Drank Some Wine, Smoked Some Pot


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"When he pushed his cock inside me, I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I was having some fun, and I even thought you would have a good laugh when I told you about it.

"The reality of what I had done didn't strike me until I saw Vince tying a knot in the used condom when he finished. I jumped up and started getting dressed. I was panicking, and Vince was trying to talk me into going into his bedroom for a second round. I didn't answer him. I just finished dressing and left.

"Everything became real to me on the way home. I had just done something that I swore I would never do, but it never occurred to me that I was doing anything wrong until it was over. At first, I wanted to come home and confess to you, but I decided that the best chance I had of not losing you was if you never knew what I did.

"When I got home, I rushed into the bathroom to calm myself down and come up with a reason for why I was late getting home. I was beginning to believe that everything would be all right until you asked me why I didn't stop at the store. That's when I realized that I left my phone at Vince's house. That's the truth. I am sorry that I put myself in that position and that I wasn't able to stop this from happening, and I'm sorry I lied to you. I want you to know I have never done anything like this before, and I will never do it again. Please tell me there is something I can do to help you be able to forgive me."

I sat staring at Jan while I tried to make sense out of what she had told. "So, your defense is that you were stoned, so you fucked Morrison because it was fun. It seems to me that you are leaving a lot of things out of your explanation. Like, how long did you make out with him before he took his pants off? Did you suck his cock? Did he eat your pussy? Did you do it more than once, and did you have an orgasm?"

As I asked the questions, Jan sat shaking her head.

"We didn't do those other things. I just thought what we were doing was funny at the time, and I didn't see any reason to stop it from happening. I remember the sex feeling good I didn't have an orgasm."

I couldn't think of anything to say, so I went into the kitchen and poured myself a drink. When I came back into the living room, Jan looked disappointed that I didn't offer to get her a drink.

"Did you want something?" I said.

"Tell me what I need to do to fix this. I love you, and I don't want to lose you."

"You should have thought of that before you let that asshole fuck you," I said and then went up to my room. The truth is I didn't have any idea of what Jan could do to clean up the mess she made, but in my heart, I hoped that she could find a way.

My icy feelings toward Jan thawed a little over the next week. We talked, but not about anything important. We ate dinner together and watched television together, but we didn't sleep together. I kept waiting for Jan to say or do something, anything that would help me decide what I needed to do.

I thought about going after Morrison, but I didn't see any way that would help our situation. He didn't force Jan to have sex with him, and I have no way of knowing if he set out to seduce her or if things just happened the way Jan described them.

I thought about seeking advice from friends, but I didn't want anyone else to know what Jan did. It was ban enough that Morrison knew. Anyway, I didn't want other people telling me what I should do. This was my problem, and I was going to have to work it out for myself.

Things went on without any change for the next three weeks. Going to work was the only thing helping me stay sane. Coming home at night and seeing Jan's sad face was breaking my heart and making me angry at the same time. I didn't enjoy seeing her hurting like she was, but it was her damn fault, and I was hurting too.

On Friday night, Jan slipped a note under my bedroom door, and a few minutes later, I heard her drive away from the house. I was hesitant to read her message because I was afraid that it would say that she was giving up and was leaving me. I sat staring at the envelope for a half hour before I finally opened it.


I'm sorry. I know this is my responsibility, but I just can't think of any way I can fix the mess I've made without your help. I have been driving myself crazy trying to think of a way that would allow you to forgive me and want to stay married to me. I have had hundreds of ideas but have dismissed all of them for having no chance of working. The only option I have now is to offer you the opportunity to have sex with someone else and hope that somehow you would feel that we would be even, and you would then be able to get past my betrayal.

I am going over to my parent's house, but I'll be home by ten o'clock, if you want to talk about this tonight. Just remember that I love you.


I couldn't believe it; Jan was offering me a free pass to have sex with another woman, hoping that I would then be able to forgive her. That seems like a desperate move on her part. I wasn't sure how I felt about her offer. If I did it, would I be doing it to get even or to get revenge?

It was time that I started thinking more clearly about what I wanted. Could I forgive a one-time folly on Jan's part? Can I be sure that it was only one time? Did I believe Jan's story about how she ended up fucking that jerk? In my mind, I could almost see it happening the way Jan described it, but I could also see lots of other ways it could have happened. I was trying to think of a way to verify Jan's account when I thought of someone who might help.

His name is Kevin O'Leary. Kevin works with Jan, and I play golf with him occasionally. I called Kevin under the pretense that I wanted to see if he could play golf a week from Saturday. During our conversation about golf, I mentioned the AC problem they had at their building. Kevin confirmed that the AC had gone out and was out all afternoon.

"Jan told me that some of you went over to Vince Morrison's house instead of going back to the office," I said.

"Yeah, there were seven or eight of us that went over to Vince's that day," Kevin said.

"So you guys had a little party that afternoon."

"It wasn't much. I guess we finished a couple of bottles of wine, but that's about it. Vince said that he had some killer weed, but no one wanted to get stoned."

"Jan told me that she wasn't drinking that day, but I doubt that she would pass up the wine."

"Funny thing was that Jan spent the whole time sitting at the kitchen counter typing something on her cell phone. I know she had a glass of wine in front of her, but I didn't see her drink it."

"Well I guess I'll have to stop teasing Jan about that," I said.

After agreeing to play golf the following weekend, we ended the call. Kevin's comments about that afternoon led me to believe that what Jan told me was true up to the point that everyone else left Morrison's house. Should I believe her story about what happened after everyone else went home, and does it make a difference whether I believed her or not?

After my conversation with Kevin, I started thinking about Vince Morrison and what I should do about him. On impulse, I looked up his phone number and called him. When he answered, I said, "This is Bob Thomas, Jan's husband, and I know about your affair with my wife. You and I have some business to take care of."

"Hey, I didn't do anything to Jan."

"Don't try to bullshit me. Jan told me what happened now. I want you to tell me what happened so I can compare your stories. If your story doesn't match Jan's, I am going to find out which one of you is lying and then fix the problem."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, I am just informing you of what you can look forward to if you lie to me. You tell me the truth now, and I won't come after you."

"Okay, what do you want to know?" Morrison said

"How many times have the two of you been together?"

"It was just once. It was the day that the AC went out at the office, and I invited the members of our department to come over to my house."

"If you had a house full of people, how did you end up fucking my wife."

"Everyone except Jan left before five o'clock. Jan spent the whole afternoon sitting at my kitchen counter, trying to type a report for the manager. When she finished, I offered her a glass of wine, and we sat a talked. We had a couple more glasses of wine, and then I got the stupid idea that we should smoke a joint. We were stoned, and we started messing around. It was nothing planned; it just happened. Neither of us realized there was anything wrong with what we were doing until it was over. I know Jan was devastated when she realized that she had cheated on you. It took me a little longer to get there, but I felt bad about what happened. The sex didn't mean anything."

"Don't give me that shit. You fucking my wife meant a lot to me."

"I wasn't trying to make light of what we did. What I meant was that there was no love or even any passion in it. It was just two stoned people doing something because they thought that it was fun. That's the truth. I am sorry this happened. I never set out to seduce Jan, and if I hadn't been high, I wouldn't have tried anything with her. I hope this hasn't broken your marriage too badly."

"In the future, stay the fuck away from Jan," I said and then disconnected the call. I don't think that Morrison was truthful about everything. I think he did set out to seduce Jan and I don't believe he feels bad about what happened. If he did he would not have tried to get Jan to come back to his house the next morning to, in his words, "fire up another joint and have some more fun. Morrison lied to make himself look less like the piece of shit that he is, but his story seemed to confirm what Jan told me. So, why didn't I feel any better?

Jan returned home a little after 10:00 and came looking for me. I was sitting in our living room with a small glass of bourbon, watching a ball game, although I couldn't tell you who was playing.

"Did you read my note?" Jan said.


"Would that work for you?"

"The question is, would it work for you?" I said.

"I don't know what else to do." I am desperate to find a way to save our marriage."

"Well, I don't think that idea would work. Would you feel good about me having sex with another woman? Cause I don't think you would. You would be hurt almost as much as I was, maybe even more. I think we would both resent each other for what we had done and in the end it would drive us apart."

Jan was silent for a minute and then she said, "I guess you're right, but there has to be something I can do, some way I can make you love me again."

"Your problem isn't that I don't love you. The problem is that you have hurt me more than I thought you ever could. I don't know how things are going to turn out for us. I am trying to be patient. I don't want to rush into doing something that I'll later regret."

"Thanks for not leaving me, at least not yet," Jan said. "I guess I'll go up to bed. I'll see you in the morning."

Jan leaned over and kissed me on the cheek as she passed by my chair.

By the weekend I was close to making a decision my marriage. I saw myself as having two choices. I could go for the divorce or I could try to move past Jan indiscretion and work on saving the marriage. The decision comes down to was regret. If I make the wrong decision, which wrong decision would cause me the most regret.

Late that Saturday night I was in bed reading when I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Before I could respond Jan walked into the room. She was wearing her bathrobe and slippers and a sad expression on her face. She came over next to the bed and started talking,

"I guess there is only one thing left for me to try," she said. "When you confronted me about what I did you told me that you were angry enough that you wanted to hit me."

"I never would have hit you but I sure as hell wanted to hit something," I said.

"Well, I think you should hit me, or rather spank me," Jan said as she removed her bathrobe to expose her naked body. Jan crawled onto the bed and laid across my thighs. I want you to spank me as hard as you want as many times as you want until you feel I have been punished enough."

Jan didn't say anything more. She just laid there quietly waiting for me to spank her ass.

The idea that she thought that a couple of slaps on the ass would fix our problem made me mad enough to do it. I raised my hand above my head and brought down of her left cheek as hard as I could. The sound the slap made was loud and I know it had to have hurt her because it hurt my hand too. I could hear Jan whimpering as I raised my hand for a second attack, but when I looked down at her bottom I could clearly see a red mark in shape of my hand where I had hit her. It was already turning into a welt and I suddenly felt like shit. I put my hand down softly on the injured area and gently caressed it. I could feel Jan's body shaking from her sobs.

I slid my hand down off of her ass and down the back of her thigh and lightly massaged it. I work my way back up between her legs and when I got to vaginal mound, Jan spread her legs to make herself available to me. I slipped my finger between her lips and found her clit. I was doing all of this without thinking about what I was doing. I guess I was trying to make up for the pain I had just caused her.

Jan stopped crying and was beginning to respond to the stimulation I was giving her clit. Within two minutes, Jan's body shuddered through a small orgasm and then she lay still for a moment. When she moved again she slid off of me and got up on her knees. Without a word she pulled down my pajamas and underpants and my surprisingly erect cock into her mouth. I say surprisingly because I was not aware that I had become aroused while I was fingering Jan. I guess after being celibate for a few weeks it wouldn't take much to get me up.

This was not a typical blow job Jan was giving me. Usually Jan likes to play with my cock and balls until I am ready to explode and then we move on to the main event. Not this time. Jan seemed determined to get me off as quickly as possible. She was taking me down as far as she could and stroking me with her hand when she backed off with her mouth. When I felt my climax approaching I warned Jan, but she didn't let loose of my cock.

My orgasm was powerful and left me completely relaxed. With her mouth full of my cum, Jan retreated to my bathroom to spit it out. When she came back from the bathroom, Jan looked at me with hope in her expression. I turned the blankets down as an invitation for her to join me in my bed. Jan got in bed, snuggled up to me, and fell asleep.

In the morning Jan was already downstairs when I woke up. I could smell bacon frying so I hurried downstairs to join her for breakfast. Jan didn't say anything about what happened but I could tell from the expression on her face that she felt that we had turned the corner in a positive way. I could feel it to but I don't think I was as sure about it as she was.

I spent a lot of time working in the yard over the weekend so that I could think about what I wanted without having to see Jan staring at me. I kept coming back to which of the paths I could choose to take would I most likely regret?

It took most of the afternoon, but my path became clear when I realized that if I divorced Jan and later regretted my decision I would probably have to live with it. If I stay with Jan, and later regret that decision I would still have the option of divorcing her. In the end I made the right decision. I decided to stay with Jan.

When I told Jan of my decision she cried, she laughed , she hugged and kissed me. "You will never regret this," she said.

Life was bumpy for a while, but Jan has more than made up for her one indiscretion, and I have no regrets.

The end.

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silentsoundsilentsound5 months ago

Too simple and too much unresolved.

She chose to get drunk and high knowing what she was like and she did it with a guy she didn't even like.

Bull pucky.

She also just keeps working with the guy and everyone is just fine with it?


RuttweilerRuttweiler7 months ago
Didn’t work for me

The MC didn’t seem real or sympathetic to me. It’s as if he knew he was in a cheating wife story and immediately jumped to that conclusion. That it was cheating is beside the point. The story is not about their relationship, it’s all about him being butt-hurt.


argomez99argomez9912 months ago

This is perhaps the most realistic LW story I've ever read.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

So it's like nothing ever happened and she even keeps working there?

Oh I forget they both said it was a mistake

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Came off as quite realistic depiction of a one time slip ignoring the smoking pot excuse.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

No sé que fuman estos personajes de literotica, pero la marihuana y el alcohol no causan un efecto lascivo o algo así, de hecho da sueño.... Ganas de dormir.

Solo por si acaso...

ibuguseribuguserabout 1 year ago

Good story. A one time slip that could be, and was, forgiven.


Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 1 year ago

Just wait until wifey gives birth to baby #1, then the boot will be on the other foot. Or am I being a tad cynical? 4 stars and thanks for sharing.

HighBrowHighBrowover 1 year ago

Femdom agitprop. Oh! You were stoned? Why didn’t you say so?

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

A nice simple she cheated story, it puts the question of how do you get over? Past? you’re partners cheating. I’m somewhat surprised that I,v never read a story on here that has she being a good old sex toy for hubby to stay and not go separate ways!

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Read it again.

He seduced her and she responded. Jan had choices and she made them.

I’d still kick her to the curb, divorce her for adultery.

Afterwards, if l wanted her still. Start seeing her again and see if the same feelings exist. If not, off she goes. If so, date her but take your time before deciding anything

Still 2/5

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownalmost 2 years ago

You let your wife cheat on you without repercussions, that makes you a cuck. Facts...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Fuck…she knows that when she smokes pot she has no control of herself..she is with a male who is not her husband and sits with him and drinks…then she smokes pot too! Well I am sure it wa sore mediated so she could avoid accepting blame and blame it on the pot! And the writer/MC is the biggest cuck to take her back!before kids it will be easier to divorce…after kids …well he has just fucked himself in the ass!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It wasn't deliberate because she had a toke and accidently fell on another guys cock. Just the kind of person you can count on long term.

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