Dr. Slut's Office


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The menu is irrelevant. Lunch is still a very uncomfortable, and demeaning, twenty minutes for Jill. That's because of me. As we're walking to the reception area for the food, I remind Jill that she's to behave. She blushes faintly as she hears it, knowing that she's going to be eating with her staff. And behaving as she does.

But I'm out to humiliate Jill, not destroy her career. Thus, the best humiliations are those that only Jill sees. At lunch A simple glance from me was enough to remind Jill to sit up properly, crossing her legs and folding her hands in her lap. I might have made her serve me, but Hannah was handing out the sandwiches and robbed me of the chance. She had to open each to see what, and whose, it was. They were already opened when she set them in front of us. And we all ordered sour cream and onion chips, so she just passed out the bags. She handed out the drinks as well. Sweet tea for me, and diet soda for everyone else. It left me nothing to make Jill do to serve my lunch.

On her best sub behavior, Jill knew that she was expected to wait to be told that she was allowed to eat the food in front of her. I left her sitting for about twenty seconds, not long enough to raise any eyebrows. Then I just nodded slightly to her, giving her permission silently. And I watched the relief flood over Jill's face. Her nurses wouldn't hear her needing permission to eat.

Jill also knows my rule about meals for subs. The sub is to eat everything given to her. Appetite is irrelevant. She obediently finished her sandwich and chips, although it looked to me as if she'd have left about 1/3 of it if she could. And I didn't even put hot peppers on hers! Just the typical toppings.

While we're eating, we chat among ourselves. Jill is rather quiet. Very quiet. She knows, if she speaks, she's expected to be polite, and that would be unusual for her. So she eats as quietly as she can. The nurses don't notice anything. Once everyone is finished, I feign eagerness to see the next patient, giving Jill an excuse to get back to work.

The first patient is a young boy who came in to have some stitches removed from his arm. Apparently, the stitches are a souvenir of a playground accident. Boys. They just have to be boys.

It doesn't lend itself toward anything that might be teasing for Jill. And I know she's wondering, as I'm locking the door, what I might do to her now. Or if just maybe I'll let the morning's tease be enough. There's not a chance of that.

I lock the door. Jill stays where she is, near the cabinets, and waits. She watches me, too. I try not to show anything. I just meander over to the exam table and call Jill over for her exam. Without telling her what kind of exam it will be. I have her sit up on the table, but that's a fairly common beginning. It really doesn't off her much of a clue what I'm thinking.

I tell Jill to lie down on her side. That should be a clue. Especially when I have her bend her knees. It should tell her that I'm going for her bottom again.

I reach around to Jill's waist and unfasten her jeans. This time I slip them down very slowly, taking her panties with the jeans as one. Just as the waistband of her jeans is beginning to bare the tops of her cheeks, I tell her "I guess it's time that we finish your rectal exam. Now that it's so nicely cleaned out, I should be able to see exactly how slutty that bottom of yours has been, slut Jill."

I feel a little resignation sweep over Jill. Then a little nervousness finds its way onto her. As if she's wondering what more I could possibly do to her bottom. As if she's thinking that I've torment that particular part of her more than enough already. She starts fidgeting as her jeans bare the still-red centers of her globes. I bring them down almost all the way to her knees, baring her entire bottom, the mound of her pussy, and most of her thighs.

She's fidgeting only lightly as she lies there, more resigned to another very uncomfortable, but not so painful, invasion of her bottom. I let her lie there, staring at the wall and demurely awaiting her fate as I hunt through the drawers.

I come back with a few things, quietly slipping a pair of gloves on my hands. Then I open a packet of the lubricating gel and squirt it on the tips of the blades of a speculum. It's identical to the one I just used in Jill's pussy a tease or two back.

I lift Jill's cheek high, opening her crack wide and baring her asshole fully. Then I put the rounded tips of those blades to her asshole. Or rather kind of on, and kind of beside, her asshole. The blades are about ¾" wide and 2" long. They're made of clear, hard plastic. Her asshole isn't nearly ¾" - maybe half of that, but no more. The blades press gently against the pink flesh, the line at the center of her ring between them. They press against the ring of muscle, but also beyond.

Jill blurts out a very nervous and fearful "UH!" as she feels the wide blades pressing their rounded tips against her asshole. And asshole smaller than the blades pressed against it. I'm not sure if she can tell what it is or not, but she can definitely feel that it's considerably bigger than the hole it's about to enter. She flinches sharply, her bottom pulling forward a bit. Away from the blades. I expected her to jump, and I was ready for it. I keep the blades pressed against her body. Jill trembles and pants sniffling breaths.

"You are going to be a good slut, Jill," I tell her in a rather stern voice, leaving no doubt that I am going to insist on her behaving. "You are going to fully relax that slutty butt of yours and let me examine it in depth. Now, slut."

Jill sniffles a couple of panicked sobs. It takes her several long seconds to really process what I'm telling her to do. For those seconds, it's just the nervousness of knowing something big is going into her bottom that's tormenting her.

It's a skill I've taught Jill, how to fully relax her asshole for anal sex. Knowing that, even if she doesn't relax herself as I've told her to, I will put it into her bottom, and that it will hurt badly if I do, Jill tries hard to do as I told her. She sucks in the loudest, sucking, noisy deep breath and holds it. She pushes back as if straining to move her bowels.

The best part about the clear speculums is that allows me to see everything. It's why those are the ones I've bought for my playroom. I like to see. As Jill starts pushing back, I see her asshole start to pucker out and push against the unyielding blades. I can see the pink flesh moving slightly under the blades. Then I can see the line at the center of her ring start to grow darker, and a little wider, as her ring starts to soften and widen.

Jill keeps pushing hard. I see her muscles tense up as she pushes with all she can. I see the pink ring of her asshole puckering out even more. But the blades down yield to it. Instead, they hold it from coming back. And that forces it to widen even more. In a second or so, I can see the line of darkness widen even more as her asshole begins opening.

Jill keeps pushing. After another second or two, her asshole is finally turned to loose rubber and opened almost as wide as the blades. It's as far as it's going to open on its own. It's also wide enough. It has the dark line opened now to a ring about the size of a dime. That has the blades pressing against the rim of her ring.

It also has her muscle so soft that then blades are easily able to push the muscle aside, stretching it further open, and start slipping into the opening. Their curved tips slide in, and as they arc outward, they stretch her muscle even more.

A second later Jill cries out a panicked "OW!-EE!" as the blades slip into her asshole. I can see the thick ring of her asshole, now pulled tinner as it's stretched, snuggling its pink flesh around the outside of the clear blades.

I keep the pressure against Jill's asshole, watching. Now that the blades have her asshole stretched wide enough, they slide almost easily, and quickly, into the depths of Jill's bowels. At least for about two seconds, which is how long it takes for their full 2" length to be inside Jill's bottom.

Jill pants very nervous, squealing, sobbing lightning-fast breaths. She trembles as she lies there, on her side.

I start squeezing the handles slowly. Her asshole is far tighter than her pussy, especially now as it's stretching. It makes me squeeze harder than I did with her pussy to move the blades. But not that hard. Her muscle is still relaxed enough that, as the blades start moving, they are able to stretch it even wider.

Jill squeals ever more desperately as I keep slowly stretching her asshole wider. I open it until the thin blades have her ring gaping about an inch wide. It's about as wide as her ring would have to open to accommodate a modest cock. It's nothing Jill hasn't felt before. She's had a dildo that was larger than this in her bottom.

The speculum does what it was designed to do. It holds her opening wide and allows me an unobstructed view, and access, into her body.

Jill squeals an unending chorus of "OW!s" as she lies fidgeting and trembling, her cheek held up high, her asshole held wide open. It has her asshole stretched enough that it looks to be pushing up to the backside of her pussy mound. A mound that's rather wet as it lies untouched beside her bottom.

Looking through the plastic blades lets me see the inside of her rectum. And now, with her rectum fully cleaned out, I can see it all. I can see the loose membrane of it, flushed red with blood, as it hangs rubbery and loose, tapering in to touch against itself beyond the blades. I can see the folds of the membrane. I can see about three inches into her bottom. Beyond that, her rectum lies loosely closed up and blocks my view.

I use a narrow plastic probe with a foam head on it, slipping it between the blades of the speculum, and using its soft head to gently ease the loose membrane aside. I slip it steadily deeper into Jill's bottom until it has pushed the membrane aside enough for me to see the very back of her rectum.

Jill's whiny "OW!s" take on a more strained, squealing note as I explore deeper inside her depths. She squirms a little more, and trembles even harder. Not much of Jill, other than her bottom, is that still. Especially not her feet and calves.

There's one thing a college girl like me is never beyond reach of. Her phone. I slip mine out of the pocket of my scrub pants. Like everyone else, I'm an expert at using mine one-handed. And one hand is all I need to hold the probe in place, lifting the rubbery loose wall of her rectum for a clear slight line.

"Ooh..." I coo tauntingly sweetly. "Now I can see all the way to the very back of your rectum! You have no idea how hot and slutty it looks!" It looks like every other rectum out there, only a bit cleaner. I'd bet Jill knows it, too. Although I'd bet just as heavily her so-uncomfortable brain isn't letting her think that.

I hold my phone up close behind Jill's gaping asshole. I snap a quick picture. My iPhone makes that shutter sound and the flash flashes brightly. The picture on my screen freezes, showing me the image I just captured. It's sharp, in focus, and with the flash, it shows all the way to the back of her bowels. It even shows the white plastic probe as it extends up her rectum and holds her walls up to open the sightline. I grin at the picture.

Jill almost jumps off the table as she hears the shutter. She must recognize it and know what I've done. I'm sure she's wondering just what use I have for a picture of the inside of her butt.

I push the foam head of the probe a little further into her bottom, putting it very gently against the back of her rectum. That's a place with plenty of nerves. A place she's going to feel it. Even now, with only the slightest of pressure.

"Let's start with something simple. Let's see just how deep this slut hole of yours is," I tell Jill in a detached, professional voice. I let the side of the probe lie against the side of her rectum, and against the side of her asshole between the blades of the speculum. That way she can feel it. I press on it, pushing it's tip a little more firmly against the back of her rectum. I push just hard enough for the pressure to send a weak cramp through her. Then I use a pen to draw a little line on the probe, letting Jill feel the pen as it strokes over the outside of her asshole, marking the plastic.

Jill grunts a very hard "UGH!" as she feels the probe pushing against the back of her insides. I see her knees snap, pulling up another inch or so towards her breasts as the cramp makes her tense up. I take my time, carefully marking the probe at the outside edge of her ring. Jill grunts away and fidgets harder.

I pull the probe out of Jill's bottom and lie it on the table behind her feet.

I thread my gloved finger between the wide jaws of the speculum taking care not to touch Jill's body. By the time I touch her, the tip of my finger reaching back the three inches to where her rubbery walls are hanging together, my first touch is already deep inside her bottom. The surprise of it gets a little squeal from Jill.

I press my finger against the walls of her inside, now feeling how loose and soft they are. Now there's nothing in my way. There's nothing in her bowels. The enema just washed it all out. It lets me feel the rubberiness of those walls. Even the paper-thin layer of muscle lining the outside of the walls is soft and relaxed now.

I press a little harder, the pad of my finger pushing against her insides just beyond the blade of the speculum. I have my hand turned so that the pad of my finger is pushing towards Jill's bush. I can so easily, and fully, feel the walls of her pussy just beyond the thinness of her rectum. They'd be hard to miss. They're hot. They're both soft and firm, like a hard but wet sponge. But mostly it's the twitches. Like hundreds of little snaps as icy-hot sparks erupt throughout her walls, each one teasing a nerve and getting the muscles to spasm at the pinpoint where it's teasing her.

I glance off to the side, eyeing Jill's pussy mound. I can't see the honey flowing, but I can see how her slit is sopping wet. And as the seconds tick off, I can see her fur getting wetter and wetter with each one. I can see the goosebumps, hard and prominent as they stand up, covering her lips under her fur as well.

I wiggle the pad of my finger. Jill screeches a very needy, and erotic, "OOH!" as a crisp tremor flows over her body, racking her with a shudder from head to toe. I keep my finger caressing her insides, moving very slowly and softly over her walls. Jill screeches a couple more "OOH!s" each one sounds needier than the last. Jill's knees snap, pulling them up as far as they'll rise until they're almost touching her breasts.

I scold Jill very harshly for that. I tell her that it's just too slutty for even a whore to be pulling those knees up to offer her bottom up for a rectal exam. It's not like it's sex. I scold Jill until she moves her quivering legs back into place as if she's sitting. Then I sternly remind her to stop acting like a whore and behave for her rectal exam.

I kept my finger stroking Jill's insides while I waited for her to get back into position. It, along with having to reposition herself the way I want her instead of the way her body wants to be, has gotten goosebumps to sprout up about everywhere. Now they cover her globes, the tops of her thighs, her pussy mound, and even her hips. I glance over Jill and see them on her stomach just above her pubes, too, until her shirt blocks my sight.

"Does this slutty butt of yours want a huge cock to fuck it, slut?"

"Yes, Ma'am," Jill answers. I'm not quite sure how to describe her voice. It's so throaty it's barely more than a raspy breath. But it has the strongest little girl tone to it. "My slutty butt would absolutely love for a huge cock to fuck it hard right now, Ma'am."

"Would it like a cock that stuffs it as full as it can be while it fucks that skanky butt?"

"Yes, Miss Rodgers, my slutty butt would love the biggest cock that will fit in it to stuff it full and pound it good, Ma'am."

"Does that slutty butt want to cum, too, slut?"

"Oh, yes, Miss Rodgers! My slutty butt would do about anything to cum right now, Ma'am! I am so close that I can stand it, Ma'am. I can even feel my pussy twitching hard and burning like fire, Ma'am!"

"Then I guess we should find out just how much cock it will take to stuff that butt fully. Would you like me to stretch your anus all the way to widest and see how much cock it will take slut?"

I don't hear any nervousness in Jill's voice. Just a faint tinge of resignation over a very needy plea. "Yes, Ma'am, will you please stretch my anus as wide as it will possibly go so you'll know how much cock it will take to stuff me to my limit, Ma'am?"

I squeeze the handles of the speculum again, opening her asshole very slowly. AS the blades open again, I watch through the clear plastic. It lets me see the pink flesh of her asshole as the blades widen and pull it taut. By now all of the faint wrinkles have already been pulled out of her flesh. As the blades open, her ring thins slightly more. With just my finger through her asshole, the muscle is about as thick as my finger is wide. Now it's about ¼ of that thickness. As I see her flesh begin to strain from the tautness I stop opening the blades.

It has her asshole gaping wide. I take a little ruler and measure the gap between the outside edges of the blades. Since the blades are straight, the gap will be the same where they're passing through her asshole.

Jill lies there, squirming sharply, but lightly, and grunting strained "UM!s" as her asshole is held wider than it's ever been opened before. I can see the tension in her muscles, as well. Except for the muscles of her bottom. Those are so relaxed that the walls of her rectum sag down and slightly into the gap between the tips of the blades.

"How slutty is this bottom, slut? Just how wide of a cock do you think it wants, Jill?"

"I don't know, Ma'am!" Jill urgently blurts out in her throaty-squeaky voice. "I'd guess my bottom is really slutty, Ma'am, and wants a nice cock that's maybe... an inch thick, Ma'am?"

I laugh hard, and I take my time laughing at her. With the laugh still ringing in my voice, I tell Jill, "you so underestimate your sluttiness, Jill! You aren't a gutter slut, you are a disgusting skanky gutter slut! Your bottom wants a cock that's an inch and five-eights thick, slut! Isn't that like so huge? Your butt is as open as a pussy should be for a cock!"

I leave the speculum holding her asshole wide for a second. I use the same narrow metal ruler to measure the probe, from its tip to the pen line on it. 8 ½". "I know your slut hole here wants that cock to go all the way to the very back of it. Care to tell me how much cock that will take, gutter slut?"

"I don't know, Ma'am..." Jill insists. "I'd guess around six or seven inches, Ma'am."

I'm sure Jill has just relied on her experience and guessed how deep her rectum is. "Oh, you're still trying to pretend you are the skankiest slut ever scraped out of that gutter, aren't you, slut?" I giggle. "Your bottom is so slutty that it wants eight and a half inches of cock up it. That would call for a real man, to have a cock big enough for your butt. See what happens when you get too slutty? You wear your body out so much that no ordinary man will want it!"

I slowly start relaxing the blades of the speculum, allowing Jill's asshole to close back up as they release. Then, once the blades are fully closed, I pull them out of her bottom. Her asshole gapes for a moment, slowly cinching back to it's tightly clenched closed.

Jill lies there, the trembling fading as she pants her relief, while her asshole closes back up.
