Family First Ch. 07


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A few minutes later, she stepped out of their adjoining bathroom to see Tim just where she left him, naked and sprawled out on their bed. She was surprised to see that, despite having just filled her with a load of cum, his cock was still half-hard. He smiled lazily up at her, taking a moment to admire her generous breasts before meeting her eyes. Even after all these years, the way he looked at her never failed to make Mary's heart flutter with excitement.

She climbed gingerly back into bed, snuggling up close to his hard, masculine body. For several long minutes, they were silent, merely enjoying the sound of each other's breathing. Tim rested his palm along the curve of Mary's hip and gently massaged her soft flesh while she leisurely ran her fingers through his chest hair.

"So you're really not mad at me?" Mary finally asked.

"Mad? No, I'm not mad. Surprised and more than a little overwhelmed... but not mad." He hesitated. "Something still doesn't make sense to me, though."

"What's that?"

"I still don't understand why in the world Danny would have walked in on you. What was he even doing at Ray and Diane's that late at night?"

"It was this morning, actually," Mary corrected. She flashed him a wicked smile, no longer afraid of how he would react. "But he did spend the night." She waited a beat, enjoying watching the gears spin behind her husband's eyes. Finally, his eyes jolted wide.

"You're shitting me!" he said as a goofy smile spread across his face. Mary's smile widened as well, offering silent confirmation of his as yet unspoken realization.

"With Christina?" he asked.

Mary nodded, and Tim let out a low whistle his hands ran over his scalp. As she expected, a flurry of questions followed soon after, and Mary spent the next few minutes telling him everything she knew about their son's recent sexual awakening.

"I still can't believe that so much has changed just since you've been gone," she said as her story came to a close. "You must think we've all gone crazy."

Tim's mouth opened and closed again as if he was about to say something but thought better of it. He hesitated a moment before saying, "Actually... No--Not really. Danny and Christina have practically been joined at the hip since they were toddlers. Remember how she used to sneak into his room at night? Didn't you ever wonder whether there was more than just Star Trek and video games happening down there?"

Mary suddenly felt incredibly naive. The possibility of her son and niece experimenting sexually with each other had honestly never crossed her mind.

"I never brought it up, because I wasn't sure how you would react."

"That was probably for the best," Mary admitted. "Now that I think about it, though, I am kind of surprised nothing happened between them until so recently."

"I'm glad they waited," Tim said. "This would have been a whole different can of worms if the two of them weren't already eighteen."

"Agreed," Mary replied with another quick nod. "So what about me and Ray? Did you predict that one too?"

"No--That one I did not see coming. I can't decide whether it's more surprising to hear that you have a thing for incest or that you actually went through with it."

"Well, I did have some help."

"Speaking of which, Diane might be the most surprising of all," Tim replied. "I mean... Let's not beat around the bush. I know she's resented me ever since she found out about the open marriage. I don't blame her, but it's still hard to believe that she'd be okay with her husband fucking another woman--especially when that woman happens to be his own flesh and blood sister."

"Well to be fair, it's not like she didn't get anything out of the bargain."

Tim's eyes seemed to glaze over a bit, and Mary knew he was trying to conjure up a mental image of what she'd told him minutes earlier. "I can't believe she really had sex with you and Christina--"

"--and Danny," Mary added, smiling wickedly back at him, enjoying the fact that she had the upper hand in their conversation once more.

Not for the first time that evening, Tim's eyes went wide with surprise. "She... what?"

"While Ray and I were enjoying ourselves, she left to go 'check' on the kids and gave our son something I think he's been fantasizing about for a very long time."

Despite his shock, Tim couldn't help but grin as he remembered his son's boyhood crush on Diane. "Now that isa surprise," he said as a giant grin spread across his face. "Any idea how he handled himself?"

"From the way she was looking at him across the breakfast table this morning, I'd say she had a good time."

"That's my boy!" Tim exclaimed, flashing an irrepressible, shit-eating grin.

Mary couldn't help but giggle at the look of fatherly pride on her husband's face. Tim had always been confident with women, and over the years, he'd tried and failed to impart some of that same confidence to his son. No matter how hard Tim tried to build him up, Danny never had the confidence to follow through. Hearing that his son had satisfied not one, but two women in the space of a few days, clearly made Tim feel like all of his efforts had finally paid off.

She wondered whether he would be quite so enthusiastic when she told him what happened next. Adopting a more serious expression, she said, "There's more... Once Diane was done with Christina and Danny, she came back to join me and Tim, and..." She paused, her cheeks flushed with a mixture of arousal and shame as she remembered the taste of her son's cum.

"And...?" Tim asked, unable to hide his eagerness.

"And... well... I don't know how else to say it, but I ate our son's cum from her pussy."

Mary found herself bracing for impact yet again. Surely her husband's blanket acceptance of her behavior had some kind of limit, and she couldn't help but wonder whether she'd finally reached it.

To her immense relief, his smile didn't falter in the slightest. "How was it?" He asked.

"Amazing," Mary said, feeling another burst of heat in her cheeks.

Tim gave a satisfied nod. "And what happened next?"

"I'm not sure... the last thing I remember is Tim fucking me while Diane rubbed herself on my face. Once I realized it was Danny's cum I was tasting, I came so hard that I passed out."

Tim silently mouthed a "wow" and flashed her another broad grin. For once, it seemed that even he was at a loss for words.

"You're really not disgusted with me?" Mary asked.

"Do I look disgusted?"

Without removing his hand from her hip, Tim glanced downward. Following his gaze, Mary's eyes went wide when she took in the sight of her husband's cock. It had only been a few minutes since his last orgasm, and he was already fully erect--his thick cock twitching slightly with his heartbeat.

"I... I don't understand. Doesn'tanyof this bother you?" Mary asked. "I just confessed to fucking my brother and eating our son's cum. Any sane person would call the police and have me locked up, but you don't even seem that surprised! There's something you're not telling me, and I want to know what it is... Now." she demanded.

Tim's smile faltered, but only slightly. "I'll tell you," he said. "But first you have to answer one more question for me."

"Okay, what?"

"If you had the chance to fuck our son... would you take it?"

Mary hesitated. She payed close attention to Tim's expression, searching for any hint of malice or deceit. Finding none, she smiled nervously and said, "Honestly... I'm not sure I'd be able to stop myself, even if I wanted to. This morning I practically soaked through my shorts hearing Christina and Diane talk about all the things they did with him last night, and the only thing that stopped me from making a move on him earlier this afternoon was knowing that you would be home soon."

"I... I don't know what's gotten into me. I know I should be disgusted with myself... any good mother would be, but knowing how wrong it is turns me on even more."

"I thought you'd say something like that," Tim replied with a knowing smile.


"Because my mom told me almost the exact same thing right before she took my virginity."

Mary gawked at him, her jaw hanging open in surprise. It took her a moment for her to realize that she hadn't misheard him, and even when she did, his words were still nearly impossible to comprehend.

Tim chuckled at the look of startled confusion on his wife's face. "Surprised?" he asked, chuckling at her baffled expression.

There were so many questions Mary wanted to ask, but they all jumbled together in her mind until her thoughts were an incoherent mess. Finally, with a great deal of effort, she managed to stutter out a response.

"H-How did this happen?"

"I imagine roughly the same way it happened with Christina and Danny, or you and Ray. She came into my room one afternoon while Dad was at work, and asked me if I wanted to learn how to please a woman. Obviously, I said yes."

Mary felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine as she formed a mental image of her mother-in-law seducing her husband. Tim's mom had been a real looker in her younger days, and it was easy to see how any teenage boy would find her difficult to resist.

In this context, his odd reaction to her confessions suddenly made a lot more sense. He wasn't shocked or offended by her incestuous behavior because he'd done something similar himself. The whole thing was almost too crazy of a coincidence to be believed, but the confident smile on his face left little doubt about his sincerity.

"Are you alright?" Tim asked after another lengthy pause. "You're not pissed at me, are you?"

The concerned tone of his voice snapped Mary out of her reverie. "No. I'm not mad," she replied. "Mostly, I just want to know what happened."

"Fair enough," Tim replied before launching into his explanation. "It started the summer before my freshman year of college, right after my eighteenth birthday. I started noticing that as soon as Dad left for work, Mom would start dressing more provocatively, wearing short skirts and low-cut blouses that I'd never seen her wear before. I did my best to keep my eyes to myself, but she made that next to impossible. It seemed like I couldn't glance in her direction without her finding some excuse to bend over and give me a peek at something I knew I wasn't supposed to see. I tried to tell myself that it was wrong--that she didn't know the effect she was having on me, but I just couldn't stop myself from peeking. By the time she finally made her move, I was so wound up that there was no way I'd turn her down."

"That summer she taught me everything she knew about pleasing a woman. She always told me that she did it for my benefit, that it would give me an opportunity to learn about sex in an environment free from embarrassment or judgement. At the same time, she never tried to hide the fact that she really got off on showing me her slutty side."

Mary had to admit that her mother-in-law had trained him well. She thought back to her and Tim's first night together--the night she'd lost her virginity. The sight of his hard cock had terrified her, and she remembered thinking that there was no way he'd ever fit it inside of her, no matter how hard they tried. Somehow, Tim managed to break through all of her anxieties and make that evening one of the most magical of her life. He'd been gentle and caring--easing her slowly into each new phase of their love-making. He'd kissed, licked and rubbed her to three orgasms before he finally entered her virgin pussy. That was the night that she knew that Tim was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with.

A terrifying thought entered her mind. "What about after we met?" she asked. "You weren't still...?"

Tim shook his head. "No, we weren't. It all came to a stop the day we got partnered up for that stupid science project. In fact, if it wasn't for Mom's encouragement, I probably wouldn't have gotten up the courage to ask you out in the first place. You weren't exactly the easiest person to get to know back in those days, you know."

He was right. Mary had been painfully shy as a teen. She'd resisted Tim's come-ons for a long time before finally agreeing to go on a date with him. Her heart fluttered as she remembered how terrifyingly wonderful it had been to finally let someone past her defenses. It was strange to think that her mother-in-law was, at least in part, responsible for it finally happening.

"So was that the end of it, then?" she asked.

Tim's smile faltered a bit, and Mary's spirits fell right along with it.

"It would have been," he said. "But then Dad got sick..."

It had been a little over ten years since Tim's father had passed away from pancreatic cancer. If there was a silver lining to the diagnosis, it was the timing. They found out right around the time that Tim had started working in the city, and his office was only a quick fifteen minute drive to his parents' suburban home. He'd spent as much time as he could visiting with them, particularly once his dad had been permanently hospitalized. Even ten years later, Tim was still stung by the loss.

"What happened?" she asked as she took one of his hands in her own and gave it a loving squeeze.

"It was a week or two before Dad passed away and I was visiting him at the hospital. He was in a lot of pain at that point, but he was still lucid. We spent most of the afternoon reminiscing about happy memories when out of nowhere, he told me that he knew all about what had happened between me and Mom that summer. Apparently she'd always had an incest kink, and he was more than happy to let her live out her fantasies. Each night she'd tell him all about what we'd done together." He paused for a moment and the corners of his mouth turned up in a rueful smile. "I guess Mom gave him some of the best sex of his life that summer."

Mary chuckled. "I bet she did. So, if they were having such a great time, why did he wait until then to finally tell you?"

Tim's hint of a smile vanished, and he swallowed hard. "Because he was worried about Mom. The two of them had enjoyed an active and fulfilling sex life right up until he was hospitalized. I could tell that it embarrassed him to bring it up, but he told me that the two of them still fantasized and role played about all the things Mom and I had done together that summer. To make a long story short, he wanted to know if I'd be willing to... take care of her once he was gone. He told me he wouldn't worry about her anymore if he knew that she had a man in her life who would love and care for her as much as he knew I would."

Mary's eyes went wide with surprise. Suddenly, another piece of the puzzle had fallen into place. "You said yes, didn't you," she said.

Any trace of Tim's confident smile was long gone, replaced by a mask of pure guilt. "I never wanted to betray you, Mary... I just didn't know what else to do. I felt like no matter what I said, I'd be betraying one of the most important women in my life."

"Is this why you asked for an open marriage?"

Tim nodded. "I won't lie to you, as guilty as I felt about the situation, and trust me, I felt very guilty--I really missed having sex with Mom. I hated the idea of you sleeping around with other men, but I thought suggesting an open marriage would at least make things a little more fair... It was a stupid plan."

"Why didn't you just tell me the truth?" Mary asked.

"Because I couldn't risk losing you. I was sure that if you ever found out what I'd been doing, you'd leave me and take the kids right along with you."

Mary took a deep breath and let it out in a long, thoughtful sigh. "You were probably right," she admitted. "I suppose it's safe to assume this is still going on?"

Tim nodded.

"And there's no one else? No late night rendezvous with call girls or sexy interns?"

"No, of course not. It was only ever just Mom."

"Well, okay then."

"Do you think you'll ever be able to forgive me?" he asked, his voice heavy with genuine contrition.

Mary hesitated, but only for a moment. She knew she should be angry at her husband for lying to her for so long, but the only thing she really felt was overwhelming relief. Her husband was a kinky pervert, but then again, so was she.

"Of course I forgive you, you big, dumb idiot," Mary said as a loving smile blossomed on her face. Without waiting for a response, she leaned forward and gave him a loving kiss. A short, happy sound escaped her lips as she felt Tim's strong arms wrap around her torso and draw her closer. She closed her eyes and reveled in the fact that for the first time in their lives, they'd shared their deepest, darkest secrets with each other and come out on the other end even stronger than they'd been before.

They kissed and snuggled, enjoying each other's warmth. Tim's cock had gone soft during their conversation, but soon, Mary could feel his renewed hardness rubbing against the soft skin of her belly. Reaching between them, she took him in hand and gave his shaft a few gentle strokes. He gave an excited moan and kissed her harder.

She pulled away from his kiss and gave him a shy smile. Even after finally baring their darkest secrets to each other, there was still an important question lingering in the back of her mind. "When you asked me earlier whether I'd have sex with our son..."


Mary took a deep breath and continued. "Was that your way of saying giving me permission?"

Tim's eyes widened, but only for a moment before he flashed her another goofy grin. "I'd say it would only be fair, especially since I don't plan on stopping what I have going on with my mom any time soon. Honestly... I can't think of anything more exciting than getting to watch you fuck our son's brains out."

Mary's heart raced madly in her chest as she finally allowed herself to accept the fact that this was really going to happen. She was going to have sex with her son. Nothing and no one was going to stand in her way. The fact that her husband had given her express permission to do so, somehow made the thought even more exciting.

"Well if that's really how you feel..." she said. "Then what are we waiting for?"

To be continued...

Author's Note: As always, thanks for reading! This chapter, more than any that has come before, was a real struggle to get just right. It took numerous drafts and rewrites to get you this finished product, but I think it was worth the extra effort in the end. I hope you all enjoyed it, and I look forward to reading your feedback!

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 2 years ago

The author's logical development of this series is truly remarkable. Every plot and subplot is reasonable, believable and logical. If real people had half the maturity, emotional growth, and self-confidence as the characters what a place this would be. 5 star series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Can’t wait!

I love this story line and can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Very exciting

Very exciting story. I gave you 5 stars. Very nice and excitng dialogue.

weaslbeakweaslbeakover 4 years ago
and on to chapter 8 and beyond!

Love the story so far. I am positive this chapter including Mary telling Tim and Tim revealing his own issues could have been pretty difficult to write. I think you had all the characters just at the right point. I love the pace of your stories. There is plot and dialog and not just "slam, bam, thank you ma'am. Thank you for that. Keep up the good work and I am glad you are back to writing on this theme.

petskunkpetskunkover 4 years ago
Great Chapter

Very well written and everyone explaining themselves in a realistic manner was wonderful. Another 5.

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