Earning a Name


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"Someone feeling competitive? Like I'm encroaching on her territory."

"Indubitably," Dia giggled. "I'm not the chef here, though."

"Still got the vocab thing going for you," Wade chuckled, as he exaggeratedly rolled his eyes. "Where's Fredo?"

"Tabi picked him up early so someone would play with Clem and Sandy," Dia explained. Sandy was Jake's Brittany Spaniel that adored Clem. "I think Rissa and Nat are going to bring Chester too." Chester was the women's tri-colored small retriever mix.

"How's he doing?"

"His recent appointment didn't find anything after the biopsy, so I have my fingers crossed."

"That's fantastic. I want him to ring the bell before I do." Wade's blue eyes were sincere.

"They want to wait until after the new year for that." Dia sighed. Fredo had been fighting for almost two years and was getting tired of being poked and prodded.


"What about you? How have you been doing?"


"I'm going to say yes to a date when you ring the bell." Dia looked up from the enormous pot she was filling with water.

"Something to look forward to." Wade smiled, as he kneaded his dough.

They worked and talked for an hour, Wade helping around the kitchen while waiting for his dough to proof. Conversation was effortless as it always was with Wade around. The time until the dough had gone through its first rise seemed to melt like snow on warm asphalt. Why did he want to wait to date me? Dia silently considered, as she watched him use a bench scraper to cleave the mass of dough into small, yeasty balls of deliciousness.

"There was something that I always wondered about Melodia's Taqueria," Wade said, but didn't look up from the sheet pan he was filling with balls of dough.

"What's that? I will warn you, if I answer your fervent query, I will demand reciprocation." Dia worked on peeling her plantains.

"I'm not asking you to divulge company secrets." Wade shook his head with an animated and exasperated expression.

"You heard my rules. Query away if you dare."

"Daring me now Ms. Dia? I think I can handle it." Wade's steady work with the dough argued that he had practice and wasn't merely trying to impress her. "Why is it a taqueria? You have tacos and burritos on the menu, but aren't taquerias traditionally Mexican food and a quick-serve concept? Your place has gotten a decidedly Puerto Rican flare."

"Decidedly Puerto Rican flare? Kinda like me?" Dia affected her best cute pout.

"Not going to argue that fact." Wade looked up, and those bright blue eyes met hers in a smile. "But you're not answering the question."

"Believe it or not, some governing board doesn't decide if you can be a cantina or taqueria. The big secret is my dad thought it sounded cool. However, he did have to create his own spin on tacos and burritos to make it work. We didn't have any in the recipes he got from Grandma Olivares."

"Is that your mom's mother?"

"Yup. Mom and dad met in the kitchen of my grandma's restaurant before they moved here and had me." Dia stepped over and stirred her broth. She would need to strain it soon, but not until the rolls were in the oven. "My turn for a question."

"Only fair." Wade finished the first pan and started on another. There were going to be twenty people when friends and their kids were counted.

"Why did you wait to ask me out in high school? I would have said yes."

"You were way more popular than me, Dia. Besides, I was awkward as fuck until I came down with cancer and stopped worrying about that so much."

"Me, popular? I think you had some bad intel, Wade. I was never in the popular clique."

"Everyone knew you, and you knew everybody, seemed pretty popular to me."

"I knew everybody because I worked as a hostess or waitress here. I never had time for friends outside of school. I smelled like fryer grease most mornings." Dia shook her head and laughed ruefully.

"Sure seemed popular, and I was lanky and ungainly."

"And I thought you were cute and funny. Still are, Wade." Dia smiled. "I'm still going to say yes when you ask. Just don't wait too long."

"Yes, ma'am." He gave a salute with the dough knife.

Baking and cooking were soon finished, and the food was packed into the catering van. It had places to keep the food warm as they drove across town to Jake and Tabi's.

In addition to Jake and Tabi, Nat and Rissa, Alison and her wife Sara had come over with their infant and three-year-old. Derek and Samantha also had a baby with them. Derek's longtime roommates and now-coworkers brought their spouses and children. The house was near bursting, full of people and found family.

It was a year that had incredibly high peaks and low valleys. Still, Dia and Fredo had so much to be thankful for: a café thriving after a few years of uncertainty; a new chef taking them to lofty heights. Wonderful friends that she was finally reconnecting with after the isolation of her failed marriage. A new beau that was making her heart patter in a way that it hadn't in years. And most pivotally, better health news for her son. When the group linked hands in the backyard for a pre-meal prayer, no one seemed bothered that she took the longest turn when saying what she was thankful for this year.

"How was your alone time with Wade?" Tabi found her, while the guys did the dishes.

"Good. Those dinner rolls were amazing, weren't they?" Dia deflected a little.

"They were." Tabi nodded as they watched Clem, Fredo, Sandy, and Chester play on the swing set that Jake had built last summer. "He asked you out yet?"

"Don't wait for him to make the move." Natalie joined them.

"Yeah, you might be waiting forever," Rissa confirmed.

"He still wants to wait until he rings the bell." Dia sighed. She understood his desire, but with all their chemistry and time together, the wait was exasperating.

"Don't give him a choice." Rissa shrugged. "Find an excuse and show up naked. There's no way he's going to say no."

"It worked for Rissa." Nat grinned. "Though we lived together, it might take more work for you."

"Not to mention, I have that little man over there that would throw a wrench in those works." Dia pointed toward Fredo.

"Figure it out. You two would be phenomenal together." Tabi leaned close. "I went five years without sex. I don't recommend it." She laughed.

Wade - Two days before flying to Phoenix for Christmas

Nights at home alone had quickly become the exception rather than the typical since he'd started hanging out with Dia and Fredo. Most of those nights were around a table at the taqueria. The group had grown to include Tabi and Jacob once a week, who brought along Clementine, and Alfredo was happy to have someone to hang out with. The only casualty seemed to be Friday nights, which had expanded to include more friends. Wade was missing his solo time with Dia, but he panicked after an incredible kiss and pushed her away.

There were still nightly phone calls whenever they didn't meet at the taqueria or at one of the friends' homes. Tonight's call had been over lunch, as both had much to do to prepare for their Christmas destinations. Wade had finished his preparations soon after lunch, as his boss declared they were done with business for the year. When that announcement came with a substantial Christmas bonus, it was extra special.

After he had all his laundry in the washer or dryer, Wade grabbed a shower and put nothing on afterward. His clothes were all in the machines or packed anyway. He threw a towel on the couch and turned on Deadpool. After it was over, he planned on turning on a little porn and relieving some pressure.

Before the holiday scene at the beginning of the movie finished, there was a knock at his door. He paused the movie and grabbed his robe from the hook in his bathroom before creeping to the front door. No one ever knocked on his front door without Wade having some forewarning. A second set of solid, insistent knocks rang out as he peered through the peephole. Dia knocked on the door loudly, and Fredo wasn't with her.

"Dia? What are you doing here?" Wade peeked through a crack in the door.

"I called, but you didn't answer, and I was walking by, so I thought I'd knock." The unflappable woman was blushing.

"Are you in trouble or something?" Wade opened the door to let her in. "Sorry, I just got out of the shower, probably why I didn't hear the phone ring."

"Burgundy and black work well for you." Dia grinned as she stepped in. "Just missing a pair of slippers."

"They're already packed. Arizona gets cold at night." Wade breathed a small sigh of relief as it didn't appear that Dia was in immediate danger, as there would have been no banter in that case. "To what do I have the honor of you stopping by?"

"My apartment's too quiet." Dia put her purse on the granite counter as she did by habit. She wore a warm-looking sweater dress with sparkles in the woolen fabric. It was midnight blue, and the reflections looked like stars in the night sky. She hung her coat in its normal place and then walked to the fridge to pull out a bottle of wine that Wade always had on hand for nights she and Fredo spent here.

"Why's your apartment too quiet?"

"Chet's in town. It was a surprise, but I needed to dress up when I walked Fredo to his grandparents' house for some dumb reason." Dia rolled her eyes as she poured both glasses of merlot.

"Oh. That's why it's so lifeless."

"Yeah, since I'm flying out to Puerto Rico the day after tomorrow, he insisted on spending time with Mijo today and tomorrow. Don't get me wrong, Fredo needs some time with his father. I'd just like a little warning."

"I see."

"Fredo's going to spend tonight and tomorrow night at his grandparents, so the apartment is way too calm and sterile. I wanted to see if you were busy."

"I wasn't until this adorable woman showed up unannounced in a smoking-hot dress."

"Sorry, I'm just a little worried. Chet... He had a drinking problem. It was part of the reason for the divorce."

"I'm sorry, that can be tough." Wade wanted to commiserate, but had no personal experience.

"I tried everything, but he didn't want to get help, and things fell apart. He was a nice guy most of the time. Until he drank. He was a mean drunk. I trust Mijo's grandparents will keep him on the straight and narrow while he's here."

"A mean drunk, did he..." Wade felt rage alight in his body.

"No, he never hit me or Fredo. He just liked to say nasty things, but at least he was cognizant not to say them around his son."

"I'm sorry, Dia," Wade empathized.

"What glorious plans do you have?" Dia handed him a wine glass and switched subjects.

"I was going to watch Deadpool and finish packing."

"Deadpool or The Dead Pool? The superhero movie or the Dirty Harry movie?"

"The superhero movie. There aren't a lot of characters named Wade in media."

"Even fewer Melodias."


"Want some company? I like that movie. I like them both, actually. Papi had a Spanish dub of the Clint Eastwood one on VHS. It was a terrible dub, and my father spoke fluent English, but he tried to tell me it was letting his brain rest when he watched it."

"I have a hard time kicking you out, Dia." Wade grinned and desperately wanted to steal a kiss as she walked by. Hopefully, in a week and a half, he would get terrific news on New Year's Eve. Wade could ring the bell and finally ask the beauty on a genuine date. The prize he had won a week ago during his company Christmas party would likely help. It might be too much, though. "I should put something on, but everything's packed or in the laundry."

"It's fine to curl up on the couch and watch a movie."

"Sure." Wade smiled. Any time with Dia was immensely better than what he had planned. She brightened every moment. He shuffled over to the couch and covertly removed the towel he had been sitting on.

Dia leaned in close the whole movie as they laughed at the antics. She felt so perfect, with her warmth radiating into him. Wade was in love with the woman, but he had to wait until his doctors gave him a clean bill of health. Dia needed nothing else to worry about. Sharing a throw didn't seem to be what two friends did, but Wade wasn't about to complain.

"Wanna watch another?" Dia asked, as she stretched while Deadpool's credits rolled. "Maybe something Christmassy?" There was a hopeful lilt to her voice.


"Good, I'm going to go get us a refill while you find something for us to watch. Mind if I crash on the couch tonight? I don't wanna go home if Fredo's not there."

"No problem, my house is yours, Dia."

"Good. I'll be right back." Dia stood, and Wade couldn't help watching as she bent over to collect the wine glasses and swished away. Daily bouts with a treadmill had made her posterior even more breathtaking than in high school.

Wade poured through his streaming services to find Christmas Vacation as it seemed Christmassy and in the same vein as Deadpool for the humor of the night. Maybe she wants more action like Die Hard. It's a Christmas movie, right? Wade considered that finding out where Dia fell on that nerdy debate could be fun. Wouldn't hurt to ask.

Wade grabbed his phone from the kitchen counter, but Dia wasn't there. The light was leaking under the restroom door, so he shrugged and returned the wine glasses she'd already filled and his phone to the living room. It took a couple of minutes searching to find where both movies streamed. He'd have to rent Die Hard, but he had Christmas Vacation on streaming.

"Where's the wine glasses?"

"Out here on the table." Wade pointed but didn't look over his shoulder. He'd stared enough when she'd left the couch. There was no need to be creepy.

"Oh, okay."

"So, Die Hard or Christmas Vaca..." A bundle of dark-colored fabric thudded down beside Wade, interrupting his question.

"I got a question for you first." Dia slinked around the corner from the kitchen. The fabric had been the woman's dress. She was topless and more gorgeous than Wade had been dreaming. Her breasts were large and perky, with dark areolae that were probably the size of quarters and sat perfectly placed where her breasts rounded out. Thick nipples looked to be completely erect.

The woman was still wearing a pair of dark leggings with a high waist that landed just under her belly button. A pair of gleaming silvery jewels showed where her sexy stomach held a piercing. The cool, shining facets were a perfect pop of contrast to her warm, dark skin. Perhaps her sexiest feature, though, was her proud, predatory smile.

"Wow..." Wade finally babbled out, as Dia let him stare.

"Do you have any condoms?" Dia pushed a hand on Wade's chest so he toppled lengthwise down the divan. She didn't let him reply before her lips met his, and she lowered her body atop his.

The kiss was powerful, longing, hungry, and magnitudes more passionate than kisses with any other woman that Wade had been with. It was even better than the mind-blowing first kiss they had shared almost two months before.

"My God, Melodia." It was such an incredible kiss that he needed to use her complete name. "I thought we were going to wait until I ring the bell in a week and a half." He cringed inwardly as it tumbled out of his mouth. It wasn't the time to have his lack of filter since he had gotten sick bubble up, but all he had learned from his therapist had been short-circuited by the woman atop him.

"I've been wracking my brain trying to discern why you want to wait, and I've come up with three principal ideas, and we'll refute them."

"Have you?"

"Uh-huh. My first thought was, maybe you just aren't as into me as I am you."

"I've had a crush on you since high school. If anything, I'm more into you than I was back then."

"I surmised that, so I threw that out early on." Dia came in for another kiss, which Wade happily accepted. "My second fear was that you were scared because dating me meant you got an instant family."

"That doesn't scare me. I would've run away long ago if that frightened me."

"My thoughts, as well." Another kiss was a reward for the answer that Dia obviously wanted. "The most likely reasoning in my head is that you don't want me to worry about you when you see your oncologist."

"I... but it's so close to when I should ring the bell." Wade had been counting the minutes until that moment to ask the beauty out again.

"I've fallen for you, dumbass. I'm going to worry about you no matter what. I've fallen for you completely." Dia leaned down for another kiss.

"Interesting technique, calling me a dumbass while you're trying to seduce me."

"Maybe I should have gone with dunderhead?" She shrugged. "Considering what's poking me, I think it's working." Dia scrunched her nose and giggled, most adorably. "You wanna know how I deal with stress and anxiety?"

"Exercise?" They had discussed it in the months that they were practically dating.

"Good, you've been listening. That's definitely one of my coping mechanisms, but that's not the one I want to employ tonight. Well, I bet we still get a little cardio in." Dia issued another giggle and nose scrunch that had Wade soaring. "This other coping mechanism I haven't employed in a few years."

"Really, what's that?" Wade played dumb.

"The reason I asked if you had condoms. Do you?"

"I..." Wade had bought condoms before the kiss. It had seemed like the pair was on a collision course, and he hadn't rotated stock in a few years. "...have a few in the bathroom."

"Goody." Dia's make-out session found a way to ratchet up additional passion and earnestness in the smooches.

"One problem, though," Wade stated, as they took a breather.

"That would be?"

"It's been two years since... I won't last long." Wade blushed.

"Why do you think I haven't gotten up and retrieved the condoms?" Dia sat up and shimmied her way down Wade's body. "I'm going to suck your cock until you cum, and then we can grab one condom after you get hard again." She winked at him as her nimble fingers undid the knot of his robe.

"Okay." Wade grinned.

"I didn't think you were wearing anything under this." Dia's eyes met his in a teasing challenge as she opened his robe. "And this explains your quiet confidence." Her hands grasped his cock. "Do you shave because of the hair loss thing?"

"Would you prefer if I said yes?"

"Nope, I'd prefer honesty." Dia slowly stroked his cock. "Always honesty."

"Then no, I've been doing it for a while."

"I'll bet it goes well with my waxing," Dia smirked. "I tried to get the ex to reciprocate, but he was scared about wax or blades near his crotch."

"Huh. OHH!" Wade's mouth fell open as Dia sucked his cock between her lips.

"Keep it up, and you'll get more blowjobs."

"Yes, ma'am." Wade offered a salute.

Dia's dark-red lip gloss and toasty complexion were a brilliant contrast to his pale, straining cock. One hand gripped his cock as she bobbed slowly on the shaft. The other explored his testicles, as she never broke eye contact. Her tongue swirled around the crown and then battered against him as she sucked.

"You know you have an enormous cock, right Wade?" Dia slowly wanked him as she smirked.

"Do I?" Wade was only slightly bigger than average in his mind, but Dia seemed to be happy with it.

"Yup. I'll bet it feels so perfect inside me." Her tongue traced up and down his shaft, and his cock rewarded her with a fat drop of pre-cum. "I haven't had sex since the divorce. Longer than that, actually. More than two years, too. I need this, Wade."

"Okay... wooowww." Wade moaned, as she sucked him back between her lips.

Dia's tongue wiggled against the bottom of his cock as more of it disappeared inside.