F.L.R. Brainwash Experiment


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"No, me either," she lied. "We were together, but he didn't ejaculate in my presence."

She figured lying was her best bet. The only proof was the brain scanner. And perhaps that had a margin of error or was malfunctioning. She tried to play it cool.

"Maybe the scanner is malfunctioning," said Head Mistress in a desperate attempt to discredit the finding.

"Highly unlikely," said the assistant.

"It's not a big deal," said Une Maitress Femme. "We will simply interrogate him when the scan is over."

"Yes, with pleasure," said Jillian smiling.

"A firm grasp on his balls will make him spill his soul," Une Maitress Femme said.

Pour Brandon was completely oblivious to what was happening right next to him. He was practically in a sex dream. As the machine got closer to his perfect women's image the pictures became more and more erotic. The puddle of precum collecting on the chair in front of his cock was clear proof. He began to mumble some lewd words.

"Oh yes baby..... Oh what a nice ass.... Oh God bless your beauty.... Oh I'd fuck her till next July..."

The ladies just giggled at him. Then unexpectedly Selena, the mistress of private client David, entered the room.

"Excuse me Head Mistress," she said. "I'm sorry to interrupt."

"What is it?" asked Head Mistress.

"We have a slight issue with David," she said. "When you kicked him in the nuts earlier, I guess the impact was so hard his right testicle was pushed up into his abdomen. It's not in his scrotum."

Head Mistress and the other ladies chuckled at the news. "Is that so?" she said. "Well, it's not the first time I've done that."

"Yeah, he was screaming in pain for a couple hours," Selena added. "He's finally able to speak."

"And?" asked Head Mistress.

"Well, he's asking to leave. He he doesn't want to continue with us," said Selena. "He said we broke the agreement twice. That his balls were off limits."

Everyone looked at Head Mistress waiting for her reaction. Technically she had gone beyond the limits set forth by David. After all he was a paying customer. But there was one clause in the contract David forgot about. The "no remorse" clause. A clause he had asked for himself. A clause that most clients don't realize supersedes everything else.

"Well Selena. You tell David he's not going anywhere," she said in a stern voice. "His contract clearly states that he is not to be released in the event of remorse of his treatment. So basically he's stuck with us till the end of his stay. He asked for this himself to ensure he feels like a true slave with no rights."

Selena smirked at the news. "Fantastic," she replied.

"Additionally, there's a clause that states he is to be thoroughly punished for asking to be released early," said Head Mistress. "So, get to it."

"Understood," said Selena. "And what about his right testicle? Do we just leave I like that? Our in-house clinic said it would require surgery to retrieve it from his abdomen."

"Leave it for now," answered Head Mistress. "He can have the surgery after his week with us is over. And his chastity cage can still stay on with one nut."

Selena nodded her head and exited the room.

Some time passed and Brandon's experiment was nearing an end. Heather grew nervous as he knew they would interrogate him soon. She had to think of something quick. Never in a million years could she imagine the brain scanner would sell her out. If Brandon speaks the truth, she's in deep shit. If he lies, then he's in deep shit.

Finally, the brain scanner began to beep signaling that the experiment had been successfully completed. The computer immediately began scanning M.A.M.A.'s global database of mistresses, both within the organization and any affiliated organizations. The database is comprised of hundreds of thousands of mistresses, goddesses, and dominatrixes.

"Now the computer will scan and find the closest match to his perception of the perfect woman," said the assistant who was running the experiment. "This will take some time."

Meanwhile the scanner was removed from Brandon's head. His cock was still rock hard and pointing to the ceiling, and there was substantially large puddle of precum all over the chair and dripping onto the floor. He slowly came back to reality.

"How are you feeling Brandon," asked Une Maitress Femme

"I'm feeling great," he replied. It was as if he just woke up from a nap and had a very detailed sex dream.

"We can see that," she said smiling and looking at his crotch.

For a second Brandon felt embarrassed that he was naked and had a raging boner in front of all these women. But then he remembered that this has been his reality for the last several days.

"Uh.... Sorry mistress... I didn't mean to...."

"Relax, you won't be punished for this," she assured him. "But perhaps for something else."

Brandon didn't understand what she was referring to.

"Make him clean up his mess, then strap him to the cross ladies," Une Maitress Femme commanded.

Brandon was released from the chair and forced to lick up all his precum. He couldn't believe how much had leaked out of him. It was as if someone spilled a pint of semen on the chair and floor. It took a couple minutes, but he managed to slurp it all up in disgust and humiliation.

Une Mistress Femme sat back to watch as they prepared Brandon for his interrogation. She loved watching young men being strapped into helpless positions.

Jillian and Heather finished restraining Brandon to the Saint Andrew's Cross. By this point his erection had subsided. Brandon was still unaware of what was happening, but in his experience, something painful awaited his vulnerable balls.

"He's ready," said Jillian grinning.

Head Mistresses hands were figuratively tied. There was nothing she could do to prevent this interrogation since her superior, Une Maitress Femme, was present. And if he does confess to masturbating, then he will have to stay at the facility longer. Since Brandon's incarceration was a mistake and he was being kept for her own sadistic desires, keeping him longer increased the risk of her evil plan being discovered.

Une Maitress Femme walked up to Brandon's naked and vulnerable body and gave him a serious look. "It seems you've been a very bad boy Brandon," she said.

Brandon's heart began to beat faster wondering what she was talking about. She was very intimidating.

"Is there anything you'd like to confess?" she asked wickedly.

Brandon slowly shook his head. Then it came to him. "Do they know about the blowjob Heather gave me," he thought to himself. He turned his head towards Heather.

With so many people in the room Heather was afraid to give any subtle signals to him. "Just don't say anything, please just don't say anything, no matter what she does," Heather repeated in her head.

"No?" asked Une Maitress Femme. "How about now," she said grabbing his balls and squeezed.

"Oooooohhhhh..." Brandon yelled out. His balls hadn't fully healed from the abuses they took all day. And now they're under attack again.

"We know you masturbated Brandon," yelled Une Maitress Femme. "It came up in the brain scanner."

She squeezed Brandon's balls so hard he could hardly speak.

"Pleasssseee... Oooohhhh... Yessss!!!!" he screamed.

Une Maitress Femme smiled and slightly released the pressure on his testicles, but not fully. "Yes what?" she asked.

Brandon moaned in agony as his balls were in excruciating pain once again. "Yes... I masturbated," he falsely admitted.

Heather bowed her head forward. It was all her fault.

Une Maitress Femme delightfully continued to roll Brandon's balls around in her hand causing him to groan in discomfort. "When and how?" she asked.

Brandon had to think quickly. This all sprung on him unexpectedly. Plus, his balls were in an angry woman's grip. He didn't have much time to think. He knew he was almost never alone. Only when he's sleeping in his quarters. And since the field day, he's been with Heather the entire time. But he doesn't want to throw her under the bus. Would it help anyway? He already falsely admitted to masturbating. Changing his story would probably only make things worse. Plus, if she denies what she did, it will be his word against hers. And they will probably believe a mistress over a male. He was in a no-win situation.

"After the Field Day," he answered. "I was feeling very aroused by Mistress Heather's presence when we were alone. I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry."

Heather looked at him in awe.

Une Maitress Femme turned to Heather. "So, this happened in front of you?"

Heather locked eyes with Brandon. She can see he was trying to help her by sacrificing himself.

"I didn't see anything, your excellency," she answered. "I saw that he grew an erection when we arrived here, but I never saw him touch it," she continued. "It must have happened pretty quickly when I was organizing the cabinets."

Heather continued the lie. She didn't know what else to do. A terrible feeling came over her. Under normal circumstances she wasn't supposed to care about the male inmates. They were all considered to be scum and deserved the harsh treatments. But Brandon was different. She never thought she would begin to fall for one of the inmates. It was not something she had ever planned. It just happened. And what was worse is that she knew a terrible fate awaited Brandon. Masturbation is a very serious offense at M.A.M.A.

Une Maitress Femme turned back to Brandon. "That fast huh?" she said. "And what did you do with the cum? There would have been a mess to clean up."

Brandon had to stay quick on his feet. "I.... I came in my hand and then...." he paused. What he was about to say is not something he ever wanted to say. "Then I ate it all up."

The women shook their heads. "The things guys would do just to cum," said Jillian.

Heather looked at Une Maitress Femme hoping she believed it.

"Well, that's the second male to masturbate today," said Head Mistress chiming in. "It's pretty rare."

Une Maitress Femme released Brandon's sore balls. "You males just can't control your urges," she says in a stern tone.

She turns towards Head Mistress and says, "I'll take him with me this evening. As his punishment he can be an additional servant of mine, along with the other five boys."

Heather felt awful. At least if he were to remain under her and Jillian's supervision, she might be able to go easy on him. But now Brandon is completely at the mercy of Une Maitress Femme.

Head Mistress looked at Brandon. "It seems your stay with us has been extended Brandon", she said almost sighing. "That's the rule."

Brandon's heart sank at the news. He was immediately unshackled and back on his knees. Jillian attached his balls leash and handed it over to Une Maitress Femme's assistant. "He's all yours," she said grinning.

Brandon was escorted out of the room. He looked at Heather one last time as he was leaving. So much for their alone time this evening.

Head Mistress's mind was racing. Brandon was a lose end for her. She wanted to keep him detained for her own sadistic pleasure for only one week. Now she's forced to extend his sentence. She had to think of something fast.

"I'll be spending the remainder of the evening in my suite," announced Une Maitress Femme. "I don't like to be disturbed. And I would like an update on Bills interrogation in the morning."

Une Maitress Femme left the room.

Head Mistress seemed frustrated at Heather. "You should've kept a better eye on him," she said in an annoyed tone.

Both Jillian and Heather were surprised at her attitude towards the situation. Usually, she is happy to hear a male had masturbated because then he has to stay longer and be punished for it. But this time was different.

Head Mistress stormed out of the room frustrated. She had a very eventful day. First her Boyfriend Bill had sabotaged her and now Brandon was caught masturbating. And it all happened as the Une Maitress Femme was visiting. She was regretting volunteering Brandon for the experiment. Now he's the center of attention. She needed to figure out a way to take back control of the situation. But first she wanted to pay Bill a visit in the dungeons.


Meanwhile, Une Maitress Femme arrived at her suite with Brandon. It was her time to unwind from the stresses of the day with her new male servants that were assigned to her by the Head Mistress. The four escapees and Ethan were already in the suite awaiting her return. Now Brandon had to join them. She had six attractive young men at her mercy. A nice perk of being the Une Maitress Femme of M.A.M.A.

"Everyone seems to be in their place," said Une Maitress Femme in a satisfactory tone.

Brandon was shocked to see the setup she had. In the living room was a fancy chair that resembled a throne, and it was on an elevated platform. He immediately noticed two male inmate's faces sticking out of the platform floor where her feet would go. Clearly, they were going to be worshiping her feet as she sat. He recognized one of the faces. It was Janice's male Alex. He also recognized the other as one of the escapees.

Looking even closer he noticed another male inmates face in the seat of the throne. He was facing forward directly where the seat and the seat back intersect. Clearly, he was going to be Une Maitress Femme's ass worshiper. He recognized the ass worshipper male as another one of the escapees. All the males' bodies were encapsulated inside compartments under the platform. Brandon was amazed they all were able to fit.

In addition to the chair there was another male in the corner restrained by a cock and ball pillory, with his arms restrained upwards and his legs spread. He appeared to be impaled by an ass fucking machine that was not yet turned on.

"Isn't he that guy Ethan, who was caught masturbating?" Brandon quickly remembered.

Looking around, Brandon came to the realization that he was not among the best company. All the males in the room had broken a serious rule and were being brutally punished for it. And now he had just joined them. Brandon knew he was fucked, and there was nothing he could do to save himself from whatever awful torments awaited him. It was a terrifying feeling.

Une Maitress Femme turned her attention to Brandon. "I know exactly how you should be punished," she said grinning. "Take him into the bathroom ladies."

Brandons heart began to beat faster, and his hands and knees started to shake. The assistant yanked on his balls leash making him yelp. They all walked into a very large bathroom where Brandon saw a terrifying sight. There was another male inmate there. He was strapped down to the floor with his head in transparent a toilet box. He immediately recognized him. It was Jason. He had also tried to escape that night.

"Oh god it's true," he thought as he quivered in fear. "They actually do use males as toilet slaves."

Brandon officially feared Une Maitress Femme probably more than he feared God. He knew he was in for another unpleasant night, but much worse than what he's experienced so far.

The assistants wheeled a portable punishment bench into the bathroom. Moments later they began strapping Brandon onto the bench. He was on his elbows and knees, with his legs spread, and his ass and balls left exposed.

"He's ready your excellency," said one of the assistants.

Head Mistress entered the bathroom. "Thank you, ladies. I'll take it from here," she said. "You may now leave."

The ladies immediately left the suite. Une Maitress Femme was now alone with the six young men at her disposal. Her personal slaves.

In the suite was a utility cart the assistants had prepared with all the tools needed for her alone time with the males. The first item she picked up was a wooden cane.

"Your ass doesn't have any marking on it," she said grazing her fingers over his ass. "A naughty little masturbater like yourself should definitely have some markings."

Brandon braced himself knowing how painful it was having his ass caned a few days prior.

Whack.. whack... whack.... Une Maitress Femme began her relentless assault on his smooth bare ass. Brandon could only helplessly scream in pain. His body jerked in his restraints with each lash. Eventually his scream became pleas for mercy.

"Please... Please.... Ahhh.... No more..." yelled Brandon with tears running down his cheeks. But Une Maitress Femme continued her thrashing until his ass was glowing red and sensitive to the touch.

She finally paused. Brandon laid their whimpering and crying, his body shaking. Then she reached between his legs, grabbed his balls and pulled them back. She made a loop with her thumb and index finger to hold his testicles tight and stretch his scrotum.

Brandon yelped at the unexpected attention to his sensitive man parts, but there was nothing he could do to protect them.

"Now let's have some fun with these little guys," said Une Maitress Femme. Then she began caning his balls lightly and rapidly with the flick of her wrist.

Brandon again began screaming and pulling helplessly in his restraints. His screams were now a higher pitch then before.

Une Maitress Femme laughed in amusement. "Hahaha... you males always change the tone for your balls," she said.

After a few minutes of ball busting, she finally put the cane away. Brandon laid there whimpering in agony. His whole body was glistening with sweat. His ass and ball sack were burning from the caning.

"Let's continue shall we," she said walking back over to the utility cart.

The next item she picked up was a large enema bag with a long tube and anal plug. She took it into the bathroom to show Brandon his next fate.

"I trust you know what this is?" she asked grinning.

Brandon having watched some BDSM porn several times knew exactly what he was looking at, but he had never experienced an enema before. He had no idea what to expect. He simply nodded his head at Une Maitress Femme.

"This is a very special blend," she explained. "Once your guts are full of this you will be begging for mercy. But unfortunately for you, mercy will not come."

Without hesitation she hung the bag from the IV stand that was next to the punishment bench. Then she forcefully removed Brandon's butt plug causing him to moan in pain to the sudden stretching of his anus. She then proceeded to forcefully insert the enema plug.

Brandon laid there audibly moaning from the abuse his asshole just took in a short period of time.

Next Une Maitress Femme grabbed a ball gag and shoved it into Brandon's mouth and bucked it. "I'd rather not hear you beg for mercy quite yet," she said smirking. Simply hearing his moans of suffering was quite satisfying for her.

She walked back behind Brandon and took in the site of his gorgeous young helpless body, and his cute ass, and vulnerable balls. She reached down between his legs and wiggled his flaccid penis with her fingertips.

"You've been a naughty boy and deserve to be punished, don't you?" she said in a childish voice as if mocking his manhood.

She then reached up and turned the valve on the enema bag allowing the fluid to rush into Brandon's ass.

Brandon immediately felt the fluid begins to fill him up. Initially he didn't feel any discomfort, but as the fluid continued to flow, he began to experience cramping. He slowly began to squirm and moan.

"Very nice," she said. "I want you to suffer for a couple of hours."

"A couple of hours?" Brandon thought to himself. His abdomen already felt like it was going to burst so he let out louder moans and whimpers.

Une Maitress Femme then turned to Jason in the toilet box. "As for you, my personal toilet slave," she said grinning. "Your time will come shortly."

Jason let out inarticulate cries from within the toilet box as there was a plastic tube in his mouth.