Dr. Slut's Office


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I leave her to lie there while I open an alcohol wipe. Once her asshole is tensed again, I wipe the lubricant off of her ring. Then I toss everything in the trash and tell Jill to sit up on the table. I don't tell her to fix her pants.

I leave her sitting there a minute. Then I have her thank me for giving her such a thorough rectal exam. I watch her cringe slightly, and blush brightly, as she does. I tell her to stand up.

Once Jill is on her feet, I move suddenly. I grab the hair of her bush and use that as a leash to spin Jill around so that she's facing the exam table. Then I shove her face forward. On the white paper lining the table, there's a decent, oval-shaped, wet spot right where she was sitting. I call it a pussy print. I mockingly scold Jill for her sluttiness, pointing out that she is "so slutty that she let her pussy skank all over the table that her next patient is about to have to lie on!" I scold her that she can't be skanking all over everything. It's far too slutty to leave pussy prints everywhere she sits.

It gets Jill blushing as deep red as a beet. Finally, I let her pull her pants back up, teasing her that now she's acting so slutty that by the end of the day her panties are going to be soaking wet.

Chapter 17: The Last Place To Invade

Jill's next patient is a 12-year-old boy who is slightly on the chubby side of chubby. Since he has a bag of chips in his hand, I suspect the cause. As does Jill. She lectures his mother on proper nutrition, a lecture that seems to go in one ear and out the other. That makes me want to whip some sense into the woman, rather literally. It's a technique that I think might be effective, or at least justified. But I don't. I stand there and don't say anything as I watch my slut.

Jill barely examined the boy. I doubt she needed to. His symptoms were fairly plain. In a year or two, he'll be diabetic. But she did order a urine sample, sending the boy off with a jar to fill and leave at the desk.

As I lock the door, I'm sure Jill is wondering what I'm going to do to her this tease. Her wary eyes tell me that she's conjuring up all kinds of horrors. More so since she doesn't see how her brief exam left me an opening. But I see it.

I tell Jill to take her jeans off and come sit on the table. Then I watch her closely as she undresses. She comes over and sits on the edge of the table. By now she's come to expect this much. I'm sure she can guess that I'm going to tease her somewhere that requires her panties to be off, but that's about all she's guessing. It's enough to have her fidgeting slightly.

With Jill sitting there, her shirts still on and her naked legs dangling off the edge of the table, I stand in front of her. "I guess it's time to get your urine sample, slut. I suppose that will be as filthy as the rest of you..." I watch as a faint tinge of relief sweeps onto Jill's face. She's thinking only of wanting to pee and seeing it as a relief. Peeing into a cup is better than holding it. Either way, she knows, she's going to be closely watched.

I leave Jill sitting there as I go hunting through her cabinets. But I do remind her to sit still. And that keeps her facing forward, staring across the room. The cabinets are at the foot of the table. It has them slightly behind her back. And out of her sight. She can't see what I'm getting. I put everything into a bedpan that I find, hiding it from her for a few extra seconds.

I turn, standing at the foot of the bed, to face Jill's side. I firmly tell Jill to lie on her back and lie properly. Then I watch as the questioning nervousness sweeps over Jill's face. She thought she was going to be peeing now. She expected to be left sitting for that. Or maybe told to stand. I'll bet in her surprise she's wondering why I'm having her lie down.

Jill pulls her legs up onto the table. As she moves them, I can see the nervous fidgeting already beginning. I'm sure she's figured out that she isn't going to like whatever I have in mind. So far, she's hated everything. Especially the in-depth rectal exam. Only her pussy has liked any of it. And that's the part of her I care about liking it.

As she moves hesitantly I firmly snap for her to hurry up. It jolts her into moving faster, but it also ramps up that nervousness. I keep snapping stern commands for her to hurry along and lie on her back. Then to bend her knees, putting her feet on the table, and opening her legs wide to "show me her filthy pussy." I don't give Jill much time to think about why I'm telling her to do these things. I snap the commands to speed up quickly.

Now that Jill is in place I quickly snap a pair of gloves on my hands. I don't think that's much of a surprise to her. If pee is going to be involved, she knows my hands will be gloved. I'm not getting that on me.

Maybe she recognizes the sound of the paper packet being pulled open. But even if she does, so much stuff comes in these packets that it's no clue what I'm opening. The first packet is just another of the alcohol wipes. The second is just a touch of lubricating gel.

The last packet I pull open is a catheter. I tend to prefer the thicker ones. Subs feel the fatter tubes so much better. But Jill seems only to have the narrower ones in her office. I've settled on the widest one she has, a #20-French. As I'm opening it, I hold it down where Jill won't see it. I try to watch her, making sure her eyes stay on the ceiling where she won't see anything. But I am not naive. I know that Jill trying to angle her eyes in their sockets and sneak a peek in. She always does. She hates not knowing!

And that's why I don't tell her this time. Instead, I just use my gloved fingers to efficiently spread her lips wide open and bare all of her inner pinkness. Now I use the alcohol wipe to clean her pinkness, wiping away all of the honey there.

Jill shrieks as the icy wipe touches her hot pinkness. She jumps, her bottom scooting back an inch or so on the table, wrinkling up the paper underneath her as she drags it along. She tries to cover her sharp cringe, quickly pulling her feet up. She pants more of those almost raspy nervous breaths as she lies. She fidgets those hips hard as the cold wipe cleans off the thick layer of honey clinging to everything.

I berate Jill, telling her that it hasn't been very long since her pussy was wiped clean, and already her extreme sluttiness has it so fully skanked up. Like a trashy gutter whore. As if her brain can think of getting a cock in that pussy.

It's obvious that Jill doesn't notice the way I'm spreading her long, loose, inner folds wide. To her, it's as if I'm just wiping away more of the honey and being thorough about it. Spreading those folds exposes the entrance of her tunnel, letting me see just how wet that is. It also bares the narrow hole that's the opening of her urethra. That hole is harder to find, the looseness of her pink flesh around the entrance of her tunnel allowing the flesh to gently wrinkle up enough to cover it. I wipe that fully, covering my actions by doing it as I wipe around the entrance of her pussy.

I leave my fingers holding her inner folds spread their widest. It has the flesh around her pussy stretched fairly taut, enough to pull out the folds and reveal the hole, but not so taut as to take the looseness out of it. I doubt Jill has figured anything out yet. She lies, fidgeting and mewling soft whines.

I squirt a tiny dollop of the lubricant on the tip of the catheter. I'm using the standard, regular lubricant. The stuff that can be bought at Wal-Mart in tubes. Not the lidocaine infused version of it that is usually used for this. That prescription-only gel dulls the pain. But only a nurse would know that, and I'm still hiding my knowledge. Besides, I'd prefer Jill to feel this fully.

I'm using an ordinary Foley catheter. It's a latex tube about 18" long with a Y at one end. At the other end, the end I just lubricated, there's a stiffness to the first couple of inches of the tube. And a rounded tip at its point. There's also a narrow band of latex around the outside, like a balloon, that can be inflated through a smaller tube running inside the wider one. At the Y-end there are two ports to connect things to the tubes, a smaller one for the inner channel and a larger one for the main channel. This one also has a little plastic clamp pinching off the tube.

I move quickly before Jill can start thinking of what's happening. Inserting one isn't hard. It's a simple matter of putting the rounded tip of it to the opening of Jill's urethra and pushing. The catheter is wider than Jill's opening, maybe double its width. But a urethra is a very rubbery tube and will easily stretch to accommodate the catheter.

"AH!" Jill screeches in a pure panic as she feels the stiff tip and cold gel pressing against her opening. She instantly tenses up, her muscles almost as hard as steel. Beside her, I see her hands grip the edges of the table, already squeezing as hard as they possibly can.

I push. The tip slips easily into Jill's body, her urethra offering little resistance or drag as it stretches around the latex.

Jill feels it. It's not pleasant. She screeches a fairly loud "UGH-OW!" as it starts sliding into her body. Her bottom flinches back a little more, but that does nothing for her. She takes the tube right along with her.

It only takes a second or so for it to slip the few inches through her urethra and bump against the bottom of her bladder. I can feel that. It's like hitting a stiff rubber wall. It just takes more pressure. I feel the tube "pop" through and the slip almost as easily into her bladder. I slide it maybe an inch into that, then stop, holding it still.

Jill pants a very heavy sigh of relief. Now that it's into her body, she won't feel it. All she has to suffer is a quickly fading soreness in her tube from the catheter sliding through it.

As Jill calms herself, I attach a small syringe to the smaller port. It's filled with sterile water. I push the plunger, sending the sterile water through the inner channel to inflate the balloon band of latex. Once I have it fully inflated, I twist the syringe off that port. And I give a light tub on the catheter. It moves a small fraction of an inch, then stops. The inflated balloon will ensure it stays where I put it until I remove it.

I drape the free end of the catheter, the wider main channel of the Y, over the rim of the kidney-shaped bedpan. Then I release the clamp on it. Instantly a moderately dark stream of golden pee beings to flow through the tube and into the pan.

Jill lies there, mostly still, cringing slightly, and panting soft, but especially whiny, "MM!s" She can't feel herself peeing. Not exactly, anyway. Instead, she can only feel the lessening pressure inside her bladder. The fading of her strong urge to empty.

I pinch the clamp, closing it about halfway to slow the flow through it. "Let me just make sure that tube is where it should be..." I teasingly coo. Then I slip a finger into Jill's pussy.

I have my finger turned with its pad up, facing her bush. I lie my other hand flat atop her bush. Then I press upward slightly with my finger. At first, I just feel the firm sponginess of her soft pussy walls. The fiery heat in them. And even the sharp twitches of the sparks erupting throughout them. As I press just a bit more, I can feel the stiffness of the tube that her tube stretched and stuffed.

I suspect Jill can feel that. I hear her breathing growing quickly measured as if she's fighting not to show something. I stroke the pad of my finger lightly along the length of the stiff tube, massaging the slice of pussy I have trapped between my finger and it.

A very deep and throaty "OOH!" suddenly comes from Jill's now-gaping-wide mouth. She shivers crisply, drawing out her moan.

I give the wall of her pussy, and its hungry nerves, a second stroke of my gentle finger, watching a Jill shivers even more crisply. Then I slowly pull my finger out of her pussy, keeping it softly snug against the stiffness all the way. It keeps Jill shivering hard and purring her raspy moan.

I only have to wait a couple of more seconds until the flow ebbs to nothing, Jill's bladder now fully drained. "Hmm..." I hum as if I'm pondering something grave. "almost 300 milliliters. It seems like some slut was a naughty bitch and didn't empty her bladder when I told her to pee. You wouldn't know which slut that was, would you, slut?"

"I'm sorry, Ma'am!" Jill blurts out quickly, every bit of the little girl back in her voice. "I thought I had peed all of it out, Ma'am... but then after I went poopy I had to pee again, Ma'am, and I knew you'd be disappointed in me for not peeing properly the first time, so I didn't tell you I had to pee again, Ma'am."

"You know you should have told me you had to go pee-pee again, don't you, slut?"

"Yes, Ma'am..." Jill confesses in the voice of a girl caught with her hand in a cookie jar.

"Well, now I have to teach you a lesson, slut. You know you have to a big slut and behave." I don't tell her what those consequences are going to be. But I watch Jill cringing hard anyway. She knows it's going to be very bad.

I get a large irrigation syringe that's filled with 450 ml of saline. It's one and a half times what I just drained out. I twist that syringe onto the wide port of the main channel of the catheter. And I start slowly pushing the plunger. Very slowly. That's the thing about catheters. They're just tubes. Stuff can flow both ways through them.

At first, Jill doesn't feel anything. During those few seconds, I put the pad of my finger snugly atop Jill's straining-hard clit and press softly on it. That gets a very urgent and erotic squeal from Jill. The squeal gets me to scold Jill to lie still lie. She tries to still, her hips trembling only slightly, as she purrs urgent little "OOH!s" from just the unmoving pressure against her nervy little nub.

As her bladder slowly fills, Jill begins to feel it. Not the filling itself, but the returning urge to pee. An urge that slowly builds back up. That's when she realizes what I'm doing to her. I'm filling her bladder. I'm making her need to pee again. The same uncomfortable urge I just relieved.

I keep the light pressure against Jill's clit, taking care not to let my finger move as I press softly. It takes a few more seconds. But eventually, Jill's bladder gets about half full. And that's just uncomfortable enough to get a very light squirming fidget in her hips. A squirm that her clit grinding lightly against my unmoving finger. Even that tiny motion is enough to send powerful bolts of tingly arousal shooting from her clit, racing through her pussy, and up her spine. Chills that do only one thing, and that's to get her squirming a little more.

Her bladder continues filling, now growing slightly unpleasant for Jill. That too adds to the squirming. And thus to the hot sparks teasing out of her clit. And gets her squirming harder.

Steadily Jill's moaning "OOH!s" morph into very throaty-deep, and desperately urgent, "UH!s" cried out loudly, Jill having forgotten where she is. Her sharp, deep grunting moans could have come from the soundtrack of any porno movie. As if she were getting a good fucking.

I hold my finger there, watching the goosebumps erupt on her lips and pubes. And then my syringe runs dry. It's enough to have her bladder filled almost to its capacity. To the point where it is straining hard and urging her to pee with all of its strength. And almost burning her lightly as it strains.

I take my finger from Jill's clit. She pants a few needy breaths as I clamp the catheter off and twist the syringe off of it. I reconnect the smaller syringe and quickly deflate the balloon band, something Jill won't feel happening.

"EE-OW!" Jill screeches out as I yank the catheter from her with a single, fast, hard tug. Jill has no warning that the light pain is coming. One second she grunting little whines of "UGH!" over her too-full bladder, and the next instant she's feeling the light slicing pain of the catheter pulling fast through her urethra again.

Jill pants a few fast breaths as soon as it slips from her body. They're laced with relief, but they're also laced hard with the unpleasantness of the strain in her bladder. I toss the catheter into the trash.

I tell Jill that she is to sit up now. She does, groaning out loudly with the discomfort of her too-intense urge to pee. It slows her a little, taking her a few extra seconds to get up.

I tell Jill that her full bladder will make an excellent reminder that she needs to ask when her bladder needs to be relieved, not try to cover it up and pretend she behaved when actually she's been naughty. She assures me that the over-fullness is unpleasant enough that she will not forget this lesson.

I tell her to get on her feet. Then she gets the task of emptying her bedpan. And she doesn't get gloves. Once it's empty I tell her to go get dressed. She only has one more patient until it's time for her potty break. Then, I'll decide if she's learned her lesson, or if another round of patients will teach it to her better.

Chapter 18: Strip Search

I stay with Jill for the entire day. Until she's seen her last patient at 4:00. By then her bottom has suffered 90 strokes of the light plastic brush-like paddle. Those have her bottom glowing a very bright red, even after they're finished. Of course, she got them 10 at a time over the entire day. There's no question that her bottom is stinging her powerfully as if she were sitting on a hive of bees.

As Marcy is getting ready to leave, the last of the three employees, I tell her that I want to ask Jill a few more questions. Then I turn to Jill and sweetly ask her "you don't mind just a few more questions, do you?" I lace just enough tease in my voice that Jill knows better than to object. She very politely says "I'd be glad to... Miss P. Rodgers" using the name embroidered on my scrubs with a wide, teasing grin on her face. I'm sure that's just her way of covering up the required politeness of her answer. But now that it's quitting time, Marcy is more interested in getting home than whatever Jill has to say. She's quickly gone.

It leaves Jill and me alone in the office. The waiting room is already dark, too. But the staff has left the lights on in the back, where the exam rooms and Jill's office is located.

I wait quietly as Marcy slips out the door, locking it behind her now that the office is closed. Then I grab Jill's hand and hold it snugly. "Come along, slut," I tell her firmly, offering her no hint of where we're going or why. I lead her back to the closest exam room.

This time I don't even bother to shut the door. We're alone in the office so there's no reason to. I tell Jill to stand in the center of the room. It's not the biggest room, but it is big enough that with her in its center, everything is just beyond her reach.

"And now, we are going to deal with that way-too-slutty skank pit of yours, slut. I think the sloppy skankiness we've been seeing all day is proof enough that you've been thinking of little besides your pussy. It's high time that you learned how to behave like a proper peasant slut that your Queen so kindly scraped from her gutter and tried to teach to act like an actual person.

"Your extreme sluttiness makes clear that you need a refresher lesson in minding your manners. And your pussy. That pussy exists only to serve me and pleasure whomever I deign to share that sloppy thing with. It does not exist for your slutty pleasure. I'll just have to remind you to ignore your obscene excessive horniness and use your body instead for the pleasure of others, whatever that might mean for that slutty thing.

"Now get undressed from the feet up, slutty Jill," I tell her firmly. I keep my eyes fully on Jill, letting her know that I'm going to be watching her very closely as she takes her clothes off. Unlike the other times I've told her to undress today, this time there's nowhere for her to put her clothes. And unlike the other times, now I have her undressing from the bottom up instead of the head down.