Elaine's Deja Vu Pt. 03


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"Was that your first blowjob?" Simon just nodded. "Did you like it?"

"Yes, I did, very much, Elaine!"

"I did too, I love your taste! But now, I'm famished. Let's shower and have breakfast, then we can plan what we might do for the rest of the day."

"I know what I want to do today - I want to stay in bed and fuck you all day long! You did say we could do it as many times as I liked."

"Men! You're worse than a small boy with a new toy!

"Well, can we?"

"Oh, I suppose so! I'm only saying yes, because I love the way you make love to me."

"Before you go, Elaine, I'm going to fuck you in every room of the house!"

"Well, you'd better eat and keep your strength up, otherwise you're not going to be up to it."

"With you Elaine, never! I'd bet you could raise the dead!"

"Oooh, I bet you say that to all the girls. Come on then, let's shower, eat and then come back here!"

Simon put on a slightly embarrassed look. "Elaine, do you think you could just put on your heels and eat naked; would you mind?"

Elaine smiled at him, "No, of course I don't mind, but you have to stay naked too!"

After breakfast, Elaine led him back up to her room, her high heels causing her full round bottom to roll enticingly and raising Simon to full mast before they'd got to the top of the stairs. The then spent the rest of the day in bed. Making love, talking and caressing, and then fucking some more. They were still in bed at dinner time, and they were both very hungry.

"Let's order pizza and eat it in bed", declared Simon.

"Well, I'm starving, and I don't want to cook, so let's do that"

Simon phoned in the order and then turned to Elaine. "Would you do me a big favour, Elaine?"

"What is it, Simon?"

"Would you answer the door to the pizza delivery guy in just your heels and that little silk robe?"

"What! Whatever for?"

"Well, just that it would do my rep in the neighbourhood a powerful lot of good, if it got around that I was shacked up with a beautiful, sexy woman."

Elaine bit her lip. Well, this was what she was here for, and nobody knew her in the area, and Simon was looking at her with his puppy-dog eyes.

"Ok then, just for you." She went off to get the robe after putting on her high heels.

"Don't tie it so tight, let me loosen the belt a little, give the guy a little hint of what's underneath"

"Simon! Another inch and my pussy will be in full view! And my nipples are almost exposed!"

"Yes, you look perfect!"

"Oh, all right then, only for you"

By the time the doorbell rang, she was feeling a little naughty, and was quite looking forward to teasing the delivery guy. She opened the door and turned back, exposing a breast to her nipple as she called, "Simon, my darling, the pizza's arrived" She paid the boy, letting her fingers linger on his as he took the money. A glance down confirmed a large bulge in his trousers. She smiled sweetly at him and gently closed the door. She dragged Simon by the hand up the stairs and said, "Before we eat this, I want you to fuck me hard!"

For the next couple of days, they seemed to spend the entire time having sex. Simon persuaded her to stay naked except for her high heels and fucked her in every room in the house, on every piece of furniture. Elaine found him almost insatiable, and he had the habit of coming up behind her and just grabbing her, squeezing her breasts roughly and pinching her nipples. The slightly rough treatment always got her motor running.

"You really have great tits, Elaine! And your nips are always hard!"

"Well of course they are, you never leave them alone!"

Simon, let his hand slip down her back and over her bottom, then to slide between her legs and stroke her pussy. "And is your cunt ever dry?"

"Well not after you keep feeling it up, it's not! And it's a pussy! Can you not indulge in a bit of wooing, the art of gentle persuasion? You shouldn't just expect me to open my legs at the drop of a hat!" though as she was saying it, she unconsciously widened her stance and tilted her hips back and Simon just slipped his hard cock into her ready cunt".

"Elaine, my cock was made just to fit your hot wet cunt."

"Simon! You used to be such a nice boy, and now, listen to your language!"

"It's your fault, I not a boy anymore, you made a man of me. Besides, you really like to talk dirty."

Simon then started thrusting with serious purpose and Elaine responded with gasps and moans.

"Oh, yes Simon, you're fucking my hot wet cunt with your big hard cock! You are going to make me come, Ah! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

As Elaine came, her pussy walls contracted, and this immediately triggered Simon's climax and he spurted heavily into her.

As he softened, and slipped out, their combined juices started running down her legs. "And you always come so much, Simon. I need to clean up before I make a mess on the floor. "

"Simon, we've been stuck in the house since the day before yesterday. Why don't we have lunch and have a walk in the park to get some fresh air?"

"Ok, Elaine, that sounds like a plan. Just one thing; I know we are going for a walk, but we won't be going far - will you keep on your high heels and wear a teeny-weeny skirt? Just that if I see anyone I know, I want them to see me with an incredibly beautiful and sexy woman. It'll make them jealous, and they'll see I'm not 'little-boy Simon' anymore."

Elaine's heart warmed to Simon; it was easy to forget that he'd undergone a profound change over the last few days, and acceptance by his peers was fundamental to his development. This is what James had understood from the beginning.

"Of course I will Simon," she smiled, we'll go out and knock 'em dead!"

"And without knickers?"

"Simon, need you ask? You know how I like to be naked underneath," she grinned.

She said this last only because she couldn't really say that his uncle James had told her to stop wearing them. He'd told her not to reveal their relationship so as to not put him off. However, while it was James had told not to wear any panties, she did really like it. It made her feel so naughty, so sexy so desirable. The danger of inadvertent exposure was delicious! But it was so slutty! She was glad that James had forced her to, she couldn't have dared to on her own.

They strolled through the park hand in hand, each to their own thoughts. Eventually, Simon voiced his. "My parents will be back the day after tomorrow and you'll be going back to your newly decorated apartment. Will I see you again?"

Elaine took a little time before answering. "Simon, this week has been very special for the both of us, but after this week we'll be going back to our own lives. We may see each other again, but this is a special time, unique. When it's gone we can never get it back. But I'm glad I was your first and I'll never forget what we had between us."

Simon's heart was heavy, but he did understand. "I know it, really, Elaine. I just we wish we could have two lives, running in parallel".

Elaine smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Oh-oh, don't look round, Elaine, but there's a couple of guys from school coming towards us! Kiss me!"

Elaine leant heavily against him, her breasts pressing against his arm as she put her arms round his neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

As she broke off, two unprepossessing teenagers passed them by and called to him and looked Elaine up and down. She returned their looks and managed to appear shy and bashful under their gaze."

"Yeah, see you around, guys!"

Once out of earshot, Simon said, "Oh that was perfect! It'll all over the place by this evening!" He gave Elaine a huge grin and swept her off her feet, swinging her around and kissing her thoroughly. Elaine noticed the two boys were watching from a distance and clung to him and kissed him back.

Simon was so happy about the encounter that his enthusiasm was infectious, and he led her to a quiet spot with a picnic table and continued to kiss her. He picked her up and sat her on the table.

"Elaine, you look so beautiful, those guys are going to be green!"

He paused for a moment. "Open your legs and pull up that little skirt, Elaine, and show me your beautiful cunt."

"Simon! Someone might see!

"No, they won't, I'll stand in front of you. Let the sun shine on your cunt, Elaine, let me see it." He moved forwards and pulled her unresisting legs apart and stood between her knees.

"Pull your skirt up, I want to see."

Elaine bit her lower lip and looked around carefully. While there were a few people about, none were near, so she pulled up he skirt, and lifted it from underneath her bottom.

"That is the prettiest cunt I have ever seen! Better than any in any porn video. Touch yourself, Elaine, let me see your fingers rubbing that pretty cunt."

Elaine felt she shouldn't, but everything was contributing to her arousal, and she tentatively rubbed her lips with her fingertips. She was looking around fearfully when she heard Simon's zip and she looked down to see his cock poking out.

"Simon! We can't do anything here!"

"Sssh, Elaine, I'm just going to stand closer to you, that's all". And he moved forwards until the tip of his cock was just at her entrance."

"No, Simon, don't'! We'll get caught!"

I won't, I'll just rest it here."

Elaine was still rubbing herself and the feel of his cock at her cunt was maddening. She moved a little and it slipped just inside. She groaned and couldn't stop herself moving a little more and it went inside further.

"Simon, we can't do this!" as she pushed herself fully on to his cock. She looked around and saw a couple approaching along the path. "Someone's coming! Quick, put your arms around me and kiss me, we'll just pretend we're making out."

"Elaine, keep still. They won't be fooled if you keep fucking my cock"

As the couple passed, they smiled at them, and she gave a weak and forced smile in return. She could do little more, she was on the cusp of an orgasm.

As soon as they went round the corner, Elaine thrust twice and then came, biting into Simons jacket to stifle any sound. It was a big one. She was barely aware of Simon thrusting rapidly until she could feel his heat flooding into her as he came.

She leant on him as she recovered and then made herself presentable in case someone else passed by. She managed to find a tissue in her bag to clean up most of the mess, but as they walked home, she could feel the excess running down her legs. "Panties would come in handy right now," she thought.

On the way home, Simon received a call. Elaine heard Simon say her name and that she was a close friend, "No, not my girlfriend exactly, but we are very close. A party? When, Tomorrow? Yeah, fine, about what time? Yeah, that's cool. Well, I can't promise, but if she fancies it, why not? Ok, talk later."

Elaine raised her eyebrows at him, and he explained. "Well, it seems that word has gotten out; I'm now a player in our social scene and we have been invited to a party. I know the guy, Jason; he wouldn't give me the time of day before, but now the shit wants us at his party! Will you go with me Elaine? While I don't really care for a lot of this crowd, there are some decent people in it, and this is my chance at acceptance onto the 'A' list."

"Of course we'll go Simon. We'll both look fantastic and be the envy of everyone there! They'll be talking about us for weeks after!"

The next day, the mood was a little sombre; they both knew this was to be their last night together and they made love gently and tenderly. Before they knew it, it was time to party!

Elaine took some time over her appearance. She wanted to look hot for Simon, without looking too much older than him or his friends. He had asked her to put on her shortest skirt, one that was really only intended to be worn in private for her lover, but he so wanted her to make an indelible impression, she relented and wore it. She'd have to be very careful. She didn't wear a bra, just a thin knitted button-up top that clung to her breasts. In her high heels, she looked very slutty in the tiny skirt. Thank goodness no one knew her here.

When they arrived at the party it was well under way. As they walked in, Simon greeted the few people he knew and introduced Elaine to them. Some of them tried to side-line Simon and concentrate their attention on her, even putting their backs to him. Elaine made sure that she was firmly attached to him and never left his side. They had a few drinks and Elaine was feeling very mellow and when Simon suggested they dance, she readily agreed. He led her to what was the dining room, and the lighting was dimmed, the better to allow the various couples to make out and do a bit of dirty dancing. As she danced, Elaine forgot about her skirt and only belatedly realised she was probably showing her pussy; fortunately, with the dim light, nobody could see much. Probably. She hoped. It made her cunt moist.

A horrible song came on and they sat that one out, her sitting on his lap as they made out, another couple at the end of the sofa. She looked across and saw that the other boy had her blouse undone and was openly fondling her breasts. She couldn't take her eyes off the girl's hard pink nipples, and as the boy stroked and pinched them, her own responded in sympathy.

On some unspoken signal, the other couple got up and left, and Elaine was feeling more and more aroused; dancing in the tiny skirt while not wearing panties, seeing the other girl's breasts being fondled and being thoroughly kissed by Simon had got her horny, very horny. She whispered hoarsely in Simon's ear, "Simon, you have to take me home and fuck me, I'm going to explode!"

"We can't go so early, everybody will talk, they'll say we had a row or a falling out. Why don't we find an empty room. We can fuck and then rejoin the party?"

"Simon, I don't know..."

"Besides, if we are seen going into the room together, maybe they will even hear us fucking, my new persona will be confirmed, everybody will know the new me has arrived!"

Elaine was caught in a dilemma. She knew only sluts fucked at parties, but Simon made a good point about confirming his reputation. And she was wet and ready. But still...

The decision was made for her as Simon stood and took her hand. He led her upstairs but the first room they tried had single bed already occupied by a couple fucking. Elaine couldn't tear her eyes away until Simon dragged her with him. The next room was also occupied but as the door opened, a shaft of light revealed a double bed only half taken up by the same couple that had sat with them on the sofa. She was sitting on top, slowly fucking the boy underneath her. As, the door closed, the room was plunged into semi darkness and Simon led her over to the bed. He lay her down and unbuttoned her top, peeling back the sides to reveal her tits.

Elaine felt nervous, but incredibly aroused, and she lifted her bottom off the bed Simon pulled off her skirt. As Simon undressed, Elaine was very aware of the other couple, hearing the sounds they made, the movements of the bed fuelled her arousal. She felt Simon move between her legs, his mouth seeking her sopping cunt. She spread her legs, he knee coming into contact with the hip of the other girl and the contact sending sparks to her nipples and clit. Simon was almost drinking her juices and he lapped her clit, and a fingertip penetrating her anus brought her to fever pitch! She couldn't stand it any longer, she had to have his hard cock inside her! She pulled him up and spread her legs, and Simon pushed his cock home. Elaine groaned powerfully, and humped back against him, she wanted him deep! As they fucked, the girl next to her put her hand on her breast, stroking and squeezing it, and pulling and pinching the nipple. The unexpected thrill brought her to a shuddering climax, one of the most powerful she had ever felt and she became limp in the aftermath. As she regained some idea of her surroundings, she was aware that Simon had pulled out without coming and had turned her on her side. He then entered from behind, and Elaine lifted her leg to accommodate him. She was then shocked to find that the other couple had changed to the same position and she found herself face to face and tit to tit with the other girl. She could feel her sweet breath on her face and then the girl kissed her softly and tenderly. With the two boys slamming into them from behind, they were forced against each other, the feeling of the girl's soft and sensuous skin on her own felt wonderful. The other girl caressed her breast and then moved down to stroke her clit. She had never been kissed or touched by another girl, but the taboo of it stimulated her strongly and she came again on the girl's fingers and with Simon's cock in her pussy. She felt Simon withdraw and she hardly noticed that he seemed to leave her for a while because she was thoroughly kissing the girl next to her. When she felt him enter her again, she pushed back enthusiastically. She felt the girl pull her lips from hers and then another mouth claimed hers and she opened her eyes to see Simon behind the girl; he was kissing her but fucking the other girl! Then the one fucking her must be....oh god, she was being fucked by a stranger! Just like before, and just as it was then, she liked it!

All four of them rapidly approached their climax, each one's cries stimulating the others, until they all came at once, all together. The tumultuous noise had brought the curious to the room's door, and Elaine pulled a pillow over her head to hide from both the bright light and the spectators. She heard the other boy shout at them to fuck off and Simon cradled her in his arms and kissed her gently.

"Well, I think we can go now, anything that happens at the party now can only be an anti-climax," he smiled ruefully, and Elaine returned it with one of her own.

"Oh, by the way, Elaine, this is Marcie and Jason - Jason, Marcie, meet Elaine."

After a while they all burst into laughter at the incongruity of formal introductions after they'd all had sex together, and Elaine noticed that Simon and Marcie kept exchanging shy smiles, and she smiled inwardly to herself.

The two couples sorted themselves out, and while Elaine put on her skirt and top, Simon reached over and unbuttoned three buttons, enough to almost show her nipples.

"All right then, let's make our grand exit."

And so, unlike the similar circumstances that forced her to leave home, she walked out of the house with pride, tits pushed out and head held high.

The next day Elaine packed and prepared to make her way home. She was just making the final preparations when the doorbell rang, and it was answered by Simon.

"Uncle James! How great to see you! Come in, Elaine was about to head off!"

When Elaine heard this her heart leapt and she ran to him and flung her arms around him. "Oh James, I've missed you so much!" As much as she'd become fond of Simon, her heart belonged to him. She belonged to him.

"It's good to see you too Elaine. Now, take your things to the car and wait for me. I need to have a few words with my nephew".

Elaine's absence for a week and the knowledge that she was fucking his nephew, albeit at his command, had cemented his feelings towards the girl. He was both proud and jealous at the same time. She was his girl! His to have and to hold and to fuck! Both his nephew and his girl need to know that!

Elaine had hoped for something more demonstrative from James, but it would be difficult for him in Simon's presence. Especially as he didn't yet know what went on during the week. He would want to ask him how things went on, whether she had done her best to do as he asked. He would want details. A dread began to build in her. Did she really have to fuck the boy so much? Should she have enjoyed it so much? Oh hell, she had also fucked a stranger, he never asked her to do that. "Fuck! I hope I haven't blown it!"