Dr. Snip Ch. 02


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Steve had been in a blazing rage with the film crew but it faded to nothing as ice seemed to creep into his brain and heart. He listened to this pathetic excuse of a mother, drivelling on about how hard it was to make ends meet in this cruel world. More to shut her whining voice up than from rage, he thrust his sword through her body so hard that it impaled her onto the oaken pew and stuck fast.

He left it there and walked over to the baby lying alone on the stone altar, it was a little girl and he knew she would need a doctor immediately. The senior Sister in Great Ormond St. hospital had seen more than her fair share of horror regarding children. She had seen battered, burnt and run over children brought into her healing world.

She screamed in horror when a blood dripping apparition appeared in front of her from thin air, holding a naked baby out to her.

'Please help her, the police will be in touch soon.' An empty voice from inside the blood soaked hood said, as it handed her the child. She took an involuntary step back as she held the baby to her, and watched in amazement as the figure disappeared back into thin air. The crying of the baby snapped her back into focus, and all her training came to the fore as she called for the resident Doctor to attend her.

Steve reappeared back at the church, and pulling out his mobile phone called Jack. He told him to come to the Church with a Photographer. Steve gave him the location, and sat with his head in his hands until he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. They echoed off the stone walls of the church as Jack walked towards him, a camera clutched in his hands. The film lights although lying on the floor, gave sufficient light for Jack to see the abattoir that had been an altar.

There was a naked headless body, and a clothed headless body. Another man still had his head, but lay face down on the bloody flags. Jack recoiled in horror at the sight of the forth man, who had been sliced in half. Just when he thought he had seen everything, he noticed the emaciated body of a woman skewered to a pew by a bloody great sword.

He jumped when the blood soaked pile of rags on a pew suddenly moved, and he realised that it was Dr. Snip.

'I'd ask what the fuck happened here, but I guess you did.' Whispered Jack as he surveyed the macabre scene.

'I thought it best to come alone, so I brought my own camera.' There was no reaction from the brooding figure; it just sat there unmoving with its head bowed.

'I'll take a few pictures while you are getting your head together' Jack said, and gingerly stepping around the puddles of blood started work.

'I'm fucked Jack; I've really blown it now, I just lost it totally. The worst part was that although I killed the men in a rage, I killed the woman in cold blood.'

'I suppose you had your reasons' Jack muttered as he tried to adjust the cameras focus to show the woman's face and the sword together.

'Have you seen this woman's arms? She's got track marks in every vein I can see, who was she?'

'The baby's mother,' Steve responded dully.

'What baby? Please don't tell me there is a baby amongst this slaughter, Doc or I swear I'll throw up.'

'Don't worry I took her to the Hospital before I called you,' he replied.

'Which one?'

'Great Ormond St.'

'That's bloody miles away'


'Why kill the mother?'

'She sold her baby for drug money, then would have sat and listened as they abused it.'

'Just as I said before, you had your reasons.' Jack said sitting down on the next pew from Steve.

'Forgive me for not sitting closer to you, but blood is a bastard to get out of clothes and I've only the one suit.'

'I've taken as many pictures as I need, now I just need the story and then we can call the cops.' Jack insisted gently.

Steve started from when he entered the church and told Jack what happened, editing only his use of the QT to get the baby to hospital.

'With any luck the film in their camera is undamaged and will corroborate your story' said Jack optimistically.

'Yeah whatever, I've crossed the line now, I've lost the high moral ground to fucking perverts' Steve said despondently.

'Bollicks; they deserved to die, including the woman, and that's how I'll bias my story, the public will regard you as a hero Doc.'

'It's not the public that will be hunting me, it's the cops and they will pull out all the stops now I'm a killer.'

'Yeah well let's hope they don't catch you, do you want to ring them or should I?' offered Jack.

'I'll do it, you get out of here and do what you do, while I do what I do,' decided Steve. 'Thanks for coming Jack, I appreciate it.'

'No problem Doc, keep in touch' said the reporter as he carefully made his way out of the warzone that had been a church. Steve took a deep breath and made the necessary calls. As usual he waited until he heard the sound of the police squads boots echoing through the church, before jumping out.

He went to the closest sea-side, where he waded into the sea, and washed off as much of the blood as he could, before jumping back to his home for a proper bath. He was lying in his bed and looking at his trophy wall, when he remembered that he had left Excalibur rammed through the woman and the oak pew, for the police to find.

'Fuck it, the perfect end to a perfect day' he thought and went to sleep. The forensic branch was having a field day, they had lots of bodies to examine. Film to process and study, and best of all the murder weapon itself. That had been a bit of a problem as it had been rammed through an ancient oaken pew, and had needed the pew sawn in half in order to free it. The jackpot had been a set of bloody fingerprints, on the hilt of the sword.

This fearsome weapon; now reposed in a clear plastic bag in the police evidence room. It awaited the fingerprinting man, to record the prints the next morning. There was furore and investigations, when it was discovered that the four-foot long Sword had disappeared from the steel caged room, without any locks being tampered with.

The Enquirer had run an exclusive story, covering the executions of the baby-rapers. It explained that Dr. Snip had at great personal danger to himself. Single-handedly rescued the child from the Paedophile porn gang. The baby was reported to be comfortable, and was now in care. Luckily she had been rescued, before any damage had been done to her.

Needless to say the Police spokesman had a different viewpoint, and accused Dr. Snip of mass murder. They assured the public that they would be putting every possible man, on the task of bringing him to justice. When a reporter asked if there was any truth in the story, that they had lost a valuable piece of evidence i.e. the murder weapon, the answer was no comment.

It had been easy for Steve to jump in, grab the sword and jump out, all in the space of a few seconds. He believed that his actions had only delayed his eventual capture. That being the case he decided that he could only be jailed once, regardless of how many perverts he killed.

This train of thought bought him back to Mr. Ho. Steve decided to pay the man a visit, an extreme visit. Mr. Ho was a Cambodian Billionaire, who had made his money from drugs and prostitution back in Cambodia. Like many thugs he had lots of money, but desired social standing and acceptance by the rich and famous.

America had little appeal for him as Billionaires were too common there, but Britain with its pomp and ceremony attracted him like a magnet. He now lived in a very secure mansion in the country. It had once belonged to an Earl who like much of the aristocracy, had lots of land complete with historic mansion but had no money. When offered a cash sale of fifteen million pounds, he considered becoming religious.

He was asked as part of the package, to facilitate the procurement of a British passport for the buyer. He thought it a small favour to do for such a generous man. Mr. Ho paid a lot of money to ensure that his activities were private. Considering his sexual habits, it was as well that they were. Ho preferred very young boys, and was looking forward to tonight.

His assistant had promised him a pair of six year old twins, from a care home in Peckham. These were orphans that nobody would miss if he was too rough with them, as he often was. In Cambodia Child abuse was a way of life for the poor families, of which there were thousands. Brothers would sell their female siblings on the streets to foreign tourists, for a few dollars.

If a sister was eleven years old, she was considered a bit long in the tooth. Mr. Ho was a very big fat man and proud of it, being fat was a sign of prosperity in his homeland and he was very prosperous man indeed. As a young man he had used his unusual size and strength, to carve out his own murderous empire in and around his home village. He then expanded into the major city nearby. Ho succeeded in the cut throat world of the drug lords, by simply killing everyone that stood in his way until he was the only one left.

Even though he paid Fifteen million for the mansion, he also had it completely refurbished and fitted with the latest in security systems. By the time he was ready to move in, he had spent an additional ten million pounds. He didn't mind at all, he had plenty of money, and he was now totally confident that he was safe and secure in his luxurious mansion.

His next goal was to purchase a title of some sort, to impress the people he dealt with around the world. To that end he was sitting at his Chippendale desk flicking through Burkes peerage, looking for a bargain. Life couldn't be better; he had just finished a banquet created by his own chef just for him. He was sipping at a glass of very expensive wine. He hated western wine, but was endeavouring to cultivate a taste for it as part of his overall plan to mingle with those he wanted to emulate.

His browsing was interrupted by a small sound; that was out of place in his luxurious office. It was a sliding, scraping sound as if a knife blade was being sharpened. Mr. Ho was paranoid about his own safety, and allowed no weapons near him except for the .50 Calibre Desert Eagle, that was his own personal weapon. He was such a giant of a man, that the Israeli hand cannon seemed lost in his hand when he had occasion to use it.

His office was in the center of concentric rings of security, that made it impossible for him to see what he saw. He looked towards the bookcases; that lined the left wall of his office. There was a sliding stepladder fixed to these bookcases, to enable anyone who desired a book from the upper shelves to reach it easily.

Sitting on this device, was a big man wearing a long black coat. That he was there at all was surprising enough, but that he was sharpening a four-foot long sword was unbelievable. Ho had often experimented with drugs, and for a second considered that the man was a figment of his imagination.

This theory evaporated, when the man looked up from his sharpening and stared straight at him. Figments didn't often look at you with the undisguised loathing, that shone from this man's eyes. Ho decided that impossible though it was, this must be an intruder, and slowly opened the right hand top drawer of his desk.

The man did nothing as Ho slowly took his gun out of the drawer, and pointed it at him. To his amazement the man just smiled a cold smile and said

'That looks like a Desert Eagle, .50 Calibre, I believe, its one of the most powerful handguns in the world and can smash the engine block of a car. What you have to ask yourself; is can you shoot me before I cut your hand off with this sword. Well, do you feel lucky punk?'

Mr. Ho had watched that film, and against a lone man sitting ten feet away with only a sword as a weapon he felt very lucky. He was already considering what to do about this security breach. A few underlings would have to be killed as an example, for allowing this madman to get this close to him. However he would kill them after they had disposed of this fools body.

To deceive the man he smiled as he pulled the trigger. The detonation of the .50 Calibre round in such a confined space as his office, was deafening. No human being could fail to flinch at such an ear-piercing crack, and blink their eyes for a fraction of a second.

Mr. Ho had shot many people with this gun, and he knew what he would see when his eyes were functioning again. The impact of such a large calibre bullet, would often throw his victim back ten feet. Once when he had hit a man in the head, it had decapitated him completely.

He had never seen the victim vaporised before, but that must have been what happened, as his target was simply not there at all. The stepladder was empty, and he focused on the area where the man had been. He saw a massive hole blasted through a set of very expensive books, that he had bought by the liner foot to fill his shelves. This was the result of his .50 Calibre bullet, impacting at supersonic speed into wood and paper.

His arm was still outstretched, the gun still pointing at the space where the man had been. He detected a flicker of light from his right side, suddenly his arm was smashed to the desk as a razor sharp blade sliced through his wrist and continued on to cleave deep into the wood. Ho just sat there in shock and disbelief, as arterial blood spurted over the desktop. It started to drip off the edge, onto the oriental rugs scattered about the office floor.

He watched in bemusement, as the man tied a plastic strip around his wrist and pulled it tight. The blood flow became a trickle, but the pain cut in and he screamed in agony as he hugged his mutilated arm to his body. Had it not been for the pain he would have believed that this was a bad dream. It was surreal, one minute he was reading Burkes Peerage the next he had his hand cut off.

He dug deep into his strength and raw willpower, and focused on the reality of the situation.

'You won't get away with this shit, you mad bastard, do you know who I am for fucks sake?' he snarled at the man standing a few feet away from him. He had pulled his sword from the wreckage of the once priceless desk, and was calmly wiping it with a piece of silk.

'I have no interest in conversing with you, you will do as I say or I will kill you now,' he said conversationally.

'Open your safe and give me the contents, and I will spare your life.' Mr. Ho was both stunned and relieved to hear this. He had been sure that this was a hit man, from one of his many rivals in the world of drug dealing.

To find out that he was a simple robber was almost insulting; his safe contained almost Five million pounds in cash. A lot of money to most people, but just travelling cash to a billionaire like Mr. Ho. If he got away with his life, he would spend double that amount to track this fool down. He would take him to a special place, where he could be tortured to death over a period of weeks.

No one could do this to him and get away with it. He used his knee to press a switch in the well of his desk, and a large picture on the wall slid to one side. Hidden behind it was his safe, it was a walk in safe and as well as his cash there was about fifty million in gold bars. Also all the original films; from which he made copies for sale around the world to perverts.

A thief could just about carry the paper money away, but there was no way anyone could take the gold or the films, as they were simply too heavy.

'Open it, and then sit on the floor in the corner,' the strange man instructed in a seemingly bored voice. To get to the safe Ho had to walk past his own hand, lying on the floor still gripping his gun.

He was tempted to make a grab for it, but reasoned that with only one hand he couldn't free the gun from his severed hand. Certainly not quickly enough, to beat the swing of that razor sharp sword. He decided to wait and take his vengeance later; he opened the safe without further protest and slumped down into the corner with his back to the wall. He watched as the man entered the safe, and started to load the paper money into the cash sacks that were piled up in one of the internal cages that lined the interior.

Ho couldn't believe his luck, the idiot was ignoring him, and even more foolishly he was inside a safe that had a self-locking door. Very quietly Ho moved towards the open door, it was shielding him from the view of the thief and enabled him to painfully get to his feet. Steve looked around the interior of the steel room, there was far too much for a normal thief to steal but he wasn't a normal thief.

He noticed that there was no way to get out of the safe from the inside. No alarm buttons, and it looked as if the interior was hermetically sealed when the door was shut. If anyone were stuck in here, they would only have the amount of air contained within the safe available for breathing.

Once that was used up they would die slowly of suffocation. He complemented Mr. Ho on the cleverness of his hiding place for the safe, having to raise his voice slightly to ensure that he was heard. Mr. Ho heard the man complimenting him, on his cleverness in hiding his safe so cunningly.

His ego and the knowledge of what was about to happen, prompted him to tell the thief that not only was he the only one who knew the safes combination, he was the only person who knew where it was hidden.

'Apart from me,' retorted Steve from inside.

'Ah but you see Mr. Thief, it doesn't matter that you know about it, because you are soon going to wish you were dead.' Screamed Mr. Ho triumphantly as he hurled his considerable weight against the steel door.

With a smooth click the safe door closed and self locked, as it was designed to do. The picture automatically slid into position hiding any trace of it.

'Got you, you bastard' he panted through the agonising pain of his throbbing wrist. He turned away from the picture and hobbled towards his desk, he intended to call his personal physician and get his arm sorted.

Then he would decide on the things he would do to this foolish thief, who had dared to challenge him. Steve heard the safe door close on him with equanimity, he had lots to do and it was nice to have a bit of privacy in order to do it right. Using the super computing power of his implant, he calculated the weight of the cash and gold bars and passed the data to Merlin.

It was a simple matter for a brain the size of a planet, to calculate the field strength required to transport Steve and his loot to his house The first thing he had done when he won the lottery; was to buy a smallholding with sufficient land to ensure that neighbours didn't overlook him. This property had come complete with outbuildings, and it was here that he stashed his loot from the safe.

All that was left in the safe were the master copies of all the porn films, that Ho had bankrolled since coming to England. Steve had left them there as evidence, for when Ho was eventually found. With everything tidied away at home, it was time to return to Mr. Ho and tidy up all the loose ends there.

As Ho walked toward his ruined desk to call security, he saw his own high backed swivel chair start to revolve to reveal someone sitting there. Ho was a Cambodian, and he had grown up in a society that was aware of the evil spirits, that sometimes appeared to people to haunt and infuriate them. His childhood memories flooded back to him, as he stared in horror at the big man sitting in his chair polishing the blade of his sword.

What with the constant agony radiating from his severed wrist, this latest shock almost caused him to faint dead away. However he again drew deep on his animal ferocity and snarled at the impossible man,

'Are you his fucking twin or something? There is no way he can be out here when I've just locked him in there.'
