Disciples of Caine Ch. 01


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"Well..." Mel hesitated as she felt slightly embarrassed about it. "I kinda miss having the collar, harness, and everything on. I miss walking around with the plugs up my ass and pussy all the time. I miss having my tits capped and being kept on edge until someone decides to use me. How fucked up is that?"

"Not very," Lauren said, leaning in to kiss her tenderly. "Let's go get cleaned up. I can get you a collar at least to start off with and then I can ask around for everything else. I'm sure someone in this town has something to that effect. If not, we can trade for it.

"Mmmmm... Thank you, mistress," Mel hummed, glad that she could make her wish a reality.



Erin came out of the rejuvenation chamber, as Caine was calling it, feeling like a new woman. It made her wonder if this is what it felt like to be Wonder Woman. She felt stronger, she felt invulnerable, she felt superhuman, and she felt like she could take over the world. Caine was waiting for her as she came out of the chamber soaking wet from the liquid that was inside of it, handing her a towel. "So how do we know if it worked or not? Erin asked him. "I mean I feel just how you described it, but how do we know for sure?"

"We test it, just like I did," Caine said, taking out a knife from his boots. Moving slowly, he motioned for her to hold out her arm. Then he slowly drew the sharp blade across the top of her forearm away from any major veins or arteries.

Her skin remained pristine and intact.

Caine then tried to just ease it into her, point first. Nothing. Then he tried to outright stab her arm and still nothing happened. He shrugged as he put the knife back into his boot. "Looks like it worked. Still, I wouldn't try to wade through napalm or walk through fire or anything like that."

"Amazing," Erin breathed as she looked at her intact arm. Spying some scissors on a nearby desk, she snatched them up and tried the same experiment herself. No damage to her body. She felt it, but her skin just wasn't allowing anything to penetrate it. "This is awesome! And you said that I can't get pregnant anymore? I don't have to take that radroot shit?"

"You can control your own fertility," Caine clarified. "If you just think that you don't want to get pregnant during sex, it won't happen. I gave you the same treatment that Christina Courtesan got when we were both in here."

"Hm... so not even the mighty Caine can knock the Huntress up, huh?" Erin playfully purred as she tossed the scissors aside and sauntered over to him. "I wonder how sex is like in this state?"

"It's a religious experience, let me tell you," Caine grinned. "Us superhumans can go all night long."

"Weeeeellllll... I'm already naked so why don't we put that to the test?" Erin asked, sliding up and back onto a nearby table and crooking her finger towards him.

Caine jerked his thumb over his shoulder. "This place does have beds, you know?" he told her. "Where else do you think I slept at while waiting three days for you to do this?" With that, he started stripping off his tunic and undershirt while walking out a side door to the labs. Erin followed behind him, admiring his more fit and muscled physique. She was starting to see the appeal in him where women wanted him to breed them. In this day and age where humanity was practically an endangered species, one would want to mate with those who would sire strong children and Caine was the strongest one out there.

"Hm, barracks..." Erin mused as she followed Caine thorugh one of the sleeping areas.

"Yeah, but the private officer's or executive quarters are through here," Caine pointed towards a door.

"Well this works right here," Erin said, standing at the foot of one set of bunk beds, grabbing the bottom of the top bunk and bending over. She wiggled her ass for him. "We could always pretend like we used to that I've been caught," she winked at him.

"Probably the only time you'll ever be caught," Caine joked, stepping up behind her as he kicked out of his shoes and took his pants off. "From what I've heard, you've been a holy fucking terror out here."

"Then we can add to your legend then that the Mighty Caine is the only one capable of bringing The Huntress down." Erin purred. "Now come over here and fuck me with that massive cock of yours that everyone has been bragging about."

"Don't mind if I do, it'll be just like old times," Caine said, stepping up behind her, his cock going hard almost instantly.

Erin mentally prepared herself even as she spread her legs to give him better access. To her surprise, she felt herself get instantly aroused with her pussy going wet almost at once. Huh... that is a cool trick... she thought. The ability to be instantly ready for sex could come in handy in a number of situations. Conversely, if she were being sexually tortured and being told to hold off, she could just mentally flip that switch and not cum between now and the end of time if need be. "OHHHHHH!" Erin gripped the bars ahead of her and groaned as she then felt herself being penetrated by Caine. Her mom was right; he was a lot bigger than he used to be.

Caine's hands slid up from her hips around to her breasts, which now felt a bit more taut and firm as if she were a teenager again. He squeezed as he started hammering his cock in and out of her, making the bunks that she grabbed slam up against the far wall. Erin threw her head back and moaned in esctacy, pushing back against him as he thrusted into her, squeezing his cock each time. Sure enough, he was able to last a long time because after a few minutes, she got bored with that position and turned around so that she could grab the upper bunk and wrap her legs around him while he held her by her ass and continued pounding her pussy. When they got tired of standing up, they did it doggy style. When they wanted to lay down, she laid down on the bottom bunk, planting her feet onto the bunk above them while Caine pounded her some more. It became a long, surreal, erotic moment for her that she could only equate to that of having sex while high on weed where time just seemed to stretch on and on and one.

Eventually Caine decided to cum inside of her and she came right along with him. But he stayed hard and kept right on fucking her so next time she was the first to orgasm and he came with her. They went round after round, fucking their way to the officer's quarters where they eventually fell into bed, slightly winded, and feeling well fucked. "Damn... that was intense..." Erin moaned as she snuggled up next to him.

"Told ya," Caine grinned at her.

"You weren't kidding... So, what is it that you need, or want, me to do with my newfound immortality?" Erin asked as they basked in the afterglow.

"I want you to head west and make contact with the Amazons," Caine said evenly. "They won't talk to me because I'm a man. But you, they'd listen to. See if you can get them onto our side to go after the current Dumbass-in-Chief before he manages to secure his coup and mobilize against us."

Erin arched an eyebrow at him. "You think I can find them? They never stay put, everyone knows that."

"You found your mom, didn't you?" Caine quipped right back. "Finding a huge, nomadic, tribe of scantily clad women in leathers should be cakewalk in comparison."



It took Erin all of a month to find the Amazons out west in the Northern California area. Specifically, in the Redwood National Forest that was, to Erin's surprise, still standing. It was amazing to her that these veritable old trees managed to survive and even thrive in the wake of the natural apocalypse that humanity had no way in hell of preventing. Life finds a way, I guess... she mused as she drove her motorcycle down the old roads in the direction she'd narrowed down the Amazon summer encampment for this year was.

With her now enhanced vision, she saw the net trap as it sprang up. With her enhanced reflexes, she reached up and behind her to draw one of the two katanas that Caine had given her, drawing it and slicing downwards. She sped through the severed net and pulled her bike into a sliding stop. Then she kicked the stand down and got off of the bike, turning it off and walking back to the trap point. Amazon women, holding everything from spears, to bows, to guns, flanked her on either side of the road. "Surrender, traveler, and we will make your death quick!" One of them ordered.

"You need to work on your sales pitch, sister," Erin chortled as she sheathed the katana, took off her helmet, and shook out her hair. "I seriously doubt that you get many men to just lay down and die."

The lead Amazon smirked. "On the contrary, we are able to ascertain if one is strong enough to fight or not and therefore would have the opportunity to mate with us before we release them. If they just surrender and die, then their progeny is not worth bearing."

"Eh, okay, fair enough," Erin conceded. Survival of the fittest, she supposed. "Now, let's talk about us and the reason why I'm here."

"Come to join us?" Someone snorted.

"Nah, not really," Erin shook her head. "Get into a beneficial arrangement, maybe, but not join you. I got too much shit to do to follow your tribe around everywhere."

"HA!" the leader now barked out in laughter. "You may be clever enough to find us, but what makes you think that we would want to work with you? That is not who we are. So who are you to try to make such an arrangement with us?"

"The name is Huntress," Erin said with a wicked smile, pleased to see that it had the effect that she wanted as they all recognized the moniker that she'd carved out for herself. "I'm the lady who took care of the Montana Militiamen and I am THE consort of Caine having grown up with him and trained with him in the days before The Flare... You might've heard of me?"

That took a few seconds to sink in. Their leader now smiled as she signaled for the war party to all relax. "Then come, sister, we do have much to talk about."


Erin was taken to the Amazon's camp in the middle of the forest and introduced to the matron couple; Kate and Bailey, who were 1st Gen survivors of the Flare, having been born to actual survivors of the event. Their mothers had survived the Flare by hiding in underground parking garages and then digging themselves out of the rubble afterwards, finding men, getting pregnant, and then subsequently ditching their men when they turned out to be abusive. They then regarded her with curiosity. "It has been said that you were the consort of Caine, which makes you older than we are, yet you look younger than we are, how is that possible?" Kate asked with interest as they sat around the central bonfire to talk.

Smirking, Erin went with the cover story rather than tell them the truth that she was on ice in cryo freeze along with the real Caine while the fake Caine was building up the legend. "I was born eighteen years before the Flare happened," she announced, to the gasps of surprise among the gathered women and girls who now hung onto her every word. "Caine and I were government experiments who have been given virtual immortality," she said, which was partially true even if said experiment didn't happen until recently. "Now, granted, I kept it a bit more low key than Caine has over the decades, but I just couldn't stand by anymore while groups like the Militiamen were wreaking havoc among innocent villages. But I do remember well what life was back before the Flare and how it was really triggered that forced all of humanity to take desperate measures to survive if they were not lucky enough to be in a Hab city. I would be more than happy to regale you with stories of old, but I have more pressing business."

"Yes... the so-called President Hancock that you were telling us about," Kate nodded sagely. "Our mothers spoke well of the United States of old and had hoped that Caine would bring it back within their lifetime. But... alas, Caine was unable to. It was all that he could do just to keep raiders from harming innocents."

"Its a big job for any one person..." Erin nodded in agreement. "Which is why we would like you to help us. Your Amazons are breathed with awe, respect, and fear in the same breath as the Dakota and are more feared than the Retributionists, the NCR Rangers, and even the Lincoln Scouts and the Chicago Shooters. President Hancock seems to think that Caine and each group that isn't part of his United States are his enemies and will stop at nothing to destroy each and every one of us. If we do not band together, he might very well succeed." Erin explained. "There was a saying from the old days that I remember that was present at the founding of the United States by Benjamin Franklin; We must all hang together, or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."

"But we are here on the west coast of the continent," Bailey pointed out. "This is not our fight."

Erin leaned in for emphasis. "What do you think that someone like Hancock is going to do with a matriarchal tribe of women when his troops make it this far? Caine, at least, recognizes your autonomy which is why he asked me here to ask you to help us. He is also sending people north to the Dakota, north to the Shooters, and out west here to the NCR and Colorado Coalition. There is another saying that Caine and I are found of from the pre-Flare days that I'll paraphrase for you; Hancock is ruling with fear while Caine intends to rule with respect."

Bailey looked ready to protest again but Kate reached out and gripped her wife's hand to steady her. Kate then smiled at Erin. "You have given us much to discuss, debate, and think about. In the meantime, please enjoy our hospitality since this will not only affect us, but our other tribes in addition to our home."

Erin quirked an eyebrow. "Home? So there is a central place that you operate out of?" She'd figured as much but didn't have any real proof of her hunch until now."

Kate smiled and nodded. "Of course. While being nomadic gets us lots of resources, we have to have a special place to take our daughters to raise and store all of our gains. We usually do not disclose its existence, let alone its location, to outsiders, but I am willing to make an exception in your case as your single-handed destruction of the Militiamen has done nothing but aid us as it has made the entire region safer overall. For that, you have our thanks. We won't, however, tell you where home is at until we are certain that we can completely trust you. I hope that you understand."

Erin smiled and nodded. "I understand all too well," she said, emphasizing with them while thinking back on her own experiences since coming out of cryo freeze. It was nice to be out and about while her mom was safe in Lincoln under Caine's personal protection.



It took the tribe three days to deliberate before settling down with Erin at the bonfire. She wondered what was up as all of the younger women and girls were conspicuously absent and all of the older women, those who are over 20 and completed something that they called The Trial, were the only ones there. They were also wearing leathers that were basically bikinis and all holding little polished wooden rods in their hands. What the fuck is going on? she wondered.

Erin got her answer when Kate spoke. "We have decided that we will honor yours and Caine's request. We will be there to fight when called on," she explained. "However, we would like something from you, Huntress, to ensure that you will never disclose our secrets to any outsider... even Caine."

"Okay," Erin nodded. "Caine trusts my judgement which is why he asked me to come here to meet you. What is it that you want from me?"

"We would like to make you an honorary member of our Amazons," Kate's eyes seemed to dance in the bonfire light. "We follow the philosophy of the Amazons of old; If you are one of us then you will be less inclined to disclose our secrets. We also follow the ideal of the ancient Spartans in that you fight harder for the people by your side if you know them intimately."

"Oh?" Erin arched an eyebrow. Then she grinned as she got it. "What's involved in that."

"A simple ritual that we usually do before our girls head out to conduct their Trial," Bailey supplied. "Each of the women will come forward with their dildos to penetrate you one time for each year they've been a full-fledged warrior woman with us." She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "But since we're adopting you after doing the equivalent of our Trial and then some, we're just going to have an all out orgy tonight instead of just fucking you and leaving you here by yourself."

"Well I certainly would love the company instead of waking up in the morning wondering where you all went." Erin stood up and started to get her clothes off.

"Please, let us, it is part of our ritual," Kate insisted as her and Bailey stood up and walked over to her. Despite their advanced aging, looking like they were in their late 60s, they were incredibly spry, fit, and good looking. They walked to either side of Erin, slowly taking off her clothes and kissing her skin as it was exposed. They also ran their hands up and down her body, touching her, teasing her, and fondling her until she was completely naked, then they helped her lay down on a bed of furs that they'd had sitting out when they first called Erin to the bonfire for their decision. Then the two of them held her down, more out of ceremony than anything else, with her arms and legs splayed out wide.

Then the women of the tribe came up to her one at a time, the youngest twenty-year old first and then going up in age from there. They stripped down, knelt between Erin's legs, and thrust their dildo into her for however many years they'd been an Amazon before moving off and finding a lover to couple with. Erin moaned and writhed on the furs as she was penetrated over and over again by the polished wooden phalluses. "Ohhhh... Gooooood..." Erin moaned with pleasure. When it was Kate and Baliey's turn, they tag teamed her with one of them fucking her with a dildo and licking at her clit while the other suckled on her breasts. They made her orgasm twice with first Kate doing it, and then Bailey doing it.

It was one of the most erotic nights of her life.


Days later, Erin was riding her bike back into Lincoln. She found Caine easily at his home as he spent time with his family which now included her mother. "Have fun?" Caine quipped as she came into the living room.

"Oooohhhhh... in more ways than one," Erin purred as Ana curled up beside her and Erin couldn't help but fondle the smaller Asian woman's tits. "I tell you it was a religious experience and I've found out all I needed to about the Amazons and how to contact them in the future for when we need their help.

"Excellent," Caine smiled. "I won't ask you how since I figure that they're going to want you as their go-to woman instead of talking with me."

"Good, because I wasn't going to tell you even if you asked because they made me a member of their tribe," Erin said flat out. "Which is why I came back here today. I want to take both Ana and my mom with me to their home to live at and raise their baby girls without fear of anything from the outside world."

Caine arched an eyebrow. "Having them live constantly on the move?"

"They have a centralized location that hasn't been touched since the Flare," Erin explained. "No one outside of the tribe knows about it and no, I'm not going to tell you where it is."

"No problem," Caine shrugged indifferently. "I got bigger problems than trying to find where an Amazon Enclave is hiding at... not that I really care since I want them to continue being their own people after we beat Hancock back." He gave a side long look towards Ana. "I will miss having Ana and Mel here, but I can understand why you want to relocate them to a place that no one knows about."