Dyker's Island Ch. 01-08


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The news almost broke Yuki. Tears welled from her eyes. Lucy could tell the woman was uncomfortable. She put her hand on her leg tenderly and asked her if she wanted the lesson to continue. Yuki composed herself, and silently nodded. She was determined to survive prison. From behind bars she could still continue to fight her unlawful conviction, and maybe see her daughter again sometime before she was married and had children of her own.

Yuki already had self defense training, so the next week they met, Lucy moved onto something she said was more important. They sat down to another warm sake and traded pleasantries until they were sure that Ren had left with Maeko - Though Yuki found it hard to remain pleasant considering the circumstances. Her sentencing was a month away, and she knew it.

The lesson began with Lucy taking out a variety of different bonds, handcuffs and shackles, and describing what each one was. Next, Lucy showed Yuki an orange jumpsuit she had brought along with a pair of prison issue underwear. With Yuki's consent, Lucy ran her through a roleplay to prepare her for being strip searched. It went mostly as it did with Mercy, Lucy was gentle and considerate, but stressed that most guards wouldn't take the same care that she did.

After she prodded the asian woman's holes to simulate a search, Lucy dressed her in the uniform and locked the bonds around her wrists, waist and ankles. The two of them spent a few hours into the night as Lucy trained her how to walk in them. When the lesson was over, Lucy left Yuki with the items and encouraged her to practice with them in her own time.

And so from that week forward, after her daughter went to school, Yuki would practice what Lucy told her. Ren would gently strip and cavity search Yuki, dress up in the jumpsuit, lock her in chains, and help her walk around the mansion shackled. It was humiliating that Ren had to see her like this and probe her holes, but she knew that it was the best thing she could do now.

The next week things started much the same, except Lucy told Yuki that things would begin getting more intimate now. It didn't dissuade her from the lessons, she was dedicated to them. And Ren herself was determined to support her, both as her lawyer, and her friend.

After a calming introduction, Lucy confessed to Yuki the best way for her to survive would be to turn herself out.

The woman gasped. She was shocked - Wasn't Lucy supposed to tell her how to avoid that? But Lucy explained everything quite logically and eloquently for her, so she could make sense of it.

"Sure, if you want me to teach you how to be the baddest bitch in the block, I can." She said with a smile. "But honey, if you want to prove your innocence, you got to look the part."

Tears welled in Yuki's eyes again, and Lucy held her hand comfortingly.

"It ain't no good trying to get acquitted if you shank Large Marge in the showers. Gotta play by the rules, sugar."

Yuki hung her head, wisely accepting the word of her mentor as truth and listened quietly for the rest of the lesson. She took notes as Lucy gave her a private lecture about the theory behind being turned out and how it worked. She told her how inmates like Yuki are called "Divas" and girls like her are called "Studs". She explained what "Bitches" were and how they were protected by the gangs that owned them.

"Now sugar, don't forget that a "Bitch" calls her Stud "Daddy" but if you're owned by a Diva, you gotta call her "Mommy". Some girls get really offended by that."

Most importantly, she outlined how anal play was most popular in prison and how the single most important sexual act she must learn was the rimjob. Yuki blushed out of ignorance first, before prison she had been a prude.

"I don't know what a rimjob is." She asked.

Lucy giggled. Yuki's blush became a wince when she told her what it was.

"Why sugar, that's when someone bends over and has you lick their ass."

The asian woman gasped as Lucy described in great detail how girls like her frequently tongue and kiss other girl's assholes. She explained how stronger inmates used it to mark their bitches and stressed how it was a symbol of submission that was expected.

But this was something that Yuki had never done before. Not with her ex-husband, nor any other man - Let alone a woman. It was a little bit embarrassing for her to admit that she was sexually inexperienced for her age, but she had been brave enough already going through with this tutoring.

"I don't know how to do that." Confessed Yuki. "I never even did things like that when I was married."

Lucy smiled warmly and held the woman's hand to comfort her.

"Then today's lesson will be about eating ass. It's something that will literally save your life, girl."

Lucy hooked her laptop up to Yuki's projector and played a pre-prepared presentation about the act, complete with clips from lesbian pornos that she would regularly pause and break down for her. The entire time, she urged Yuki to take notes, and she did obediently. She had always been a good student.

After the hour long lecture, it was time for the practical part of the lesson. Although she was nervous, Yuki agreed to another roleplay with Lucy. This time, it would be to teach the woman how to properly eat an ass. They moved into Yuki's bedroom where Lucy instructed her how to undress her. The woman meekly complied and when she was finished, her tutor stripped her down too - Informing her that this was proper "bitch-etiquette" and to address her as "Daddy" for the duration of the session.

Lucy laid across the bed, letting her legs and butt hang off the side. When she was in place, she instructed her student to kneel down behind her. Yuki obliged timidly. The woman was unshaved, which she claimed was for accuracy. Up close Yuki could see that her pubic hair lightly extended up between her plump and ebony cheeks.

She didn't want to debase herself in this way, but she knew from what she learned so far that in prison she wouldn't have a choice. Lucy talked her through the rest, instructing Yuki to kiss her buttcheeks. Light pecks at first, slowly moving closer to Lucy's crack with every kiss - Just as she was told to. All things considered, it wasn't too different from the hazing she suffered back in college all those years ago. Lucy could feel Yuki's warm breath and lips on her butthole, but it appeared she was shy about using her tongue - Which she taught her student was the most important thing.

For the remaining forty minutes, Lucy felt a few half hearted gentle licks wet her anus, but for the most part Yuki was only using her lips. But that wasn't her only problem. She was hard working, but didn't have enthusiasm, or technique. These were things she would have to learn quickly.

At the lesson's end, Lucy let her know she'd have to improve.

"That won't cut it, honey. You're gonna need to learn to use your tongue." She said firmly.

"You'll have to practice that in your own time too. Your court date is steadily approaching, hon, and I'm too busy to spend more one-on-one time with you."

Yuki knew this was something that Ren would have to help her with. She'd need to find the right way to ask her. After dropping Maeko off at school the next morning, Ren came over to discuss Yuki's case with her before the two had brunch together. Yuki wore her uniform whenever her daughter wasn't home. It was embarrassing that she was wearing it in a public restaurant, but she wanted to get used to wearing it infront of other people.

Yuki would be appealing to the media from inside prison, and then the whole world would see her in orange. The humiliation she got from the people of her neighborhood would be nothing compared to that. Everybody in the place gave Ren and Yuki harsh glares of judgment.

Especially when they left and Ren handcuffed Yuki before escorting her out to the back of the car. Perhaps they had gone a bit too far with this, not that it mattered.

Yuki endured it because she knew it would help her.

Ren endured it because she wanted to help her friend.

When they got back to the mansion, Ren locked Yuki into her bondage and helped her practice walking and down the stairs in shackles.

"You're already getting better, Yuki!" Cheered Ren supportively, while holding the chain around Yuki's waist.

"You haven't stumbled at all this time!"

There was a big smile across her face as she encouraged her friend. Yuki wasn't as positive.

When they were finished, Ren undid the chains and shackles. Yuki sat her down in the living room over tea. She was still dressed in her jumpsuit.

"There's something I need you to help me with." She said timidly, butterflies gripping her chest and red flushing her cheeks. "It's a bit awkward to ask you."

"Anything!" Replied Ren eagerly and naively. "I'll do anything to help you out of this, Yuki. Anything."

Yuki took a deep breath.

"Anything?" She asked for clarification.

Ren nodded, a somber smile spread across her face.


Yuki then went on to explain what Lucy had taught her about "Studs" and "Divas", how she would be a "Bitch" and what that would entail. She told her about how all the girls liked anal-play and how rimjobs were "essential".

At first, Ren had no idea where Yuki was going with it - Until the meek MILF timidly asked if she would help her "prepare" for such a situation.

Ren understood what she meant then. Her eyes glowed with sympathy and she slowly nodded.

"I can help you with that, if you want."

Yuki sighed with relief. She was glad that her friend was so supportive. Ren hadn't had much experience with women, but unlike Yuki she was an adventurous girl and knew all about oral sex and anal-play. She would be a good tutor in the weeks to come.

They left for the bedroom, where Ren stripped off her clothes, crawled onto the bed and spread her ass cheeks. Unlike Lucy, she let Yuki keep her uniform on - Which lightened the humiliation somewhat. Ren could feel her friend's lips pecking her butt and with some encouragement, her wet tongue licking her shaven crack too.

Curiously, she found herself enjoying it. The act woke feelings in Ren she never had before.

Yuki didn't feel the same way. She hated every moment of it, but was determined to perform to the best of her ability. But, she also wanted her friend to feel good. Ren had been so supportive of her through the whole situation and maybe Yuki could use this as an opportunity to show her gratitude.

With Ren's help everyday for a week, Yuki had made quite an improvement. Upon her next lesson, she was able to impress Lucy by showing her what she learned. This time, the girl wasn't shy with her tongue at all - She dived right in and lapped up the woman's hairy asshole. Despite how it revolted her, Yuki kept it up for half an hour. She had enthusiasm now, but needed to work on her technique - That was the advice Lucy gave her.

"You and your friend are making great progress, honey. I can't wait to see how well you're performing a few weeks from now."

The rest of that lesson was performed completely naked in an attempt to prepare Yuki for being in an environment surrounded by other naked women. Despite being sagged from spending over a decade in prison without a bra, Lucy's chocolate breasts were still quite shapely.

She lectured Yuki about work duty, routine and what her daily tasks would be.

She outlined the kinds of jobs that she could get inside, and explained what rewards each one granted you. None of the jobs paid any money, but the really bad ones would net inmates special privileges such as visiting hours, internet access or permission to wear civilian clothes. Sometimes, on rare occasions, girls were given access to sports bras. Underwires were still strictly prohibited.

After that, Lucy went into great detail about the other kinds of tasks she would be required to perform - The ones for whatever woman ended up protecting her. They covered massaging, like the kind Ashley was giving Imogen, but they also went into how bitches bathe their mistresses in the shower block.

Yuki had never done much except sit in an office, she knew these were more things she'd have to practice. Fighting back the butterflies in her chest, she worked up to courage to ask her tutor to help her.

"Could you show me how, Daddy?" She asked, dedicated to the role she had been preparing for. "I want to know what will be expected of me."

A proud and tender smile spread across Lucy's lips.

"Of course, sugar." She replied before leading Yuki into the bathroom. "I'm so impressed at your progress. You are so willing to learn."

Lucy instructed Yuki to run the water for her. It had to be a cold shower, because those were the only ones allowed in prison. Then, she taught Lucy how to properly bathe her, telling her to scrub deep into every crevice and slowly lather the soap at the same time.

In the short time they had left, Lucy schooled Yuki in the basics of a back massage. The women sat naked together on the bed as Yuki rubbed Lucy's back down to her every instruction.

When they were finished, Lucy was impressed, but asked her student to practice more with her friend. She did.

The next day when Maeko went to school, Yuki got dressed in her uniform and drove to Ren's house. When she told Ren about how Lucy told her she should get used to being around naked women, she was eager to accommodate her. After all the ass eating, it somehow didn't seem inappropriate anymore. They went about their practice much like they did before, except this time, Ren was completely naked the entire time.

Towards the end, Yuki bathed her sensually, and Ren taught her some secrets about giving massages that she knew would serve her well in prison. It was kind of an intimate moment between the two that they relived again every day that week. It was a nice bit of peace for Yuki before she had to serve her time.

The next week was her final week of freedom. She passed all her tests with flying colors. Lucy was so proud of her, and honestly, she was proud of herself. The only problem now, Ren informed her, was that the two of them had spent so much time preparing Yuki for prison, they no longer had time to work on her defense.

This devastated her, but she knew it was the likely result regardless. She hadn't wasted that time. She had used it to learn how to survive. They spent that week hanging out together, doing the things that Yuki wouldn't be able to do in prison. During the day, they spent time with Maeko. But in the night, they had fun. On her last night of freedom, Ren was nice enough to allow Yuki to fuck her own husband.

It wasn't normally something they would do, but she wanted her friend to get laid one last time before she went inside. It was the least she could do for her, after all. It was certainly a good memory to have.


Elsewhere, a few minutes earlier, Zoey Van Houten sat in her cell surrounded by the facist sycophants she kept around to hide her insecurities. Her blonde hair and blue eyes were much more pleasant than her personality. It was a shame that the large swastika inked into her forehead spoiled her otherwise fair face. She sucked on a cigarette in a haze of smoke.

Taylah Cross obediently rubbed Zoey's back. Not because she wanted to, but because she had to. The truth was as much as Taylah hated the neo-nazis, they owned her now.

She tried not to think about how they had inked their symbol of hate onto her ass. The Aryan Sisterhood were the antithesis of her own admittedly radical beliefs.

At protests and counter-protests, the two sides would rally and beat each other over the head with blunt instruments. Ironically now, she would not be able to survive the next eight years without their protection. If she ever made parole, she'd have to get expensive laser removal surgery on one of her most tender regions.

'I may have gotten a little over my head.' She thought to herself, as she massaged the Afrikaner woman's back. 'I would never have taken those hostages if I had any idea what prison was actually like!'

Taylah Cross didn't know much about the head of the Aryan Sisterhood. She had been too afraid to ask in the months she'd spent here. From what she could gather, Van Houten was raised by those boer militias who declared independence from South Africa after apartheid ended. Coincidently enough, Zoey was also inside for political terrorism - Except of course, to further the opposite end of the ideolgical spectrum.

But Zoey Van Houten wasn't like one of those Capitol Hill amateurs. She was much more organized and better trained. Her Cell had financial backing from some of the oldest German families in Argentina, and her own family's Emerald Mine back in South Africa. That made her far more dangerous.

There was a picture of Adolf Hitler tucked under the springs of the top bunk so Zoey could see it whenever she laid on her bed. It wasn't a secret to her cellmates that she would often pleasure herself to it.

Bobby-Anne Chambers stood guard at the cell door with her arms crossed. Her scalp shined in the dim prison light - There wasn't a single hair on her pale white head. She projected a tough and conservative facade to drown out her thoughts of conflict towards the way she lived her life up until that point. Since her conviction, Bobby had a lot of time to think about "The Movement" and how it had landed her here. She was beginning to have second thoughts about the whole nazi thing.

Bobby wasn't truly hateful in her heart. It wasn't her fault that her no good Southern Daddy had taken her to all those Klan rallies as a little girl. The real problem wasn't race, it was society. She was beginning to understand that - But she'd keep her doubts to herself.

The Sisterhood was all she had in this hell. The other gangs would never accept her as anything other than a Nazi. If she left, The Aryans would abandon her for betraying them. Or worse; Have her killed. Bobby overcompensated for this inner conflict by shaving her previously thick head of golden hair completely bald. After all, she had to keep up appearances.

Bobby was rare among the other nazis and skinheads in that she didn't have any tattoos. Van Houten was satisfied that she represented "The Movement" enough with her shaved head.

The punkish Amber Sibthorpe made her way down the hall as the lockdown bell thundered through the complex. Her perky tits were completely visible through her sweaty and cropped tank top. The Nazi punk maiden had long, puffy platinum blonde hair that made her look like a rejected Black Flag groupie.

She was covered in various White Supremacist tattoos; There was a Swastika on the right side of her neck and a Blacksun inked into her left shoulder. Etched across her right index finger, were the numbers "1488". Her Deathshead tramp-stamp poked just above her orange prison pants.

Amber wasn't as conflicted as Bobby, but she was every bit as bad as Zoey. If one could look past the nazi insignia and crust punk asthetic, the girl held an otherwise uncanny resemblance to actress Imogen Poots.

Amber approached the cell with her hands plainly visible. Even though she was one of the gang's Lieutenants, prison had made Van Houten an incredibly paranoid woman. She demanded the same measures for anyone who entered her cell. Even her own cellmates.

Bobby blocked the door with her muscled figure. Amber rolled her eyes and sighed.

"I don't got a weapon, Bobby. Can I get into my cell please before the COs get on my ass?"
