Either Side of the Call


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When she walked out of the bathroom, Alex was there, pulling a beer stained shirt over his head. In the shadowy light, the angles of his abs made her pause. Why did he have to be so damn attractive? As he tossed the shirt to the ground, he noticed Jennifer in the doorway.

"Secret bathrooms are nice, right," he grinned. "Someone spilled a brand new beer on me. Glad I live here."

Even drunk, Jennifer could feel the awkward tension in the room. Despite everything, she found it endearing that he was still trying to talk his way out of it. Had she given him the wrong idea earlier? The alcohol made it impossible to remember, but it was possible, she still hadn't taken her eyes off his abs, after all.

"Look, I'm sorry. I really thought..." Alex started. Jennifer felt the tears coming and sat on the bed, her head in her hands.

"I love him, Alex. And now I've screwed it up," Jennifer said, looking up at him. "I think he might be the one and I let it all go for some asshole with a nice body."

"You think I have a nice body?"

Jennifer shot him a look and then broke down in tears again. She was almost curled into a ball trying to hide her face. She didn't notice Alex lean over to her purse sitting on his dresser, pull up her phone and dial a number. She didn't notice him turn the volume down as far as it would go and then place the phone back into her purse.

Alex walked across the room and sat on the bed next to her.

"You didn't even do anything, why tell him? What do you think that helps?" Alex asked.

"I don't know. I messed up. I'm a terrible girlfriend," Jennifer said.

Alex put an arm around her and she buried her face into his shoulder, just trying to stop the crying. Under the smell of stale beer there was a sharp, masculine scent that helped her melt into his strong arms. That familiar heat returned inside of her.

"I'm a terrible girlfriend," Jennifer said again. She was in trouble, but something felt right, here in his arms. She knew where this was going, and didn't think she was going to be able to stop herself. Wasn't sure if she wanted to.

"Well, we've already gone this far, what else can you do tonight, forget about it," Alex said.

Jennifer got her crying under control. She whispered to him, "what do you want Alex?"

Alex kissed her forehead, "you. I've always wanted you, beautiful."

Jennifer knew she was being manipulated, knew she was too drunk to be making this decision, but she felt herself letting go, felt the dampness forming between her legs, felt his fingers running up her thighs. She turned her head to look up at him.

"Yeah? Well, let's just see what happens," she whispered. His lips met hers and they kissed deeply. His fingers wasted no time pulling her panties down and dipping his fingers into her.

"Mmmmmm," Jennifer moaned. "Alex... I should.... Mmmm."

Alex kissed down her neck now making small circles around Jennifer's clit with his fingers. He moved his hands to her dress and pulled it over her head. He kissed the tops of her breasts then pushed her backwards onto the bed, kissing down her body to her belly button, then her hip bone.

Jennifer removed her bra and let it fall to the floor. Alex looked up from between her legs.

"You're stunning," he whispered. Jennifer didn't say anything, just spread her legs and ran her fingers through Alex's hair. Alex kissed along Jennifer's thigh until he reached a short patch of hair just beyond her tan line. He kissed it, then ran his nose through the softness as he lowered his mouth to her clit.

Jennifer felt the tip of his tongue circle her and briefly thought of a wonderful night when Cam went down on her in a draining hotel bathtub, she could almost smell the lavender from the bath, it had been one of the best nights of her life. Then Alex's tongue stopped circling and the tip pushed her hood up, wiping her mind and sending a shockwave through her body that she wasn't prepared for.

"Mmmmmm," Jennifer moaned. "That's not fair. Ahhhh, stop, that's too, that feels too good to stooooopppp. Ohhh yes."

Alex resumed circling her clit, then moved lower, letting his tongue dart quickly inside her vagina. She felt the wetness building as let his tongue go lower, almost finding her ass, before a long lick brought him back to her clit, sending her squirming into the bed as she moaned with pleasure.

"There, yes, ohhhhh god," Jennifer squealed then laughed as another wave of heat passed through her. "You're good at this, yesss mmmmmm oh, ohhhhh ohhhhhhh."

Alex's tongue was dancing across Jennifer's vagina, dipping into her before moving up to spend ample time with her clit, then repeating the process again.

"Yes. Alex, yesssss mmmmmmmmmmm, ohhhh god yesssssssssss," Jennifer was almost screaming. She turned her head so that she was shouting into the pillow as Alex slipped a finger inside of her as his tongue flew across her clit. Jennifer's voice caught in her mouth as an orgasam radiated through her body. She pushed Alex's head away

"Okay, that's enough. That's enough. We shouldn't."

"Mmmm I could do that all day, you taste so sweet," Alex whispered as he kissed his way back up her body. Jennifer had trouble catching her breath as he kissed her.

Alex began massaging a breast with one hand, she felt a tickle as her hardening nipple hit the palm of his hand. He worked his jeans off, and she could feel his hardness pressing into her leg. She didn't want to think about that yet, she was still in bliss, but Alex was ready. He rolled on top of her and kicked his boxers off the end of bed. He took his penis in his hand and rubbed it along the opening to her vagina, letting the head of his penis graze her clit before running down her slit again.

Jennifer giggled, she was a little surprised at how slick she still felt. "That's too much, mmmmmm oh-- okay. Mmmmm, ah, careful," Jennifer inhaled sharply as Alex pushed forward, filling her. "Ohhhhhhh, mmmmmmmmmm ohh ohh ohhhhh."

Jennifer rolled Alex over so that she was on top, and kissed him deeply. She began pumping her hips, grinding her body against him as she moaned. "Ohh, uh, uh, ohhhhhh yes, yeah, mmm yes yes yes oohhhhhhhh Alex."

His hands couldn't decide where to be, they slid from her ass to her hips to her breasts. He braced himself on her and leaned forward so he could take her nipple into her mouth. She screamed and giggled as Alex flipped them again and sped up his hips, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her.

"Hang on let me move," Jenifer said as she adjusted herself to give him better access, "yeah, ohhh yeah, that's amazing, yess yesssss yesssssss."

She could feel Alex's penis twitching inside of her. "I'm close," he grunted into her ear before kissing her deeply. She felt close too, the way he was filling her, hitting all the right spots inside her and then pulling back to almost the limit was too much. Alex felt incredible, but she wanted to hold something back, just in case she could figure out a way out of this with Cam.

"Yesss okay, yess, not inside, please," she managed between pants as his thrusts continued at speed. But she felt him jerk, and then felt a sticky heat spreading inside her. "I said, don't not insiiiide ohh ohhh yes yes yesssssssss I told you not! Ohhhh god. It's okay, don't stop ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh god. Yes!"

It didn't matter anymore, he felt too good to stop and there was heat shooting through her body. She screamed as her body shook. Alex rolled off her and kissed her shoulder as she lay there breathing heavily. The room swam, then darkened as she fell asleep.


Jennifer woke the next morning alone in the frat house bed. Alex was nowhere to be found. She was wearing her dress again, and hoped the whole thing was a bad dream until she saw the stained mess on the sheets under her. Her mouth tasted like old beer and her head was pounding, she needed to get out of there.

On her way out the door she passed the blonde from the beer pong table, completely naked on a couch in the entryway. One of the brothers had his arms wrapped around her, one hand on her breast, the other between her legs. Jennifer's heels were on the floor under the side table next to the couch, and as she reached for them, she saw that it was Alex huddled up behind her, also completely naked.

"Fucking creep," she said under her breath as she walked out of the house.

Her phone was dead, but it was okay, in daylight it wouldn't be much of a walk. She made it back to Kim's in about half an hour, her headache, blissfully, almost completely healed by the walk. Carrie was passed out on the floor, and there was no sign of Kim. Jennifer plugged her phone in and opened it to see a few missed calls but no messages from Cam.

She vaguely remembered calling him, but her memory was fuzzy. She opened the call log, and saw a nearly 15 minute call to Cam from very late at night that she didn't remember making, but she was sure she knew what someone on the other end of that line would have heard. She threw her phone on the counter and went to shower last night off, crying as she went.

Jennifer didn't wait for Kim and Carrie to get functional again. She showered, dressed quickly, and sent them a thank you text on the way out the door. She texted Cam too.

"I'm so sorry Cam. I messed up. Can I see you?"

She started the drive home. About halfway there, she heard her phone buzz, but couldn't bring herself to check it until she stopped for gas.

"Sure. I'm home, come over whenever. I'll leave the door open."

"I'll be there in 15."


When she walked through the door, Cam was sitting on the couch, watching an episode of some superhero show. He snapped the TV off as Jennifer walked in and stood nervously by an armchair in the corner, playing with her hands as she stared down at the floor.

"Hi," she said awkwardly.

"Hi, how was the drive?"

"It was fine, easy. I cried a lot, I'm sure you can tell."

"Yeah. Yeah," Cam looked down at his feet. She could tell he was holding back tears as well.

"Cam, I... I don't know what to say. I was drunk, which isn't an excuse, but I was really really drunk, and..."

"What happened? Did you fuck him? I think I heard it, so I'm pretty sure you did," a flash of anger on his face, he didn't want to be this angry, he wanted to end things quickly, but he couldn't stop it from bubbling up.

"I'm so sorry Cam, I stopped thinking. Everything was going so perfect with you and I fucked it up, maybe I tried to fuck it up because everything was getting so real, but I fucked it up and I'm so, so sorry. I'll understand if you're done with me, but I hope you're not."

Cam looked up into her eyes, even crying she looked incredible.

"Let's go for a walk."

They walked around campus, a nearly identical walk to Cam's the night before. By the end of it, they were laughing again, and when Jennifer reached out tentatively to hold his hand, he let her, entwining his fingers with hers as they walked. They made it back to Cam's door and Jennifer gave him a big hug, then made to walk back to her car, letting her arm trail behind her as she delayed releasing his hand. She was a stunning girl, and Cam loved being with her. Cam was no longer sure that she was the one, but he wasn't ready to let her go.

"Wait," Cam said, tightening his grip on her hand. He pulled her back to him and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I do love you, Cam," Jennifer whispered as they broke the kiss.

"I love you too," Cam replied, and kissed her again. She pushed him backward against the door as she kissed him harder, letting her tongue run across his lips. Driving over here, she fully expected to be sent away and never see him again. Now he appeared to be giving her a second chance, and she wanted him.

Cam, for his part, heard another man take his girl last night, and it robbed him of some of the passion he had for Jennifer. But he couldn't stop thinking about how unbelievable she looked, and how much he liked spending time with her. And he couldn't deny how much he loved spending time with her without clothes.

Cam reached behind him and opened the door, they both stumbled as it gave way and they fell into his apartment. Jennifer took him by the hand and led him straight into the bedroom, removing her shirt and bra as soon as she entered the room. She knew how much she liked her boobs. She turned to look at him over her shoulder.

"Is this okay?"

Cam stared at the smoothness of her bare back. He stepped forward and ran a finger down her spine, feeling the goosebumps as his finger trailed over the pink lace just peeking up from her waistline.

"Of course it's okay," Cam whispered as he wrapped his arms around her, taking both breasts into his hands. He kissed her neck and she sighed.

"Cam... you feel incredible on me," she moaned. "I owe you. Whatever you want is yours."

Cam answered by unbuttoning her jeans and pulling them off with her panties. He let his hands trail over her body, just grazing her clit as he returned his hands to her breasts. Jennifer could feel his penis pressing into her ass and swayed against it gently. She reached behind her and started pulling at the waist of his jeans. He quickly finished the job, shifting his dick so that the tip pressed between her legs. He could feel the moist heat dripping from her.

Jennifer felt Cam's hands run up her thighs, to her hips, and then up her back, tracing her spine to her shoulders. She shivered. He pushed gently on her shoulders and she bent at the waist, resting her hands on the mattress of the bed. She spread her legs and pushed her hips backward, feeling the tip of Cam's penis as it brushed her opening.

Cam pushed forward and entered her, causing Jennifer to inhale sharply.

"Mmmmmm," Jennifer sighed as she felt him filling her. He started pumping in and out of her, gripping her hips for support. She was slick and warm and felt amazing as her body enveloped his penis.

"God, yes Cam," Alex had been a drunken mistake with a man with a big dick but not much else. Cam on the other hand knew exactly what he wanted and exactly what she needed. He moved his hips, taking different angles into her with every few thrusts, unlocking waves of pleasure that Jennifer almost couldn't take. More than once her knees buckled as he hit just the right spot, eliciting a scream and then a giggle that melted Cam's heart. After her knees buckled the third time, Cam pulled out of her.

"Mmmm, no, don't stop," Jennifer whined.

Cam kissed her shoulder and then jumped on the bed. Jennifer climbed over him and was about to lower herself onto his penis, but Cam grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, bringing her to his mouth. Cam loved being with her in the full light of day. He could see the sunlight in the short carpet of light auburn hair below her waist, the wetness glistening off of her lips, the round nub of her clit peeking out at him.

He kissed her, letting his tongue ride across her lips, then enter her vagina. He kissed her again, moving upward until his mouth was around her clit. He sucked gently and let his tongue dance over her. Jennifer gasped in surprise, then let out a deep "Cammmm."

Jennifer started bucking her hips, grinding her clit into his waiting tonge. He loved the tangy sweetness of her juices blending with the lingering mango of her body wash. Loved the way her wetness skimmed along his face as she moved on him. Loved the sounds she made as found just the right motion against his waiting tongue and began to shake with pleasure.

"Ohhhhh, yesssssss," she yelled as she moved faster and faster, no need to be quiet in his empty apartment, so she let herself get louder and louder as she went. After a few minutes of grinding she let out a high pitched yell that caught in her throat and then rolled away from him shaking and panting. Her breasts heaved as she tried to catch her breath.

"I thought I told you I was here to take care of youuuu," Jennifer managed, her voice warbling as Cam's fingers ventured down to her pussy again and dipped inside.

"I just like to hear you scream," Cam said.

Jennifer took his penis in her hands, stroking it twice, letting the silky liquid dripping from his tip lubricate him and then stroking him again. Cam sighed as he continued working his fingers inside of Jennifer. She got wetter, until his finger met no resistance. Cam took Jennifer's hand, moved it off of his penis and placed her fingers gently on her clit. She began to rub.

Jennifer moaned as she rubbed herself, Cam rolled on top of her and pushed forward, easily entering her, then feeling her tightness around him.

"Uhhhhh, yes, Cam," Jennifer moaned, still moving her fingers along her clit. Cam started pumping, building up speed as he rocked in and out of her. Jennifer synced her fingers to him, occasionally brushing the base of his dick as the pleasure grew and her movement became less controlled.

"Ohh, yes, ohhh my god, yes! YES!"

Cam pounded faster, filling her and then pulling back before she could catch a breath. Her fingers worked across her most sensitive area, linking the fullness inside with the heat radiating through her body. Sweat dripped from Cam's hair as he kissed her, his taste a mix of salty, sweet and her own juices. Jennifer could feel beads of sweat roll across her ribcage as she threw her head back and let the orgasm roll over her. She twitched, then pressed down hard on her clit and screamed as wave after wave hit her.

Cam moaned too, grasping onto her as his movements became more erratic. He let out a low grunt and then Jennifer felt a familiar jet of heat pulse into her as his hips slowed and then stopped. Cam rolled off of her.

They lay next to each other, Jennifer's fingers interlocked with Cam's. Cam was tracing the outline of her vagina gently, feeling their mixed juices dripping from her. Neither was sure that this was going to work out, but at least for the moment, they were content. There would be time to argue about mistakes, but first, they would snuggle into each other's arms and continue their recovery from a long, troubled night.There would be time to talk and plan, but first there would be more sex, more opportunity to feel each other, to prove to the other that they knew their bodies inside and out.

Their future could wait.

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JBird11JBird113 months ago

Toss her, "I was drunk" is no excuse.

lc69hunterlc69hunteralmost 2 years ago

The little BTB anons have no clue about being a man

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What a bitch of a dude. He should have packed up and left her ass. Some dudes are just happy to get some. Weak and cowardly.

WittonWittonabout 2 years ago

This was a well written erotic story, but I wouldn't have read it except it had a 2.92 - I had just read a five star piece by the same author (of whom I had no prior knowledge) and wanted to see what else he'd done. I forgot that this story would have been duck soup for the BTB crowd to trash.

Does anyone have an explanation for the BTB attitude, other than the obvious one: that at some time in what we call real life each of them got cheated on, didn't kick her to the curb - or kicked her to the curb and a divorce court showed him that wasn't the best idea he'd ever had, or he didn't catch her, but she caught him, and kicked him to the curb

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

They are building a beautiful cuckold future. Together it's nice of him to help.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

The little wannabe men posting BTB crap will not like this. In one way, I agree. They need to have the talk, and then decide where this goes or doesn't go.

FireFox59FireFox59about 2 years ago

What a wimpy crock of shit. Cucky boy Cam deserves a slut like Jennifer. He'll be eating creampies and getting sloppy seconds as long as he's with her. He sure seems to enjoy it this time. And contrary to the last sentence they have no future.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 2 years ago

It was a good story bur Cam and Jennifer should be furious. Alex purposely got her drunk, took advantage of that and then tried to ruin her relationship.

Cam should be incredibly hurt by her betrayal. Even if they overcone this bump, a simple walk shouldn’t fix it. How Jennifer feel if Cam got drunk and cheated on her with a hotter, you ger, better woman who called Jennifer from Cand phone so she could hesr Cam have the best sex of his life?

Would going for a walk fix that? No. It would be instant breakup.

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 2 years ago
They are not even engaged

and she has made him a cuck

Dump the bitch and this useless story

HargaHargaabout 2 years ago

Good story and well written. He banged one out with her but I doubt it will last. No one but a cuck would be able to forget what happen, especially hearing it on the phone. Eventual the situation will come to a head and he'll walk away. He might be able to forgive her but not trust her. Cheaters are going to cheat, drunk or not. She can't be trusted to not do it again.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

There really is only a shared future. Shared with the next Alex, Tom, Dick, or Harry.

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyabout 2 years ago

Good story. I'm interested to see what Cam does next.

justwetwojustwetwoabout 2 years ago

Goodness what a pussy.

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