. Look at yourself. See how much you like what I'm doing to you." Travis's voice in my ear was a command I was helpless to deny.

I opened my eyes. His hand travelled up from my breast to my face. He slipped his fingers under my jaw and turned my face so I could see my reflection in the mirror.mI was the personification of lust.

Even with my dark skin I could see how flushed I was, I felt the hot blood running under it and burning it. My mouth was opened and only pleading sounds came out of it. He brushed his thumb over my lips and I let my tongue out, wanting to feel him. He pushed his thumb inside, and I sucked it like my life depended on it wishing so hard it was his cock I almost thought the power of my wishing would make it real.

"Shit." He hissed and thrust his hips against my ass.

Every inch of me was concentrated on the feeling between my legs. He started putting more pressure to my clit and I couldn't have asked for it to be any better.

"Oh, god...!"

I felt myself so tight around his finger, it was hard for him to move it.

"Let it go, sweetheart. I'll make you come again soon."

The promise in his voice was the drop.

I'll make up come again soon.


I crumbled down inside.


"Come for me, Dindi. Come, sweetheart."

I came hard on his fingers.

He growled on my neck as if my coming gave him as much pleasure as it did me. My walls pulsed and quivered with his finger still inside me. I felt like mush. Travis encircled one arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

"I can't wait to feel you coming like that on my dick, Dindi." He painted a picture in my head I couldn't wait to bring to reality.

I turned in his arms and stood in the tips of my toes, with a hand on his nape I brought his head down to me, and my lips met his. His mouth incredibly soft and warm.

He groaned and it gave me courage to kiss him deeper. I put both my arms around his neck and only didn't press more of my body to his because it was physically impossible.

Lord, could he kiss.

Travis put his arms under my ass and lifted me up, sitting me on the edge of the bathroom sink. Immediately I snaked my legs around his waist, my fingers weaving through his hair. It was so soft I could have been jealous of it had I the mind to think about such girly things.

His tongue probed my mouth, caressing my own tongue and coaxing moans of pleasure out of me. His big hands were in my hair holding and moving me to his better advantage.

I didn't have the patience to just make out with him, as good as it felt to kiss him. My fumbling hands moved slowly down his chest, feeling the perfectly defined muscles under his t-shirt before my fingers found his belt. I was unbuckling it when reality came crashing back in.


I jerked my head back, breaking the kiss.

"Morena!" George called again.

I looked at Travis, wide-eyed.

"No, no, no. You're not leaving. Not now."

His hands were still in my hair and he brought my lips back to his.

"Uh-hum. Travis." I broke away, panting.

"MORENA!" George screamed louder, with a slurred voice.

I put my hands on Travis's chest, trying to push him away. He didn't move and inch.

"Don't answer him. Don't go." His mouth was on mine again.

I began to drift out of reality again, lost in him, feeling only his mouth on mine and his hands on me.

"Uh-hum, I have to go." I said on his lips.

"Mo! Where are you?" George was beginning to sound like a crying child.

I conjured all the will and strength I could and pulled away from Travis's kiss.

"I'm here!" I shouted to George. "Be out in a second!" Travis's mouth slid down to my neck. He sighed loudly.

I didn't want to go, but I knew I had to. If I stayed I'd regret it. I was going too fast with him and I couldn't stop myself. I knew nothing about him, not a thing. I pulled his hair to bring his eyes up to meet mine. I ran a thumb over his lips. They were red from our kissing.

"I have to go." I said, pleading with my eyes for him to understand.

He dug the tip of his fingers on my thighs and pulled me closer to the edge of the sink. "Come back tomorrow." He asked.

I opened my mouth to say no, but he was faster.

"Don't say no. I have to see you again. Here," He reached behind him, to the back pocket of his jeans and his hand emerged holding his cellphone. "Put your number in here. Tomorrow I'll call you and we'll do something together."

Do something together...

I glanced up at him. His hooded blue eyes were wide and determination shone on them. I took the phone from him and saved my number in it before giving it back to him. He searched through his contacts to make sure I really had given him my number.

"Dindi." He said, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth when he saw I had saved my number under the nickname he had given me.

I smiled back at him.

"MORENA! I want to go home! Take me home!" George screamed just when I had completely forgotten about him.

Before I could have any reaction Travis kissed me again. His hands holding me to him. I melted into the kiss, taking as much of him as I could before I couldn't anymore. My pussy was pulsing again, waiting for a satisfaction from him it just wouldn't have tonight. When I felt myself being consumed by him again I broke the kiss, panting like I had just ran miles.

"Oh, God, please. I have to go." I tried to push him away, but he just held me tighter, his nose touching mine.

"Promise me I'll see you tomorrow. Promise me and I'll let you go."

All of my reason screamed at me to say no, but I knew I could fight it. I wanted to see him again.

"Alright. Tomorrow. Now let me go."

Finally he grabbed me by the waist and put down to the floor. But before I could leave he pressed me to his body again. I could feel his erection on my stomach. He kissed me briefly, but deeply, and then he let me go but still kept a hold on my hand.

"You can't run from me, Morena. It's too late now. I have already seen you." He said using my real name for the first time and I felt the intensity and seriousness of his words echo in my brain.

He was right. I couldn't run from him. Not after I had allowed him to touch me.

He released my hand and I stepped out of the bathroom and closed the door behind me.

"Mo!" George came towards me almost tripping over his own feet. He supported all of his weight on me.

"Where were you? I was looking for you for home."


"Go home, Mo".

"Ok, Gee. Let's go."

Carrying George, who weighed a ton, on my shoulder, I left, leaving Travis Keegan behind, still feeling the taste of his tongue in my mouth and the feel of his finger inside me.

I was sure that tomorrow would be a mistake.

Now that I had allowed him to touch me I knew I wouldn't be able to be near him without craving to be touched again. And I knew for certain he would try and touch me, and I would never have the strength to stop him, because in reality I didn't want him to stop touching me. Ever.



Closing my eyes, I brought my fingers to my nose, inhaling her musky scent.

Damn George. I almost had her. Almost. She was mine. I had her in my hands, right where I wanted her and then...she was gone. It seemed all our encounters were to be like that; Me running after her and she running from me.

Without even thinking what a thing it was to do, a slid my fingers inside my mouth and sucked the little that was left of her essence. Not nearly enough to trick me into being satisfied. I had to have her.

The look in those eyes of hers in the mirror reflection would hunt me until I saw her again. I needed to see that look on her face while she was under me, being so completely full of me I would be all she could think, see, or feel.

Tomorrow I would see her again. I would call her first thing in the morning and invite her for anything she'd say yes to.

She was better off without me. I was no good, but I lacked the strength to stay away. It had been hard enough to stop thinking about her once I had only seen her and talked to her, but now, now that I had touched her, it was impossible.

I opened the bathroom door and stepped out into my room. She stared back at me from my wall.

What on earth was the matter with me?

Why was I so damn obsessed with her?

Acting like crazy over her?

I thought back to all the relationships I had before. All the women I could remember sleeping with. Had I ever felt anything like this? This lust? This want? And over a woman who, despite being undisputedly beautiful, was also so into the real world, so normal.

She was something. She affected me like no other had done before and I had to know why. I had to know her. And tomorrow I would talk to her. Listen to her, see her, and -please, God!- touch her again, fuck her or I wouldn't have peace of mind.

Deep inside I had the hope that if I slept with her I'd be rid of her. She'd be out of my mind. Just like any other woman. But then again she wasn't like any other woman. Because I had never felt so consumed by anyone before. So the danger was to have sex with her and still keep wanting more and more. And then where would that lead me?


Hours later I woke up with the sweats.

The same haunting memory kept coming back to me in my dreams. Ruining the few precious hours of sleep I could get.

I got out of bed and went to bathroom. Even awake I could still feel the cold snow under my bare feet. I splashed some water on my face and took a valium even though I knew I shouldn't. I had to sleep. I needed to sleep. Tomorrow I had to look like a decent human being, if only to convince Morena that I was one.


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chaniseaustinchaniseaustinover 5 years ago
A little mystery

I like the bit of mystery at the end. What was with the nightmare and the snow? I'm curious to find out more about Travis's past. You write both POVs very well, giving each character (even George) a distinct voice. I love how alive the characters are on the page. And that bathroom scene was luscious!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

I love the story has me 100% hooked. Keep it up I love your stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
You are the Best.

Your narratives are perfection. Pay no mind to the haters. This is true romance and beautifully written. I love Travis and Morena. They feel so real. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
obsessive and compulsive

Wow I really like travis! First chapter was a 3 but this one gets a 2.

I think I'll bail while there is a score to give. Try creating likeable characters. I don't like him as a main character and you would need a bunch of chapters to turn him around. I'm not waiting for them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Fuck this was so hot I am loving this so far! I came so hard to this Jesus Christ

zetagirlzetagirlabout 7 years ago

Such a great story. I love the chemistry between the characters. And now I'm wondering what haunts Travis's past....on to the next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
So Good!!!!

I am really enjoying this story

fcknfreshfcknfreshalmost 8 years ago
Have Mercy

This was unreal. You are so talented!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago


Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 8 years ago
You weave

a great story and illustrate cravings and desires with Travis and Morena that make this stand out. Loved it. 5.

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