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Kaydel and Jacen, Rey's self-proclaimed grown-ass children, stopped eating mid-chew.

"You did what now?" Jacen dropped his sandwich back on the plate.

Rey slid the iced tea back into the refrigerator. "I joined a singles club." She crossed her fingers behind her back. She wasn't going to tell them it was a kink club; indeed, she wasn't going to tell them anything. But they kept trying to introduce her to various divorced older men, usually parents of their friends, and Rey wanted them to cease.

"I'm finding my own partner," she'd said. "If I want a partner." Which she kind of didn't. Again, as had happened at odd moments, one hazel-eyed Dom smiled at her from inside her brain. She bared her teeth at him and told him to get lost.

"Mom?" Jacen's voice brought her back. "You okay? You look like you want to-"

"I'm fine. I'm fine." Rey modulated her tone. "Fine." She sent the vision of sexy smiling Kylo to perdition.

"What the hell happened to Senior Moments?" Kay asked, oblivious to the byplay.

"Not Senior Moments." Jacen elbowed his sister. "Senior...Times? Or Senior Fun?"

"Senior Shingles," Rey corrected. "I mean, Singles. It was full of men who wanted maids with benefits. I'd like to have enjoyable evenings, instead of ironing someone's shirt." She didn't include that being tied up and spanked was enjoyable. Immediately, a vision of Kylo's huge hands popped up. Her hand balled up into a fist while she fought the urge to punch something like she used to back when she battled her adolescent emotions. She couldn't stop thinking about him, even as she tried to drum up some enthusiasm for watching other people at the Spire.

She'd purchased another wrap dress that didn't look too much like "mother of the bride" and another pair of, lord help her, more sensible shoes. Still, she clearly didn't fit in well. Jannah, Zorii, and Moff were very nice. Fett went out of his way to greet her, but the only people to approach her were Littles, even though they knew she wasn't a Domme. They seem attracted to her Mom Energy and she spent evenings listening to their problems. It was indeed getting old.

"Are you actually meeting people?" Kay stood up to put her plate in the sink.

"Yeah, yeah. I am." Rey didn't sound too convinced herself. She saw a look pass between her children.

"What does that mean?" Jacen asked. "You don't sound very enthusiastic."

"I'm meeting people who are younger than I am. That's fine, but we don't have a lot in common."

"What kind of club did you join?" Kay stared at Rey. "Like, if you join a book club, you read the book together and you have that in common."

"Yeah, and like a knitting club knits together. Don't you share a common interest?" Jacen took an enthusiastic bite of his third sandwich and chewed, gazed pinned to Rey.

She thought about it for a moment. How to explain that the common interest was seeking Dom/sub space, was letting go, power exchanging, and finding freedom (and often sexual release) through physical sensation? That was the common ground, but it didn't play well. She wished she hadn't mentioned it.

"It's people who enjoy mindfulness, a certain style of meditation," Rey answered. It wasn't entirely false.

"So you can't connect around that?" Jacen's question was obvious.

"Sure, of course we can, but I'm just... older and it's harder for me to get into the right mindset."

Her kids' expressions cleared.

"Of course, Mom." Kay reached over and patted Rey's shoulder. "You always work too hard, do too much."

"Not as much now," Rey murmured.

"Yeah, with Dad gone."

"Kay," Jacen started.

"No, don't defend him. He didn't do shit around the house and he didn't spend time with us. Mom did every damn thing. She deserves some me-time, like, forever."

"Let's not talk about your father, please." Rey wanted as little to do with her ex as possible. Kay was right about the marriage. A musician by trade, Dash Ko Konnix barely contributed to the household, preferring to spend the days sleeping and the nights playing in bars. His only saving grace was that he managed to bring money home. By the time the children were in high school, Rey had had enough. She left him to his music and never looked back.

"Okay, okay." Jacen raised his hands. Like his dad, he played a number of instruments, though he held down a day job as a bartender. Now in graduate school, Kaydel chose to major in English and was quickly on her way to earning a Ph.D.

Rey was proud of her kids and their accomplishments. Kay was correct. Rey believed she deserved some me-time. She'd shepherded the kids through high school, college, and some grad school. One never stopped being a parent and she was glad the three of them were close. But she was looking for something else that family couldn't give her. Something her soul longed for.

Yet, truth be told, the Spire was falling short.

"Hey, mom," Kay said. "My dissertation advisor is an older guy-"

"No, Kay, really." Rey groaned. "No more setting me up with random men who need mothers."

"Wait, but he's kind of cute for an old dude. Also, his son has this mysterious private club."

"Really? Does he need a bartender or a band?" Jacen and his hustles were always at the forefront of her son's mind.

"I have no idea. But, get this, some of my friends say it's one of those kink clubs like in that book." Kay shivered with delight.

"What book?" Rey asked. "There's a book with kink clubs?"

"Shut up, Kay. I don't want to hear mom say the words kink and club together." Jacen put his fingers in his ears.

"I don't know the name of it. Something Daddy Dom something." Kay waved her hands.

Rey felt a hot blush creep up her neck. Fuck. She'd read a lot of books with something Daddy Dom something in the title. The latest one was on her bedside table. Or in the bathroom? Surely, Kay hadn't... seen it?

"Honestly. I'm with Jacen. Let's not talk about Daddy-"

Jacen hollered, "No, Mom, don't say it. I can't. I can't."

"You're such a child," Kay complained. "It doesn't matter. The point is some of the grad students think the prof is hot and his son might run a kink club."

"Ugh." Jacen put his head down.

"I'm not interested in hot professors or sons with kink clubs."

"Eeeeek," Jacen muttered from inside his folded arms.

"How old are you, Jace? Jesus." Kay snorted her disgust. "Fucking baby."

Rey stopped for a second, realizing what Kay had just said. Someone older who was hot and had a son with a kink club. Kylo and Fett? She shook her head. Not likely. That seemed too obvious. NDAs were signed. Few people used real names. And if you recognize someone outside the club, you don't acknowledge the connection. Basic club rules.

"I might have a photo of him." Kay was scrolling on her phone.

"No, thank you." Rey didn't want to know. She didn't want to know Kylo's real name or that he was a professor of English, if it was indeed him, especially if he was Kay's dissertation advisor. Rey wanted everything to remain conveniently anonymous. "Besides, it's not appropriate for you to introduce me to your professor. This isn't elementary school."

"Plus... ick." Jacen raised his head. "Just, ick."

"Why ick?" Kay demanded. "You don't think our mother deserves some happiness with a man?"

"We're finished with this conversation. It was lovely having lunch with you two." Rey bustled around the kitchen, picking up after her kids as usual. She shouldn't do it, but her hands automatically loaded the dishwasher, while Jacen and Kay slowly rose and stretched, scrolling through their phones.

"We've been dismissed," Jacen said. "Come on. Let's roll. I've got to get to work anyway."

"Okay." Kay was reluctant to let it go. "Are you okay, Mom?"

Rey gave her daughter a hug and her son a peck on the cheek. "I'm just fine, thank you. I'll see you another day."

She leaned against her door after the kids left. Kay's voice rang in her head. Didn't she deserve some happiness? What if the Black Spire wasn't the place? What if...?

Chapter 6

Enough shenanigans. Ben had had enough. Two weeks after talking to Anakin, Ben stalked into the Black Spire on a Saturday night.

A new person sat behind the desk, trying to look arrogant. Baby Dom. Ben managed to keep the eye roll to a minimum.

"May I help you?" The individual was dressed in a suit and tie and he'd slicked his blonde hair back with some kind of grease. He looked like a fashionable FBI cosplayer-or a Rat Pack Pee-Wee Herman. His teeth were unnaturally white against his weird deep tan.

"Guest pass, please." Ben showed his ID and paid the fee.

"Who is sponsoring you? Are they here?" The man looked around Ben, his pale blue eyes suspicious. He raked Ben with a narrow-eyed gaze.

"My son." Ben gave the guy a hard look. "Fett."

The dude's mouth dropped open.

"You can call him if you want to." Ben took pity on the baby Dom. "I know you guys keep security tight."


"Master Kylo," Ben corrected.

"Yes, sir."

Damn right, yes, sir. Ben smiled at the man with all his teeth. Which were not screaming white zombie chompers. Good God, who were these children?

"It's fine. No need to call. Have a good evening."

Ben walked into the main bar area with a mission. He was finished waiting for one pretty submissive to decide. It'd been three months already, and she seemed in no hurry to switch over to Dinosauria. He wanted to scene with her. Ani wouldn't give him any information on whether Kira was happy or not, whether she'd found a Dom among the pups here, or whether she thought about him. He was finished wondering.

Ben surveyed the room for a sleek cap of warm brown hair, short and sassy. He didn't see her. Maybe she was scening or maybe she hadn't come to the club tonight. He turned and headed for Anakin's office.

His son looked up from his computer. "Dad. Didn't know you were coming here tonight?"

"Spur of the moment. Is she here?"

Ani rolled his eyes. "I'm definitely not telling you that. Stop stalking my patrons."

"I just want to talk to the elusive Miss Kira."

"I believe she made it clear she's not interested in joining your little Dino club, Pops." Anakin squinted at him. "But that's not what you really want, is it? You want to scene with her."

"Maybe." Ben rolled his shoulders. "But I do not want to do it here."

"I'd prefer if you didn't as well. Or at least let me know and I'll send you to a private room."

"I wouldn't put her in that position our first time together."

"Yeah, she's not much of a-" Ani cut himself off. "Dad, stop trying to get me to divulge information."

Ben held up his hands. "Fair enough. But she's not playing, is she? She might not be comfortable or no one has asked her."

"Either way, it's not your business."

"I'm about to make it my business," Ben said. He wasn't messing around. He'd been thinking about Kira for a while and wondering how she was doing. At first, he thought he was trying to recruit her for his club-and he was-but he was also wondering about her story. He was curious.

Ani stood and walked around the desk. "Don't scare her off, you big Dommy brute."

Ben wrapped a hand around the back of his son's neck. They were eye-to-eye. He leaned his forehead against his child's. "Takes one to know one."

Ani gave his father a quick arm squeeze. "I love you, Dad."

He cuffed his son on the head lightly. "I love you, too."


"How come you never play?" Moff ran a hand through his newly-bleached hair. It stuck straight upward from his forehead.

Jannah leaned in. "You like to watch?"

Rey sipped her water. They'd all returned to the bar after watching a scene with Ezra and his flavor of the evening.

Zorii touched Rey's arm. "You don't have to answer the Nosy Nellies, if you don't want to."

Rey shook her head. "It's okay. I just haven't met anyone I'd like to scene with. Watching is okay for now. I'm getting back into it." While true, she also had to admit that few members had approached her. Her fet-wear closet was slim and she didn't flirt. It was depressing to think that she might not find something here, even after her wish to stay on principle.

Switching clubs after three months, though, felt like a lot of work.

"Oh, shit," Moff breathed. "The fuck?"


"Big-time Dom on your six," Moff hissed.

Rey turned around and saw Kylo, big as life, walking toward their table.

"Yeah, I see him. So what?"

"Jesus Lord, save us. He's here." Jannah jumped up. "Z, let's go scene or something."

"Sure, sure." Zorii got up quickly. She looked at the floor.

Moff dropped his eyes as well.

Rey looked at her friends. "What the hell? Why's he here?"

He arrived at the table. "Evening, folks." His voice was pleasant. Rey felt a tingle go down her spine. He was even more handsome than she remembered. He wore an expensive black suit and crisp white shirt. Even his black tie looked sexy. Rey was so screwed.

Moff almost curtsied. "Good evening, Master." He didn't raise his eyes.


Jannah held herself stiffly. "Kylo."


Zorii said nothing.

"May I speak to your submissive, Jannah?"


"Good evening, little one."

Rey watched in fascination. He seemed so soft with Zorii. She knelt and squeaked out a greeting. Kylo took her hand and raised her to her feet. He brushed her cheek with his knuckles. Rey felt it down to her bones, which were quickly becoming mush.

Finally, he turned to Rey. "Good evening, my lovely. May I have a word with you?"

"Of course." Rey decided she wasn't doing protocol. This man wasn't her Dom. My lovely, indeed. She turned to her friends. "Please excuse us."

They scattered.

"Have a seat." Rey folded her hands on the table as if meeting with a client. She refused to be intimidated by anyone, no matter how much Dom energy he radiated.

"You haven't contacted us." He said it mildly without a hint of accusation.

"I'm a member here." Rey lifted her chin. "I signed a contract and decided to give this place a fair shot."

His amber eyes assessed her but she refused to be cowed. She'd had plenty of practice dealing with all kinds of men who thought she was a little lady who needed to stay in her place. Though attracted to Kylo, Rey refused to fall in subspace immediately. He'd have to work for it.

"Fair enough."

"Glad you think so."

His eyebrows raised. "Oh, you do, do you?"

She tilted her head. "I'm not bratting. I'm serious. You might be king of the mountain around here but this is my life. My needs come first."

He leaned back a little. "Yes, they do. Which is why I wanted to ask you to scene with me."

Rey opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. Had Fett told on her?

"Lucky guess," he said. "Fett doesn't break confidence. I know the clientele here. I'm guessing the only people to approach you are Littles looking for a Mommy Domme."

Rey slumped. "Yes. Damn it. If there were some older Doms here, it would be okay. But there aren't." She narrowed her eyes at him. "They're all at your Dino place, right?"

"Yep." He grinned at her. "Also, not to toot my own horn too much, but if you scene with me and we have good chemistry, you might not need any other Dom."

"Huh." Rey raised her chin. "You think very highly of yourself, Sir."

He laughed. "I do. And that's Daddy to you, baby girl."

She shivered. She was in major trouble.


Ben rose from his seat. He was pretty sure he had little Miss Kira. She couldn't take her eyes off him and there was more than a hint of interest in them. She was wondering. He decided to leave her wanting more. Making a grab would scare her away.

He held out a hand. She slipped hers into it. He leaned over and brushed his mouth against her knuckles. Her intake of breath told him everything. He looked her dead in the eye and put every ounce of Daddy energy behind his statement.

"You be a good girl and go through the proper channels, like I told you in the beginning. Contact one of the people on that slip of paper I gave you." He'd bet Dinosauria and the Spire that she still had it tucked away in a drawer. "I'll see you at the club for a visit and we'll negotiate."

She nodded.

"I need to hear you say it, little one."

"Yes..." She stumbled over the word.

He maintained eye contact. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, Daddy."

He gave her a big smile and watched her brilliant eyes close for a second. "Good girl."

He waved to a few people as he left the club.


Three weeks later, Finn popped his head in the door of the manager's office suite. "She's here. Want me to bring her here?"

"Yeah, she and I need to chat."

Finn raised his brows. "So soon?"

"No, no, it's not a euphemism this time. We literally need to talk."

Finn grinned. "Of course. No punishment right out of the gate."

"Don't tempt me." Ben had to push down thoughts of tossing Kira over his lap and peppering her with swats while she squirmed. He should wait a decent amount of time before fulfilling that fantasy. He'd rarely had the urge to get himself off these days, but, shit, Kira had him going.

She walked in like a queen, wearing a slinky black dress that hugged every soft curve and sexy kitten heels with fucking bows on them. He was in so much trouble.

"Have a seat," he said. "Did you get your paperwork done?"

"Yes." She fished in her purse and brought out a folded sheaf of papers.

He perused the information quickly. Rey, an interesting real-life name. He'd continue to call her Kira at the club, though, if it made her more comfortable. Her interests and limits seemed to match his own pretty well. He handed her his list, also with his real life name.

"We tend to use real names here because it's a more protected environment, but it's up to you."

"It's okay either way," she said. She continued to read.

They sat in silence for a bit. He watched her cataloging information and wondered what she did for a living. She scanned and swallowed the list quickly, efficiently.

"We do match pretty well," she said.


"I see you're interested in Lord of the Rings. My safe word is Eowyn."

"Mine is Tolkein. I'm a bit of a scholar of the series. Hobby of mine."

"Books or movies?"


She nodded slowly. "I remember how excited I was when those films came out. I went to the opening night for each one."

Ben fought the urge to leap up and pull this woman on his lap. "I did, too."

Fifteen minutes later, he realized that they'd been discussing Lord of the Rings instead of negotiating a scene.

"Damn." He raked a hand through his hair. "Okay, we can talk about that later. We're supposed to be figuring out if we want to try a scene."

"I do," Rey said. "Very much."


Kylo-or Ben Solo-was a dream come true. He was so handsome, well-spoken, and loved her favorite franchise, books and films. Rey wanted to talk to him more, crawl on his lap, and let him kiss more than her knuckles. She dreamed about the soft press of his lips against her skin ever since that night at Black Spire. She'd left the club with a smile and saw Fett shaking his head on her way out.

"Did he get to you?" Fett had asked.

"Sorry," Rey'd said. "Yeah. He's amazing."

"One of a kind." Fett saluted her. "Godspeed, Sweet Kira. Come back and see us sometime."

"I will. I owe you a couple more months of dues."

"On the house, sweetheart. Go make my dad happy. I think he likes you."

Rey felt her heart leap a little. "Not looking for a full-time man. Just a Daddy Dom."

"He is that." Fett squinted at her. "But he's a really good man, too. If you want to know more, hit me up. I'll spill."

"Thank you." Rey pressed a quick kiss to Fett's cheek. He had his father's long nose, dark hair, and physique but didn't resemble him more than that.