Dr. D. and the VAG Girls


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Resolving Variel's psychological issues were pretty simple. She didn't really have any. Since she had made the transition, she had been afraid to be with a man. She had always wanted to live like a woman, but she really wasn't sure about her sexual orientation. She didn't think she could have a mutually satisfactory sex. Being with me had helped her get over that hump. So to speak.

Sometimes the therapist has to be the guinea pig. It's a tough life.

So life was great. Sex with the VAG group was great. Helping my friends solve their psychological problems was great. And then, everything changed again.

This time it came in the mail, all on the same day. Graduation notices from Alana, Galena and Variel. They were all graduating, moving on to bigger and better things. Graduation was Saturday afternoon. Which meant that I would be left behind, all by my lonesome. Then there was another letter, with a handwritten address. I opened it up and saw that it was from my estranged wife.

Dearest husband;

This past year has been a difficult and challenging time for me personally, and I feel the need to explain to you what has been going on with my life. I've never told you this, but I have a family secret. I have a half brother, we share a philandering father. When I was young he would take me to visit this half brother, and we became close. Probably too close. When we were just 18 we became lovers for a short time. We both knew it was wrong, but we were unable to resist. Eventually we forced ourselves to part ways.

Since that time my life long obsession has been to return to that time. It was not easy for me to forget about this first love. As fate would have it, he is the actor Johnny Depp, so I was constantly inundated with images and reminders of him. I could never close the book on that chapter.

So I sought him out, and we reconnected, hence my disappearance. But after a few short months the relationship soured and we again parted ways. Since then I have spent most of the past year on a quest to find myself, and I think I finally have.

I want to return to our lives like they were before. I don't think I realized how lucky I was to have a steady, comfortable, ordinary life. My quest for passion and excitement has shown me that what I really want is to live a quiet, settled existence.

Please write me back and let me know your answer to this request.

Your loving wife.

I studied the letter for a long time, after I got over the shock that Johnny Depp was her half brother and that he would have any interest in my wife. She didn't seem like his type. Frankly, I had to wonder if she had made the whole thing up.

My second thought was that this is what I had been hoping for, a return to my old life. We could move back to our old house and things could be normal again. Quiet, settled. I looked around the hollow, dark apartment and realized that with the VAG girls gone, I would likely be spiraling downward into dark despair again. Maybe living out my life in a cold, sexless marriage was as good as it was going to get for me.

I decided to sleep on it and make a decision the next morning. I tossed and turned all night, wrestling with the demons, and the demons seemed to be winning. Then I found myself in a dream.

I was back at home, and my wife was there. Actually she had lost some weight and gotten dressed up, she looked pretty darn good. She was wearing a long black robe with a hood on her head, and when she let it fall open my mouth fell open with how good she looked. Her breasts had become full and perfect, like Alana's. Her face had morphed into Galena's. And down below, well, she had taken on a cock just like Variel. It was like she had become my wife and the VAG trio in one person. One dream person, who I found to be completely irresistible. My mind was singularly focused on having ravenous sex with this wonderful creature. Apparently she had the same idea, as she glided forward towards me, her image merging back and forth between multiple people. Then she was upon me, and she looked into my eyes, and then we kissed, and her tongue felt like the softest, sweetest honey I had ever imagined, and my head reeled with passion. Suddenly I somehow left my body and became an observer from above, watching the scene and living it at the same time. The woman kissing me had now gone back to fully being my wife, and she was softly kissing my neck.

That's when I saw that the woman I was in the passionate embrace with had two long, dagger like fangs, and before I could react she had dug those sharp fangs deep into my neck, and I was completely helpless to do anything but watch her sucking the very life blood out of me, draining me slowly. I wanted to scream but I couldn't even move or speak.

Then, out of nowhere, Johnny Depp came rushing in, completely decked out in a pirate costume and brandishing a sword. I watched him move quickly over to where we were, and he raised the sword up over us as if he was going to use it on my vampire wife and rescue me. As he was bringing the sword down though, she moved at the last second, and the sword came down and cut my head clean off. Then I watched the two of them embrace and walk off, arm in arm, as my head rolled around on the floor.

That's the kind of dream that we in psychological circles would describe as a wake up call. I got up the next morning bright and early, sat down, and wrote my response to my wife.

Dearest wife;

Thanks so much for your kind offer. I'll pass.

Your ex-husband.

I stuck the letter in the mailbox and watched that chapter of my life slide away. I was now officially alone. The VAG group was graduating and moving on, and returning to my wife was no longer an option. I went and bought a bottle of Tequila to celebrate my return to darkness and depression. It was Saturday, and the VAG girls were graduating. I had bought them all a nice gift, a farewell and graduation gift as it were, but I wasn't going to bother them on the day they were graduating from college. I assumed that they would be having parties with their friends, their young, fun friends, and it was not my place to be there. I just settled in with my bottle of Tequila and decided we'd have our own pathetic little party.

I was well into the bottle and well into self pity, wondering if it was too late to go get the letter back out of the mailbox, when I heard a knock on the door, late in the afternoon. I opened the door, and there stood the VAG group, all happy and energetic, dressed in their black gowns and hats and holding bottles of champagne.

"Dr. D., what's up," yelled Alana. "We have come to celebrate with you!"

My Tequila fogged mind was still catching up to the surprise, and happiness of seeing the girls, but I managed to invite them in and offer my sincerest congratulations. I gave them the presents I had gotten and they went into the kitchen to pour some glasses of champagne. When they came back out they had three normal glasses of champagne and one big one, which they indicated was mine.

"We made you a big glass because you have to catch up," said Galena. "We've been drinking all day."

I didn't mention that I'd been drinking Tequila all day. We toasted their success and all four of us drank the glasses dry. Then, something odd happened. I was sitting on the couch, with Variel to one side, Galena to the other, and Alana curled up at my feet. They had stopped talking and laughing and were watching me, intently, with slight smiles on their faces.

Then I felt it. An unexpected wooziness. The champagne had really gone to my head.

Then Variel spoke up. "We are here to celebrate, but we also have some business to attend to," she said. "You see, doc, sometimes girls talk."

That statement hung in the air for a moment as I tried to shake off the increasing confusion in my head.

"Indeed we do," said Galena, smiling devilishly. "As in, I know about your little affair with Alana."

I was starting to feel a cold sweat coming on. This didn't sound good, and I was becoming increasingly dizzy.

"And I know about your escapades with Variel," said Alana.

The room was starting to spin just a bit, and for the first time, I realized I'd been drugged.

"And I know about your intriguing adventures with Galena," said Variel.

In my drugged state, a very specific storyline emerged in the back of my head. The girls had all found out that I was having sex with all of them. They were mad about it. And now they had drugged me, and then they were going to kill me. I tried to scream for help but I couldn't speak or even move.

Galena patted my chest. "You may be feeling a little woozy," she said. "For our little graduation party, we decided to mix a little GHB into your drink. Since you can't prescribe medication."

Damn it all with the prescribing medication, I thought. The girls stood up in front of me in a neat row, looking down on the limp body on the couch. I figured they had drugged me with GHB to make me helpless, then they were going to stab me to death or something.

Then something really curious happened, just as I was losing consciousness. The girls zipped down the front of their robes, letting them fall open, and I realized they were completely naked underneath. Then I heard someone's voice, not sure which one, saying, "And now, we're going to fuck..."

I didn't hear the end, though it was a safe guess, as I dropped off into semi consciousness, that they were going to fuck me up. I was about to pay a hefty price for my VAG group adventures. Though in all honesty, I probably deserved it, and it was probably worth it.

I began to regain full consciousness around three and a half hours later. At first I wasn't sure where I was, it was nearly dark, there were candles, I was in bed, and it seemed like there were arms and legs intertwined all around me. There was a hand and a foot in my face, someone was laying perpendicular to me across my torso, and my legs were wrapped around someone else. It felt like I had been in a game of Twister and lost. There was an empty bottle of tequila on the nightstand, two empty bottles of champagne on the floor, and a half empty bottle of oil on the bed. There was a graduation gown hanging from the ceiling fan, and strap on dildos on the bed. As my mind slowly awakened, I realized that I was my bed with the VAG group, we were all naked, they were all passed out and my cock was hard. It was hard, and it kinda felt sore, like it had been busy. Very busy.

That's when the flashback started.

In the first flashback, I was on the couch, and Variel and Galena were taking turns sucking my cock. Alana was parading around naked, occasionally joining in by rubbing her tits on my face. Variel and Galena were discussing methods as they licked and sucked me, first one then the other. Then they were licking it together, at the same time, their tongues intertwining. I couldn't believe how hard I was, and how hard I came, spewing myself everywhere.

In the second flashback, I was fucking Alana doggy style, while watching Variel and Galena going at each other in 69 position. Galena was obviously not surprised at Variel's secret, she was sucking on her cock like it was an old friend. It was an epic scene. I remembered my orgasm, it felt like it lasted 20 minutes.

Then another flashback. Galena was on her hands and knees in front of me and Variel, and she was sucking on both of us, rubbing our cocks together and putting them both in her mouth at the same time. Meanwhile, Alana had donned a strap on dildo and was fucking Galena from behind. Variel and I came at the same time, covering each other's cocks in warm cum, while Galena practically went into a convulsion with her orgasm.

I took a deep breath and tried to figure out if it was all a dream. Then another flashback. I was sucking Variel's cock. Variel was going down on Alana. Alana was going down on Galena. Galena was going down on me. It was on big moaning chain, everybody was happy. And somehow, I was having yet another orgasm. Four times? Not possible, I had to be dreaming.

Then there was another flashback. I was on my back, on the bed. Galena was straddling my face and my tongue was deep inside her. She was facing Alana, who was perched on my somehow still hard cock, and they were making out. Variel was behind Alana and her cock was buried in her ass. We were all moving slowly, carefully, in one grinding rhythm. Galena and Alana would make out of a while, their tongues twisting around, then Alana would turn and make out with Variel. It seemed like we stayed in that position for hours, and it felt like we had all become one person. In my entire life I had never felt such a total connection with a group of people. When I finally did orgasm, it felt like all four of us had it together, not only at the same time but it felt like we all experienced each other's orgasm. And it felt like it went on for an hour.

I shook my head. Five orgasms is not remotely possible. My ass felt a little funny and looking over at the strap on dildos, I made the conscious effort to stop having flashbacks. I looked over and saw Galena had awakened and was gazing at me.

"You ok?" she whispered softly.

I started to answer but the words weren't coming yet, so I nodded.

Alana stirred awake and gave out a moan. "That was fucking unbelievable," she said.

Variel giggled. "That was some unbelievable fucking," she said. "We were a little worried about you there for awhile, you kinda passed out on us. We were going to call for paramedics, since you can't prescribe drugs."

I rolled my eyes.

"I just want to make it clear that the Viagra was Galena's idea," said Alana. "She wanted her first group sex experience to be amazing."

"We figured that if we knocked you flat with GHB we might have to counteract that with some Viagra," said Galena. "I think we may have overdosed you."

"Indeed," said Variel, who had reached down and was lightly stroking my cock with her fingers. "He just keeps coming back."

Somehow I managed yet another round, taking turns fucking and sucking all three. After that, we all passed out on the bed. I remember waking up once during the night, in the warm embrace of three beautiful naked women, and then dropping back into the deepest sleep I'd ever had.

In the morning, they were gone. I felt like I had run a marathon and I didn't get out of bed all day. I called in sick on Monday and stayed in bed all that day too. Part of it was exhaustion, but the other part was the realization that my incredible year with the VAG group had come to an end, and now I was going to be alone and depressed.

I made it into work on Tuesday and Wednesday, but it was all I could do to make it through the day. At some point late Wednesday I was actually thinking about calling my ex-wife and telling her I had changed my mind, that I was ready to move back in and re-start our former lives.

Wednesday night I was sitting at home alone, eating macaroni and cheese and bourbon, and thinking about the first dinner I had had with the VAG group so long ago. Then I was thinking about Monday Night Football, and Exhibitionist Night, and Sex Class, and Wednesday Movie and Pizza night. It was getting harder to eat and easier to drink, and I honestly felt like I was going to cry.

Then, out of nowhere, a knock on the door. My first thought was that it was the girls, coming over for Movie Night, but then I realized they were gone.

I opened up the door, and they weren't gone. Variel, Alana and Galena all stood there with big grins on their faces, dressed to the nines and looking beautiful.

I pinched myself, I had to be dreaming.

"Can we come in or what?" said Galena.

"I thought you were all gone," I stammered.

"You didn't think you were going to get rid of us that easy, did you?" said Alana.

"We graduated, we didn't die," said Variel. "And we all decided that we were going to go to graduate school in the fall, and stay here in the apartment together."

A big smile was starting to come up on my face.

"Yeah, and don't think for one minute that we're cured," said Alana. "We are still going to need therapy. Lots, and lots, of therapy."

My smile was getting bigger, to the point of looking ridiculous.

The girls had taken over the apartment, going into the kitchen to make drinks and order pizza and cozy up together on the couch. It was just like old times.

"Oh, and you aren't going to believe the movie we brought," said Galena. "We set up a video camera the other night for our graduation party.

"Tonight, we're watching the world premiere of Dr. D and the VAG group," she added. "I think you're going to like it."

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bottovarnisbottovarnis9 months ago

Wow, crazy! Very enjoyable. Thank you!

Steve OrshonSteve Orshonalmost 3 years ago

Ok, I get it. A fun little trek into ‘how many categories can you incorporate into one story’. As a writer, Spen is free to compose anything he likes, but this one doesn’t really work for me. The whole premise of three hot college chicks all pining for a 50 year old guy who is also ok with them drugging him? I can only suspend my disbelief so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Spectacularly unbelievably erotic.

An impossibly sexy story that could only ever be fantasy, but the narrator's surprise and obvious arousal adds just a little believability.

I enjoy reading all your perfectly paced stories. Well done.


story error

Yeah, I screwed that up. Should've been that Variel was a man who identified as a female.

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyalmost 5 years ago

It was fun enough, although the trans element could have been forewarned as it was a complete departure from the rest of the story. While I'm on that, I have some questions, namely that Variel was a girl who transitioned to having a cock? Because it's stated that "...she had identified as a man since she was very young, and had made the decision to go transgender when she was 18...". Now to me that seems to point towards her being a girl who wanted to be a man but only bought the basic package and kept the remaining accessories from her old gender. Which is strange, because if you want to become a man, usually you'd want to go the whole way and be seen as a man. Now on the other hand, everything else screams that she was a man that transitioned over to be a woman but kept his dick, as it worked, she got erect and ejaculated and there was the issue about her athletic prowess being in question because she "cheated" and owed him $50 from tennis bets. So what was it, was she a female to male transgender (even though only halfway) or male to female?

olblueyesolblueyesalmost 6 years ago

one of your more endearing efforts,,something for everyone,,loved it,,well written,,well paced,,very erotic

Ib_SaysIb_Saysabout 6 years ago

Liked most of ir, pretty funny, the dick girl thing was a turnoff though.

chytownchytownover 6 years ago

For sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Continue the adventures of Dr. D and the VAG girls

Enjoyed the story very much. I read the other 6 comments and agreed with a couple of them about the Johnny Depp thing. The story began slow and quickly picked up speed as first one girl, then the other two had problems and asked Dr. D to intervene. Glad the ex-wife was gently waved off. The two apartments pose a problem. Resurrect the house and invite the VAG girls to move in. New adventures just around the bend. Don't keep us waiting too long.

Dark_StormDark_Stormover 8 years ago
Redefines the term "blowout" ;-)

I'm of two minds about this story. One half thinks it's perfect the way it is, and the other half would like to have read longer descriptions of the sex sessions.

I guess longer descriptions would have been hard to accomplish, when the goal was to touch on every category/subgenre on Literotica. That was a lot of literary ground to cover.

Kudos for even attempting it, and managing to pull it off, while still maintaining an interesting and engaging story.

writer input

I agree that the Johnny Depp thing was ridiculous, and I have also gotten some kick back on not revealing the transsexual element until halfway into the story. But my main goal in the story was to include almost every single category. I included anal, bdsm, celebrities, erotic couplings, horror, exhibitionist, fetish, first time, gay, group, humor, incest, interracial, lesbian, letters, loving wives, mature, non consent, nonhuman, sci-fi, toys and transsexuals.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Very good, but

Very entertaining. Enjoyed it, but the part of having the ex-wife being a half sister to Johnny Depp was unneeded. We never need to know his name. Leave it all the same, just don't randomly name drop a celebrity in the future. Took me right out of the story.

AverygoodlayAverygoodlayover 8 years ago
Great story

Very good read and fun (lucky sob!) I even got past the Gay part.

Happy that you left out any huge cock or tits as it's used way too much in stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well that was fun !

Great story, well written and a treasure trove of double entendres that weaves so many story threads together poking fun, where fun needs to be poked.

SithspitSithspitover 8 years ago

Ok, I got to the line about "and I consciously decided to stop having more flashbacks" and I lost it. I genuinely laughed out loud. Well done.

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