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A husband and wife enjoy a night out when things take a turn.
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A cold wind sweeps over Virginia's uninteresting, flat terrain, as Ryan takes his first steps onto American soil in months. He wraps his jacket around himself tighter against the gale, his body not used to anything cooler than the hot humid landscape the Middle-East has to offer. Despite the biting cold, he was more than happy to be home for one reason above all others: his beloved wife, Amy.

Chapter 1

Shattered Expectations

"Ryan" Amy cried as she saw him step off the bus that had taken him away from his plane. "I missed you so much!" she went on, tears in her eyes.

"I missed you too, sweetheart." He smiled as he folded her into his arms in a warm hug. They stayed like that for a while, slowly rocking back and forth, desperately trying to make up for lost time.

"How was your flight?" She asked when they finally separated.

"No complaints," he grabbed his bags and started for her car, a white Land Rover from the 90's. "Did you still want to go on our date to Twist tonight?"

"I most certainly do!" She clapped excitedly. "I have my clothes picked out already and everything!

A short car ride, some catching up, and a fair amount of borderline risque touching later, and they were at home, the sun starting its decline into the twilight hours.

"Sweetheart, we really ought to get going. It's going to take us at least 20 minutes to get there. Probably more with traffic. If we want any hope of getting there before the place closes, we have to call the Uber soon."

"Don't rush me!" was all she yelled out of the master bathroom.

Ryan sat dressed in his Sunday's best, a black suit with a white shirt, a blue tie, and matching blue cufflinks. He sighed as he rested his chin on his closed fist, sat on the end of the bed. "Could you at least open the door so I see you while we talk? I haven't seen you in four months!"

"No! I want to finish getting ready before you see me. I'm almost done anyway." All Ryan could hear from this side of the restroom door, aside from Amy's muffled voice, was the plastic and metallic clattering and clanking of beauty products and various make-ups and creams, brushes and containers. Ryan sighed again and checked his watch. Almost eight o'clock. That means they wouldn't be getting to the bar until almost nine, and they wouldn't be back home until after midnight. Too bad. He thought to himself. I haven't had a piece of her in months, and I'm going to be exhausted by the time we get home. "Alright, go ahead and call the Uber," Amy called, "I'm ready." She stepped out of the restroom, and Ryan's jaw hit the floor. For a couple reasons. For starters, because she looked absolutely stunning, and second, because she was wearing by far the most revealing thing he'd ever seen her in. Ryan's mouth went dry as he circled her, admiring her candy red, four-inch heels, and it only got worse as his eyes travelled up. Her beautiful, sultry legs led him up to the hem of her dress, which ended just barely low enough to cover her butt-cheeks. If she dropped anything over the course of the night, he'd have to grab it for her, lest she give the collective public a show. His mouth was still open as he looked on, the almost-scandalously thin fabric hugging every square inch of her luscious curves, from her ample back-side, to her slender waist, to her plentiful bosom. Maybe it was a trick of the light, but he almost thought the fabric was slightly transparent where it was strained across her hand-filling backside. She was decorated with diamond and morganite earrings, a beautiful rose-gold necklace, and her engagement ring that Ryan had given her when he proposed to her, which all complimented her beautiful porcelain skin tone and silver hair. But the most eye-grabbing part of the ensemble, was how incredibly low-cut her dress was. Amy's tits looked absolutely fantastic, pressed together and popping up out of her revealing dress, which confused Ryan, because he was relatively sure she wasn't wearing a bra, on account of the shape of her nipples being clearly visible through the form-fitting material of her dress. Her gorgeous breasts jiggled enticingly with every step, the way only real ones can. It was all Ryan could do to not reach out, rip her out of her dress, and take her then and there.

"Are you going to tell me what you think, or are you going to stand there all day trying to catch flies?" She asked lasciviously as she shifted her weight to one side, and put a hand on her hip. A gesture, which on other women wouldn't make Ryan bat an eye, but on Amy, it accentuated her barely human, perfectly hourglass figure in the most exciting way.

"I... I'm not sure you're even allowed to go into public like that..." He stuttered awkwardly, just happy he was able to form words at all, given how struck he was by Amy's beauty and magnetism. She had always had an extremely appealing 'girl next door' kind of vibe to her. One that Ryan had fallen in love with over a decade ago, but this was a whole new light, and she pulled it off flawlessly.

Bleep bleep "Oh, the Uber's here." He had completely forgotten about it the moment Amy had walked out the door. "Welp." He said reluctantly. I guess it's too late to change, even if you wanted to."

"Which I don't." She responded with a coy smile as she led him out the door with a playful smile.

Chapter 2

The Uber Driver

"So where are you two from?" The Uber driver asked. His name was Michael, and seemed like an amenable enough fellow. He was polite enough to try to hide the glances he stole of Amy as the two of them walked to the car and climbed in. Ryan suspected he didn't usually get out of the car to open the door for passengers, but he had for Amy. Ryan couldn't see where Michael was looking as he was holding the door for her, but Ryan would have eaten his boots if Michael wasn't staring directly down her unbelievably low-cut dress. Amy had given him a big smile as she climbed in. A twinge of jealousy hit Ryan after that. Amy hadn't done anything wrong, but Michael was a pretty good looking guy, and fit to boot. He was pretty sure Michael was hiding a six pack under his shirt, and he wondered if Amy was curious to see it.

"Wisconsin." Ryan replied, trying to seem engaged in the conversation. It was difficult, however, given the fact that every bump, from giant potholes to tiny pebbles, were making Amy's full tits bounce in the most enticing way. He looked back to the driver, and asked, "How about you?"

"Here. Moved away for a few years to North Carolina, but didn't like it much." Michael casually adjusted the mirror, but from Ryan's perspective it looked entirely too low. He suspected he had aimed it down to get a better view of Amy. More specifically, Amy's jiggling tits.

"Hey," Ryan whispered so that only Amy could hear, "you might want to adjust a little bit, I'm pretty sure Michael here is just flat out staring at your tits."

"Oooh, you think so?" Amy cooed as a smile burst across her luscious lips. "Good idea, I'll adjust a bit. Do you think he thinks I'm hot?" She winked at him.

"Oh, I'm sure he thinks you're more than hot. He's been staring at you since we walked out the front door." Ryan looked back up to the Uber driver to make sure he wasn't overheard, and when he looked back to Amy, she was indeed adjusting. She had pulled her dress off one of her shoulders, let it slip down a little bit, and pulled her entire boob out, which was now totally exposed, and jiggling with the car ride even more aggressively.

"Baby, what are you doing?!" Ryan technically whispered, but it came out far louder than he had intended. The sharp noise drew Michael's attention, and Ryan could see the lust flare in Michael's eyes.

"What? You said that he thought I was hot, that he was staring at me, and told me to adjust. Is this not what you meant? It's making me so fucking wet, baby." She moaned as she spread her legs apart slightly. Her right hand drifted down and she started rubbing herself gently. It wasn't until that moment that Ryan saw Amy wasn't wearing any panties. All thoughts of Michael staring at Amy's exposed, bouncing tit were forgotten as he saw Amy's freshly shaven snatch in the illumination of the passing streetlights. Her porcelain skin made her pussy and naked breast that much easier to see in the dead of night. Her nipple jewelry served to make her perfect breast all the more eye-catching. There was no doubt Michael was having no issues seeing Ryan's exposed wife. Luckily, Ryan didn't think the mirror went down far enough for Michael to see what Amy was doing with her hand.

"Amy, he's literally staring right at your tit. And I'm pretty sure I just saw his hand drift south, if you know what I mean." Ryan had gotten his voice back to a whisper, although at this point he didn't think Michael would have heard him even if he'd shouted it.

"Ohh, yes baby. That's so fucking hot." She moaned as the look on her face turned from one of pleasure to one of ecstacy, and he could see her starting to tense up as her rubbing got more intense. There was a shimmering trail leading from her pussy, down to the seat of the car. Amy hadn't been kidding, she was wet. Michael was probably going to have to get the thing steam cleaned to get all the juice out. Not knowing what to do, and now sporting a full erection, Ryan resigned to just let her finish. Maybe then she'd settle down a little bit, and they could continue with the night.

Might as well help her out and get this over with. Ryan thought to himself. He reached over and passionately grabbed Amy's breast, being careful of the barbell piercing.

"Get your hand off," she shot at him "Michael can't see."

A little jarred, Ryan looked back at the Uber driver who was now clearly rubbing himself as well through the fabric of his jeans. "He's rubbing himself, Amy." He scolded her.

"Oh fuck. Fuckfuckfuck." she almost looked like she was in pain. Ryan had seen this a million times before. She was right on the brink. What he wouldn't have given to be back home, in bed, his mouth firmly planted on her pussy, lapping up all of her delectable fluids and feeling her come in his mouth. Ryan snapped back to reality when Amy asked, "Is he hard? How big do you think he is? Fuck it, doesn't matter, I'm going to imagine he's fucking huge." She started assaulting her clit with a renewed fervor as she slid a finger into herself with her other hand. Ryan didn't know whether to bundle her up in his jacket, and run her home, or rip her dress off and fuck her then and there in the back of Michael's Civic. Ryan didn't think he'd ever been more turned on in his entire life, and all he could think about was how good Amy would taste. "Fuuuuuuck!" Amy squealed, definitely at a volume that Michael could hear, and her body clenched and unclenched multiple times, and Ryan could see her shaking. "Oh, fuck that was good." she purred. "Thanks for the help." She winked at him, and brought her fingers up. Ryan reflexively opened his mouth, and it started watering, but Amy brought her fingers to her own mouth, and licked them clean. Damn.

Chapter 3

An Unexpected Solicitation

Stepping out of the Uber while remaining decent was a challenge for both of them. For Amy, one wrong move and she'd spill out of her dress, from the top and the bottom. For Ryan the issue was standing up without showing off the tent in his slacks for all of Town Center to see. Ryan got out and rushed to aid Amy out before the Uber Driver, or anyone else, saw any more of her. Much to his dismay, as he rounded the car she was already up and out, Michael holding the door. Amy was giving him a huge smile and pulling her hand away from the massive bulge in his pants.

"Thanks for the ride." She said, seductively, putting far more emphasis on the word 'ride' than Ryan was comfortable with.

The hem of her stretched-out dress had flipped up, and Ryan's heart froze as he gazed down and saw half of her perfect, beautiful ass exposed from the bottom of her ensemble. Ryan stepped directly behind her, but not before he heard a WOAH! From across the street.

Amy turned around and came face to face with Ryan, smiled, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Ready?" She asked, holding her arm out, in a gesture to take his. He reached behind her, fixed her hem, and held his arm out for her to hold on to.

"What the hell was that?" He whispered as Michael got back into the car, still staring at her.

"What? I was just giving him a little tease. And I wanted to see how big he was. Plus, he got me off, so I felt like I owed him a little something."

"Jesus." Ryan moaned. "...So how big was he?" He asked, despite himself.

"Fucking huge." Amy stated flatly, and Ryan could feel his already raging erection strain against his pants even harder.

"He's still staring at you..." Ryan told her.

"Well he can't have me! I'm a married woman after all. ...But that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a little show." She said with a malevolent smile as she reached back, casually flipped the hem of her dress back up, and bent over, pretending to stretch out her hamstrings. She bent over so far, that Ryan was sure not only her entire ass, but also her beautiful pink pussy was on perfect display. He glanced back at Michael, and Ryan's heart skipped a beat as he saw Michael's lustful eyes locked onto Amy. She then popped back up, fixed her hem, and cheerfully asked, "Ready?!" With the most innocent smile Ryan had ever seen.

The two started walking from the drop-off towards the bar. Ryan checked his watch and grumbled about it being 8:45 pm already. Amy looked sidelong at him and asked

"Are you in a hurry? Do you hate my company so much that we have to get to a public place so there are more interesting people to talk to?"

"What? No. No I just wanted to hur-"

"Well then stop complaining about the time, and enjoy my company, you dick!" Her tone was serious, but the twinkle in her eye told him otherwise.

"You got me, I just hate your company soooooo much." Ryan said sarcastically. Amy cocked an eyebrow at him, grabbed his hand and dragged him away from Twist in the opposite direction, towards the park.

"Well let's change that. I want you to enjoy every second we spend together." giggled Amy as she brought him into the park, sat him down on a bench away from the streetlights, and, more deftly than Ryan would have thought possible, had his pants unbuckled, unzipped, and had his still-hard dick in her hand.

"Whaaaaat are you doing?!" Ryan said in a panicked whisper, "Someone could see!" he started to push her off, but as he did, she brought her mouth down to his member, closed her teeth around it, and threatened,

"Hull ou' an' I hite."

"Wha...?" was all Ryan could get out, and then he completely forgot about the situation, and surrendered to Amy's warm, soft, mouth. It was such a stark contrast to the frigid winter air, that it made what was already one of Ryan's favorite sensations into something even better. "...Ahhh."

The sound made Amy smile as she looked up at his ecstasy-ridden face, knowing that he was putty in her hands. That much, at least, had been true since the first day they had been intimate together in a hotel room in Minnesota.

"You've gotten better at this since I left." Ryan moaned as he let his shoulders relax and eased onto the bench. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you've been practicing while I was away."

"What I do... in my freetime... is none of your... business." She got out between slurps. The words were lost on him though, as he drew nearer an orgasm.

"Ohh Amy, I'm getting close..." Amy felt random muscles in his legs and core spontaneously contract here and there, but she didn't relent. He grabbed onto her shoulders hard as she sucked what Ryan thought was the actual life out of him. After multiple seconds of convulsing, a stupid look on his face, he filled Amy's mouth with rope after rope of stringy cum. He hadn't gotten off in weeks, and he was so turned on by the night's events, that he thought there might be a real possibility that there was so much cum she'd be too full to eat after this. His body relaxed again, and a dopey smile spread across his face as he started to say, "Oh my goodness Amy, that was fucking amaz-"

He was cut off by an exceptionally aggressive kiss. Without thinking about it, he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her passionately back. That was when he realized something tasted very bitter, but before his mind could comprehend what was happening, he felt her tongue flex and push a large volume of bitter liquid into his mouth. He instinctively recoiled, but Amy was one step ahead of him, and was holding the back of his head to herself, passionately drinking in his kiss, and while she drank in his kiss, he was forced to drink his own cum.

Amy pulled away from Ryan, leaving him in a state of shock, and mild disgust. "Why on Earth did you do that?" He managed.

"You're constantly complaining about how I don't blow you enough. I thought you needed to experience what I have to 'swallow' every time I do." Her devilish grin almost made him forget about the pungent flavor in his mouth. He didn't particularly enjoy the flavor, but he supposed she had a point, given the dozens of times she'd swallowed his load. Not to mention it was impossible to stay mad at her.

"Shaking his head, he tucked himself back into his pants, and started towards the bar. "Come on, I need a whiskey to get the flavor of cum out of my mouth." Amy only giggled as she licked her lips and took his arm. "I don't understand how you managed to do that without getting a single hair out of place."

He admired her beauty for the trillionth time on the way to the bar. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was, that this perfect angel, descended from heaven, was blind enough that she had agreed to marry him. But he wasn't about to complain. He would take that gift horse, and never look it in the mouth for all his life.

Chapter 4

An Exposé

"A table in a corner, please." Ryan told the hostess.

"Actually," Amy interjected, "We'll just sit at the bar. Thanks!"

"You sure that's a goo-" Ryan was really starting to get tired of being interrupted. He had been hoping to smuggle her into a corner of the bar to minimize the likelihood of her getting exposed to half of Virginia Beach, but she was already to the bar, pulling a couple chairs out for the two of them. Ryan Noticed the hem of her dress had popped up again, and her derriere was on display for a table of guys behind her, who were all tapping each other's shoulder and pointing, whispering to each other in hushed voices. He hustled over to the bar and smoothed her dress, trying his best to be inconspicuous, while shooting an aggressive look at the table of bachelors. They averted their eyes, but not before Ryan noticed they were shifting uncomfortably on their seats, adjusting the fabric of their pants.

Ryan turned back to the bar just in time to hear Amy tell the bartender "and hurry, if you don't mind. I've got a peculiar taste in my mouth that I need to get out." The bartender smiled and nodded. It wasn't until the bartender's double-take that she allowed her mischievous smile to spread across her lips. She turned to Ryan and said "And stop fixing my dress. I like it When they stare." She cocked him a smile and flipped the hem up again, and the bottoms of her wonderfully round cheeks were back open to the air. Not that it mattered much, Ryan realized, because under the bar lights her tightly-stretched, paper thin, dress was actually completely see-through.