Dr. White's Code of Sluts Ch. 02 Pt. 01


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But then Ryan realized that her phone was positioned in a way that it was right next to her breasts, in line with her cleavage, so as he looked down at her phone, he couldn't help but let his eyes get drawn towards her chest. Standing right next to her, he had a primo view of the smooth, round slopes of her abundant breasts, his eyes sliding across their curves and finding them lodged in her cleavage before he could help it. The small motion of her scrolling through pictures made her giant breasts wobble in a way that made his male lizard brain go crazy. Again, he was thrown off-balance by the sight of her, unable to look away.

"I told you. You see?" Stacy asked innocently, ever so slightly pushing out her chest, none of this an accident. He couldn't look away as he stared, these moments feeling like an eternity as his eyes hungrily took in this sight being offered to him inadvertently. It didn't help that due to her close proximity, her delicious, subtle perfume was hitting his nostrils, the girly scent working a number on his already overtaxed nervous system, filling his nose, making him shiver. She smelled so good! There was something so deeply satisfying to this sensory attack, scratching an itch that he didn't even realize was desperately in need of being scratched.

A series of images flashed across his mind. Stacy, pulling down her dress to finally expose those mammoth round jugs to him. His face, rubbing across the silky expanse of smooth, golden flesh. His hands, taking those gigantic fleshy melons into his palms, the squeezable flesh oozing between his fingers. His mouth, eagerly opening to hungrily take her stiff nipple into his mouth.

His eyes lost in her chest, his nose hungrily pulling in her feminine scent, his mind elsewhere, he was frozen in place next to her. He was only shaken from their reverie by a sight on his periphery, a glance at something on her phone, not a picture of her at a basketball game. It was her on a beach, wearing a very revealing pink bikini, one that appeared at a glance to show even more skin than her dress, small triangles of stretchy pink material that barely contained her mammoth fleshy melons which were very prominently being showcased in the photo, as if this picture was taken for just that purpose. But because it was at the edge of his vision, he wasn't sure if this was actually what he saw, but in the instant it took to shift his eyes to her phone, she scrolled past it, back to another photo of her on the court.

"Oh... sorry about that," she apologized, sounding genuinely apologetic to his overwhelmed mind. But this was enough to shake him out of his state, looking away, glancing at his nervous looking wife and smiling to reassure her, trying to make sure she knew that he was being a good loyal husband, and not stealing glances at another woman... even though he totally was. What was going on? He'd never been knocked for such a loop, and Stacy had done it twice in about ten minutes.

"So, yeah, anyway," she began, acting as if all was normal, looking up at him and putting her phone back in her clutch. "I have a few tickets to every home game, so if you would ever want to go, you just gotta hit me up! I could tell you some of the crazy shit that I've seen there."

"Uh... maybe," he croaked out, smiling and nodding at the gorgeous Asian woman, betraying nothing of his internal consternation. What was he doing? He couldn't believe his mind was being this disobedient. God, she was beautiful, though. That was no excuse, but on some level he understood that being in proximity to such a gorgeous creature... he wouldn't be alone in losing his concentration. That being said, he knew her true nature. He knew she wasn't as nice and personable as she was attempting to portray, yet because she was so insanely stunning and sexy that he kept finding himself gob smacked by her intense feminine aura. He needed to tamp things down and regain control of himself, trying to focus more on the conversation and less on her body, willing for something that could distract his mind from its wayward thoughts.

"No, seriously," she replied, clearly sensing his reticence, turning to face him. "Call me up... I mean, you'll get my number at some point, I'm sure. We'll have a great time! I know people. I'm pretty sure I've met just about every player they've had during all their championship runs recently. I'd be happy to introduce you to them."

"Really?" he replied skeptically, intrigued despite himself.

"You name him, I've talked to him," she began. "Jerome Bailey, I've talked to a bunch of times. Robert Brown and I have talked to a few times. Devon Walker. Ellis. Tensely. Morris. All the big players, I've met them."

"Even..." he paused, trying to think of the most obscure player he could think of. "Even Goran Tropoli?" he asked, thinking of this big European guy they had for a year or two.

"I could barely understand him, but yes, I met him," she replied. She gave him a curious look. "Why would you ask about Goran Tropoli and not one of the, like... other famous players?" She then gave him a knowing look. "Are you trying to test me? Test my bona fides?" she asked. She got this a lot from guys when she told them she was a huge Warriors fan, them quizzing her to make sure she was actually a real fan and not faking it.

"No, no, no," he replied, fully aware of the type of thing Stacy was alluding to. "It was just... I was actually a pretty big fan of that guy. I wish he stuck around."

"The allure of Mother Latvia was too strong, I guess," Stacy replied, knowing that he opted to go back to Europe than stick around here. "But I totally agree. He was underrated."

"His rebounding was really good," Ryan replied.

"Could have used him when Brown went down in the playoffs last year," Stacy postulated.

"I thought the same thing!" Ryan said excitedly.

They went back and forth about the Warriors, and if there'd been any question of her fandom, the vigor in which she spoke let him know her passion for the team was as big as his. As she went into a story about how she talked to their star player on the floor before a finals game, he almost wanted to re-consider his earlier reticence. Maybe getting on Stacy's good side would have added benefits. Perhaps not only would it make Elizabeth's work life easier, perhaps it would give him an in on really good tickets. And maybe if things went well, he and Elizabeth could take advantage of this and go to games more often.

But immediately, he knew how naïve this thought probably sounded. And that it was a dream more for him than his wife. While Elizabeth was willing to join him at basketball games, she clearly didn't care about any of it. It would be fun to go to a game with someone who really wanted to be there. As much as his wife would never allow it, part of him knew that Stacy would be a great person to go to a Warriors game with. She knew her shit, and she clearly had a well of fun stories to share. And, going by her stories and pictures, Stacy clearly had VIP access. Meeting players, knowing the execs, having that kind of access... he couldn't imagine experiencing anything like that. It would be really awesome.

He was happy to get sucked into a conversation about basketball, his previous restraint around her forgotten in the excitement of finding a like mind to talk over his favorite sport. And considering the awkward moments from before, he was grateful for something that would distract him from her body.

Elizabeth watched this whole exchange without blinking. She was a hawk, her senses all closed off as her focus was entirely on her husband chatting it up with that bitch. Her mind was on overdrive, her worst nightmares erasing her previous calm as they returned to the surface. He knew what type of woman Stacy was. Why was he being so friendly with her? Was he trying to become actual friends with her? No... that was silly. But... wait... was he trying to be the hero here, to win over Stacy so she wouldn't be so much of a nightmare to her? Shit... he was, wasn't he? He'd done stuff like this before... ever the optimist, ever confident in his own role of peacemaker. But he didn't know what he was dealing with. He didn't know the true Stacy like she did.

But more concerning than that... why was Stacy being so friendly to Ryan? It couldn't actually be what Elizabeth thought it was... right? It felt so ripped out of her worst nightmares that it almost didn't feel real. She could do nothing but stand there and watch, watch them chatting, watching them forming an easy rapport with each other, the friendly smiles he gave her, the beautiful grin she gave him, as well as the opportunities she kept taking to make physical contact, patting his arm, shaking his hand before, moving in close to him when she was showing him her phone. God, Ryan could probably see right down her cleavage positioned like that, especially in the trashy fucking dress of hers. What a fucking slut, dressed like that in a professional setting! How does she keep getting away with her bullshit? Did Ryan sneak a peek? He must have, with how nervously he reacted by his shaky grin. He'd smiled at Elizabeth to reassure her, but she certainly didn't feel reassured.

Was he hot for her? Was he finding himself charmed by her sparkling personality? Had that tight red dress of hers completely changed his opinion of her? Elizabeth had shared a lot of pretty rough stories where Stacy had openly bullied her... but now she was sashaying around with her giant boobs half hanging out, and suddenly he was her now best friend. Asshole! Was he already thinking about sucking on those big, perfect tits of hers? Would he behave just as Johnny had back in high school? Johnny had said all the right things, never gave a clue that his thoughts were anything but chaste. But in those moments, he was clearly lying. He wanted Kayla, and the first chance he had, he took it, succumbing to that evil slut's body, selling out his girlfriend and his entire belief system just to have her. Would Ryan do the same with Stacy, just as she'd dreaded for months now?

A man carrying a tray of drinks walked by. Even though she wasn't the biggest drinker in the world, she grabbed a flute of champagne and gulped half of it down, eyes never leaving her husband and that bitch. She felt defeminized as Stacy and Ryan talked basketball... while Elizabeth was ambivalent to sports of all kinds, Ryan loved the Warriors. It was part of the reason they'd moved out this way. Being the good wife, she did her best to indulge his interests, even going to one or two games with him. But Stacy was standing there, in that dress that made her look so freaking hot, telling her husband that she has box seats for his favorite team, and that she could get him tickets whenever he wanted, and seeing the excitement on his face at the possibility of this, it stung the married woman. Standing here, looking not so hot in her poofy Christmas sweater, she felt far lesser the woman than her boss in every way. She let her darkest fears rise to the surface and acknowledge that Stacy and Ryan would be a natural match. Standing there, looking so well-dressed and handsome, next to a woman as sexy and curvaceous as her... they just looked like a great fit together. They looked like a couple...

Finally, they separated, all smiles on her end, and a friendly, warm grin on his. Elizabeth was startled to see Stacy walking her direction. The blonde couldn't help but notice her Asian boss's giant tits wobbling lewdly as she walked, as if she was moving in such a way to accomplish such a goal. Elizabeth held her breath as her boss moved towards her, freezing in place as Stacy stepped up to her and put her hand on Elizabeth's shoulder.

"You're a lucky woman, Lizzy," Stacy said to her employee, smiling. Elizabeth bristled at her insistent use of that nickname she hated. "Your husband's a hell of a catch..." she said, gently squeezing her shoulder.

"Thanks," Elizabeth replied nervously, looking her boss in the eyes. For a moment, a split second, Stacy's grin went from friendly to wicked, as if she let her true nature out for just a moment, which made Elizabeth's eyes go wide with dread. She then walked away into the crowd behind her, shaking her butt as she did so. Elizabeth had to turn to see this, but all Ryan had to do was look straight-forward, as Stacy was no doubt front and center in his line of sight.

Elizabeth downed the rest of her glass quickly, looking to grab another.

Ryan walked over to her somewhat sheepishly, noting his wife's clear displeasure with him and Stacy chatting up. He was hoping she didn't notice his wayward glances at her, but he feared she did. As he stepped up in front of her, she looked up at him.

"I know what you're doing," she said. He gave her a pointed look.

"What do you mean?" he asked, nervously.

"You're trying to be all buddy/buddy with her so she'll be nicer to me," she said. He exhaled, somewhat annoyed that she would be mad at this, but relieved, knowing that her anger could be far worse. "You don't need to be my hero. You don't need to stand up for me."

"Hon, I..." Ryan began.

"That chick is evil," Elizabeth began. "You're underestimating her! You don't know her like I do. She's being all nice to you, but trust me... she's awful. And you doing this is just gonna make it worse..." He shook his head and smiled sadly.

"Listen, I can tell she's putting up an act," he began. "I'm not naïve. And I'm not trying to be your hero," he said, not wanting her to think she needed him to fight her battles, even though in this situation, it kinda felt like she did, as she seemed to really in a bad spot with Stacy. "But, in my opinion... the thing that ends injustice is kindness. Some people might suck, they might be awful, but you can stifle out such a thing with kindness. You can wear them down. Win them over. She might have made up her mind about you, but I don't think it's such a bad thing to show her that she might be wrong. And I don't apologize for standing up for you. You don't need my help, but that doesn't mean you can't count on me."

She looked up at him, and a smile escaped her pursed lips.

"You're dumb," she said, shaking her head and grinning.

"Maybe..." he replied. "But that's the guy you married," he said, wrapping his hands around her and pulling her in for a quick kiss. She smiled up at him, only to look past him to see Stacy walking across the room, every man in her wake letting their eyes follow. Despite this moment of warmth with her and Ryan where he'd proven his commitment to her again, her heart dropped as her boss's presence ruined the moment.

"Can we just leave?" she suddenly asked. She was already feeling mentally drained by this whole thing, and she just wanted to run away from all this consternation.

Ryan looked down at her and smiled warmly. He knew how uncomfortable she was with everything, and he certainly empathized with her need to get out of this situation. But the job wasn't done yet. He did want to change Stacy's mind on Elizabeth, and with the fact that they actually seemed to have a lot in common, he had an in to make further progress her, hopefully leading to a thawing of her icy feelings towards his wife. He didn't want to ignore his wife's feelings, but he also didn't want her to run from her problems. It might make her more uncomfortable in the short run, but part of him wanted to just rip off the band-aid and get to the bottom of this problem now.

Then again, there was the issue with Stacy. While he of course knew that there was certainly more to her than she was letting on to him, it was rather shocking how much they seemed to have in common. He found it startlingly easy to talk to her, and he was somewhat endeared to her through the fact that they had such mutual interests. Sure, him and Elizabeth shared interests of their own, but basketball was his biggest passion, and Stacy genuinely felt the same way. Judging by some of the things she said, they could talk for hours on the subject, having far more engaged conversations than he ever could with his wife.

Plus, there was his mind's continued weak moments around her. Clearly, she was very attractive, and his mind couldn't get past it. Continuing to put himself around her meant risking more of those weak moments. Moments where his eyes drifted to her cleavage... moments where he caught glimpses of her round, shapely ass... moments where he found himself sucked in by her aura. She was hot. Extremely hot. He wasn't above admitting that. Objectively, she was very sexy. And while he couldn't ignore how amazingly attractive she was... he had a job to do. Sure, she'd knocked him off-balance not once but twice.

Ryan shook his head.

"Let's stay a little longer, hon," he began. She frowned at this. "We only just got here. Let's ride it out, make a good impression, and then we can leave later. Please. Trust me."

Elizabeth's mind flashed back to her high school days. Johnny said the same thing the day before the big party. The day before he'd cheated on her with that bitch, Kayla. The words echoed in her soul. This felt like the pivotal moment. She wanted nothing more than to run away and never look back. But then... she'd still be left with that nagging feeling of something unfinished. Unproven. After discussing this whole thing with Dr. White, the whole point of actually coming here tonight was for Ryan to prove her faith in him and show that he wouldn't fall to Stacy the same way Johnny had to Kayla. If they left now... nothing would be proven. That nagging doubt would still be there, unchanged. And she was just tired of it. Exhausted. She didn't want to go on wondering. She knew Ryan was right. They had to stay. They had to ride this out. She had to let Ryan prove to her why she could trust him, and that he truly was the man of her dreams. She had to listen to her husband. Even though she'd gotten so severely burned in the past, she had to finally to stand up against her rawest fear.

She had to trust her husband.

Smiling, she looked up at the man she loved and nodded. He grinned, just as excited as her. And in that moment, she knew that everything would be okay.


Feeling a little better, her faith renewed that her husband wouldn't fall into the Stacy trap, Elizabeth allowed herself to enjoy the party for a bit, talking with a few colleagues, some of the people she got along with. But through it all, the shadow of Stacy hung over things.

A few people who were in that meeting earlier in the day talked around what happened, leaving Ryan to wonder what he didn't know about. She hadn't gone into it with him, and she didn't want embarrass herself by doing so. But he sensed that he was missing information, and he promised himself to inquire more about it later.

Elizabeth sought out her friend Ellen, but again, the older woman still seemed to be somewhat withdrawn. She looked nice, and she was perfectly polite, but what had gone down between her and Stacy a week or so prior was still weighing on her, as she avoided the topic whenever possible, going as far as even defending Stacy whenever someone else brought her up. It was strange and saddening to see her so seemingly broken by their evil boss.

Another awkward moment came a little later, when Elizabeth suddenly found herself being hugged. Pulling back, she saw it was Marley, the young woman she'd help train. She was a real beauty, a young Latina woman with curly brunette hair, a cute smattering of freckles on her friendly face, and a curvaceous frame, with a big, juicy rear end and a pair of very large breasts. She was dressed in a very appealing manner, wearing a dark green dress that was very flattering while also fitting with her bubbly, friendly personality. The straps of the dress left her smooth arms exposed, her caramel skin glowing in the dim office light. The upper half of her dress was snug and only slightly low-cut, showing off a tasteful amount of her chest, her large, full breasts leaving only a hint of cleavage exposed. The rest of her upper half was showcased by the slim dress, the material hugging her shapely figure. The lower-half of her dress flared outwards, adding a poofy-ness to the otherwise snug dress, the fabric ending above her knees. When she spun quickly, the dress would raise up and out as she did so, showing a little more of her firm, shapely legs. And as she moved with that pep in her step she always had, the lower hem of that dress would bounce energetically. The rest of her smooth legs were bare, ending in a pair of dark high heels. Moving quickly back towards Elizabeth, she grinned happily.