Extending the MILF List Ch. 22


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The two women massaged my ass though, providing that help and inspiration. I liked it a lot and rammed into Sonja to express my delight. Candice and Xavia both continued working between Sonja's legs. She shifted and widened her legs more giving them assess, then her ass hitched up and she grunted deeply. Her whole body shook and shifted and then she bucked into another orgasm.

That climax closed down on my cock in her ass like a cave-in in a coal mine. All the lights went out for me and I groaned. Sonja's ass clinched down on me, holding me so I was struck still by the pressure on my cock. I gripped her ass hard, screwing my cock into her, she was so tight I wriggled my cock to be sure she wasn't going to pinch it off. I groaned again. Sonja came again, lifting her head to keen, filling the room with her erotic swan song. I felt the shimmering ripple in her ass, massaging my cock, stroking it with an impossible sensation of arousing fluctuation of pressure. Her hold on my cock seemed to pull at my soul like a single hand knotting in a pure white bed sheet.

"Oh my god, I am fucking cumming again!" Sonja's body tensed, went still then shuddered and bucked again. I was frankly overcome. I orgasmed like I sprang a leak. I began to pump feeble spurts of emergency supplies of cum into her luscious ass. My mind blinked but I then felt her ass grab a new, tighter hold on my cock, or my soul since my cock was surely worn down. It went limp and watery immediately and she squeezed it out of her tight, clutching ass. I groaned. I retreated from the prone woman, backing off the bed to stand wavering beside the bed. Candice and Xavia followed suit and clung to me. I'd have staggered back and fallen on my ass except for the St. Vincent females clinging to me.

Suddenly, the lack of food and the constant outflow of cum out of my body caught up with me. I literally staggered and they held me up. The deluge had swamped me finally and I was full to the gunwales with exhaustion...not saying I was tired of cumming, or tired of the wealth of pussy coming my direction for my advice and consent. The St. Vincents released me and I was going to just sit down but Ellen caught me.

"Get dressed, Sonny. You can tell us who wins the house sweepstakes tomorrow. Right now you are required at home." I dressed by myself while Ellen shooed the St. Vincents girls downstairs.

By the time I was dressed, they had been herded out of the room. I went to Sonja and petted her ass. She rose up and looked back at me. When she saw I was dressed, she backed off the bed and stood up turned her naked, beautifully sculpted and erotic black body to me, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me on the lips, smeared with Momma and me. Her rich, thick lips locked onto me, her gunner tits nuzzled at me like tame ewes. The kiss ended and she looked at me, her eyes opening finally.

"Sonny, I have to say I was skeptical but Momma knows best. She came as fast as I have ever seen her and she fucked every man that ever came by the house to pick me up, and that ain't nothing. I dated lots of men and Momma fucked them all. She said if they were going to get me, they needed priming so I'd get mine too. Momma's always looking out for her daughters!" Sonja kissed me again. "You can have us anytime you want." And with that, she returned to licking the cunt from which she sprang into life. Momma groaned with deep approval.

I sidled out of the room, even closing the door Momma's voice seemed to throb in the dark, empty house. It was eerie walking down the stairs, a great winding staircase grandly dropping down the three stories to the entrance. My three sirens waited there and together we walked out to the car. I opened door and tucked females into the frozen clutches of my Chrysler.

Enthroned on the cold driver's seat I asked where too. Ellen's car, it turned out, was still at the hospital. Rather than going there first, we went to the Marquise d'Or. I honestly had in my mind that I'd drop the St. Vincents off and then to the hospital but as I was opening doors, Ellen nestled up to me and whispered that they were both in need and I was what they needed. Yeah, it was a setup and I fell for it hook, line and cement galoshes. Now it wasn't apparent to me at the moment but it was.

My instinct to mount every willing woman who blew me a kiss, or blew me for that matter took over, which I argue was due mostly to the exhaustion finally suffusing me and yes, I am saying I was fucked out. It happens. I had my shoes off trying to count the females I had tucked my eager, greedy little cock into in the past ten days. But when you start fucking out of reflex and not that clear true lust that makes a girl's eyes shine, well, let's just say you need to find a way to rekindle the attraction. In my case, I just needed...something I didn't have, it turned out.

The trip upstairs to their room at the Marquise got uncomfortable for me when I considered what it would mean if Jamie was there, because I clearly had it in mind that I'd be inside these females soon enough, both. My cock, however, was otherwise occupied. I kept waiting for the little fucker to wake up but no such luck followed me into the elevator. I did feel lucky that their room was empty and no Jamie was lounging waiting to thank me for letting my three evil step-sisters (no, really my sisters and yes I did fuck them and planned to fuck them all, more, often) have their raunchy way with him...but he wasn't there, the room was dark. I tried my best.

I undressed them and kissed them and went down on them but my cock was AWOL. I ended up tucking them both into the beds that had seen them plundered the night before and feeling relieved but humiliated leaving the room. Having Ellen coasting along with me was little consolation. The bitch patted me on the arm and told me it could happen to anybody. I wanted to punch her lights out but I was too tired. I know it was lack of food and dehydration. I stopped at a water fountain and tried to drink but it was so cold I thought for sure my teeth were going to shatter so I just got a warm swallow and gave up.

I drove us back to the hospital. Ellen talked on the phone and I listened to music like she wasn't there. I pulled up, the brittle snow crunching under the tires telling me it was cold as the back side of the moon out there.

"Park, Sonny. Come sit in my car with me while it warms up." Ellen said, turning down the music. I automatically obeyed. I was obediently tired. I parked and we searched through the cars covered with a few inches of glittering new snow, shivering. My cock got smaller. We found her car and sat in silence while it warmed up, purring coldly for a while. I think I must have lolled to sleep because Ellen was pulling out of the parking lot with me still in the car when consciousness returned.

"Hey, were are you going. My car...?" I couldn't finish the thought.

"I just want to drive for a while and then you can get your car."

I wanted to whine but I didn't. I was dull and witless. I faded. It was with some surprise when I noticed we were at my house. I confess I almost decided to settle into my own bed for the night and deal with the rest of the universe on the morrow but then I realized Ellen wasn't just driving, that something was up. She ignored me, parked in the back of several cars parked on the street and made me walk her to the door. I was too exhausted to even be cold. Inside, I discovered why.

My guys were sitting around, in my living room, drinking my beer...well, Georgia's actually. Landon was there with Kyla in his lap, with Darlene beside him. Brett was there, with Natasha in his lap and Norma sitting beside them. Sammy was there too and Alissa sat in his lap, she was bigger then he was but they made it work. Chris sat with Annie in his lap, since Laura was still on loan. My sisters sat around the room and everyone went silent when I arrived.

"Hey Sonny." Sammy said, his voice tense and strained from his mother sitting on him. I almost laughed but exhaustion and some odd feeling stopped me.

"What's going on? Why is everyone here, now?"

"I did it. He's here. Can I go?" Ellen asked.

"I think you should stay." Dalia said somberly. Ellen shrugged, walked into the kitchen and got a beer and sat down at the kitchen table, crossing her legs as she did so. I wanted to bend her over the table and butt fuck her but my cock gave me the finger at that moment. I was getting a bad, bad feeling.

"So? What's going on? What is this?"

For a long moment, no one spoke. Or moved. Finally, Ellen tipped up her Dos Equis and said aloud, "It's an intervention, Sonny."

I stared at her, hardly believing my ears.

"A what?" I asked incredulously. "An intervention?" I groaned. "I barely drink anything and haven't had time or much of an inclination and no drugs. I'm so pure I bore even myself."

"Jesus, Sonny, you're a sexaholic." That was Georgia. I turned my eyes to where she sat and finally noticed Jamie. She was sitting in his lap. She wore a thin blouse and no bra and his arms were around her bare middle.

I wanted to get all puffed up with umbrage at is brazen possession of my sister but decided that was secondary.

"Sexaholic? Are you serious?" Fuck me, everyone nodded. "No shit." I felt my amazement bubble up. I fixed my eyes on Annie. "You too?" I knew I was being unfair but I felt like a specimen at a sadists' conference thinking I was meeting Tony Robbins.

"Sonny, when was the last time you went to class?" Dalia, Momma Dalia asked.

"I was way ahead last time I went." I replied, trying to think when it was. I remembered I managed to put my GPA in jeopardy by fucking one of my professors and putting a collar on her neck. Shit, she promised me her daughter...! I need a little black book, or something.

"Sonny, this is an intervention. We have been comparing notes and it seems that all you have been doing is having sex with god knows how many females." Dalia sounded truly concerned. "And not going to class."

There is was, the core concern. My mother was always concerned that I would drop out of school, even when I was in third grade. It made sense that Dalia would be very concerned and I took it as such. Real concern and not anything tawdry like jealously or envy or moral judgment.

"Is that what this is?" I asked looking around? "Suddenly you all are worried about my education."

Everyone shook their head.

"We worried about cock." Annie said, speaking for the room.

I was gob-smacked. My balls took over, filling me with umbrage and the sense God gave a goose. After the week, hell, weeks I just lived through, the pussy I'd mounted, the snatch I could catch...my mind stopped then. Umbrage doesn't make the heart grow fonder or the brain grow wiser suddenly. Umbrage starts with thinking with that little head and the balls provide the boost to get you into orbit.

"My cock works just fine! You all can go home. I don't need anyone worrying about me or my cock." The words were barely out of my mouth when a voice, Ellen's voice cracked me in the back of the head from her vantage point sitting at the kitchen table.

"Oh yeah? Want to fuck me then, Sonny? And show these fine people who are concerned about you that your cock is fine?"

The fucking bitch knew better and was using her knowledge against me. I wanted to rave. Then it struck me. This was an intervention. I had the prototypical response to an intervention, any intervention. Denial.

"Fuck this. I'm out of here."

"You no fuck Ellen?" Annie's voice cut through the denial. That serrated paradox had her own art of denial and she had compensated by perfecting two personalities to serve her purposes. That sounds like she's nuts but she can switch it on and off, from one to another consciously, as needed where crazy schizos switch in response to stimuli, obvious or hidden, that they cannot control. It was not just denial that prompted me, it was the penile prompter. It wasn't just the knee-jerk response to being intervened on, or however you'd say that, having your free will wrenched out of your lusty hands, which is what an interventions is...hey, numbnuts, you don't know what you are doing, you cannot trust your judgment so let me or us or anyone but you start making your decisions for you and Viola! You become an empty shirt. You look human. You fart and shit and do all those things that make you seem human but the essential element of true reason, free will and choice and with it accountability and responsibility tumble off the Joad's truck and stay in Oklahoma while you move to California to starve and get free health care, bankrupting the state and turning paradise into Fuckedupville.

That was my mind at that moment, chasing any tangent to get me off the subject of my cock and who I could and couldn't fuck. So my fateful words simply emerged to cover up the basic hubris that makes us human, namely the belief in our own judgment.

"I don't want to fuck Ellen." I said it feeling it to be true and feeling the full right to refuse. Consent matters. But while the words were still just sound waves ripping the aether around me, my cosmic soul lurched and bucked and twitched and I knew it in my bones.

The spell was broken.

For a moment, I didn't realize it but when I did, my heart sank and my brain turned to cauliflower. People were talking. I knew they were but it was like I'd flipped universes and here I was a foreigner visiting for the first time because the babbling might as well have been a brook for all I understood.


I shook my head. In case you're wondering, this what it is like to be traumatized. Reason, emotions, even instinct get...short circuited, turned into something, dull and senseless, like all the color in the world turns to shades of gray and you feel like the fashion police are right on your tail with blood hounds, er, vicious pink poodles maybe, pursuing you to put you in fashion prison because you can no longer tell color clashes from color smashes...as in smash hits? Checks and plaids worn together become possible to you, rational and the well-dressed gay guy has an anxiety attack and faints.

After denial, blind arrogance. I know, not the conventional sequence of the stages of grief but Aphrodite has her own fucked up rules.

"Fine, shut up, I will fuck Ellen. Take off your panties." I was sure my voice was strong. I was doing all the things I usually did to make it strong and confident or whatever it was that inspired a female to obey that particular instruction, motivation or external impetus, either one.

Ellen, the little minx, did exactly as I ordered. She walked over to the end of the couch, striped her panties down her lithe white legs, stood straight, held out her hand and let them drop. The little bitch did not say a word. Everything about her said, "Okay, now what are you going to do about it, big boy?" She stood staring at me, her panties on the floor in a ribald heap for a few dozen heartbeats. No one spoke. It felt like everyone in the whole room was breathing in unison, like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir was making an obscene phone call. It was breathtaking. Then the little shit made things worse.

She turned, bent over, put one hand on the arm of the couch and with the other pulled her skirt up to her waist, exposing her cunt to the room...but most importantly and so explicitly no one could have been confused about it, to me. If you haven't been following along, this put me in a pickle. I mean, it turned my pickle into a cannoli. If you girls have ever tried to fuck yourself with a cannoli you get my meaning...and don't shake your heads, I know someone has done that at some time or another. Pervs. Waste of a good cannoli.

I know, I know, Sonny, don't be so fucking closed minded.

As you may have figured out, I am stalling because of what happened next. Nothing. Ellen's tight little cunt winked at me and by god if it wasn't drooling wet, still, the little hussy. She assumed the position and waited as if I was the King of France.


My cock didn't even bother to give me the finger...that would have been reassuring. I got no response at all. I felt like I was 50 or, um, may be 60 or okay 100. No matter where I stand in that patch I smash someones strawberry. You get my point. My cock no longer answered the bell.

And fucking Ellen knew it.

I was being mocked. Suddenly, the meaning of this intervention came clear to me, even if I wasn't sure at all if anyone else in the room really understood.

"All you have been doing is fucking, Sonny." Dalia said softly. "You can't go through life doing nothing but fucking."

"Why not?" I asked reasonably.

"Cuz you're not female, bitch." Ellen said from her lurid repose.

"Fuck you, Ellen." I growled.

"What do you think I'm doing, Sonny, looking for spare change? God, do you know what I have been through today? I should get a Nobel Piece prize for being the neediest piece of ass in the world who didn't get any dick today."

I tried to remember if I had been inside her today and damned if I couldn't. Wait, I think she sucked me anyway, at least once...but maybe twice. I couldn't remember if I fucked her or not. That worried me right off. If I let on, that would be an insult and god knows what that would lead to...nothing good for Sonny! I looked around the room. Everyone was looking at me.

"He still isn't getting it." Georgia said.

Tawny shook her head. The girl looked scared. Uh oh, Tawny never looked scared. Okay, that's not true...I wasn't getting anything right. Tawny knew when to look scared and she looked scared now.

Georgia stood up and came over to me. I cringed and she looked really perturbed. There was older sister history behind my very justified reaction. She hugged me anyway.

"What we are all trying to tell you is that you have more pussy than any one man can possibly fuck. Ever. And every time you turn around, you bump your cock into more."

"Pump. My cock doesn't bump into females, I pump it into them." I offered, feeling all cogent and smart. Georgia ignored me entirely which dampened my confidence.

"You even fucked three more strangers this afternoon."

"Four." I corrected. "And okay, not Ellen. But that wasn't my doing. Blame Ellen for that." I meant the four new females, not the not fucking Ellen part. I rather fucked up the syntax and was puzzling over how to go back and correct it when my teeth rattled.

Georgia took me by the shoulders and looked into my eyes all serious and shit.

"Sonny, no one is blaming anyone, least of all you. God, the sex I have had..."

"We all have had." That was Landon and for a moment I felt that old thrill from his approval, a thrill I had been missing for a long time, or ignoring, I realized. Georgia continued over the interruption.

"...has been the most amazing sex I have ever had. And I feel like I will get more and it's because of you...so no blame." Dalia moved up to stand beside Georgia with Tawny on her other flank, just behind her shoulders.

"Sonny, we think you need to stop." Dalia said.

"Stop?" I grunted, like the word was Chinese but some obscure dialect only three people understood. "Stop what?"

"Stop fucking every woman you meet."

"Hey, I didn't fuck Charm, or even try." I objected.

Georgia rolled her eyes and dropped her hands from my shoulders.

"I told you it was pointless. He's a prick with ears."

"Oh god, can I sit on his head?" Fucking Holly! Where did she come from? The little smart ass.

"Sonny, listen, Landon has an idea." Sammy stood up and came over to me and I felt like they were about to lay hands on me and pray to Jesus to take away this evil spirit that had possessed me. I stepped back. No fucking way...I wanted that evil spirit back so I could mount Ellen the way she wanted. And every other female in the room.