February Sucks, an Aftermath

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The wife's point of view after February Sucks by G.Anderson.
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"February Sucks," Story by George Anderson. The wife's POV on returning home.

I have decided to try my own hand at one of the favorite pastimes here on Literotica, the new ending for a beloved story. This is my first attempt at this, and I chose to use George Anderson's "February Sucks" as my starting point. This story takes place after the night the wife went away with Marc.

This is the first of my attempts at this and I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to reading the comments.




Linda was waiting for the taxi. She had gone with Marc to see his practice on Sunday. She agreed to take a cab home from the stadium, Marc's phone number hidden in her phone's memory. As she waited, she let her mind return to Friday night when Marc had taken her. She couldn't believe when Marc LaValliere had walked up and asked her of all people to dance. She was on cloud nine as they danced and even more so when he asked her to come home with him for the night. She had decided in an instant to accept and Dee had helped her escape without a problem from Jim.

Her mind turned to Jim, her husband, and she felt a moment of remorse. She knew he would be upset with her for leaving him that way. Yet she knew he would forgive her. He always gave her everything she wanted; this would be no exception. She knew he would be hurt, but the bottom line was it was what she wanted and that would be all that mattered to Jim. When she got home, she would have to explain it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and she had to take it. It was Marc LaValliere.

Marc had taken her to his mansion, all through the drive his hands were working their way up her legs. Slowly teasing her sex, yet never touching it. When they got to his home, he pulled her into his arms and the first kiss was so soft, almost tentative. Then his mouth consumed her. His tongue explored her mouth as his hands unzipped her dress. Stepping back, he looked at her as her dress straps were pushed off her shoulders. It fell to the floor and her bra quickly followed. His hands began to caress her body and explore all the areas that the dress covered, when they got to her lacy panties, his fingers hooked them and slowly he pulled them down off her. She was soaking wet already and his fingers quickly made it worse by teasing the folds of her pussy. He kissed his way down, teasing her nipples as he went past them to her waiting pussy. Then like a little boy with a succulent piece of fruit his began sucking on her sex. She moaned and gyrated against his mouth. When she exploded, she began undoing his pants and finally got to see her prize. Oh, she was going to really enjoy this.

"Excuse me Miss, did you call a cab?"

"What, oh yes. Sorry, was day dreaming."

She got into the cab and told the driver the address she needed to go to.

"So, you a fan? Do you think they have any chance this year? I mean with Marc on the team, I expected a lot better showing last season. I mean who calls off work for a hurt pinky. I had to work when I was almost falling down sick, and he gets time off for a hurt pinky. Well, guess that is how it goes."

The driver continued almost nonstop on the way to her house. The thirty-minute drive was filled with his chatter and her dreams of the weekend of bliss she had just had. Marc had taken her several times Friday night, and then all day Saturday. Even this morning he had come three times, filling all three of her holes for one last time before they went to his practice. She could still feel his cum in her ass and pussy and wondered how much he had filled her with. The amount she swallowed was huge. Her husband had never given her that much cum. Hell, he didn't have that much in him even if you put two or three orgasms together.

The cab pulled up into her driveway and she was surprised to not see her husband's car. She paid the driver and then went to the door. She had left her keys in the hotel, so she was forced to knock on the door. There was no answer. She rang the doorbell.

Still no answer. After 20 minutes of trying, knocking and ringing the doorbell, she got frustrated and walked around to the back door. The door off the kitchen was never locked and she was rewarded with the handle turning as she walked into the pantry.

When she got into the living room she called out. She was pretty sure he wasn't home, after all the time she spent knocking and ringing the doorbell. She went upstairs and ran herself a bath. Her muscles were sore in ways they had never been sore before. In all the years her and Jim had been married, he had always been a considerate lover. Marc took what he wanted and showed almost no mercy for her bruised pussy and ass. She had never had sex like that. He had treated her as the whore she had always wanted to be. She got undressed and got in the water and began to let the water work on her ravished body.

As she soaked, she tried to remember all the times Marc had made her climax. She couldn't even count the number of times he had just on Friday night. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience. Slowly her mind left the bliss of her weekend and returned to her husband. She knew she had her work cut out for her. Jim was going to be really pissed at her. But she knew with a few extra blowjobs and some good sex he would fall into line.

A wicked thought occurred to her. He might even let her go spend more time with Marc. Maybe that was pushing it. She could just get Dee to cover for her when Marc was willing to see her again. Thinking of Dee, she grabbed the house phone and called her.

"Hey girl, how was it?"

"It was heaven. I have been soaking for the last hour trying to get all the soreness out of my body."

"Wow. Sounds like it was worth it."

"Oh yes, he even gave me his number so we could hook up again in the future."

"Yeah, like Jim is going to let that happen. Speaking of the loser, was he pissed when you got home?"

"No, he wasn't even here. I bet he is at his parents' house pouting. I'll call him when I get off from here and give him what for, for not being here when I got home."

"Wait, you just got home today?"

"Yep, like just before I got into the bath. Marc kept me busy all day yesterday and even a few times this morning. Then he took me to watch him at practice."

"Jim wasn't home?"

"Nope, like I said he's most likely at his parents' house pouting."

She spent the next hour telling Dee about how amazing her weekend was, leaving Dee extremely jealous and also very horny by the time she got off the phone. By the time she hung up, the bath water was already getting too cold to relax in, so she got out and got dressed. She looked at the time and realized it was already past time for dinner, the kids needed to eat, or their schedule would be all messed up.

She called Jim's parents' house. His mom answered.

"Hi Mom, is Jim there?"

"No. I thought you went with them. He called me last night and said he needed to get away from the cold for a bit. So, he took the plane and flew out last night."

"Ok, I will try his cell. Thanks mom."

"Wait, why didn't you go with them?"

"I had other things I needed to do this weekend. Sorry Mom, got to go."

She hung up the phone and then tried Jim's cell phone. It went straight to voice mail. She left a very unpleasant message and then began looking around the house. She wanted to find her luggage she had taken to the hotel. She looked all around for her luggage and her keys. Nothing. She was walking past the house machine in the kitchen when she noticed the blinking light. There were several messages. She hit play.

The first was from the hotel asking about the luggage and stuff that was left in the room on Saturday. Damn him, he hadn't even bothered to get her stuff, simply left it there. She opened the garage and took the spare keys to her car. She drove over to the hotel and picked up her luggage. It was only her stuff that he left the ass.

She stopped off at the store on the way home and picked up a bottle of wine. When she got to the register, she was told her cards didn't work. Embarrassed, she put the wine back and went home. She called the card company and learned the cards were called in stolen and had been cancelled. New cards would be mailed to her in 7 to 10 business days.

Well, it was inconvenient, but she could wait. She tried Jim again. Nothing. Another message left. She was getting madder at him each time she called. He was not behaving correctly. He was supposed to be glad she had returned to him and taken the opportunity to claim her body back as his own. Not that he would have succeeded, but he was supposed to believe he had.

She went to work Monday, like normal, but it was far from a normal day. She was worried about Jim and the kids. It was not like Jim to simply up and leave. She was not sure what to do, he was their father and if he took them on a mini vacation that was his right. The problem in her mind was he didn't say anything to her about it first. He simply took off. Monday night she called family and friends again to see if anyone had any idea where Jim had taken the kids.

She was met with a variety of possibilities. His brother thought he might have taken them to the cabin up at the lake. Jerry knew if Jim was upset about anything, he always went to the cabin to get his thoughts together in the quiet. The kids, she knew, loved it up there. They had gone there many times for not only vacation but also for a quick weekend getaway. There was no cell reception at the lake and no way to get there other than by plane, which is why the family also had their own little seaplane. Jim's was a bit bigger and had a longer range.

When he got back, she was going to unload on him like she never had before. She told Dee about her plans for him when she heard Dee's husband point out she had done the same thing to Jim. When Dee asked him what he meant, he said that Linda had run off for a few days without talking to Jim about it first. He figured Jim was just getting some pay back. Linda knew that was true, but in her mind what she did was acceptable, what Jim was doing wasn't.

Leaving work on Monday, she thought about it. He left on Saturday night, or maybe even Sunday morning, that would put him at the cabin on Sunday, either early in the morning or late afternoon. She knew he was out to punish her for her weekend, so he would be there at least two days. So she figured the soonest he would be back would be sometime tomorrow. But she doubted it. He was the type he would spend the week there. All in an attempt to make her pay for doing something special for her. So, she took out her cell phone and called Marc.

He was more than happy to pick her up and spend the rest of the week with her. She arranged for him to pick her up at her house and then drove home to shower and get ready. She had just gotten her panties and bra on, it had taken her longer to pick the right pair, than she had planned, when the doorbell rang. She answered it and there was Marc.

I'm so sorry Marc, I was just finishing getting ready. Come in, I will only be a moment.

Where is the cuck?

Jim and the kids are gone for the week, so I am all yours. Wait here and I will be right back.

He grinned. She was surprised when she got to her room and turned and Marc was right behind her. He took her in his arms and kissed her. All the passion and intensity that she remembered from the weekend flooded back into her body. She was helpless to stop him and he removed her robe and then tossed her forcefully on the bed.

He got on top of her and began kissing her body. Discarding the clothing she had spent too long picking out. Her breasts were the plaything of his tongue and lips. First one then the other and then back again he sucked and licked. Her mind went blank, overloading with pleasure as his tongue flicked and teased each breast, alternating between the two and with moments of intense sucking on her nipples. He was driving her wild. Then with a grin her starting kissing his way down her body.

He kissed his way to her soaked panties and paused only long enough to rip them off of her before he began to war on her drenched pussy. Her clit and labia being pounded and then caressed by his tongue and mouth. She lost all conscious thought at that moment and surrendered her soul to the pleasure.

The next time thought protruded into Linda's mind is when, after unknown number of orgasms, she heard him say, "Now I take the cucks wife in the martial bed." As he rammed his cock deep into her pussy. No, she realized it was no longer her pussy. It was his cunt, and he was claiming it in ways she did not believe possible.

When her senses fully returned to her sometime later, she was laying in his arms. He looked at her and then told her they needed a shower. Which they took. The shower became the sight of the second round followed by a third in her bed. Finally, they took another shower and got dressed.

He took her to his mansion again and between the dinners and the passion she woke up Friday morning and after sucking on his morning wood she went downstairs to get something for them to eat. She had taken the week off work, claiming she was dealing with personal matters. Marc had told her that he had to leave today for a promotional thingy, and she wasn't sure if he wanted to take her with him or not. She knew she needed to get home. She was not sure of his plans until he came in wearing his suit, a suitcase in his hand and kissed her on the cheek.

I got a cab coming for us, we will drop you as the cab takes me to the airport. This week was wonderful. Thank you for such an awesome week. We really need to get going.

She ran upstairs, dressed quickly and then returned downstairs just as the cab arrived. Marc was on the phone and talking with his agent about appearances and other things as they got into the cab. She told the driver her address and sat there in silence as Marc kept up his conversation. Finally, the cab pulled into her driveway, Marc paused, kissed her and said goodbye. He returned to the conversation as she got out of the car, her bag already waiting for her by the sidewalk to her door.

She entered the house and was again assailed by the silence of the place. It was surprising to her how empty it seemed, how lifeless. She went to the kitchen and made herself some coffee and then went upstairs, her bath was calling her.

The rest of the day was spent washing clothes and some other minor housework. She spoke to Dee several times and to her other friends and family. She was surprised she had not heard from Jim's family since Monday, but she figured they would call when Jim and the kids got back.

She spent Saturday working in her garden doing her best not to watch the clock and wondering when they would return. Sunday, she started to get mad. As the day progressed into night, she found herself getting madder and madder. She barely slept Sunday night and was a total mess at work on Monday. She spent most of Monday night again calling everyone she knew, wondering where her husband and children were to no avail.

Over the next several days she went from mad; to worried; to frantic. When she went to the bank after work on, to get money for gas, she was told the accounts had only $50.00 in them. Jim had emptied the accounts of the rest of the money. Linda was frantic when she learned that the home improvement account was also emptied. She checked with his office and learned he had quit. HR had informed her that his last check was given to him as well as his retirement funds, minus a penalty.

After a frantic search she found that Jim had taken all the jewelry she had and all the valuables out of the safe also. A search of the kids' room showed that most of their clothing was missing, as was most of Jim's.

Jim's car was found at the airport and no trace of him could be found. His passport and the kids' passports were missing. The plane was indeed gone. She learned it had flown south, not on Saturday as she had assumed, but rather on Tuesday. Exactly where it had flown to, she was unable to learn. It had flown to Belieze and then taken off and flew supposedly to the west. It was not known what his destination was. He was gone and so were her kids.

All her friends and family were surprised at her idea that Jim had run off with the kids. No one believed he could do that. When the truth of that Friday and even worse, the following week were learned, most turned their backs on her. Her friends, other than Dee, no longer wanted to be part of her life. She knew now what she had done to him was wrong, but she couldn't believe it was worth all the pain he was putting her through. It was not worth taking her kids from her.

Her life really quickly went to hell. Without Jim's income she was not able to pay the mortgage, she lost the house. The bills kept piling up until her credit rating was destroyed. She started to drink to forget.


Two years later.


In the last two years, Linda had hit rock bottom and finally started to crawl out of the gutter. She had originally lost her job when she showed up to work too many times in a drunken state. Now working with a new firm, she was slowly repairing the damage Jim's response had done to her life. She didn't date and had stopped hanging out with her previous friends. She lived with her parents and other than going to work she had no life. All her free time was spent searching for Jim and her children. She knew there was really no hope of finding them, but she knew she would keep searching regardless.

She was at her computer, in her old room at her parents' house, when she received an email. It was simply labeled February Sucks and although normally she wouldn't have opened an email from someone she didn't know, she checked it.

Dear Linda,

I am sure that by now you have realized we are not returning. Your actions that night and the knowledge of what would happen if I divorced you, left me really no other options. I could either pay you to sleep around on me and be a part time father or I could take drastic action. I chose the latter. I am writing you this to tell you that I have moved on and so should you. I have found someone, and she loves the kids. They love her as well and we are happy. As you move on with your life, if you do find someone new, remember what happened that day in February and I hope you realize you cannot do something like that and not pay the price. No one will tolerate that level of disrespect.

It wasn't signed.

All this because in a moment of insanity she had walked off with Marc LaValliere. Even counting the following week, it had not been worth it. Marc had not spoken to her since that day in the cab. Six weeks after he dropped her off, he was killed, shot to death by the husband of his latest conquest. The news, which originally had made Marc a martyr, slowly started to report on the number of marriages that he had destroyed and quickly he became reviled.

Her nights were spent dreaming she had never accepted that damn dance with Marc LaValliere and knowing February Sucked.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Seeing that Jim & the kids weren't home, one would think that she wouldn't want to go back to the well, that is of Marc LaValliere. What would she've done if hubby & kids returned to find her with that asshole in bed? She got very angry because, up to that point, Jim did to her the same thing she did to him. Even Dee's husband pointed that out.

Linda, realizing that all her time with Marc wasn't worth what happened; indeed, it wasn't until after Jim's letter to her that she felt anything nearing remorse. 3 stars Bob

AnonymousAnonymous3 days ago

The whore got hers, once again!

shadrachtshadracht6 days ago

While the results have a level of realism to them, she never really had any true remorse that you showed us. You TOLD us that she decided it wasn't worth it, but that was mainly because Marc was killed. It just didn't end up satisfying in the end given the truly despicable nature of the FMC you gave us.

AnonymousAnonymous7 days ago

I liked this ending. Especially found it interesting, that she was mad at him not being home, and was going to give him his comeuppance. But I really believe, no woman could do this unless she was a narcissist. Hubby lived with her shit for years, and this was the final straw.The worst thing a narcissist can live through, is getting their supply pulled away. This included her kids, who eventually would have been ruined by her. So I am sure Jim took all this into account, and realized he had to save them. And to all the women ( or men) who thought her actions were justified, realize karma will always bite you in the ass. In Linda’s case, it was sooner, rather than later….

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

There on more follow ups than the original story but this one was pretty good. Linda learned too late that a man will not live with disrespect and humiliation. She got just what she deserved.

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