Emily's Story


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Now that she was seasoned, he withdrew and, lifting her up, sat her on his kneeling thighs. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped as she took his cock between her vulva lips. He worked her hard and she screamed as he worked her tits, licking and nipping with his tongue and lips. Her cum was unbelievably intense and she continued to frantically ram herself onto him to extend the pleasure. It seemed to last forever.

Finally, he took her on her hands and knees to maximise penetration and they both came together in a cacophony of grunting and screaming.

He ejaculated inside her and when he withdrew, he told her to hold her position. She sensed the watchers move behind her and she could see and feel the warm wetness issue from her cunt. Droplets of creamy foam began to run down her inner thighs and fall onto the clean white sheet.

She gulped for air -- not comprehending her situation. It had been staggeringly lifechanging but now she was alone once more among strangers who were still salivating over her first public consummation.

Had she just been raped?

Yes -- of course -- but was it rape if it gave her pleasure -- did she resist -- no -- did it please her -- yes!

After several minutes Helen came to her and, after re-fastening the lead, lifted her from the bed and led her back through the watchers.

She was not allowed to clean herself but was given water and allowed a few minutes of respite. No words were spoken -- there was no need -- and she was led along the corridor to the second door.



The door opened and as the crowd of masked watchers parted, Emily saw the chains falling from a great hook on a high ceiling. The room was bathed in a red light giving the appearance of the devil's den and a monotonous male hum began to fill the void.

Emily lost control in her fright -- she shook and urinated on the floor -- her thighs glistening with the golden liquid.

She dragged at her lead, attempting to escape from the awful room but the pull on her neck was too much, and she felt a firm grip on both her arms propelling her to the chains.

Christopher stood ominously before her, dressed in black and holding two wrist cuffs. Her hands were forced to her front and the cuffs were attached to each wrist, clipped together and fastened to the chains. She writhed and twisted but it was no use.

Christopher pulled on the chains and her wrists were slowly lifted above her head until she was taut on tip toe -- arms extended above her head, tits uplifted and thigh and calf muscles highlighted by the unforgiving tension in her body. As she continued to squirm she began to glisten with effort -- the room was hot and there was a roaring fire in one corner casting dark shadows across her naked shining body.

Christopher wheeled a trolley towards her. She saw bottles of lotions, paddles, whips, canes and a horrifying assortment of dildos even broader than the penis of her first fuck. She panicked and lost control again and pee cascaded down her legs to form a warm puddle under her bare feet.

He took a bottle of lotion and moved behind her.

She felt a sharp painful slap on her bum, and he told her to keep still or she would regret it.

As her eyes accustomed to the low light, she saw before her another suspended naked woman. In her distress it was several seconds before she recognised her own reflection in a wall mirror. She cried out to the ceiling as the realization dawned that it was intended that she observe her own torture.

She felt Christopher's soft hands massage oil onto her bum cheeks, her lower back and upper thighs. The softness could not banish her dread of what was to come.

Christopher selected a paddle and wiped it across her breasts, lifting each one in turn and gently flicking her nipples to swell them to firmness.

The humming was getting louder as Christopher moved behind her and the first strike on her buttocks was like a lightning bolt -- she tensed and screamed. The watchers murmured their appreciation and, after a short pause, strike rapidly followed strike as he alternated side to side. Tears were streaming down her face, and she begged him to stop but he was unforgiving. She could not twist her body to avoid the terrible punishment -- it was relentless.

She was close to passing out when Chistopher finally paused to rest.

He briefly exercised his overworked arm and then took an oil bottle from the trolley. Moving behind her, he massaged scented oil into her stinging backside before finishing with a sharp slap which made her cry out in agony.

Moving to her front he dribbled oil over her boobs and tummy before working the sweet-smelling nectar into her flesh with his manipulative fingers. Astonishingly, despite her discomfort, Emily was becoming aroused as he squeezed and twisted her nips. When he ran his other hand between her thighs, still wet with her juices, and pushed his fingers deep into her cunt, with a force that almost lifted her feet off the floor, she produced a strong orgasm, made even more intense by the adrenaline surge generated by her punishment.

As his fingers sensed her cum, he began to talk:

"Look me in the eye Slut."

He slapped her tits.

"Do as I say -- look at me!!"

Emily obeyed with a yearning, pitifully tearful expression.

"You want it so much -- you can't help yourself."

He applied yet more pressure to her cunt and she gasped and gave way again.

"Say it -- I am a Slut -- I want to be fucked -- Say it!!"

Emily could barely muster a whImper:

"I am a Slut and I want fucking -- oh god -- save me -- please."

Christopher piled on:

"I am a Slut and deserve to be punished -- say it -- say IT"

Emily was in floods of tears:

"I want to be punished -- I am a Slut -- yes -- god help me -- I am a Slut."

Christopher continued:

"Tell me what you want Slut."

Emily could barely utter the awful words:

"I want to be fucked and I want to be punished."

He withdrew and disappeared to only re-appear seconds later with a second trolley with kneeling pads. He ran this up close to Emily and suddenly two overall clad men were lifting her bodily on to the pads which were separated to splay her thighs apart. Her calves were strapped onto the pads, her cuffs were released from the ceiling chain and re-clipped onto the trolley, bending her forward to fully open her from behind. Standing behind one could see her open vulva with her anus above, both now accessible for pain and pleasure.

Christopher selected two dildos of more than average size and soon Emily was full to bursting in both her holes. She could only murmur a husky throaty mew as, with a flourish, Christopher wheeled her through the crowd of guests. There were murmurs of "magnificent", "what a presentation" and "so creative".

He alternated the thrashing of her bum and back using a multi strand whip, with violent working of both dildos -- in and out -- to force successive cums. Emily's horribly raw, animal like, screams grew louder with each stunningly sharp orgasm.

After forcing a final wrenching cum, he eased off before carefully removing each dildo to leave gaping throbbing dark holes for inspection as he again wheeled the trolley among the watchers.

Taking advantage of the temporary access, so deep within her, he selected a tiny probe with an electrical charge and teased her clit and the lips of her sphincter with a subtle penetration. She could only twitch and whImper, but was eventually forced to give way and a final effusive discharge sprayed out onto the floor behind the trolley.

A generous round of applause echoed across the room. The master had completed his task to everyone's satisfaction -- the subject had been skillfully worked up to insatiability and then forced to empty herself under the expert application of stimulation and pain.

Emily swooned and Helen came to her and released her cuffs and straps. She was lifted off the trolley and Helen supported her as she lImped, naked and soiled, from the room amidst the chattering excited buzz of the guests.

Back in the attic she was allowed to shower and made to drink several large flasks of water to replenish her. Helen soothed her bum, cunt and anus with the healing balm, and she was given an hour to sleep before the third stage of her journey.

Emily was too far gone to rationalize anything -- she sImply had to survive one more encounter followed by another followed by another followed by... sleep.



Helen roused Emily with a soft caress on her cheek and a reviving cup of herbal tea.

She immediately tensed on waking but having taken the offered tablets, attempted to meditate while Helen massaged her shoulders to relax her before the next ordeal.

It was time, and Helen attached the lead to the choker and walked her into the long corridor.

Emily had become conditioned to her nudity, and it now seemed horribly normal to be led as a slave, unclothed and vulnerable, her body exhibited and subject to the benevolent or malevolent whims of her master or mistress.

The walk was a long one, but again they saw nobody in the deadly quiet cavernous mansion.

They paused and a door opened as if by magic.

The pungent exotic aroma of jasmine permeated the room and Emily could see a shallow pool steaming with warmth and a tall fountain creating a shower of water droplets shining like diamonds in the cosy pink half-light.

Two naked girls -- slim, brown and sylphlike -- were sitting on the edge of the pool tending to each-other and Emily sensed the guests in the gloom, seated at tables surrounding the pool, sipping cocktails.

The girls saw Emily and enthusiastically ran to greet her, each taking a hand and leading her to the pool. With their raven black hair, dark skin, and beautiful Asian faces, they were full of fun, and after removing Emily's lead and choker, led her to the warm shower where they washed and caressed her body with soft hands.

Emily was in a trance -- the gentle manipulation of her flesh under the warm water was unexpected and hypnotic. When the girls moved to more intimate embraces it seemed so natural and nowhere was immune to their touch. With smiles and giggles their lips covered Emily's body and gentle imperceptible orgasms tremored through her as her face, breasts and vulva lips were covered with soft feminine kisses.

It was natural for Emily to seek a little comfort amidst her turmoil by suckling the girls and this brought forth surprised murmurs and stifled cries of appreciation and encouragement as the pleasure was reciprocated.

Suddenly, the girls directed Emily's attention to the edge of the pool.

Her eyes opened wide in shock.

She saw a giant Asian man, standing over two metres tall, with a headdress of coloured feathers forming a semi-circle around his head. His bare muscled torso was covered in blue patterned tattoos, and he wore a skirt which billowed out, obscenely at the front.

Both girls giggled and led Emily towards the man.

He stood immobile, towering over them as the girls pulled back the skirt to reveal a shocking sight. His distended lank penis appeared to be pierced through with several pins carrying nodules, beads, and tiny brushes, and, at the tip, two ivory horns with looped ends were attached to a bolt running through the blue veined circumcised head. This presented a most grotesque appearance and a fascinated Emily stood before him, unable to divert her eyes from the awful sight.

One girl whispered a single word in her ear:


Emily was confused as the girl repeated:

"Palang -- Palang -- PALANG!"

Both girls collapsed into giggles and ran their palms up and down the monster shaft, purring and gesturing to Emily to stroke it. The man remained perfectly still and stony-faced.

"Big man -- missy -- BIG BIG Man -- you must try -- yes -- you must try."

The girls took the man's hands and led him to the edge of the pool where he sat in regal splendor.

Emily squatted in the shallow warm water captivated by the girls as they kissed the giant's shaft, appearing to worship the monster as a holy deity.

At the end of the ritual, they came to Emily and, taking her by surprise, grabbed her wrists and forcibly pulled her towards the waiting man:

"Come Missy - Missy try -- Missy big -- Missy strong -- Missy try -- Missy fucky big man."

Emily was shaken out of her sensuous reverie -- oh no -- this was too much -- this was physically Impossible. She cried out in terror:

"No -- for pity's sake -- it will kill me -- Helen -- please -- where are you - oh god -- please help me -- somebody stop this -- please -- please ..."

There was no reply from the cold darkness. There would be no reprieve or escape and, in prurient silence, the masks moved towards her for a better view of her initiation into the art of Palang.

The man's face broke into a broad beckoning smile and he reached out his massive tattooed arms to lift Emily bodily onto his lap, holding her captive by clamping his giant hands behind her back. When he dived his mouth on to her tits she screamed, but the touch of his silky tongue on her sore nips was surprisingly tender.

The girls forced Emily's knees astride his colossal thighs and while one girl clutched both her buttocks to lift her above the giant member, the other manipulated the bulbous head carefully and gently between Emily's vulva lips to ensure the ivory horns would enter her vagina without bruising or cutting her.

Emily looked to the ceiling and uttered a piercing scream as she felt the horned head sliding through her labia.

Then the whImpering and crying began:

"What are you doing to me - please stop - for the love of - oh fuck -- it's too big - I can't take it -- please..."

As penetration was slowly increased Emily could feel the member begin to grow inside her and her vagina was alive as the intrusions began to fill the void and push against the sensitive wall.

There was a whispering in her ear:

"Missy not move -- Missy not move -- Missy must stay still -- STAY STILL."

Emily froze in fear as her cunt continued to give way to the growing pressure within.

Now began a gentle throbbing inside her -- a persistent primeval rhythm maintained by the muscles of the beast filling her to bursting.

Each pressure point in her vagina began to emit a tiny burst of pleasure to her fevered brain.

She closed her eyes as the mesmeric pulsing beat stimulated her to her core -- irresistibly leading her to nirvana despite her terror.

Her tummy warmed as the beat continued -- five minutes -- ten minutes -- fifteen minutes - time out of mind - tremors running through her like gentle waves of bliss.

As she gazed down at her liquid breasts and distended swollen nipples throbbing to the beat she could only whImper in shameful submission as the never-ending sea of yearning washed over her.

Her arms rested on his shoulders -- her body glistened -- delicate hands caressed her flesh -- horrifically ugly faces surrounded her with their all-seeing eyes.

Hours seemed to pass in seconds.

She felt a delicate kiss on her lips and her eyes opened. A girl was gesturing with her hand set like a claw as if she was gripping an invisible object. She began to slowly open and close her grip as a sign to Emily:

"Like this Missy -- Like this Missy -- Your cunt Missy -- Like this."

Emily instinctively began to contract the muscles of her vagina in time with the primitive beat.

She stared into the man's face contorting below the headdress.

The girls began to sing a strange chant in unison.

Emily felt the giant member tension and recognised what was coming. Using her expertise, she brought them both to a simultaneous cum as the giant cried out in his ecstasy. She could feel the instant lubrication from his man juice and the girls cried out in relief when they saw the sticky liquid between Emily's thighs.

It was done and as he subsided, he whispered in her ear:

"Thank-you lovely woman - it's been so long -- no woman will have me -- you are beautiful!"

As the girls carefully guided the beast, wet and flaccid, out of Emily, she Impulsively planted a kiss of sympathy on his forehead.

The girls embraced her in appreciation:

"Missy good woman -- Missy strong -- Missy big -- Missy good fucker."

Helen appeared and led her, sated and hot, from the room.



A short break was planned before the next performance and Helen took Emily to a small room near to the hall where she had been whipped by Christopher.

She was told to mount a couch on her hands and knees and Helen dressed her cunt and anus with lubricant while explaining the next entertainment:

"You must prepare for an energetic workout in both your places. It will be vigorous and unforgiving so be ready. The pills I gave you earlier and Christopher's stretching should help you cope but..."

Emily's bladder gave way in trembling fright, and she sprayed across the couch.

Helen gave her a sharp slap across her bum with the flat of her hand:

"You can lick it up later slut, but now it's time."

Two men in brown smocks entered the room and, grabbing a severely frightened Emily by the arms, dragged her struggling across the corridor into the hall.

In the centre she saw a room-size box with a green tarpaulin cover, roof to floor. A hoist with a chain was attached to the great hook on the ceiling and the chain was tied to the tarpaulin. Once the hoist was activated the tarpaulin would be lifted to reveal the box and its contents.

The two men gripped Emily tight to prevent her escaping as Christopher appeared leading the masked audience. He carried a large animal whip as a lion tamer would use.

Emily began to sob hysterically and pleaded pathetically to the masks for some relief, but she was ignored as they gathered around the box to watch the next episode.

Christopher addressed the audience:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Emily's next ordeal.

You are wondering what is waiting for her?

Now I can tell you."

Suddenly loud otherworldly roars were heard under the cover. The tarpaulin shook violently, and crashes and bangs could be heard beneath.

Emily cowered, unable to take in the awfulness.

Her appearance -- nude, terrified, vulnerable and destined to be sacrificed to the hidden evil beneath the cover, seemed to inflame Christopher to greater flights of oratory:

"The two male beasts in our cage have been deliberately starved of female company and, as you can hear, they smell the presence of a sexually active naked woman who is ready to mate."

As the shakings, crashings and gruntings continued, Helen produced a small vial of liquid and proceeded to daub Emily's trembling breasts, tummy, and pube with the foul-smelling concoction.

Emily tried to squirm away, but her arms were gripped tight behind her back and her chest was thrust out by the smock men to receive the treatment. The masks murmured appreciatively as she was presented naked, taut, and provokingly constrained in her hysterical torment.

"We have extracted a pheromone essence used by female beasts in scent-marking to signify their readiness for copulation. This is now being applied to specific areas of Emily's body to signal her availability to the captive beasts who, when they smell her, will be aroused to an unstoppable insatiability."

Emily's vision began to blur, and she felt herself go under.

She awoke to the pungent odour of smelling salts, and two sharp slaps across her face from a pitiless Helen.

She was lifted and dragged to the tarpaulin covered box.

The noise from within became shockingly loud and remarkably violent as the beasts caught the first whiff of Emily.

It was now that Christopher used the hoist to slowly raise the tarpaulin to expose what lay beneath.

Captive in a large cage were two grotesque figures, roaring violently with mouths wide open and snarling teeth, who, when they saw Emily, pushed their arms through the bars in a vain attempt to reach her. The taller man -- for a man it thankfully was -- was body painted as a lion and wore a plumed headdress. The other smaller man, covered in white paint with black markings, was a leopard. He was bald and agile with bulbous staring eyes which gave him a far more terrifying appearance than the lion. Both bodies were highly developed, and both carried intimidating erections which were thrust through the bars of the cage directly towards Emily.
