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Her Dom was nowhere to be seen when Rey arrived. She was greeted and hugged by an enthusiastic Rose.

"That dress!" Rose made Rey twirl around. "Hugs all those sexy curves."

"Same as yours," Rey noted. She breathed a sigh of relief that Rose liked the outfit and didn't say anything negative. She stuffed down the unloyal thought about Bazine being a critical bitch.

"Thank you, queen." Rose curtsied in her a soft pink body con dress and giggled.

"I just need a sparkly tiara," Rey said.

Rose's eyes got wide. "You do. Fuck, I'm telling your Dom."

"Oh, don't bother." Rey waved a hand. "I can get my own tiara sometime. He already got me this dress, which I didn't ask for."

"He's a good one, that Ben."

Finn strolled up. "I'm Dungeon Monitor tonight." He had on a black t-shirt and loose jeans to cover his own middle-aged belly. Rey liked that about him. She wanted to give him a hug. In fact, she liked that everyone had aging, saggy bodies and wrinkles. She felt right at home.

Finn grinned at her. "I'll take you to Ben if you're ready. He's prepping in the semi."

"Have fun." Rose gave her a squeeze.

Rey's heart jumped. What did prepping mean? She was both nervous and turned on at the same time. She followed Finn down the hall as he hummed.


"Semi-private room. You're going to love it," Finn said. He walked through the dungeon where onlookers watched others in the middle of scenes. He knocked briefly on a partition.

"Come on in."

Finn winked at Rey. "He'll take great care of you, peanut."

She walked around the partition. Ben stood in a small room with a large armless chair, a bench tucked in a corner, and the swing she'd seen the week before.

"Oh, no," she whispered. That swing scared the shit out of her. She licked her suddenly dry lips.

"Oh, yes." He took her hand. "You look so beautiful. Thank you for wearing my gift."

She could barely speak. "You're welcome." It came out with a small hitch.

He hummed. "Thank you for your gift of submission to me. I am honored."

Something broke inside Rey. She clenched her fists and swallowed hard. She couldn't speak around the lump in her throat. She nodded instead, keeping her eyes on the floor.

He took a step forward and touched her shoulders. "It'll be so good for you to let go. You've been holding all kinds of things inside you, little one. Are you ready?"

Rey blinked moisture away. Fuck. She wasn't going to cry right off the bat. This was ridiculous. She sucked it back in.

"Look at me." His voice was firm.

She raised her gaze slowly. He narrowed his eyes behind his glasses. "Uh huh, that's how it's going to be? All right, tough girl. I'm going to kiss you now."

Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his mouth to hers. His lips were soft, his mustache prickly, his breath minty. He pulled away to search her face. The tears burned the back of her eyes, but she again pushed them away.

"I'm going to spank you until you cry," he said. "You need to let go. Agreed?"

Rey nodded. "Yes, but no."

He raised his brows. "Yes, but no? What does that mean?"

"It hurts. All of it hurts." Rey bit into her lip.

He tugged her into his arms. "You'll feel so much better. It'll hurt short term but it'll burn out the other pain. You can safeword out anytime. You know I'll stop. Promise." His hand reached up to stroke her hair. His big paw almost covered her entire head.

He stepped back after a final hug. "Yes? Please give me your consent and we can begin."

Rey watched his face for a moment. "Yes, I consent."

"Ask me to spank you."

Rey swallowed. "Please spank me, Daddy." The words came out whisper thin.

"How long do you need to be spanked, little one?"

He wasn't going to let this go, she realized. She wanted him to take control. She wanted him to be in charge.

"Until you think you're finished, Daddy. You decide, please."

She dropped her eyes again.

He hummed and stroked her hair again. "Good girl for submitting to me. Safeword?"

"Eowyn," she muttered.

"I'll remember and respect it."

Rey watched under her lashes as he took off his suit jacket and laid it aside. He slowly rolled up his long sleeves. Rey's breath caught in her throat as she watched his strong forearms revealed. His hands were huge. Her imagination took flight. How would it feel to have him touch her skin?

He took a seat on the big chair. "Come here, kitten." His voice was deep and soft. It sent a shiver down her spine. She went to stand in front of him. He took her hands in his.

"I'll take good care of you. Up and over you go."

"I'm too big." Where had that come from? Rey wasn't sure if she could speak or not, but the words popped out of her from the depths of her soul.

She didn't dare even look him in the eye.

He squeezed her hands and she looked into his face. He pressed his lips together.

"No, you're not. You're perfect. And if you say that again, we'll have to consider further punishment. You're not allowed to say bad things about yourself. Remember?"

She shook her head. "I'm too tall and wide these days. I've never been a small person, but I've gotten bigger. I'm like a fucking fertility goddess."

He frowned. "Damn right you're a fucking goddess. If you say you're fat, I'm getting out my belt. You. Are. Perfect." His voice held hot, dark menace.

Rey gulped.

"Tell me you understand." He never raised his voice, but Rey felt his dominance down to her soul.

"I understand, Sir."

"Good. Now, quit stalling and get yourself over my knee."

Rey shuffled to the side and slowly laid herself down. Ben shifted her to the exact position he wanted. She had her hands on the floor and her head hanging downward. Her ass was up in the air where he could tend to it. She wiggled slightly.

"Comfortable?" His voice sounded amused.

"No, Sir." Rey felt a little strangled. Her tits were threatening to pop out of the dress.

"Good. It's about to get less so. It will help you remember."

"Yes, Daddy."

Rey took a breath as Ben shifted her around on his lap and raised the skirt of her dress. She felt all the blood rushing to her head and down her arms. She gritted her teeth.

He began slowly, swatting her bottom over her lacy underwear. Each swat built up a slow burn not only on her ass but between her legs. She ended up pressing her mound against his thick thigh. It felt so good to have his big hand peppering her ass, even as the burn developed. She felt less like crying and more like coming. She wondered vaguely what he would do if she caught fire right over his lap.

He moved down to the backs of her thighs, which stung a lot more than her ass. She wiggled and hissed a little. He grabbed her waist and continued to lay handprints on her legs. Harder and faster.

A small sob escaped her as the pain drowned out the pleasure.

"Ouch." She didn't know she'd verbalized it until she said it. "Ouch."

"That's right." Ben smacked her again. "Say it as much as you need to. I'm going to pull your panties up over your sweet bottom now."


"Up," he said. He pushed the fabric upward over her butt and created a faux thong that bunched against her butt crack and rubbed her anus.

"It's a wedgie!" It felt kind of humiliating.

"Yes. For now." He began to slap the bare skin of her ass harder.

She grabbed his ankle and clung to him. The feeling of the underwear bunched up against her ass and his hand warming her up made her want to come again. She pushed herself against him.

He stopped and laid his hand on her ass. "Are you trying to hump my leg, little one?"

Rey bit her lip. "No, not exactly."

"Then what exactly are you doing with your hips while I'm spanking you?"

"Um..." Rey had no answer for that. In fact, strictly speaking she had been humping his leg. She shifted again. "Humping your leg, Daddy."

"If you come without my permission, you'll get another spanking. Say you understand."

"Yes, Daddy." Rey dropped her head.

"Also, if you lie to me again, you will not appreciate the consequences. You must be honest with your Daddy."

"Yes, Daddy."

"I'm going to take you to the next level. Stand up."

Inelegantly, Rey clamored up with his help. Her dress dropped back into place.

"Go get me the hairbrush."

Rey's gaze flew to her Dom's face. "Why?"

He raised his brows. "You're questioning me?"

"No, Daddy."

"You're really angling for the belt."

"No, Daddy." But maybe she was. It might cleanse her.

"I'm not repeating myself."

Rey looked around and saw the implements on a small table. There were vibrators, a paddle, a hairbrush, and a wicked-looking belt. She gulped at the array. Snagging the huge, wooden hairbrush, she returned to Ben with it. He pulled her back over his lap and tossed her skirt up.

"I'm taking these down." He tucked fingers into Rey's underwear.

She took a grip on Ben's ankle again. Her thoughts were sliding away from everything, but his fingers on her skin, his warm palm touching her red bottom again.

She heard the crack of the brush against her bottom and the sensation roared through her. It was painful but cleansing. She hissed.

"Let go, baby girl. You can yell and cry if you want to."

He smacked her again, searing her skin. She bit her lip, still holding it inward. Still hanging on to the pain as if she had to absorb it and keep it.

Ben began to rain smart smacks down on Rey. Finally, she howled out loud as the pain washed over her. She burst into tears and clawed both hands into her Dom's ankle. She felt him jump in pain.



What an amazing lap full of woman. Ben thought he'd died and gone to heaven holding this lovely goddess face down over his knees. His long legs and thick thighs held her soft belly perfectly. He was happy he had a bit more meat on his bones than when he was younger. He could make a nice cradle for his submissive. Her round ass curved so nicely. Her womanly thighs begged to be painted red. He wanted to touch her everywhere. But first he had to get her into subspace and get her out of that iron-clad control she had. It began to crack the moment she walked into the semi-private space. He saw the pain in her eyes, the longing for connection. It had hurt being rejected at the other club and there was other pain as well. He would take it all and cleanse her. She really needed to break and then be cuddled.

She was turned on by the hand spanking, even with the stingers he was giving her on her thighs. The pain and pleasure mixed together and had her rubbing herself against him. He adored the feeling of her movements against his leg. His cock was rock hard.

But he wanted her to have the first taste of all the pleasures he could give her. He mind-fucked her with some edging and planned to do more of that. Until she couldn't think straight and all she saw was him as the giver of all her fulfillment. He lived to service his Littles, even if they weren't specifically doing full-on age play.

The brush would definitely do the trick. It could take her places she wanted to go. If not, he would use his belt. But he preferred to wait until another time to mark her with welts. First, the handprints, then the oval marks of his brush. Later, the welts. He wouldn't break her skin unless she wanted him to, but he would leave his marks behind. She asked for that in her profile. Something to look at later. Something to show she was owned for a time.

He slid her underwear down and marveled at the blush of her cheeks and the moist hair on her pussy. She was puffy with desire. He couldn't wait to taste her and feel her shudder under his tongue, his fingers, his cock. He'd spanked her enough to cause a burn and turn her on. The brush would take it to a higher level.

He began, enjoying how the brush bounced off her roundness, enjoying the clutch of her hands, loving the feel of her warmth against him. He urged her to let go again and again. Ben increased his swing until he heard the final howl and felt Rey dig into his ankle. He jumped slightly at the pain. It made him feel alive. She'd trusted him.

When she safeworded, he tossed the brush on the floor, pulled her panties up over her hips, and lifted her off his lap. She stood for a moment, simply crying, until he gathered her onto his lap, face up this time.

Her nose smashed into his neck, her nails dug into his back, his chest. She cried open-mouthed, no sound for the wracking sobs. It was thunderous in its fury. This was a lot of shit built up. And this woman cried it all out on Ben. He couldn't have been more pleased. He held her, rocked her, and mumbled sweet things against her temple. She needed comfort, he needed to comfort her.

After a while, she raised her head. He pulled tissues out of his breast pocket and handed them to her. She fished one out of the pack and tried to get up.

"Nope." He placed a hand on her hip.

"I don't want to get snot on you."

"Too late."

She blew her nose and wiped her eyes. "I feel stupid."


She refused to meet his gaze. "Because I lost my shit."

"You were supposed to lose your shit. That was the whole point." His heart went out to her. He had no idea what the full story was but she seemed to have sacrificed a lot for other people. She was finding herself again. He didn't mind being part of the process. It'd been awhile since he cared about helping someone in his private life. He thought he'd been fulfilled by his career. His students always needed help-but this was different.

He felt her wiggle around. If she said she was too heavy for him, he was going to bark at her. Maybe convince her to scene again so he could spank her more.

But for now....

"Do you need a drink of water?"

"Um, yeah. But..." she hesitated.


"Are we done with our scene?" She cast a glance at the swing for a second.

Girl wanted to come. He couldn't blame her, but she'd safeworded. And it was policy that once a safeword was uttered, the scene was over.

"Yes, we're done. I'm getting you some water." He helped her off his lap. "Would you like to go to the aftercare area?"

She bit her lip. "Okay."

She was totally lying. He went to the cooler in the corner and pulled out two small bottles of water. It gave him time to think. He handed her one and watched her drink it. Then he pulled her back down on his lap. She didn't even protest this time, simply melted into him.

"It looks like you're used to telling people what they want to hear-or what you think they want to hear."

Her gaze snapped to his face. "Why do you say that?"

"Because you don't want to go to the aftercare area. You'd like to continue the scene. Or perhaps you'd like to be rewarded after being spanked?" He watched her mouth hang open for a second. She wasn't used to hiding expressions, like other subs. She wasn't used to telling the truth or asking for what she wanted, either.

She flushed. "Is it that easy to tell?"

He chuckled. "For me, yes. I'm a service Top. I read my subs. I'm also used to reading people's expressions in general. For my job."

"Okay," she said. "Guilty as charged." She took another sip of water. "You're right. I do whatever I want without other people around and, oddly enough, on the job. I own my financial consulting firm and have employees and everything. But it's like I'm conditioned somehow to please a partner. Once I switched into being a sub, I lost myself.

"I bet you end up pleasing friends and your kids as well. Without even thinking about it."

She scrunched her nose. "I bet you're right."

Ben blinked. She was adorable. Her nose was adorable. He ripped his thoughts away from wondering if she scrunched when she blew a man. He patted her bottom and shifted a little to calm himself down.

He had an idea. "All right. If you like, we can work on this so you get what you need or want from me. I'm not going to ask you to let me into your private life. But..." He held up a hand. "If you want to, you can practice telling me the truth, which is something you already agreed to. And you can put yourself first with me. I'll be your Daddy and keep you honest."


Rey gaped at the man holding her. What did he just offer? A chance to practice asking a man to meet her needs? She was disappointed that the scene ended, that he didn't allow her to orgasm. She felt stupid for crying all over him and enjoying the pain he gave her. She felt tons better after the meltdown but wished it hadn't happened in front of anyone. Overall, she kept herself closed off from others. Pain was private.

Apparently not in this case. She wished she could trust him. How bad could it be to ask for shit she wanted? And what would happen if he rewarded her?

It was so tempting.

With a twist, she capped the water bottle. She took a deep breath and pretended he was a financial client. She rose from his lap. "Okay. Listen, I don't want the scene to end. I want to try that swing and let you edge me, but only if you let me come. I want to have sex with you sometime. I want to please you but only if I can be pleased, too."

A big smile spread across his face. Rey blinked at how handsome he was. "Good girl. We can work with that. You have to be honest with yourself and with me." He stood as well and took a step toward her. "I'd like to give you homework."

Rey tilted her head. Was he kidding? "What?" Who was this man?

A professor. She'd bet all her worldly possessions. Of course he was. Shit.

"Yep. How about this week you keep track of all the requests you get and see if you can figure out what you want. Even if you don't do it." He stroked his beard for a moment. "Let's say you have a friend who wants to do something and you don't feel like it. If you usually just do it anyway, try thinking about what you want to do. Is that too easy an example?"

Rey thought about it. "Kind of. I usually fend off requests like that pretty easily from friends, co-workers, or my kids." She shook the water bottle. "But maybe. You're right, I'm not sure." She couldn't believe it. He might be onto something. How much did she do what other people wanted her to do, instead of what she wanted? "Sure, I'll try that."

"Let's get together next week here, if you're willing. We can talk about it. We can scene or be vanilla, whichever you prefer." He reached out. "Hug?"

She walked into his arms. He held her tight.

"You're a brave woman." He kissed her hair.

She melted against him. "I hate being brave. Can I be cowardly with you?"

His chuckle rumbled against her. "No, but thanks for asking."

She had to laugh. "Party-pooper."

He leaned back. "I'm not into scat, but I'll ask around if that's your kink." He winked at her.

She literally giggled at him. "Not my kink either, Sir."

"I do have a small reward for you, if I may."

Rey was curious. "Maybe. Do I want it? Is it another swat on the ass?"

"No. It's another kiss."

"Okay." She wrapped her arms around his neck as he bent down to capture her lips. He nudged her lips open and slid his tongue into her mouth, lightly at first, then more demanding. Soft licks, different angles, a hand on her neck, then tucked into her hair. Rey moaned into Ben's warm mouth as she played with his tongue. He tasted so good to her, fresh like water, and she was very thirsty.

He raised his head. "Thank you for the scene, little one. I enjoyed it."

"So did I." Rey meant it from the bottom of her soul.

"May I DM you on the group chat to check in this week?"

"Yes." She touched his cheek and he caught her hand to kiss it.


Rey danced out of the semi-private room through the dungeon area, waving at Rose as she left. Rose followed her out into the hallway.

"Look at you, all blushy," Rose teased. Then she got serious. "Sorry. I'm not sure if it's okay to say that to you. You just look so happy."
