EVEnTS Ch. 29 - BEaTS


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Eve laughs to herself.

Eve and her mother are really alike.

Eve then remembers something else.

She fucked Polina just now, and Polina is the girl carrying Laura and Meg's (Ted's) baby.

Now Eve is fucking Tatiana, the girl carrying Laura and Kate's baby.

In a way, Eve is fucking the mothers of her new siblings.

This is very strange.

Eve prefers to think otherwise.

As Polina and Tatiana are very happy, perhaps this sense of well-being of the two mothers-to-be is being transmitted to the babies in their bellies.

Eve thinks she might be helping babies to be happy kids.

Eve is very excited, and now feels like she will have to control herself a lot: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..."

Another girl who is extremely happy is Milena.

Milena came to think that she should continue being androgynous, as she believed that Tgirls were only interested in men, and she always liked girls.

When Milena found out that there were Tgirls who liked girls, she finally felt safe to stop being androgynous and become a Tgirl.

Milena knows that this was a decisive moment in her life.

Milena, however, considers the day she met Eve to be the most important of all.

When Milena met Eve, the 'walls' fell like the Berlin Wall.

Eve is changing her life for the better... much better.

Girls have always turned Milena on, and now she knows she can be a Tgirl and have sex with wonderful girls like Polina, Tatiana, Yana, and Kira.

Milena now also wants to fuck girls like Eve, Klara, and Nadia, as we've seen.

In fact, Milena is more and more in love with Eve.

Fortunately Milena intends to be a psychologist and is making an effort to understand her feelings and live well with them.

Milena is doing very well in this task: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..."

Milena is another girl who already needs to concentrate a lot not to come right now.

In the case of Klara and Nadia, it's pretty clear that cis girls turn them on too.

It had already become very clear that Tgirls turn them on a lot, as their reaction in the NGO's bathroom was incredible.

They now feel safe saying they like boys and girls.

It could be cis girls, Tgirls, or CD girls.

In fact, since they are in love with Eve, their mind is very confused.

Klara and Nadia's life was much easier when they thought that because they were Tgirls they had to be interested only in boys.

Klara and Nadia now do not hide their excitement: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..."

Polina, Tatiana, Yana, and Kira get up and down quickly, and their movements are incredibly well coordinated.

They look like 4 beautiful angels flying and singing beautifully, and they do it without stopping kissing: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..."

All the girls feel it's time to put the vibrators on full speed.

As soon as the vibrators are accelerated, the girls' 'singing' becomes almost deafening: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..,"

A little later, all the girls start a new 'song': "Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! ..."

Tatiana -> Polina -> Eve -> Klara -> Yana -> Kira -> Milena -> Nadia

Tatiana is already a pregnant girl, but this is the first time that an army of sperm invades her.

Eve is releasing her 10+ jets of sperm inside Tatiana.

Tatiana is loving this invasion by Eve's army.

Tatiana fantasizes that she is getting pregnant right now... pregnant with Eve.

Fantasies are very interesting.

Polina fantasized that Eve fertilized her just now, even though Eve had not ejaculated at the time.

This even makes sense, because even the liquid that oozes before ejaculation can get pregnant.

In Kira's case, she now fantasizes that Nadia has just made her pregnant.

Perhaps it is strange for Polina, Tatiana, and Kira that they are pregnant without ever having sex with penetration and ejaculation.

Maybe they want to give a very special meaning to their pregnancy...

This is a mystery that will remain a secret of their own.

Perhaps not even they have a good explanation for these thoughts that populate their minds.

What matters is that all these girls are feeling like they're in paradise... in Eve's paradise.

Now the 8 girls start to calm down.

The tremors are increasingly spaced out.

All the girls have already turned off their vibrators, and now cis girls are disengaged from Tgirls.

Then all the girls kiss.

Eve loves this kissing moment, as it gives her the feeling that a wonderful girl group has just formed or gone from strength to strength.

After kissing Eve, Polina has something to say: "I thought your plan included TransForm, but I love what we did, Eve. It was sensational! Thanks!"

Tatiana decides to say something that has been on her mind since Eve got naked.

Tatiana says: "When you got naked, it was very clear that the TransForm is a replica of your cock, Eve. I would have loved to have started TranForm with you, but I also loved what we did. Now that I know the origin of TransForm, it's going to be impossible not to imagine that I'm you when I'm fucking Polina... or Kira... or Yana."


It is very likely that Polina, Kira, and Yana also fantasize that they are Eve when using TransForm.

Eve is very happy with what Tatiana just said.

No! Eve isn't thinking about what Tatiana said about her fantasy.

Eve is glad that Tatiana feels free to expose the intimacy of the four friends.

Eve now knows that even though Polina and Tatiana are dating, they also have sex with their friends.

These 4 girls are really open minded.

Now all the girls have kissed, and it's time to take a shower.

Visitors will go first, of course.

Eve asked Hans' NGO to look for a house with 3 suites, preferably a one-story house close to the NGO.

Fortunately, they concluded that this 4-bedroom home was the best option in the area.

Eve, Klara, Nadia, and Milena will be able to use the 4 suites to shower faster.

And they are really fast.

Eve, Klara, Nadia, and Milena were showered and dressed in less than 20 minutes, and now they're back in the living room.

Polina, Tatiana, Yana, and Kira enjoyed this encounter with Eve, Klara, Nadia, and Milena, and ask if they could stay for dinner together.

Kira even suggests a new sex session to inaugurate TransForm, but Eve says they still have some activities at the NGO today and they've stayed longer than expected.

Eve has an idea: "How about we go out tomorrow and have some fun? Afterwards, we could launch TransForm..."

The girls are excited, and accept.

Eve says: "I'm really happy that we're all going to live in the same city and we'll be able to see each other more often."

All the girls smile at Eve.

Eve adds: "I'm also really happy because the 3 mothers who will have the babies for Laura, Meg, and Kate are wonderful."

Polina, Tatiana, and Kira smile again.

Polina speaks for herself, for Tatiana, and for Kira: "Laura, Meg, and Kate are really nice, and we are so happy to be able to help such an amazing trio have kids."

It's very strange to hear this conversation.

The pregnancy of the trio and the Ukrainian girls is very atypical.

This medical case must go down in history... if it ever becomes public.

Yana also has something to say: "Unfortunately our country seems like hell on Earth right now, and now I feel like I'm moving to paradise. You're an amazing girl and you've built a true paradise for LGBTQIA+, Eve. I love you!"

Yana then gives Eve another kiss... delicious.

All the girls say goodbye with more delicious kisses.

The 8 girls had an unforgettable day.

Many 'walls' have fallen in Berlin.


On Wednesday, Eve had one more day at the office, but then she went out to have fun with Klara, Nadia, Milena, Polina, Tatiana, Kira, and Yana.

They had a lot of fun, including one more sex session at the Ukrainian cis girls' house.

Polina, Tatiana, Kira, and Yana resisted the temptation to use the TransForm on Tuesday, and opened their TransForms in this new encounter with Eve, Klara, Nadia, and Milena.

The eight girls now form a wonderful group of friends.


Today is the day of Lena and 2BGirls' arrival in Berlin.

Lena arrived very early, and the 2BGirls will arrive in the late afternoon.

Eve went with Klara to the airport to meet Lena, and everything went very well.

Eve will be sharing a room with Lena, so they went to the hotel where Eve is staying, and left Lena's bags.

Then the three went to the NGO's office, where they spent the morning.

After having lunch with the NGO staff, they went to the girls' accommodation.

Eve planned the trip very well, trying to make the most of her opportunities.

Eve asked Lena if she could give a talk at the lodge, talking about her experience at the resort, and the talented blonde Polish agreed.

The NGO loved the idea, and suggested a larger talk, with Eve and Lena.

The lecture was really a great idea.

Eve and Lena helped the dorm girls to better understand what life is like in the city they will soon move to, and all the infrastructure they will be able to count on.

The girls' eyes lit up when Eve talked about the state university scholarships, and also when she and Lena talked about the various workshops installed at the resort.

After the lecture, the girls were able to ask questions, and Eve began to hog the spotlight.

The girls took the opportunity to learn more about their heroine.

Eve had to ask the girls to also direct questions to Lena and Hans, the president of the NGO.

The lecture was a great success from beginning to end.

Eve saved a nice surprise for last.

Eve revealed that 2BGirls will be playing a mega show tomorrow, and the dorm girls are the band's special guests.

When the lecture ended, the nearly five hundred girls housed were very happy and anxious.

Eve got lots of hugs and, to her surprise, she got lots of pecks on the lips too.

All the girls in the dorm are already aware that this is the form of greeting the girls use in Eve's town, and they've also adopted the pecks.

Eve was very happy with the kisses of these wonderful Tgirls.

After the lecture, Klara took Eve and Lena back to the hotel.

Nadia and Milena accompanied them.

On the way, Nadia took the opportunity to chat with Lena, who is a great inspiration for her, as she is also interested in fashion.

Eve's apartment, however, was not their final destination.

They just took the clothes made by Lena, and went to the apartment of Emily and Lisa, who are the vocalists and main songwriters of 2BGirls.

Erin, Lynn, and Paola are staying in the apartment next to the vocalists' apartment.

When Eve and the girls entered the apartment, they saw that the five girls from the band were there.

After lots of hugs and kisses, Lena showed off the clothes she created, and the girls of the band loved what they saw.

They were very eager to try it on, and they undressed in front of all the girls.

The five girls of the band spent about fifty minutes trying on Lena's clothes.

Klara, Nadia, and Milena could hardly believe they were seeing the nearly naked 2BGirls in front of them.

They were very excited.

The other girls were also excited.

Everything looked beautiful and perfect on their bodies, and 2BGirls decided to wear some of the outfits to tomorrow's show.

Now, after trying on and approving all the clothes, Emily remembers one thing: "I was so excited to try on the clothes, I didn't even offer you food and drink. Sorry for the rudeness."

Lisa also apologizes.

The girls excuse them, of course.

They, however, won't have time to get to know each other better now.

Emily receives a message on her smartphone.

It's the band's crew saying they're all set to leave.

Emily takes the opportunity to invite Eve, Lena, Klara, Nadia, and Milena: "We have to go now for a photo shoot and filming at the Berlin Wall. I got the idea while we were flying here, and luckily it was possible to organize everything, even if it was in a hurry. Do you want to go with us?"

The girls are excited and accept.

2BGirls is a band that wants to break down barriers between people, and the fall of the Berlin Wall is a powerful symbol.


The photo shoot and filming took about two hours.

Eve and the girls loved seeing 2BGirls in action, and were moved by the symbolism that the fall of the Berlin Wall holds.

With the job done, the 2BGirls, their team, and the five girls went to dinner at a great restaurant.

All the girls loved the restaurant and the food.

After dinner, the support team would go to the stadium to check that the dressing rooms are up to what the band asked for, but 2BGirls said they would do it themselves.

Emily invited Eve and the girls to come with the band, and they accepted this new invitation.

2BGirls want the girls' company as they have prepared a surprise for them.

In fact, it's not a surprise to all of them.

Eve knows about the plan, because she was the one who came up with the idea on Monday, after having fun with Klara, Nadia, and Milena.

Eve and Emily talked later that day, and the band's vocalist said she saw the video of the trans and cis girls on the two trains in front of the mirror.

Emily said she showed the video to the other girls of the band, and they were all very excited.

The video is really a huge success worldwide, breaking viewing records.

Of course, few people go around commenting on this video, but Eve and Emily are very close and can talk about the topic openly.

Upon learning that Eve witnessed the recording of the video, Emily said that she would have loved to have seen the recording too.

It was at that moment that Eve had the idea to reproduce the scene, with the 2BGirls and their new friends.

Now, upon entering Emily and Lisa's dressing room, all eyes are immediately drawn to the gigantic mirror installed on one of the walls.

Emily is delighted: "The production of the show is amazing! They managed to install the mirror we ordered two days ago."

Lisa, Erin, Lynn, and Paola are also very happy.

Lena says the wall mirror makes the dressing room look huge, capable of holding a crowd.

Lisa jokes: "That was our intention... to have a crowd!"

Eve and the 2BGirls laugh, and then the other girls laugh too, not even understanding Lisa's comment.

Eve wants all the girls to get into a mood of intimacy right away, and she uses her favorite trick once again to achieve that goal.

Eve takes out her pack of Eve menthol 120mm, and offers the girls cigarettes.

They all accept.

After lighting her cigarette, Eve approaches Emily, and inhales the smoke from her menthol Eve.

Emily already knows what to do.

Eve and Emily kiss passionately as they share the smoke.

All the girls are excited by the scene.

Before long, all the girls are kissing and sharing their cigarette smoke.

The girls start to undress, and when they're done smoking, they're all naked.

The girls exchange sincere compliments, as they are all wonderful.

In the case of Eve, Lisa, Erin, Lena, Klara, Nadia, and Milena, it's pretty clear how much they're enjoying what they see.

Their excitement is very visible.

Eve makes a confession to Lena and her new friends: "This was all planned, girls. 2BGirls saw a video my friends Susan and Nina made, and they got really excited. The video has two girl trains facing each other, next to a mirror. Do you want to try it?"

Lena and Eve's new friends are overjoyed, and say "Yes!"

Before long, all the girls are enlarging their assholes.

Emily, Lynn, and Paola have brought their TransForms, and are getting ready to use them.

As all the girls stretch their assholes, Eve tells Lena and her new friends what happens in the video.

A few minutes later, they are all ready and well lubricated.

Tgirls are very ready.

We can see how well they are ready.

Eve 7.5 in (19 cm)

Nadia 7.2 in (18,3 cm)

Lisa 7.1 in (18 cm)

Lena 6.9 in (17,5 cm)

Erin 6.6 in (16,8 cm)

Klara 6.6 in (16.8 cm)

Milena 6.1 in (15,5 cm)

Eve and the 2BGirls have it all planned out, so the train sets are formed quickly.

Paola -> Lena -> Klara -> Eve <- Lynn

Lisa -> Erin -> Nadia -> Milena <- Emily

Eve and Milena will be the locomotive of their trains.

Lynn and Emily will suck Eve and Milena's cocks.

In the last car, Paola will use her TransForm, and Lisa will use her own equipment, of course.

The combination of girls is very interesting.

Brunette -> blonde -> blonde -> blonde <- brunette

Black -> blonde-> brunette -> blonde <- blonde

In terms of nationality, the combination is also quite interesting.

British -> Polish -> German -> American <- British

Portuguese -> British -> Russian -> Czech <- British

Eve guides Milena, and they lean on each other.

Eve and Milena lean in more and more, until there's enough room for Lynn and Emily to settle between their bodies.

All very well.

Now, little by little, the two trains are forming.

Emily, Lynn, and Paola have already turned on their TransForm devices.

They want to make sure they're very excited when Tgirls are ready to come.

Klara and Milena lost their virginity on a 'train' and didn't think they could get even more excited.

They admit to themselves that they were wrong: these two trains in front of the mirror make them absurdly excited.

Nadia realizes that she got a lot more turned on by these girls than the boys she had met before...

Nadia thinks a little more, and thinks it's not fair to compare.

She's been with the girls on very special occasions, and the fact that she has a huge admiration for Eve and 2BGirls must be making a big difference...

No... Nadia concludes that all these girls are sensational and make her very excited: "Nothing beats the arousal these girls cause in me."

Nadia really wants to date a lot of cis and Tgirls from now on.

The five 2BGirls are very excited seeing the trains that have just formed.

They are loving being able to look directly at the girls and also watch the action in the mirror.

The trains begin to move in a very synchronized way.

Emily lights up two of her long, thin cigarettes and hands them to Eve and Milena.

Eve and Milena inhale and begin to kiss, sharing the smoke from their cigarettes.

There are two steam trains, as in the video of the webcam girls.

Lynn and Emily kneel down and do as in the video.

They speed up the vibrators and clitoral stimulators of their TransForms, and spring into action.

Lynn places her mouth on Eve's cock, and Emily does the same with Milena.

Paola has also increased the intensity of her TransForm and feels privileged to be the last car, because looking in the mirror she has a privileged view of the girls on the two trains.

All the girls are loving it: "Oooh! ..."

The ten girls prefer to follow the scene through the mirror, because through it it is possible to better visualize the group in action... and follow their own performance as well.

Emily is a good helper and, seeing that Eve and Milena have already kissed a lot and almost finished their cigarettes, she lights two more cigarettes and gives them to them.

With the trains well synchronized, the speed increases more and more: "Oooh! Oooh! ..."

The cis girls of the band got it right by turning on their TransForms early.

They're very excited, and they know Tgirls are too: "Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! ..."

And all the girls come very similar to what you see in the video: "Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! ..."
