Dyker's Island Ch. 01-08


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Before Bobby could respond, Zoey's South African accent called out across the concrete cell.

"It's okay Bobby." She ordered. "Amber lives here too, remember."

Bobby stood down and moved away from the open cell door. Amber walked and pulled the plastic chair over to the side of the bunk. She sat down in front of Zoey.

"I got back from spying on Riley for ya, boss. Nobody saw me, just like you asked."

"And what's that potato-eater up to then, aye? You got news for me?" Barked Zoey impatiently, Taylah still thoroughly massaging her.

"I think she's gonna make a move on the slavs."

Zoey grabbed Taylah's arms and threw them off her. Then she leaned in close to Amber and spoke in a whisper.

"Did she say anything about us?"

Amber shook her head.

Zoey fell back and clicked her fingers. Taylah massaged her back again like the well trained bitch she was. She hunkered down her head meekly and pretended she wasn't listening to them. But she heard every word.

"Good. Let the war between Voslova and Reilly playout. Whoever wins will be weakened. We'll pick up whatever crumbs are left."

Amber perked her nose up and put her left arm on her hip.

"You wanna dethrone whoever comes out on top?"

Zoey nodded and grinned menacingly.

"I aim to do more than that, Amby." She said, "I aim to put them in a grave. Nobody will fuck with me after that."

Van Houten was serving fourteen consecutive life sentences. She had nothing to lose. The only thing she could hope for now was to take over as queen of this hell. Every day the self righteous nazi whore rightly suffered in prison. But as far as she was concerned, she was a political prisoner. Of course, she wasn't. She was a convicted multiple murderer, hate monger and blood emerald heiress. By extension, that last detail also made her a war profiteer.

Amber had some concerns about how the other gangs in Voslova's shaky alliance would react to such a blatant power grab.

"The Zips might have some problems with that boss. Not to mention, of course, the spics and the blacks."

Zoey crossed her arms and leaned in closer to Amber. She lowered the tone of her voice so that over zealous Corrections Officer's wouldn't hear them.

"That's why I want you and Bobby to go talk to Myra Gray tomorrow after labor duty. We've got to make sure the Bikers will have our backs."

The Biker Babes and the Aryan Sisterhood shared many political views, namely, irrational xenophobic tendancies towards anything that wasn't white or American. The two groups maintained a special professional relationship as well. Officially, the Aryans hated drugs, but unofficially, they were also flooding the prison with them.

The Russians wouldn't deal with the Aryans, for reasons that should be obvious to anyone who's read a history book; But Van Houten had connections as deep as the Department of Corrections that enabled her own supply line into the prison. This was where Myra's bikers came in. They could distribute the drugs throughout the prison on the Aryan's behalf, for a meager and modest cut of the profits. That way, Zoey kept her own hands clean and established a strong and clandestine revenue stream.

The only person who knew the identity of Zoey's woman on the prison faculty, was Zoey herself. There were rumors of course, suspicions whispered among the inmates. Some thought it was Red, but she wouldn't have the reach to organize something like that and not get caught. Clarice Strauss seemed a little too prudish to be working in a place like this. None of the inmates trusted her professional facade. There were more than a few fingers pointed at her too.

But they were all wrong. Nobody could imagine exactly how far up in the food chain this went.

Amber saluted her boss, like she was some kind of soldier. Every insecure nazi gang had misplaced delusions of being a virtuous band of revolutionaries.

"Yes, ma'am." She responded. "But there's something else you should know too."

Zoey raised her eyebrows.

"What's that?"

Amber smiled and held back a small bout of laughter.

"Harper's back. And she's working for Reilly now."

A cruel smile overcame Zoey's lips. She remembered when Imogen was her little bitch, in much the same way that Taylah was now. She remembered how cute she was all dressed up like a dolly, and how much money she made for the gang when they pimped her out to the bikers.

"Oh, our little Imy. How she's gone up in the world."

The vicious nazi bitch licked her lips and sighed orgasmicly.

"I remember how cute she looked buried in my cunt. Her watery eyes pleading up at me."

Amber smiled back deviantly.

"She sure was a piece of ass. A shame she's gone all dykey."

Zoey reached back and squeezed one of Taylah's tits. The girl gave out a muted whine. She didn't dare complain.

"I think I like Tay-Tay better though. Her tits are much bigger. And so is her ass."

The whole time Taylah had to endure serving the nazis, she cursed Stephanie in her head.

In reality, Taylah had made her own decisions, but she still couldn't accept her own guilt or responsibility. It was easier to believe that her once good childhood friend had put her in this hellish life. The only comfort she found was knowing that Stephanie would be here longer. Taylah prayed every night, to a god she didn't believe in, that she would make parole in eight years time. She couldn't imagine having to be here longer than that.

Amber and Bobby couldn't deny that the memories also excited them too. Imogen had "serviced" every member of the gang multiple times. In return they kept her protected from the Cholas, the Homegirls and the Russians. The Aryans however, treated her substantially worse than any of them would have. Bitches of the Aryan Sisterhood were always treated worse than stray dogs.

Bobby and Amber started kissing and caressing each other. Zoey forcibly stuck her tongue down Taylah's throat and groped her ass and tits. The sapphic lust session was prematurely interrupted by a truncheon banging against the cell bars.

It was Mercy.

Her voice barked out angrily towards them.

"Uh-Ah. Fascist whores don't get to have fun on my watch."

The girls stewed with hatred towards the Jewish transgender cop. Mercy embodied everything the three biggoted women despised. The girl took pride in that. It meant she must have been doing something right.

They slowly moved away from each other, stewing with resentment and frustration. Taylah sighed with relief, though she knew this respite wouldn't last. There was a vague hint of fear in each of their nazi eyes. It got Mercy off. They knew what she did with nazi girls who misbehaved. But the guard saw something else in the eyes of Bobby-Anne.

Not fear exactly. Almost a pleading glance. A kind of sick longing. A need to be absolved for her life of bigotry, ignorance and hate. It was a desire to be punished, and she knew it.

Mercy put her hands on her hips and bared a toothy grin.

"What? None of you have anything colorful to say this time?" She taunted.

A few weeks ago Zoey and her mob used a litany of epithets to describe Mercy, but she quickly put them in their place - By shoving her eight-inch girl cock right up their white supremacist sphincters.

"Asses still sore?"

Something inside Bobby-Anne compelled her to talk back. Her mouth began to open of its own accord. Her voice cried out before she even had time to think. It was her subconscious; her sense of absolution, making sure she'd get the punishment she deserved.

"Fuck you, freak."

In contrast to the reaction one would expect from Mercy, her eyes lit up with excitement when Bobby-Anne spat the poisoned words. She was hoping someone would slip up. The slur didn't excite her, it was the thought of punishing the skinhead bitch for her many indiscretions that really got her motor going.

"Ooohh, that's Antisocial Behavior, Chambers. You're getting punished."

Mercy began to punch in the code to the magnetic lock.

"Alright, ladies. You know the drill. Anyone who isn't Chambers, stand away from the door with your hands against the wall."

Bobby-Anne cursed in faux frustration to keep up appearances. She wasn't afraid, she was glad to pay reparations for her hateful life.


The other girls, Taylah included, sighed in irritation and did what they were told. The magnetic lock unbolted when Mercy finished punching in the code. She slowly slid the barred door open.

"Stick your butts out too, just because I wanna see 'em."

They rolled their eyes and obeyed her. She enjoyed the view, but thought Taylah had the best butt out of all of them. The nazi girls simply weren't as shapely. Mercy pulled her cuffs from her belt and locked them around Bobby's wrists. Mercy couldn't deny that the skinhead's bald scalp somehow made her that much cuter. Bobby didn't resist. She wanted this too.

Mercy roughly grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the cell. She slammed the door and it locked behind them.

"I'm gonna re-enact World War Two on your asshole, Chambers." Taunted Mercy as she squeezed Bobby's ass. "It's gonna be fucking de-stroyed."

The girls in the cell took their hands off the wall and sat back down on the bunk.

'Better you than me, Bobby' thought Zoey, unaware that Bobby secretly wanted this more than anything else.

The Afrikaner didn't care about anyone except herself. This was always her reaction when misfortune befell another member of her crew. Of course, when it happened to her, it was a tragedy.

Most of the block made quite the commotion as Mercy escorted Bobby through the complex. The Bikers and the other Aryans jeered, but most cheered. The Cholas and the Homegirls in particular. Honestly, there weren't many in the prison population outside of "The Movement" who had anything good to say about the Aryan Sisterhood.

Simone Lotti screamed out from her cell.

"Yeah Mercy! Teach that nazi bitch a lesson!"

Gina Vasquez spat out a series of expletives in Spanish.

Bobby put on a tough and defiant facade in front of her audience. She gave them the finger, even with her cuffed hands fastened down in front of her. In reality, she had felt so sorry for all the biggoted things she had said and done to minorities like them. After all, whites like her were a minority at Dyker's Island. Prison had allowed her to see what she was previously blinded to. Despite the color of someone's skin, or what was between their legs, everybody was the same.

And most of them were assholes.

In the years that she had been incarcerated, not only did she learn to sleep with women, but she also discovered her attraction to the shapely bodies of the various nubian, slavic and latin goddesses that made up the majority of inmates at the prison. There was no way that Africans, slavs or latinas could ever be inferior when they were all so gorgeous. She was terrified that the other Aryans would catch her admiring the supposed "lesser races" in the showers.

Bobby thought that Mercy was gorgeous too. The Jewish transgirl's tender face was the first thing that made Bobby doubt Hitler's ramblings of racial perfection - As well as her previous assertion that trans women weren't real women. Bobby's heart was heavy with the guilt she felt for her years of holocaust denial. She had been reading real history books in the prison library. They were a far cry from the revisionist history written in articles on the most fridge corners of the internet that her parents had preached religiously during her childhood.

Bobby had been moved to tears reading in the library about how Mercy's not too distant ancestors were slaughtered by the very society she had been brought up to idolize. It made her reflect on the Jewish doctor she had beaten with an iron bar and how it got her locked up.

It helped her realize why it was wrong.

It made her want to repent for all the evil things that she had said and done. She needed to pay reparations for her life of racism and hate. There was a tingling in between her legs as she thought about how Mercy would punish her. How she would pound her asshole and slap her filthy, nazi face with her huge glorious girl cock.

It was convenient, considering Mercy was thinking about the exact same thing. Her cock was already rockhard and creating quite the bulge in her uniform. She didn't care. All she could think about was making this skinhead nazi bitch pay. She had to take her somewhere without any cameras. What she had in mind almost certainly counted as "Cruel and Unusual Punishment." Mercy was on probation, after all.

It wasn't that Warden Esther didn't approve of that kind of thing. But she was looking for any excuse to get Mercy fired from here - Or worse; Have her put on the other side of the bars. Surveillance footage would certainly give her one.

Myra Gray watched Mercy drag Bobby past her cell. She was drowned in smoke from the large stogie she was sucking on. The nasty biker girl growled at Mercy from behind the bars.

"Keep your hands off Aryan perfection, you Jew bitch."

Mercy stopped in her tracks. A sharp feeling of instant regret cut into Myra's chest like a dagger. Her hand trembled. She dropped her cigar in fright.

"Oh fuck!" She wailed. "Shit! Fuck! I mean-Uh-I'm sorry officer?"

It was too late to apologize. She'd have to say sorry another way now.

"Well, well, well, lucky me." Taunted Mercy. "Looks like I get two nazi asses for the price of one."

Mercy moved towards Myra's cell and ordered her cellmates to assume the position. They begrudgingly replied.

"You think you're a big tough biker, Myra. We'll see how tough you are with my Jewish girl cock deep in your white trash asshole." Growled Mercy as she angrily punched in the code to the door.

Myra held her hands up in front of her. She dropped the tough girl facade. Her voice began to tremble as she pleaded out half baked excuses for her derogatory remark.

"Woah, woah, what are you doing? I'm just like, ah, messing around! What? The 'tolerant left' doesn't have a sense of humor? Come on!"

There wasn't anything the least bit humorous about what she had said. Regardless, that was always the first card that all girls like her played. It was always "just a joke" or "just a bit of fun".

Mercy was going to show this facist slut exactly what her idea of fun was.

She knew Myra wouldn't like it.

The door slid open with a screech. Mercy tore a pair of handcuffs from her belt and roughly locked them around the biker's wrists. Tears started to well in Myra's eyes.

"P-please!" Begged Myra. "Please don't! I'll be good! I promise!"

Mercy licked the tears from her face. She smiled and moaned sensually. Turns out she really could be mean when she wanted to be.

"Your nazi tears sustain me." Taunted Mercy sensually.

Myra sobbed as Mercy dragged her from her cell. She was so scared.

She had never done anal before. That was, regrettably, the only patch on her jacket that she hadn't earned before she got inside. She knew all about what Mercy did to Bikers and Aryans when they misbehaved. So far, she'd been able to escape it. Now, she had no choice but to endure it.

Mercy held Myra with one arm and Bobby-Anne with the other. The big tough biker was a crying mess in front of all the other girls. It was humiliating. She'd have to do something tough and mean when she got back to the general population. Otherwise nobody would respect her anymore. She'd let her weakness show and that meant she opened herself up to a shanking in the back.

"Why don't you just put me in the hole?" Pleaded Myra desperately. "That'll be bad enough right? Put me in there for like three whole weeks. That'll teach me a lesson."

But Mercy wasn't dissuaded. She knew from experience that all these nazi girls always promise "never to do it again". And it's always empty. No. Mercy had her own lesson in mind.

She'd teach this white trash whore with her girl cock.

"Great idea." Replied Mercy as she roughly pulled on the biker's arm. "Why don't I send you there afterwards? Three weeks sounds great to me."

Myra's jaw dropped. She gasped in terror. It was clear she should think in the future before she opened her mouth. Not that she ever did much thinking.

"Nooooo!" Cried the racist prison bully, struggling as hard as she could, desperately trying to get away. "Shit! Nooooo! I'm sorry! Really I'm sorry I said that!"

The only thing she was really sorry about was getting caught.

"You're not sorry yet, but don't worry, you will be soon."

Mercy pulled them into a store room. Bobby was so excited. She'd finally be getting the punishment she knew that she rightly deserved. Myra was sobbing and struggling fiercely.

"No! No! Get me out of this fucking closet you pig! Let me go!"

Mercy spanked the heavily inked biker girl's butt.

"You're not getting out until you get your dose of punishment, you nazi slut."

Mercy pulled out her truncheon and waved it towards the girl.

"Get on your knees."

Myra knew that Mercy wasn't shy to use her baton against nasty nazis like her. So she complied. The biker girl swallowed her pride, sniffled quietly and got down like she was told. Bobby seemed all too eager to obey. She dropped to the ground the moment she was ordered.

Mercy chuckled quietly while she began to undo her belt and open her pants.

"You look so pretty down there. Both of you. This is where nazis belong. This is your place. On your knees in front of a Jewish goddess like me."

She dropped her pants. Her eight inch cock was sticking out the side of her lacey thong. Myra's eyes widened at the sight. Mercy had a bigger dick than any man she'd ever fucked. There was no way that it would be able to fit inside her tight virgin asshole. Funnily enough, it was uncut. Her parents were not particularly traditional.

The sight made the loins of each girl burn with a sensation they hadn't felt since before they were arrested. They missed having sex with men so much. They didn't really like being lesbians, they just got horny and made do with what they had. But the worst torture for both women was knowing that Mercy's glorious cock would not be going anywhere near their pussies. They would still be denied that.

Mercy's heart pounded a million miles a minute. There wasn't anything she liked better than hate fucking nazis. She undid her shirt and took off her bra. Her fake DD tits hung out of her open blouse. Bobby-Anne thought she was absolutely gorgeous.

There wasn't anyone more fit to punish her in the whole prison than this trans Jewish goddess.

Mercy whipped her cock out of her thong, and began to slap it against both girls' faces.

"W-what? W-what-t-the-f-fuck?" Sputtered a bemused Myra as Mercy's swollen member collided against her cheeks.

It was so humiliating. Pre-cum from the tip of Mercy's cock seeped onto each girl's face. Bobby-Ann loved it. Myra hated it. She thought it was gross.

"Tell me you're sorry." Ordered Mercy. "Tell me you're sorry for being nazi sluts."

"F-Fuck y-you, b-bitch." Replied Myra as her face was pummeled by cock.

Mercy slapped the girls harder with her cock. It was so humiliating. Myra didn't understand why she didn't just want them to suck it. But Mercy wanted to degrade them. She really wanted them to suffer for their hate mongering. Again and again, her cock collided against the flesh of both their fair faces. It didn't take long for Bobby-Ann to cave. After all, she didn't have to lie.
