Elaine and James


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'James, I know you are worried about the age thing. I am not! Whatever your birth certificate says, you don't look that age, and you certainly don't act that age. Inside you are a much younger man. It is that man inside I have got to know, and I want to know more. So please don't start telling me that it won't work. It will work fine for however long we want it to work. No man has ever touched my breast so gently and so lovingly. I wanted your hand there when I noticed how clean and smooth they were, and I want your mouth there as well. Not tonight, maybe not even the next time we meet, or the time after. But I am going to go to bed with you at some time.' I knew when I was beaten, or perhaps I knew when I had won. But some truths were required that may change her mind.

'Elaine, I would love to take you to bed, and make love to you, but before that happens we need to sit down and have a long talk.'

'What about?'

'I have to say some things to you, and they have to be said in the light of day, not in the haze of Romance. We also need to talk about what we want from each other. We'll get together soon, and you will have to listen with your head, not with your feelings. Ok?. Yes I agree, we are going to be lovers. I want you. There is nothing that I want more than that. Touching and holding your breast was so wonderful I wanted to weep for joy. So don't think for a moment that I am backing away.'

Elaine was mystified, but accepted my assurance that I desired her. I suggested that after she had her interview, we came back to my home and talk then. I drove her home. Glancing at her from time to time, I could not believe how lucky I was to have her here with me, and told her so. She looked at me and a tear ran down her cheek, but the smile showed me that it was a tear of happiness.

CHAPTER SIX telling the truth

After an uncomfortable nights sleep, dreams of Elaine, naked in my bed, the dreams turning into nightmares as a half erection subsided abysmally. I woke up many times, and pummelled the pillows before crashing down again for an hour's doze, before waking again with the same dream.

At six, long before the alarm would clamour, I decided enough was enough. I got up and wandered downstairs, flicking on the kettle to make a cup of tea. Then I did something I hadn't done for months. Lit a cigarette. It tasted foul, not just because I hadn't smoked for so long, but also because the packet must have been almost a year open. I finished about half before angrily stubbing it out. This erectile dysfunction had been creeping up on me for some time. I had always been open about it with my partners; in the main women of my age who could understand. So it was a problem, which wasn't a problem. If real need came to it, I would take a Cialis pill. It worked, lasted about twelve hours, and then made me feel like shit. With Elaine I had to take greater care. Being younger, she wouldn't possibly understand as an older woman would. I decided to print off an article I had read on the internet, and ask her to read it. The most important point to get over to her was that the lack of an erection did not indicate a lack of desire. In the article a mention was made of prosthetics. Surgery was required for the most successful, but there were a few, which would slip over the penis, and because of the construction the warmth of the penis would permeate through. I ordered one straight away. It wouldn't be here in time for what I hoped would be out first encounter. But if there was a second???

I went to the club early and worked hard, trying to exhaust my body so I could get a good night's sleep that night. I hoped it would work. later I got the car clean, and generally wasted time until I had to go and pick Elaine up.

She came out of the house the moment I pulled up. As I suggested she was wearing more formal clothes, a grey suit, black shoes with just a low heel. I opened the door for her, but not before she gave me a quick kiss.

'I did what you suggested and looked up their web site. Lots of stuff on there, but I copied off a couple of items, and have memorized the basic points, so I have got something to discuss.'

'Great. That will impress them.'

'James, I am absolutely scared silly.' I shook my head.

'Don't worry. They will know that nerves are part and parcel of an interview. If they are professional human resource people, they will put you at your ease.' Elaine was shaking her head.

'No, not about the interview, but about what you want to say later.' I felt guilty now. It was a bad tactic to introduce the idea of us having a serious discussion, the same day that Elaine was having this interview.

'Oh, shit! I didn't think straight, not when you have this on your plate. Elaine. Don't worry about our chat. We will get together. I had a lousy night yesterday, as I was so excited about where we are going. I was dreaming of you all the time.'

'Well I am sorry that dreaming of me kept you awake. I did hope that I would be able to do that when we are in bed together.'

'You will, Elaine. Of that I have no doubt.' She smiled then.

I had thought the interview would last about half an hour, but it was well over the hour when Elaine came out. She was really pleased. I didn't need to ask, as the first thing she said was.

'They offered me the job!'

'I am so pleased. Well done.' I replied. 'In that case another meal out is called for, but my treat, I insist.'

'I haven't got anything with me to wear.'

'No, I wasn't thinking of this evening, but perhaps at the weekend. Tell me, do you like dancing?'

'Yes. But I haven't been in years.' She looked at me curiously. 'I cannot imagine that you would be comfortable at a Disco.' I laughed there.

'No, I meant ballroom.'


'Yes, you know the waltz, quickstep, foxtrot.' Elaine looked worried.

'I could probably manage the waltz, my mum showed me when I was young. But the others..'

'We'll talk about it later. If you feel uncomfortable I won't try to get you up on the floor. If it makes you feel better, they play plenty of disco music as well. Shall I book for Saturday evening?' She nodded enthusiastically.

'Sounds great, James. Yes please.'

We were back at my house now. I went to the kitchen and asked if she wanted wine or coffee.

'Wine please James. I have the feeling that your serious discussion is going to need it.' Before I got the bottle out of the fridge, I picked up the sheet I had printed off and went through to the conservatory.

'I'll get the wine, but in the meantime, would you read this article?' I vanished back to the kitchen, deliberately taking my time so that Elaine could finish reading. As I went back with the bottle and two glasses, she looked up with sympathy written all over her face.

'Now you know.' She got up came over to my chair and sat on my lap, her arms going round my neck as she held me tight.

'Oh James, that must have been so difficult for you to do. How can I help.' I shrugged.

'I wanted you to know. I desire you more than you can believe. If my cock does not respond, it is not about lack of interest. I will make love to you, with everything I have, my fingers, my mouth, my body and my mind.'

'Is there anything that can be done?'

'Yes. I have a prescription for a drug called Cialis. It works for about twelve hours.' Elaine was very perceptive, and picked up the words I hadn't said.

'And? You said it works. But you are not telling me anymore. Are there side effects?' I nodded sadly.

'Yes. It sets my heart racing, I get palpitations and my temperature goes sky high. It's not dangerous, or my Doctor would not have let me have the prescription, but it is uncomfortable.'

'How long does this last?'

'About six hours.'

'Then you won't take one. I know from the feel of your hand on me that you will be a gentle and fulfilling lover without coming inside me.' I disagreed.

'I will take one.' I emphasized the word "will", so there could be no argument. 'I can cope with the side effects, but I want us to have everything. I want to be inside you, and feel you clasping me within your body. I just needed you to be aware.' Elaine was sobbing on my chest.

'You will do that for me? Suffer that discomfort, just to make me happy?'

'Don't forget it will make me happy too.' I held her the while she was crying. Her body shook from time to time, but gradually the sobs and the tremors faded away. She was quiet for a moment, and then looked up to me, her cheeks wet with tears, her eyes swollen with crying, and a lovely smile on her face.

'Never in my life has someone offered to go through pain to please me. Thank you James, you are a special man. Now I have to go upstairs and repair the damage.'

Elaine had used touch a touch of foundation and lipstick but her eyes still looked a bit red. She returned to the subject of my problem

'How did it happen?'

'It came on gradually over about five years. When I worked I was a smoker, so I suppose it was the body's way of striking back.'

'You must have felt terrible.'

'Well it's not the best feeling in the world. I would imagine that for some men it is a minor irritation as they don't have a sex drive anymore. But it angered me at first. My mind and my senses still loved women and wanted to have all those sensual moments, but another part of me would not go to the party. I feel cheated.'

'But you are not angry anymore.'

'No. The Doctor explained a lot, and I realised that there were options. Viagra, Cialis were two. He recommended Cialis. There are others. There is what they call a prosthetic. It is sleeve that fits over the penis, and provides sufficient support so that a weak erection will work like a strong one. It is a micro fibre of some sort, and evidently is warmed to body temperature by the blood flow into the penis.'

'That sounds like a good solution. Why don't we try it?' Read into those words. Elaine wasn't here for a quick gallop, she was looking much further. It was the "we" that cheered me tremendously. This was a problem that she wanted us to resolve together. I smiled broadly.

'Oh good. I am glad you like that idea, I have already ordered one.'

'Well, we will give it a good test run when it arrives.'

I moved the conversation on to her successful job interview.

'So what will you be doing in your job?'

'It is basically administration. Ensuring that work in progress runs smoothly, that when jobs are completed, that delivery is to time, and making sure that the accounts section have all the details to invoice properly. It's all on computer, so thank heavens I know my way around.' She paused. 'I have a big thank you to make.'


'Yes. Your suggestion that I looked them up. I mentioned one of the points that I had got from their site, and they were so pleased that someone would take the trouble to check them out. I think that is what got me the job.'

'I am sure you would have thought about it anyway.'

'I wish I could be that certain.' She took a drink of her wine, then asked me if she could have some tea.

'I have had enough wine for today. I'll go and make it.'

We both went into the kitchen, neither of us needed help in making tea, it was just that we could carry on talking. She was putting out the mugs and spoons. Her back was to me when she spoke.

'That is one of the reasons I like to be with you. You guide me gently when I ask then leave me to make my own decision, yet give me credit for acting on your guidance. You don't treat me like an idiot. With you I am encouraged to be me. Brian never thought or wanted me to be anything else but his gopher, the cook, the cleaner, but never an equal partner. If I had tried for this job when I was with him, he would have put all sorts of obstacles in my way. It would have impinged on his life.' She turned to face me. 'I know you worry about this age thing. Well you shouldn't because I don't. I suppose that Brian and I will get divorced at some time. If that happens I doubt that I will ever marry again, because I am finding out, thanks to you, what I can be as a person. Any other man might try to put me back in my box. I just want to explore me, and I am hoping that you will help me to do that. I nodded.

'I am happy to do that, wherever your search leads.' Elaine smiled.

'You see? I knew you would say that.'

It was getting on for seven in the evening, and I was getting an appetite.

'I have got to get something to eat. Do you want anything?'

'That would be nice, but something light. In one way or another it has been an emotional day, so I don't think I could eat too much.'

'Do you like Poached egg?' She nodded.

'Sounds perfect, can I help?'

'Perhaps, come into the kitchen with me, I like having you around.' I got some Rocket salad from the fridge and asked her to chop it fine. Then I set to making a dressing of white wine vinegar, garlic, Dijon mustard and olive oil. With that done I started poaching the eggs. Elaine had finished the salad, and I asked her to toast some bread. The snack came together, toast as the base, then a serving of the salad with the dressing drizzled over that, finally the poached egg on top. Elaine couldn't get over it.

'That was delicious and so easy. If I had put that on the table for Brian it would have ended up splattered all over the wall. All he wanted was eggs with chips, sausages with chips or steak with chips. Where did you learn to make a meal like that?'

'I usually find recipes in the Sunday papers. If the dishes appeal and look simple enough, I cut them out. Once you have made them once or twice it is easy.' We cleared away, and had a last coffee. I had been tempted to ask Elaine to stay the night, but somehow I felt that now was not the time. She confirmed that when she asked about Saturday evening.

'Can I come here early and change?'

'Of course.'

'And shall I bring clothes for Sunday as well?' I took her in my arms.

'It would make me very happy if you do. Mind I may not let you put them on for quite some time.' She laughed happily.

'I don't think your neighbours would be too happy about me wandering around here naked.'

'Their happiness means nothing to me. I would be very happy though.'

CHAPTER SEVEN slow, slow, quick, quick, slow.

I wanted to make this Saturday evening as memorable as I could for Elaine. She knew the venue, so there had been no need to explain dress. I was prepared to bet that this was an occasion when the "Little Black Dress" would come out of the closet. My clothes to an extent were little problem. A dark dress suit, cream shirt and tie. Men had it easy! There were preparations to make, and a shopping trip to Anderton was needed. I didn't see Elaine during the interim, although we spoke on the phone every evening. Our phone conversation on Friday night was mainly about arrangements for the morrow. I agreed to pick her up at five o' clock.

Elaine greeted me with a kiss at her door when I arrived, she now seemed to have few qualms about what her neighbours would think. She indicated the suitcase, make-up bag, and dress holder, sitting in her hall.

'I'll put these in the boot (trunk). Anything else? I enquired.

'I was worried that you would complain about this lot.' I shook my head.

'No. Elaine you always look lovely to me, and if you need these clothes to continue doing that, I have absolutely no objection.' I grinned to show that I found her concern amusing. She shot me a look of devilry, then cut me down.

'Oh good. Then you won't mind getting the other cases from upstairs?' She asked sweetly. I held my hands up in surrender.

'Ok, you got me.' She laughed. I picked up the two bags and took them out to the car. Elaine followed with her make-up bag. She was now used to me and my funny manners and waited for me to open her door. It was natural to me, and now it seems natural to Elaine as well.

At my house, I carried the bags upstairs and put them in the bedroom. Elaine asked if I wanted tea, and started making it. One of the preparations I had made was a number of large scented candles in the bathroom. I lit these even though Elaine would not probably be there for an hour, but I thought the fragrance would fill the room before she entered. I came down as she was just pouring the tea. Once we were seated, she asked if I would take her through a few of the steps for the waltz.

'It was so long ago that I learned, I may have forgotten them.'

'Ok, we'll just go through the basics. There will be so many people on the floor, there will be no room for anything fancy.' It was just magical holding Elaine in my arms, and she hadn't forgotten the steps at all, so much so that I introduced a Spin Turn. It's not difficult really, and adds a variation to the basics which can be boring. The spin she found a little difficult at first, but again picked up the steps quickly.

'What about the Quickstep, then?' The ease with which she had mastered the basics of waltz, made her cheeky.

'Right, Madam. Stay with me and follow my lead.' I trod on her toes a couple of times as she moved off on the wrong foot, and went right, when we had to go left. But she got the idea eventually, but had to admit ruefully.

'I don't think I will want to show myself up with that dance.'

About half past six she went up to get ready. I could hear her in the bedroom, opening her dress holder, and unzipping the case. About ten minutes later she went in the bathroom.

'Oh look!' The she came running downstairs and threw herself into my arms.

'Oh James, that is thoughtful, so romantic, so lovely. Thank you, you lovely sweet man.' Smiling at me she returned upstairs. She was halfway up when she called to me.

'Are you going to come and talk to me when I am in the bath?'

'Wild horses wouldn't keep me away.' I know, old and clichéd. Well I am anyway. 'Would you like a glass of wine as well?'

'Yes please. Give me ten minutes.' This was the longest ten minutes of my life. Eventually I poured the wine and climbed up the stairs, treading quite heavily so I wouldn't surprise her. The bathroom door was open about a couple of inches, so I pushed it with my elbow and went in.

'Are you decent?'

'James. I am quite sure that if I was, you would be disappointed.' She lay in the bath with a smug smile on her face. Bubbles came up to her chin, and covered her body completely.

'You see, James? Or rather you don't see. But under these bubbles I am quite indecent.' I grinned and handed her a glass, holding it just beyond her arm's length, hoping that she would sit up a little to take it.

'Naughty man. But don't worry, you will get to see it all later, I promise.' I relented, gave her the glass and sat down on the toilet seat.

'Oh this is so decadent. I have seen films and read books, but never expected to enjoy this myself. If I didn't know otherwise, I would think you are trying to seduce me.'

'Now what gave you that idea?'

'Oh just little hints.'

'Well I have to tell you I am the complete gentleman.'

'Does that mean that you aren't trying to seduce me, because if you aren't I shall be really upset.' I put the wine down, and knelt by the side of the bath,leaned over and kissed her wet lips.

'My dear beautiful Elaine. It has taken me all my willpower to not rip off my clothes and jump in there with you.' Elaine kissed me back, pushing her tongue into my mouth.

'I can't believe this is happening. It's so wonderful I want to laugh and cry at the same time. I am so lucky to have met you at this time in my life.' She kissed me again, and reached for my hand, pulling it under the hot water so that I could caress her breast. My shirt sleeve was dragged into the water too, but who would care about that, given the gift that was Elaine. I rose, ignoring my dripping sleeve.

'I shall leave you to bathe, because I don't think I can resist much more. I want you so much Elaine.' She watched me with a soft and loving look.
