Doing The Right Thing Lasts Forever


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Bill continued, "This is very important to the two families that we have now, and the possible new one that Laura and Bob may have. Ashley, you will be a mom in a short time, and I am sure that Evelyn and Laura will be there for you. Also, Ashley if you look at your husband, JR, it looks like he is having a bad case of indigestion, and is just flat-out scared shitless. The only thing that will help ALL of us, will be the love of a fantastic partner." Bill had run out of steam, but did not show it.

The Promise

Mom then told me about how my dad gave her a promise ring, and that promise was kept. Mom looked at me.

I turned to Laura and spoke. "Laura, in under a year, I have come to care and love you. We are not far enough into our romance to give you an engagement ring, BUT, I do have my mother's promise ring given to her by my father when he promised to put her above any other woman. I now want to make that promise to you."

It took Laura by surprise, and she threw her arms around me; Ashley was crying; JR had an expression on his face of 'oh shit, I am in trouble' and 'good job, bro'."

Bill then looked at JR, and me, and pointedly said, "You two boys—young men— are the joy of both Evelyn's and my hearts and we, Evelyn and I, swear before God, the world, and the universe, that we will take care of our two boys, their wives, and families if it kills you."

Mom gave her loving husband an eye roll, but mouthed, "I love you."

There was a silence, broken only by the two younger women's sniffles. At the same time, both JR and I gave our woman a loving hug. You'd think we rehearsed it.

Now JR's worst nightmare began, his former girlfriend AND his wife started to talk. (Mostly about him!)! All the ladies went into the living room.

We men retreated to the garage, where lawn tools, a TV, and beer awaited. We all grabbed an instrument of lawn destruction, and started to do yard work. That is what men do when they wanted to stay out of the women's way. I could tell you, Mom and Bill had a great yard after we were finished. We took the pickup to the dump station with the yard's casualties of our war. We were able to have one beer each before the women herded us out of the garage. We hadn't even turned on the TV yet.

When Laura and I got home, she said, "I am supposed to give you some kind of grief, but I forgot what your mother said, and your mom is going to give Bill a hard time about something, BUT poor JR, he doesn't have a chance— he is going to be a pregnant woman's total slave. Until your niece, our niece (she was having a girl) is born."

We met each other in the shower. Laura soaped up my dick, balls, and ass; I returned the favor, but I started with her tits. After we rinsed each other off, we started to kiss in the shower. I still held the handheld shower head, and I slowly moved it, so it was hitting her clit.

Laura shuddered and damn-near collapsed, as she felt the power of her first orgasm of the night. I dropped to my knees and found her love tunnel with my fingers, and my mouth connected with her clit.

She kept moaning, "Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh my God."

We dried each other off and found our way to the bed. We spent the next five hours in erotic bliss. First, I began to massage Laura's pussy; I grabbed some erotic lube from the night table, and covered my whole hand. I began with one finger, added another, added a third, add and a fourth. Laura's, moans and words that were loud, just turned me on even more. I discovered that Laura liked me to ravish her pussy with my hands before we would fuck like bunnies, and then after, we would make slow and easy love.

Babies and the corporate world.

Our corporation had a liberal family-leave policy. JR would be taking time off; I would be taking time off; and if we told a little white lie, Laura would be taking time off to help Ashley.

To the chagrin of JR, Laura and Ashley began having lunch together, even after Ashley took time off prior to birth. Our girls became BFFs; both Bill and I laughed our asses off.

A niece arrives

Nine months to the day after JR and Ashley's wild night, little Abigail was born; named after JR's mom.

One small step for the baby one giant leap for parenthood

When Abigail was ten months old, we were invited to JR and Ashley's place. As we sat in their living room, I started to video Abigail crawling around. She crawled over to her mom, and grabbed Ashley's leg, pulled herself up, turned around, took two-and-a-half steps, and plopped down on a well-padded behind, giggling the whole time.

JR excitedly asked me, "Did you get it? Did you get it?"

I said, "Damn, I left a lens cap on."

JR did a double take, and said, "It's a cell phone! It doesn't have a lens cap! Smart ass."

I came back with, "But I am the favorite uncle."

It was a great night for the Adams household.

Ideas float in my head

When Laura and I got home, I asked her, "Want to go out to dinner Friday night? We can invite Mom, Bill, JR, Ashley. You think Ashley can get a babysitter?"

"Oh, I bet her parents will do it."

What Laura did not know was I had called Ashley's parents to see if they could babysit AND I was able to get air tickets for Laura's parents with my frequent flyer miles, right after I asked her dad's permission to marry her.

I was set to give Laura two surprises.

I had scouted the restaurant to see how I could hide Laura's parents. It would be an easy task. Mom helped me out by contacting the manager, whose children had attended Mom's school. The manager had the seating planned out and a photographer and some flowers at the ready. Only Mom and I knew what was going to happen. The only bad thing was Laura's parents would have to miss the appetizers, but they agreed it would be worthwhile, so that they could see Laura's reaction. I was going to propose before the main course, so that the whole family could eat the main course together.

We met everyone except Laura's parents at the entrance. When we were seated, Laura's back was to where her parents would be.

The appetizers were simple, so we could eat them quickly. As they took away the appetizer plates, I tapped my water glass, and stood up. I had a little bullshit speech. "How nice to have family around, and this is a celebration for a bunch of family mileposts, we should do once a year. It's for anniversaries, birthdays, promotions, good grades in school (not yet Abigail is too young)," yada, yada.

Mom played her part and said, "I think that is a great idea." (Mom had spoken and no one wanted to go against mom).

All got quiet waiting for me to finish my fake speech.

That was time for Laura's parents to walk up behind Laura and each put a hand on a shoulder. Laura looked up and said, "What are you guys doing here?"

The Question

I then took a knee and said, "Laura, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I can't imagine my life without you. Laura, will you marry me?"

Laura's hands came up to her face, then her arms embraced me, and she said, "YES!"

I placed mom's first engagement ring on Laura's finger. It was a perfect fit. Maybe mom's doing, maybe their fingers are the same size.

Laura's dad sprang for Champagne.

I TOLD JR he was going to be my best man, he accepted. Then to top that, Laura asked Ashley to be her matron of honor. Mom's smile was huge. She knew she had done her job.

We ate our delicious dinner. After many hugs, handshakes, back slapping and kisses we went home.

When we walked into my house (soon to be our house), Laura turned on a dime. She threw her arms around me and gave me a new record-breaking kiss that curled all my toes. We did not get out of the living room. We made love right there on the carpeted floor.

After the living room, we retired to the bedroom. We must have made love 'til almost daybreak and at that time we were two VERY satisfied and tired homo sapiens; I would say it that way because at times, during that night, we acted on our primal instincts.

The women in my life started to plan the wedding Laura, Mom, Ashley, and Laura's mom were on the phone daily!

Laura talked to mom about Ashley and JR maybe using our wedding to reaffirm their vows. Mom said, "Don't worry honey, Ashley's parents, Bill and I are working on that, too!" Mom with a smile, added, "Laura, since you are still calling me, Mrs. Adams, this is a good time for you to start calling me, something different. Here are the names I will answer: Dr. Adams, Evelyn or what I prefer, Mom."

With a big hug Laura said, "Okay, Mom."

We had our first argument and discovered how great make-up sex was. Make-up sex is just like in the movies, you raise your voices, move to each other, AND the next thing you know, you are kissing, losing clothing, breathing faster, and having mind-blowing orgasms.

Laura redecorated the whole house, except my home office (well now our office), and my man cave was moved to the three-car garage.

Without knowing it, I had bought a great house; the floor plan was to die for, so the women said. A master suite with ensuite bath, a dedicated office, and four wonderful bedrooms. The master suite was on one end of the house, and the four other bedrooms were on the other, with the kitchen, living room, dining room, and office in between. The ensuite bathroom had a double shower, a private hot tub, a regular tub, double sinks, and an enclosed toilet. The master bedroom had his-and-hers walk-in closets, hers had a dressing area. His walk-in closet was more of a 'launching' pad.

Laura and mom cleaned out the 'hers walk-in closet'. Mom just shook her head when they took my camping gear out of the 'hers closet'. Most of the moving, Laura into the master bedroom, was done while I was sent on 'unnecessary' errands.

I had to pick out three different shades of blue paint chips out of twenty-one shades: Navy blue, turquoise, indigo, aqua, baby blue, blue green, electric blue, glaucous, azure, sky blue, midnight blue, royal blue, cornflower blue, steel blue, periwinkle, Yale blue, cyan, teal cobalt blue, sapphire, light blue, ultramarine, powder blue, Persian blue!

Then two shades of pink paint chips out of sixteen shades: French fuchsia, salmon, coral, rose pink, wild orchid, magenta process, Mexican pink, peach, amaranth pink, champagne pink, cherry, shimmering blush, China rose, fuchsia rose, deep cerise pink, pink lavender! I am glad they did not think of yellow, as there were twenty-four shades of it at the first paint store alone.

Women are smart. It kept me out of their way for a whole weekend. They could have sent me to the golf course.

The house was perfect. Laura loved it, and I loved Laura. So, it was a win-win.

Saturday, June 12th. This was the day. By 2:45 PM , give or take a few handshakes, hugs, kisses, pats on the back, and pictures. We were in a limousine headed for the airport. We honeymooned at a secret spot. Hell, it was just a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean, where we didn't have to have a passport.

When we returned home, Mom and Bill had our home clean and totally set up (to Laura's specifications).

Being married changed our sex life; we both were ready to explore each other. For the first month, we were constantly making love. Before marriage, a lot of the lovemaking was aimed at the standard positions of missionary and cowgirl.

One night, Laura was lying on the bed, and I was giving her a nice back massage. During this time, I was also doing a little playing here and there, and I noticed she was very well lubricated. So, as I lowered my hands to the small of her back, I moved them to her hips and pulled her hips up, so she was now in the customary doggy position, before she could react I quickly thrusted my cock into her very moist pussy.

I heard her say, "Oh my god."

I quickly started to pump in and out of her loving pussy, and established a deep-down stroke with an out stroke to match. Every time I bottomed out, she would moan out, "Oh my god." I felt like a well-oiled machine; I was doing 'IT' for my wife.

Being married, also allowed Laura to become freer with the sex she shared with me. Laura listened to the other women at work, talk about sex with their husbands or boyfriends. Laura started to be more daring with oral sex and wanted to try anal. Laura liked both but wanted to save anal for special lovemaking times.

We settled down to being a newlywed couple. About a month into our marriage, we both came down with food poisoning. We had just finished making love, and we both ran to a bathroom; it was not fun. I cleared up in about twenty-four hours; Laura cleared up in about thirty-six.

When we both cleared up, we resumed our newlywed sexual activity.

Key dramatic music.

We did not realize that the gastric upheaval caused Laura's birth-control pills to be ineffective, we were pregnant! At first, Laura was overjoyed and a little upset that her career was going to have to take a time out. We talked it out, I was reminded her about the Corporation's task force for retention.

Corporation's task force for retention.

We had been on the corporation's task force for retention. I had been in every office of the corporation, Laura was a HR assistant manager, and we were young, so the powers-to-be put us on the task force. I didn't know if the fact that we were first a couple, then engaged, and now married, had anything to do with it, but we did our job.

You could work from home come into the office as needed. I still needed to travel about five to seven days a month.

We were not the first in the corporation to use the policy, JR and Ashley were. We were the second. In the time when our two families were having babies, our families used it sex times. We had a set of twins. The wives kept most of their seniority and all their pay grade, and JR and I were almost not affected at all.

Corporation's task force for early retirement

Again, Laura and I were chosen for the task force for early retirement. Both Laura and I were closing in on thirty years, and we knew that new blood was needed like any other corporation. The task force picked thirty years as a voluntary early-retirement goal. It was accepted by management and the rank-and-file across the corporation.

As we grow older (more mature)

We are getting near early retirement; in fact, the corporation had worked out a good retirement plan for employees who have been employed by the corporation for thirty years and over.

With our youngest graduating this year, we can put our feet up and relax.

It is time to enjoy our grandchildren.

"Oh my god ...grandchildren are great."



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willyk1212willyk121213 days ago

i like your writing no bs to it more real to life

olddave51olddave515 months agoAuthor

The wives were never enemies JR was the "Bad boy."

Ashley and Laura did not know of each other till just before the wedding JR was lucky her did not end up dead! By either one of them.

I have a two part story coming up soon over 6,000 words each part. Hope you all read it.

Thanks for the constructive criticism it is helpful, (Now if this old man can remember it while I write)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

it was decent. i dont think i could be that mature. even if i fell in love with the other brother. i be dammned if the other wife would be in my wedding. come sure but stand with me hell no. and no one is using my wedding day to reaffirm their love. fuck the bullshit

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Your obsession with anal and fisting runs counter to my definitions of sex in romance stories. To each their own I guess, but after reading about these acts in two of your stories, I think I'll pass from here on. I don't think I'm an outlier in Lit romance readership

IC_Thru_UIC_Thru_U6 months ago

I liked the story. It did feel like something was missing and the end felt rushed. From the previous comments it seems that some story detail was deliberately left out to keep the story a certain size. For me if I had a choice between shorter story worth less detail or longer with full story I would rather read the longer one. Your a good writer; why purposely limit yourself and stunt your stories? Looking forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A good author listens to friendly criticism. Dave responded well.

Dave, I like 4 page stories and I like your stories.

However, you self-imposed word limit sort of took any depth out of the story, leaving the reader disappointed. Next time do the full story and don't count words. If in the end you have to break a 30,000 word story into three chapters do so. Just make sure that it is all polished and ready to go so the the chapters are ready to be posted about a week apart.

You are good story teller and have a clear understanding of what makes a good marriage.

Wishing you the best, my friend.

The Hoary Cleric

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc8 months ago

It was a solid story until they professed their love for each other and then the plot lines turned to shit. I mean WTF? 3.7*

olddave51olddave518 months agoAuthor

redlion75 I hear you but I was tying to convey that even though JR was a "bunch wild" his family made sure he met his fatherly duties and that Ashley had to met her motherly duties. They were to immature to procreation much less start a marriage but I am from a generation that parents worked to keep new family together after all Bob wanted to be a favorite uncle! I did have a little more on JR and Ashley journey to maturity, but I was trying to keep the length of my story in my self imposed 10,000 word limit give or take couple hundred z

lAnatomiste I had to dig deep in my "coaching" memory of muscles Its been 45 years since I coached

thank you all for your input.

redlion75redlion758 months ago

The only thing I would have changed was them standing behind Jr fucking around and getting the side piece knocked up.

lAnatomistelAnatomiste8 months ago

A NICE story, and I like nice stories.

Especially from someone who knows about the triceps surae (Bob _was_ massaging Laura's legs, after all!)

muskyboymuskyboy8 months ago

Very nice. The romance took off a bit too quickly after the JR announcement but other than that, well done. 5/5

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

what a bizarre 'ending' and frankly, very fragmented writing style, constantly taking the reader out of immersion in the story. Could have been good, but somehow, you made sure it wasn't.

AccelarVesterAccelarVester8 months ago

It is absolutly true - Grandchildren are God's Gift.


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