Eight Days in a Binding Contract


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My butt and crack feel sticky from both all the lube that flowed in and around my butt hole and the cum that was distributed on it. I take a wet washcloth and clean up; I dare not ask for a second shower. I check on Sir Michael's whereabouts, he is in his chair, naked except for a cock ring, watching his boys on the two screen and leisurely stroking his member.

I put on my chastity and lock it and then I pick up my leather hospital restrain belt and cuffs bring them to Sir Michael so he can secure me for the night. He's still busy pleasuring himself so I stand beside him and wait. He takes a few more strokes and then turns his attention to me. He says, "Put on your cuffs but I'm going to secure them differently tonight as they didn't allow you to attend to me as well as I hoped for at the toilet." He puts in the mini cuff locks then took a padlock and simply locked the cuffs together in front of me. "That should work better for me." With my cock cover key still in my hand I offer it to him. He takes all the keys and lays them on his desk. He gives me a smack on the butt and points to the bathroom. "Go to bed, shut the door, turn off the light." I head off.

Chapter 7: A Quick Lick Is All It Takes

Sunday morning. Today started as what will now become my new normal. I'm sitting patiently in the dark with my wool blanket wrapped under and around me with the pillow behind my back to keep me off the cold tile wall and floor while waiting for Sir Michael's arrival. My wrists are cuffed in front of me and my chastity device in place as I have neither the keys nor the permission to remove them. My body is still on East Coast time, so I am wide awake. Sir Michael eventually appears, naked, as is his sleeping routine. Dim light from his front bathroom area illuminates my sleeping quarters. "Hold me like you did yesterday, Bitch." I quickly get up from the shower and kneel next to the toilet. I gently take hold of his member and point it into the bowl. "I think you should kiss it first today. I know you've been dreaming about it all night. What a shame you don't have such a magnificent dick of your own to hold and kiss every day." This one-way banter doesn't bother me. We have been teasing each other about our dick sizes since college.

I kiss the side of his flaccid dick, which does nothing to excite me, and he begins to go. It's so much easier to hold him with my hand when my wrists are cuffed together in front of me. It gives me full movement of my arms. I have the aim of his stream directed so that it hits the inside of the bowl above the water. "Point it toward the water, you should hear the piss, it's part of you experiencing servitude," I am told. I redirect. He takes a while and when done he says, "Don't shake it dry, lick it dry." I hesitate, a long pause as I don't want to do this. "Lick it now or I'll have you lick the rim and drink from the bowl! Listen Cunt, you agreed to without hesitation and without question do as I command, to do what gives me pleasure, pussy. You licking my dick dry will give me pleasure. Do it." As he says this, he puts his hand on the back of my head and starts to pull me downward; not sure if it's toward the bowl or his dick.

In hindsight I'm pretty sure he was not serious about the threat, although he said it all with a full authoritarian voice. It was said quickly, almost like it was practiced, planned. He knew what my likely reaction would be, so he was testing if I still had the resolve, the want, to continue this servitude fantasy before we started today's activities. He is a pretty bright cookie. And he is my friend, he would not do anything he thought I really, really didn't want or could do. Notice I said what 'he' believed I wanted or could do. I also believe he wants to push my limits while I'm here as I will never get a chance elsewhere. Plus, I'm sure he wants to get pleasure and satisfaction from our week's adventure too, so some of the things that he was going to do to me had to interest, titillate, or sexually arouse his kinks too. I think he is getting a kick out of being the Dominant, either that or he was one heck of an actor.

Back to his dribbling dick, not taking chances, I put out my tongue and leaned in and licked the tip of his dick. Just a drop or two were there. I glided my tongue back and forth along his slit so there wouldn't be further complaints.

Urine isn't awful, but not pleasant either. A little bitter, maybe salty, a sour flavor, hard to describe. I have tasted my own a couple of times before as I played my home bondage games. It's why I had no objections to it appearing in the contract yet is one that I didn't think would be acted on. Sometimes it has a stronger taste, usually earlier in the day. I guess it depends on how well one is hydrated and how long it has been resting in your bladder. While I just had a drop or so of his, my taste buds were retaining the essence. It's morning so it's a little strong, I'm fine. I guess we are all different in what we produce, but his sample seemed somewhat distinct from how I remember mine.

We are done in here, so I'm sent to the bedroom, released from my device and cuffs, and while Sir is unlocking me I am told to do my stretches, shower and douche, shave, etc.

Then I am handed a rather small butt plug. It appears unusual to me. This one is very pliable, flexible and smooth, nearly clear and shaped like a chubby bent thumb and just a bit longer than one too. It narrows slightly whereas it attaches to its base just like a regular plug so it will stay in place. As I gaze at it, I'm told I'll like it and that it will help me not regress back to a tight ass. I am told to put the plug in with minimal lube, then dress in shorts and a tee-shirt that he has picked from the clothes that I brought. I comply.

The plug feels nice, soft, springy and molded like how I think my lower rectal track is shaped. Sir Michael announces we are headed out. I am to remember I am in servitude and to do whatever he says, but for the time we are out we are not to speak about week; conversations are to be about the other facets of our lives or about the world. We have many stops, generally errands he needs to complete, but he also heads to places that he thinks I might want to see. He also drives through Hillcrest, a popular and well know gay section of San Diego. At the time, I had no inkling that we would be back again, and he didn't give any hints. Another thing we hit were two adult toy stores, both of which had large selections of leather goods, toys, bondage gear and discipline paraphernalia. As we had ample supplies at home, we didn't need to make any purchases. It was hard being in the stores without speaking about the week. It was fun exploring and it reenergized my zest for what could be upcoming. We had lunch too, something I hadn't had the last two days. Little did I know it was because I wasn't getting dinner this evening, only an energy bar.

One other stop was at Home Depot again. He purchased an eight-foot 2x6. He was very choosy about the one he selected, then he had them cut into three pieces, one five feet long and the other two being 18 inches each. I asked him what they were for, but he got me off the question without answering.

Sir Michael suggested we take a nice hike in a large park he often goes to that has beautiful vistas and panoramas and that the other hikers were often hot guys. There were nice panoramas and vistas, I wouldn't know if the men we passed were hot, some of the women were. By the way, that little plug is still there and is no trouble, actually comfortable, doesn't make walking miserable, it was just that the plug moved within me as we hiked along, giving me the weirdest sensations including making me feel like I needed to constantly use the facilities. We finished up the hike and I was told we better head home as I had another busy night ahead of me.

Chapter 8: A Fantasy No Longer

Sunday night. When we arrived home, I am directed to pull my plug, shower and douche myself and to report the bedroom with my earbuds, my Lovense butt plug, the larger one I brought with me, and my phone. We are fully back into submissive mode. Sir Michael's pegging bench is very versatile and useful for so many activities. I was told to mount it once again and asked am I comfortable because I'm going to be on it for a while. I settled myself in and was secure down. The straps on his bench can be adjusted to any tightness. He really pulled down tight on each of them this time as if he wanted his target to have no ability to move about. He then placed my ball gag deep in my mouth and secure it just as tightly around my head.

Some kind of cream was then spread all over my balls and my shaft. Cool, feels nice, some life comes to my genitals. I then felt my sack pull taut and something stroked down it. I think for a second and while a second dragging goes down my sack, I realize I am being shaved. I think with a straight razor. I suck in a breath and hold it as I'm immediately petrified that I could be cut down there and there would be no worse pain. Sir Michael says relax, you're fine, I shave my own balls all the time. Somethings are involuntary and can't be stopped. Me being nervous right now is one of them. This takes a while and is in fact interesting as it goes on. He delicately covers every part of my ballsack. He also gets the hairs on my shaft and just slightly past the shaft base. My crack then has cream added and it too is cleared of any and all hair. The places he is shaving are again and again hit with the blade making sure I am 100% free of hair. I then feel a warm moist towel wipe me thoroughly down. I'm inspected and he goes back and removes a few more remaining hairs. "There, now your butt looks good, all that nasty hair gone. By the way, there were a couple of gray ones. Don't fret I didn't touch your front bush; your wife will never be able to tell. You are going to love the nubs in a couple of days."

He then lubes me and slides in my vibrator plug. It has never entered me with so little resistance and with no pain. I have been stretched. I can feel him pushing the base to turn it on, then the short burst of a vibration to indicate it is in fact turned on. A minute or two later it roars into action as Sir Michael has activated its programming from my phone. This will be a wonderful distraction for whatever he's got planned for the evening. He then comes to my head and unbuckles the gag and pulls it out. "I didn't want to hear your screaming should I have accidently cut your balls," he said nonchalantly.

He then puts my ear buds in my ears, then wraps an Ace bandage lightly around head I think to hold them in place. This also blindfolds me and so I can no longer see. My phone then broadcast music into my ears. Loud, but nice. I think it's my Beatles channel. Next, my lite leather hood is put over my head and stretched down to my neck, laced up tight and my head and face are in bondage as is the rest of my body. I cannot see or hear the outside world. At least for now I'm loving it. I really do love to be bound. And a hood is the cherry on top.

I lay bound to the bench with minimal care for a long time. The only thing really giving me attention is the butt vibrator which is running a program that could make me climax just on its own, I try to ignore it, but that is nearly impossible with nothing else happening. Occasionally during this time, Sir Michael will rub his hand down my back, or down my leg, once even down my crack, but those moments are fleeting and startle me when they happen.

Now these touching's seem to be a little more deliberate. I feel him caressing my butt checks. Then one side is slapped, which takes me by surprise and makes me jump, but that just really means a push against my bonding, I have minimal movement, if any, but it didn't really hurt. I am being played with in earnest now. My vibrator stops and I feel it pulled out. A few moments later I feel my butt hole cleansed with a moist wipe of some kind. Play seems exploratory. I'm penetrated from behind by a finger and it spins around and exits. Then what feels like a thumb violates me. Rubbing up and down my back. Then my butt cheek. Everything so far is reasonably tame.

And things stop. A few minutes pass by and more of the same. Then it stops. A few more minutes pass and I feel a dildo inserted in me. It is slowly sliding in and out twisting, coming all the way out, then being inserted again, out fully and back in numerous times playing with my back door, its nice.

And things stop. Maybe for ten minutes this time. WHACK, my butt is hit with a paddle, hard but not excessive. This appears to be a real start of things as I am successively stuck ten times on my right butt cheek. The paddling stops and the cheek is then tenderly caressed for a minute or two. A pause. Then WHACK, my left cheek is smacked. A total of another ten hits. Then a caressing. Back to the right, then to the left, and it stops. Twenty hits to each side, delivered slowly, deliberate. My butt is stinging, I don't know how you can feel color, but it feels red. It feels exhilarating. I'm not really hurt; this is a good pain pleasure.

Again abandoned. Maybe a good fifteen minutes this time, definitely longer that before. And its WHACK, my butt is again hit with a paddle, just as hard, same cadence, same caressing between each set of ten till we hit forty again. And I'm stinging and I have the same exhilaration, but the pain is lingering just a tad longer and I think my butt is probably a deeper red.

Another, good fifteen minutes go by when I feel the zipper over my mouth being opened on my hood. A finger pushes against my lips I assume it's a signal open my mouth and I do. Immediately something is pushed in, trying to get behind my teeth and I quickly conclude its one of my ring gags being put into place. I don't resist and open my mouth wider so Sir Michael can properly seat it. It is buckled behind my hood. The mouth zipper is adjusted so it is fully clear of my lips. I think this is good news as this ring probably isn't wide enough to let Sir in. What I assume is another throat training session will not gag me, at least not as much as he did, the dildos were easier yesterday. Boy am I wrong.

I feel something at the front of my mouth and it ever so slowly starts to slip in. I sense that it is a dildo, one of the ones that are a simulation of the real thing. I meet it with my tongue and attempt the tongue maneuvers I have been coached on. It pushes a little further in than make a bit of a retreat. It starts to slide forward again and... HEY, this is a real dick! My mind is racing, confused, it's not Michaels, it's not Michaels, it's not Michaels my brain screams. My head is grabbed and held as I instinctively pull back and I do have head movement; well, I did until I was grabbed and held. Two hands are holding my head, and a third one is gently patty my shoulder in a 'relax, its OK, everything is going to be fine' kind of pats. I'm not upset, I more just startled. I didn't know anyone was coming tonight, I'm not mentally prepared. I fantasized about being forced to service others, but fantasies don't come true. Get yourself under control, the way you are bound this is happening whether you want it to or not, just like you dreamed. If you don't settle, you'll miss the details. And the dick that I know isn't Sir Micheals begins its slow dance in and out of my mouth. My tongue stays dormant for the moment as the dick begins an exploration of my mouth. He's out more than he is in. He darts in and retreats. He's being very good to me. If he wanted to, he could really rape my mouth and throat I couldn't stop him. I get why the gag was put in, during my initial startling I might have bitten him. While my emotions are still in a whirlwind, my mouth and tongue are trying better to get with the program. Whoever this is, he's trying to help me. I'm sure Sir Michael has given him all the particulars and he knows he is basically penetrating a virgin hole. Sir Michael, I guess, was there first technically, but I wasn't handling him. Not a lot has happened here yet, but his size doesn't seem like it's a problem. He's normal size, hooray!

As he feels me relax a bit, he starts to add more movement, sliding in and out a little deeper. He is staying reasonably hard, so I try to rub my tongue more on the shaft and head. There seems to be an appreciation. He does a lot of complete pull outs and reinsertions as he can in that way push his dick against my lower or upper lip as he passes. From person experience on the receiving end of a BJ, the lips do most of the stimulation work as the rod glides by. My lips can't fully close due to the gag. The strokes get continually longer till finally my gag reflex is stimulated. He pulls out immediately so I can recover. He's a decent fellow. But he hits it again two or three times more as he figures out how far he can go. He must have pumped my mouth for a good ten minutes or more till he stopped. Of course, I never got him to a point where he climaxed.

I'm left alone for another ten minutes or so when I feel someone at my head again and feel the gag being unbuckled. Its removed. Shortly there after I feel a dick pressing at my lips. OK, he's going to screw my mouth again, this time without the gag. I open my mouth, probably a bit reluctantly as I try to let my mind get around giving a blow job to someone I don't know when I don't get excited by men, only being excited from a fantasy of being force while bound, A fantasy which is now real, just like I was told at the contract signing, oh my mind is spinning, but none the less I my mouth is open. A dick head is push in and it's not the same. Its big, absolutely it not the same, how many men are here that I have to suck? Wait, wait, wait, I think this is Sir Michael. I hadn't paid any attention to the other dick's taste, but I detect coconut again, yes, I'm sure it is Michael.

He doesn't push in far and he begins a slow in and out, he's going a deeper now as I can touch his forward shaft with my tongue. He goes no deeper so I try to please him the best I can with my tongue but he's wide and it isn't that easy. I can't believe my mind is saying bring the other one back, it's easier to handle. But it's not coming back, it busy getting ready to do something else. And the dick in my mouth goes away.

I feel a finger at my butt, lube is being applied. The finger is now in me, probing, exploring, deeper, deeper. I can handle one finger effortlessly now. A minute or two later I promoted to two finger exploration. My prostate is being massage and it exciting. Can't tell whose fingers are in me. Do they belong to the same penetrator for before? Now its three fingers, that fills me tight, but the fingers are working me, stretching me, I can feel my butt loosing up. It's a good sensation. And it's OK, because I know I can't stop it and that the sick fantasy is real now. And the group of three fingers exit and I'm coated with some more lube.

Two arms grip my side. Another two start to message my shoulders from over my head. And I feel something bump my butt hole. One of the arms comes off my side and I sense it pressing against my butt cheek. There is the pressure of something pushing against my butthole just like the fingers before and I feel penetration. He pushes in, the arm returns to my side, and I realize I am no longer an anal virgin. As the mind again goes crazy, I work hard on concentrating on the details as I was advised at the signing. This is really happening to me. Progression inward is slow but steady. He slippery and no bigger than the dick dildos that visit me the last two days. He stops and lets it just sit there for a minute. Then he begins a withdrawal, I think about halfway, and then starts moving in again. No pain. No anything at the moment as my brain has seemed to have shut down. Now, movement back, and in again. Further now. I'm having no issue with the depth we are hitting. There is no gag reflex in the butt. I think if there is pain from him going too far, I'll just buck up and he'll stop. It never needs to come into play. He goes deeper and his strokes seem to use most of what he has. Now he has picked up his pace a little. Nothing excessive. From short strokes he moves to longer deliberate strokes in and outs, He grips my arms in what seems like an attempt to help him gain leverage and power to his strokes. It's been a few minutes now, maybe even five. And my feeling, physically I mean, is still ok. No pain, lube is doing its job as he seems to be gliding freely, there is no pulling. Sexually I not feeling any stimulation inside of me, at least I don't think so, but I feel like I'm reasonable tight around him and he feels hard so I think it should be doing something for him. That image actually gives me a tickle. I'm being fucked and I have no control over it, and I can't stop it and its real and I'm starting to get my mind back into the program. I feel my shoulders still being rubbed and I know Sir Michael is watching over me. I bet you he's pleased with himself.
