Eye in the Sky


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I laughed quietly to myself. "Surely it's not the same place I am staying in, is it? This could be fun!" I thought.

Jane busied herself at home while I moved piles of my stuff from one place to the next, appearing for all intents and purposes that I was tidying up. At nine-thirty, she left. At ten o'clock I phoned the motel and spoke to the manager who I was starting to get to know fairly well. I asked if a couple in a black Porsche arrived there with a license plate of VBG385. He confirmed that it had, and how did I know what the license plate was. I informed him that car had been tracked by my government department and was rumoured to belong to a local underworld figure and that he would need to tread lightly around him. He thanked me for the info and hung up. I then phoned the local TV station and informed them anonymously that there was about to be a huge drug bust at a certain motel which I detailed. They thanked me and probably despatched at film crew there immediately. The Police were more than a little interested in my account of a drug deal that I saw go down in the carpark of a certain motel. Mention of the black Porsche, an obvious drug pimp's vehicle, had their interest immediately. I even gave them the room number which I allegedly saw the dealers enter. I could almost hear the alarm bells ringing as the desk sergeant put the phone down!

The commotion at that motel in the next hour would have made a fantastic plot for a crime movie! The film crew were first to arrive. They were interviewing the motel manager when the police showed up with great fanfare. Sirens were blazing, patrol cars formed an impenetrable ring around the car park while a SWAT armoured vehicle deposited a stick of black-clad fully armed police. These immediately formed a semi-circle around the door to the motel room where Jack and Jane had entered to do their dirty. Some also crept around the back of the building in case there was an escape route their for the suspected drug dealers.

A megaphone blared, " Occupants of room 69, this is the police. Exit the room now with your hands clasped above your head!"

The film crew caught the hesitant curtain movement behind the window of room 69. When no one exited, one of the SWAT police moved to the front door. With a nod at his support, he rammed the door open, followed by a smoke grenade. The rest of his crew stormed in as soon as the grenade went off. The noise was deafening! The film crew was catching all of the action. "This is going to be good!" thought the reporter.

First two SWAT police exited the room, followed by two very scared and very naked people. My wife, Jane, the cheating bitch, tried very hard to cover her tits and pussy, while bastard Jack cowed his head and covered his very slimy dick. They were very quickly bundled into separate patrol cars, much to the disappointment of curious onlookers who wanted more of a show from the naked perps. The Porsche was attached to one of the SWAT armoured cars for towing back to the analysis unit at police headquarters. Storms of police forensic staff, all clad in PPE, entered the motel room and exited carrying evidence bags, tagged and sealed. It was all over bar the interviews for the cameras in a very short time indeed. The car which I was in, my own, parked across the street, shook and shuddered with all of the laughing I was doing. If one of the patrol people had seen me and the car, I am sure I would have been taken in for questioning as well!

Of course, I arrived home as soon as possible, pretending to do what I had told Jane I was doing, re-arranging my stuff. Jane didn't arrive home until ten that evening and I was safely ensconced in bed by then. I did notice, out of a peeking eye, that she wore different clothes from this morning! Needless to say, the next morning's breakfast sitting was very strange indeed! "Morning Jane," I said with as much cheeriness as I could. "How did the preparations for the fund raiser go yesterday? I couldn't wait up any longer for you, so I just went to bed."

"Progressing well, Bill," she mumbled as she had her back to me. "Have you seen the news by any chance?"

"No, no time sorry Jane. Maybe tonight while you're at the fund-raiser." I then left the kitchen and went out into the yard to do some overdue maintenance. We ate separate lunches, Jane while she was dressing up, and me while I sat in the garage. Jane left at four, giving me a quick wave. Boy, was she dressed to kill! Jane was always a looker and I had to take one last look at my soon-to-be ex-wife. Her dress was exquisite. It accentuated all of the right curves of her body. Her breasts poked out just enough to provide promises of more, while the curve of her hips flowed flawlessly down to her long tanned legs. Her hair complemented the dress perfectly. Just formal enough to show elegance, but with a tuft of hair near her ears just loose enough to hint at mischief. Her FMP shoes were carried in her hands as she wore normal joggers. Her face was flawless due to the makeup. Her red lips emphasised by the correct shade of colour and gloss. I stared shamelessly, and I think I saw her peek a glance back at me. She recovered immediately and rushed to her car. At that, she was gone. Just like that. I felt an overwhelming sense of sadness at the loss of my wife, but her activities lately forced the feeling of anger and hate to surface again. I screamed, "Lying, cheating, whoring bitch!" I think some neighbours wondered what that was about.

The fund raiser was in full swing when I arrived, dressed in my tux. The doorman didn't even hesitate to let me through as all of the important guests had already arrived and were seated in the various positions allocated to them. I took a vacant seat in the back corner of the hall. It was a perfect position as it was directly behind a very large woman. There was no way anyone could see me unless I wanted to be seen! The waiter brought me my first bourbon for the night. "I think this one will have lots of company tonight," I thought ruefully. I texted the shady character that I had hired two days ago to say that I was ready and for him to be ready.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to begin tonight's celebration with an acknowledgement of the two wonderful people who made this all happen. I would like to ask you all to charge your glasses while I ask Mr Jack Johnson, ESQ and his loyal organiser, Mrs Jane Yates to be upstanding." At this point, large monitors lit up with close up portraits of the two. The monitors were strategically placed so that no matter where you were in the hall, it was possible to see in high definition what was happening at the centre of the main table. That was where Jane and Jack were standing. Live cameras swapped the portrait pictures to each of their faces as they stood standing. Jack had his arm around Jane's waist, while Jane had her hand lightly resting on his shoulder. A pose that was more suited to two people who were quite comfortable, and possibly intimate, with each other!

My anger boiled over, but instead of shouting and yelling at the two cheaters, I simply texted, "GO!"

The MC was still outlining the wonderful things that these two fine, upstanding citizens had done for the less fortunate and was about to propose the actual toast, when there was a deathly quiet in the room. Soon there were sighs and cries of, "Oh no!" and "Oh my god!" followed by, "The whore!" and "The cheating bastard!"

Jack and Jane were not aware of what was happening until they glanced at one of the monitors. "Jane's hands went to her mouth and all of her make-up could not cover the fifty shades of pale that she went. She collapsed backwards into her seat, while her head fell forward onto the beautifully decorated main event table. She just missed her partially filled water glass, but not her wine glass, filled with a delicate cabernet sauvignon, an expensive red wine from the Barossa, Australia. It proceed to coat her elegant dress, changing it to one coloured with large patches of red. Bill thought that it reminded him of blood! Jack, meanwhile, had frozen. His eyes could not leave the monitors, now showing the whole hall, video of him and Janey engaging in anal sex. At this point the volume went up, so that all and sunder could hear clearly, their mutterings and moanings. "Yesss Jack, pound my ass! The ass that is yours alone! Not even my clueless husband Bill has this ass. Come on faster honey. Cum in my ass and I will clean it up for you straight after!"

The honoured gusts by now were nothing more than a milling crowd, yelling for it to stop and also yelling at the two cheaters words of abuse not normally heard in this company. When Jack deposited his load into Jane's ass and pulled out with a loud 'plop', Jane spun around and proceeded to do what she promised him. The crowd had had enough! They stormed towards the exit doors while furious technicians went from computer to computer wondering how this intrusion of their network had occurred. "I paid that techy well!" thought Bill. "Job well done!"

Finally, some bright spark pulled all of the monitors' power cords, sending the screens to black. "As black as my heart!" Jack said under his breath. He calmly waited at the exit door while all of the mumbling guests filed out.

Finally, there was only Jack, Jane and Jack's mother and father. They walked towards the door and only saw Bill at the last minute. "Hi Jane," said Bill. He handed her a yellow envelope which Jane automatically took. Bill took a picture with his camera before she could say or do anything. Bill also handed a similar envelope to Jack, who held it like it was an unpinned grenade, which metaphorically, it was! Similarly, a picture was taken. Bill now had evidence that both bastard and bitch were legally served. That should have been enough, but Bill just couldn't let it go there. He bunched his fist and collected Jack's jaw just at the sweet spot. He knew that he would be nursing a very swollen and sore hand for weeks to come, but right now, the smile on his face was all he could feel. Jack fell to the floor like a sack of potatoes. His father and mother cried out and went to him, to see if he was still breathing. He was. "Ok, I won't be going to jail for murder!" thought Bill.

Jack's father straightened himself and ambled up to Bill. "Oh oh," thought Bill. "Now I'm in trouble!"

"Son, you just did something that I should have done to this piece of shit I call my son years ago. I am sorry about what he has done to you and your marriage. We will talk again later, after I get this retrograde ape home, or to the hospital." He then dragged Jack, not too gently, out of the building.

That left Jane. Standing there, alone.

She slowly attempted to meet Bill's eyes, but couldn't. The shame and guilt overwhelmed her and she collapsed to the floor, sobbing her heart out. She kept repeating the same words, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Bill looked down at her and grimly said, "No you're not bitch! The cruel way that you treated me and our marriage doesn't leave room for sorrow. All that is room for in your heart is deceit, lying, cheating and whoring! I can't think of one reason why you would do what you did, nor do I even want to know why because that means I would need to listen to the vomit that might come out of your lying lips, the lying whoring lips that would clean up a cum covered cock which had just been in your ass! How you explain what you did to our two children is up to you. I have already spoken to them and told them why I am leaving your cheating ass. They didn't believe me at first, until I showed them snippets of the show that all of your well-to-do society friends saw tonight. Your parents were also not impressed and are just dying to see you. Go back to the house if you want to. It is not my home anymore. It is not our home anymore! I look upon it now as a neighbourhood brothel where you were the star whore. The neighbours also now know why a flash car was parked there. They may also have some words to say to you. Only contact me through my lawyer. You chose what you did, you live with the consequences, bitch!" I was shouting by now. Something I needed to do to quench the angry fires of hate which had been stoked.

I left her there, on the floor, a broken woman. Broken as my heart was for the loss of what I thought until recently was a good marriage.

Jack's father contacted me three months later asking for a meeting, at his house. I went, purely out of curiosity. He got the point straight away. "Mr Yates, thanks for coming. It has taken me this long to build up the courage of inviting you to let you know what has happened since the great revelation. I have taken Jack out of my will, a fact that he was informed of by our lawyer. The Porsche has become an excellent gift for one of my nieces who is studying law." He paused as he saw me nodding my head in agreement. "However, no matter what punitive measures are stacked at my son, I know it can never mend the hole in your heart. For that I am eternally sorry. I know it wasn't my fault for what these two deceitful people have done to you, but my sense of justice demands that I do something." With that he gave me a sealed envelope. "Please don't open it until you are at home, sipping a nice bourbon." He shook my hand and led me to the door. "You are welcome anytime, if you feel the need."

The door shut behind me and there was another closing!

The bourbon was in my hand when I opened the envelope. It was a cheque. A cheque for one million dollars! With it was a note. It read:

Bill, I think we both agree that your wife became a whore, chasing riches by opening her legs to my son. Normally it is the whore who gets paid, but I decided to change that rule. I would like you to be the one who is paid. Your ex-wife and my son screwed each other behind your back for about five years, or so he tells me. That's two hundred thousand dollars per year. On average they screwed four times a week, again, so he says! Fifty weeks a year, so that makes it that they screwed two hundred times per year (about). I am paying you the price of one thousand dollars for each time they screwed.

This might seem a strange payment, but I feel that our family owes you and owes you big time. Many jilted husbands would have sought revenge by less than savoury means, but you kept it legal and maintained your dignity and honour in all of this.

Go and make a good life with your remaining years.

I meant what I said about coming to see me anytime. I would be honoured to share a bourbon with a man like you.

James Whitmore

"Well, I'll be buggered!" said Bill to the glass of bourbon he still had in his hand. "I know a good yacht that has my name on it in the Florida Quays!"

Jane now lives in Atlanta, serving tables at whatever café will hire her. Neither the children, or Bill ever heard from her. Jack disappeared from everywhere apparently! Bill had James Whitmore's address in his car's navigation system and often sent the car there to share a bourbon. He no longer works for NASA, but has his name on many fishing honour boards at some local bars in Florida.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythief2 months ago

Nice little bit of fantasi with some BTB/BTB. Not sure about some of the language used in the story, maybe I'm just a bit behind but what was the comment about "a flash car" at his house about. Don't think I've ever heard anyone say that? I did have to chuckle about the motel room being number 69. Even though the story was kind of on the light side, I'll give it four stars for being entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Oh my, this was bad. I kept hoping it might get better but it never did. Serves me right for reading it.

thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamer3 months ago

To the Anon of 3 days ago--if it was too stupid to read wouldn't it also be too stupid to comment on?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too freaking stupid to read beyond The ridiculous drug bust. Get real no police department will send a swat team from a citizen phone call nor a TV station would send a film crew for an unsubstantiated drug bust. At the very least the cops would have run the auto plates to ascertain who was involved. The story was too absurd for me to spend the time to read. Gave it a 1 for dumb.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Needs a bit of proof reading. I really appreciated that true justice was done here; I loath and despise stories where a woman like this is taken back by the MC and the moment I see a story turn it that direction I'm done with it and the author and for two good reasons. First, that plot line is ludicrous and an insult to the reader. Second, it directly demeans men, reducing them to spineless men who have sold out their integrity. In these times I loath ANYTHING that has even faintly smells of WOKE-misandry. I expunge writers who contribute to the demascilinty of men.

This is a good story. Well crafted and with a believable plot line. I would suggest that if you wish to place your story in an American setting that you carefully exclude British idiots. For example you'll never here an American say bloody, bullocks or flash. Also, we don't sat MUm when referring the our mothers, typically it's either "my mother or mom. Of course, you don't have to do this but failing to do so marks at once as British commonwealth; to wit, the Florida reference.

Again, very good story!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Pretty good story but clearly this writer lives in the British Common Wealth; he us words, designations, metric measurement, etc.

Such as Florida Quays when it's the Keys.

Americans never "sort out" a problem. You won't hear that.

bobareenobobareeno7 months ago

Satellites, once in orbit, don’t move about.

The whole thing about the rich father giving a rat’s ass about the cuckold of his son’s whoring was like a fairy tale, that is, it had no foothold in reality.

The dialogue where a cuckold hears the words of the illicit lovers is almost always strained and unrealistic. This story’s use of that device was no exception.

Not the best effort of this author, who is, nevertheless, a good writer.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Nice to be employed with such nice viewing devices. Love a deserved Happy Ending. Thanks for sharing it.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Did the payoff then make the MC a pimp?

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