Fall in Love with a Girl Ch. 03


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One day, Layla was doing the written part of her English final and I had a free period, so I was at my locker grabbing some stuff to study in the library when I heard a voice behind me.

"Sarah," the voice said. I turned around and came face-to-face with Rochelle, the last person I wanted to see.

"What's up?" I said, trying to keep my voice level.

"You haven't been answering my texts! The girls are going to prom with their dates and we haven't heard from you! Who are you taking? This is the last night we'll all have together and it's the biggest social event!"

"Uh-" I said before collecting myself. "I've got other plans for prom, sorry. You'll have to enjoy your night without me."

"You're blowing us off?" Rochelle sputtered. "I thought we were friends?"

I turned to face her at that last remark. "You don't know me at all, do you? You just know me as one of the popular girls and nothing other than that. We've never even really talked about what we're doing after high school."

That seemed to shut her up, and she rocked back on her heels. "Chill out, there's no need to get defensive about it all," she said.

I took a deep breath, ready for what I was about to say next. "Well, I'm bringing my girlfriend to the prom, so you can do with that information what you will."

The last thing I saw before I turned and walked away was her jaw hanging open in disbelief.


I wouldn't have been surprised if Rochelle had spread that news around the school, but I was more surprised by realizing that I just didn't care all that much if it got around. I was out to everyone in my life that mattered, and knowing this took a weight off my shoulders that I hadn't realized I'd been carrying. It was that thought that made me smile while I waited at my front door. Layla was going to pick me up, we'd go back to her place and get dressed and ready, and then we'd go off to enjoy our big night. The buzz of my phone told me she was here, and I turned to hug Dad goodbye.

"Have fun and be safe," he said, garnering the predictable teenage response. "Sarah, I'm so proud of you. You've grown up so much, and you deserve to enjoy this night."

I walked down the driveway and climbed into the passenger seat of Layla's car. We drove in silence, but the kind where you don't have to talk about things to know what the other is thinking. The car stopped outside her house and we went inside and up to her room.

Layla grabbed the bag that had my dress in it and handed it to me. "It's in here. I promise I haven't looked," she giggled. I excused myself to the washroom and pulled open the bag, the familiar feel of the material in my hand. My blue dress fit just as well as the day I had seen it at the store, flowing perfectly around my body. I reached into my bag and found the earrings I had picked out to wear with this dress, and took a deep breath to unveil the look to my girlfriend at last.

I pulled open the door, and with my first glance at Layla anything I had been planning to say died on my lips. She wore a stunning red dress with just a few hints of gold that perfectly contrasted her dark hair, which was pulled up into a tight bun.

"You're so beautiful," I marveled, closing the distance to take her in my arms. "You look amazing," I continued, our lips gently meeting.

"You look beautiful too," she replied, placing her hand on my shoulder. "I love this dress on you, everyone's going to know that I'm dating the prettiest girl in the school."

"No, that'll be me," I smiled as we kissed again, breaking apart to make sure we had everything. Once that was done, I took Layla's hand in mine and opened the door with my free one so that we could head downstairs.

"You girls look amazing!" Alison said excitedly. She insisted on taking photos, as every parent does, and promised to send them to us for social media. She really knew teenagers, that Alison.

The drive to the school, significantly more dolled-up than the drive to Layla's house, nonetheless had the same atmosphere of excited anticipation. After finding a spot to park, we made our way to the entrance and handed over our tickets, getting our first look at the theme of the night. The theme was "Summer of Love", as proclaimed by a sign over the entrance, but I hoped that what I had with Layla would be so much more than that.

"You two look amazing!" someone called, and Erin soon came into view. "I love tonight, everyone looks their best."

"Thanks! You look really nice yourself," I replied.

Erin nodded. "Yeah, I wish I was here with someone but you know...just happy to be here with my friends!" She had confided in me that she'd been in a relationship with a guy for a few months right around the same time when I was starting to date Layla, but it hadn't really gone anywhere and after the breakup it was too close to exams to have time to date.

Layla piped up. "It's okay! You're really nice and confident and pretty, I'm sure you'll find someone at university!" Erin was staying closer to home going to Alberta, and the conversation turned to excitement on the new experiences we'd get to have. We promised to stay in touch and would try to get together when the holidays rolled around, and I was happy that my best friend would still be in my life.

Prom was a wonderful time. I'd be lying if I said there weren't still a few nerves on edge about my relationship being so public, but everyone we talked to was really friendly and we didn't stick out too much. There were other girls who were dancing together in a more platonic sense, as well as a small handful of same-sex couples, so we weren't the only queer people here.

A slower song came on and people got up to dance in pairs. "Dance with me?" I asked, putting out my hand. Layla took it and we found an uncrowded spot on the floor. We turned slowly on the spot, just enjoying the moment together. This was what I'd wanted to do with her for months, being together with all our friends and being accepted. Her eyes sparkled with wonder and the world was reduced to nothing but the look between our eyes.

We stayed that way for a while, taking in each other's eyes, before I leaned down and kissed her. I felt Layla come up slightly on her toes to kiss me back, wanting the sensation to last forever.

"Think anyone noticed?" she said when our lips parted.

"Does it matter?" I replied. "I'm here with you and I'm happy, that's the only important part."

We danced several more times over the next while until the end of the night arrived too soon. Layla rested her head on my shoulder as the last song faded out. "Do you want to come back with me?" she asked, the obvious implication hanging in the air.

"Will that be okay with your folks?" I said knowingly.

Layla just smiled. "They'll be fine. They've always been the type that knew I was going to have sex eventually and wanted me to do it safely. Long as we're quiet it should be fine."

"God, that sounds amazing," I said. "My parents had a strict no-boyfriends rule. Guess they never accounted for the possibility of me having a girlfriend."

The sexual tension between us was noticeable the whole way home, and we barely managed to keep our hands off each other until we shut the door to her bedroom behind us. Our lips crashed together, each of us hungry for a taste of the other. We turned around until Layla's back was to the wall and I pushed her up against it, wanting every kiss to be deeper.

My lips left hers and I heard her gasp as I attacked her neck the way I knew she liked. Layla's hands traveled inwards from my shoulders and found the zipper of my dress, trying to pull it off me. "Need to feel you," she breathed, and I stepped back to oblige. Layla did the same with her own dress before pulling me back in, enjoying the skin-to-skin contact even more. We could barely keep our hands off each other, and when I pushed Layla back against the wall her arms locked behind my back, keeping me close and increasing the pressure.

Remembering what she liked from our first time together, I leaned into her, the height difference making my thigh rubbing up against her covered pussy. Layla gasped at the sudden burst of pleasure and I slowly started to move my leg against her, letting her feel every sensation.

"Remember, we gotta be quiet," I reminded her with a sly smile. Layla nodded and tried to suppress the noises she wanted to make, which just made her sound even hotter. I pulled my leg away, drawing a silenced moan at the loss of pressure, and dropped to my knees before her.

"Wanna do this for you," I mumbled, carefully pulling down her panties. I was met with the same beautiful scent I had been so attracted to the first time I had done this, and I took a moment as I had before to just marvel at how lucky I was to be loved by such a beautiful and kind woman. Layla squirmed as I planted soft kisses on her upper thighs, taking time to get to my destination, before at last getting a taste of her.

She was already so wet as my tongue trailed through her folds, and as I reached her clit I reached up, took her hand, and placed it in my hair behind my head. I teased around her clit with my tongue before finally closing my lips over it in time with her hand grabbing my hair. Getting to serve Layla like this was something I'd dreamt about since the first time I had seen her naked, and my hand disappeared under my own panties as the heat of my horniness built up. My girlfriend gently pulled my hair while she ground her hips against my face, and I could hear her breath quickening as I brought her closer and closer to bliss. She thrust one last time and held my face to her through her orgasm, and the sweet taste of her covered my lips.

I dropped back onto my knees and sat there for a moment before Layla helped me back to a standing position, kissing me and tasting herself on my lips. We moved together onto the bed, where she laid me down onto my back. I was already soaking wet from the submissiveness I'd felt as I got her off and was desperate for her touch. Layla's hand found its way under my panties before slowly drawing it out, her fingers glistening with my juices, and tasting my wetness.

"I love the way you taste on my fingers," she teased, eliciting a blush on my face. "I want to show you something new." Layla clambered onto the head of the bed and swung one leg over me, settling over me and facing away. Her bottom sat over my face and she leaned down, planting her mouth on my soaked sex, while simultaneously settling so that her pussy was just inches from my face. I vaguely knew what this was from descriptions, and lifted my head to get another taste of my girlfriend. The double sensation of eating someone out while having it done to me at the same time was new to me, but the stimulation from it was incredible. All I could do in this position was devote my attention to her clit and hear her reactions while she did the same for me.

"Inside," I could only mumble to communicate the need to just be filled, but Layla knew what I meant as a finger swirled around my folds before seamlessly gliding inside me, then was joined by another. I tried to buck against her hand, wanting her fingers deeper, but with her free hand she pushed my hips down, not letting me move. Instead, I felt her fingers curl, hitting the perfect spot, and the only way I could keep quiet was to bury my face in her pussy again. Layla's fingers were like magic, bringing me higher until I couldn't hold it back anymore and felt pure ecstasy as I came. I redoubled my attention to getting her off in return, savouring every taste, until she had the same reaction that I had and the dam broke at last.

Layla swung her leg off me and turned around, settling in beside me in the bed. "You were amazing, Sarah, so amazing," she gushed.

"So were you," I replied just as excitedly. "I always get so wet for you. I guess my body just knows what it likes. Thank you for this magical evening, I had a wonderful time," I added.

"It was perfect. I've wanted to dance with you for so long, and then getting to take you home and make love to you, it was perfect," Layla said. "Guess we should get washed up for bed."

After having done that, we settled back under the covers, Layla beautiful in my arms as always. We drifted off to sleep with thoughts of our lovemaking in our heads, and I hoped that we'd get to experience many more of these nights for years to come.


Our blissful night was soon pushed out of the front of our minds for refocusing on finals, needing to stave off the infamous senioritis. Study sessions with Layla were nice for occasionally getting to take a break to kiss her, but we both knew how important these exams were to have that future we envisioned together. These went by in a flash, and at last the only thing left to do was walk at graduation. This was the last time our senior class would all be in one place, and while I wasn't too sad to be leaving this town to go somewhere less bigoted I'd still miss the carefree nature of being a teenager.

The class milled about outside the arena where our ceremony would be held. I had ended up valedictorian, so my speech sat in a little notebook in my arm, but I didn't have to memorize anything so I wasn't too worried. We took pictures, expressed hopes for the future, and just generally shot the breeze.

Finally the ceremony started, and after listening to several long speeches from Mr. Hanover and a couple other VIPs, it was time to walk. I was near the middle, so mostly I was watching for Layla's name to be called. Finally, I heard Mr. Hanover say:

"Layla Chen."

I saw my girlfriend walk across the stage and felt a swell of pride in my heart. She'd switched schools in the worst circumstances with just one term left to go of high school, and when I'd met her she'd just wanted to get through the year and get as far away as possible. Now she had friends, she was part of a community, and through all of this she'd made me a better person as well by having her in my life.

Mr. Hanover carried on down the list until he reached my name:

"Sarah Jackson."

I heard the cheers as I crossed the floor, shaking everyone's hand and posing for all the photos. It was at this moment that it really hit me. I'm an adult, going to university, in an adult relationship. This is really happening.

The rest of the names passed without much attention, but I did tune back in to hear Mr. Hanover call Erin's name and see my best friend cross the stage.

After the last of the graduates had been called, we sat back down and Mr. Hanover made some more remarks before at last saying, "We would now like to welcome our 2023 McDonald High School valedictorian to the stage to say a few words, Sarah Jackson."

This was it. I reached the lectern, set my notebook down, and took a deep breath.

"Greetings, graduates. We've been on this journey together for years, many of us since Grade 1, and now we're set to go on our ways. If I had written this speech six months ago, it probably would have been more academic than it's going to be, but one thing I'd like to recognize is the community that we've built here at McDonald.

"School is about more than just classes, grades, and exams. It's where each and every one of us finds out just who we are as a person. We make friends, play sports, fall in love and out of it, and try new things. Exams test what we know, but every day of school tests who you are, and by making it here, you've all passed with flying colours.

"I've been in this town my whole life, and like some of you I'm going out into the great big world to continue my education. Tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the first day of school, and the first day where you call home when you're stressing over exams, is a new test each time, and you'll use every tool in your toolkit to handle it, but you're all going to do amazingly.

"Regardless of where life takes you, every day is a new day, and all you can do is just experience it for all it has. It's going to be scary, and difficult, and wonderful, but you can do it all."

My final words hung in the air as the applause rang. It wasn't a long speech, as I knew people wouldn't want more of those by the end of the day, but if the message stuck with even one person then I figured I'd lived up to my duty as valedictorian.


The summer before we headed off to university was filled with trying to enjoy the last days of childhood we had left. Layla and I went for long walks, went shopping for things we'd need, and had movie night sleepovers, some of which I'm happy to say ended with my head between her legs. She even met my parents for the first time, which went better than I had been fearing. On some level, I still wanted their approval, and was left feeling hopeful about having it.

The last week before school started saw our two families cramming items into every corner their vehicles had before departing on a sort of mini-convoy across the mountains. The scenery was beautiful, and I certainly wouldn't mind criss-crossing this place a few more times to go home for breaks - weather-permitting, of course. The last leg of the trip saw us board a ferry to get to the island, where Layla and I went out to get some sea air and feel the breeze in our faces.

And that, dear reader, is where our story concludes for now. It's been a week since our classes started, and I'm writing this as Layla is off hanging out with people from her program. It took a while to get used to the humidity here, but our space really feels like ours, and every night when we fall asleep in each other's arms is the sign of another new day to take on. Together.


Thank you to everyone who's read this story all the way through! This will probably be the last we see of Sarah and Layla as the main characters. If there's another character I explore in this universe, I think it'll probably be Erin - I didn't go too much into her in this story, but I think there could be potential there. School is very busy though, so my next story likely won't come for a while.

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snornsnorn3 months ago

Aww, lovely miniseries. Looking forward to more when you find the time 🥰

THBGatoTHBGato3 months ago

Itching for you to write more in this vein, as your characters really get under the skin. Great work!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Oh I hope you keep writing. Well done.

GayKatGayKat4 months ago

Brilliant, We Love It,,, Yes! 💋


Hallo girlsngays!


This is a beautifully written very emotional story, and we loved it, thank-you, 5-⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and 5-More⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.


Growing up in a group home, I never had parents, or family to disapprove of the choices I made, although I did have a few of my girlfriends parents, object very strongly to their daughters being seen with me, including my wife's parents... that is until Queen Jackie set them straight, they chose to tolerate a lesbian daughter-in-law over losing a daughter!


From your two new kinky dike fans,


The Black Queen 👩🏿 and Gay kat 👩🏼‍!


LiberalMindsLiberalMinds6 months ago

This is so sweet. Please keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lovely story about two young souls being challenged to be who they are inside. Good thing Layla's parents had the presence of mind to move her to the new school, even if she hadn't met her soul-love Sarah. Unfortunately not all young women's stories have such happy endings. This one was sweet. Keep it up.

Nightwish1977Nightwish19778 months ago

I loved it, it was a great and emotional piece of writing. I think I would love to read Erin's story.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Loved it! No more?! 😞

Cupertino345Cupertino3459 months ago

I really liked your story but then I am a sucker for happy endings. Both of your main characters were in an average town but were accepted by everyone they cared about. Nice dream world. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thanks for sharing.

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetronius9 months ago

You have laid a firm, solid foundation for a fictional universe with an ever growing cast of characters flowing in and out as their paths cross. Cherish your talent. Celebrate it. Please let your stories marinate in your mind and heart and, when the time is right, share them with us.

I don't "follow" a lot of authors, but you are one.

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