Eine Kleine Nackte Musik


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My eyes travelled down to her lap. She had silvery hair between her legs. She probably didn't wear a lot of bikinis, so it came as no surprise that she didn't trim a lot there. But I found myself admiring it.

I tried to be brief as staring at my naked friend felt very very wrong. But then I felt excited about the prospect. If Lily, older and not as perfect as she probably seemed decades before, could be brave and shed her coverings, surely, I could too!

I closed my eyes took a deep breath and silently counted to three.

Five seconds later, I had not a stitch of clothing on. I suddenly became very cognizant of the way the chair fabric felt against my bottom, how close my nether region came to touching the same fabric, how the flowing air in the apartment felt blowing across my nipples, across the skin of my breasts, across my stomach. I could feel the air flow across my bare shoulders. I suddenly felt very in tune with everything around me.

I slowly opened my eyes to see Lily smiling so wide. I felt like she was very proud of me, and it gave me such joy. I was the adventurous one! Well, at least with two close girl friends in an apartment. But let me count my successes!

I glanced at Sophie. She looked a little less mortified, a little less anxious, and very very thoughtful.

"I want to try." She said it very quietly while looking down. "I will be right back."

"I can't wait to see you Sophie. You are so beautiful, I bet you are even more so once you are like us." Lily seemed to be even more excited about this now that it was progressing. Maybe she hadn't been adventurous before. Maybe we woke up a beast in her. Maybe in ourselves.

As I watched Sophie walk towards the bathroom, I considered the same for me. Am I excited? Actually I am. Still nervous but sitting here like this felt so freeing but also so unbelievably exhilarating. My heart raced. And I kinda felt like I had a permanent smile on my face.

"This is fun, isn't it Em?" Apparently, it was a permanent smile.

"You know Lil, it kind of is?"

Suddenly we heard the bathroom door open. I glanced over and Sophie peek out from behind it.

"Come on Sophie. You can do this!"

She looked scared but I felt so happy to see determination on her face. And then the great unveiling happened.

Lily started clapping excitedly. It was infectious so I joined in. And Sophie entered beet red, somewhat covering herself.

Yes, she carried a little weight on her hips and waist and in her thighs, but she looked great. Her skin of course looked amazing, all creamy and soft-looking without a single blemish. And her breasts, what could be seen behind her arm, were simply magnificent. As she walked, I could see the movement, jiggle, the bounce. But they were also firm. And full. My small top looked like nothing compared to hers.

"Sophie, can you remove your hands so we can see you?" Lily spoke gently but she looked like she really wanted to see Sophie.

Sophie breathed out again, nodded her head, and then dropped her arms. Yes, her breasts looked magnificent. They did not sit too low, but rather were so full. I really wanted to touch them. Yes, I think Sophie is adorable and pretty, but this wasn't a sexual attraction. I just looked at her breasts as perfect.

She had opted not to shave below. Honestly, this might be because I don't think she dates much and she has been very modest (until tonight!) so her chosen beach wear probably covered her well. Her red curls below her belly were actually very cute.

"Wow Sophie, you are so beautiful!" I actually spoke before Lily this time, who seemed to be drinking her in.

I can say that women don't usually sit around looking at each other so blatantly while naked, but it felt like we had given each other permission here. And I loved it. I loved how both of my friends looked. And I loved how it felt for them to look at me.

Sophie kept blushing but finally let herself relax a bit as a smile formed on her face. She felt the same as me. I think the body shame we had built up over time melted away as three friends admired each other's beauty.

Sophie finally sat down and crossed her legs. I even thought the rolls and creases formed at her waist looked cute.

We sat around looking at each other, three naked friends. And then the giggling began again.

"Um, this feels so good," Sophie finally stated. "I feel so accepted by you two. You both make me feel pretty." She shyly looked down as she managed to get out the final bit.

"Sweetie, you ARE pretty. You just let us see you." Lily looked kindly at both of us.

"Well what do we do now?" I thought we needed to do something.

"Well how much time do you two have?"

Neither Sophie nor I had anything on the agenda, so we stayed for a few hours. Lily told Roger to not come home until after 11 so he went and hung out with friends at the bar instead of coming home to an apartment full of naked women.

I am guessing Lily didn't tell him why or else I imagine he would have come up with a reason to come home. At least I hoped he would want to do that.

But why? Do I want to be seen? Maybe it's that I want people to want to see me?

We spent the evening chatting about anything and everything, to get used to being naked. And after twenty minutes, I did get used to it. I loved looking at my two lovely confident friends. In many ways, I think this brought us so much closer together. We revealed and saw the real "us" that night, literally and figuratively. I honestly hadn't ever felt that close to the two of them before.

And at the end of the night, I found myself not looking forward to getting dressed so we waited until right before Sophie and I had to leave.

The next step for us, we decided, had to involve being naked with other people. Each of us was to invite one other person to a get together in three nights time; a drinks and snacks party. We needed at least a male so Lily decided to invite her husband Roger (who she said would be a very willing participant). Sophie and I would need to find people.

The trick: the invitees would need to be naked too. So, this formed into a naked party with six people. And we decided we would try to play some music there as well, to get used to playing without anything on.

As Sophie and I walked out of the apartment, Sophie said "shotgun on Liz!" I laughed, but then got nervous. I had planned to invite Liz but now I needed to come up with someone else.


Liz wanted to meet again, so we met the day before the naked party. She expressed how excitement that we thought we could do the wedding but she would have to await the final answer at the scheduled party. I still hadn't found anyone as my naked plus one, and I actually hoped Liz would know someone who would could come.

She had already accepted Sophie's invitation via text as she thought she needed to get used to it as well. Win-win.

I had made it to our favorite café before her this time, so sat at a table facing the door waiting for her to arrive.

When I got home from our naked team meeting at Lily's two nights ago, I found myself stripping as soon as I walked into my apartment. Part of me wanted to see if it the feeling of comfort really was just a fluke that night (a little wine, in the moment with good friends, etc). Another part of me wanted to get even more comfortable being naked if this is what would be required of me.

So that night I spent my short time before bed naked. And then I did something I have never done - slept naked. The next morning, I woke up early and lounged in bed a little longer than normal. The sheets felt so amazing on my skin. I felt so comfortable and honestly a little sexy.

I admit I got a little excited so spent some 'me time' in bed before getting out. I think that amorous excitement had been building since the night at Lily's.

I spent the better part of my day naked, even practicing. I also decided I would trim a bit to see how I felt about a different style in my nether region. I loved the little strip of hair left and the feeling of exposure around it. This caused me to be inspired for a second round of 'me time' in the same day (which has never ever ever happened).

Was I starting to slut it up? I don't think so. It felt less sexual to me and more freeing. I felt sexy and really confident, but it wasn't just a big turn on (although obviously at least some of a turn on). But I loved the idea of others maybe finding me attractive like this.

"Hey Em!"

I looked up to see Liz smiling at me. I stood and we hugged.

She got settled at the table with her coffee.

We chatted about lots of different things for a bit. Liz is hands down one of the greatest conversationalists. She just pulls you in and can talk about anything. Finally, we came around to the big topic.

"So, I heard you three had an interesting night the other night!" She grinned wide as she leaned forward and almost spoke conspiratorially.

I laughed in response, "yea, that was new and interesting!"

"So, the three of you are getting comfortable with the idea then? Or just more comfortable in front of each other?"

I grinned, "getting there, I think. On both fronts really." Then I looked at her, "you?"

She giggled a little uncomfortably, "well not yet, but hope too. Maybe your party tomorrow will help."

She looked at her coffee for a moment. "You know I am a good people person and all that and I am pretty comfortable 'in my own skin' so to speak. But this being JUST in my own skin is rather unnerving and making me rather nervous. And a little uncomfortable."

She then looked up, "Don't get me wrong. I am totally doing this, but I am pretty nervous about it. Only my ex has seen me naked as this later-in-life version of me. And not many people saw me in my better form either."

"I hear you Liz. I felt mortified. But then Lily really helped us through it all. She was so sweet and caring about it. Even Sophie stripped down." I whispered at this point as I am sure two women talking about stripping over coffee would raise some eyebrows.

She laughed, "maybe I need to hang with Lily then!"

I laughed with her, "Maybe so!"

We both looked at our coffees, thinking things through. For her, she probably thought the same thing that led me to two nights ago. But for me now? I had an idea.

"Look, I have a thought." Her eyes met mine curiously. "Before your big public unveiling tomorrow, would you like a bit more controlled, hopefully a bit more comfortable and safer version today?"

She waited for me to explain.

"Let's grab our coffees, enjoy a nice walk on a beautiful day to my apartment, and then give you a practice run with just me."

Her eyes got wider. "And no, I am not propositioning you for sex!" I laughed with a blush on my face, realizing how all of that must've sounded.

She giggled with me, "good to know." She paused, "so we go back and practice being naked?" we were whispering again.

I nodded.

"So, you too?"

I nodded again.

She took a deep breath and let it out.

"Ok! Let's go get naked." She said that a little louder than she intended in her excitement, which then caused an embarrassed giggle fit as we quickly exited the café.


As soon as I arrived in my apartment, I quickly took everything off. When I finally slipped my panties down and turned to face Liz, I realized something: I had really grown to love being naked around other people. I actually felt the excitement build as we got nearer and nearer to my apartment. This of course didn't make sense as my mind had been a totally of a different way of thinking, but I think I had given myself permission to be like this. And what society told me about this no longer held control over me.

As I stood smiling naked in front of Liz, I could see her face move through a few emotions - shock, surprise, embarrassment for me, embarrassment for herself as she checked me out.

"Um, right. Do I . . . "

"It's ok Liz. Come with me. Let's sit down for a moment. Ok?"

She just nodded. I had a brief thought as I led her into the living room: was she looking at my naked behind? And a follow-up thought: did she think it looked good? I really wasn't sure how I would be in front of men like this, but in front of women my only nervousness came about when considering what parts of me women would find pretty.

I sat down and Liz sat across from me. She looked like a bundle of nerves ready to explode.

"Liz, it's going to be fine. You can totally do this. Lil got us to do one small step at a time. Why don't you choose something to remove and then relax a bit?"

"Ok." As expected, she slipped off her heels and placed them aside.

I grinned at her, "Nice!" She laughed.

"Ok, whenever you feel led to remove the next item just go ahead and do it, ok?" She nodded again.

I stood up and went into the kitchen to grab two glasses and some wine. Liquid courage sometimes helps. I felt her eyes on me as I left.

As I returned, she smiled, "would it be weird of me to say you look great naked, Em?"

"Nope! I love that you think that. Thank you." I set the glasses down and poured. "Of course, you will too."

She shook her head, "Em, I have a few years on you."

"Pfft, you know Lily looks amazing? And she has years on you."

She smiled at me. And then she started unbuttoning her shirt.

Fifteen minutes in, we found us talking to naked versions of ourselves. And she did look great. She had a little bit extra on her tummy and the skin wasn't as tight. Her breasts were larger than mine and really looked great. And her long smooth legs looked wonderful. Interestingly she had opted to shave everything.

As I unashamedly looked her over, she commented on it, "When Bill left me, I wanted to feel sexier and maybe younger, so I shaved it all off. Kinda got used to it."

Then she paused and smiled, "would it be weird to say I actually feel even sexier now because of this?"

"Nope. I felt the same way. I love the freedom. I love the feeling." And then I smiled, "And you know you look beautiful!" She blushed and smiled appreciatively.

"Ok, so with you this works. But what about others? Do you feel nervous about your little naked party event?"

I thought for a moment, "I really don't know. Roger will be there, but he is older and so that feels different." I paused again, "Yea, I don't know. But I feel a bit excited.

"Oh yes, do you know anyone I can invite? Or do you know anyone you can invite for me? I just don't know anyone and I am responsible for a third guest."

"Hmm." She thought for a moment. "This might be weird, but the photographer who has agreed to do the wedding might benefit from this experiment. Would that work?"

"Sure. That would be perfect!"

"Great. I'll call as I leave. Right now, I want to bask in this feeling for a bit." And we sipped our wine for a bit longer.

A brief naked hug (her idea, but I actually loved that too), her getting dressed and me staying naked later I found myself alone again. Now what next can I try doing naked?


Lily, Sophie and I met before the others arrived, to get in the mood and really to make sure Sophie still felt ok about our experience. She seemed to be mostly. We all stripped down and visited in the living room for about thirty minutes before the first knock on the door.

Lily immediately stood and opened the door, stark naked, to let her clothed husband in. From the front of the apartment around the corner from the living room we heard his voice a few minutes before he finally came into the living room. Naked.

Roger and Lily have been married just under 40 years. And honestly, I think Lily has aged better than Roger, but that said, I did like seeing him naked. I wouldn't say I found him attractive. Certainly not sexually attracted. But he looked handsome in his own way and seeing him and Lily walking into the living room naked hand-in-hand looked really beautiful. So natural and unassuming.

He stopped and looked at both of us in the room. Even though he knew what was going to happen, his jaw dropped a bit. Lily giggled as she pushed his mouth closed, whispering something into his ear.

"Sorry ladies, you both look so lovely tonight." He averted his eyes.

"Thanks Roger. It is great to see you too." I glanced at Sophie and she seemed to be doing ok. Really, I think since we crossed the threshold, I think we now can make this work.

The door knocked again. Lily disappeared to answer the door, still not bothering to wear anything. I heard a woman's voice which sounded like Liz. A few minutes later she appeared in the doorway.

She had opted to wear some jewelry tonight, with heels, and nothing else. I think she looked super sexy like that. Liz has such class. Roger of course liked it too, but Lily's elbow jabbing brought him back to civility.

Liz came over and sat next to me on the couch. She actually reached over and took my hand, whispering, "you don't mind do you, Em?"

I smiled and squeezed her hand, "not at all. But you look so gorgeous!"

"So, do you!"

The third knock brought Lily to her feet again. This time had to be Liz's photographer for sure (or potentially a very surprised unexpected guest). I heard a man's voice. I had assumed that the photographer was a woman, but apparently I had assumed wrong. Ok, Roger was different, but this was a random naked man. I took inventory again. How did I feel?

I felt confident. And pretty. And sexy. So, I was ok. Pretty sure.

Lily came back in to wait with us, bringing a tray of food out and asking about the statuses of our beverages. She waggled her eyebrows at us three girls as she set the tray in front of me.

A minute or so later, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of a tall man entering.

Now, I didn't pay too much attention to Roger's physique. He looked a little bigger around the middle, but he had a handsome face and a certain elegance about him. Well when he didn't gawk at naked women anyway. But with the new arrival, all seemed different.

The photographer looked to be about my age, upper twenties or around thirty. He stood over six feet tall with a lean, but not skinny physique. His dark brown, almost black, hair had been pulled back into a ponytail of sorts. He had let his beard grow into several days of growth but trimmed around it. Yep, I found him to be very attractive.

My eyes moved from his face down his chest. Dark hair covered the top of his chest and down towards his pretty flat stomach. He had apparently trimmed the hair below his waist some, but otherwise all looked normal. Well mostly normal. He also seemed to be what many referred to as a 'show-er' as opposed to a 'grower.'

I tried not stare but he remained standing in front of me. And then my eyes travelled back up to his face and he stood smiling at me.

I mumbled "sorry." I am pretty sure he couldn't hear me.

"Hi all. I am Marco." He began by shaking hands with Roger. He then leaned in and kissed Liz's cheek, and shook my and Sophie's hands with each of us giving our names.

"It's nice to meet you all." He wasn't doing the double entendre thing, he just seemed like a nice guy.

And so, he was. Marco just seemed sweet and sensitive. He made sure to talk to everyone in the room and even seemed to morph in conversations to focus on whomever he was speaking. He probably was gay.

"He's pretty hot right, right?" Liz had come back up from the kitchen with another beverage and sat next to me. I just smiled and nodded.

"I honestly would love for him to ask me out but I am a bit older than him. If he had mommy issues I might benefit, but honestly I don't think he does." She giggled at her own joke.

At that point, Marco came over to sit in front of us, ending his social rounds with the two of us. I felt a bit nervous and vulnerable, not because the physical nudity but rather more nervous about screwing up the conversation. Honestly, the nudity I felt confident about. He smiled as he pulled up a chair.