During The Isolation of 2019 Pt. 02


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We woke up when Val's phone rang. His cousin in Needles had been lucky with the first truck he checked. It was a wreck, t-boned by a semi, from about 1981 that had sat in the desert lot ever since. It needed a little work from the welder, but now it held pressure at twice "July 4th in Needles" temperatures. It was early enough that he could get it to Fed Ex so it would leave today, but because of the weather it was still going to take two or three days to get it to my place. Express shipping was the biggest part of the bill but Val said "do it" and they did the credit card thing to pay for it.

"Does that mean you might leave before Mommy and Aunt Mona get back?" Candy asked.

Val answered. "Well, we still have to install the bitch, which is no picnic if we want things to work after. Working on the dashboard is always a pain, in a cramped, upside-down position. I might be able to leave before they get here. But assuming it is okay with your Dad, why would I want too? I bet somebody sweet has a lot more naughty ideas about creative ways to empty my balls."

It was the perfect thing to say, Candy gave him a big hug and kisses that kept coming until his cock was erect again.

Time for more fun and games. Candy was especially eager for a serial fuck. Then the phone rang, a cue to kill erections.


Because Val's cousin just called we half-figured it was him calling back. But this was my landline so I picked it up. It was my cousin Brice, the big brother I never had. He was about ten years older then me and lived two hours away, but when we were together it was always great, like we were brothers. When I was a kid he let me get away with stuff, but he kept me out of trouble, and he always attached a lesson to it. When he was hurt I was only 18 but I took over his farm for the summer, working from sunrise to sunset. With his approval I also eventually serviced his new wife Claire, they didn't tell me but she was just days pregnant when he went to the hospital, so it was always bareback and often spontaneous; like when she rode me riding the tractor. It started with her plea to "just hold me" in the night, but before I left she was dragging me into their marital bed naked, pulling my cock. If Brice had not come back when he did there would have been handcuffs. At 18 she did not have to suck me to get it hard. However, she enjoyed it when I ate her as a sign of respect.

Needless to say, Brice could ask me anything. Well, it seems he was out shopping some auctions and was a little too successful. He started the day in the state west of us at 6 in the morning, and had to be at an auction in the state east of us at 6 tomorrow morning. Because of the weather and the light turnout he made a lot of great buys today, but that caused two problems. One was loading his truck, it took a lot longer that he planned. Second was that, with his truck loaded, he needed to unload before he went east when he figured to buy more.

His place was south of mine, about 2 hours one way. If he went there and unloaded he would be too late heading east. Also, it would mean his wife and his younger kids would be looking after the new unfamiliar stock their first day on a new farm, which was a bonehead move. So that wasn't a choice.

He could blow off the second auction, but with the weather there promised to be real bargains, so he really wanted to get there with a big empty trailer. So he asked himself, where could he board a few animals for a week of so without costing him either cash or travel time.

Now, he knew I had the best insulated barn in the county, and I was on a direct line between the points. So he called. Once we got the animals unloaded (not an easy or quick job) and the folks fed (they were family so feeding went without saying) he would have about 4 hours to spare. He had his oldest boy David along as a co-driver and he knew my sleeping arrangements, so he wasn't looking for overnight. But that gave me an idea. I asked for a private conversation, so he turned off the speaker.

"How old is David now?" I asked.

"He turned 18 last month. School is closed this week so he came along as a last-minute co-driver."

Then I told him I had some Candy in the dome and asked a very personal, private, brother-to-brother question. Was his son ready to take a big step to manhood?

His reply said it all. "Damn, if she is willing, this trip is even luckier than I imagined it could be."

I had to caution, "There's no privacy, and if he has a girl..."

"He doesn't, he has been moping since they broke up and she moved in September, leaving him high and dry, but she was a spoiled stuck-up rat-faced bitch so good riddance. Coz, I would never force the lady..."

"No, you would not. But Candy has her own ideas so this is going to go under the heading of a great sweet surprise, so don't sweat it. You should know, she runs the show, and she is looking to please a crowd. It WILL get messy."

"Even better, so nobody is confused. See you in a few hours," Brice said as he hung up.

I laid things out for Candy and Val. "My cousin Brice will be here in roughly 4 hours. We are going to board some stock he just bought, mainly sheep and a pony or two, so for now I will have to do a few things outside. A hot supper for 5 would be appreciated. Then they will have a few hours to join in the play, if Candy is willing."

"They?" Candy asked hopefully.

"Brice plus his 18-year old son David. He broke up with his girl in September. Is that a problem?"

"His son David? What a treat! I saw him at the family picnic when we were 16. He is kind of dreamy. Do you think..."

"Check the mirror in the bathroom... I'm pretty sure you will see the answer is yes. Brice says he needs a first time but being romantic like one-on-one might confuse him. You were looking for something serial..."

"Oh goodie! I get a fresh cherry! Could he go first? Please?"

"I imagine that will be his preference. But if he pops too soon and sees us going and going and going..."

"Message received... I will kick him out so everyone gets me sorta fresh, then we all go again until we are all done and I am a very sloppy happy girl. Oh man, I am going to get off dozens of times in my first gang-bang, and it is all family to boot. Okay, in terms of dinner I could use Val on the veggies for a time, he chops better than me!" Candy said it all in a rush.

I loved the way her mind could switch subjects and still stay on top of each one.

"Send Val out to me when you are done with him. You are cooking only! Full aprons on, Mona says no grab ass while cooking." I knew Candy and Val would have grabbed a quickie, but I needed his help for running a heavy tarp, it is a four-handed job.

From there things went well. Candy did a great farm supper, I knew the boys were hungry after two days of ice-cold sandwiches. (This winter they needed the cooler to keep food from freezing.) Val and I got the barn set up for Brice's critters. Right on time Brice backed his big gooseneck into the vehicle shed. I had a tarp covered walk to the heated barn so the move went easy. It was a variety of beasts, two and four legged. Livestock is more relaxed when they don't have a choice, especially in new surroundings. Plus, they knew it was cold outside, they could smell the heat. Brice, David and I handled the animals while Val worked the gates. Then we unloaded the feed, he had plenty for everybody, even the geese. That is the way with auctons. When everything was squared away and fed we went inside to eat.

Candy was dressed in a white terry robe and David's eyes lit up when he saw her. She handed out robes to everybody then pointed to the showers and said not to take too long, dinner was "hot on the table in 30 minutes. Not 31 minutes." This set a tone for the visit

I had shared the plan with Brice in the barn, so he could give the boy some hints while they showered.

We showered in pairs, Brice and David went first. They watched the recorded weather update while Val and I showered. Then we all let Candy feed us a very hearty meal.

Early on the question of school came up. David was National Honor Society and everybody thought that was pretty good. The Val grabbed that sheet of homework equation from Candy and asked if he could read it. Well, he got partway though it, but then he kind of bogged down. "What is this from, a graduate math exam? Or Physics?" he asked. He knew Val and I graduated college and assumed it was ours.

But Val said it was Candy's homework, and that she had solved it. Candy pointed things out to him, there were variables based on the isotopes involved, and she explained the Greek he didn't know. He asked some questions I had no idea about and Candy explained it a little more talking about decay rates and binding forces and energy flux. Brice was quite impressed by knowledge, and David was al least on the page at the end.


Towards the end of the meal David wanted to ask something, so his Dad asked him to spit it out. David said he didn't want to offend, and it was not mealtime conversation. But I said we were not having a family get together, we were working the situation nature gave us, and the time for niceties went the way of the after-dinner drinks. He saw the sense in that. I saw him make up his mind, and he said I should shut him up if he was out-of-line, but he had to ask me. "Did you sleep with my mother? Could you be my real father?"

Brice shut down that second item. "We told you about that, when I went to the hospital, when you were born, you are smart enough to count backwards. Plus, to put your grandparents to peace of mind, we ran a DNA test. It is true Max and I are cousins, but the DNA is 100% clear, you are my son."

"Okay, I can't argue with DNA. But what about the part where he and Mom..."

I took that. "Well young man, some might say I was saving your life."

Brice seconded that with "True enough that."

David was about to explode at that, but I put my hand up to stop him. "Now, before you say anything else, hear me out. This is no secret around the family, but we all agreed it is not a story for children. Now that you are an adult, we can talk a little as men."

First I had Brice explain about the accident that put him in the hospital at a time which left his wife feeling very weak and helpless and out-of-place and alone. Brice said that he had put all their savings and all he could borrow into the ground, he was too deep in debt so taking a chance on the crop was his only out. Then he got hurt and made the call. "Max was a week from graduation, but he said family was more important, he would repeat the year if he had to. He drove right down without even packing a bag, got to the house a hundred minutes after we hung up. You know it is a two hour drive."

David nodded. Then I took over.

"You Dad passed out on the way to the hospital with you mother so nobody was there when I arrived. I just looked around, saw what needed doing, and did it. You mother got home late and took some pills the doc gave her, she was in bad shape. I slept in what is now your room. I got up in the morning and fed the chickens, then took up what else had to be done. Your mother knew me, but for the first two weeks she was in her own world, just the hospital and bed. Your dad's heart stopped once on day two, they had to check your mother in for a day after that. That was when they found out about you, it was a 10% chance they would catch it that early, but they did."

Brice cut in. "Your mother was not improved by that news, she could not cope. In her mind her husband was dead - I looked that way, and had been there once. She could not deal with a baby. I couldn't talk. So the Doc called Max and he talked her out of doing anything. He said how your mother and I both needed a reason to live, and you were the reason. He said it was Providence. If the worse came, well, there was time later. He saved you that day, and it was not the only time, just the first."

I took over again. "After two weeks your Dad was out of the dark woods and at home things started to look like a new normal. I recall the first time she cooked dinner for me, she wondered how I had not staved - I guess she did not notice a few missing chiclens. A week later she was ready to skip her daily trip to the hospital, so she could do what needed doing. We started to become comfortable in the same house."

At his request I also visited Brice and he explained to me how his wife was needy. He said I should do what she needed. He said it would probably be "everything" and I should not hesitate because of him, she needed a husband in every way. He gave me a note for her to find, as if he wrote it before the accident, that said if something happened she should look me up, that I would make a good husband even if I still had to finish high school. When Claire read that she knew the note was written after the accident, but she took the idea to heart, she needed it. First she just wanted a body in bed with her, just to be close. Then came kisses in the morning and at bedtime, it was silly not to. She didn't want to do these things, but she needed to, she missed Brice too much. She was still to hung up to take the last step, and it was seriously affecting her. Finally one day Brice asked her about my needs, sleeping in her bed but without "comfort." She hated to be unthoughtful. That night the dam broke, she needed what she needed. That ended the suicidal thoughts.

Brice took over to say how I had skipped over the close calls, the mysterious cuts on one wrist, and the accidental overdose that kept her in the hospital another night. "Even better, Max called the market turn, he sold the crop on June 28 in a contract, got the best price of the year and covered three years worth of mortgage payments. My work and his brains is what set us on our feet, allowed us to bring the young ones in time."

I finished it up. "So that is what happened. You can see why we don't need to talk about it. Your family and my family has prospered instead of that one accident wrecking lives. I won't say I am proud of what I did, but it was the right thing for all; there was no sin and I would do it again."

David was a man about it, now that he saw the truth and knew what was involved he stood up, walked around the table and shook my hand for being a good cousin to his Mom and Dad. More important, he said it was a lesson he was glad he learned, and that while I might not feel the same, he owed me.


Once the main course was done Candy got all four of us guys working on the dishes and cleaning up. That was only fair, she cooked dinner so we could clean up. She supervised so the kitchen measured up to Mona's standards, then took her shower.

At the end of her shower Candy called David into the bathroom with some excuse. I knew she wanted to explain the plan, but she also wanted to give him an out. She told me afterward what happened.

First she pointed out that she would have rather talked someplace else, but privacy was not really an option in the dome. The bathroom was not a great option. Well, she was drying off, so David did not really mind.

Yeah, that was part of the reason too. She confessed to being a tease.

Candy asked, "Do you recall that picnic the summer when we were 16? Eating fresh picked corn just roasted and watermelon?"

David did remember it, and what she looked like. Candy said she knew what he was thinking. "I bet you wanted to pull that skirt off me and take me there on the blanket under the sun."

David allowed how that was close. "The dress... and your undergarments," he said. "I imagined sexy ones."

"No... actually I was commando. I had the same ideas when I got up that morning."

They both appreciated their sexual fantasies. "But they were fantasies," Candy said. "We were not ready and it would have spoiled things for both of us. Still, some fantasies can work."

David was unsure of what she was getting to. Was she suggesting something with him? But the privacy thing bothered him.

Candy kept going. "For instance, tonight I have a fantasy... a fantasy where I go out there naked and enjoy myself lots of times as some men I like and admire enjoy themselves upon my charms. It is called a serial encounter. I expected it would be just my Daddy and his friend, but since we have company... the more the merrier."

"Wait... are you saying you are going to be a slut who is going to get gangbanged?"

"Now hold it a minute. Your fantasy was to have me in a field when we were both underage, a criminal act. But now I am a slut just because I want more than one? Doesn't that seem a little hypocritical? What happened to "my body, my choice." Don't you believe in that? These are yummy men, why can't I want them?"

"But... But..." David stopped to think. "Okay, I can see how some women might want that as a fantasy. I should not have said the word 'slut' as a bad thing. It is your right. But your Daddy..."

"My Daddy is the most yummy one for me. Look, you lived with your folks all your life. Me, I love my Mother, but I have NEVER lived with my Daddy. He didn't even know about me for years, and by then he had Mona. Now she is away for a few days on work, so I get to cook for Daddy and clean for Daddy and... this IS the best part, sleep with Daddy. He loves me and lets me do... well, just about anything that feels good. But the point is, you had your Daddy one way, I get my Daddy another way. A way that I appreciate."

"Okay, I can but that, but a gangbang? That is kind of..."

"A girl can dream. They are all real MEN, not silly boys. They are very attractive to me. I can like more than one, can't I? I tell them to wash dishes and they do. I tell them to make me feel good, and the will. Like you wouldn't feel the same with a bunch of willing women."

David knew she had him there. He had to admit that, while he was not crazy about the idea, she made sense and looked like she would enjoy it.

Candy said that some girls liked childish boyfriends, the backseat of a car and football. All childish things. She liked high energy physics, real men, and, since her daddy helped her on her 18th birthday, real sex with men. Sometimes a snack, sometimes a feast. Men get confused about these things because they think of ownership.

Then Candy asked, "So, will I have three men? Or Four?"

"I haven't..." David said.

She took his hand and said that she knew something with just the two of them would be nice and special, a 'backseat' for them. But she had other ideas for this opportunity. "I know it is not the ideal for your first time. But you can go first... if you want."

Candy knew he was "less sure" about sex and moved to make a little contact first. She was naked and he was in his robe, at her invitation he touched her, first her breast, then her crotch. They kissed and while they were kissing she opened his robe. In no time she had his erection, but she did not touch it for more than a few seconds.

"So, would you like to go out there to do me the honor?" she asked. "Or maybe I should say... do me in-her?"

He admitted that there was nobody romantic on the horizon for him. On the other hand, she was a dream he had often. After seeing her, there was more to dream about.

"Thank you , that was very nice for you to say, it was sweet and honest." But for tonight, the rules were that she wanted the guys to take some time. So the next question was, how well did he know himself? Could he pull out and get back in line before he gave it up?

He would try to do his best to be all she wanted him to be. If she wanted everybody taking turns, then he hoped he could help.


When Candy came out of the bathroom she was holding David's hand in one hand and her robe her robe in the other. "Gentlemen, tonight I want to feel like a certain type of woman... the type of woman that is desired and satisfied by several men." There was the slightest quiver in her voice, a hint of nerves. She had never been naked before more than one man until yeasterday, and now she had four cocks hard for her body.