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The next six months were the worst of my life. I was filled with anger, rage, sadness, and deep depression. Amber appealed the judge's decision about the division of the assets, and I sued on behalf of the children to overturn the trust that Amber had received. I pointed out that since there had not been a marriage, Amber hadn't fulfilled the terms of the trust. But I lost in both cases.

The appeals court said that even though I had been tricked into marrying Amber and our marriage had been annulled, they viewed her contribution to the household worth more than ten percent. They awarded Amber forty percent of our joint assets. However, my 401-K was exempted. As for the trust, the courts ruled that Jennifer and Todd had not been mentioned in the trust, and as such, they had no standing. And, of course, the court had ruled, I was never married to Amber, so I had less than no standing. They said that the trustees of Amber's grandparents were the only ones standing. And since Amber's parents and grandparents were all dead, Amber was now the sole trustee. Besides, the court viewed our living together as a form of "common law" marriage.

As crushing as the two losses in court were, what was totally frustrating to me was that I had not been able to get even a little revenge against either Amber or Jimmy. And what made it worse was that I would constantly see them around town. They acted like teenagers in love, holding hands, hugging, and kissing in public.

It seemed that everywhere I went, they were there, and the emotional turmoil would start over again. I couldn't take it anymore, so I moved to a town fifteen miles away. Because of how the school districts were drawn, Jennifer didn't have to change schools. And, of course, since Todd lived with Amber, his school didn't change.

I tried to block it out and put Amber behind me, but I couldn't. I kept having the same recurring dream. It would be Jimmy fucking Amber, and he'd be smirking at me. Then he'd tell me, "Watch while I put a baby in your wife."

I was hardly sleeping, and I wasn't eating properly. The only good thing to happen during those first six months was Todd. He made himself such a pain in the ass that Amber finally called me to take him. It was one of the few times I chuckled during those dark months. As Todd ran out of my old house with his bag, Amber and Jimmy came out on the porch to say goodbye. Surprising to me, Amber had tears flowing down her cheeks. Jimmy just looked relieved.

As Todd ran toward my car, Amber called out, "I love you." Todd didn't break stride but threw his middle finger toward his mother and Jimmy. This caused Amber to begin sobbing uncontrollably. I'm not going to apologize for feeling good about the situation. However, Jimmy put his arm around Amber, and they hugged tightly. That turned my satisfaction into anger, but I didn't do anything except get back in the car and take Todd to my place. I arranged for Todd to stay in his same school until the end of the year.

I had rented a three-bedroom, two bath house, and I believe that having Jennifer and Todd with me was the only thing that kept me from going totally insane and doing something truly stupid. Also, my obsession with getting revenge against the cheaters continued to fester. And still, I couldn't devise a plan that wouldn't land me in jail. However, I must admit that there were times I would say to myself, "fuck it," I'll just kill them even though I knew I'd go to jail. But the thought of what would happen to my kids forced those plans from my head.

My kids were totally supportive of me, and I tried the best I could to pull my act together. I knew that Jennifer and Todd were near frantic about my deteriorating condition. Finally, Jennifer stepped up big time, taking over running the house. She cooked, cleaned, and made sure Todd got to school and did his homework. Also, Jennifer tried to make sure I ate and that I went to work.

Finally, nine months after the annulment, it all came to a head. I had a full-blown panic attack at work. I collapsed in my office, and I was having trouble breathing. Everyone thought I was having a heart attack. An ambulance took me to the hospital, where they ran a battery of tests. When they decided I'd had a severe panic attack, I was referred to a therapist. I balked at going, but my dad said that if I didn't go, he'd see the kids were taken away from me.

My therapist, Ann Sommers, was really good. She explained that I was suffering from PTSD, the same as someone who had been in combat or who had lost a loved one. Ms. Sommers explained that I had to go through the five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and finally, acceptance. Ann explained that I had gotten stuck between anger and depression with no chance to bargain. Amber had presented a fait accompli, and there was no negotiation. My panic attack had been my body's first warning of what the tremendous stress was doing to me. If I let things continue, eventually, it would kill me.

While I couldn't argue with Ann's assessment, I had no idea how to change it. Fortunately, she did. I was instructed to keep a journal of every bad thought I had about Amber and Jimmy. At the end of each, I was to write, "I forgive them." At each session, I was required to read my darkest thoughts about my "never wife," and we'd discuss them. One of my thoughts was to blow Jimmy's head off with a shotgun. After a bit of discussion, I admitted that I'd never be able to live with myself if I killed someone, even if it was Jimmy. Then Ann asked what the kids would think if I did something like that. I readily admitted that they would probably lose all respect for me. And so, it went with every one of my hateful thoughts. It always came back to kids. Little by little, I let most of the anger go, and my life got better.

About the same time, I was going to therapy, I realized that Jennifer was filled with hate herself. She snapped at almost everyone except for Todd and me. Jennifer even snapped at her grandfather at times. Finally, my father urged me to get the kids more counseling. This I did immediately.

As Jennifer and Todd went to their counseling sessions, I was politely told that they were private. Jennifer never told me what she told the therapist, but Todd was always a motor mouth. He told me everything he discussed. He told me how much anger he carried for his mother. Todd felt she had abandoned them and betrayed the family, especially me. But as angry as Todd was with his mother, he told me Jennifer's anger was a hundred times worse. I can't explain why, but this made me very sad.

Two years after the annulment, Todd would at least talk to his mother. They weren't what you would call warm conversations. Still, he was polite, and I could see that Amber appreciated the minimum contact even though she wanted more. But Jennifer refused to speak to or have anything to do with her mother.

About four years after the annulment, Jennifer got married. I tried to get her to invite her mother and Jimmy. Jennifer absolutely refused. I told her I was concerned she was hanging on to so much anger.

Jennifer smiled, reached up, and kissed me on the cheek. "I'm not angry anymore, dad. People think that the opposite of love is hate, but it isn't. The opposite of love is indifference. I am totally indifferent toward that woman. I simply don't care what she does, says, or thinks. She ignored me and betrayed our family. I was angry, but now I just don't care about her. And we all have people that we don't want to associate with, and she is one of those people for me. Having her around would ruin my wedding day, so neither of them is coming."

After being betrayed by Amber, I didn't think I'd ever get married again. But a year before Jennifer got married, I decided to marry Jean Wilder. Jean pushed the issue after we had been dating for over a year. She told me if I wasn't going to ask her to marry me, she would look for someone else. Jean was very upfront about wanting a family, so I had to make up my mind one way or the other. I chose Jean. It was the best decision of my life. When we married, it felt like I was finally living again. The demons of my past marriage had finally been put to rest. Of course, neither Jimmy nor Amber were invited to my wedding.

The next three years were good ones. Jennifer gave birth to a boy, Justin, and eighteen months later a girl, Christina. She wouldn't allow either Amber to visit her in the hospital, and they weren't invited to the christenings. Also, Amber wasn't invited to birthday parties or any holidays. Jennifer had cut Amber completely out of her life.

Over the years that followed, I didn't see much of Amber or Jimmy. Now, at least, if I did see them, it didn't send me into an emotional spiral. I had gotten like Jennifer; I was indifferent toward Amber. But suddenly, Amber had reached out to me and wanted to meet to discuss the children. I was very uncomfortable doing this, but I felt it had to be done.

I made my way over to Amber's table. She looked up at me hopefully. I nodded and slid into the booth across from her.

"You're looking well, Amber," I said pleasantly. "Where's Jimmy?"

Amber's face reddened slightly. "We're taking a break from each other for a bit."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said, even though I wasn't sorry. In fact, I already knew that Jimmy had split. I didn't know for sure, but I surmised that Jimmy thought he was on easy street when my ex-wife came into her inheritance. However, Amber had grown tired of Jimmy being a sponge. She wanted him to get a job, and he didn't think too highly of that idea. Whether he was coming back again or not, I didn't know or care. I just wanted to get this meeting over, so I pressed on.

"What did you want to talk about?" I pressed.

"I heard you got married a while back, and you're expecting," she said with a half-smile. "Congratulations, now you'll have a child of your own."

"I'll have three children," I said as I stiffened with anger.

Amber saw that she had made a huge mistake. "I'm sorry, that was totally thoughtless, and I didn't mean it the way it came out. I meant to say that I'm happy you're having a child with someone who loves you."

My muscles relaxed, and I accepted the apology at face value. "Again, what want to talk about?"

"Justin, it's killing me that Jennifer refuses to see me or even talk to me," Amber sobbed. "I haven't even seen my two grandchildren. I want to be part of hers and their lives."

It was on the tip of my tongue to say that if she had been part of Jennifer's life way back when there would be no problem today. But I held my tongue and decided to take the high road.

"What exactly do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Jennifer listens to you," Amber said desperately. "If you tell her to talk to me, she will listen."

"For what it's worth, I have talked to her. I tried to get her to invite you and Jimmy to the wedding. I tried to get her to invite you to the christenings and birthday parties. I even suggested we invite you when we were planning Christmas at my house. Not only did Jennifer say no to my suggestions, but she threatened to stay home if I invited you to Christmas."

"She hates me so much?" Amber said with despair.

"No, she doesn't hate you," I said firmly. "In her mind, you didn't care for her when she was little, and now that she's grown up, she doesn't care for you. You chose your life, and she's chosen hers. I wish I could convince her differently, but I've had no impact so far. I'm sorry."

Amber began to sob softly, and I patted her hand lightly. "I promise I'll keep trying. Maybe someday, Jennifer will soften."

"I've created such a mess, Justin," she said through tears. "I was so selfish and cruel. I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't mean anything now, but I am truly, truly sorry."

I left Amber crying in the booth.

When I got to my car, my wife, Jean, was waiting with curiosity written all over her face.

"So, what did your "never wife" want to talk to you about?"

"Exactly what you thought she would," I said sadly. "Amber wants me to help her get back in Jennifer's life."

"What is that they say?" my wife asked. "You are the sum total of all your decisions in life."

"Yeah, that's so true," I agreed. "However, despite all of the shit that Amber rained down on me, I still feel sorry for her."

As I headed for home, it struck me that all that time I spent trying to devise some sort of revenge on Amber was a total waste of energy. Amber had done it to herself. She had created her own hell and was living in it every day.

The true part of this story:

A friend of mine's brother married a woman when they were both twenty-nine. It was not a long courtship. In fact, my friend explained they only knew each other for four months. Needless to say, it was a rocky marriage. When the wife turned thirty-five, she filed for divorce with no explanation. My friend's brother was not upset by the divorce because he was planning on filing himself. Then he found out that her grandparents had left her a heritance if she was married by thirty and still married at thirty-five. The inheritance wasn't millions, but it was six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The husband filed a suit, and the wife wound up paying him a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. Don't you just love happy endings.

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26thNC26thNC16 days ago

Great story again. Amber was one stone cold bitch whose entire life was a lie just for money. True love Jimmy turned out to be parasite, her kids hated her, and her friends didn’t like her. She had a lot of money, but nothing else.

desecrationdesecration17 days ago

I like the point the story makes: Amber is the architect of her own misery and spreads it to others, but then because she is incompetent, ends up getting most of it back on herself. He married a narc and now he is free, so why would he care about revenge on her? She has to be herself.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

"You're looking well, Amber," I said pleasantly. "Where's Jimmy?"

Amber's face reddened slightly. "We're taking a break from each other for a bit."

"I'm sorry to hear that," I said"

Really? After all the shit the bitch put him through he is being kind? WIMP! Not the first time I read you write some thing like this, Please, get yourself a pair of balls and see if you can write about a real male for a change.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Annulment=no marriage=no alimony or maintenance. In some states, property is divided based on income. In other words, the higher paid person gets more of the assets since none of that money ever belonged to the other person. Also, no judge can ever force a teenager to stay in a house against their will. How you say? Todd takes a frying pan and smashed it into his mother's face. He would be out of that house and with his Dad immediately. Just saying. If there's a will, there's a way.

The second half of this story is plain stupid.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

The main character couldn't tell people Jenny and Todd were not his kids, "Because of what it would do to the kids"? What would it have done to the kids? They already knew the main character wasn't their father. What else would happen to the two kids if everyone else knew? Would friends and family have enclosed them in love and support? Might they have found strength in the safe, loving support of friends and family.

I can't decide if StoneyWebb is stupid enough to believe that weird statement or if he merely decided to make his main character sound clueless and stupid by saying something so destructive to the the kids' well being. Those two kids were left dangling in the wind by their Dad's pathetic attempt to make himself sound like a noble hero to the readers. Except this reader thought the man's decision not to tell the truth about his kids' parentage made him sound like a self-righteousness, stuck up prig.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

One of things that the judge could have done but didn't. Was have Amber and Jimmy reimburse her former husband for raising her children.

shadrachtshadracht2 months ago

Just kind of a depressing story. No real justice in the telling. Amber lost access to the daughter she never bothered to raise, and eventually may or may not have split with Jimmy, but there was no remorse, no repercussions, nothing. She didn't even end up having to pay as much as the judge declared in the annulment.


On the whole, it was completely unsatisfying. 2*

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A fair few tropes and too many loose ends in this one, didn't like it at all.

Falstaff60Falstaff603 months ago

I read a study that said that 30% of all children born in a marriage in the U.S., the husband was not the biological father. In other words, they were the product of an affair by the wife. So very plausible story line.

But I have to say that the new Wifes declaration that if he didn't marry her, she would go find another? Really? That would have me running for the hills. When someone says that it's like telling you they're settling for you, don't love you and you're easily replaceable, in their mind. Yeah, no thank you.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I accept you said it was your story and you admitted you knew nothing about the law, but ffs you could have tried to be consistent.

If the never husband was barred by dint of dna from looking after the kids so would the never grandparents.

The court case was absurd. The idea of an appeal coming back with a 40/60% split is questionable at best. It would be based upon two people never married, so a clear case of simple accountancy and not the kind of accommodations and leaway you'd expect in a divorce.

That the ex is now considerably wealthier would also play a negative roll, especially considering how the fraud played out.

Honestly though, if the terms of the trust were not met and it could be shown that there was a conspiracy to fraudulently access the funds she was not entitled to... the terms of the trust itself would layout what was to happen to the funds in the event of the terms not being met, so it would be those beneficiaries that would make any claim. If no beneficiaries were mentioned which would be insane, it'd actually be the state.

Also, the second she gave up Todd, which she wouldn't have been allowed to do on the same grounds that barred the daughter from living with the MC, she would have lost the rights to the house as she wouldn't be the primary care giver.

There was no call for punishment for paternity fraud, or claims for the years of child support backpayments due from the AP. But also a 60% repayment from the wife for his input into the cost of the children. There is also the case for ongoing CS payments till the kids are out of education, and demands for college fees etc.

OK, as the daughter was emancipated no ongoing claims would be allowed, but definately the backdated ones.


The world is big, many different jurisdictions, so it's fine to make shit up. But you absolutely have to be consistent.

You might not like the law, and think it's unfair from your subjective position, but it has logic and consistency to it. It's not some random arbitary thing that judges get to decide on.


Which leads on to a bigger question. Why would the never wife give a flying toss about chump change and a poor person's house when she's got 10million sitting in a bank waiting for her. Why would she even care or waste her time?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

More or less what RanDog025 said.

MaverickXMaverickX4 months ago

It's an okay story, definitely nowhere near my favorite you've written. I feel like the ending was way too rushed but also after everything this guy went through to have everyone throwing ultimatums like his dad threatening to take his kids away over the panic attack or whatever? Like yeah me and Pops would be scrapping. His new wife threatening to "find someone else" if he didn't do what she wanted, Jennifer threatening to not come to Christmas if her mom was there, like understandable underneath it all but the wording makes it aggravating.

RanDog025RanDog0254 months ago

Great story but one hell of a fucked up word we live in. 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story! Thank you. 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Someone has never been to Texas or Florida, you can't take a step in either state without tripping over a whore. I'd also include Nevada, but almost everyone knows that Nevade is practically empty aside from a couple of mega brothels called Reno and Las Vegas.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The original trust would have had a contingency for what happened to the money in the event of one or more of the beneficiaries not fulfilling the conditions. The beneficiary of that contingency would have had 10 million reasons to contest it.

Also 'marriage' is a very strict legal concept, simply living with someone does not qualify and 'common law' means diddly squat.

What Amber did was an act of fraud In order to benefit from a will/trust. That's a criminal act, not a civil one.

The MC would have been able to claim CS off of the AP which is a surprising amount of money.

Also, going from the story, as they were still 'married', so she was able to claim the trust, the MC would have had a claim on that money. It was money that came into the marriage, just as lottery winnings would be counted, and it is money that could only have been claimed due to the marriage.

The father as specified on the birth certificate has legal standing and therefore has rights. The kids would have stayed with the MC, especially as they're both old enough to have had their wishes taken into consideration.


The story makes no sense, Amber would have been free to divorce the MC and marry Jimmy as soon as her parents died, that's only five years into the marriage. So why didn't she? What was the benefit from waiting? Especially as the younger the kids were when introduced to their real father the more likely they'd be to accept him.

If I were Jimmy I'd be wondering why she wasted 12 years having regular sex etc with someone she claims not to like, let alone love.

If she stayed with the MC just because of their lifestyle and money, she must have known for practically her whole marriage that she'd be supporting Jimmy once they got married.

I have to say that this is one of the worst dna based caught my cheating wife stories because it's just so full of holes.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19695 months ago

Pretty good but it felt abbreviated. Tough to nail the endings on these types of stories.

silverthorne16silverthorne166 months ago

And another thing...could the MC have sued Jimmy for back child support? Plus. if the MC's name was on each child's birth certificate, could he have sued the wife for fraud?

silverthorne16silverthorne166 months ago

Perhaps a good twist would have been letting the sisters know that the marriage had been annulled? That way, if they were greedy enough, they could have petitioned the court to invalidate the "never wife's" trust and split it between the two of them. That would have been a great revenge against the wife!

RosejaRoseja6 months ago

If Justin wanted revenge why did not go after a claim against the Birth Certificate. In most State it is a five jail sentence and 10000 dollar fine. Both Jimmy and Amber would be in jail.

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