Dyker's Island Ch. 01-08


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"I'm sorry, ma'am."

"Sorry for what?" Asked Mercy.

"Sorry for being a nazi slut." She pleaded sincerely. "I'm so sorry for denying the holocaust. I can't pay enough."

Somehow, hearing the words made Mercy's cock grow even harder. She moaned in satisfaction.

Myra didn't think much of it. She figured incorrectly that the girl was just saying anything to end the humiliation. Myra wasn't sorry for being a nazi. She was one of those "white power and proud" types. She'd be damned before she played Mercy's game.

"F-fuck-y-you-k-kike-w-whore" The biker mustered out between being viciously peltered in the face by an eight inch Jewish cock.

"That doesn't sound much like an apology, bitch." Taunted Mercy, and started whipping them both harder.

After a while, it got too much for even Myra, but Bobby was loving every minute of the degradation.

"I-I'm so-sorry." Cried Myra meekly and insincerely.

"Sorry for what?"

Myra swallowed her misplaced white pride. She hung her head in shame

"Sorry for being a nazi slut."

Mercy smiled. She stopped slapping the girls with her cock.

"You know what? I believe Bobby, but I'm not sure if I believe you. You're going to need to prove you're sorry"

She pointed her truncheon towards Bobby.

"You can suck my dick."

Then she pointed it at Myra.

"And you can lick my hairy balls."

Her balls really were hairy. She had deliberately not shaved for weeks in preparation for this very scenario. Myra could see how thickly grown over her scrotum was. It disgusted her.

"What? No! I'm not sucking your balls you pervert!"

Mercy grinned cruelly. She hit the girl's butt softly with her truncheon.

"Well, it's either my balls, or my ass. Your choice."

Myra gagged. So far she'd survived Dyker's without having to eat ass. She didn't want to start now. At least if she sucked Mercy's balls, she could pretend she was free and having sex with a man. So she put them inside her mouth. It was gross. She could feel the hairs against her tongue. They got down her throat and made her gag. Nevertheless, she closed her eyes and danced her tongue around the sack. She imagined it was a man. It helped, but not enough.

Bobby wrapped her lips around Mercy's huge cock. She couldn't fit the whole thing inside. Still, Mercy began violently fucking her face and deep throating her. The skinhead girl looked so beautiful looking up at Mercy with her big blue eyes. It was a shame she was a nazi.

"You better lube it up good, Chambers." She taunted between orgasmic moans. "It's gonna be going up somewhere pink and tight real soon."

It was clear from the look of sympathy in Bobby's eyes that she wanted this.

It was like a dose of medicine for her. Who was Mercy to deny Bobby a much needed prescription for her white guilt.

Mercy undid Bobby's uniform and watched her perky B cup tits spill out of the jumpsuit.

She grabbed the girl's ass with one hand, and the back of her bald head with the other. While she squeezed Bobby's cheeks, she pushed her face onto her cock with every thrust.

The sound of Myra coughing and gagging on her balls made her a little too excited. She began to climax before she had really even started humiliating them. Luckily, it gave her another idea. She was always quick on her toes.

"Oh fuck!" Moaned Mercy, as she came directly inside Bobby's skinhead mouth.

The load was so big that it began leaking out of the sides of her racist lips. For Bobby, it felt like a kind of baptism. Mercy slowly slid her cock out of Bobby's mouth.

"Now Chambers, if you're really sorry, you'll spit that load into Gray's mouth."

Myra almost choked on Mercy's scrotum. She fell down and looked up at Mercy in horror.

"I'm sorry-What? You want her to do what?!"

Mercy grabbed the biker by her hair and dragged her over to Bobby, who was busy slushing the Jewish T-Girl's spunk around in her mouth. Myra tried to pull her head away. She locked her mouth closed like a vice. Mercy struggled with her, but eventually was able to pry her mouth open. Bobby leant over the bully biker's mouth and spat Mercy's seed into it.

Myra almost immediately spat it out on the floor next to her and gagged heavily.

"Ew! That was gross!"

Mercy wasn't impressed. She waved her finger and shook her head.

"Tsk. Tsk. Bad little nazi slut. I didn't say you could spit it out, Gray. Now your ass is getting pounded first."

Myra's jaw dropped again.

"Wait! What?!"

Before she could react, Mercy pushed the biker over a janitor's trolley and pulled her pants down. Her ass was so tight. Mercy could tell she was a virgin. Good. That meant it would hurt more.

"I'll give you some advice, Gray; Next time you should swallow." Barked Mercy, before sticking two fingers up Myra's crack to get it ready for her girl cock.

"Shit!" Grunted Myra as she grit her teeth.

Mercy cuffed Myra's legs to the trolley, then walked around to the front of her. She locked a pair of cuffs around the ones the biker already had on, and then cuffed them to the trolley as well. The guard held her cock in front of Myra's face.

"You can spit on this though. If you want."

Myra pulled her head away.

"You know what? I'm right, thanks."

But Mercy just pushed it back down.

"You really should spit on it. It'll make it hurt less."

Myra knew she was right. It would be better if she played along. Myra cringed, then spat several times on Mercy's girlcock.

"Alright. Let's get this over with." She said in defeat.

Although it didn't seem possible, Mercy's smile grew wider. She stepped back around to the biker's admittedly toned backside. She spanked Myra's ass, then slipped her cock in and began to pound her like a shell from a howitzer pounding Berlin.

"Ow!" Groaned Myra. "It hurts! Ugh! It's so fucking big!"

Now she knew how all her boys at Queen's Peak felt.

"You should have spat on it more." Replied Mercy snarkily.

She pounded the biker girl's inked ass harder. Myra groaned louder. Her scrunched up face went red. Her equally crimson eyes ran with water.

"Say you're sorry and it'll stop." Ordered Mercy, as she again picked up the pace of her thrusts.

"Fuck you, bitch! Ow!" Wailed Myra in defiance. "White power!"

Mercy grabbed the biker girl by her throat. She pushed her head up and leaned into Myra's ear.

"Tell me you're sorry for being a dirty racist white trash whore. Tell me you're sorry for being a nasty nazi slut!"

The fear in the prejudiced woman's eyes got Mercy close to her third orgasm of the day.

When her fingers began to tighten around Myra's neck, the bitch finally caved to her demands.

"Ugh! I'm sorry!" Pleaded Myra. "I'm sorry for being a dirty racist white trash whore! I'm sorry for being a nazi slut!"

Hearing such a hateful woman mouth these words pushed Mercy over the edge of bliss. She came hard, pumping her love stream into Myra's racist no longer virgin asshole. Mercy released her fingers from Myra's neck.

The guard rested her weight against the shelves behind her as she panted heavily and wallowed in bliss. When she opened her eyes, she saw Bobby kneeling eagerly in front of her. Her eyes pleading up at her for more punishment.

Mercy was spent after that. She didn't know if she could go again quite yet, but she had another idea of how to use Bobby.

"Come here, Chambers." She ordered, gesturing the skinhead over with her finger. "Clean me off."

Bobby greedily slurped up the cum off Mercy's girlcock. She was disappointed that she wasn't the one who was sodomized, but this was humiliating enough to satisfy her for now. When she was done, Mercy had a final order for her.

"Go clean up your friend."

Bobby nodded and eagerly crawled over to where Myra was bound to the trolly. She shot her tongue inside Myra's splooge coated anus and licked the cum out. The biker couldn't help but moan as Bobby ate her ass out. Truth be told, Myra didn't hate this part at all, except that she was still bound.

When Mercy was satisfied, she ordered her to stop.

"Alright, Chambers, Gray, we're done here." Said the guard as she finished putting her clothes back on.

"Does that mean we can go back to our cells now?" Replied Myra, foolishly hopeful.

Mercy laughed sadistically. A cruel smile spread across her lips that matched that of her enemy Red's.

"Oh no. Neither of you are going back to your cells for a while. After all, Gray, it was you who suggested I take you to the hole."

A cold chill ran down Myra's spine. Her stomach churned and it felt like something dead was crawling up her throat. Her heart pounded with dread.

"No!" She screamed. "Please no! I-I wasn't thinking! I was joking when I said that! Please! No! Not the hole!"

"Not so tough now, are you, biker girl?" Taunted Mercy as she uncuffed her from the trolly.

She tore off the girl's top, and pulled off her shoes. All the girls went into the Hole naked. It was partly for their own protection, but also partly for their punishment. Bobby wasn't exactly looking forward to it either, but she knew it was what she deserved. She craved the punishment.

Mercy dragged Bobby and Myra kicking and screaming down the halls towards The Hole. Bobby only put on a show for the sake of her standing in the movement. But Myra really did want to get away. She wanted to be anywhere but The Hole. Even if she couldn't leave her cell for a month.

The girl's put up such a racket that Clarice Strauss came down from her office.

"What's going on here?" Asked the superintendent, her voice booming down from the railing above where Mercy was struggling with the girls.

"Anti-Social Behavior, ma'am." Cried Mercy while she wrestled with Myra. "I'm taking these nazi sluts to the Hole."

Clarice sighed and threw her hands in the air as if to say "I wash my hands of this." She didn't think it was worth the bother. Strangely, and perhaps, suspiciously, Red came out of the sea of guards in defense of the prisoners.

"That's bullshit, ma'am." She yelled from down below. "Mercy's just got a thing against them because she's a Jew."

It wasn't a good idea to talk out of line to Strauss. Especially if it was with something so ignorant. The Superintendent glared fire down towards her.

"Oh really now, as if you're in any position to complain about due process, Officer Red. Everybody knows what you get up to." Shouted Strauss accusingly. "Just for that, you can help Wisbescki with the prisoners. It looks like she has her hands full."

Red groaned.

"Fuck!" She muttered under her breath.

She didn't want to have to deal with unruly inmates, but then again, it gave her another excuse to touch a bare ass. Red sighed with copulation.

"Alright Gray, come here Biker Girl, let's get you to the Hole." Ordered Red reluctantly.

"Nooo!" Cried Myra as the redheaded guard snatched her from Mercy's grip.

It wasn't long before they got them there. There were about a hundred cells in what was called the Hole. Each one was essentially a bare concrete room with a steel door. There was nothing inside except a roll of toilet paper, sanitary products, and a bucket - The function of which could be deciphered by anyone with a basic understanding of human digestion.

They threw the girls in separate cells across from each other. When they shut the slots in the reinforced doors, all light left the cell. Both girls sobbed, wailed, bellowed and cried in their time there, but only one girl felt sorry. That was Bobby, and she was the only one who had the potential to change.


Back in her cell Yuki began to escape to her last night of freedom. She remembered how she slept with her friend's husband. He was white, and although Yuki never had much time for sexual escapades, she always did like white boys.

But the trip down memory lane was prematurely broken by Imogen's voice. Even pleasant memories were robbed from her here.

"So Ladies, what are the rest of you here for?" She asked.

The girls meekly kept their silence, but Imogen was genuinely interested - There wasn't much else to be interested in here.

"We're gonna be stuck in this cell together for long enough. Might as well get to know each other."

She opened her eyes and looked up at the woman who was massaging her back.

"Why don't we start with you, Blondie?"

"Oh me?" Replied Ashley.

The school teacher seemed surprised that the streetracer had any interest at all.

"I smuggled drugs, but I wanted to get locked up. I've gotten myself arrested one hundred and thirteen times."

Imogen chuckled in disbelief - This girl really was crazy.

"So why on Earth would you do that?"

Ashley took a deep sensual breath and day dreamed as she continued working her hands into Imogen's back.

"Because I love being stripped and dominated by women. I get so hot whenever the cops search my holes. I've only been here a few hours and already I've cum harder than I ever did in ten years of marriage."

Imogen didn't exactly know what to make of this information - Other than that the girl was kinky.

"Right. So you're a sexual deviant. Aren't I a lucky girl to have a nice pet like you?"

Ashley giggled proudly. A smile spread across her rosy cheeks.

"Yes, Daddy. I used to be a teacher, but its hard to get employed when you're a registered sex offender."

The streetracer rolled her eyes.

"I can imagine."

Then she turned and pointed to Stephanie.

"So what about you, with the ink?"

Steph shivered at the thought that Imogen might make her a bitch next. The girl was so much meaner and stronger than she was. But, the tomboy's tone seemed less malevolent now. Maybe she'd had enough for tonight. Still, the girl couldn't bring herself to mouth a response yet.

"The guards said your name was Delgado, or something. Funny seeing another alt girl here, even if you are a goth."

There was a veiled hint of mockery in that last sentence.

Imogen seemed genuine. For better or worse, Steph let her guard down and began a conversation with the dominant stud.

"The judge called me an eco-terrorist, but I'm an activist! Things just need to get radical, that's all."

That's when Imogen began to put things together. She vaguely remembered reading something about the Pee-Willie Weiner Plant being occupied by radicals on the internet a few months before she was arrested. One of them was a goth - It couldn't have been a coincidence.

Imogen sat forward on her bed with intrigue.

"Wait. Are you one of those vegans who took all those hostages? 'Animal Liberation Army' or some shit?"

Stephanie hung her head and meekly nodded.

"Oh wow, and those girls on the bus, they must have been your friends huh?"

The goth girl clenched her fists and simmered with the rage of their betrayal.

"They're no friends of mine!"

"They squeal on ya? That fucking sucks." Replied Imogen sympathetically. "No one likes a rat. We should give those bitches a blanket party."

Stephanie looked up at Imogen innocently, and slowly blinked her doey eyes. She wasn't very fast on the uptake.

"What's a blanket party?"

Imogen chuckled. The girl clearly had a lot to learn about life inside.

"Oh don't worry, one way or another, you'll find out." She said through a smirk. "For what it's worth I hope you're not on the receiving end."

It was supposed to be comforting, but the fact that Stephanie didn't even know what a blanket party was scared her more. Imogen could tell, so she changed the subject.

"Anyway, an eco-terrorist is kinda badass. You might get some respect from the other girls for that."

Stephanie hadn't put much thought into what kind of reputation her crime would get her in here. The truth was, there were a lot of other crimes she could have done that would have made things substantially worse for her here.

"Really?" She asked.

Imogen nodded.

"I'm serious. And Mercy seems to like you. That's a good sign. Guess I better keep my hands off."

Steph still seemed a little uncertain of whether the streetracer was a threat to her or not. She put her guard down and looked down at Imogen nervously.

"You're not going to try to... Touch me?"

Imogen smiled comfortingly and shook her head. Truth was, she wanted to claim her ass, but it wasn't worth the grief that Mercy would give her if she did. Mercy was a good friend to have. If she looked after her latest pet, then she would have the guard's favor.

"Na. If I know Mercy, and I do, she gets really jealous. We should be friends. We're probably the only two alt-girls here anyway."

Suddenly she recalled that one of the lifers who made her life hell during her previous stay was a punk.

"Well, apart from that facist bitch Amber Sibthorpe, but she's a nazi so no-one cares about her."

Imogen made an "L" with her finger and thumb on her forehead.

"Total poser."

She smiled and held her hand out to Stephanie.

"So, whattaya say? Stick together?"

The question surprised her. Was Imogen actually trying to be friendly? Did she actually care? Or was this all some prison mind game? Imogen was a mean girl.

But a mean girl was probably a good friend to have here. Stephanie was still so scared. If she knew that prison was really like this, she would have never let that group radicalize her. After a moment or two of consideration, Stephanie took Imogen's hand, shaking it firmly.

"Okay. I think I need a friend."

The girl's fear kind of excited Imogen, but she wasn't greedy. Yuki and Ana would be fun enough to bully without Stephanie. She gestured up to the bunk above her, and fell back onto Ashley, who was still busily tenderly massaging her back

"You can have the top bunk. It's probably best if I stay in Mercy's good graces."

Stephanie was ditzy, but not enough not to figure out why Imogen was treating her differently to the others. It was because Mercy was interested in her. She could definitely see the benefit now of taking up the Officer's offer of protection.

Stephanie climbed up onto the bunk, content that she would probably not be shanked or violated in her sleep. Imogen's voice called up from beneath her.

"I love your Ink, by the way. Where'd you get it done?"

Steph's gut told her the question was genuine. She smiled and put on a friendly face. The girl always had good social skills. Maybe they might be useful for her here.

"There's too many places for me to name. I started before I finished school. Someone I work-"

Stephanie's speech stammered for a moment when she remembered that she wouldn't ever be returning to her tattoo studio. Her heart sank, and her voice grew somber.

"I mean, someone I worked with, did most of the new ones for me."

It made sense why her ink was so good now. The girl must have had talent. Imogen was beginning to think that being Stephanie's friend would have more benefits than she thought it would.

"Wow. You're a tattoo artist?"

It seemed they found something they had in common. Stephanie would have complimented Imogen's own work, if she didn't fucking hate Emo bands so much. Still, she must have impressed her. And honestly, the fact that she seemed so interested made Stephanie forget - If only for a second - That she no longer had her freedom.
