Dr. Slut's Office


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"No, Ma'am." Jill answers with a bit more uncertainty in her voice, "Will you please allow me to help you check and see if the enema has my filthy rectum fully cleaned now, Ma'am?"

I hold my hand up, spreading my fingers wide. "You will go fetch a glove for me. And a packet of lubricant." It's probably enough for Jill to guess at what I'm going to do. I'm sure she has. It shows. As she steps to the cabinets to get the glove, I see the quivering tremors flowing over her body. She's quickly back with it. I have Jill pull the glove on my hand for me and lubricate the tip of my first finger.

I tell Jill that I expect her to make this very easy for me. After all, she did just ask me to do it. I tell her to lower her pants and panties to her thighs and make sure that her entire bottom is fully bare for me. She does that.

I tell Jill to turn her back and wait as she does. Now she's moving a little reluctantly. I have her spread her feet. She can't get them more than about a foot apart with her jean snug around the middle of her thighs, but she opens them as far as she can, pulling her jeans taut. I tell Jill to lean over. She moves even more reluctantly. Then I have her reach around her sides and pull her cheeks wide apart to fully expose her asshole and offer me unhindered access to it.

She doesn't stretch those globes too wide. I know it's difficult for her to. The wider she spreads them, the tauter it pulls her asshole. Her asshole that's already straining hard to squeeze itself shut tight enough to resist the torrent that pushes against it, ready to burst out at the first instant her ring relaxes even the slightest.

I don't care. I sternly scold Jill to get those cheeks as wide as they will stretch. I remind her that it doesn't matter how much harder that is for her. Because she doesn't matter. What should matter to her is making it as easy as possible for me.

She stretches them more. It pulls the pink flesh around her asshole even tauter, stretching the faint wrinkles out. With the flesh taut and her muscle so tense, I can finally see the outlines of the ring of muscle. I can see how hard it's squeezing.

I put the greased tip of my finger flush against the tight ring of her asshole and hold it still, pressing only lightly on her. I give Jill a second to prepare herself. This is going to be rather uncomfortable for her. With her bowels filled so fully, Jill can't relax her asshole even the tiniest bit. If she does, she'll leak. But now her asshole is tensed far tighter than normal. And the tighter it is, the more uncomfortable it is to have something put into it.

I press firmly. "OOH!" Jill groans out in a voice that's pure nervousness. I feel her bottom wiggling slightly as harder tremors flow over her. I feel her ring, now almost as hard as steel, unyielding under my finger.

I press hard. Not gently. Not trying to enter her slowly. I press hard enough to overpower her resisting muscle. I feel her hard muscle fighting. Then, suddenly, I feel my finger pressed into the tightness. I feel her tensed muscle squeezing hard around my finger.

"OW!... OH, OW!" Jill cries out as her muscle is forced to stretch. It stays tight around my finger. Jill pants a chorus of loud, pleading, pained, and whiny, "OW!s" as I push my finger deeper into her bottom.

I feel her muscle squeezing powerfully around my finger, almost holding it still. The grease is just enough for my finger to inch into her bottom. Soon I feel the tip of my finger slip past the tightness of her asshole and emerge into nothingness. There I can feel only the warm, gooiness. My finger touches nothing else as it slips deeper into Jill's rectum.

I again slide all of my finger into her bottom, reaching as deeply inside of her as I can with my short finger. I wiggle the tip of my finger very slightly. It still feels nothing but the gooiness that's filling her insides. But it does get a very pleading and urgent "UGH!" from Jill.

I arc my finger a little more. It finds the wall of her rectum. Now it's hard and taut. Even that paper-thin layer of muscle has been stretched to the point it has taken on a firmness to it. Then membrane of her rectum atop that feels like little more than plastic Saran wrap stretched out.

As I press against the wall of her bowel, Jill cries out a very strained and urgent, "UGH!... OH, HURRY!" She starts panting very fast and nervously.

I press down a little harder. "You would be speaking, would you slut?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am!" Jill squeals, her voice so urgent that her words all run together. "Please, forgive me, Ma'am! I just don't want to have an accident on you, Ma'am, and I can't hold myself any longer!"

I reach under her bottom with my free hand and take hold of the short hairs of her bush. I give those a firm yank. It pulls her hips back, driving her bottom against my finger. "I don't care how full your butt feels, slut!" I scold Jill in my harshest voice, keeping my firm pull on her bush as I do. "You will stand there and behave, slut."

"Yes, Ma'am." Jill squeaks out in a very muted version of her little girl's voice. A very nervous version, too. "I will try to behave my naughty butt, Ma'am."

I wiggle the tip of my finger. The finger that's still pressing against the wall of her bowel. Only now, the enema has those walls stretched out to their limit. That has them pressing against whatever is beyond them. Bodies have very limited space inside of them, and none of it is wasted. Where my finger is pressing, it's the spongy firm walls of her pussy just beyond. I can feel them through the hardness of her bowels.

Jill almost screams she cries out so loud. "AH!" Her entire body shudders powerfully. Hard enough that I feel her asshole slip along my finger just from the shudder. I see goosebumps spring up, instantly covering every bit of her globes. And every bit of her pussy lips under the fur. I feel the hairs of her bush almost pulling from my fingers. I see her knees buckling.

But what I notice most is her pussy. A hard twitching tremor racks it. I can feel it with my finger, the single tremor snapping those pussy walls hard. It's powerful enough that I see a faint quivering on her lips. And a good-sized dollop of her honey suddenly appears atop her slit, as if pumped out of her pussy.

Jill squeals a couple of more throaty and deep "AH!s" before she fades to panting overly-fast and shallow breaths with a squeaky note to them. My finger is now still. I gave her only the tiniest little wiggle. And only one at that. That lasted about a second. The next ten seconds were spent with her pussy calming from it.

"That pussy isn't being so skanky as to try and cum while I'm checking your rectum, is it, slut Jill?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am!" Jill cries out nervously, and very embarrassed. "I don't know why, but yes, Ma'am, my skanky pussy is trying to be a complete slut while you're checking my rectum, Ma'am!"

"And that slutty pussy wants to cum?"

"Yes, Ma'am, my slutty pussy really wants to cum, Ma'am. You have no idea how close it just came, Ma'am!" Jill answers in her embarrassed voice.

Now I go slowly as I begin to slip my finger back out of Jill's asshole. Her ring stays at its full tightness, squeezing hard around my finger as I pull from it. It squeezes hard enough that it almost holds my finger inside her. The drag against my finger pulls a small slice of her pink flesh out of her ring, baring a bit of flesh that rarely gets fresh air.

Jill grunts a long, strained "UHM!" as my finger begins pulling from her tightness. It's as if her bottom doesn't want to let go of it. But it's not me her bottom is desperately struggling to keep in. It's the torrent of the enema that's constantly threatening to burst forth. That would not only be messy, but it would be something very difficult for Jill to hide from her staff. And thus, too humiliating for her.

Going slow is my way of dragging it out. I'm doing that just to make her feel it a second longer. My finger inches out of her asshole. It takes about ten seconds. Then, finally, my finger slips from her. Her ring snaps hard as it instantly cinches back to its full snugness. But even in that fraction of a second, a few drops of the enema weep from her ring before it's tight enough to hold back the torrent again. It's just enough to make her asshole look dirty, without making a mess.

I hold my hand up. Then I have Jill stand up and face me. I have her remove the glove from my finger and throw it away. She makes the effort to ensure the glove is covered up in the trash. I have her do all of that with her jeans still around her thighs.

I remind Jill that she's due for her punishment now. Then I ask her if she can feel how dirty her bottom is. She tells me that she can feel the warm, sticky wetness on her asshole. I giggle and tell her that's too bad, I don't care. I send her to fetch the plastic paddle.

Jill walks the few steps to get it rather reluctantly. And very entertainingly for me. I've told her that her jeans have to stay where they are. Around her mid-thighs, they reduce her to taking very small steps, almost as if shuffling her feet. She also squeezes her cheeks together hard as she stands and walks. Her cheeks are firm enough that they now look hard with their toned muscles tensed so fully. And even more rounded. The hardness gives her a faint dimple at the top of her crack, too.

Jill brings me the paddle, offering it to me atop her upturned palms, even though she knows it's about to be used on her still-stinging bottom. And that it will leave her bottom even sorer.

For her spanking, I come up with a new position for Jill. I have her stand facing the side of the exam table, a couple of feet back from it. I have her lean over, resting only her shoulders on the edge of the table. It's just low enough to get her back close to flat with the floor. I have her put her hands behind her back and keep them there. Then I have her close her legs, squeezing them together only enough to hold her jeans up. It has her head lying on its side, giving her a view of most of the room.

I stand on Jill's other side where she won't have a view of me and what's going on. I take hold of Jill's arms just above her wrists. As she stands, she gripping her hands tightly together, as if readying herself for the spanking. I move those hands, lying one hand flat on her back, palm up and the back of her hand on her body. Then I lie the other wrist crossed over the first. It puts her hands in opposite directions where they'll have nothing to grip, not even each other. I firmly remind Jill that I expect her to stay still for her spanking.

I swat her first cheek, landing the blow just as strongly as every other spanking. Only now, her fourth spanking of the day, her bottom is already glowing a medium-bright hue of pink. And that means they're stinging her. Not as badly as her bottom is straining, but enough that she's definitely not going to be eager to sit down anytime soon.

The spank lands with a good crack as it sears a light red splotch onto her cheek. That splotch is definitely going to be hurting her. It's now up to the point where it will be stinging like bees and burning as if her bottom were on fire, too. But only for that little spot. The rest of her bottom, the pink parts, is only going to be stinging now.

Jill yelps out a pained cry that she manages to half mute. She flinches hard, but with her body already tensed up. It makes her flinch into more of a jump. Too bad her cheeks are so tight. It keeps them from jiggling. But those hard muscles are going to feel the spanking a little worse than they would relaxed. Oops. For Jill.

This time the ten spankings on each cheek leave those cheeks glowing a nice, bright, but fairly light shade of red. It's just what I wanted. I want them to slowly get sorer and sorer as the day goes on.

They also bring tears to her eyes. Little ones, and only a few, but enough. And they have her sniffling crying growing into a very light bawling cry now. Not yet like an angry baby, but more of a crying that a sniffling sob. Enough that it says her cheeks are starting to really feel the spankings. That she's realizing that the lighter strokes with the easy paddle aren't going to mean the end result won't hurt as badly as my whip would. That this is more punishment than playful.

With Jill leaning over, I have a decent view of her pussy mound as well. Her thighs only slightly hide it, leaving her slit and more of her furry lips poking out for my eyes. I don't watch her pussy as I'm spanking her. I'm too busy watching her body to make sure she doesn't move. But afterward, I steal a glance at her mound. Her fur is now so wet that I'm half surprised she hasn't dripped.

Jill stands, leaning forward and sobbing. I put the tip of my finger to her slit. Jill squeals a very sensual, needy, and surprised, "OOH!" that's louder than I'd like it to be. I'm sure it's the surprise of it that makes her squeal so loudly. The fiery tingles shoot through her pussy without warning, and they come so unexpectedly that she doesn't have time to think to mute her squeal.

It also gets goosebumps to erupt on her lips and into the creases of her thighs. And a hard, crisp shudder from her hips. A shudder hard enough that she rises off her heels onto her toes for a second. Then she stands and pants a few fast breaths as she tries, unsuccessfully, to calm herself.

I leave that finger on her slit. Still and unmoving. The gentle touch is enough to keep hot electric chills flowing through her pussy. Chills that aren't as intense as the unexpected first ones, but are still erotic enough to keep Jill breathing squealy breaths that are mostly moans. And to keep her hips shuddering lightly.

"Oh, slut..." I coo teasingly. "Is this pussy being a total gutter slut while you were spanked?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Jill answers in her very embarrassed little girl's voice, only now that infantile voice takes on a throatiness. It's an odd combination, and one I've yet to hear from her. Idly I wonder if Hank has ever heard. Or anyone. So far the little girl's voice has come when Jill was humiliated. The throatiness when she was getting close to cumming. But I've never heard both come out in her at the same time. As if it's the humiliation alone that's pushing her to cum. Whatever, it's certainly not anything I'm doing to her pussy. I'm not doing anything to it. Or to any other part of her.

"My pussy is being a complete gutter slut, Ma'am. It almost did cum while you were spanking me and I was struggling not to potty myself, Ma'am."

"Too bad you've been such a stingy slut, slut! Now you'll have to-" I quickly draw my finger down her slit, towards her pubes. It sends a very crisp shudder racing over Jill's entire body as she squeals another loud, and equally needy, "OOH!" "Wait," I say the last word as my finger is gliding along her sopping wet slit.

Jill takes a second to calm herself, panting fast and mousy breaths before she answers very humbly. When she does, her little's girl's voice is at its full childishness, and her throatiness is just as powerfully laced through her voice. "Yes, Ma'am. This skanky gutter slut will wait until she is told to cum, Ma'am, no matter how badly her pussy aches for attention."

I have Jill stand up and turn to face me. Instead of telling her to pull her pants back up now that her torment is over, I allow her to ask me to take her potty.

She quickly, and eagerly, asks me to take her potty, telling me that she really has to go both "pee-pee" and "poopy" in that still-throaty little girl's voice. It's the most humbly she's ever asked, and that tells me just how badly she wants to go.

Just to tease her a hair more, I take her by the hand. It's about five steps over to the door, maybe seven with the jeans shortening her stride. I hold her hand firmly and start walking. "If I were you, I'd hurry up and pull your pants up -- unless you want to walk to the potty with your red bottom hanging out like a real slut!"

Jill scrambles with her one free hand to pull those jeans up. She doesn't even bother to pull her panties up first, instead leaving the jeans to crudely pull them along. She barely gets them up and buttoned before I'm leading her into the hall. They're not zipped and her shirt isn't fully tucked in. That more just caught in the waistband, bunched up slightly. Jill keeps her eyes downcast as she's led to the bathroom.

Mercifully we don't pass anyone. I hadn't expected to. Instead, I get Jill quickly to the bathroom.

Then I take my time telling her to undress. Just like last time, Jill is required to strip fully naked to use the toilet. And to sit on it with her back up straight, her hands behind her, and her legs splayed wide to offer a full view of her pussy.

She's also required to ask again, once she's sitting on it, to be told what to do on it. I tell her to pee first, knowing that as she sits, her legs spread, her asshole all but hanging out in the open, she's straining harder than ever to hold the enema in. She quickly pees.

When she's done, I make her stand up and bend over again, displaying her pussy as she wipes it clean.

Only then do I allow her to sit back on the toilet and relieve the enema. It explodes from her bottom, a powerful torrent of icky brownness that splashes into the bowl. A torrent that flows powerfully for almost two minutes.

Jill obediently spends those two minutes sitting very still. She keeps her eyes open and forward, making her see me watching her, and see me watching under her pussy to see the torrent.

With her bowels so full there's no way Jill was able to empty her bladder fully. Probably about only halfway. As the torrent finally begins to ebb, I can see on Jill's face that she feels the need to finish emptying her bladder. She doesn't dare mention it. She knows better. I told her to pee first, and she did. She should have emptied herself then. Asking to go again would be admitting her disobedience. She's not going to do that.

Instead, she fidgets slightly on the toilet, the weakening torrent still gushing from her bottom. It takes another half of a minute for the torrent to fade off to nothing. She sits, still fidgeting slightly as her bladder reminds her to attend to it again.

I tell Jill to stand up. She obediently does. I have her bend over and spread her cheeks wide to display her asshole while she wipes that clean, too. It's not that I want to watch. I want Jill to feel the embarrassment of being watched, and monitored, closely as she does it.

And then I tell her to stand up and flush. Her potty break is over. She sucks in a very faint gasp. I know she realizes that she won't be given the opportunity she wants unless she begs for it. I just wonder if she knows that I am aware of what she wants and just ignoring it for now.

I give her a very light pat on her bush. It's also directly atop her straining bladder. I tell her that it's time for her to get dressed now. She squeezes her thighs together as she steps over to her clothes.

Chapter 16: In Her Depths

Next on Jill's agenda is lunch. Today the nurses have ordered delivery from Subway. Sweetly, they asked if I wanted in. Subway is not one of my favorites. Their meats, their entire restaurants, aren't kosher. And the last time I asked if they could make a kosher sandwich... I'll just say I didn't feel especially welcome, nor did the sandwich-ista agree to so much as get fresh utensils. Typical fast food. But I do enjoy being sociable, so long as I don't have to offend G-d to do so. I ordered a vegan sandwich with everything, especially the hot peppers, doused in oil and vinegar. Without meat or cheese on it, it's as close to fully kosher as you get in fast food.

Jill got a tuna salad sandwich. I choose it for her. But the nurses don't know that. I just brought our two orders out together as if I'd gotten Jill's and was pacing it along.
