Everybody Except Me


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To make a long story short, I'm glad I didn't have a weak heart, or it might have been a dead body floating to earth, but it was an amazing experience that I'm glad I did... just once.

Several of us newbies hung around after our jumps and kind of celebrated together, drinking Cokes and razzing each other about our style... or rather, lack of it. I was on my second Coke and eating some vending machine M&Ms when a screeching munchkin entered the garage, obviously still wound up like the rest of us, but several inches shorter and several octaves higher. She had a little trouble getting her helmet off, but when she did a curly blonde mop came tumbling out first, finally clearing off to reveal big lavender-blue eyes and a smile that came straight out of a dental practice advertisement. For the second time that day, I was afraid my heart was going to stop.

I actually almost choked to death on my candy when she peeled off the jumpsuit. It was a warm day, and she had worn a tight T-shirt and really tight jeans, and I mean tight with a capital "T." Wow tight. Whoa tight. Tight, get it?

She looked to be about 30, although I found out later she was 44. I also found out later her name was Evie Abraham.

Maybe it was because she was so petite, she seemed to be even more animated than the rest of us, and I couldn't take my eyes off her as we all sat around a table and related our experiences. I finally realized I was staring and hoped to hell I wasn't drooling as well.

I hoped I was subtle as I looked to see if she had a ring on her left hand. She didn't.

We all hung out for a while afterward before Evie got up from the table and started walking toward the parking lot. I wasted no time rising and following after her.

I left the airfield that day with a lifetime memory and a date for the following Saturday night.

I took her to a Chinese restaurant for our first date and she spent the first 10 minutes at the table chattering wildly about her first jump. I got that completely, so we had that shared experience thing going for us. Later on, we moved onto our personal lives with me telling her about my ex-wife and my two children and she telling me about her late husband and her two children. She was widowed at 34 when a drunk driver killed her husband in a wreck and she wound up raising her two children by herself.

She got very quiet after telling me her story. I watched the tears well up in her eyes, but she worked very hard to keeping them from falling.

"I promised myself that I wouldn't cry for myself anymore after the first year he was gone," she explained. "I know I was crying for myself, feeling sorry for me and the kids, but that's not what Dan would have wanted. He was the kind of guy to say, 'That's enough crying. Time to move forward and get on with life.' So that's what I did. We'll never forget Dan, but we'll honor him every day by moving forward and living good lives."

I was choked up myself when she was done. I didn't tell her, but I had shed a lot of tears through the years for myself over the loss of my wife.

"He sounds like a smart man, able to give advice to someone he hadn't even met," I said quietly.

She tilted her head to the right and gave me a broad smile. I would come to know that as one of her tells when something pleased her.

Because she had to be both mother and father to her children, she had become a bit of a tomboy in her 30s. She had learned to throw a baseball and football with accuracy and bragged that she could hold her own on hockey skates with a stick in her hand. Although she hadn't played sports as a child, she learned to be a supportive parent of two athletic children... and that meant learning everything an involved parent needed to know about various sports, including how to take care of the various cuts and scrapes her kids got.

"I can butterfly cuts with the best of them and I can wrap body parts in ice like a pro," she said proudly.

Armed with that information, I took her to a Cincinnati Red baseball game for our second date. She took my program, turned to the scorecard and proceeded to score the game. Hell, most guys I know can't score, but here was this munchkin doing the card like a pro. I was very impressed.

"My son played baseball and my daughter played softball. I became the official stats 'guy' for both teams," she said, using air quotes for the word 'guy.'"

She was five-foot-nothing of bouncy and enthusiastic. She favored tight tees and jeans and sneakers, and she gradually fit into my world as easily as she fit under my arm when I held her close.

I got a chaste kiss on the cheek at the end of our first date. Then I got a soft kiss on the lips several times on our second date. The kissing got more intense after that but I never quite felt the moment was right to go further with her until we were finishing our sixth date... and she made the move.

"Do I not do it for you, Josh?" she asked as we made out on her living room sofa. "I mean, you've never laid a finger on me yet... and I so want more than just a finger from you," she said as she tilted her head to the right and smiled.

I felt myself blush. I suddenly felt like I was back in high school.

"It's been a long time for me... no, not for that," I said, looking up to see Evie grinning like a Cheshire cat. "I think we could have something special... and I guess I'm afraid I might ruin it," I answered as my heart thumped in my ears.

"Oh, honey, that's not going to happen... at least from my end. Now how about you show me how fast you can get naked," she said, her eyes aglow.

We got engaged six months later and had a small wedding six months after that, with just her two kids, my son and Sergio present. AJ, although invited, chose not to come since I didn't invite her new husband, Jorge, who was divorced by Carrie almost immediately after she found out about him sleeping with her daughter.

Not surprisingly, we didn't go to Spain for our honeymoon.

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calflashcalflash8 days ago

Should have kicked Jorges balls hard enough to end him fucking the ex much less his daughter

silverthorne16silverthorne1611 days ago

The twist with AJ was just plain wrong and totally out of character. She was supposedly smart and, at least initially, understood her father's position; she even said "I've got your back on this, Dad". And the fact that, not only did both kids end up siding with the mother, they actually moved to Spain to be near her? And they never, not once, admitted that they were wrong in taking sides? That's just fucked up. It would have been better in the end if Carrie, Jorge and AJ got a LOT more humiliation.

other2other1other2other115 days ago

For the the one part of the story that didn’t make sense was AJ, we got told several times that she was smart, yet she ends up in the bed of someone her fathers age, stealing her mothers husband. Perhaps not so smart after all.

As always though, Hooked plays with emotions once again, causing us to scream at the MC, want to beat the villain senseless and just in plain agony about the situation.

I always love your stories!

ttjbjr54ttjbjr5418 days ago

I usually like your stories as they’re usually well written and well thought out. This one was good until he got to Spain. His ex wife answers the door and he just says hello? He kicks Jorge in the balls after he breaks his nose. That’s it?

I’m surprised you left the punishment at that. Why not hit him with a ruler while you’re at it. The nuns would give him more punishment than you ever gave him. Try to do a sequel and make it better.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

Nothing feels better than beating a sleeze bag like his ex friend. Even if this guy claims to be a man's man that scored a man's wife and her daughter....he got his shit pushed in by the angry ex, the first woman dumped him, and nobody likes the man at all. His biological kids, his first and second wives...they all detest him. Everyone but the young woman....who on some deep rival level will now view this man as a wimp. Because her daddy kicked his ass. She'll prolly cheat on him long before he cheats on her. Aw well.

AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

"But I want... no, need to ask a favor of you. A favor just between us, that I think I've earned the right to ask. I need to ask you not to divorce Aunt Carrie over this, and I need you not to take physical revenge on my father, as well,"


Josh laughed to himself, and thought “Sergio should learn to think more before making a request.”


“Okay, Sergio” Josh said. “You’re right, I do owe you. I promise to do exactly as you asked.”


Josh then proceeded with his plan to kill, not divorce, his slut of a wife, while framing Sergio’s father, who was sentenced to life in prison for the crime!



AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

This writer loves to take a great story and push it into the depths of mediocrity. Sad! Nothing in the story maybe sense …the MC seems to have gotten a lobotomy…and the part about AJ and Jorge….well that actually made no sense or added nothing to the story. In fact it just pulled the story down…. Poor effort!

DeanofMeanDeanofMean29 days ago

"But I want... no, need to ask a favor of you. A favor just between us, that I think I've earned the right to ask. I need to ask you not to divorce Aunt Carrie over this, and I need you not to take physical revenge on my father, as well," Sergio said.

what kind of idiot makes that promise?

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

A whore always passes on her character and philosophies to her daughter. Carrie's mother, the original whore, passed on her ideas to her daughter and raised her to be a whore like her, and Carrie did the same to her daughter. A whore never considers her actions embarrassing, never finds it wrong, never feels guilty, always tries to justify herself because that's the way she was raised. She doesn't understand the meaning of love, doesn't care for anyone else other than herself. A whore finally ends up getting her 'deserts', old and lonely, rejected by society and all she had betrayed through her life, maybe die from a disease-ridden body. That, in short, will be the tale of Carrie and her daughter, fucked by the same asshole, never learning their lessons, and kicked out by the asshole as they grow old or when he finds newer pastures to graze in.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceabout 1 month ago

Carrie so got what she deserved. The man she was 'in love with' doesn't mind cheating on *her* too...


As for Robbie, "are we friends", do you often steal the most valuable thing a friend has from them? "No, we're not fucking friends."


"No. I'd kick his ass if he even suggested that," she said emphatically. "But this has been going on for more than 20 years at this point."

- He should definitely have said he'd volunteer to tell her groom that if he can cheat on her for twenty years without getting caught, he can then admit to it and she'll be OK with it. Too bad she ends up marrying someone she *knows* cheats; how stupid can you get?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

@ Just_Words...

I don't think she'll learn much of anything. I think she well and truly formed her life view under her mother's tuition. Even accepting her mother's lie that her father knew everything all along would have moulded her attitudes. She can thank her mother for her outlook on respect, morality, and selfish acts of infidelity (not hers, but she accepted Jorge's attitude) and betrayal.

She was lost before she even grew up, and no doubt her life will continue along the same path.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Anony 19 days back spoke of 'toxic masculinity'

Toxic masculinity is just another new-age bullshit concept like empowered feminism.

Both concepts that were considered crazy gibberish until the recent "modern" socialist age of enlightenment.

As far back as humanity goes, hundreds of thousands of years, these concepts had no place in human life... except in the last 100 years or so.

They also have no place right now in traditional cultures of all kinds, all across the world, outside of westernised cultures.

And guess what? If the dollar collapsed and we referred back to anarchy... if there was a zombie apocalypse... if ANYTHING happens to destabilise western culture, then humanity will revert back to old values, because women will again need a man to stand in her defence.

Rinse out your blue hair and go on a diet, anony, before the Ukraine conflict kicks up a level, when NATO steps in to save face, and WWIII kicks off... because that might be just enough to do the job on westernised nations right there, and you'll be left out in the cold.

At that point, you will find that the majority of people really just do not give a shit about your socialist wailing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

To anony 10 days ago, re: what happened to Carrie... who the fuck cares?

Her race was over when hubby found out. He moved on. Just like the readers should. She poisoned her marriage, poisoned her children, broke her long-time friend and didn't care. She got what she deserved. When Jorge was finally divorced from Robbie, did he honour the 'love' he shared with Carrie? Not a chance, he went straight to AJ, straight past his long-term easy piece, and found a better, younger, tighter replacement. Why would he care about damaged, 2nd-hand goods?

But he'll fade much faster than his new wife, who is younger than his own son.

What a mess.

Still... as the father of his latest squeeze, if I were him.... Jorge stole the wife, then the daughter, and stole the entire time of his marriage.

All while pretending to be a friend.

Retribution would be much, much bigger.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Mmm, with her genes, AJ is going to be front and centre for the 'running of the bull' when Jorge's age... and injuries... slow him down.

I hope Sergio follows his half-brother to the States, and the three original backstabbers enjoy a life of loneliness, misery and regret. Well, I can hope. But in all honesty, they're all narcissists, and will all find some dupe to prop them up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Again you finish a story so quickly. You introduce the many characters and at the end in one paragraph you close it down. WTF happened to Carrie. You build the story slowly then rush to the end. It is very tedious.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 2 months ago

So you know AJ's marriage won't end well. I wonder what she will learn when it implodes?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"I went to a counselor and got help." MC is still a complete sap. No one gets help from conselors. Just paying another whore or male slut for their time. Time they'll spend judging and disrespecting you. They are all, ALL assholes and hypocrites stealing your money and time while making bad decisions, mismanaging their own lives and divorcing their own personal realationships. Their kink is giving other sucker's, disperate for guidance, bad advice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Anyone who wants to research toxic masculinity would find a treasure trove in these comments.

onecuriousreaderonecuriousreader2 months ago

honestly, there are some dumb idea's about what it means to be a good man on this site. as if personal sacrifice in the face of betrayal makes a man better than the betrayer... no it validates the disrespect shown as deserved, because why would one expect respect from others if one does not even show respect for oneself? a man that practices self-respect is far more in tune when recognizing subtle acts of disrespect, and by disrespect I mean inconsideration... these guys get so caught up in feelings, they are blind to reality, not considering the truth... and that is really where they fail not just as men, but as human beings.

OffRoadDieselOffRoadDiesel3 months ago

“I can only promise you I won’t kill him. I hope. You haven’t earned anything from me, you little shit, for keeping this secret from me. I should beat your ass for doing that.” As he poked him in the chest. “Your father has earned a special time with me and my favorite baseball bat!” — That’s how it should have gone.

ViolentKnightViolentKnight3 months ago

The key to stories like these is having male lead characters being mind-numbingly stupid when it comes to women and relationships.

He gets cheated on for nearly 2 decades and then promises his wife's lover's son that he won't lay a hand on his father. What a pathetic moron. Literally every decision he made made him look dumber and more pathetic. It's no wonder his wife cheated on him. You can't be this dumb then expect loyalty.

3 stars for such an excruciating tale.

Ocker53Ocker533 months ago

After the disrespect the wife and friends had shown him then the wife telling the MC that he was her second choice, for the MC to say I will honour my word to Sergio and stay married until their son went to college in 4 years time was just ridiculous. Simple pride would never allowed that especially after he found out that they were still fucking while the son was in hospital getting his transplant. I enjoyed the story but it was ridiculous in a few places. It seems a lot of authors lose their common sense when they right stories⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

That story was just wrong, ok let's get some things straight, you kept referring to them as half brothers they're not they were full brothers or just brothers, remember aunty couldn't have kids so Carrie is both boys mom - and Jorge is both their dads... that makes them brothers full, and AJ was probably Jorges daughter to Making her fk'n her own daddy and marrying him full blown incest which fits with this psychotic story and it's demonic characters. The reek of feministic propaganda also fits this twisted fiction throughout.

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker3 months ago

Dat was one Messed up story , !! Thats why it was so Good !! 😉😁😅🤷🙋💯💯💯👍👍👍💯💯💯🍕🍕🍕🍺🍺🍺

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Well written. But, the story sucked.

Jorge should have not lived to marry AJ. Yep, there should have been DNA testing on ALL of the kids.

onbothsidesonbothsides4 months ago


I've always considered you a friend.

(But I've never been your friend)

-Did he have DNA checked on AJ and her other brother, because.....reasons?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Yea. Tough for the husband but glad Carrie got hers in the end. It is a toss up who is the more disgusting person…. Carrie or A J?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I think this family is a tad dysfunctional but certainly in a five star way and somewhat different from my own dysfunctional mob.

rbloch66rbloch664 months ago

That’s seriously fucked up in a Jerry Springer kinda way.

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