Emily's Story Ch. 03


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"Can I ask a very personal question Eryl?" I asked.

"I suppose things don't get much more personal than this, so I suppose yes, you can."

"How long have you kept your pussy bald for, and how does it feel?"

"I've shaved her for about 18 months I suppose, and I find it much cooler. It's cleaner too, and when my boyfriend gets to work on it it's much more exciting. We both love it when it's smooth, and when he kisses me down there it's so much more sensitive. He says he'd never go back to a bushy puss after experiencing my smooth one. The only thing I don't like is when, sometimes, after I've shaved I get little spots around my pubis that are quite red and don't look good at all."

"Thank you for being so explicit, I was wondering whether to finish off and get rid of my landing strip as well as around my pussy."

"I can see pro's and con's to both options, if you don't mind my saying. From a purely visual perspective, your landing strip draws the eye's attention to your pussy more than completely bald would, but that depends on whether you want to draw attention to her or not, but not having any hair at all is just so much more practical and, like I said, by boyfriend wouldn't go back to a hirsute pussy again." she offered her opinion.

"Do you know Gerry very well?" I asked, apparently changing the subject.

"Not very well; I don't think anyone knows him very well - he always keeps himself to himself and doesn't ever talk much, nor does he ever attend any of our work parties or organised nights out. We all only ever see him in work, and that's more hear than see as we, by nature of the job, work alone. The only time we do see him is at the ranks and even then he doesn't mix much with us. We've always considered him a bit of a loner."

"Hmmmm, you wouldn't know his preference then would you. Damn, I was hoping to have some inside information about him so that I could surprise him tonight when he takes me out on a date."

"Gerry's taking you out on a date?" she asked, clearly surprised at the notion of Gerry taking anyone out socially.

Maybe he was being more truthful than I'd given him credit for!

"Yes, but I have to admit that I had to ask him out. But he is a gentleman, he wouldn't agree to take me out without first asking my parent's permission to do so. I didn't think people like that existed any more." I said.

"Good luck then, maybe you can tease him out of his shell a bit!"

"I think, from what you've said, that maybe I already have - if only a little. What a challenge for me!" I replied.

By now, we were nearing the college and I was looking out for Thom. I finally saw him across the road from us and I asked Eryl to drop me off where we were.

She stopped the car and I paid the fare.

"Don't forget that you need to get dressed before you pick up your next fare Eryl, unless your planning to be, probably, the world's first naked cab driver!" I said.

"That would be something wouldn't it! And, thank you Emily, it's been my pleasure to bring you this morning and good luck for tonight. Byeeee".

I got out of the car and she drove off - still naked!

I called across the road to Thom, as if I needed to as he had already seen me - along with about 50 other students all heading for the college entrance. I crossed the road when a gap in the traffic allowed, to quite a few horn beeps too, and joined Thom on the other side of the road, taking his hand in mine.

"Hi Thom, are you good today?" I asked.

"Yes, but better now that I have you on my arm, as it were, once more. Are you dressing for school today or pushing your luck again?"

"What do you think I should do Thom?"

"If we had the same classes today, I'd say not, but we don't so I have to suggest that you do - I won't be there to help you today will I?"

"No, I suppose you're right." and I pulled the dress over my head as we went through the college gates.

"Yuk!" I shivered at the discomfort of the material against my skin.

Thom and I chatted for a few moments prior to us separating to go to our own lectures for the day.

As the morning went along I noticed that, despite being dressed today, I was drawing some attention still. I noticed people pointing and whispering behind their hands as they pointed and stared. It was only to be expected I supposed, so I didn't waste too much of my time or effort in worrying about them.

I met Thom and he and I went to the Refectory to get some lunch. I was feeling a little bashful about not attending the Refectory yesterday when I'd promised Diana that I'd see her there and hoped to make up for it today.

We got our lunch and grabbed a table near the door to better see Diana if she should happen along. I was just about finished when she did indeed make an appearance and I called over to her.

She got herself something to eat and came over to sit with us and, while she ate, I apologised about not meeting her yesterday.

"Never mind, better later than never. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you were one of the group of students who had been seen out at KFC on the outskirts of town?"

"No, sorry - I don't know anything about them. What have you heard Diana?" I asked.

"Well, there's a story going around that a group of college kids had been out to KFC's quite a few times recently, and that they'd gone out there nude - not even taking any clothes with them just in case, I'd heard, and just wondered, given that it's not every day you see someone walking the streets naked, if you were one of them. I've been so intrigued about it I was looking to ask about it, but it seems I'll have to go on looking." she replied, a little downhearted.

Clearly, this story pricked up my own ears, and interest, and I pushed her for more information.

"I don't really have any more, I just heard these stories, and, apparently, someone went to the College Inn yesterday for lunch with a man and she was naked too."

"Ahh, that would have been me then. I went there with Thom because I just felt that I had to get rid of the dress I'd worn in class all morning and he offered to take me. That's why I didn't meet with you as promised, sorry again about that."

"Well, apparently, these guys were out at KFC a couple of weeks ago when to women walked through the door stark naked. They ordered their meals and then one of them went out to a car and came back with their husbands. They just stayed inside and ate their meals and these guys asked them all sorts of questions. They arranged to meet them again later in the week and by then, there were a whole crowd of kids who went along as well. Well, I just wanted to find out more, what it was all about, and I have to admit, since hearing it I've been fancying trying it myself. Well of course, seeing you yesterday I kind of put 2 and 2 together and came up with 5! Maths never was my strong point!" she giggled.

Thom added that he'd heard such stories too but didn't know anyone who was directly involved.

Diana's maths might not be too far wrong, though, as what she said was true, it wasn't every day, blah-blah.

On a hunch, I got my 'phone from my bag and rang Gina to see if it was anything to do with her. Not too surprisingly, I found that it was and obtained a telephone number for Amanda, the girl who'd organised the 'event' after seeing Gina and Sammie in there one night.

I called the number and introduced myself and explained why I was calling.

"Oh, I heard about you walking around the college grounds yesterday - where are you?" Amanda asked.

"In the Refectory."

"Hang on their, I'll be along in a few minutes." she replied, and hung up.

I wondered, since she didn't ask us where we were sitting, how she'd know us or us her, but I shouldn't have been concerned as, within just a few minutes, a gorgeous naked woman came into the Refectory.

I immediately stood and ditched my dress in Thom's lap and called her over to us.

She walked over with a huge smile on her face and grabbed a chair from another table. Of course, by now there were lots of eyes on us and the chatter in the room subsided for a few moments, only to resume with greater strength than normal.

"Hi, I'm Amanda. I take it you got my name and number from Gina?" she asked, smiling at my nudity while Thom just smiled quietly and Diana looked utterly amazed.

As Diana and I chatted, with Thom occasionally interjecting, I noticed that Diana was unbuttoning her own dress and soon it was resting on the back of her chair. In a trice, she had also removed her bra and then stood and divested herself of her panty-hose (how can women wear those things!) and knickers which joined her dress on the back of the chair.

I told Diana that I'd been to the College Inn for lunch the day before and that they'd been accepting of my nudity, so long as there was no trouble. I also said that I'd be going there tonight, probably, with my new boyfriend, or it would be a pub a few miles away in a little village out in the sticks.

She said she'd like to join us and bring her crew along, and, while I wanted our date to be just us so that Gerry and I could get to know each other, I agreed that I'd try to arrange it.

I rang Gerry and he hadn't, by that time, spoken with the Landlord of the pub in Llanmaes and agreed to change our date so that we could go to the College Inn. I assured him that if it all got to be too much, we'd repair to his pub instead.

So, there we were, three naked woman and a relatively bemused man, sitting in the College Refectory chatting away as if it were an everyday occurrence.

I know that, if we three had anything to do with it, then it would indeed become an everyday occurrence, and with luck we'd spread the word to others on the campus too. And, since men as well as women were in Amanda's group, we'd see some men about the campus naked too. I was looking forward to that with immense pleasure.

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eikeblaeikeblaalmost 8 years ago
More please!

Continue the story please! One of the better stories on this site!:)

maggeo1maggeo1over 8 years ago
Very good!

This is excellent! I beg you to continue the Story of Emily and Amanda: This is by far the best I've ever read, please continue!

Syd649Syd649over 9 years ago
More please

I am thinking someone is going bald down there soon, and as for thinking it might not be as noticeable when bare, it might have a tattoo or piercing near it. I would say piercing as I find they are changeable and not so permanent. Something dangling and shiny can sure draw attention.

Rapier875Rapier875over 9 years ago
Great story

I've really enjoyed this, more than I thought I would when I began reading it.

Please continue with ch .4 and hopefully which won't be too far in the future.

It might need to get a bit steamier as the sex has been a bit sparse so far, but that said it is a nice story to read, you have a nice, easy writing style that I really like.

A ' Be Nude in College Day' might be an interesting story line to explore, but you could do with getting Thom more 'involved along with the other 3 girls, possibly get them all to go swimming with Emily ?

But however you take this forward, I'm looking forward to the next episode and further ones to follow!

Thanks for a really good read.

tormentedquadtormentedquadover 9 years ago

I've really have enjoyed this. If only we could do this in real life.

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