Dream Fantasy Inc.


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"I feel kind of loose inside," I heard her mumble under her breath but just loudly enough for me to hear. I didn't acknowledge that I heard her but I was already half expecting that answer.

As I struggled to hold the flashlight with my left hand, my right hand fumbled with the wiring harness, trying to split the halves and open the plastic covering. Bending down and touching my arm, she asked if I could use some help in holding the flashlight. Able to use her help, but afraid to ask for it, I answered her, "No thanks, I think I can get it. I've almost got it now."

I was having too much fun playing with her, pushing her to see if she'd stop pushing back.

What I didn't want to tell her was that I was going to hold the flashlight in my mouth to free up both hands. Not wanting to get her back on her 'slippery slope', I was hoping that I could quickly get the part opened, checked, wires inserted if necessary and back together before having to answer her back. But it was not to be. Hearing some rustling, but unable to look over at her, I was startled to feel her fingers on my right ear. Then after lots of movement and commotion, her face appeared across my chest.

"No wonder you got so quiet. You know what? Seeing that flashlight in your mouth makes me even hotter and you're down here having fun without me. I don't think you want to share with me."

Uh-oh. Busted. I couldn't see her well, but out of the corner of my eye it was obvious that she was one big smile.

"Naat phun," I mumbled with the flashlight still in my mouth. I was afraid to not answer her back, but aware as I tried to say those words that they may have been the wrong ones.

"That's too bad, I could help you with that you know. You just aren't giving me enough of a chance to help you. It is after all MY car".

Now connecting two wires that appeared to be only wiggled loose, I managed to seat the wires, fold the housing back together and grab the flashlight from my mouth. I turned toward her and said, "You've helped me a great deal. I'm glad that I could give you a hand." "I've got a feeling that your hands could do a great deal more," she replied with her silky smooth voice.

Unsure of what else to say or to do, I pulled myself back through the door with my legs and stood up, allowing my spine to again be in a straight line. Glancing back at her still lying on the floor, I saw her look up at me and begin to laugh.

"I'm stuck, help me up please," she said between giggles.

Walking around the car, I got as far as the driver's side door and opened the door. Then I noticed that her back was pushed against the front of the seat. She was completely curled up on the floor, wedged against the seat with her right arm, neck and head straddling the center console. Her skirt was now almost up around her waist, but by that time I had almost quit noticing where her skirt was. It never seemed to be where it belonged any more.

"How did you ever get stuck in there?" I asked, though fully knowing the answer.

"I was trying to help you, but you refused to let me. Now look, I'm stuck here and helpless. Don't you feel sorry for me?" she wondered.

I looked down at her and even in her position, she managed to turn her head towards me and share a huge, sorrowful pouting lip.

"So sorry that I'm debating just leaving you there. I bet it wouldn't take you too long to get out though. What do you think?"

"You wouldn't and you better not."

"I shouldn't, but I just might. It sounds like tons of fun after all of your abuse."

"Abuse?" she yelled. "Get me out of here and I'll SHOW you abuse."

I leaned closer to her, to make it easier for her to see the huge smile on my face.

"I'll bet that your speakers will work now, shall I test them?" I asked. Without waiting for an answer, I stood up and turned the keys, already in the ignition, to 'Acces'. I found the 'Power' button on the radio and pressed it. Immediately, there seemed to be sound everywhere.

"Sounds great to me, what do you think?" I wondered.

"I think you're a cruel bastard that was kind enough to help me with my radio," she responded this time with a nasty smile.

With a big grin on my face and without speaking, I reached back, turning the key to 'Off'.

Looking down at her, I saw the smile had faded somewhat, but wasn't completely gone. Giving her a big smile, I bent down as far as I could and smiled in her face. It was time to rescue the poor, vulnerable woman.

"Is the seat back as far as it goes?" I wondered.

Looking up to the extent possible, she answered, "I don't think so, that would help wouldn't it?"

"It may have prevented this dire tragedy," I mockingly answered.

I reached down between the seat and her bare back, brushing against her uncovered cheeks, discovering that her pink panties must be thong-like since there didn't seem to be a trace of material between my hand and her bare ass. Her skin felt hot and wonderful but I managed to move my hand away. I then found the lever that allowed seat adjustment. Gently, without pressing too hard on her back, I pulled the lever to the side and slid the seat rearwards a distance of maybe only 2 inches, but those 2 inches were enough to give her a great deal more room.

"Your hand is very warm and hey, that feels pretty nice."

"Hey, I thought you were too warm."

I decided that I better let it go at that and kept my mouth shut.

"There, now let's see if I can swing you out," but she was already able to work herself free and was sitting up by the time I reached for her hand. Stretching out a bit, I helped her work her legs free and extend them out the open door. Glancing down at her long, lovely legs, I again saw a trace of pink fabric between her legs as she slid and bumped her hips toward the door. By the time she had her hips on the sill, her skirt was again mostly wrapped around her waist.

"Bad day for a skirt, I guess" was all she said. Short and sweet, just like the garment that she was passing off as a skirt.

"Oh I don't know about that," I answered, "It's been a very lovely day for that outfit. I wouldn't have picked out anything else had the choice been up to me." And then quickly before she could respond, "I better get going, I'm glad that we got your music going again." I smiled with a wink at her and started toward my car.

"Do you have to go? I thought maybe we could sit and talk a few minutes. I'll buy you a soda as a 'thank-you'. How about it?"

"Thank you, but I have to get going. Nice car, I don't think I told you. You've got great taste in cars and I think that it's great that your car defines your taste."

Heading for my car, she called out to me, "I'm Ginny, who are you?"

I turned back towards her and shared my name with her.

"Who knows, I just might have car trouble here again sometime and it would be good to know who you are."

Smiling back, I got in my car, waved, and took off, intent on finishing the drive home. All kinds of thoughts filled my head and eventually, concentration on my driving again returned, though not until I had covered many miles.

* * * * *

This was normally as far as I ever got with the memory, getting as far as leaving her there in the parking lot with a working sound system, her fantastic outfit and her fantastic car. I still remember the clothing that she wore, almost its every detail; the electric yellow shoes, her stockings whose tops maybe weren't ever intended to be covered, the yellow skirt, the lightweight, white knit top and of course, the pink panties that offered me the lovely look and feel of her bare skin.

The thought of Ginny in those clothes, sitting in the car after her loose wires were connected has been a wonderful daydream for me. I've often wondered what else we might have talked about that lovely fall day. Her ease, wit and teasing made her even more attractive to me than her obvious great looks might suggest. She seemed to have so many qualities that were hard for me not to like and I'm sure that she would have been fun, wearing even a Carhartt work outfit. But I had to admit that lots of her magic came from the fact that her outfit wasn't intended for any normal kind of work, certainly not the kind of work I was at all associated with.

As I proceeded further East along the highway between home and the gas station, my mind began to wander back to sitting next to Ginny in the shiny Mustang. We might be talking or laughing about something, she trying to scoot her skirt down and hoping that I'd be watching her in the process. Wishing that I could close my eyes while I drove, I did the next best thing. Turning the radio off, I let my mind wander, keeping my eyes on the road. I essentially put the car on autopilot and did my best to focus on a different, warm summer day.

I looked over, imagining that I was seeing Ginny's long legs in the seat next to me, in my car on my seat this time, not hers. Wearing the same clothing, having the same attitude and the same fun loving, carefree smile on her face as well. It put a smile on my face and more than that, made a small shudder run through me.

"Must be the warm sun," I told myself.

Looking forward through the windshield, I was drawn back into my commuting world by seeing the car ahead slowing down to make a turn. Having to concentrate on driving, I slowed until I passed the car on its way down a small, country road. Accelerating back up to speed, I looked over at the seat again, imagining that I could detect her still familiar scent.

Imagining her then raising her left leg slightly and watching for my reaction, the short skirt rising to expose some stocking lace, I smiled to myself. She seemed to have so much fun teasing me by exposing her body. It seemed as though she was almost more full of humor than flirt, but what a wonderful mix. Looking back to my nearby seat, I imagined her reaching down to adjust her skirt and stockings, so tantalizingly close to me, totally appreciating my presence.

Taking a quick scan of traffic forward and rearward in my mirror, I found everything quiet. While I was looking in my rearview mirror, I detected or heard, I'm not sure which, a movement or maybe more of a stir next to me. When I looked over to see if something had tipped over or had fallen, my heart stopped when I saw Ginny in the seat next to me. Totally confused, frightened and unbelieving, I blinked, looked forward, looked again and rubbed my eyes. Looking back to my right, she was still there. My blinking and rubbing made no difference. I looked closely and yes, there was the outfit, this 'person's face and hair were her face and hair. It had to be her, but that was impossible, right?

"What the hell is going on?" my almost breathless voice managed to squeak out.

Seeing my disbelief, she reached over and touched my arm. I watched her finger move to the back of my hand, convinced that something scary would happen when the fingertip reached me. Instead, I felt a light, warm, human touch. A touch that wasn't at all bad or scary.

"It's me, Ginny, don't worry. Didn't you want me here?" she asked in that perfectly magical voice, but now very softly and quiet. "I was sure that you needed me here about now."

"Want you here?" I asked in disbelief. "I didn't think it was a matter of want. I thought some company might be a good thing, but you're a friggin' ghost, aren't you?"

"I'm not a ghost. And I was the best you could do?" she asked with that wonderful Ginny sparkle in her voice.

Feeling only slightly more at ease, I managed to find a way to give her a small smile.

"That's better, the color is starting to come back into your face. You'll be fine you know, there's nothing to be afraid of."

She had almost nothing more to say other than that sometimes she's able to just drop in and visit and that I shouldn't worry, everything was going to be ok. "There's nothing to be afraid of, really." I was noticeably skeptical and it was obvious. "It's alright, really. Just take it easy and relax."

Soon, somehow braver and slightly more comfortable, I asked her if the speakers were still working.

A big smile and then she answered, "They are, perfectly, thanks."

Amazingly, I had been able to keep the car on the road through the last number of uncountable minutes, though I had no idea how. Realizing that I had been lucky, I decided to pull over at the next crossroad and move a safe distance away from the highway. Onto the gravel road, then into a field driveway, I stopped the car.

The quiet was almost crushing.

"I don't understand how you can possibly be here and I still only partially understand why."

"I think that what you need to concentrate on is that I am here, don't you think?" she wondered with a teasing lilt in her voice.

"So I should just accept it and let it go, is that what you're trying to say?" I asked.

"When you think about it for a minute, wouldn't it just be both easier and more fun? That is, after all why I'm here."

"I guess you've got me there," I said with a big smile back. "I'd be lying if I told you that I haven't run our last visit through my mind over and over again."

"I know."

Looking over at her and making it obvious to her that I was looking very closely, I told her that she looked exactly as I remembered her from the year before.

"Then it's working. It's not an accident you know. I should be exactly the way you remember me and I believe that you've 'got' me right too, getting absolutely everything the same as I was a year ago." She then slowly ran her hand down her between her breasts, from her white top onto her short skirt, spent a few extra seconds around the hem of her skirt and then continued the finger's very long distance down to her knee. I watched the movement. Watched wasn't the word. Studied was truly more accurate.

As I began to ask another question, she reached over with her index finger and pressed it to my lips.

"Not now, that's enough," she simply instructed.

Leaning back into the corner of the seat and against the door, she managed to make enough room to cross her legs. Looking at me, she then asked, "So I was on your mind. . . . I wonder which part of me was there?" The smile on her face was as enticing as her question was and my body was adapting nicely to her presence in the car, of her being there so close by again.

She placed her hands midway down each thigh as if she were about to play the piano.

"I probably don't even have to tell you that. I bet you already knew, you seem to be pretty wise about these sorts of things," I responded back with a reluctant but big smile.

Her fingers didn't start playing an imaginary piano, but instead 'played' ever so softly over the material of her hose covered legs.

"Oh I know a few things, but I'd rather hear it from you. That's why I asked."

Talk about a cat-that-swallowed-the-canary smile. Yes, Ginny was back.

"Ok, I see. I was feeling a little too alone here in the car I guess and I was imagining you over in that seat, probably sharing another look at your lovely legs."

Ginny's fingers were doing a very delicate dance on her left thigh, only a small reach away from me. She made sure that I was noticing too, being certain that I was paying enough attention to each delicate movement.

"Had you even noticed them last time? I wasn't even really sure," her voice teasing and her eyes doing the same. "It didn't seem that you were overly comfortable with them. I thought that maybe you just weren't use to seeing so much of a stranger's leg, was that what was making you uncomfortable?"

All I did was smile. I wasn't going to give her the answer that she only partly was expecting.

"I hope that you're more comfortable with them today."

Ginny's fingers now shifted the hem of her skirt, moving it higher by two or three inches, two or three inches too far to keep the lace covered.

I don't think this is too much to show off, do you?" she asked as she took her index finger and traced a line from the knee of her crossed over leg. The line she traced went slowly up to the hem of her skirt, but not without passing over an expansive distance of lace on its way. To highlight the lace, as if it needed any highlighting, she made a large and deliberate 'S' as she traced across it. I watched her finger rise and fall as it followed the contour of the various patterns of lace.

"S is the beginning of sex you know," she reminded me.

"You are very lovely, I thought so last time and still do. I like your outfit, though it might not fit well in just any crowd, anyplace. I thought it went well with car repair and I wasn't disappointed in the least that you were wearing it that day."

"I thought it looked that way, but you never really said it in so many words."

I found myself thinking that she was probably the most erotic woman that I had ever been within touching distance of and it was difficult to get past my amazement of her presence, but it was rapidly becoming easier. Hearing her voice again and watching her motions quickly dissipated my anxiety.

"Would you like to drive for awhile? I can just sit here and we can talk. That way you won't be late to wherever it is that you're going."

Not wanting to admit disappointment, but realizing that her suggestion made a great deal of sense, I reluctantly agreed. Starting the car and turning around on the narrow road, we proceeded slowly back to the highway, made the right turn back onto the highway and got back up to speed.

She began talking and speaking of the scenery, the area, and some details on her Mustang but mostly it sounded like rambling to me. While talking, she seemed to be almost staring out the windshield, studying the scenery as we drove by, looking as though she were in some other world.

I looked over at her a few times as she spoke, but her eyes were always busy somewhere else. I did happen to notice though that Ginny's fingers again began to lightly massage her legs, from her knees up to the hem of her skirt and back, her feet flat on the floor with knees slightly separated. I noticed, but didn't want to be caught doing so. Continuing with her drifting conversation, she was mentioning more random subjects and very obviously in her own little world. She seemed to be more involved with her physical activity and appeared to be concentrating more and more on touching herself.

"Isn't it getting hot in here? I think the sun is really warming up the car, don't you think?" she wondered with a quick glance towards me.

"I suppose so but I didn't think it was really that warm outside. I guess I was feeling pretty comfortable." It was all I could do not to laugh, but out of the corner of my eye I noticed that if she was laughing, she was hiding it very well.

"I'll roll down the window a bit if you'd like," I offered.

"No, then it gets so noisy. If you don't mind, I'll just remove my stockings. I think that's mostly what's bothering me and then we can still talk without shouting."

Ginny immediately slid slightly forward in her seat and lifted her thighs slightly. With her fingers completely warmed up, she slowly eased them up to the top of her legs.

"That sounds great to me," I said as I only partially held back a giggle, staring into her lap.

This time, I could feel her stare back at me and I became afraid that maybe I had made some sort of mistake. I know that the look on my face was one of concern as I looked over at her to learn more about her reaction. She broke into a huge smile once we made eye contact and said, "Ooh, that sounds wonderful, doesn't it?"

I repeated my smile, looked directly into her eyes and said, "Yes, very wonderful."

As she looked down at her lap, she began describing her stockings to me, highlighting every possible detail. Ginny went into every small fact about where they came from, the brand, the color, the style, the price ("But they're worth it, don't you think?"), how they fit, how she cared for them and why she enjoyed them. While she went through the many details, she slowly and deliberately leaned over onto one cheek, pulled her skirt up to well above the top of her stockings, then began to roll her left leg's covering down her thigh. Once the lace was clear of her thigh, she sat back again into the seat. Looking over at me, she noticed that my driving was being challenged and I think that she enjoyed noticing the fact. With her hands delicately easing the lace down, she slowly reached her knee and stopped.