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The next day, she'd done her due diligence by contacting a sparkling little sprite named Rose. A warm welcome came her way, along with paperwork.

She'd met Rose, Finn, and Poe at the club when it was closed, but Ben hadn't been around. Rose was a cheerful retired doctor and a self-proclaimed masochistic submissive. Finn and Poe were in a Dom/sub relationship and ran the club. They, too, were retired from other careers. Rey found herself chatting about work/life balance, retirement, and other relevant topics. It was refreshing-and oh so easy.

The club itself was smaller than Black Spire, but it felt more like a home. There was a big kitchen instead of a bar, an area with squishy couches and chairs for aftercare and lounging, and a two-room dungeon. One had more space-for Rose's husband Hux to swing a longer whip-and the other had more furniture, including very well-padded benches, a swing, and two crosses. There were two locker rooms and bathrooms on the second floor, along with two private rooms with beds and more fetish furniture.

Rey didn't want to admit that she liked the place, but she did.

It felt incredibly natural to sit in Ben's office and talk about her favorite franchise. She did indeed want to scene with him. In fact, he'd been her choice since she met him. Perhaps she'd been an idiot for holding out so long.

"We should negotiate," she said.

"Fair enough." He leaned forward. "If you'd like, I'll lay out my interests first."

"Feel free." Rey was curious. It was nice to see the list of his desires and limits, but there was so much detail it was hard to take it all in.

He ticked off the points on his fingers. "First, as a Daddy, my priority is to take care of you. I want to give you pleasure, keep you safe, and provide you with structure."

Rey opened her mouth.

He held up a hand. "I'm not finished. Please allow me to state my side, then you'll have the opportunity to state yours."


"I'm a 24-hour Daddy in relationships because that's just who I am. I'm a service Top. I take care of my girl. Period." He paused. "However, because we are scening at the club here, I'm not going to be 24-hour with you unless you agree. I will be Daddy and Dom for you when we begin our scenes. I may send you requests before you arrive here."

Rey couldn't help herself. "Such as?"

He raised his brows. "You really can't stop yourself from interrupting me?"

"We're not in a scene right now." Rey pinned him with a look. "I'm not a 24-hour submissive, which I already told you. It's also in my file." She patted the desk. "Nor am I into age play. I might be willing to be a 24-hour sub later, depending on our dynamic, for short periods of time. But I feel like that's getting ahead of ourselves."

He narrowed his eyes. "All right, I'll be a Dom, then. Allow me to finish, kitten, or I will put you over my knee."

Rey slumped. "I'm not used to this power exchange thing."

"Come here."

She wanted to cry. This was her dream-to meet a hot Daddy Dom and scene with him and she couldn't shut the hell up for a minute to listen to him speak. "I don't think I should. Fuck me."

He slid his chair back. "Come here." His tone was soft but insistent. "Now, please."

Rey rose. She had no idea what he planned to do. Was he really going to put her over his knee? Shit. Dragging her feet a little, she walked over to him.

"You don't have to do this alone."

She met his serious gaze. "But I'm fucking it up. No one wanted to scene with me and now you probably won't either because I can't-" She couldn't get the words out. She bit down hard on the tears that threatened.

"May I touch you?"

She gulped air. "I-yeah."

"Will you let me hold you?" He reached out a hand.

"I'm too big." Rey tried to laugh.

"Not for me."

"Okay." She took his hand and gingerly tried to perch on his lap. He was a big guy but she was no tiny princess.

He snorted and pulled her close, tucking her against his big warm body. "See, you fit just fine."

Rey nodded.

"I'm going to need the words."

"What does that mean?" Rey looked into his amber eyes. He was even more handsome up close.

"Say you understand that you fit on my lap and add your honorific."

Rey searched his face for a moment. "I fit on your lap...Sir."

He pressed his lips together. "Sir or...?"


He gave her a squeeze. "Yes. Good girl."

Rey blinked again.

"Now, if you need to cry, we'll take care of that in a minute. I simply want to outline a few more items." He let the statement hang for a moment. "We need to decide if, in addition to scene play, you desire rules and punishment, separate from scenes, but within the context of our interactions."

Rey squinted.

"I'll give you an example. I might send you something I'd like you to wear for our scene. If you don't wear it, I punish you for disobedience. Usually, punishment is impact play. I see that's acceptable to you."

Rey nodded.

"Some subs, however, don't enjoy rules and punishment. You need to think about what rules you're interested in following. My usual rules are obedience, politeness, honesty, and self-care. We can spell them out further as we go. Would you like to have that dynamic in our scenes? You may answer."

"Yes, Daddy." Rey drew a breath. "But please don't humiliate me."

"I saw that was a hard limit. I can respect it. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, you need to let me know."

"Yes, Daddy." It was becoming more natural to say that to him.

"Finally, we need to agree on whether you'd like our encounters to be sexual or not."

Rey's eyebrows rose. "Really?"

"No speaking right now. Let me lay out some options. Your choice. The first is no sexual contact at all. We stick to scenes that don't conclude with sex or orgasms."

Rey took a breath to speak.

He held up a hand. "Shush, I'm not done. And I will use this hand to paddle your sweet ass if you can't stay quiet."

Rey gulped, sliding further into subspace.

"The second option is some sexual contact but not oral sex or penetration. The third is oral sex, no penetration. And the fourth is a full-on sexual relationship with penetration." He reached around Rey and snagged her paper. "You're possibly open to sex, you say on here, depending on comfort level. Is that still true?"

"Yes, Daddy. I would be open to sex." Was her voice too breathless? She'd be very open to sex especially with him, but she left that piece out. It all seemed so damn clinical. Still, Rey was grateful that they talked about it first. She couldn't imagine simply leaping into bed with this man. Instead of going on dates, they were going to scene together and then leap into bed. She wanted to giggle. Perhaps a little hysterically.

He eyed her. "Yes? Do you need to say something?"

"I don't know. I didn't do this much negotiation back in the day."

He grinned. "Neither did I, but it's all good. Saves a lot of hurt feelings later."

"Yes, it probably does." She reached out but pulled her hand back.

He lifted her hand. "Do you want to touch me?"

She nodded.

"Go ahead. I'm all yours." His eyes sparkled behind his glasses.

Rey placed a hand against his cheek. "Thank you for everything." Her fingers explored his prickly beard. He kissed her fingertips. She felt her body soften like it hadn't in years. A small, sharp zing ran through her. She was turned on. Really turned on. Wet.


Ben felt the little wiggle of this pretty woman's soft bottom against his thighs. He felt the telltale lift of his dick. These days it was harder to rouse the old man, but now, the thing was trying to stand at attention. Rey wanted sex. With him. He wanted to give her ecstasy. He wanted to give her sweet pain. He wanted to cuddle her close.

Her statement about no one wanting to scene broke his heart. He knew that was going to be the case at the Black Spire. Knew it. But Rey apparently needed to find out on her own. She was a stubborn little thing.

His palm itched with the need to spank her for taking too long to realize it. Then he wanted to take her to bed and show her how much he was ready for her. Instead, he hugged her more tightly. She was a wonderful lapful.

Perhaps she would scene with him tonight, though he hadn't expected it. He was fully prepared to negotiate, let her think about things, then suggest a date to scene. That was the smartest course of action. He could tell his dick to pipe down and give this woman some space.

Instead, he heard himself blurt out a question. "Do you need to cry, kitten?"

Rey looked startled. He cursed himself for being so blunt. As a service Top, he tried to read his partners' moods and help them through emotional issues.

"I ask because it seems like you carry a heavy load and swallow down your hurt. I saw you do it a couple of times as we've been talking." It was a fair statement from a Daddy Dom and not entirely self-serving. Shit, maybe a little self-serving.

She shook her head. "Not right now, please, Daddy. I'm not ready yet."

Shoving down his disappointment, Ben patted her back. "I understand. Let's go walk around and see what everyone else is doing."

Ben watched Rey's reactions as he led her around the club to meet people-at least those who weren't involved in a scene. As usual, there were lots of different people there. Rey seemed to blossom when she saw that everyone was wearing more casual versions of fetish clothing and no one looked like fashion models. It was one of the things Ben liked most about his club.

He took Rey's hand and led her to the dance floor in the back of the club. The tunes were from the 70s, 80s, and 90s, mostly, with a few newer hits thrown in. Ben pulled Rey into his arms to dance with her. He liked the feel of her body as they rocked to a popular song from his high school days. She smiled at him.

"I love this song!" She tossed her head.

He dipped her slightly and twirled her around. Yeah, this woman would fit in nicely.

After a couple of songs, Ben retrieved bottles of water for Rey and himself. She followed him to a seat back in the main bar.

"That was so much fun," she said.

"Glad you enjoyed it."

She swallowed a big gulp of water. "I hate to say it, but I think you were right all along. This place is more my speed."

He inclined his head. "I'll hold you to that, kitten. You're welcome here any time to hang out, meet people, scene, whatever you feel like doing." He paused. "Care to hit the dungeon and see what people are doing there?" He wanted to get a feel for how she reacted to the kink part of the club. From his understanding, it'd been a minute since Rey had scened. Although his son hadn't said anything, Ben guessed Rey hadn't found a partner at Black Spire. If she was more comfortable, she would be tied to a bench right now, deep in subspace. He crushed the thought as his dick perked up again. Ben needed to see if Rey was truly turned on by kinky scenes.

He rose and again held out his hand. Rey took it willingly.


Rey was curious to see the dungeon in action. The tour she'd gotten had piqued her interest. Now, she was about to see how it all worked. Ben led her to the dungeon with its roped off areas.

A woman with purple hair lay with her cheek against a thickly-padded bench, arms and legs strapped down on either side. She wore a bra and thong, but everything else was bare. Her body was soft, round, clearly not the physique of a young woman. Behind her, a tall woman wielded a heart-shaped riding crop. She snapped hearts on the purple-haired woman's upper back. With each strike, there was a soft moan.

Ben leaned over and whispered, "Gwen and Am. Gwen is the Domme. They scene together often, though not exclusively."

Gwen snapped the crop downward, skipping Am's lower back. She then peppered the flesh of Am's bottom, painting it with hearts. Rey felt faint. She wanted hearts marking her body, too. She wanted to see them later in the mirror and know that her Dom had cared enough to put them there. Her Dom. She squeezed her eyes shut. Ben Solo? Maybe.

Gwen continued to move downward to Am's fleshy thighs. Am wiggled uselessly. A shaft of desire pulsed through Rey. She wanted that, too.

"Like it?" Ben's soft voice tickled her ear.

She nodded.

"You can be next," he added.

He drew her to the next roped off area where an older man was tying intricate patterns of rope on his partner, who was restrained against a St. Andrew's cross. They were both lost in the moment.

"That's Snap and Mitaka. They're partners," Ben whispered ever so softly against Rey's ear. She shivered as his lips grazed her ear.

She couldn't drag her eyes away from what was clearly a meditation for the couple.

A free-standing sex swing at the next station held another couple who were playing with various vibrators. The partner in the chair had her underwear on, though her Dom pressed vibrators against her mound. The swing jumped as the woman jerked and moaned. The Dom removed the vibrator, while the sub called out her pleas.

Rey touched Ben's arm. She had a question but decided she should stay quiet. It was protocol.

He led her out of the dungeon area into the hallway.

"You may speak now." He gave her an approving nod. "We try not to interrupt scenes with too much chit-chat."

"I see that. Thank you for speaking to me anyway." Rey drew a breath. "I see there's no nudity here. Rose told me that, but I thought it meant something a little different."

"How so?"

"The vibrator scene. Do you allow people to orgasm in public?"

Ben chuckled. "We usually can't stop people if it goes too far, but we do ask for discretion."

"What about the two with the vibrator?"

"Yeah, she might come by accident and then her Dom will punish her. Or he might take pity on her and move her to a private area. It depends."

"That could end up being part of the edging, though." It had possibilities for a power exchange.

Ben chuckled. "Noted."

Rey's eyes widened. "No, I wasn't thinking about..." She swallowed. "I mean."

His chuckling increased. "Yes?"

"I was thinking out loud, not about us." She hissed the last word.

He leaned in and looked her dead in the eye. "I'm thinking about us."

The breath left her body and she stood completely still as he touched her face.

"Come back and visit us here. Think about what you'd like to do next time."

The words came unbidden. "Yes, Daddy."

He grinned like she'd given him a present. "Good girl."

Chapter 7

Rey left the club soon thereafter-with a small measure of disappointment that Ben hadn't pushed her to scene with him. But as she lay in bed, she realized that she was glad he hadn't. That would have been a red flag. Submissives control the encounter and Doms work within the submissive's desires, so Rey would have to specifically ask for what she wanted from Ben. He wasn't going to guess or require anything until they had an agreement fully in place. She found herself grateful for Ben's consideration. Too many past partners had made assumptions and pushed themselves on her.

She woke up in the morning, thinking about how much she wanted to become involved with Dinosauria. There was a pep in Rey's step all day as she did routine house chores and caught up on her Daddy Dom book. She contemplated a little side lovin' but knew Daddies wanted all orgasms to belong to them, even if it made their Littles squirm. On Sunday evening, Rey jumped on the Dino group chat, found her quarry, and sent him a DM.

Kira: Daddy, I'm ready to scene with you. You know my limits and desires list. I agree to your rules as stated and accept punishment as a consequence. I want to add one more item. Please would you kiss me?

A couple of minutes later, he responded.

Kylo: That's wonderful news, kitten. I'll prepare a scene with punishment and reward to test the waters. If you feel uncomfortable, use your safeword and I'll stop. I'm planning to scene in semi-private. Dungeon monitors will be able to hear you and can assist, but we won't scene in the public area because you need to let go of some deep emotions-if that's all right with you. No sex this time.

Rey felt a stab of disappointment.

Kira: Sure. I get it. I don't like crying in front of everyone.

Rey was impressed all over again. When he took her need for privacy and security into consideration, Ben demonstrated his deep respect for her.

Then she paused, fingers on the keyboard.

Kira: May I come, Daddy?

Kylo: We'll see. You may be allowed to make me come, though.

Rey sent him a pouty face, just to see what he would do.

He sent a frown, then a smile.

Kylo: Naughty girls get spanked.

Kira: I'm counting on it.

She sent smiles. And a sparkling tiara emoji.

Kylo: My sassy little queen needs a crown, I see.

Kira: Buying my own, thanks.

Kylo: As you wish.


A few days later, a package arrived at Rey's door from a local dress shop, the fancy one she bailed on after looking at the tags, the one with all the interesting youthful clothing. Inside the package, Rey found a note: Dearest Kira: Please wear this dress for our date. Your Daddy, Kylo.

She pulled the lipstick-red heart paper back to find a soft faux leather skater dress with drop shoulders, fitted bodice, and swingy skirt. It was dark maroon with a black strip over the shoulders and around the bottom of the skirt. It was so adorable that Rey squealed. She tried it on immediately, noted it had a lot of stretch in it for different-sized bodies. Ben Solo was a wily old coyote.

She crushed it against her chest. Really, the dress was way too young for her. And she didn't give a fuck.


After some debate, Rey pulled the dress on without a bra. Her small breasts pressed against the lightly-felted fabric. She made a face at herself. Small saggy boobs still hung downward. Without a bra, there was absolutely no lift. She reached inside the bodice to hoist them up a little and hope they stayed more or less in place. She should have invested in a strapless bra. Too late. She was due at Dinosauria in a half hour-and she didn't want to be late. Rey cursed her own poor planning and chalked it up to nerves.

She had a pair of cute lacy bikini underwear. It would have to do. Thongs were so uncomfortable and if they were private, Ben might have her take her underwear off completely. The thought sent a shudder through her. Her panties were already starting to get wet and she wasn't even at the club yet.

Rey had debated showing Bazine the dress but something held her back. It all seemed too private to share with anyone. Baz continued to be desperately curious and enjoyed a few G-rated adventures of Moff and Jannah, who didn't mind if Rey shared. They commiserated with Rey about having vanilla friends and offered to talk to Bazine at a Munch. So far, Rey had not been successful in her invitations. Finally, she stopped asking. She also no longer shared her feelings about Kylo, her move to Dinosauria, or, really, anything else. Which was why she felt uncomfortable talking about fet-wear. At first, she'd sought Baz's help but now she just felt a little judged.

And the skater-style dress, she decided, could be met with ridicule or even shock. She swallowed hard and almost took the thing off. Way too old to be fooling with costumes and shit that made her look like a fucking fertility goddess statue, small boobs drooping, big belly, round ass, thick thighs. Damn.

Ben's stern visage and narrowed eyes floated into her consciousness. He wanted her to wear the outfit. He bought it for her, picked it out himself, she guessed. Maybe he liked fertility goddesses.

If she had a tiara to wear, she'd feel more like a goddess.

She looked her own self in the eye. "You can do this. You want this. You worked hard to get here. Just wear the damn dress."
