Emily's Story


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Emily was so far gone that she could no longer distinguish man from beast.

Christopher used the whip to drive the man beasts to the back of the cage before opening the cage door.

Emily was forced inside by her two guardians, and the door quickly re-locked and bolted.

The man beasts were still unable to have Emily -- there was a cage partition between them and her which could only be lifted away by the hoist -- but arms could still be forced through the bars. Emily, despite her desperate contortions, could not avoid the grasping claw hands frantically grabbing at her breasts, cunt and bum. Her side of the cage was so narrow it was impossible to protect herself and her loud squeals filled the hall as she was clenched, scratched and pinched everywhere as the man beasts were driven to a frenzy of lust.

She slipped on the steel floor and found herself sliding in a brown slurry. The floor was built as a tray, and it was full of a muddy liquid now made even more nauseating by her frequent frightful urination as she gave way to hysterical panic. As she squirmed from their touch and slid, out of control, around the tray, she was covered in the repulsive stuff which only seemed to inflame the man beasts to even greater efforts.

Now there was a creaking and squealing and Emily saw with horror the cage partition slowly begin to rise.


It starts:

They pounce -- leaping on top of her -- crushing her.

They pull her upright in their rough grip -- strong hands and fingers all over her body -- probing in her mouth -- penetrating her cunt - clutching her bum cheeks - forcing them apart to get at her anus.

Smelling her everywhere -- their noses and tongues in all her holes -- tasting her essence.

Steam rises from their hot bodies.

She sweats and shines naked in the mud -- eyes skywards -- resigned to her fate.

Teeth begin to nip at her softness -- breasts -- vulva lips -- tummy -- bum.

She cries out in pain -- sobbing and pleading.

Pitilessly cruel hands knead her -- leaving marks on her flesh.

She screams but it is useless -- it makes it worse.

Her face and hair covered in brown mud -- fingers pull at her hair -- driving her down.

She lies on a shelf of straw -- legs are forced open -- lion's penis drives into her cunt but she does not cry out.

She is so open -- so ready -- so liquid.

Leopard's penis in her mouth thrusting -- wild feral tasting.

Eyes staring -- teeth baring - crazy naked lusting.

Animal juice erupting over her face - between her legs -- mixing with the mud and sweet-smelling urine.

Now lion in mouth and leopard in cunt.

No respite -- she is subsumed -- lost without hope.

Wild eyes, teeth on her breasts, deep gasps of foul animal breath on her face.

Breasts marked -- nipples raw -- all in mud -- dirty stinking sliding mud.

On her knees -- leopard penis in her anus -- so easy -- no pain -- covered in slime -- lubricating -- so open -- so wanting -- so dirty.

Roaring, sighing, using, breeding.

Look at her...

Is it possible?

It cannot be?

She wants more!

No longer submissive.

She becomes active and enthusiastic -- she needs to mate -- she is driven to reproduce.

She has become an animal -- a beast like them -- but a female beast -- far more potent -- a life giver.

She roars for more -- mouth open -- aggressive -- on heat -- frighteningly hot.

They lift her.

Arms around Lion's neck. Legs wrapped around Lions waist. She forces Lions cock deep into her cunt.

Leopard behind -- rigid upright prick -- thrusting into her open wanting arse.

She yells:




She is offering a sensational double fuck.

Easy -- so easy -- so open -- so large -- so ready.

Full to bursting.

Bouncing -- muscle straining -- savage animal -- wild in the dirty mud.

Make me your own -- stay with me -- have me whenever you want -- in the forest -- in the cave -- in the water -- in the dirt.

I am your mate for eternity -- all you will ever need.

She shouts out:

"I'm coming, oh god help me, I'm coming, oh god save me, I'm coming..."

Sprays of juice.

Rivulets running down limbs to the mud.

I cover you with my scent -- you are mine -- I am yours.

"Nous Somme Tous Sauvage"



Emily and the two man-beasts collapsed into the mud, exhausted and spent; limbs entwined in filthy union. The lights illuminating the cage were cut and all was in darkness.

After a pause to allow the amazed audience to settle, Christopher unbolted the cage door and addressed the masks:

"Ladies and Gentlemen -- I have shocking news.

I have discovered that a degenerate female from our community has indulged in sexual congress with beasts.

This depravity cannot be allowed, and she must be caught, exposed, and punished most severely as a deterrent to other sinful women who may be tempted by such wicked carnal lust.

I have called for the dogs, and they will search her out."

Barking was heard in the distance and the man-beasts in the cage stirred to rouse Emily.

With gestures of alarm, they lifted Emily from the mud and hurried her in the darkness from the cage away from Christopher and the masks.

They passed through a large glass door and entered an incredible space.

A high glass ceiling loomed above -- dark in the night sky -- and facing them was a dense barrier of tropical trees and plants pierced by a narrow stone flagged path. Enclosing glass walls were barely visible in the far distance and the whole was lit in a dim, ghostly, other-wordly, glow.

They were in a giant arboretum -- humid, close and full of mystery.

The man beasts dragged Emily on to the path and they ran and ran.

They reached a fork in the path and the man beasts gestured for Emily to follow one path while they followed the other. She was reluctant to leave the safety of their company, but it was too late -- they were gone.

She decided to hide deep in a dense plantation of lush green growth.


Crouching down she panted for breath and paused to contemplate her situation. Still covered in the drying brown mud she was well camouflaged, but she knew that the game demanded that she be eventually caught and punished. The various activities in the house had stimulated her with both dreadful fear and extraordinary excitement and her adrenaline and libido were firing. Nevertheless, she could not calm her shivering, knowing that whatever was planned for her next would stretch her even further.

In that moment in her hideaway, she underwent an epiphany. She looked down on her mud-covered breasts and torso, her still dripping open sex, and her thighs, profiled by her squatting posture, and suddenly experienced an amazingly delicious arousal! Every touch sensitized her -- the brush of leaves on her naked skin, the soft earth on her bare feet, the warm draught on her shoulders, the gentle cradling of her tits, the feel of her fingers in her liquid cunt.

This sense of self as an object of exquisite desire had been growing since her first exposure in the cocktail bar and, as she anticipated the final act of the night, a thrilling erotic excitement consumed her. She was finally able to see herself as the watchers saw her -- a sexually accomplished woman -- luscious of body -- objectified for lustful perversion -- initially reluctant but ultimately voracious.


She crawled to the edge of the shrubbery and looking up saw a long balcony running the full length of the arboretum. There, in plain view were female masks looking and pointing towards her.

She had been discovered - it would not be long now.

She could hear men shouting and dogs barking.

The leaves parted and strong arms reached in to pull her out,

The woman was captured - filthy naked, mated by beasts, damned beyond redemption, and now ready and willing to be punished for her sin.

Her return to reality was sharp. A cowering terror enveloped Emily as two barking Alsatian dogs attempted to leap at her, straining against the leads firmly held by the fatigue clad captors. Frighteningly, the panting dogs could smell her and were wild in their desperation.

The Alsatians were pulled away and she was dragged naked, mud coated and kicking and screaming like a wild animal to an open space just below the balcony where Christopher and the male masks were standing in a semi-circle.

She was forced to kneel before them, and Christopher pronounced sentence:

"This woman has shamed our society by allowing beasts to mate with her and she will be punished most severely.

As a reward to you who found and captured her, I first offer her as a prize to you all. Take her and use her like the whore she truly is.

When you have finished, she will receive a whipping as a deterrent to others who may wish to follow her degenerate example.

Go ahead -- take her as you wish."

With these chilling words, chaos reigned as the crowd of captors stripped off their fatigues and Emily was held down on her knees to receive prick after prick in her mouth in a parade of pink, black and brown erections. It was relentless and she had no idea how many men used her. As soon as she sensed a developing ejaculation, the prick was removed, and another took its place. She was manic in her tasting, using her hands to work her saliva into the rigid shafts to prepare them for impregnation in both her holes.

All the while, the dogs, still frantic in their excitement, continued to bark and violently pull against their restraint, in a vain attempt to get at Emily.

Naked captors continued to join the throng but suddenly she was pulled up and lifted in strong arms to be cradled under her bum by two standing men. Her legs were gripped and spread in the birthing position and, once her thighs were forced apart, both her open cunt with the outer lips swollen and blooming to an inordinate size and her open dilating anus were easily accessible.

As each captor stood between her legs to use either one or the other or both her places, she threw her head back and cried out as each coupling was consummated with a full ejaculation of man juice.

All the captors were energetic -- all were big -- all were noisy.

She was wet with her effort and her orgasms came effortlessly.

To cleanse her and cool her between couplings, Christopher would douse her body with warm water, but the fucking went on and on.

Emily eventually took so many pricks that counting each fuck became meaningless. She was close to passing out and Christopher, sensing her exhaustion, called a halt.

She was carried to a platform and placed standing between twin vertical posts and each wrist and ankle were quickly roped and her legs and arms outstretched. As she writhed and struggled, the ropes were knotted onto hooks at the top and bottom of each post and her body was presented to the watchers in the form of an X.

Now the she-beast was to be tamed.

Christopher came to her with a hose and sprayed warm water over her body to remove the mud and man juice. Slowly her white skin began to appear clean and shining and she shook with fear as the painful anticipation continued to build.

Christopher selected a leather bull whip -- very long with a double prong at the end.

Her body trembled as each strike cracked home on her back, on her buttocks and across her breasts.

She no longer had the energy to cry out but could only whImper and pathetically whisper under her breath:

"please -- help me -- please -- help me -- please -- help me..."

When Christopher changed to a lighter single stranded stinging whip and applied it to her labia, an instant fountain gushed forth as he forced yet another orgasm from her overheated overused body. The finale came when the anal plug was inserted and actuated, and with his hand in her cunt, she cried out to the sky in raw ecstasy as she emitted a final squirt of juice.

She was fading fast, her body no longer registering pain or pleasure, her head flopping forward, her limbs slackening. Helen came to Christopher and whispered in his ear. It was nearly over.

Emily would later remember, like a dreamy hallucination, the masks coming one by one to her to gaze Impassively into her eyes and run their hands over her body in a blessing. Most would be gentle, others would be rough, some would stroke her nipples, others would explore her cunt or anus, several even attempted to bring her to yet another orgasm and one finally did succeed with gentle strokes.

As Emily gazed into the eyes of this successful masked lover she begged:

"Just one please -- give me another -- just one more -- give me just one more..."

He instinctively understood and reaching for his shaft, he made himself erect with his hands and gently slid it into her.

As he rocked her slowly up and down between the posts in the timeless rhythm of love, she rested her hot wet feverish head on his chest and blackness descended.


Chapter 6 - Intermission

It was three days before Emily emerged from her bedroom. She was still exhausted but the calls from Rob on her mobile were beginning to irritate and it was time to confront him; and she knew John would be anxious if she stayed away for too long. Paul also attempted to make contact but, for now, she was too traumatised to respond.

She had showered and bathed her wounds with the balm given to her by Helen -- the pain was easing and the red stripes on her body were already fading. She was relieved that Christopher's skill with the whip had not damaged her beyond reason. With the doctor's lotion applied to her vagina and anus to relieve the soreness and discomfort, she was physically healing but her mental distress was not so easily cured.

As she wound down from that incredible night in the mansion, her energy plummeted, and her mood was one of self-disgust, guilt and shame. How could she participate in such horribly perverted performances with such enthusiasm and not be revolted? Why did her body react so violently to the extreme stimuli forced upon her? How could she be so energised by the pain and the humiliation of her punishment? Why was enough, never enough? The answer was obvious -- she knew now for certain she possessed the temperament of those two terrible monikers of a certain type of woman - "Slut" and "Whore". She would inevitably succumb again to the darkness and felt lost without any hope of redemption.

She agreed with Rob that she would return to his bed in two days -- in the meantime he would have to make do with the edited livestream of her performance. His den in the garden reeked of his spunk and she guessed he had salivated over every second. She shivered uncontrollably as she walked back across the lawn to the house to visit John.

There was a noticeable deterioration in his condition and, upsettingly, he failed to recognise her. It would only be a matter of weeks, but his needs were paramount, and she would need to keep working for the "House" to fund his palliative care when the time came.


Her bank balance was comfortable following her performance and she booked herself a spa day to unwind. It was here, on the massage table, that her whispering Imp returned.

The masseuse was older than Emily with a sharp bronzed Nordic face, a blond-haired ponytail, and a toned statuesque body. Emily sensed a possible interest in her blue eyes, and surprisingly felt a sudden need for sensuous love and the touch of skin on skin.

Standing before her wearing just her bra and panties she began to flirt:

"I always hate wearing underwear for a massage -- it gets so messy. Would you mind if I strip?"

The masseuse smiled reassuringly:

"Yes, please do. I agree. It is much easier for me if you are unclothed. I also believe that it is more pleasurable and relaxing for the subject when she goes nude."

Emily, faking an innocent modesty, slipped off her shoulder straps and unclipped her bra before turning her back and bending double to run her panties down her legs to leave them on the floor. She, of course, was aware of the view offered by her pose. On turning round, she judged from the woman's cynically knowing smile that the message had been received.

She lay face down on the table and deliberately opened her legs as a signal.

Her gesture was noted, and the woman collected a large deep pillow from a cabinet and, to test Emily, requested that she place it under her hips to raise her bum and provocatively expose her places for easier access. Emily obeyed and spread her legs even wider.

There was a long pause as the masseuse stood behind her, and Emily's arousal supercharged as she imagined the woman gazing with admiration and desire on her swelling vulva lips, and her sensitized dilating anus.

Her breathing deepened to audible excited gasps of anticipation as the pregnant silence continued.

At last warm oil coated hands began a wonderful massage from her shoulders, down her back and after skipping her bum, moved down her upper thighs to her calves and feet. Emily sighed as pleasure seeped into every pore.

The masseuse whispered in her ear:

"You have marks on your back -- are you being abused?"

Emily turned her head and dreamily smiled:

"No -- not at all -- just a friend -- that's all."

The woman replied:

"My child -- can I call you that?"

Emily smiled her approval of this quaint term and the woman continued:

"My child -- I can relax you further if you wish -- if you would like me to stop then just tell me. All women have boundaries and I always respect the wishes of my patients."

Emily answered by settling herself down and further lifting her bum to exhibit her places as a tempting offering.

The woman's touch was heaven as she first manipulated the buttocks all the while allowing fingers to run around the boundaries of the erogenous zone to test Emily by gently hinting at more intimate pleasures. Emily's breathing deepened and she began to moan and thrust her bum to signify her desire. Soon fingers were deep within her, everywhere, working simultaneously in both cunt and rectum to take her to nirvana.

A delicate, delightful orgasm flowed through her and all was peaceful serenity.

The cum was skillfully extended to completion and the masseuse tenderly sat her up on the table and began to massage oil into her boobs and stimulate her swollen nips with her fingers:

"My child -- you know you have great power -- your kama is overwhelming."

A sleepy Emily gazed at her without understanding:

"I know much about women's bodies, and yours has seen much service -- yes I can tell -- your muscles are strong and your grip in both your places is well developed -- you have had much practice I think -- but you are big -- you have been stretched too quickly -- this is deliberate - you have been prepared to receive abnormal treatment -- you must be careful -- I can help if you let me -- I can make it easier for you with my lotions and my manipulation -- my treatment will improve your flexibility and allow you to accommodate a larger ingress which will give more pleasure to you and your partner."

Emily's breathing deepened as another tremor trickled through her. The woman continued to sooth:

"Oh my poor child -- you are so -- so loveable. You have no idea. I could have you all day and every day."

Emily continued to gaze abstractedly into her mesmeric eyes.

"My name is Eva. Come to my house next week -- text me -- and we can begin to condition you. We need to finish now before my next appointment."

Emily smiled and they exchanged numbers and a chaste kiss.

Eva would eventually be of great service to Emily and become, not just a lover, but also a true friend.


Emily opened the text on the "House" phone in dread. Not another outing so soon?

She was relieved to read that she would be allowed a break for recuperation before her next assignment. Her feelings were more confused when she read that the members were delighted with her performance at the mansion, and she was currently the player with the most streaming hits and the highest rating on the platform. As usual, the full unedited livestream was now available to view if she wanted to re-live every second of the very successful evening at the mansion. She declined.
