Ezzie The Next Generation Pt. 26


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"I knew the administrators would leave once I shut off the cameras." Sylvie says as she pulls out her drones. She puts a tracker on me, and turns to Nick & Nicole. "May I get some B Roll footage?" Asks Sylvie.

"Of course." Says Nicole as she takes a tracker for her and Nick.

As Sylvie is activating the tracker on Nick and Nicole, Mr Randolph comes over. "We would be honored if you two would join us for the game." He says to Nick and Nicole. He turns to Nick. "Would you like to throw out the game ball? Mr. Randolph asks Nick.

Nick laughs. "No Way! I will get Roasted online. Plus Nicole would do a better job." Says Nick.

Nicole scolds him. "You Baby! Mr Randolph I would be happy to do it."

"Wonderful!" Says Mr. Randolph. "I will head out now and get some last minute hype going for it. I will see you all on the field later." He says as he takes Mrs. Randolph's arm and they head back to their car.

Nick & Nicole are great with everyone. They spend time and take selfies with the students. They spend a long time talking to Auntie & Uncle. Auntie & Uncle are smiling a lot as I try to watch them as I talk to some of the students. "Ezzie, what are they saying?" I ask.

"Nicole is telling them she understands as an adult what it is they did for you, and as someone that was in your place, what you have gone through. She is telling them they did a great job raising such a great young lady. Uncle is thanking them for watching out for you. He was worried when you went out to Hollywood, but after seeing Nick handle the rude reporter he feels better. Nick promises he will never let any harm come to you." Says Ezzie.

Everything starts wrapping up. It's time to go to the game. Jim & I and Anna & Larry ride with the students. We get there and go down to the field. Sylvie has edited a piece together from earlier in the day at Rodney College that shows on the Jumbotron. Nicole walks up onto the mound. Ignoring the closer mark they have laid out, and throws a pitch from the actual pitcher's mound. The catcher doesn't even have to get up. He just reaches to the side. If there had been a batter there she would have hit him, but it's a whole lot better than mine was. Everyone cheers.

I notice Auntie & Uncle off near the dugout. It looks like Sylvie is introducing Johnnie to them. "Ezzie, what is everyone thinking over there?" I ask.

"Sylvie is excited to have sex again with Auntie, and she is very curious about having sex with Uncle. She thinks he is a sweetheart and hopes the sex is good too. Johnnie is thinking Auntie is a total MILF. He can't wait to see her and Sylvie having sex and then fucking her. Auntie is imagining Johnnie's hard muscles, and she hopes he has a nice muscle for her." Says Ezzie.

"Auntie!" I laugh in my head. "You go girl."

"And Uncle is imagining having sex with Sylvie. He is afraid he won't last long. She is so sexy." Says Ezzie.

I giggle. "Poor Unc. Ezzie, has Auntie or Uncle ever taken V or E?" I ask.

"No, Mary." Says Ezzie.

"Let's have Sylvie suggest they all take a half a pill. Everyone will take a half, and then enjoy some fun carefree sex. No worries or concerns, just good fun sex." I say.

"They will enjoy themselves, Mary." Says Ezzie.

The game is a lot of fun. We are all asked to sit outside through the second inning, again. So they can show us during the game. After the commercial break in the middle of the second inning, someone from the team tells us we are all set and can move around.

At one point I head into the ladies room, and when I come out Nicole is there waiting. She gives me a big smile, but doesn't get too close. "Do you know what no one seems to talk about when you get pregnant?" She asks me.

"Um no." I say with a smile.

"Not only do you feel like you have to pee All the time." She says with a smile as she glances around real quick. "But how fucking horny you get." She says softly. "All my hormones are in overdrive. It's too bad so many people are around. I would be tempted to push you back into the bathroom."

"Oh that would be horrible." I say looking past her and seeing no one around us. "I mean it would be horrible if I had to drop to my knees, and lick you until you came." I say.

Nicole sighs. "I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Now I am going to be worse off thinking of just that." I just smile at her. "Would you and Jim like to come join me and Nick later?" She asks.

"I think I could talk Jim into that." I say.

"Oh Really! You think you have to talk him into it. Maybe I should ask him myself." Says Nicole.

I giggle at the thought of it, and the look on Jim's face. "Sure. Go ahead and ask him." I say.

"Oh you Brat. Fine. I will. Right after I pee. Move." Nicole says walking past me. I stand at the food and put together a small plate for Jim and I to share as he comes walking up. He looks at me and smiles. "Getting something for me too?" He asks. Just as Nicole is walking up to us.

"What? Is the woman supposed to wait on the man all the time?" She asks and you can see she is joking.

"I would be happy to fix both of you ladies a little something." Says Jim.

Nicole steps closer to us and drops her voice. I wouldn't call what you have little, but I would certainly love some. Would you and Mary like to come up to our room later? Maybe you could give me a snack to swallow." She says in a sexy voice.

I have to say I am turned on listening to her and she wasn't even talking to me. Jim's face is so cute. He is like a deer in the headlights. He looks at me for an answer.

Nicole smiles. "Don't look at her. Answer me." Nicole says and glances around again. "Would you like me to wrap my lips around your hard cock and suck on it?" She asks.

Jim's eyes are wide in surprise and shock. "Yes." He says.

"Good answer. We will figure out the details later." She says as she takes a piece of celery off my plate, dips it in ranch and pops it in her mouth with a smile at Jim as she walks back outside to the seats.

Jim looks at me and asks. "What the fuck was that?"

"That was pregnancy hormones, or at least that's what she claims." I say.

"So tonight?" He asks.

"Absolutely." I say with a smile.

We sit back down and watch the game, while I talk to Ezzie. "Ok so Auntie and Uncle are out for the night with Sylvie and Johnnie. Can you make them stay out late, and let me know when they come back to the hotel, please Ezzie."

"Of course, Mary." Says Ezzie.

"Now for Anna & Larry. They will do whatever they do in the boy's room. They will assume Jim & I are in our room, and won't disturb us. If they are done first they will cuddle on the bed until Jim and I come to their room." I say.

"Done." Says Ezzie.

I wrap my arm in Jim's as I sit beside him, and hug his arm to me as I lean into him. "Thank you, Ezzie. You are the best." I say.

"You are Welcome." Says Ezzie.

The game ends and everyone gathers their stuff. An intern for the team comes up and offers to take the students down to the bus. We shake hands and hug. I promise I will stay in touch, as some of us swap contact information.

Auntie looks at Anna & I. "Ok so we are going out to dinner and a night out with Sylvie and Johnnie. We will be back late. I expect everyone to behave, stay out of trouble, and not to wander far from the hotel. Ok?" She says.

Nicole overhears everything and steps up to Auntie. "Nick and I were going to grab some dinner. How about we take them with us, and then we can take them back to the hotel." Says Nicole.

Auntie doesn't want to look a possible chaperone in the mouth, but tries to be polite. "I couldn't ask you to.."

"You didn't ask." Says Nicole. "I offered. Plus I would love to get to know Anna too. Mary has told me so much about you all. It's been great spending time together today and getting to know you and Joe. Please let me do this."

"Ok. Thank you, Nicole." Auntie turns to Nick. "And thank you too." She says.

Nick laughs. "I learned long ago. Yes Ma'am. Is the best thing to say when your wife asks you to do something." Says Nick.

Auntie laughs. "Good man."

"Yes Ma'am." Says Nick with a big smile. "See it works All the time." He laughs.

"You couldn't just say thank you?" Asks Nicole

"Nope. My answer was more fun." He says.

Nicole rolls her eyes and shakes her head. She looks at me and Anna. "Say Goodnight." She says, nodding to Auntie and Uncle. "We have a car waiting downstairs." As she steps away she points at Nick, Larry & Jim. "You, you & you collect your stuff, and get the trash off the deck into trash barrels." She says.

Auntie smiles at her bossing the boys around. "I like her." She says as Anna & I kiss and hug them goodnight.

Nick tells the driver to take us to some restaurant. Nicole asks. "How do you know about this place?"

"Security guard I was talking to said it had great burgers and lots of different beers." He says smiling.

"Of course. Leave it to my husband to get chummy with a security guard and find a burger and beer joint." She sighs.

We arrive and it's not bad. It's a newer, cleaner place. We sit and Nick starts talking to Larry. "Boy, if you ever want to put on more muscle you let me know. You are a big guy. I could get you looking close to me real quick. And if you wanted to get real serious like I do for movie rolls I could show you how to get real ripped and shredded too, but that step takes a lot of discipline, and is hard to hold."

"Seriously." Says Larry.

"If you are willing to put in the work." Says Nick.

I see Anna looking between Larry & Nick. "Hhhmmm. I think you would look sexy." Says Anna, and Larry just smiles.

"Oh Jesus!" Sighs Nicole. "A new workout buddy."

Nick keeps ordering a different beer he hasn't heard of each time. He is on his 6th I think when we are done eating. Nicole says. "Ok, back to the hotel we go." We are heading back and Nicole says to us. "Just behave and don't get into trouble. Ok?"

"We won't, I promise." I say giving her a smile and a quick wink when Anna isn't looking. Anna and I head you to our rooms. I look at Anna. "You guys get the boys room." I say.

"Sure." Says Anna. "Text when you are done."

"I will." I hug her and Jim & I walk into the girls room.

"Are we..". He starts to ask, as I turn and shut him up with a kiss.

I pull back with a smile. "So you want to get together with Nick & Nicole." I say. "Did you enjoy fucking Nicole last time?" I ask.

"I did, but do you know what I liked best?" He asks. I play dumb and shake my head no. "Watching you. Watching you with Nicole was so fucking sexy." He says.

I reach up and pull his head down and give him a deep passionate kiss. I break the kiss and grab my phone, and text Nicole.

ME - Are you ready?

NICOLE - We are Absolutely ready.

I smile at Jim and reach into my bag. I pull out a V & E+ bubble pack. "A half a pill for a really fun night?" I ask.

"Why not." He says with a big smile. I snap the two pills in half and we swallow them down.

I turn back to my phone and send a thumbs up. I grab Jim's hand and pull him out the door, and back to the elevators. I knock on the door and Nicole opens the door in a hotel bathrobe. She grabs my hand and pulls me in the room. I hold onto Jim's hand and pull him with me.

We get into their room which is actually a suite. It's a really nice room. Nicole takes Jim's hand from me and pulls him to her. She nuzzles his neck and says softly. "If you are a good boy and sit down with Nick, I promise I will reward you in a bit."

I can see the pleasure on Jim's face as she nuzzles into his neck. He sighs. "Yes Ma'am." Nicole turns him and slaps his ass, sending him to the couch that Nick is on.

Nicole turns to me. "Now you." She says as she pulls at my shirt. "Are overdressed." She pulls my shirt off, leans in to kiss me and wraps her arms around me to unclip my bra. As she breaks the kiss, she pulls her hands across my shoulders. She pulls my bra off as she does. She then drops her hands to my hips and pushes my shorts and underwear over my hips, and they drop to the floor. She looks at me and smiles. "Much better." She says, as she shrugs her robe off. She is naked under it.

I look at her and smile. "Oh look at that!" I say, as I run my hand down to her belly, and softly rub the baby bump just starting to show. "Nicole." I say softly.

She smiles. "I know, but the little bugger is making me horny as hell." She puts her hands on my shoulders. "Ever since you teased me saying it would be a shame if you had to drop to your knees and lick me. It's all I see in my head. So..". She says pulling my face to her pussy as I land on my knees. "Oh Yeah!" She sighs.

I don't resist. I tilt my head just a tad and start eating her out. She is already very wet. I lick up her juices from between her lips, and then concentrate on her clit. She says she is super horny. I want to make her cum. First Nicole sighs softly as I lick her. Then her hips start gently rolling as she just rests her hands on my head. I just keep licking and sucking on her clit.

Soon after that. Her breathing gets faster and louder. She is holding me tight to her pussy, and her hips start rolling harder, almost bucking against me. I smile to myself. I have her! I suck on her clit hard, and flick my tongue across it. "UUGGHH. UUGGHH. UUGGHH. EEEEEIIIIIII!" She yells as I make her orgasm. She pulls my head back gasping. I sit back on my heels smiling at the guys while I lick Nicole's juices off my lips and chin.

"Fuck." Groans Nick.

"Uh huh." Sighs Jim.

Nicole reaches down and pulls me to my feet. She gives me a big tight hug. "Oh I have been thinking about that all day." She says holding me to her. She breaks the hug and nudges me towards the bed. "There is something else that I have thought about on and off for a while now too." She says.

"Wait, can we get up and join you ladies?" Asks Nick.

"Not yet. I am not done with my cute little friend." She says and pushes me onto the bed as I am now standing beside it. I bounce on the bed, and Nicole pushes on my hips. "Over more." She says. I move in that direction. She climbs on the bed in front of me, and slides her legs between mine. I smile as I realize what she is doing. She grabs my ankle and tugs on it. "Come a little closer." She says.

As I scoot closer she angles her body and slips her pussy almost against me. She reaches down and rubs my pussy with the backs of her fingers. She can feel my wetness, and she smiles. "I thought you would be ready, but I wanted to be sure." She says as she turns and looks at the boys as she sticks her wet fingers in her mouth and sucks them clean.

Nick groans. "I hate you."

Nicole giggles. "I know. Mmmmmmm." She says as she rubs her pussy right against mine.

I let out a long soft sigh. "Ohhhh. That's nice." Softly but firmly she humps against me. I can feel the soft flesh of her pussy lips rubbing against me. In no time we are both wet and our lips are so slick they just glide against each other. Every now and then we make a little wet slurping sound, but for the most part we lay there sighing and smiling at each other. I glance over at the guys, and they are glaring at us like two hungry animals.

I get more turned on thinking of the time I watched Nick fuck Nicole hard, and all of a sudden I am seeing Nick having his way with me in my mind. He is just so big and strong. He could toss me around like a rag doll. I am imagining Nick fucking me like Jim did when he had his way with me.

Nicole is smiling at me with lust in her eyes. "Are you imagining Nick Fucking You?" Nicole asks with a hiss as she humps harder against me and I sigh. "Don't bother trying to lie. I can see it in your eyes. You want to get fucked." She says. I turn and look at her. "Oh there she is. You want me to make you cum too don't you. You are as horny as I am aren't you?" She asks.

"Yes!" I hiss as I hump back against her. I can feel my orgasm building, but I want it all. "Ezzie, I want everyone to have their way with me tonight." I say as I gasp. My orgasm is right there. I want Nicole to make me cum by humping against me. "Ezzie, I want everyone to fuck me hard tonight." I gasp as I orgasm. "AAHH. AAAHHHH. AAAHHHHHHH!"

"Of course, Mary." Ezzie says.

I can still feel my orgasm rippling through me, and I hear Nick say. "We're up kid." And I am being picked up and tossed down on the edge of the bed. Two strong hands grab my hips. They flip me over face down on the bed, and then pull me up onto my knees.

I can barely register what's happening when Nick stabs his dick straight into me. "FUUCCKK!" I yell out.

"You haven't seen fucking yet." Says Nick as he just starts pounding away at me.

"Oohhh. Oooohhh. Ooohhhh." I gasp over and over again as Nick fucks me hard and is controlling every thing. He has my hips firmly in his hands. He is pulling me back and forth as he fucks me. My whole body is rocking and I can't stop it. I almost can't think straight. I couldn't escape if I wanted to.

I cum so fast it surprises me. "AAA.. AAA...HHH... HHHH!" I can't even orgasm without gasping as he pounds me. I have a flash in my mind of Nick fucking Nicole so hard that time. I... can't... take that. I have trouble even thinking right now, and another orgasm is building.

"Mary. Mary." Ezzie calls out, but I can't even think to respond. "This is as hard as Nick will go." Says Ezzie.

Nick is fucking me fast and hard. Every time he fucks into me he bottoms out against me as he pulls me to him and bumps me forward. Before my body can finish bouncing he is pulling out and pushing me away. Over and over.

It's relentless. It's a brutal pounding, and I am loving it. Suddenly I realize I am screaming as I cum again real hard. "AAAAAHHHHHHH!"

Suddenly I realize the world has stopped shaking. I am face down on the bed, panting. I roll on my side and hug a pillow, as little shivers run through my body. I roll my head to the side, Nick is laying beside me panting too. "Fuck that was good." Says Nick with a smile.

I close my eyes and try to take a deep breath, and I let out a deep sigh and close my eyes. "Ezzie?" I say.

"Yes, Mary." She asks and I can hear that satisfied tone in her voice when I have cum hard.

"Was that you?" I ask.

"Well no it was you. You said you wanted everyone to have their way with you and fuck you tonight. So Nick did. I knew you were afraid he would fuck you like you saw him fuck Nicole, so I had him hold back." Says Ezzie.

I hear Nicole orgasm. "EEEEIIIII." I turn and look at her and Jim. Nicole is on her back with legs still in the air. Jim is sitting back on his heels with a big sigh.

It takes Nicole a minute, but she rolls on her side and looks at Nick and I smiling. I notice Jim's cum is already oozing out of Nicole, and leaving a white mess on her. Oh my god cum. "Did Nick cum." I think as I reach down between my thighs.

Just as I register the sticky wet between my thighs, Ezzie chimes in. "Yes Mary, Nick came inside you." She says.

I finally take a deep cleansing breath and relax. Wow, that was an amazing orgasm. "Ezzie, did I black out?" I ask.

"You didn't black out, but the orgasm hit you so hard your thoughts stopped as it happened, and you went blank." Says Ezzie.

"Wow." I sigh out loud.

Nick looks over at me concerned. "Was I too hard? If I was, I am sorry you could have said something."

I smile at him. "No Nick you weren't. I will honestly say it was harder than I have ever experienced. It was a lot, and it was overwhelming, but it was absolutely amazing too." I sigh.

Nick smiles. "Good, cause Nicole would probably kick my ass if I was." He laughs.

Nicole hears that. "What do I have to kick your ass for?" She asks.