All Comments on 'February Sucks'

by GeorgeAnderson

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BaggyUKBaggyUKover 3 years ago
Beautifully written...

...tale by a gifted author, however like many commentators I don't agree with the reconciliation after that level of thoughtless abandonment....but it doesn't matter at all what I or others think as it's a very good work of fiction, and more importantly it ain't my story it is GeorgeAnderson's.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A long story

based on the usual LW cliches and tired tropes. I found it particularly absurd that the wife almost instantaneously went into a virtual trance because she was in the presence of a celebrity - as if she was subject to a Death Star's tractor beam. It's not at all credible and utterly inconsistent with the way she had been written up to that point. Character in real life doesn't change like that.

As for Marc, you can write him as you like, but the rationale for his alleged "super sexual" skills is actually quite comical. While many pro athletes are narcissists, and Marc is written as one, it's highly unlikely that such a man would develop any real skills bouncing from woman to woman for two reasons. First, narcissists are mainly concerned with themselves. It's unlikely that he would be carefully studying how his partner responds because it's always about him, not her. Second, even if he does try to pay attention, women's libidos and sexual responses vary a lot. First time sex can be exciting, but to really ring a woman's bell you need experience over time to figure out how that particular woman is wired. Just because he has banged a lot of women once or twice, it's unlikely that he would be providing the best sex of their lives. Because Marc isn't written as psychic, he's not going to figure her out in a few hours. I should mention, too, that being an outstanding athlete does NOT correlate with being a "sex god". In fact, football is so punishing that many of them are taking drugs for the chronic pain from their injuries, which tends to make them something less than supermen in the bedroom. If you actually know some pro football players, that is something you'll hear not infrequently.

Finally, the husband is written as the "Amazing Shrinking Man". Like the typical LW husband, he gets smaller page by page until he shrivels into a cuck. The only men I have ever known who willingly tolerate a wife's extramarital sex are those who really don't care all that much about their wives and for whom divorce is inconvenient. That isn't the husband you wrote. This is one who deeply loved his wife and who was betrayed in the most public, humiliating way imaginable on a whim. I know of no such husband who would tolerate it. The use of the usual unrealistic (today) divorce cliches and the use of the children to force a RAAC is both common in LW and ridiculous. The old guy intervening with "Ellen" and the aiding and abetting friends absolutely represent jumping the shark.

Oddly, the husband had a damning confession from the wife that a normal man would have used to see that justice was done. He clearly had more options than the standard LW choices that were laid out. For example, if the children not being with two parents at the same time was such an issue, he could have easily presented the slut with a divorce petition splitting the assets, giving joint custody and allowing both parents to live in the house and have used the threat of circulating her confession to force her to accept. No separation from the children, no child support, no cost of two households. The sleeping arrangement could have been handled by replacing the master bed with two twins, and the slut would have had to have endured living with a man who wouldn't touch her, but who would have been free to date and sleep with other women. That's a punishment for her that also allows both parents to be in the home for the children. As for there being tension between the parents, the ending as written would work out in real life as having just as much tension. The cucking out for the children trope is overdone in LW. The truth is that tolerating betrayal teaches the children the wrong lesson (they would find out eventually) and sets the family up for intergenerational family problems. The odds are that the little girl would have the thought implanted that she can get away with it just like mom. The son will tend to see women as treacherous bitches t be used, but not married. I've seen that happen.

As it turns out, though, in this story the slut got to have her cake and eat it too. Just another day in LW

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No way

Turns out the guy was just as big a hypocrite as his faithless whore. They deserve each other. No loving spouse could be lured away by some jock or beauty queen. If that happens, dump them! This crap about staying for the kids is just stupid. Do you honestly think the kids can’t tell their parents hate each other? I was divorced when my kid was 4 years old. It killed me to do it, but I had to. Fortunately, I got joint custody. That was 35 years ago and now she calls me to babysit her kids.

lujon2019lujon2019over 3 years ago

Christ what a pathetic cuck


Oh Jim, now I know how you felt knowing the football player fucked me better than you ever did over and over becuase I watched you dance with another woman that I allowed, surely that makes us even what with me conspiring to cheat and getting the help of everyone you thought was a friend, your one dance makes us square

Write cuck stories, use the cuck tag ,and thse of use who give one stars to cuck shit wont read or score

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This is just not believable

I know this is a fiction site that includes space aliens, ghosts and men with foot long penises, but this is well over the top. No man would accept this. None.

And while this scenario has been played out to death, the wife basically cheating right in front of the husband, there is nothing original here compared to the other stories.

How about one of these "Bridge" style stories where the husband is packing some heat? Sure, it makes for a short story but at least it is more real than this crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Failed halfway through

Sorry, stopped reading after the bit with Ellen. It's hard enough to buy the improbable premise that someone's sooooo amazing that you stop thinking, but for the guy who was cheated on to be lobotomized the same way is outright impossible.

BillandKateBillandKateover 3 years ago

The first few pages were so well written that I had to put down my Tablet and stop reading for a bit. Jim loves his wife and kids so much that his reaction to her betrayal is easy to understand - he tries to keep his cool at least until he knows how he's going to respond.

Linda is probably the most self-delusional, self-centered character ever to grace these pages:

She leaves her husband on their special night, in front of all their friends.

She easily could have written the letter and at least downplayed Marc's sexual superiority, but she didn't.

She could have tossed that blue dress away, but she wore it twice - the first time in front of the kids.

She repeatedly refers to 'Marc' and tells Jim what a great guy he is. Marc's not a great guy - he's a predator and deserves to be knee-capped, ending his career.

I usually try and understand why people fail and I can accept that reconciliation is possible. But, not in this case. Linda has only shown she has no regards for Jim. She doesn't love him - she loves her life and he's just part of it because he provides her with comforts and is a great father.

I actually considered, before I read the final two pages, that I'd write a different ending. Jim and Linda would be out with friends and he'd be approached by a drop-dead gorgeous woman (an escort that he hired). He'd leave Linda behind and come home the next day with the divorce papers with a note that read, "Now you know how it feels."

The escort (Ellen) scene as written rang false; Jim would never do to Linda what she did to him. I realize it's GeorgeAnderson's story and he gets to write it any way he wants, but it was too much of a stretch for me after the way Jim was portrayed before that night celebrating Linda's birthday. Yes, I also realize it's fiction, but the ending left me cold.

SplitGeode66SplitGeode66over 3 years ago

A technically excellent piece of writing, but coupled with a problematic story. A great setup, but the story goes off the rails the morning when Linda returns home. Unrealistic after that point. Linda really thinks everything will be fine rhe next day? Jim's response was a non response, except for going out every night to a bar.and forget about a revenge fuck - Linda would be crushed! No consequence for the Asshole, even after his persistent pursuit of Linda. Call the team's owner, or the sports reporters. Sue the Asshole. Ellen is an obvious setup, and neither recognizes the setup? And Jim is hit by the Martian Slut Ray, as he goes into a fog until Ellen sends him back to Linda. A 3 star effort at best.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Is he lacking in pride and self respect?

She not only cheats on her husband, she rubs it in his face by doing it in front of their friends (he needs new friends) and with the help of one of his friends wives. There's no coming back from that level of cheating and disrespect. I felt this was written in response to BigGuy33's fine story "Unintended Consequences". An alternative ending if you will. In BigGuy33's story (much shorter at 3 pages) the husband immediately moves out and divorces his wife. There were no kids in his story so that did make it easier. In the end, he also beats up the men that took his wife with the help of his friends because that's what friends do. In this story, while the children are a consideration, they shouldn't make him stay with a wife that is so cavalier about her marriage that she feels she can do anything and be forgiven. That's not the way a marriage works. Every time she leaves the house in the future he will wonder what she's doing. Not a good way to live your life. And the idea that sliding a hot woman his way to even things up and make him understand was laughable. Even though she was lying, he helped her and went back to his soon to be ex-wife. "Doing the right thing" would have meant divorcing her and living close enough so that he could still be in the kids life. In a divorce everything would have been split, the house sold so that each parent could move into an apartment and do what's best for their kids. No way he stays married and rewards the bitch. No way.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 3 years ago
L.W.'s set up is interesting

"We were almost at the door of the club when she stopped. She put her hands on my arms and turned me so I could see our table. Linda sat there in her beautiful red dress, her face buried in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she sobbed her heart out. Seeing her was like suddenly waking up from a dream. Ellen spoke three words in my ear."

"Now you know."

Now he knows how he felt that night reenforced all over again and he has to think why did she turn him around and say "Now you know"?

I still don't see why that should make him forget what Linda did to him that night in February. That betrayal is everlasting pain that will not go away. Yes Linda now has some pain and now she knows a little of how Jim felt but only a little since Jim didn't go and spend the night with Ellen and come home gushing about how great a lover she was.

I don't know how to score this one since I can see Jim's pain so clearly.

CTimCTimover 3 years ago
92 comments in less than 24 hours!

That tells me you've got a whale of a hook to get people's emotions really going. I'm sure plenty of us were screaming at him to do something when she first disappeared without him. The score is obviously a result of the BTB crowd throwing down on a very entertaining story where they as an individual would have done something different. Quality work, that deserves thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Baseball bat.

Star football players without knees never get re-signed.

No status no more the powerful dominant no more the aphrodisiac idol?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Too long

and boring. No marriage would survive tjo the atomic bomb she throw that night into her marriage. The children would be better away from a selfish whore like her.

WargamerWargamerover 3 years ago

This story just made me sick.

You do not just stay together for the kids, that’s just bullshit!!!!

Divorce was the only answer, but u author made your male character a slimey wimp who just made feel ill.

If this shit story was real she would cheat on him again if the same circumstances occurred again.

She has NO respect for her man, none at all. He’s too stupid to see it.

God help me what an awful story

Scores 1/5

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Should have had marc kneecaped

paulskinspaulskinsover 3 years ago
Well written

it's well written, but that's the only positive thing I can say about it. I don't think you understand a woman's sychie very well. Yes, i will admit not all women are the same and there are exceptions to every rule, but most women love to brag about how they aren't governed by their lady parts. While to an extent they are right, but what a woman really focuses on is what is important to her. She had a choice in the bar, one night with an arrogant lovegod or her marriage to her husband and life with her kids. 9 times out of 10 the woman is going to pick her husband and kids. The things that are important to us don't suddenly disappear from our minds at the appearance of some gorgeous charismatic creature. Lust, is temporary and I don't think "Linda" the woman who loves her husband with her heart and soul, who would die if her husband left her, would risk all that she has for a night with a jackass with the sexual prowess of a pornstar. Don't give me that hogwash about this being the one time it happened either. I see beautiful women all the time and not a one of them has caused me to forget my wife and kids in a moment of sexual desire. Usually it's, "Gee, she's hot, i bet she would be fun to bang." Then poof the moment passes. Apparently, your characters are so controlled by their genitalia, that they can't have a clear thought when one of the beautiful people walks by, or shows a bit of interest.

Also, what the hell is the deal with this guy's friends being so blaise about all of this. What a group of shitty friends. People don't need friends like that. They aren't even really friends. Their leaches. Nothing more than parasites living off the drebs of Jim and Linda's marriage. "You're the best of us", what a cop out. You really know how to bring the stupid and laziness out of your characters. "It's ok honey, we don't really have to try, as long as Jim and Linda make it we will be fine."

I just find your characters contradictory to their proclaimed commitment to each other. All it took was for a person of the opposite sex to wisk in and cause them to break. What a load of crap. Talk is cheap. Actions dictate that neither Jim or Linda really loved the other. It isn't enough to say you love someone, you have to love someone with your actions. It is clear here that Linda and Jim don't love each other, at least not as much as they profess.

All in all i find your male characters to be weak and indecisive, and your women characters to be cavalier and callous. Usually the roles are reversed. While it is a nice story there are several holes in it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
one more

happy cuck!

The_NexusThe_Nexusover 3 years ago
Good until the end

It was a good concept. However her not regretting what she had done for so long and their eventual make up killed it. Yes people stay together for the kids, bit people also divorce so they don't have a sham of a marriage. Kids can have a good life with divorced parents.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Must be great writing

This story pissed me off big time! Not the author, the characters! She disrespected her husband beyond repair, and just assumed he would forgive her. He should have abandoned her cheating ass before she ever got home from her tryst. Taken the kids, and make sure they never heard another peep about their mother. I can’t rate this story just yet, because I’m so upset I don’t want to rate it under duress! The author done such a wonderful job of telling the story, but pissed me off with the outcome. I SHOULD give the author an eleven, but the story a one! Guess I’ll have to give it a five, but do it under protest! Great writing, I just don’t like the way it turned out.

looking4itlooking4itover 3 years ago

I am torn. The story made me very angry as I read it, especially the first several pages. I know as an author that has to please you because it means I had an emotional reaction to what you were writing. I respect that. However, the general premise that a woman should have a “celebrity hall pass” and be able to come back into a relationship without it seriously affecting what a couple has built is ridiculous and I think you tried to show the truth in that that to the end.

I think the one thing that couldn’t be answered is whether she, or anyone else in a similar position, would not do it again should a “special situation” arise. And I think that’s where the original premise is at fault. Few marriages would survive the circumstances of how and when she left that evening, a second time is an impossibility in my mind.

This is a great story with a controversial subject and I commend you for your writing skills and guts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

So, the couple goes out, has a room, no kids, big plans, then Mr Magic comes along and the woman loses all all of her will and thought process and leaves hubby sitting there (Oh he will get over it). Then the 10 friends all pound on the guy to let it go and keep her as they love them as friends. Okay, I'm guessing this has happened in the real world but kind of hard to buy in to especially with 11 people acting like he should be okay with it. Really. So I'm going with it and reading on, wondering why she has to mention several times that Marc was the better sex expert.

Then comes the "setup" with the escort and the guy forgets his wife and almost does the same thing....Really...I call BS on that and really blew the story for me. Guess I need to get out more so that I can find out where these folks hang out.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Well written, very good story. Dont worry about the nay sayers, they'd ball their eyes out and behave exactly as the husband did,

You did throw a nice curve ball in there, as once Mark came back I fully expected she'd sneak off and see him, as is usually the case in these stories.

BigJim48BigJim48over 3 years ago

Ellen was different from Asshole in that Jim didn't leave & go screw someone NOT their spouse! LINDA DID! Had L.W. never heard of a post-nup? Linda screws anyone again she gets ziltch! Of course, if she chose ASSHOLE, would it matter if she lost her children. Probably not, since she had forgotten them when she fucked ASSHOLE night & morning! Linda got a taste but not the full meal like Jim was FORCED to eat. BTW, none of those "friends" would be be anywhere near the family for the next several decades! Friends don't fuck over friends & especially after saying, "Have fun!"

Dittybopper6989Dittybopper6989over 3 years ago
Good story

It is a good story when it provokes thought, this story did that and more. If it were me It would have been 4 pages shorter. He should have dumped her as soon as she gave him the letter. Could never accept that level of total disrespect.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Terrific job

Wonderfully written, paced and plotted. I only read such a long story if it draws me in quickly, and yours did. Your ending is well done and well defended. And I am often a fan of reconciliation in these stories. But what she did was, for me, beyond forgiving. I would divorce her and hope to find someone better for myself and my kids, who remain at risk from her narcissism. I speak from experience, as I found the immeasurably better woman after my first wife ran off in what she now tells others was the biggest mistake of her life. My life with my second wife is pretty much perfect, after 30 years and counting,

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I think that I deserve a medal for forcing my self to finish to the end.

I finally caved and gave it 4* but it was a close call because I almost quit on page 4.

The dumb bitch did not see the error of her ways until the last.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Machinations of the Gods

Such a great beginning and well written, all the through till Ellen. This is what the 19th Century writers called "deaux ex machina" or machinations of the gods to resolve the Gordian knot! Okay, I can buy it, but I have to say, it left me... I don't know. Let down? Unsatisfied?

So I think there's other ways to resolve this, but this is you story, and a pretty damn good one. Good job!

012Say012Sayover 3 years ago
The most difficult topic handled superbly!

It is great fun to read a story about the nuclear option, when it comes to a cheating wife. But, the most likely, yet difficult scenario is to try to put things back together, particularly with children involved.

This was very well done. Ellen makes the cheating seem like less a sin. It makes healing seem more plausible. Well done!

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago
Twice too long and total bullsh1t

If you have to read this thing, you can skim most of it. Dragged on and on like a wife talking to her husband when he's in a hurry. If he stays with her because of the kids, there should be a brutal post-nup and a new set of friends. Then he should start hiding money against the day the kids turn 18. Hate fuck her till it's time to leave her. And get a DNA test done on the kids. Story is total bullshit. Friends wouldn't do that and I don't know a wife who would.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Where to start. First of all I like reconciliation. But after what she did she'd be out the door. I would have had the locks changed and her clothes outside. It was a step to far for forgiveness in my world. Still, very well written and thought out. A full 5* despite the fact I hated the outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
What’s expected of men

This hurt to read. Because it’s 100% accurate. As fathers we’re expected to get over infidelity because of our kids. But is an untrusting loveless marriage really the only decent answer? I don’t think so. Or at least I didn’t when I divorced my wife. I came out financially ruined and I slept on a couch bed for eleven months and ate takeout for months until I was back on my feet. Saw my kids half the week because I would visit them(joint custody thankfully) and was depressed for a year and a half. But I know in my SOUL it was the right decision. Six years later and and now I’m happily married to my second wife. The secret is to marry someone who’s been cheated on before. They know the pain first hand so are more reluctant To project it as well. Trust me fellas. Divorce will be depressing but you’ll respect yourself more in the end for doing it. And how you see yourself and how those you love see you is all that matters. Good luck to the cheated and confused. Trust me. If you choose your sanity you’ll win out every time.-Cillian

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One time I told my wife that if either one of us found ourselves far from home and in bed with a beautiful person it would be difficult not to commit adultery.

My wife horse-laughed at me. She explained to me in a few sentences what this 8-page story misses entirely. Adultery is not about who you're fucking. Adultery is about the person who decides to cheat. A cheater doesn't need a movie star or a pro athlete, they just need the opportunity and the absence of character and virtue. Did you see pictures of some of the women Tiger Woods or Arnold Schwarzenegger fucked? That wasn't lust, that was shear stupidity, and arrogance.

So your pages of exploration and explanation are nonsense. A vapid attempt to explain if not justify moral and ethical failure. Made worse in this case with a commensurate quantity of denial of reality and human nature. Cheating is test driving a sports car. You have to have the maturity of a 13-year old to embrace that analogy.

You did correctly, eventually, identify that the marriage was ended, killed. And that the next options were to seek out new marriage partners or try to establish a new marriage with the same partners. The whole plot device trying to portray the husband just as weak as the wife was just too contrived and lame. He didn't sneak away, abandoning the wife. The husband should have gone off to fuck Elllen, but simply because he wanted to and had the opportunity, and there was no longer any marriage to protect. They had not yet renewed their vows, so why not?

So while I appreciate the effort, this was, in the end, fag cuck shit. Very well written, but no less faulty and obnoxious.

But thanks for the effort.

tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110over 3 years ago
Well written and highly emotional

GeorgeAnderson is trying to get the reader to accept the premise that mature loving adults have no will of their own when it comes to the pretty celebrity elite. Although I thoroughly enjoyed the story and gave it the highest rating I can’t accept that premise. Mature adults in a long term relationship like Linda and Jim don’t think with their genitalia, but with their heads and hearts. I Just have to remind myself that it is fiction. Well written, but still just fiction.

Schwanze1Schwanze1over 3 years ago

she should have come home to find all her treasured possessions including the wedding album destroyed and husband waiting for asshole with a shotgun.

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 3 years ago

I'm sorry.

I gave up midway and stopped reading.

Many say it's a noble thing

to stay together because of the family.

But what family will that be?

Do you think the kids won't notice

the death of love between their parents?

Do you think they won't be hurt?

If you answer those questions with a "no",

then nothing I write will matter to you.

I an old guy, but I still remember my parents love.

How their words and touches

made me feel safe and warm.

If that love had gone,

I wouldn't have liked to be reminded of it

every day.

Their divorce would've been better.

So NO, I don't share the writer's opinion.

I think he introduced us to a shitty situation

and then piled more smelly stuff on it.

For that I give this story 1 out of 5.

YouamiYouamiover 3 years ago


Your writing was great as were your characterisations. My problem was with the central premise upon which your plot was built. I like to deal with facts, cold and simple, so I will use them as shown in your story.

Fact 1 the characters had initially discussed the topic of one-off cheating, and their philosophical positions were spelled out. This set the foundation for the events as they unfolded. It was stated that such cheating was acceptable and did not threaten a marriage. So the old cuckolded game plan was clearly going to be tested for our protagonists.

Fact 2 the wife had already planned her escape plan with her female accomplice. This clearly indicates that she fully expected to be seduced in front of poor hubby. This indicates premeditation on the wife's part prior to the club visit.

Fact 3 the wife actively and very publicly cucked her husband. This was confirmed by the wife's own words

Fact 4 this action displayed minimal respect for her husband, suggesting that any future alpha male would potentially have the same influence over the wife

Fact 5 the discussions about the possible negatives from divorce all were predicated on reducing these for the benefit of everyone else EXCEPT the husband. Using the kids for the purposes of emotional blackmail was despicable. While it is true that they were stakeholders in the family structure, only one individual, another totally innocent victim in this grubby one-off cheating was the husband, yet he was the one who was supposed to sacrifice his feelings, emotions and moral principles

Fact 6 wife ends up with a free pass, a sore but happy twat with a great memory to tell her grandchildren. that doesn't sound like much compensation for a wronged husband

The character of the cucked husband has been irreversibly emasculated by the selfish actions of his wife. Truly for me this was not in any way a story with a feel good happy ending. Hubby will spend the remainder of his miserable married life forever wondering which alpha his wife will fuck next.

Same cuck shit that again will please the fanatical minority who get their jollies reading such banal tripe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Just another BS cuck story

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

This story is so vile so offensive so irrational that it's hard to list all the problems with the story.

1. They were not simply out on a date. The beginning of the story the author goes out of his way to show that this was a special date with friends after a long and harsh Winter. She wore a special dress and was giving all strong hints that in the hotel Room you're going to have some really hot sex and a good time period

That this was supposed to a special night but as soon as the cunt whore saw a football player the husband was completely forgotten. THIS KEY POINT OF THE STORY IS TOTALLY OVER LOOKED BY MOST COMMENTATORS .

2 Not only does the wife repeatedly Brag about how great the sex was but she simply doesn't understand why that would bother the husband. She is trying to reassure the husband that the one night stand those

Did not mean anything while she's bragging about how great the sex was and why the sex was so much better than anything The husband has ever done.

Naturally this point is NEVER addressed.

Oh yes sure the husband raises it one time about why the wife keeps going on and on about the great sex from the football player but the SIGNIFICANCE what the wife is doing and saying while she'is SUPPOSEDLY trying to fix the marriage is completely lost by Alll of the COMMENTATORS. The hsband never talks about this in any way throughout the story

3 In a similar manner the wife keeps showing up trying to fix the marriage and keeps wearing the blue dress. The husband makes it very clear that He never wants to see the blue dress again because every time he see it... the husband sees his wife fucking the football player in his mind's eye. YET THE WIFE KEEPS WEARING THE BLUE DRESS.

4. The wife keeps saying it's just me so me the same old me she says that over and over and over again

the same old me . Like yesterday before The one night stand with a football player . But that IS the woman who cheated. The wife telling him that she still loves him as she did yesterday... is MEANINGLESS. That wonderful loving caring woman who wanted to spend the whole evening and night in a hotel Room with her husband is celebrate the end of Winter is the woman who cheated with the football player. That is the same woman who dumped him and humiliated him in public.

Simply saying over and over again it's still the same old me I have not changed doesn't have any impact. If anything can reminds the husband that she Subconsciously or maybe even consciously reminding the husband that she is going to cheat again and that his opinion his feelings doesn't matter

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

The wife claims that she never said that good football player with a better lover. This is what she actually wrote in the letter. How is it that the husband only challenges her one time on this and then lets it go? That's why George Andersen stories are so badd and so badly done. The husband has the actual confession and writings in full detail about how great the sex was with the football player far better than anything she's ever received From her husband.

Yet the husband never challenge heard the wise lie on this beyond one brief sentence

"I responded to him, fully and completely. I lost track of how many times I came; they all ran together after a while. From the moment he took me in his arms, he dominated my senses to the point that there was no room for anything else, including what is most important in all the world to me: you and our children.

"This is the worst part. I'm crying as I write this, but you asked, so I must tell you. I'm so sorry, Jim, but this will hurt. Marc is a very, very skilled lover. With all the experience he's had, he ought to be. If he weren't, it would mean he's a fool, which he isn't. It was by far the best sex I've ever imagined, let alone had. He's learned and practiced well, so that he can give a performance like he did on me. I

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Didn’t Resonate

He needed to leave.

Promises, contracts, oaths today are broken because they are not enforced-no intended consequences. We’ve watched this very scenario play out for almost four years, with wanton disregard for morals, ethics, promises and oaths. Then the children watch this behavior, and it gets even more diluted.

She violated every promise, oath, etc. and should have been given the boot.

Dlh143Dlh143over 3 years ago
Well written but...

She still didn't see how badly she fucked up. So it's just another cuckold story. 4 stars for the writing talent. But only 2 for originality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No Retribution

What normal male would not want to have some form of payback from the lowlife scumbag who seemingly picks up married women at will. Baseball bat to the balls would be attractive.

mikeyjb51mikeyjb51over 3 years ago

This story follows the usual senerio for a cheating slut wife. If you tel the real story she saw her footballer and did him many times until he was done taking All her holes, one of which her husband never will see. Divorce her ass pronto and move on to fresh meat yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

95 iq love drama

Their marriage is the envy of their friends? Lol

Linda should've gone with the Ferrari even though he'd have dumped her after a few weeks, better than staying with the dumb (and annoying) husband

abitshyoneabitshyoneover 3 years ago
loved it

i skipped past this story more than once,, , so glad i read it ,, it has everything,, realy well written,, thoughtfull, gut wrenching, loving, 10 out of 10 , thanks for sharing.

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 3 years ago
help me understand all the praise

for a willing cuckold story. She cheated with out a thought of her husband. She all but said he was the best she ever had. Its like that Deyaken BS, She choose me. How is going off fucking some guy on their special night choosing her husband? And a comment about how wonderfully he handled it. Next time she cheats bring a chair and sit with the rest of the losers in the cuckold section.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So, her infidelity gets cancelled by his...

...and now all’s right with the world. No sense even including fidelity in your wedding vows now. One spouse’s betrayal is wiped clean by reciprocal action. Hell, why even bother with wedding vows? Your partner can do whatever they please and then it gets wiped away like it was never even there when you do it too. Ask a child psychologist about the kids who have to actually live in a marriage that is held together “for the kids sake.” Consider if it might possibly be better for them to have a parental role model who says, “No! I won’t be treated like a floor mat by you.”

This “wife” willingly, even eagerly, walked away from her husband for a session with her sex-god. This is not a marriage of equals, this is a marriage of convenience, HER convenience. How does his infidelity equal hers? Did it happen on what was supposed to be a special night for them? Did it happen in front of all their friends? Doesn’t seem all that equal to me. He anguished over his infidelity, she luxuriated in hers. I never got the sense that she ever really felt her actions were wrong. She regrets some of the results but not the deed itself. She feels like maybe the price was too high, but she still enjoyed her purchase.

Excellent story Mr. Anderson, thank you for sharing it with us. I just don’t see this as two people realizing they both have feet of clay and building a better relationship from the ashes. I see this as two people settling for less than they want because it’s easier that way.

MollydaKatMollydaKatover 3 years ago
wasn't going to let myself

Fall victim to anymore of George's continuations again , I told myself . Think about your blood pressure and that awful taste that took days to get over from his previous stories , I told myself .

But fuk , not a story today that isn't total cuck . so............

This is a continuation of BigGuy33 story Unintended Consequences , I'm sure of it .

In that one it's two black guys showing a picture of a big cock that causes the wife to abandon her Hubby in front of their marital peer group for maximum humiliation just like this one . But in that one ( BG33 is NOT a typical btb writer at all ) Hubby divorces the wife with the uncontrollable vagania and has physical retribution on the seducers !

If memory serves , the usual suspects erupted in the comments over race , violence , yada yada yada .

Looks like G.A. was one of those , so he's gonna put that cuck in his place !

Also , was naming the old coot of a lawyer L.W. a backhanded swipe at the readers of this category ? 🤔

So that'll show him he better just suck those creampies and be thankful that his wife will continue with him until the next incident with that wild vagania she posses makes her do it again ! My neck is sore from 8 pages of Shaking My Damn Head !

P.S. Has anyone ever seen George Anderson and Kimi1990 in a room together at the same time 🤔

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Your a good writer but this story basically shits on marriage vows and everything they stand for I'm sorry but this story truly sucked.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

First, I must correct myself: Ellen wasn't really a Deus ex Machina, because she didn't really come out of nowhere, she was a set-up by L.W.

Unlike the husbands in the intro, who were shocked at the attitude of the women, the husbands in the story seemed to share in the attitude of the women that Linda going with Marc was no big deal. The husbands SHOULD have been making it clear that Linda was out of line, that she wasn't welcome, and if she had been THEIR wife she'd be out on her ass.

It's all well and good that her husband's FAKE cheating allowed Linda to be truly sorry, but it shouldn't have taken that.

While I believe that in a vacuum that the husband would have been as susceptible to the love goddess as the wife was to the love god, Ellen DIDN'T happen in a vacuum - he had just experienced the other side, and would have been more sensitive, and wouldn't have gone off with Ellen.

If the situation had been reversed, and Jim had gone off for the night with a hot woman, reconciliation would have been a faint dream. To begin with, NOBODY, not even the men, would have been telling Linda, "It's just one night, he'll be back tomorrow and you'll have the rest of your lives together!" Next, divorce would be a foregone conclusion, especially where she wouldn't face the loss of her children. You can also bet that she would have no concern about raising the children in a broken home.

As I said in my earlier comment, I would definitely let her know that if it wasn't for the kids, I'd be gone.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
good story

alot of people dont seem to understand that you can appreciate a well written story and not enjoy the ending. This was a very well written piece with a good buildup. Factor in two small kids and neither being wealthy, and his decision to stay makes sense. I personally cant imagine ever getting over the level of disrespect she showed him but it happens every day.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Both of your characters are a joke

People who are truly in LOVE do not cheat. The thought of doing it makes them sick to their stomach. If you dont feel this way about your partner then you are not in love and i feel sorry for you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The quotation paragraph was unneeded and distracted from this passable tale of marital Bahama mama drama. Just as the word Bahama diminished my point

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
With some notable exceptions, I am astonished

at how little real literary analysis there is in the comments. There is no question the the writing is technically good, but who can look dispassionately at the plot and see something that isn't obviously contrived, trite (as LW plots go), and utterly juvenile. If I look at the plot elements I feel as if I'm in a Dilbert cartoon and, instead of playing business buzz-word bingo, we are playing LW cliche/tired trope bingo. As a result, there isn't a single character who is recognizable as a human being. Instead, you get LW stereotypes in the service of one of the standard LW plots drawn from LW's extensive "Husband Humiliation Porn Plot" library. When, for example, a writer has to motivate actions by a wife/husband being in a trance-like condition without the aid of pharmaceuticals, he is demonstrating that as far as that story is concerned, he can't plot. He is just trying to move the action forward at any cost.

I'm amused that many commenters write that this story is brilliant because they reacted strongly to it. I think anyone who reads this tale would react strongly to it, albeit different people would react in different ways. That, however doesn't make it good. I could write a story about torturing babies and smashing kittens and puppies with a sledgehammer. Readers would react strongly to that. But, obviously, the fact of "reaction" doesn't make the story good or art.

BTW, does anyone else notice that there is a clique of writers here who uncritically praise each other's work? It reminds me of junior high school.

One last comment about the vignette at the very beginning about the discussion with a group of women that inspired this story. People say a lot of things, especially after a few drinks. In the circumstances described, it was easy to be "courageous" about a fantasy, just as it would have been easy to prattle on about how one might, for example, bravely handle an armed robber. I rather doubt, however, that the woman who inspired "Linda" would have really have said that to her husband and followed through. Bar talk is cheap, but in the event she would have know that real life isn't LW land and that, unlike the cuck husband characters who constituted 95% or so of the husband characters here, her marriage would be over and she'd be on the street if she followed through, children or no children.

Good writing notwithstanding, this is a 1, and that's generous.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very well written. Great job describing the most difficult moral quandary a husband could face - leave and start again or stay for the kids and try to fix a problem not of his doing. Wish there was more retribution, but the author at least avoids the juvenile fantasy world responses that most of the BTB stories employ.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 3 years ago

Damn, Harry, you so spicy, today!

Sorry, no, I won't fuck you. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy the experience. Arrogant? Oh, no, honey, what you did? I wasn't arrogant, tho, when you were asking for my help to get your log-in sorted out, was I? Remember that, Harry? I have to admit to some confusion about being "stuck," tho. On what am I stuck? Did you mean stuck-up? If so, you should really be more careful with your typing. Read what you write before you post.

Who do I think I am? Well, I'm pretty sure I'm Randi, tho I have occasionally been confused and thought I was a unicorn, and once thought I would like to be a ballet dancer.

You shouldn't take bad names on yourself like that. I'm sure you cannot help being a "naysayer, loser and knuckle-dragger." We all want to be better. I wish you every success in getting your knuckles off the ground.

LVGirlLVGirlover 3 years ago

This is a variant of Literotica’s World Famous Martian Slut Ray. Striking twice!

Sorry, but real people just don’t behave this way. Certainly people can be seduced by attractive members of the opposite sex. But it doesn’t happen in the course of a few minutes on the dance floor.

Because of this lack of verisimilitude gotta rate this one star.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 3 years ago
Linda Won

Linda finally got Jim to come around and be her "man" again. She will forever have her fantasy night to dream about and poor old Jim just had to get over it and swallow his male ego. 1*

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 3 years ago

One last point about this terrible story. The use of the escort at the end of the story to teach the husband a "lesson " .....who did nothing wrong except love his wife and his family.... About how easy is to succumb to a attractive person is just downright despicable and offensive.

Why does the husband need to be caught a lesson?

Moreover the husband went to thw lawyer o discuss his marriage and his emotional state regarding the wife despicable horrific act which she has no understanding as to why the husband is upset.

But the lawyer goes out of his way to teach the husband a lesson about how easy it is to cheat with a nother attractive person?

Why does the husband need to know this lesson? He didn't do anything wrong

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Very good writing very sick story

Five stars for writing.

The family life has changed forever.

The children will eventually find out what happened. At least twenty people know the story and this sort of stories tend to go viral. This is especially true if she does something similar again.

Their children will pass a devastating judgment on BOTH parents when they get older.

AmunRa218AmunRa218over 3 years ago

Good story for a different point of view. Reminds me of other similar stories where the married couple went out with friends and the wife left hubby with another man. One ended in divorce quickly with hubby's retribution on the interlopers. The other ended with the couple in a threesome with a bi woman. Will have to reread those again now as a comparison. So I appreciate your take on this scenario.

Wish you had more retribution on their / his so called friends. Particularly on Dee. Along with the others in the "group". At least telling them to F__k off at the very least. He could have at least told Dave and Dee to eat s__t and die. Anything would have been better than the way you handled it. Understand why because it was all about the couple and their kids. Kind of liked the twist with Ellen to get them back together. It could have really backfired in real life.

One nitpick. In certain parts it was difficult to remember who was "speaking or thinking". Thanks for the point of view. Not how I would have handled it. Thanks for the story. 3.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well Done

I groaned when I saw the length of this one, but you plotted it very well and you executed well (as you usually do). You actually give characters some dimension, some inner tension. This is a worthy five-star effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Exceptional writing, and not just for this site

The story may have been done before, but the main character's anguish and journey is compelling. You are one of the top handful of authors currently posting - please keep writing!

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 3 years ago
Reading through the comments

One suggestion that was made for retaliation against Marc would have Jim take her letters explaining her magical night and Marc's phone messages and bring them to the biggest gossip investigative reporter around. Let the story break in all of the media naming Linda and Marc as predator and cheater and let the whole community and her family know. Then divorce her for adultery and try to get custody of the children win court. Linda is just too stupid and uncaring to stay married to Jim and despite her proclamations of love she only loves her lifestyle and herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fucking Garbage

One Star

tennesseeredtennesseeredover 3 years ago
Lack of humanity

Every character in this story lacked empathy. There was a strange, heartless quality in every human interaction. None of them behaved like real people, which is a terrible failure for a story about a marriage crisis. The technical aspects of the prose are spotless but the story itself is flawed from the outset by this lack of humanity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Marc, a nice guy?

Why does everybody think Marc is a great guy? Sleeping with lots of married woman( in his home town) would get him a almost universally hated. Sure, he does lots of charity work, but just like Bill Cosby, doing it as cover for the evil he does.

gunbladegunbladeover 3 years ago
Love it

Thank you for the story, while reading it I felt I wouldn't be able to go through with it no matter what. But the children aspect made me understand.

Only peeve I had was (or as your character faced or debated) I wouldnt do that to my wife. But you can never say never.

Again thank you m8 loved your story.

CaOldDogCaOldDogover 3 years ago

Linda went back to the table and motioned to her friend to help her make the breakaway. She consciously ignored Jim's request to go back to the hotel and then she humiliated Jim by leaving him with their friends who all knew where she was going. That clearly demonstrates NO RESPECT for Jim and without respect there is no love. Divorce is the only conclusion to this story with or without children (she knew that when she left). Any married woman that thinks she can do what Linda did in this story and come home the next day smiling with that freshly just fucked look and tell hubby what a magical time she had but, now she was home and think that she is going to get away with it is delusional at best. GW this is well written but your story idea is pure fantasy but you should win in the comment count competition you seem to be having with Richard Gerard.

kmreaderkmreaderover 3 years ago
Not Enough Punishment

I think I side with the guy from your real conversation years ago:

"I would tell him that he knows how much I love him, and he knows I'll always come back to him, but I'm not going to pass up this opportunity, and I'll see him sometime tomorrow.

"No, you wouldn't," the guy next to me muttered. The woman looked at him pityingly.

"Yes, I would, and I think every woman here would do the same."

"You might leave with him tonight, but if I was your husband, you sure as hell wouldn't see me tomorrow." He was as serious as she was.

I don’t think the revenge plot if you can call it as such was near enough punishment for the RAAC. I think Jim should have left with Ellen even if they never had sex and leave Linda to stew all night as she left him. He should return the next day and even go as far as to tell her it was the best sex ever and that she could never compete. At that point if she chose to stay together for the sake of the family as he did then maybe they could reconcile. If she chose to stay with Jim then at that point maybe he could tell her that he never had sex with Ellen if in fact that is what happened. I just think for her to truly feel the same pain that she inflicted on Jim, Linda should be truly abandoned for the entire evening on her special day as she had done him before.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Horrible story. Jim is a pussy and Linda's got fucked.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
February Sucks?

I'm not sure February sucks, but something else around here sucks. Like this story for instance. Holy shit! How many pages of 'she cried and covered her face' do we need? Yeah, she fucked up. In a cold, calculating way. She KNEW that she could use the kids to control the nitwit. And him, with all the hand wringing and pity partying, fucking lame. Get rid of the cheating bitch and all the so called friends.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Yes, to forgive and carry on, maximize future benefits is the high path. Though, in real life its so difficult - and so unlikely to work out, long-term. Once mistrust has set in ... once gotten away with cheating ...

But everyone should hold onto his own fairy tale. More difficult to live with unintended RL consequences.

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 3 years ago
Interesting Read

Not sure I buy it. Not divorcing because of the kids I get. I had a beautiful women offer herself to me while I was on a trip away from home once and I turned her down. Not because I did not want her. I did. I turned her down because choices have consequences. My family was and is more important than" driving a Porsche".

BaddestmanaliveBaddestmanaliveover 3 years ago
One More Thing

A call to Mr Football hero with a warning that I can shoot his ass anytime and his "superior " skills won"t save him is most appropriate. That POS got off too easy.

KalimaxosKalimaxosover 3 years ago
The writing was decent

I know this is a trope story. But I have seen some relationships go to hell after one of them cheated. The way this woman did it is so disrespectful that there is no way back. I get it. The kids. For their sake, you try. But the marriage is shot to shit from then on.

Well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Just plain ass stupid.

CumminginsiderherCumminginsiderherover 3 years ago
A complete waste of time and 8 pages of bandwidth

Really? All of that for a reconciliation? You could have written this story on one page and just said the slut hung the horns on him and he smiled about it. This couple should have divorced and your throwing "Ellen" in on the end of it proves it. Neither of them had the "willpower" to say NO. Sorry, but the real world doesn't work as you wrote this story. And having all of the "friends" agreeing with the wife was ludicrous. Especially how the one friend did the same thing and it ended in divorce.

When your wife left you for a "Real Man" you must have taken it like a good soy boy cuck. Otherwise, you would have had the protagonist in the story have at least the semblance of some sort of balls, pride, and a dash of ego. But I'm sure you kept telling yourself it was "for the kid's sake" as you got sloppy seconds and creampies to eat before your wife left you for a guy that actually was a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

George, work on your plotting. You write well, and your editors write well, but if you look past that technically good writing to the plot, it's utterly implausible in several ways and is ultimately a heap of LW cliches and tropes. There are a few convincing reconciliation stories in LW, but this one falls far short. You have the talent to sell a reconciliation to a reader, and I wish you had done it here. I think even most of the hardcore BTB types feel uplifted by a merited reconciliation. I hope you try again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

No way is the author a man. I don't what she calls herself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good read

Pretty realistic and a good break from those revenging cuckold stories that plague these pages. Most women cheat, most women don't get found out, those that do usually want to as they are looking for a way out but every now and then there is one that gets caught in the lust or in a dream and then realise its a one off so they go back to the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The comments are

interesting. Some readers seem to think that getting a lot of comments and getting emotional reactions somehow means a story is well done. Perhaps I should write a story about a wife who enjoys clubbing baby fur seals and loves Donald Trump. I bet I'd get 500 comments in the first two hours. I never knew it was so easy to write a great story.

You ought to pay a attention to the analytical critics like Reed Richards. I found myself beginning to chuckle about 4 pages in. This story skates right along the line of being a parody of LW stories. I do think you have serious talent, but reading LW has shown me that writing well technically and plotting are very different skills, and the plot in this case is risible. Consider paying as much attention to your plotting as you do to the writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I ached for the husband and I can easily imagine feeling stuck as he did. I was impressed at the way the author gave us no hints about how it was going to end until Ellen showed up. Thanks for a great read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Irresistible People

They make for interesting fantasy. I don't think they really exist.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good try

Good try no matter what the bitch cheated . Then you add the part with him dancing with the beautiful lady.. to say look you would have did it too and put him in the same situation to make it justify what the f*** she did.,. go back to the drawing board

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Your kicker at the end was overdone. The story had the right amount of angst but with kicker making things equal lost the overall tone and made the finish less. You write well. I’m so jealous

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I agree with those that find this story garbage

If one wants to have the wife cheat, fine, that's part of Loving Wives. Having the husband accept the humiliation and before four couples that are their closest friends is complete and utter garbage.

johnadpjohnadpover 3 years ago
Very Good Story, But I Would Change One Part

The uncle should've had Jim fuck Ellen. They both needed to feel it to their bones for their marriage to have had a chance to work. For him to realize that yes he could have cheated under the right circumstances, and for her to know how it truly feels the whole way, not just a few minutes of it.

This was a great story, and it made me think of many things. Including that I believe everything the wife in the story said. That one night shouldn't matter in the larger scheme of things. That if say a Monica Belluci (my ultimate woman, although she is older now) and I met and hit it off and I had spent a night with her, I would feel the same exact way as the wife in the story; let me have this one night with her and then I'm back with you forever. But even intellectually knowing and understanding all of that, if my wife ever did that to me, I couldn't stay with her. And just like if I did it to her, I would hope she would stay with me and continue the marriage, I would understand if she didn't. Yes, to the wife in this story it was just one night, but to him it was everything. That's how it usually is about cheating. The fucking of that other person usually is much more significant and meaningful to the betrayed spouse than it is to the one that actually had all the fun.

Five Stars for the quality of the story, and for truly delving into real emotions and thoughts people would go through under the circumstances. While I couldn't do it, I don't hold it against the MC for staying with her in the marriage. As he says if it wasn't for the kids he would've easily divorced her. I have a teenager now, but I'm lucky enough to have money, and it wouldn't bother me to divorce my wife if she cheated on me. Or even when our son was younger, because I know he would be fine financially, and we would make the relationships work out post divorce so that he would be fine emotionally. However, if I didn't have money, I can see the possibility of considering to stay in the marriage for my son's sake. I truly believe once you have kids you have to put them first. The MC did that and I applaud him for that.

I actually live in the same town that Kobe did. So, we actually ran across him, and other celebrities at restaurants, and other places around town. One afternoon myself, my wife, and two other couples (not from the area) were at a restaurant waiting to be seated. Kobe walked past us and took his two young daughters to the bathroom (this is years ago, and his wife was at the table). When he came back out he noticed one of the females we had with us completely staring at him, and he gave us all his big smile, and said hi to all of us, but definitely focused on the women who were gawking at him. My wife has never been a celebrity hound, but one of the other wives I have no doubt had a mini-orgasm and she was definitely starstruck. Every time we saw her over the next year or so, she would repeat, "Kobe said hi to me; do you guys remember Kobe said hi to me" with wonder in her eyes. It would have been interesting to know (as an experiment) if she would have gone off with him if Kobe took her hand. I'd like to think she would have rejected his offer, but she was definitely completely taken by his charms.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Why would you and your editors think

that the Ellen bit at the end is the least bit plausible? I ask that seriously. A married man with a troubled marriage with his wife present has his mind go blank and starts to follow the "siren"? It's as implausible as Linda wandering off in an alleged daze with Marc. It's not that it's infrequent thing that happens with couples, but given the level of commitment this couple is written as having, it simply wouldn't even come close to happening.

One commenter said that the tension in the story and it's release are accomplished by introducing a succubus and an incubus to the story. He's right, which makes this whole story an absurd, pointless exercise.

In between the "supernatural" elements in the story, there are more contrived bits. One of the worst is the business with continued contact with Marc. It's utterly improbable that Marc, having fucked her once, would leave a voice message suggesting marriage....improbable on the level of finding Martians in Emma's room. What's worse, it is obviously a contrivance transparently designed to address H's worry about the slut going off with Marc again. Parts of the story are like a pleading...petitioner argues x, and respondent replies to show not x. It's silly and wooden.

The hand-wringing about the children is way overdone. It's the 21st Century. Divorced parents can certainly give them a good childhood, certainly a better one than they would have if something like Linda leaving with Marc happened in real life and the parents stayed together. Second, the divorce advice was bad. In real life, Jim had other options for proceeding with a divorce (I know it goes against the LW conventional wisdom, but mothers, especially those who work, do not automatically get primary custody). Certainly, financial inconvenience is NOT a good reason for rewarding adultery by allowing Linda to have her cake and eat it too. Moreover, it sets a terrible example for children.

A further problem is that Jim becomes a feminized man. As the pages progress he increasingly wallows in his "feelings" and becomes an emotion based decision maker. Questions of principle are really not important, especially after the author writes into the head of Jim that if he and Linda aren't married Emma is, in effect, likely to become a crack whore and little what-ever-his-name-is will become a drug dealer. All of this obviously false nonsense is reinforced by poor legal advice. (Yes, some children do not fare well in divorce, but they aren't children of the kind of parents the author has written.). Moreover, there is this odd transfer of responsibility for the situation from Linda to Jim.

Given the deliberate, cold-blooded, cruel adultery by Linda, and her repeated rubbing of Jim's nose in how much better and more powerful Marc was, how could any legitimate reconciliation occur? One moment Linda is telling Jim how wonderful he is, and the next she is running on about how much better Marc was. The sheer thoughtlessness involved in wearing the blue dress again was astonishing. The gross betrayal by the friends was astonishing. If I were Dave, I'd divorce Dee. The absence of children in that marriage would make it a no-brainer.

As someone wrote, this story seems designed to feed a husband humiliation fetish - it's "husband humiliation porn." What in hell were GA and his editors thinking?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Linda materially breaches the marriage contract AND there would be moral equivalence between the two if Jim takes a lover? In what universe? She threw the marriage away by betraying her vows in the cruelest, most humiliating way. The law doesn't require fidelity (very few states are exceptions), but morality does. Jim is no longer bound to a vow that she grossly violated any more than a contract party is bound by a contract that the other party has materially breached.

Here's the way the "Ellen" scene should have gone:

Just before they reach the door, Ellen makes Jim look at Linda, who is collapsed in tears on the table.

"Now you know." Ellen whispers to Jim.

"No, Ellen. Now SHE knows. Let's go."

And Jim and Ellen leave.

There. It's as fixed as this story can get without a thorough rewriting.

bpad1bpad1over 3 years ago

The story was very well written. That being said, it was also very disturbing. I found myself becoming more wrapped up in their problems than I usually am in my own.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
She said in the letter he insisted she write

That she would have stayed with the asshole for as long as he wanted. I would have thrown the slut out when reading that. Not to mention it was the best sex she ever had and would ever have if she stayed with her hubby. Some friends they had. He was way too easy on her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Well written but a very stupid concept. No sensible wife would do that and no husband would put up with it.

LalawmanLalawmanover 3 years ago
The comments are almost as good as the story

Nothing in personal relationships is ever easy. This story pushed so many of my buttons I am simply exhausted after reading straight through. 5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is just plain garbage, you're one of the best but now....

vickitvohiovickitvohioover 3 years ago

Rocky end

I disagree with your RAAC approach to this story. I’m not opposed to them reconciling but no way do you stay around early on for that. Secondly, just like LW pointed out, she was never sorry for doing it. That’s a huge problem. Lastly, the Ellen situation was contrived. It cheapened the story. Their emotions that raw, he doesn’t give in.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
It wasn't an apples to apples comparison

This, 'siren' as you call her. She wasn't poaching a happily married man, in front of his wife, in front of all their friends. No. She was a hired escort, to test a VERY unhappily married man on the brink of divorce to a cheating wife. She did it WITHOUT all her friends watching on. And let's not forget Ellen DID NOT fuck him. And he did not fuck her.

If Linda had hired Ellen, I'd have grown to respect her as a person. But it was just their stupid L.W playing cupid with people's lives. If he had fucked Ellen, he still would not be in the same boat as Linda, full stop. When someone breaks a contract, it's void. He's no longer under a moral, spiritual, or lawful reason to stay faithful to his wife. She broke the initial trust. You can't put him in the same boat. You'd have to literally brainwash him into believing she's never cheated on him, and THEN you'd get an apples to apples comparison. He isn't capable of turning their lily white and untainted marriage sour. It's already soured. Whoever cheats first has that privilege. And no amount of 'revenge fucks' can truly equate. Yes, Linda got to feel a little of what he felt. A little bit, and even if he'd have fucked the still wouldn't be the same.

Truth is Linda was an entitled brat, and so were her friends. She didn't grow up because she's a strong person, or a wise one even. She mainly sat on her thumbs and cried a lot. She watched her favorite toy leave, her husband. She watched others not worship the ground she walked upon. She had to face that she was a shitty person because of their reactions more so than any deep thinking on her part. She also watched her toy get ALMOST played with by another woman. So her entitled feelings finally backfired. She only won in the end because like you said, the kids. She hid behind their kids like a shield. It allowed her to cheat. Their marriage will never be stronger either. It'll always be weaker now. The things holding up their marriage is that he's not willing to put up with a single mis-step now, and she understands she's one fuck up from divorce. THAT is what's holding this shit show together. He's proven he's attractive enough to find other women, and that scares Linda.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
An anony said that . . .

. . . this wasn’t a convincing reconciliation, I think it was based on the simplest factor: time. The longer Jim stays with Linda, the more he slips back into his comfortable old life. He took the right choice, staying together for the kids, but that means staying with his wife.

Staying together for the kids means staying in the same bedroom; the notion of one moving into the guest room is an LW trope, but in real life the kids would know something was seriously wrong and be dreading that divorce was just around the corner.

The longer he stays in the same bed with his wife, a wife who is offering sex, the more he is going to enjoy it; it’s the path of least resistance.

Things will never be quite the same, of course, because Jim will always be wondering if Linda is fantasizing about Marc while they’re fucking, and she will be . . . sometimes, just like Jim occasionally fantasizes about women he fucked before or someone he knows but never fucked or the latest celebrity crush. It happens.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
A few commenters have suggested . . .

. . . using Linda’s written confession against Marc. Dudes, a woman’s written testimony that he’s a sex god won’t hurt Marc’s reputation in the slightest. He’ll just have even more women throwing themselves at him. And it just makes Jim a more public cuckold; who would do that?

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