Dirty Laundry


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"Lucy," Tom said, "Please meet Amanda. Amanda, Lucy."

They shook hands - even though Laura had told Lucy everything about their past and the demise of their once solid and trusting friendship done in by a cheating ex-boyfriend and ex-room mate, Lucy had some sort of a switch that she could turn on and off in social situations. Lucy, in fact, was preoccupied wondering where all of the men were.

"And," Tom motioned with hands referring to Laura and Amanda, "I think that you two already know each other."

Tom smiled warmly, and almost mockingly, which pissed Laura off even more.

"Hi," Laura said smartly to Amanda and quickly turned to Tom and grabbed his arm.

"Can I speak to you a minute?"

Taking Tom aside out onto the balcony, the warmth of the fire under the grill made Laura readjust her stance slightly.

"What in the hell is this?!" She said at a level that she was sure was not overheard but strong enough for Tom to know her rage.

"Listen," he pleaded, "I'm sorry. Listen to what I have to say. Please. There are a couple of things that you don't know, and I thought about this for a month and a half, and trust me, please. Just trust me."

"Trust you?!" Laura shouted.

"Trust you, hell, I don't even know you!"

"Look, just listen to what she has to say. If you aren't happy with it, not satisfied with whatever it is she wants to tell you, then blame me for it, I just want to help," Tom pleaded.

"I do blame you, ass hole, you set me up!"

"No, Laura, I didn't. I like you, a lot as a matter of fact. I don't want to hurt you. I have to cook steaks. Please, just listen to her for two minutes. Please."

"Fuck you," Laura said, glaring into his eyes. They were soft, and gentle. It made Laura all that more determined.

Tom threw his hands up.

"Laura, if I would have told you that she was coming, you would have never shown up. And if you weren't going to be here, she probably wouldn't have come either. Please. She just wants two minutes."

Laura, lips drawn tight in anger, looked away. She had to. Tom was too much, too honest, too nice. He made her melt, sexually, in every way. She couldn't look into his eyes for more than a minute without feeling like candle wax under a flame. She had known that from about a minute after she met him one accidental day in the apartment laundry room that accidentally led to the best sexual experience of her life. Everything, accidentally.

The silence lasted long enough for Tom to plead again.

He caressed her arm with his hand and kissed her gently on the cheek. She shuddered, hoping he didn't know that he was breaking her. Laura didn't want that, and wouldn't have it. She couldn't talk.

"I have to go get the steaks, she only wants a minute or two," he said, releasing his hand from her, as if doing so reluctantly. He looked at her while walking back into the house, almost tripping over the threshold of the sliding glass door. It took all that she could take not to laugh, while starring away pretending to be indignant and still seeing him out of the corner of her eye.

As Tom regained his balance he turned and walked past Amanda and Lucy, gracefully interrupting them and grabbing Lucy's arm and having her accompany Tom into the kitchen. All that Laura could do was admire Tom's ass as he walked away, and seeing Amanda take her queue from Tom she began walking toward Laura out on the balcony. Laura once again became indignant as Amanda approached.

"I'm sorry Laura," Amanda said as Laura looked down and slightly away.

"I know I hurt you and I fucked up our friendship. I wouldn't blame you if you never talked to me again, but I had to tell you how I felt about a couple of things, and please hear me, and then hate me if you want to, I wouldn't blame you at all."

Laura stayed focused on the ground. Tom had softened her, but Amanda was a different story. She had become closer to Amanda than anyone she had ever met, and had been hurt because of her, worse than she had ever been hurt before. Amanda was like her soul mate. Laura shared all of her secrets with her, everything that she ever was and ever wanted to be. It had hurt, and Laura never adjusted fully to all of what had happened. She looked up at Amanda, daggers in her eyes, and said nothing.

Amanda continued, "He told me some things. He promised me things that involved you. I love you Laura, but there's more than that to it. You probably won't understand this, and I even still don't, but I have feelings for you that I don't know how to explain."

"What!?" Laura said. "What in the hell are you talking about?"

The moon, three-quarters full, reflected beautifully off of Amanda's body. She was wearing a light halter-top that covered her breasts tightly, and came down less than modestly to expose Amanda's navel. Her jeans covered her full hips tightly but not obviously, and their bodies were a striking contrast - in the opposite direction of Laura and Lucy - Laura's compact and lovely form against Amanda's womanly and even somewhat Amazon like body with her large breasts and her height. Laura momentarily allowed her mind to drift to the various times that she fantasized about Amanda and her ex, and then she caught herself and stopped. The heat of the grill was countering the slight breeze enough to snap Laura back into what was going on.

Their conversation was also briefly interrupted by a man walking into Tom's front door. A silhouette of a tall man in a cowboy hat, and Tom was quickly there at the door and greeted him and whisked him into the kitchen.

"Listen, Laura, I hate to tell you this, but I was never attracted to that ass hole that you used to be with. The only reason that I fucked him was because he promised me something if I did. He promised me that I could get closer to you," Amanda said.

"What? What kind of shit is that? You were my best friend! I confided in you! I..." Laura was interrupted.

"No, Laura, not like I wanted exactly. It was selfish of me. I wanted..." Amanda stopped, her voice cracking.

There was silence. A tear rolled down Amanda's cheek, and the moonlight reflected off of its tiny glassy roundness. The tear stayed momentarily on her blush, tensioned perhaps by the silence between them. It finally rolled down farther and dropped out of sight into the dark floor. Another rolled out, as if on queue, as if the runway was now clear. It only stayed momentarily and then fell before two more dropped in sequence from her eye and they then quickly collided together and their weight collectively forced them down and off of Amanda's flush and sent the mated pair of teardrops silently downward toward the abyss.

Amanda looked up finally at Laura, and somehow kept her lower lip from quivering momentarily.

"I want you, Laura, and I sacrificed our friendship for a chance to sleep with you, and I'm sorry..."

Amanda's eyes filled like empty reservoirs and then she blinked and broke the dams. She didn't bring her hands to her face to wipe her eyes, and Laura was again broken, and she melted, and she looked into Amanda and found her friend again somehow, at that moment, even if she didn't understand all of it. Once by the pure raw sexual desire for a man and again by the sweet caress of a friend who had made a mistake for reasons that Laura couldn't comprehend, Laura was broken in the same hour. Laura embraced Amanda, who was crying almost uncontrollably now. Laura's eyes filled with saltwater too. In their embrace, Laura's head was spinning. Fantasizing about Amanda's naked body for all of that time, even if there was another man involved, and now what was Amanda trying to tell her, and why did it turn her on a little bit - or maybe more than a little bit - and everything was weird but so much more than amazing than weird and she felt so good with her body pressed up against Amanda's. Sensual, different, and arousing, thinking about exploring something with this woman who she had imagined naked and turned on while masturbating so many times after Amanda had left.

"Explain it to me later," Laura said. "I have some things to tell you about too."

Laura then kissed Amanda. On the lips, fully, openly, and not cautiously at all. Their lips parted more openly, and Amanda allowed her tongue to gently and slowly enter Laura's mouth and Laura shivered. She was kissing a girl. And it felt good, better than any kiss she could remember, and her mind was racing to remember and she couldn't so she gave up on that and gave in to the kiss. Amanda's hot mouth gently and passionately locked with hers, perfectly. Laura pressed herself tighter against Amanda and the kiss was then deeper and hotter and she felt Amanda's hand slowly caressing the right cheek her ass. Laura tingled, and pressed herself against Amanda even tighter, when a gentle and familiar voice suddenly caused them to part their embrace.

"Um," Tom started, his voice completely cracking, "I think I should put the steaks on now."

They both turned and looked as he stood, embarrassed and somewhat exposed, steaks on a plate in one hand and tongs in the other, and a very large and obvious bulge in his pants that he could do nothing about. Amanda and Laura looked at each other, and smiled a horny smile together.

* * *

Tony arrived just before the steaks were done, and introductions were made - the cowboy's name was Jake - and everyone was laughing at everyone else. There was tension, but it was thin, and the new company gave the tension a slack that allowed everyone to enjoy everyone else, for the most part. The wine was excellent, and Tom proved a worthy cook. After a couple of hours Jake and Lucy were inseparable (and equally in tune with the delicacies of their own type of romance) and they ran off together, to someplace else in the city, into the moonlit night.

Tom, Tony, Lucy and Laura sat in the living room, sharing wine and laughing at the evening. Laura and Amanda hadn't had a chance to talk all evening, and that made it even better for Laura because she knew that no matter what happened in Tom's apartment this night, that she would probably get a chance to be with Amanda later. That turned her on, remembering the kiss and wondering what would happen next. Tony was sitting next to Tom but practically in Tom's lap, and now starting openly and obviously touching Tom, teasing his thigh with one hand and dramatically illustrating a point in conversation with the other. Tom just sat and enjoyed it, it was obvious to Laura that Tom was aroused in his slacks, and Amanda and Laura sat in different chairs taking it all in.

"So, you two petfish are like long lost friends, eh?" Tony would tease every now and then, just to get a reaction, and they would all laugh.

Laura was quite aroused now at the sight of Tom's obvious hardness, and it turned her on even more to noticed that Amanda was watching as well. She wondered if Amanda was as turned on as she was. Tony's effeminate voice and mannerisms made Laura feel completely at ease somehow, and she had let her mind wander back to six weeks ago. She hoped that something would happen, to the point that she wanted to suggest it, but she didn't dare. Amanda was quiet, and smiling, and Laura kept trying not to notice Tom's cock, which Tony would occasionally brush lightly with his hands while rubbing Tom's thigh. Laura also was trying not to stare at Amanda's breasts that now revealed her hard nipples through the fabric of her halter top.

Tom kept staring al Laura, and Laura was aware of it, and she knew that she was wet and she guessed that Tom might also know that. Tony was masterful, knowing exactly at what point to turn the conversation, he entertained with such skill, guiding the evening along to the exact point of no return. Tom was obviously almost fully erect, and Laura was practically sliding off of her chair, and she noticed Amanda squirming around quite frequently now.

And Amanda, to the surprise of everyone, finally broke the ice.

"Tom," she said, "I bet that your cock weighs more than any of the nice steaks that we ate tonight, so why don't you get a scale from somewhere and let's find out."

Everybody laughed, even Tom before be blushed behind his embarrassed grin, Amanda fiddling nervously with her hair afterward.

"Better yet," Tony said, "Let's get a ruler and measure that beautiful monster!"

And the laughter continued and Tom turned red and laughed too.

And Amanda leaned over to Laura and purposefully said loud enough for all to hear, "God I want to see that without those pants."

"Maybe together we can talk him out of his pants," Laura responded smiling.

They both got up and playfully walked over to Tom, and Tony stepped aside, mocking defeat, laughing. Amanda and Laura started undoing Tom's slacks, and Laura couldn't stop her right hand from gently feeling the enormous erection in that Tom had. He started breathing a bit faster now, smiling and closing his eyes, Tony watched, fascinated with it all.

"Hey, petswish," she teased, why don't you come over here and help us.

Tony laughed, and grabbed a pant leg.

* * *

They quickly went to the bedroom because the sofa was too small. The clothes had quickly all come off in the living room and Amanda and Laura, hand in hand, gently pushed Tom and his massively erect cock into the bedroom, and Amanda pulled Tony behind her as he mocking acted like a reluctant participant, his cock also erect and sprung and moving as he walked like a rod on a bobble.

With Tom pushed onto the bed, Laura led Amanda to Toms swollen cock, and Laura licked the head while Amanda licked the base. Tom moaned, and grabbed Laura's waist and urged her gently to mount his face. Laura was tingling and her clit was swollen and she could feel her cunt pulsing with anticipation of Tom's tongue licking her pussy. While Laura mounted Tom, Tony took the head of Tom's cock, erect fully three inches above his own navel, and engulfed it into his mouth - slowly, and sweetly - until the base of his cock was barely visible. And then brought it out again, slowly, revealing his cock now covered with Tony's saliva. Amanda groaned, imagining how it must have felt.

"Amanda," Laura said, noticing it, "Come here, I want to taste you."

Amanda moved to present her naked body to Laura, who, while Tom's delicious tongue teased Laura's clit, began kissing Amanda's body. Laura began on her totally erect nipples, and her breasts swelled even more than their largeness normally was, and then she rapidly worked her way down until Amanda repositioned her body to allow Laura to go lower. Amanda was dripping wet. Laura tasted Amanda for the first time, Amanda's swollen clit was quite large, larger than Laura had imagined, and Laura licked it teasingly which sent a shudder up Amanda's spine.

"Baby, I come very easy," Amanda confessed as she threw her head back and closed her eyes.

Laura moaned and continued, and Tom had Laura on the brink of a huge climax. Laura watched Tony sucking Tom and Laura was on the threshold of a huge orgasm, and she licked Amanda harder and Amanda's hips shook.

"I'm coming," Amanda said, pressing her hips toward Laura's mouth, as Laura watched Tom's body tighten, and Tony masturbating furiously while Amanda was pressing her tongue now directly on Amanda's swollen clit.

Amanda shrieked and squirted juice on Laura's face which was something that Laura hadn't expected, and it heightened her ecstasy knowing how big of an orgasm that she'd given Amanda, and she screamed because she couldn't help it and Tom's tongue was so perfect.

"I'm fucking coming!"

And Laura came while watching Tony come, Tony was silently but obviously shooting all over Tom's tight ball sack Tom's thighs and Amanda started to help Tony now as Laura watched. Tom's body was taught and his eyes were closed and his breathing was so rapid that he couldn't even make a sound. Amanda shoved Tony's head out of the way and worked Tom's throbbing cock as deeply as Tony did and even faster, and Tom yelled.

Amanda threw her head out of the way and jerked Tom's convulsions rhythmically and they watched Tom come all over his chest and part of his stomach and even on his own face and in his own hair.

They were all panting. And Tony went and got some towels.

* * *

Tony then stripped the comforter and the wetness off of the bed, and they rolled around there naked for a while, laughing and embracing, and teasing each other because it felt good to do that.

It always feels good to do that.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I think that was extraordinary! It's too bad that you have not published anything since 2008. The story somewhat reminded me of the time in my life before I settled down, and got married.


LorileiLorileiover 16 years ago

That was very, very hot! It incorporated one of my ultimate fantasies. I can't wait to read more of your writing.

FunwithRyleighFunwithRyleighover 16 years ago

I reallllllly want to go do some laundry now.

Excellent job.

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