Doctor's Orders

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Becca is introduced to how truly pleasurable sex can be.
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As his feet pounded along the quiet, rural lane, Neil felt at peace for the first time in days. Work might be full-on crazy and his personal life at an all-time low following his divorce the previous year, but the beauty of Mother Nature somehow managed to disperse all other thoughts. Right now, at six o'clock on this picture-perfect English summer's morning, all was right with the world. Just him, his running shoes, the occasional wild deer and hundreds of acres of swaying wheat fields. Magnificent.

Although it was seriously early, the sun had already graced the sky for several hours. But still Neil felt as though he could be the only human being on the planet. There was literally nobody else around on this deserted footpath, and that was just the way he liked it. With one exception. Normally by now he would have expected to see a very attractive, young blonde runner. She was one of the few people he met when taking his daily exercise and the sight of her was always a highlight. Not that they'd ever chatted of course. That would be weird, considering they were nothing but passing acquaintances, always running in opposite directions. But they saw each other with enough regularity to warrant a raised hand and a small smile.

That situation was all set to change, however, for when Neil entered a small deciduous woodland, alive with bird song, he noticed an unexpected object at the base of a huge oak tree. Picking up his pace, as Neil approached, he discovered that the object was in fact the blonde he'd previously so admired. Slumped on the floor, apparently having fallen over one of the protruding tree roots, she was clearly trying her best to hold her emotions together.

'You okay?' Neil asked, as he slid to a halt beside her and knelt upon the floor. He silently acknowledged it was a stupid question, given their scenario, but at least his words acted as an ice breaker.

'I think I've fucked my ankle,' she admitted, through gritted teeth.

'Would you like me to take a look? I am a doctor,' he added as an afterthought.

'Are you really a doctor?' she demanded, looking at him in disbelief.

'Yes,' Neil chuckled. 'Or at least that's what my patients tell me. I could be winging it for all you know, but really, what choice do you have given the circumstances?' However, rather than letting him off the hook, the girl continued to gaze at him questioningly, albeit with a teasing twinkle in her eye.

'Hang on, I might even have some proof somewhere,' Neil added. Thrusting his hand inside his pocket, he pulled out a leather wallet and extracted his driving licence. He double-checked that it stated Doctor Neil Cooper, before handing it over.

'This doesn't confirm you're a medical doctor at all,' she replied, having squinted at the card for a short while. 'You could be a doctor of anything.'

'You're a tough crowd. Do you know that?'

'Seriously,' she giggled. 'You could have a PhD in Geography for all I know! And that's no fucking help to me!'

Neil chuckled, loving her sense of humour. Being brave in the face of pain; he could relate to that.

'Well, right now I'm all you've got. So what's it going to be?'

'Fine,' she huffed theatrically.

'Fine,' he confirmed, their eyes locking for several seconds longer than was strictly necessary. 'I'm going to start by removing your trainer and sock.'

'Okay,' she agreed. As he did just that, she suddenly became flustered. It felt very intimate to be undressed by a handsome stranger. 'I'm Becca, by the way.'

'Nice to meet you, Becca. I'm Neil Cooper...Doctor Neil Cooper,' he teased, placing additional emphasis on his title. This admission was accompanied by a swift wink which sent Becca's tummy unexpectedly rolling over with lust. While he examined her ankle, Becca subtly observed her unforeseen rescuer, who was clearly taking great effort not to hurt her any further. She noted the greying hair on the sides of his temples and could tell he was a lot older than her. Undoubtedly way more experienced too... but he was still really fucking hot. Becca knew she probably shouldn't be ogling him, but she was. The guy was gorgeous.

'I think you might just live,' admitted Neil after a short time, remaining kneeling as he continued to cradle her foot in his warm hands. It felt strangely comforting but sexy at the same time.

'That's your diagnosis?' she drawled. 'Well, I can easily see why you're such a well-respected doctor.'

'I never said I was respected...or respectable. You're incredibly sassy, you know that?'

'I have been told...'

'And what happened after you got told?' he enquired, in a tone that sent flutterings exploding in Becca's abdomen. She swallowed hard.


'Hmmm, I think that's probably where the mistake was made, don't you?'

'I don't know what you mean,' she gasped. And it was true; she wasn't entirely sure what he was suggesting. She needed to know, though.

'Do you not? Well, Miss...?'


'Well, Miss Abbott. You've sprained your ankle. It's as simple as that.'

'Fuck it,' she huffed.

'Which means you need to follow the R.I.C.E. approach; Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation. Now, where do you live?'

"That is an extremely forward question, Doctor!' giggled Becca, but Neil merely shrugged.

'I'm a forward kind of guy.'

Having ascertained that they lived in neighbouring villages and were currently less than a mile from her home, it became patently obvious to Neil what needed to happen next.

'In which case, allow me to carry you home.'

'You can't!' squeaked Becca, attempting to scrabble to her feet. 'I'm far too heavy!'

Neil observed her curiously. She had an amazing figure, including a perfectly rounded pair of breasts he was doing his absolute best not to admire.

'I'm sure I can walk,' she continued. But the instant she attempted to place her injured foot onto the ground, it became very obvious that she couldn't. Crying out in pain, Becca slumped back down to the earthy floor, gasping from her exertion, frustrated at her helplessness and feeling more than a little foolish.

'Fuck!' Becca exclaimed, with considerable vigour.

'You say that a lot,' observed Neil, who hadn't made any attempt to prevent her from trying to move. 'Is that an expletive or a request?'

'Now I really don't know what you mean!' she stumbled, her face blushing dramatically.

'Come on, Trouble,' replied Neil, sending her a small wink. 'Let me help you home.'

'But I'm really sweaty....'

'So am I.'

'I probably smell horrible!'

'Not as horrible as me.'

As Neil bent low and scooped Becca easily into his arms, she inhaled deeply. Of course he didn't smell horrible. In fact, he smelt pretty amazing. Whatever aftershave he was wearing was doing bad, bad things to her libido, despite the pain. Sending him a small smile, she let her head rest against his shoulder and decided to simply enjoy the ride. With her body pressed up hard against an uber-sexy guy, what wasn't there to enjoy?


'This is your place?' enquired a slightly breathless Neil, as he made his way up the front path to a charming thatched cottage, right in the centre of the nearby picturesque village. He tried to temper the curiosity in his tone, but it was difficult not to act impressed, given Becca was obviously still pretty young.

'Yeah,' she confirmed, before feeling compelled to explain. After all, very few people of her age could afford to live in a house away from their parents, let alone own their own home. 'I had a very generous grandmother who became even more generous when she died.'

''s a beautiful place,' admitted Neil, carefully lowering Becca down at the front door. Instantly, he felt the relief surging through his fatigued muscles. Becca wasn't heavy, but it was still pretty exhausting to lift anyone over the distance of a mile.

'Thanks. I'm very happy here.'

Having helped Becca shuffle inside where she promptly collapsed onto the sofa, Neil spent a short time setting her up with ice, food, drink, a bandage, painkillers and her mobile devices.

'Do doctors normally make house calls?' Becca enquired. She'd been observing him buzzing around her home, ensuring that every potential need was catered for. Now he was squatting down on the edge of the sofa beside her. It all felt very intimate.

'Yeah sure...when it suits their purposes,' he laughed.

'And what are your purposes?' Becca dared to enquire. But rather than answering, Neil instead chose to deflect her question.

'I'm honestly not sure you want to know the answer to that. Now, I'm working late tonight, but might I call around and check in on the patient tomorrow morning? Would that be okay with you?'

'That would be...more than okay with me,' she admitted, chewing on her lower lip. 'Very okay.'

'Good,' he smirked. 'In the meantime, please make a friend or parent aware of what's happened. And keep off that foot as much as possible if you want to recover quickly.'

Allowing his weight to roll forward, Neil was just preparing to stand up when Becca unexpectedly grabbed his hand. Holding it, she squeezed gently.

'Thank you, Doctor,' she said, genuinely grateful. The guy had gone out of his way to help her. Above and beyond.

'You're more than welcome. And you can call me Neil.' He couldn't help but notice they were still holding hands. It felt very natural.

'I can't put into words how grateful I am for your help.' Just then, tears started to slide down Becca's cheeks, making her look far younger than her twenty years.

'Hey, hey,' said Neil, his tone low and soothing. Without thinking, he enveloped her in a close, warm hug. Returned to his chest, Becca once more felt very safe and warm, which almost immediately helped to stem her emotions.

'I'm sorry, I'm just...'

'You're just being human,' interrupted Neil, finishing the sentence for her. 'But you don't need to worry now, okay? Because you're safe, you're home and you're on the mend.'

'Thank you,' Becca repeated, her voice becoming slightly wobbly when she realised Neil was bending towards her to place an exquisitely tender kiss in the centre of her forehead. Pulling back afterwards but remaining close, Neil stared into Becca's eyes, desperately trying to read her emotions. Had he just stepped over the line, or was his kiss acceptable? Certainly the way she was looking at him suggested she wasn't entirely repulsed. Deciding to chance his luck, he leaned forward again, this time placing a kiss on the tip of her snub, freckled nose. Again, Neil backed away slightly, looking for any kind of clue that he shouldn't continue, but Becca merely smiled softly back, suggesting his actions were being given a green light.

Moving forward one final time, Neil's hands cradled either side of Becca's face, before repositioning her head slightly to align their mouths. When his soft lips dared to brush against hers, Neil was enchanted to hear the echo of a moan in her throat which escaped into his mouth; weak, hungry, disbelieving. Instinctively, Becca's hands wound around his strong forearms for support, holding on tightly, as though he was the only thing in this world which was keeping her from drowning. Teasingly, he moved his warm lips against hers until she eventually opened her mouth to him. Only then did he pull away, leaving her wanting a whole lot more.

'I'll call in on you tomorrow,' Neil grunted, his tone suggesting he wasn't unaffected by their kiss. Indeed, as he rose to his feet, it became obvious he was sporting a pretty serious erection beneath his clothing. Becca bit back a small smile, grateful she wasn't alone in being seriously aroused; she instinctively knew how embarrassingly wet and swollen she'd become. It was a fact she became more aware of, every time she shifted on the sofa.

'I'm seriously looking forward to it,' Becca admitted, chewing on her lower lip.

For a brief moment, Neil studied her carefully, his hunger impossible to ignore. But eventually, Becca's protector pursed his lips and walked out of the door, in a way that suggested it was taking all of his physical strength to do so.


As promised, Neil returned the next day to discover that Becca was feeling much better. Although she was still taking it very easy, as per her doctor's orders, Becca was able to tentatively move around her home and greet her visitor at the front door.

'Hi,' she said shyly, momentarily transfixed by the sight of his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his throat as he swallowed, apparently feeling as nervous as she. There was a slight stubble on his face this morning, presumably after a long night at work, and she tried her best not to imagine which parts of her anatomy she'd like to feel those very bristles scraping along.

'Hi. May I come in?'

'Yeah.' Becca stepped back tentatively, allowing him access into her home. Once the front door had swung closed, the two of them stared at each other for a long moment, drinking in each other's features in pleasurable disbelief. Neil gazed in wonder, having almost forgotten how beautiful she was. He'd only ever seen her in her running kit, with her long hair tied back into a ponytail. But now, with her blonde locks hanging down and her body freshly washed and lightly scented, she was simply stunning. Had she made an effort in preparation for his arrival, he dared to wonder. The possibility was simply too thrilling. Eventually forcing himself back to the present, Neil broke the growing silence.

'How are you feeling?'

'I'm okay, thanks,' she confirmed, with a small nod. They were obviously both a little uncomfortable around each other, uncertain how to proceed after their chaste kiss the day before. 'Would you like something to drink?'

'Yeah, sure. Thanks. But let me get it. After all, I know my way around your kitchen now and you should still have that foot up.' Neil's strict tone caused Becca's tummy to twist with what felt suspiciously like desire. Following his silent instruction, which consisted of no more than a small nod in the direction of the sofa, she followed his medical advice, while Neil disappeared next door. He returned a few minutes later with two steaming cups of tea and duly placed them on the coffee table, before taking a seat beside Becca on the sofa.

'You really ought to have your foot up still,' admonished Neil. Grabbing a nearby cushion, he placed it in his lap, before tapping it three times in the manner of a man expecting his orders to be followed. 'Come on,' he added, as encouragement.

Becca stared back at him in astonishment. Was he seriously suggesting that she place her naked feet within easy access of his undoubtedly talented hands?

'It really is feeling much better...' she started to explain.

'It's feeling much better because you did as you were told yesterday,' explained Neil easily. 'And I'm suspecting that's one of the few times in your life you have.'

The two of them grin cheesily at each other, Becca silently acknowledging that his words were entirely true.

'Do you make a habit of purposefully going against what you're told to do?'

His voice sounded so strict that the delicious tone sent a shiver of expectation up Becca's spine, causing her to swallow hard.

'It has been known...'

'Not with me. Come on,' he added gently, reaching down to scoop Becca's feet onto his lap.

To her astonishment, Neil began to gently massage her sensitive feet. At first, she naturally flinched away but he persevered. Soon Becca was sighing deeply with every stroke, occasionally releasing a restrained moan.

'You're very good at this,' she admitted, just seconds before exhaling with the utmost contentment. 'Something tells me you're wasted being a doctor. You should have been a masseuse.'

'I'm very good at most things which involve understanding the human body,' admitted Neil playfully. 'This spot here, for example,' he continued, centring in on a very specific location on the base of her foot.

'Mmmmm,' groaned Becca, no longer caring about the excess noise she was making.

'Some believe that if you are massaged here, it will lead to improved circulation. Whereas here,' he continued, shifting to a different spot. 'This area is thought to be linked to improving the function of your lungs.'

'Do you believe that?' groaned Becca, her eyes fluttering closed with pleasure as her head rolled back.

'Not sure...' Neil admitted, moving his circling thumb to a third and final location. 'Perhaps you should be the judge. Can you guess where this spot corresponds to?'

The feeling was ever so subtle and only grew very gradually, but in Becca's mind, there was no denying that the area of her foot he was currently focussing on was linked to her pussy. She could feel her swollen lips lightly pulsing as a tightening heat spread through her entire lower abdomen.

'Oh!' she moaned at last. 'You shouldn't!' She could feel herself growing incredibly wet. If Neil couldn't smell her arousal at this point, it would be a miracle. But being told he shouldn't do something was never going to be enough to deter Neil, particularly when Becca's flushed complexion made it very obvious that she was secretly enjoying herself. But eventually, it all became too much for her; a sensation overload.

'Seriously!' she pleaded with a breathy cry. 'I can't bear it!'

'You can't bear what? Being made to feel nice, or being made to feel nice by me?'

'Neither,' she stumbled, aware that although his teasing caress had paused, Neil hadn't removed the touch of his hands from her skin.

'What then?'

'I can't bear how much I want you,' Becca admitted, eyes down to ensure she didn't have to witness his disbelieving, or maybe even horrified expression.

For a long while, everything became very still. Very calm. Not daring to look at him, their only two companions were anticipation and silence. It was only when Neil gently took her hand, turned it over and began to drift his finger tip around the palm, that Becca dared to glance up. And fuck. Didn't you know it? Even the way he was stroking her hand was turning her on. Who was this guy, and what incredible power did he seem to hold over her?

'How old are you, Becca?' he asked gently.

'Twenty,' she admitted, a determination in her tone which attempted to make her age sound acceptable, in what was clearly going to be an age gap conversation. But she wasn't a teenager any longer. She was an adult. She knew her own mind.

'I'm forty,' he admitted soberly. 'I could be your father, and then some.'

'And does that matter? Is age really so important?'

'It could certainly be argued, yes.'

'But when two people get on...when their spirits make a connection...'

'That is a very simplistic view of the world,' Neil admitted with a long exhale.

'Well, I'm a very simplistic girl,' shrugged Becca, trying not to take offence.'

'Now, I know that's not true.'

'So if I was to confirm that I want you,' Becca began. Pausing, she placed her functioning foot on his thigh and started to stroke gently. 'Would I be alone in thinking that?'

A low rumble escaped Neil's throat as he watched the journey of her foot in disbelief. Commencing close to his knee, it gradually moved northwards until ultimately brushing over his substantial erection. It was pretty clear that his body concurred with her desires, even if his mind wasn't entirely bought-in. But to Becca, the pained groan was a totally addictive sound, and the more she heard it, the more she needed to hear it.

'Becca,' he moaned.

'Neil,' she replied back playfully.

'You can't want me.'

'Why the hell not?' she argued, flashing him a cheeky grin. 'You're a gorgeous, sexy, clever, kind doctor! With very gifted hands,' she added as an afterthought. 'What isn't there to want?'

When Neil didn't make any kind of move, Becca determinedly took a hold of his hand and pulled him closer.