Employee Number One

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Son becomes mom's employer and provider.
9.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2024
Created 06/09/2023
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My parents were very disappointed with me when I turned down the college coaches offering me full-ride football scholarships. I was a 6'2", 220 lbs. wall of muscle, making me a pretty good linebacker; many major universities wanted me to play for them.

I had better ideas on what to do with my life besides allowing my body to be beaten up for the cost of public tuition. It was 2002, and people were starting to wake up to how powerful the internet is for the average business, and I knew easy ways to make a lot of cash.

At eighteen, I graduated high school a semester early and moved from my hometown of Orlando, Florida, out west to San Francisco with my nerdy best friend, Josh.

We were ready to live the all-American dream out in California, but as it turned out easy, money wasn't easy to come by. We worked 100-hour weeks regularly, often without pay, while sharing a studio apartment for the first three years we lived in San Francisco.

Our internet-based businesses always succeeded just enough to make us think we were about to break out big; then, something would happen to put us out of business. Every time a company failed, it would send Josh and me back to the restaurants and clubs to work as bartenders at night while we worked during the day to build the next venture.

At twenty-one, we finally had a business going smoothly enough that we felt comfortable renting a 2-bedroom apartment. Two years later, at the age of twenty-three, we sold that business with an after-tax net of $37 million each. It took five years of complete focus, but we had finally achieved the dream we had left home for.

In all five years, the only fun Josh and I allowed ourselves was the occasional fling with one waitress or another from work, just to relieve our sexual needs long enough to focus on work again. So because we were workaholics, we didn't know how to celebrate our newfound wealth. We ended up hiring a party planner who flew us to Vegas for a week.

Somehow Josh and I managed to blow $450,000 in just seven days. Not much was spent on gambling or drinking, but a ton of money was spent on strippers and escorts who insisted on emptying our balls at the first sign of arousal. Also, I may or may not have "on purpose" blown up a $100,000 SUV while on a demolition range. The supervisors were pretty pissed at me for that one.

After Vegas, we did what every Silicon Valley millionaire does. We flew out to Southeast Asia to go backpacking. For two months, we enjoyed the change of scenery and the local women, but mostly we talked about what we would do next in business.

Josh had decided to start a new research and development company, which would keep him in San Francisco.

I chose to move back to Orlando; I knew about the mortgage crisis that was about to sweep the nation. My mom worked as a real estate broker, while my dad had a mortgage company. With the help of my parents, I had always been in the loop on national real estate trends.

Coming back from Asia, I bought a commercial building in Orlando with several restaurants on the first floor and multiple business offices on the second floor. I took the corner office space on the second floor as the future headquarters of the new real estate investment company I would build.

I renovated the office space with new carpet, paint, furniture for future employees, classy artwork, and a 99% reflective tint on the new soundproofed exterior windows. A sign was put up outside saying "Crigler Realty" Finally, I ordered new business computers and stored them in the supply closet. After working on the office space for a month, I turned off the lights and locked the door. I was going on another vacation. I decided I would return to Orlando when the crash was underway. I only had to wait seven more months.


After leaving Orlando again, I wanted to make up for the lost time in my dating life, so I spent the next seven months learning how to be a pickup artist. I paid for rather expensive coaches. Guys who had turned picking up women into a full-time job.

I was somewhere in Italy at the time, in bed with another girl whose name I hadn't bothered to learn when the call came. In the darkness of the hotel room, I was woken up by my phone buzzing. Giving my eyes a moment to adjust to the screen light of my iPhone, I read that it was my dad calling.

Answering the phone, Dad's voice came across the line. "Hey, buddy, how are you?"

Trying to clear the fog out of my throat, I said in a tired voice, "A bit sleepy, Dad; it's 4:00a.m. over here."

"Oh, sorry to wake you up, Carson. I can call back another time."

"No, no, it's ok. I'm up now." I said, sliding out of bed and putting on my robe.

"Ok, umm, hey, I'm kind of embarrassed to ask this, but I really need your help."

"Sure, anything you need."

"Ok, umm, wow, this is much harder to say than I thought it would be." Dad had a lot of emotion in his voice, which wasn't unusual for him. Dad is not a stoic. "You see, business for your mom & me has pretty much stopped dead. We haven't closed anything in almost three months now."

"Oh, that sucks; I saw on the news the real estate market was getting a little soft."

"Ya, it's worse than that; it's completely dead over here. We haven't closed any business, and I don't want to take any money out of our mutual funds while they are down by almost half."

"I can understand that. What about your rental houses?"

"That's what is killing us. Our tenants have stopped paying, all eight of them. We are now on the hook for nine mortgages, including our house, and we can't sell them because they are all underwater on the loans."

This is precisely what I had been waiting for, but I didn't think it would hit Mom and Dad as hard as it had.

"Ok, Dad, here is my idea. I will wire you and Mom $20,000, then when I get back to Orlando, we will work out a price for me to take the rentals off your hands."

"Thank you, son; I appreciate that so much."

"No problem, Dad; money is useless if you can't help the people you love with it."

"That's true, but I still wish I could have seen you play for Florida State." He said, his usual comment to me when a conversation was over.

"Love you too, Dad. I'll see you soon."

After hanging up the phone, I started packing up my hotel room, waking my nighttime guest. She initiated another round of sex before I sent her out the door. I finished packing and booked a first-class flight back to the States, where I landed at Orlando International Airport roughly 25 hours after talking to Dad.

After retrieving my bags, I found the driver waiting outside luggage pick up. He wasn't there to drive me; he was there to drop off the keys to my car I had placed in storage when I left Orlando. He took my bags and guided me to the pickup line where another driver stood next to my red with black stripping 2007 Ferrari F430 Scuderia. Securing my bags in the back, I took the keys and tipped the two men $100 each.

Sitting in the car, I took the time to appreciate the feel of the seat wrapping around my body, the sensation that I was part of the car with how the wheel felt in my hands, and the low roar as I started the engine. I pressed on the gas a little harder than I should have as I sped off toward my parents' house.

I pulled into the manicured HOA-managed suburban neighborhood my parents had moved into shortly after I graduated high school. I parked my Ferrari in the middle of the half-circle driveway out front.

I rang the doorbell, which triggered the predictable barks of my parent's tan Labrador Retriever Max. I always enjoyed his stupid look when he pressed his face against the windows to see who the intruder was.

Max was still barking at me when the door swung open, my mom Sasha standing in the gap.

Mom looked confused for a moment, then yelled, "Carson!" as she leaped from the door and into my arms for a big hug. I loved hugging my mom's tight body; she had given birth to me and my younger sister, April, while she was young, but she always stayed in great shape. Before Mom got into real estate, she was certified as an instructor for Yoga and CrossFit. She was forty years old but could easily pass for twenty-five. If I had to compare her to someone, I'd say back then, she looked like Autumn Calabrese did at the same age of 40, but with a younger face.

Behind Mom was my Aunt Victoria. Her face lit up when she saw her 'favorite nephew' She pushed my mom out of the way and gave me her own big hug, hands venturing low on my body as she quickly gave my ass a squeeze just out of mom's sight.

Aunt Vicky had always been more handsy with me than was appropriate between an aunt and nephew, but I always enjoyed the attention because she was a total bombshell. She is mom's younger sister and had also married young, just like mom, but still managed to spend time as a professional cheerleader with the Miami Dolphins while being a stay-at-home mom to my three cousins, Heather, Lily, and Sara. My thirty-eight-year-old Aunt Vicky looked like Zuzka Light at the same age.

I let my aunt hug me for a while until Mom started clearing her throat. It was a clear and well-established warning to her sister that she needed to stop touching her son.

"You give the best hugs; that's why you're my favorite nephew." My aunt said, breaking our hug but still resting her hand on the front of my shirt, just over my abs.

I moved so that I had an arm over both women, holding them in a side hug. "You know I aim to please. It's a pleasant surprise to see you here, Aunt Vicky."

"Not that pleasant." Mom said, looking at her sister. Vicky's face darkened slightly as she looked down and away from me. "Her husband filed for divorce. He did it the day after Sara graduated high school last week."

Vicky started crying a little bit. "That bastard has been cheating on me for years, and I always let him get away with it. I thought I could be a good homemaker, and that would keep him from leaving, but now the girls are gone, and there is no home to maintain anymore." Her tears were streaming down her face for what was definitely not the first time today.

I turned towards my aunt, giving her another hug. This time she didn't grope me; she just accepted my show of concern.

Looking at me, Mom said, "Let's go inside; we can talk about why you're here later."

Walking inside the house, Aunt Vicky clung to my left arm, which was a predictable move for her. What shocked me was mom was softly holding my right hand as she led us to the living room couch. We sat on the U-shaped sectional and talked for a few hours.

I found the conversations hard to focus on; Mom and Vicky wore sweaters up top, but their bottoms were short longue shorts, letting me see the full extent of their smooth legs. Adding to the torcher was their love of sitting cross-legged, which allowed me peaks of their panties underneath the shorts when they moved just right. They were both wearing bright hot pink panties as if they had planned it out that way.

Eventually, Dad came home from the office, bringing burgers for dinner with him. We had a lovely family meal together; the conversation was lighthearted as we caught up on life. Mostly we talked about how my cousins and sister were doing while I had been off conquering the world these past six years.

There were more amusing moments at dinner, with Aunt Vicky trying to rub her foot up and down my leg while my mom used her own foot to bat Vicky's foot away from me. I always laughed internally when they did this and wondered if Dad noticed what was happening beneath him.             

After dinner, Mom, Dad, and I excused ourselves from Vicky so we could talk privately in the home office. For the first time, I sat down with my parents and disgusted their personal finances with them. As it turned out, they had not been doing well in either real estate or mortgage brokerage for a while now. The equity they had built up in their investment properties and their personal home was gone before the crash even happened.

Once we had gone over everything, I tried to sum up the situation. "Ok, so I see the picture here. I can definitely help you guys out; I have the cash. What I am going to do is buy all your houses from you for the amount you owe on them. Including this house so you don't have to worry about having a place to sleep."

Mom didn't like the idea. "Oh, Carson, that's too much. Just take the rentals; let us worry about this house."

Dad, getting a better deal than expected, responded, "Now, wait just a second, Honey. If Carson wants to help with this house, I think we should let him. We can pay him rent."

"There wouldn't be any rent, Dad; I just don't want you and Mom to worry about not having a house while this crazy market blows over."

Mom was still very uncomfortable with the idea of me buying their house. "Roger, I really do not feel comfortable allowing Carson to buy our personal house. He is doing more than enough by bailing us out of the rentals."

I would find out later why Mom didn't like the idea, but I did not understand then. I told her my thoughts. "It's fine, mom. After buying my office building, I still have $31 million in cash ready to go. I can afford the extra to buy your house."

Mom still looked very uneasy about the situation. I tried to relax her. "Besides, I am staying in Orlando to build a real estate investment firm. Your eight rentals can be my firm's first purchase."

Mom didn't seem any more ok with the idea, but she did relent and give in to our arguments. "Ok, you can buy this house too." She said in a soft, demure voice I had rarely heard before.

Excited to be out of the financial hole, Dad said, "Great, it's settled. Carson, let's get the paperwork together so we can get the ball rolling in the morning." He got up from his chair and left to go to the other room to pull some documents from his safe.

Mom walked over to where I was sitting, eyes downcast, giving off a strange vibe I had never felt from her before. She took my right hand with both of hers, then lifted her eyes to mine. "Thank you, Carson." She said, leaning down to kiss me on the cheek, which she had not done to me in the past fifteen years or more. I didn't know how to react as I sat there staring dumbly.

Gathering herself up, Mom left the office to go find her sister. I was confused by what happened, but I didn't dwell on it for long as Dad returned to the room with nine stacks of papers. We spent the rest of the night organizing and filling out the paperwork so I could buy all nine houses the next day.


I stayed with my parents for the following week and noticed a weird pattern at breakfast time. Mom, who is typically an excellent cook, was making mistakes in her meals. Nothing major, some scrambled eggs were a little runny, or a piece of toast was burnt. All minor things, really, but she didn't spread misfortune. Every mishandled piece went to Dad, while my breakfast always looked ready to be put on a restaurant's menu cover.

At Saturday morning's breakfast, while finishing off my steak strips, I announced, "I'm going to buy a house here in Orlando" Then, looking at Mom, I asked, "Would you like to be my broker?"

Mom nearly jumped out of her chair when she heard me ask her, "Yes! Oh, I'd love to help you find a home, sweetheart."

Dad laughed at her excitement and asked, "Hey, son, do you need a mortgage? If you do, just let me know." He finished with a half chuckle. I notice the side of Mom's mouth pulled back slightly as if trying to hold off a contemptuous look at her husband's failure to drum up business for himself.

"That's ok, Dad; I'm going to buy in cash. I don't think loans are a good way to go right now." Then turning back to Mom, I asked, "Do you know any places we could visit today?"

"I know two, and they're not far from here." She turned to Dad, "Honey can you get the dished? Carson and I need to get changed." Mom stood up from the table and dragged me by the arm out of the kitchen, telling me to get dressed.

I showered and dressed in black slacks, a blue sports jacket, and a white shirt. The outfit was way too hot for Orlando at any time of the year, but I was looking at multimillion-dollar homes and didn't know if there would be a dress code.

I was alone in the living room when I came down the stairs. Mom was still getting ready; Dad had left for work, and Aunt Vicky was back in Miami packing up her house. I sat on the couch and watched Sports Center for thirty minutes.

When mom came out of her room, my heart skipped a beat. She was wearing a pink business suit. The jacket had one button holding the front together, but it still managed to hug her form, giving Mom that hourglass look. Her c-cup breasts visible poked through against her petite frame. Her pink pencil skirt stopped mid-thigh, her black high heels lifting her already toned ass. To top it off, Mom had applied her makeup to make her beautiful green eyes look bigger than usual, a perfect contrast to her black silky shoulder-length hair flowing behind her.

I'm not sure how I managed to keep a steady voice, but I did as I said, "Wow, Mom, you look stunning."

"Oh, you're just being nice." She said. I was pretty sure she was blushing under the makeup.

"I am being serious. I don't think I have ever seen you dressed like this before."

This time Mom walked up to me, closing the distance between us; I felt her breast push into me as she raised her head to kiss me on the cheek. "I have a very important client today. I want to make sure he is happy."

Mom took my hand in hers, allowing me to lead her to my Ferrari parked out front. I opened the passenger door for Mom, helping her into the car. She sat down in the seat, feet still on the driveway. When she lifted her legs to get into the car, it seemed to me that she had spread her knees just a little bit further than she needed to, which gave me the briefest glimpse of her lacy black panties that matched her black high heels. Smiling, I walked around to get in the driver's seat.

"Ok, sweetie, both houses are on Lake Sheen, just exit Sand Lake Road, and I'll guide you from there."

"Got it," I said, starting up the car. I enjoyed watching Mom's body react in her seat as the engine came on.

Mom watched me the whole time I exited the neighborhood and made my way to the highway access road. "Don't you do it." She warned. She had spotted the glint in my eye, knowing what was about to happen next.

"Do what?" I said, trying to play innocent.

"Carson Cameron Crigler. You know exactly what I mean. Don't you dare gun it when we hit the highway."

"Come on, Mom, who do you take me for? Some high school kid?" I said as our car started up the on-ramp.

"I know you're exactly like some high school kid when it comes to AAAAAAAAAA," she screamed as I slammed my gas pedal into the floorboard. The feeling of my car accelerating from 40 to 120 in seconds always gave me an adrenaline rush matched by few other things in life. It only made it better when I had a startled woman in the passenger seat, enjoying the ride against her will.

We flew by the few cars on the highway, zipping past as if they were standing still. After a couple miles, I let up on the gas, allowing our speed to drop to a law-abiding 10 mph over the speed limit.

As I slowed down, I expected Mom's usual flurry of slaps on my arm. Her routine for when I pulled a stunt like that. To my surprise, the hits didn't come. I looked over in her direction and saw something in her eyes.                             If I had been in a nightclub and had it been a different woman, I would have recognized Mom's look instantly; but my brain refused to process what was happening. Something was burning behind Mom's eyes; I told myself she must be more upset than usual.

Twenty minutes later, we pulled up to the first house. It was massive. 11,000 square feet with 6 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. The asking price was $3,000,000, but I knew instantly I wouldn't be buying this place. It was far too big. I had spent the past six years living in small spaces, and I loved it. There was no way I was getting this monstrosity of a house.