Embrace of the Goddess: Epilogue

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Maloth begins to spread her new religion to the world.
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Embrace of the Goddess Epilogue

By Trixie Adara


The city had fallen when the goddess arrived. Hours ago, Iriel had summoned her to Tiriniel, the last bastion of the elves. Tiriniel, the shining white city that watched over the Falls of Shadrath. Tiriniel, home of the largest temple of Azora. The last temple of Azora.

This was it, the beginning of the end.

Maloth was in her chambers, devouring the soul of a sweet mother of four. The poor woman was trapped in a lifeless marriage, and worshipping Azora was the only speck of ecstasy she could find in her life. It was the new shred of humanity in Maloth that made her think of it as "saving" the middle-aged woman. Her soul was rich and luscious, like a dark chocolate truffle, and Maloth was enjoying the flip as her prey -- now soulless -- was wearing Iriel's strap-on, pinning her oldest daughter -- twenty with thick and wavy red hair -- to the chamber floor and plowing her. The mother was getting a lot off her chest as she listed all the things her daughter never appreciated about her. She spanked her daughter hard as she fucked her, but it wasn't playful. It wasn't the teasing spank of lovers. Her daughter cried out in agony as her mother struck the same spot again and again. The skin grew pink to red, but the mother kept striking.

In the end, the daughter's cries turned to moans. She writhed on the runic cock. Her thighs quivered in the delightful sign of surrender, pleasure, and a complete lack of control -- one of Maloth's favorite parts. But as Maloth finished devouring the mother's soul, the older woman wasn't done. She flipped her daughter around and fucked her face with the strap-on. When she came, the dark liquid of Maloth's pools shot down the daughter's throat and over her face. The mother didn't step back and admire the mess she made. She bent down immediately and kissed her daughter, licking the black and sticky liquid off her daughter, swallowing as much as she could. Soon, the two women were fighting over it, trying to take more of Maloth inside of themselves, damning themselves forever and slowly warping into monsters that amused and aroused Maloth.

No. Not damning. Saving. This was their salvation from Azora, from a world of rules and structures, from control and fear. Yes. That was Orilana's influence. Maloth could feel it, like a silver light at the edge of her darkness. It was the same thing that made Maloth hesitate to kill the mother when she was done licking Maloth's pussy. Maloth came and she felt... grateful. She didn't know why, but she wanted to reward the woman for her good work. That was wrong. That wasn't the work of a tyrant, of a dark queen that all of creation feared. It had to be Orilana's influence, there was no other explanation.


As the mother and daughter's skin turned a glossy black and smoke rose from their pale golden eyes, Maloth smiled at the presence of Iriel's magic reaching out to her. That was new too. Thousands of years ago, Maloth would crush her High Priestess with fear or addiction, but here she felt something twist in her stomach whenever Iriel was near -- even if it was just the faint touch of magic.

But Iriel's actual presence -- her scent, the sound of her voice, her laughter, the heat of her body, her breath -- were orders of magnitude more delightful to Maloth. And her touch? Maloth had felt nothing like it. Not since she first seduced her twin Azora and thus set the gods to war against her. No soul Maloth devoured tasted like her High Priestess. There was no pleasure great enough to keep Maloth away.

Was that Orilana too? Or perhaps Maloth had matured. Perhaps that seed of Azora inside of her had infected her with love to mingle with her lust. It didn't matter. As soon as Iriel gave her the good news, Maloth rose from her throne and pooled the shadows of the room around her. She stepped through and appeared at Iriel's side outside of the fallen city of Tiriniel. Maloth smiled. Her city.

The roar of the Falls of Shadrath drowned out whatever chaos was going on behind the city walls, but Maloth felt it immediately. Carnality. Hunger. Pleasure. Sensuality. Sadism. Lust. Masochism. Secrets. Longing. Pining. It was all at a breaking point. Humans were so good at repressing themselves, but it was simply fattening the meal for Maloth. The aroma of erotic desperation was to her the scent of roasting turkey to a starving man.

The huge white gates of Tiriniel were wide open. There were no guards posted or soldiers fighting, though Maloth caught sight of tangled limbs coming from the top of one tower. She supposed having guards fuck each other was kinder than killing them.

Kinder? Fascinating.

But Maloth didn't linger on the thought. Iriel approached and wrapped her arms around her goddess. Iriel was exactly as Maloth had promised she would become: dark lavender skin, long and wavy, deep purple hair that looked black from a distance, hooves, a spaded tail, blacked claws, curved rams' horns, and black eyes that smoked faintly from the corner. But since Maloth's ascension, they had modified her more, suiting Iriel's new and darker pleasures. There was a runic pattern over her skin like a tattoo, though it was a dark purple, making it hard to see from a distance. It was felt mostly, and Maloth read the skin of her High Priestess as Iriel pressed against her and kissed her. Maloth channeled a bit of power through the runic piercings in Iriel's nipples. They didn't control the High Priestess, but the faint buzzing made Iriel moan slightly. She pressed tighter against Maloth and eased her tongue between the goddess's lips. With another nudge of her power, the runes over Iriel's body glowed, warming her and easing pleasure over each inch of the High Priestess's skin. Iriel broke the kiss, giggling, and stepped away from Maloth.

At the sight of Iriel's smile -- of the fangs that Maloth longed to feel plunged into her own skin -- Maloth warmed and smiled back. She eased the power out of Iriel's runes and piercing, letting Iriel relax and focus on the momentous day. Though on second thought, Maloth could ignore the sacking of Tiriniel and fuck Iriel right now. The city could wait. Maloth's skin tingled when Iriel smiled at her, and the feeling was new and delightful in the dark goddess.

Iriel bowed low and smiled. She fanned out the sheer black robe that hid nothing of her body in a courtly curtsy. The dangling silver chains connecting her nipple piercing, choker, and belly button piercings jingled as her body bent and rose in deference to her goddess.

"The city, my goddess, is yours," Iriel said.

"Well done." Maloth stepped forward and grabbed Iriel's chin. "You have earned one kiss from your goddess."

Iriel arched an eyebrow. "Just one?"

Maloth laughed. "Depending on the kiss, you may earn future kisses."

Iriel's eyes shone as she stepped closer, wrapped her arms around Maloth's waist, and kissed her goddess. It wasn't the hungry and desperate kiss Maloth preferred in the bedroom. It was something new, something Iriel had taught her, and something Orilana longed for deep in Maloth's being. It was gentle as a breeze, fresh as spring water, and wet as a peach. Maloth had never known how soft lips could be until she kissed Iriel. Part of her knew that was nonsense. She had kissed legions of slaves. She had known more lips than any other being alive. And yet, it was undeniable. Orilana and she both knew it. Iriel's lips were silk and rich cream. They were their own divinity, and the High Priestess earned another kiss from her goddess.

And another.

And another.

And another.

Iriel finally moaned and gave into the curve of Maloth's body, surrendering her weight. Maloth picked her High Priestess up and twirled her, letting the sheer robe catch the wind. The goddess and her priestess laughed while around them, Tiriniel fell. But as the presence of Maloth washed over the citizens, they would soon learn they could fall further. Maloth had not herself found the bottom of debauchery. She looked forward to that as others looked forward to heaven. For once Maloth found something taboo even for herself, she could finally experience the breaking and humiliation and blissful surrender her subjects felt.

But for now, there was a city to pillage.

The lovers stepped away from each other. Maloth wondered what others would think if they saw the two. They would surely see the dark High Priestess, more demon than elf now -- though Maloth kept the pointed ears and even elongated them, she couldn't help herself when it came to elf ears. But would they see Maloth and know she was their destructor and savior? She was their doom and salvation? She was the new ruler of their universe? Probably not. They would feel it before their eyes recognized it. Maloth's naked skin was radiant, like silver gold but almost white. Like ivory dipped in moonlight. The goddess had pale silver hair, almost white and almost blonde. Her breasts were full, and her hips were wide like those of a mother, but her body was lithe and tight like that of a maiden. Most mistook her for an angel before she broke them. And indeed, not long ago, she had been something close to that. She mirrored Iriel's piercings in gold to Iriel's silver: her nipples, her navel, and dangling gold chain to connect them. She wasn't sure who started the trend, Iriel, Orilana, or Maloth, but being nude most of the time meant the piercings were some of their few adornments. Besides, it was the one thing that made it obvious to an onlooker that they were betrothed.

"Tell me about my city," Maloth said as she grabbed Iriel's hand and turned her towards the city. They walked together up the ancient stone path that led to the wide-open gates.

"It was Prim we have to thank for it," Iriel said. "She made the decisive strike against the Queen." Maloth smirked. Prim had been a rebellious slave, but once Maloth came to understand Prim's ambition, she became a useful tool. Prim wanted to hunt and fuck. Maloth simply had to point the vampire in a direction and unleash her and her scions.

"Is the Queen gone then?"

"That depends on your definition of gone."

Maloth smirked. "Is she waiting for me?"

"No." Iriel gave Maloth's hand a little squeeze. "Prim took her for herself."

"Ah," Maloth smiled. "As her reward."

"Yes, my goddess."

"Very well."

Iriel's grip eased. "Do not worry, love," Maloth said in a warm voice. "If it did anger me, my wrath would fall on her, not you."

"I know... it's just... I want this to be perfect for you."

"With you at my side, it will be." Maloth stopped between the huge gateway of Tiriniel. The gates seemed to be made of ivory or marble. The stone was angelstone, pure and strong. Maloth doubted her servants knew it by any name. It was designed to hold out the darkness, and the elves could have hidden behind this for centuries if they had the supplies for a siege. Only treachery could have given them this city.

Maloth looked at the angelstone gate with admiration. "Besides," Maloth said softly, letting go of Iriel's hand. She waved her hands, and as she did, the stones turned black like her throne deep beneath the Abbey. "I can fix whatever isn't perfect until it's exactly to my liking." She turned back, beaming at Iriel. The High Priestess looked at Maloth in astonishment, and Maloth wanted to pin her High Priestess to the ground and fuck her right then and there. The only thing holding her back was the modicum of self-control Orilana gave her.

But this was the look Maloth lived for. It's the look all goddesses thrived off of: devotion, awe, true worship. In this moment, Iriel understood how small and pathetic she was compared to her goddess. She understood that Maloth could have each tongue in this city licking her pussy in an instant. She understood that Maloth was a goddess. A true goddess. Not a djinn. Not a demon. Not some powerful enchantress. Maloth was made from motes of divinity. From her side, the stars were made. From her will, creatures felt lust and hunger. From her desires, all things fucked and made more life. She was a bass note of creation, and there was no true response to that but fear at their smallness and hunger for a taste of what made Maloth miraculous.

Iriel collapsed to her knees as the awe crushed her. It was in these moments that Maloth forgot she was still in a mortal vessel. For when Iriel looked at her this way -- offered herself this way -- Maloth felt as though she could bend a mortal soul as easily as one bends a blade of grass. Perhaps she could have in her true form, but she was still only a shadow of herself. She still needed vessels like Orilana, servants like Prim, and a priestess like Iriel. But soon she would be reborn. Soon, all would look at her the way Iriel looked at her now. Soon all would bow down and worship, crying tears of joy as they shook in terror to behold their goddess. They would beg to kiss her feet though it would burn them alive.

But Iriel would still be her favored one.

Maloth cocked her head as her vision faded away. Odd. It wouldn't make sense for Iriel to be higher than anyone else. Mortals were just flesh and fuel. Their bodies were an exquisite casing to an even finer delicacy. Why should Iriel be better? In the end she would be drowned out in a sea of devotees. Yet Maloth couldn't shake the thought. How strange and delightful. To have one special person among a throng of worshippers. Where had that come from?

"You astound me," Iriel whispered. She crawled towards Maloth and wrapped her arms around her goddess's leg. She rested her head on Maloth's thigh and held tight to the radiant woman.

"Yes," Maloth said, though her mind was still picking at the conundrum. She raised one hand to look at it closer. She wondered if she could find the speck of humanity that Orilana had corrupted her with. If she could, would she remove it? With her other hand, she stroked Iriel's hair. Around them, the sounds of moaning rippled through the city. Some windows and doors were open, some people fucked in the streets, but Maloth didn't care for it now. There was a tender stillness between her and her High Priestess, perhaps between her and her vessel. Even now, she could feel Orilana's presence amidst them, tempering Maloth's cruelty and stoking her... heart? Did she have one? Compassion? No. Perhaps mercy. Yes. Mercy was the word.

"Mmm," Iriel purred as Iriel absent-mindedly scratched her head. "Remember when we talked about brushing each other's hair?"

"Yes," Maloth said, surprised to find it true. She had watched the conversation initially from the corner of Iriel's mind, but now she saw it from Orilana's point of view. She felt the warmth spreading between her legs and her stomach tingling at the idea of Iriel brushing her hair. Or was it Orilana's hair?

"Feels good," Iriel said. The warmth spread up and down Maloth's body. Heat spread from her cheeks and down her neck. She smiled despite herself. All the confusion, all thought, vanished from her. She simply wanted to hold Iriel, to take her away from the city and stroke her hair, listening to her priestess coo and purr.

"Can we do more later?' Iriel asked as she stood.

"Hm?" Maloth said. "Are we stopping?"

Iriel smiled wide. "I have a surprise for you at the temple."

"Oh." Maloth furrowed her brow. Iriel laughed softly and rose up to kiss her goddess on the lips. Maloth returned it and let the confusion fade again. As Iriel's lips parted and her long tongue slid inside the goddess's mouth, Maloth returned to herself. She was not a creature of too much wondering. Impulse was far more efficient than planning. Impulse and power, and she had both to spare.

Maloth snarled as Iriel kissed her, grabbed the back of Iriel's hair and pulled tight. Iriel's head snapped back, exposing her elegant neck. But the priestess didn't whimper or panic. She quivered with anticipation, almost daring her goddess to devour her right then and there. Maloth had brought vampires back to the world, why couldn't she show them how it was done? Instead, she ran her tongue up Iriel's neck, going to the priestess's pierced ear and nibbling it.

"Show me my prize," Maloth whispered.

Iriel smiled. "As you command."

Maloth enjoyed the walk through her new city. The roar of their pleasure swelled as she walked away from the gates and deeper into the heart. Iriel told her it grew wherever the goddess went, for when Maloth first arrived, there was simply a wave of desire over the city. People were horny. Wives dropped everything and went in search of their husbands. Secret loves became revealed. Unrequited love was unexpectedly and passionately returned. Those that couldn't find a partner attended to themselves and bit their lips to silence their pleasure.

But now that their goddess had arrived, the desire had gained a rhythm. A beat pulsed throughout the city, syncing up each heart, tuning it to Maloth. People burned for more than they had before. Secret and dark desires weren't just revealed, they were enacted upon immediately and enthusiastically. The tamest soul found its deep craving for pain and masochism. Wives begged to be sodomized or ran from their husbands to finally fuck the woman they glanced at for too long. Nothing could wait anymore. Why fantasize when time was fleeting? When the city was about to be sacked? When Maloth was going to come and turn them all into mindless sextoys? They had to act now. Don't settle for one lover, find a dozen. Take all of them at once. Deeper. Wetter. Louder. More. More. More. Hurry before their doom. Hurry before Maloth corrupted them. Hurry.

Iriel and Maloth held hands as they walked through the streets. The priestess kept turning to Maloth, watching her goddess open her gift. They had taken cities before, but none were as large as Tiriniel. None were as powerful as the elven capital. None were as chaste or devout to Azora. Maloth couldn't stop smiling. Finally, her sister's disease was being removed from the souls of the world. Finally, her children could come home to her, could come to their senses, could come to worship and be devoured.

The door of a building flew open as three elven women staggered out. One woman walked backwards, ripping her clothes away from her body as fast as she could. The other two were pawing at her breasts, kissing her neck, nibbling her ears. The woman fell to the ground, but the other two didn't stop. They climbed on top of her, each one putting a breast in their mouth and grinding against a leg. The woman on the ground closed her eyes and moaned. But she didn't cry to her goddess. She didn't whisper Azora's name.

"Maloth," she groaned as the two women fucked her. "Maloth, yes."

Another woman ran out of the tavern. At first, it looked as though she would stop this debauchery, but instead she sank down to her knees and ripped away the woman's skirt and underthings. She rushed to get her mouth between the woman's legs, and all three elves fucked the fourth in the middle of the street, only a few feet away from the goddess they were worshipping.

Maloth stepped towards their scene and bent down. She stroked the hair of the woman pinned. Black smoke eased out of her fingertips, wrapping around the girl and eventually consuming her, though her lovers didn't stop fucking her.

"You have earned my boon," Maloth said, then she stood up and walked away. Iriel looked back to see the black smoke clear. The elven woman was now a demon like her with rams' horns and cloven feet. She ran her hands over the bodies of those serving her, and the other elves burned bright, howling in pleasure as their wills were permanently enslaved to their new mistress.

"A new acolyte?" Iriel asked as she turned back to Maloth.