All Comments on 'February Sucks'

by GeorgeAnderson

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
way to long

Could have been shorter

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 3 years ago
A Harrowing Exercise in "Trying" to Give Coherence to Excruciating and Ineffable Process of Forgiveness

This was very well written in terms of giving the Narrator a singular voice and establishing his why's and wherefores for his choices that very few readers would choose to emulate. He gave conditional absolution because of the kids because Linda showed atonement and THE KIDS.

Personally I would love a sequel where Linda is served divorce papers as soon as youngest child becomes of age and is trundled off to college. If there's a flaw in the writing it would be that there was absolutely no sign beforehand that she was susceptible to overtures from movers and shakers, narcissistic or feeble minded to believe that doubling up and catching up on normal rations of love and affection apportioned to shattered spouse would easily erase the stain of her betrayal.

In Richard Gerald's best works, the seeds of deception will be planted in setup scene or exposition. Linda sold him out in public and all her sorrow and empathy were after the wrong done. But writing the perfect story is much akin to plotting the perfect murder. It's said there's at least 25 ways to go wrong and if you can think of 18 of them, you're a genius. This wasn't perfect but it was a MUST finish in one solitary read tale and far, far above the standard set in this genre.

Ergo the obvious score

Full marks *****

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I haven't read it yet. Just wanted to drop a comment and let you know that you are a very talented writer and reading your work is like putting oneself through immense mental anguish. You make stories with unbelievable and hateful characters come alive. Keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Good concept, but the logic got broken

It was obvious from Ellen's three words that she was a plant playing a role (and presumably a professional escort). I just assumed she'd been hired by Linda. That neither of them realized this was a set-up after her three words of disclosure, either immediately or after thinking about it or after discussing it with each other, is ... implausible.

Given how hard it is to hide impending twists in LW stories, it was actually pretty obvious that she was a plant even before her three words. But I'm not criticizing that aspect. I'm just criticizing the characters' lack of awareness.

management91399management91399over 3 years ago

I kept thinking through this whole thing Jim could have taken that written confession, the voice mail the flowers with the love notes and especially the offer to do better by the kids and dropped it off at TMZ to go nuclear on Mr. Sweet Meat Football star and the wife with the auto open legs. Yes it would have been a humiliation for him but he was already in the mud here especially with that goddam blue friggin dress that should have been burned. Also his friends and even his lawyer buddy couldn't do right by him. Oh if your marriage goes down there's no hope for us? Bullshit. He should have grabbed every husband and bought them hookers to even it up for the "friends". It wasn't just lose lose for Jim, it was Lose lose lose lose. Okay so maybe this wasn't a contest but this this is skewed so unfairly against him. I wonder if there are going to dozens of unofficial sequels the this.

RougeHunterRougeHunterover 3 years ago

That was silly in a lot of places but the point where he was affected by that woman's beauty that much (it looked literally magical compulsion) was ridiculous.

All I decided was bot characters were grown children who never unlearned that envy of the hottest/most charismatic people in high-school like jocks/cheerleaders and story using that as reason was... I don't have words.

I'm not a gorgeous guy, and I'm never gonna get attention from a woman like that understand that, but I stopped being that spellbound in my early 20s. Sure a serious case of wandering eye maybe even looking openly tempted/considering when she asked I can easily buy but not this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Don’t tell me!

Another GeorgeAnderson story where the wimpy cuck takes the cheating cunt back!

My blood pressure is going through the roof, just thinking about it!

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

Once again GA proves he is incapable of writing a believable male character, after eight pages of technically excellent writing it’s still a cuckold story.

The old tropes of ‘can one night ruin x amount of years’ and ‘I’ve got to think of the kids‘, among others, is so overused on these type of stories that they become laughable and meaningless.

Have you noticed that there’s always a friend or relative or bartender to persuade him to get past it, telling him that she didn’t do anything really bad and he should suck it up and be a man.


Imagine if GA’s excellent writing was focused on what really happens when betrayal is the order of the day. I for one would like to see that, though I won’t hold my breath.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

There was absolutely no reason to add this to the site.

It has been done to death already, the readers know how pathetic your male characters are, the spineless wimp in this story is just another sad addition.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Jesus Christ.

What am uber cuck. Dude lets himself get manipulated every fucking step of the way like it's nobody's business. Doesn't seek revenge, forgives his wife and doesn't even cut off the garbage "friends." Low iq morons like him deserve all the pain in the world.

Also, about your introductory paragraph - you have a very disturbing and warped understanding of women. Get help, George. Because that's not how real people think of behave.

CreeperclawCreeperclawover 3 years ago

Reminds me of another story where the wife goes off to bed someone else then comes back to hubby as if nothing changed. There are probably dozens of stories with this similar premise. This one felt like it went round and round to an exhaustive conclusion, a happy ish ending. Honestly I think divorce might have been the better way to go, worked for their childless hypocritical friend couple.

They both learned that the other would totally give in to temptation if they had the chance, and a person's core beliefs aren't so easily changed. If monogamy is important to them and it's been revealed that all it would take would be the right person to come along, then I see the ending as them putting off the inevitable.

This one feels like a 2/5 for me.

DevotedWifeDevotedWifeover 3 years ago
I’m not buying it.

I don’t for one minute believe that he would have gone off with Ellen. That’s just not who he is, a person who could get so easily mesmerized by someone of the opposite sex, like the women you’re writing about. You could have written it a little differently, having Ellen ask him to escort her to her car, and have Linda have the same realization. Because it is true that their old marriage is dead, and it takes something like that to jump up and smack a cheater in the face, before they can begin to realize the pain they’ve inflicted on their spouse. Most of them never get it, and often the spouse with whom they’ve reconciled decides within a few years that they deserve better. At least you have tried to represent how difficult a true reconciliation really is.

And Dee would be persona non grata in my life, because, as the saying goes, “With friends like that, who needs enemies?”

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
it doesn't work like this.

If she had any conscience left then she wouldn't come home the next morning. Her lack of empathy after her failing does not match the chsrscter GA is trying to portray.she would have gone elsewhere or brought a friend as negotiator. And not let Marc drop her off St her house. The lack of remorse would have burned the marriage immediately. And Ellen would not have garnered the response written. The incident was too prminrnt still. He might have done it as payback but not unconsciouskly. Good try but these people as portrayed would never have s bslsnced marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
George: just admit you're a female author already!

Illogical story: written by a woman and from a woman's point-of-view. Essentially, you're saying she can be cruel because she's not responsible for her actions? That pretty much sums up all your stories.

According to you, women are so weak that, at any given time, they can just walk away with another man and - here's the important part - if that causes the marriage to fail, it's the husband's fault because he doesn't love her enough or he's too weak to get past the pain of it all.

You always cuckold the husband in your stories; rub his nose in it several times, have him crying, weeping, wringing his hands, and then rub his nose in it some more. That's obviously the point, hurt the husband as much as possible.

Women aren't dumb or irresponsible, not the way you write them, except when they're desperately looking for an excuse. Here's a newsflash; neither are men.

Stupid story. Illogical reasoning. I'm completely convinced you're a woman pretending to be a male author, 'cause you think you'll get better scores or something. Your story is weak.

blackrandl1958blackrandl1958over 3 years ago

A disquieting emotional shot to the celiac plexus. George is one of the top writers around, and always delivers a story that makes me happy, sad, angry, upset or joyful. You make me care about the characters, sir, and only a very good writer can do that. My compliments. No doubt, as I have already seen in the comments, there will be a visceral reaction on the part of nearly everyone, and many will be incapable of enough thought to recognize that only a great story can make them feel that intensely. They will give you only a snarl. Ah, well, sometimes it be like that.

Should anyone like to see another story from George, or other great authors such as Hooked1957, Markelly, DTIverson, Maninconn, Laptopwriter, KK or many others, tune in December 7 for the "Hanging by a Thread" collection of thriller stories.

Thanks for writing, George, Randi.

TajfaTajfaover 3 years ago

I didn't like it. In the end he is almost on his knees begging forgiveness for being tempted but not going through with it. She was a cheating bitch who gave no thought to her husband or her children other than to think that her husband was a total wimp who would run back to her with his tongue hanging out because he loved her so much.

She totally destroyed him in front of their friends without any consideration as to what that would do to him. I'm sorry but her attitude made me sick and angry that anyone could treat someone they "loved" so heartlessly. You are an excellent writer and I would like you to write a story where the male character can't get over the cheating and starts a new life alone. It doesn't need to be a nuclear btb but one where the cheater pays for their actions. I'm sorry but I can only give this one a low score as it made me feel pretty sick.

graymangazergraymangazerover 3 years ago

Not sure why but I thought this was going to be a BTB, I'm not a fan, too much testosterone and self righteous indignation, but I read anyway hoping for something different to the obsession of gaining the upper hand and the lions share of money. Usually we have a wife making a mistake or doing something stupid, then a husband who is a saint showing her the error of her ways. Generally I come out in the wife's camp, she may have cheated but who'd blame her after being married to the world's biggest asshole for so long, that's the usual recipe anyway. But on this occasion I ended up wondering how this selfish stupid woman didn't find herself in the gutter.

The story was well written and kept me interested, though I thought there was maybe some unnecessary padding, but I got into the emotions of the main character, urging him to stand up for what he believed in as though I could make him do things, say things by my willpower alone, so congrats to the author for achieving those feelings.

There were however a few things that Linda did that ranged from naive through stupid to outright ridiculous. We've all played that game: who's your celebrity crush? Would you have them if you had the chance? So she got her chance. She was naive, a bit stupid even when she accepted the offer to dance without asking her husband. Okay she was a little starstruck so perhaps we can forgive her and he doesn't own her, but it would have been the right thing to do.

But then she went straight to the other end of the scale: she agreed to spend the night with said crush, she didn't make plans to see him later like any normal cheating spouse would do, no, instead she just up and left with him, leaving her husband without a backward glance or even telling him. This is the part I found totally unbelievable, I really can't imagine anybody being that selfish and stupid that they'd think it'd be okay.

But the stupidity didn't end there. Upon returning, not after a quick fumble in the car park but after spending the night she shows no remorse or regret, she thinks it's normal and she even says it was the best night of her life, how to destroy a marriage in one easy lesson!!! She then goes on to put it all in writing just how much better lover he is, then later plays a message from asshole confirming that she said he's better than her husband. Despite fears of divorce etc she goes from stupid to stupider, yeah I know that's probably not a word, and it's only after the husband follows her lead and acts (almost) as stupidly that she she thinks to say sorry.

A lot of thought and heart searching, at least on the husband's side, almost nothing from the wife, and a lot of forgiving, but it all left a bad taste in the mouth. I can't help thinking that she learnt just one thing: next time don't be so obvious, keep it hush hush and she can carry on and have more of those nights with asshole without all the marital strife.

in the end a lot of stupid people doing stupid things but well told nevertheless and I enjoyed it. It made me think and brought out emotions, and a BTB one that I rarely feel so job done I think, congratulations.

mordbrandmordbrandover 3 years ago
Another GA raac

Eight fucking pages. I don't know why I torture myself when it comes to your stories, but every time I am a big enough sucker to think maybe ONCE you will let the victim have some god-damned dignity in the end. It never happens, and I just end up frustrated.

The entire story her slut friends, the bartender, his lawyer, and seemingly everyone else POUNDS on him to be the bigger man. It's not her fault, Zeus came down from the sky in a shower of gold. Who could resist that? Then, not satisfied with him slowly capitulating, the slut or some other person hires a knockout to show him IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE!

Give me a fucking break You spent multiple pages illustrating just how DEVASTATED he was and all it takes is one escort to make him consider doing the same thing... Right. It's cool that she was just hired to say "see how easy it is" but not to follow through and let him have a night "being played like an instrument by a maestro."

You are a hell of a writer, I will give you that, but you consistently try to use your talent to spin bullshit. You can justify it as a piece meant to really make you think, but really it just always is psychobabble. One star so you can piss and moan how we plebes just don't "get your genius."

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I gave it 4 stars but BOY!

Typical G.A. story. The husband was the victim and he was apologizing throughout the whole damn story. It was his fault for not getting passed her cheating, it was his fault his daughter was doing poorly in school.

Hell, even the escort wasn't used to give the same pain to the wife, it was just a side effect of it. L.W. used the escort to show Jim how easily is was to follow a pretty face and fall for sweet words. And good ole Jim apologized for it!

He should have left the bar and fucked the whore. Then she would know how it feels.

At least in a similar story where a wife leave a bar for a big cock, I believe it was called, "Unintended Consequences" done by another author, that husband did the right thing and divorced the bitch!

Her thinking was exactly the same. "No harm no foul. I'm still the same person. I'll make it up to you. Even though it was the absolute best sexual experience of my life and you'll never match it, it doesn't effect how much I love you. He isn't better, he's just more experienced and fucked me like a fine instrument." That's not better?!

What fucking bullshit! She compared the experience with driving a Maserati. But when you crash a Maserati, you pay for the damage, a lot!

I gave it a 4 star, not sure why really. Quality of writing, maybe? But now that I'm writing down my thoughts, I think it should go for a 3 star at most because of content and the fact the story really didn't convey any consequences the cheating wife suffered.

She didn't really. Not like she deserves, not for such a blatant betrayal. He was too kind to her throughout the whole damn thing.

Another RAAC. OK, 2 stars! Too bad this site doesn't allow us to change our scores.

stev2244stev2244over 3 years ago

I know how long you've fought with this story and I'm really glad you finally posted it. A well-written, thought-provoking story in LW is a rare thing. Many readers will miss the easy solutions, the burning bitches, the Cayman accounts and the ex special forces husband. If this wasn't so well written and thought through, if the situation wasn't so difficult, it wouldn't get my motor running this much. I really hope you'll keep writing and posting stories here.

PowersworderPowersworderover 3 years ago

"I have to admit I was a little peeved at the way I'd been played"

It was great the uncle set that up! Now Linda has an inkling of just how badly she hurt her husband.

But this is how it should have ended...


A couple of days after the party, I paid another visit to my uncle.

"I wondered when you'd turn up," LW said with a knowing smile.

I thanked him for Ellen's number and called her that afternoon to arrange a meeting. Taking a discreet day off work the following week, I spent the entire day in a hotel doing things with Ellen that would make a monkey blush. Not only was she by far the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen, that bewitching blonde was a wildcat in bed.. and she taught me a host of new tricks. I was in nirvana; it's not everyday you get to fuck a goddess.

When I went home that evening, Linda could see how elated I was and looked at me questioningly. She was so desperate for forgiveness that she eagerly bought my lies about being keen for us to have a fresh start, now that my cheating wife finally understood what I'd been through. I put her off that night, having been drained dry by Ellen, but we slept together the following evening... and it was very tender as it had been before. She cried happy tears, so thankful for a second chance.

We dropped the kids off with their grandparents, who were happy to give us a weekend alone to "reconnect". I then proceeded to rock Linda's world for 48 hours, bringing into play everything I'd learned to leave her in ecstasy. There was no lovemaking, I fucked her like a debauched whore and she loved every minute of it.

By the time the weekend was over, Linda was looking at me with newfound adoration. She was overwhelmed with gratitude for my forgiving her, and thrilled that I'd "spent time on the internet" finding ways to spice up our sex life. The truth was, I didn't do it for her, I did it for myself... To prove that I could be better in bed that the man she cheated on me with. My pride demanded nothing less.

14 years later...

We returned home after dropping off Tommy at college, and with Emma having left two years earlier, we were officially empty-nesters. It was a poignant moment... One I'd spent over a decade preparing for. We were both in our early forties now... older and wiser.

"Linda, sit down a moment. I want to talk to you about something."

"That sounds ominous," she said with a playful smile. "Have you got something naughty planned now we have the house to ourselves?"

"Yeah, pretty much..." I replied, returning her smile and handing her a thick envelope.

Linda looked at me quizzically as she opened it, her curiosity turning to stunned disbelief when she read the title. Petition for divorce.

"What is this? I-I don't understand..." she stammered, still in shock.

"I'm divorcing you," I replied with a shrug. "You ended our marriage 14 years ago when you betrayed me. I had no intention of being a part-time dad... so I stayed for Emma and Tommy."

"But you forgave me!" she sobbed, bursting into tears. "You said you loved me!"

"I lied. When you betrayed me to fuck that asshole, you proved you never really loved me. I pretended everything was fine while I looked for your replacement."

Her mouth fell open as she stared at me in horror. Whether that was due to the realisation that she'd been in a sham marriage for the past fourteen years, or my nonchalant delivery I couldn't tell.

"So now you've found someone, you're leaving me for her?!" Linda shrieked, her eyes wild with rage. "She can't have you! I'm going to fight for our marriage!"

"Like you did when you spread your legs for Marc LaValliere?" I asked quietly.

That doused her rage and she burst into fresh floods of tears.

I rose to my feet and looked at my soon to be ex-wife with pity. "There's nothing to fight for. I love Stephanie and the last five years with her have been amazing."

"You're leaving me for your secretary?! But she's only 28!" Linda gasped, devastated to be replaced with a prettier younger woman. "Wait... five years?!"

"I know. Steph's been so patient and supportive, but I want us to get married before the baby arrives." I smiled, remembering the joyful moment when we'd shown the sonogram picture to my kids. "Tommy and Emma are really excited about having a baby brother."

Linda seemed to have gone into a catatonic state, staring into the distance with an expression of utter devastation. She finally understood the consequences of humiliating me and betraying me in such an appalling manner.

Payback's a bitch.

According to the kids, Linda had some sort of a breakdown after the divorce and turned into a recluse. Oh well, at least she has all those cats to keep her company.

Steph and I had three more kids together and we're still happily married 25 years later. I'm an empty nester for the second time, but this time it's with the woman I want to spend the rest of my life.

bioman57bioman57over 3 years ago

Really good story. please write more often. And ur story played a]out for a happy ending. Even if I was hoping for the divorce.. You told a wonderful tale. Thank you for sharing it .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The story affected me deeply and caused a strong emotional reaction. I only gave it one star because I have to fix to dry wall and wear a cast for 4 to 6 weeks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Matt Moreau called

He wants his wimps back .

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

lol. Makes total sense to me now. Too funny.

darthnader19darthnader19over 3 years ago
5 stars

Really enjoyed the story, hope to see more from you.

Keep it up

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I stand corrected

I thought everybody was being harsh on you about not being able to write male characters with a backbone. You sure proved me wrong. Pure cringe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Useless cuck crap, seriously. Stop unless you like that.

There are limits to what you can do for your kids. One of them is to teach them that adults face consequences for their misdeeds. Letting wifey get away with it sends the wrong message.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sad beaten writer

Seems your male characters are quite easily manipulated. The very least would have been to add some kind of retribution or comeuppance on the asshole - most husbands would do something

Dc5655Dc5655over 3 years ago

Wonderful story!!!

ctdansctdansover 3 years ago
not that good of a story

Writing was good but as an old topic it wasn't really any better than the rest of them. It is very much like one where the wife did some rap star or another football player but I think he was black.

Only way I think this would have been more in a realty situation would have been that he removed the "friends" from his life completely, told everyone what she had done (family especially), and then divorced. They could start all over and do a RAAC but you need that divorce.

She HUMILIATED him with the talk of great sex and the orgasms. She brought it up time and time again and basically sates he is adequate and yet I still choose you over him. Like that helps. So how can he think he can ever have great sex with her knowing that she has had the best sex ever with a sex god who is not him? She even leaves him a note after their first time sex since the incident and she again states how it was not good and not nearly as good as with marc!

And the blue dress? Why keep it!

Intrigued_byeIntrigued_byeover 3 years ago

An interesting beginning but one never really explored. Instead the story repeats what has been too often covered and covered and covered.

Sadly the author never avails himself of two opportunities to set a sense of justice and do some exploration in the story. Without these the stories feel lacking.

One, they should have dealt with the antagonist, the "Man women can't resist" trope. Once they had recordings and commentary they should have gathered all of that and taken it to the best investigative reporter in town and let the fun begin. Those revelations about this player and the feeling that result as it comes out and the wife have to support or defend various behaviors would have added additional oomph to the story.

Second, the table discussion between the married couples seem to be a great place to jump into the fray of actions, consequences, rights, wrongs, justice, gender issues, etc. Instead, nothing. Such a missed opportunity.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Hate the Succubus/Incubus trope that you used

I've seen other authors use this type of trope before, where they essentially wave off a wife/husband's actions by saying that the person they cheated with was irresistible. We all have free will and while we might be very attracted to someone, there is no supernatural force making us go with them. Neither are people so consumed with lust over meeting someone that they lose all rational thought. People might act a little stupid or make a temporary lapse, but leaving the club and going to someone's house to have sex takes such a relatively long length of time with many instances to back out, that not doing so requires deliberate action.

In your story, Linda has no control over her actions. Even after her one-night stand causes her marriage to be on the brink of collapse she says: "Whether you find out doesn't matter, I'll know, and I don't want it. I'm just afraid. Afraid that strength or power or whatever it is that made me feel that way in his arms, would work on me again and I would do it." While she does later reject Marc; it is over the phone, not in person. So we don't really know whether she would reject him if she met him in the club again.

The way your story is resolved, basically the only way Linda and Jim stay together is because they both accept that these irresistible people exist and thus having sex with these people can't count as cheating. As Jim says: "I had to face it. My love for Linda had not been enough to keep me from cheating on her, in the same horribly cruel manner she had cheated on me." I liked the idea of using a female version of Marc to teach Linda how her actions affected Jim, but not when it just further supports the idea that Marc was irresistible.

The Succubus/Incubus trope tends to lead to shallow stories, and this is no exception. The drama of cheating loses all significance when it become clear Marc is essentially an incubus. The story is resolved for the most part by Linda's cheating becoming insignificant, not by her growing as a person and learning her lesson. Linda was seduced by an Incubi and thus had no control of her actions and thus ultimately can't be held responsible for her cheating. Anything else Linda and Jim learned and do as a result of her cheating is of a secondary importance.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307over 3 years ago
God, I hate giving a story 1 star but,...

... if a story ever deserved one, it would have to be this story. Just wrong on so many levels. RAAC at it's very worst.

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
It was the conversation at the very beginning that set it off

I can imaging women having that conversation among themselves with no problem; it’s more difficult to imagine that they’d admit it men, though you did say that the men in the conversation weren’t their husbands.

Why did Linda make so much of Marc being so much better in bed? Yeah, she promised to tell the truth, but it’s a truth along the lines of do these jeans make my ass look fat. Perhaps she would have been afraid that Jim wouldn’t have believed that a pro football player wasn’t a porn star as well, but wouldn’t most women have shaded the description down a bit, to make Marc look good but not sex god good?

I’m having a hard time with Marc making another play for Linda. I can see how Linda now rejecting his advances reassures Jim, but is this how someone who just takes any woman he wants operates?

And the Ellen episode seemed contrived to me; it didn’t add much to the story.

One more point about the opening conversation. When I read that, I thought of the mostly anonymous commenters here who complain that all women cheat.

steeltiger01steeltiger01over 3 years ago

That is not the story I thought it was going to be. I honestly had it figured to be standard LW, but it's actually pretty damn good. You took a deep and thoughtful look at a relationship and gave us a good, workable, life-like story.

Thank you for sharing your talents.

darthdaxdarthdaxover 3 years ago


Riddle me this? Why would a woman who had betrayed her husband in such a monumental fashion, but yet still wanted to stay married to said husband, keep repeating in every conversation they have about the betrayal how fucking wonderful he had been in bed?

ReedRichardsReedRichardsover 3 years ago
Scruff wrote that. . .

. . . Mr Anderson once again proved that he can’t write a believable male character. That’s wrong: he wrote about a man anguished that his wife cheated but also overwhelmed by the fact he had two children. In the end, he had Dee get dumped because she fucked Marc and she and her husband didn’t have children.

I’ll admit it: I was wondering when Jim would take a sniper rifle and shoot out Marc’s knees.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
another lying wife

You don't do what she did and love your spouse. She wasn't trying to save her marriage, she was trying to save her lifestyle. Always remember you don't keep the trash or bring it in, you throw it out. I was kind and gave it 2*.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
5 *****, but . . .

I’m not sure I believe that Jim would go with the escort so easily given how hypersensitive he still is about Linda’s actions; he comes across as more self-aware than that, especially now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Too long

8 pages just to see reconciliation and Marc walks away without any pain.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I like the way he handled his business

Like a real man. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Total Bullshit

“Till death do us part”, it must not have meant the same to her as it did to him. Or maybe I’m just projecting. Everything you do is a decision, some are beyond your control. She made the decision to leave with Marc, to have her friend cover for her so she could leave. She made the decision to have sex with someone else. Why is it that we look to have someone else share the blame for the decisions “ WE” make alone? She didn’t ask her his for husband for a hall pass ( nor was one given ). But he was supposed to shoulder part of the blame for her actions, she didn’t apologize for her decisions but looked to him to “ get pass it”. Then the writer spent the rest of the story trying to make us believe that he didn’t see the DECISIONS she made he could be he could make also. But, he didn’t! No, he didn’t turn around in the end by himself and realize that was what his wife did, but he still didn’t cross that unforgivable line.

fifteen16fifteen16over 3 years ago

5 for the writing but 1 for the characters in this story. Because there was no one of character here, by that i mean some one who can be regarded as having values of integrity , loyalty and honesty. Yes seems rather corny i know but without some basic values you have chaos and uncertainty and all that implies. In every relationship there has to be trust to know you are being treated fairly. In a personal relationship, at work or even playing sports you have to know the parameters in living your day to day life.

We have here a husband who might be described as meek and mild, but really a door mat.He had to be to give wifey the confidence to do what she did and think she would get away with it, which of course she has.Or maybe the writer was thinking of her as having a complete mental breakdown. Having a discrete bit on the side is still wrong and may never be found out. But to inflict such cruel and public humiliation on someone and still say you love that person, no not possible. Of course this is just a story but not a plausible one and to far fetched.Had it have been she secretly only had a few days to live and was having a last fling or was suffering a sudden and acute mental illness. Then there would have been some logic to this story, how this progressed spoilt it for me.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerover 3 years ago
A well written story, even if the theme has been "done to death".

Many comments go on and on about the "cuck" nature of the husband. Well, the "rambo" type husband stories are often over the top. BUT... a few things I need to mention relating to how weak the husband was.

Her new dress, initially just for him, became her "cheating slut dress". Why the fuck didn't he take the dress while she was showering after she got home from her fuck-fest and destroy/burn the damn thing. He would always associate the dress with her cheating with another guy. Remember, he junked her sexy lingerie she had intended wearing for him that had been left at the hotel.

Re The slut's night/morning with the "experienced" jock that gave her the sexual night of her life. So, why oh why didn't the husband plan and tell his wife that he deserved to have the sexual night of HIS life by spending it with a highly experienced Escort. Just like the Lawyer eventually arranged BUT for the husband to arrange the same thing. Yes, to spoil her birthday night out just like she spoiled their sexy night out. Only, he should have left and actually done the deed all night.

Only then would his wife have felt the true pain of what she had inflicted on her husband. Could SHE have got past what he did? She was asking him to get over it so why not her?

jaythemanjaythemanover 3 years ago
Revenge Needed

The football player had no negative consequences, a huge miss by the author.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

I've only read the intro, I don't have time to read the whole thing right now. If I had been there, I would have asked the women, would her attitude have been the same if it were husband going to spend one night with [insert your favorite hot actress/model here]. I think most of this kind of woman think that: 1) No female like that would want my husband. 2) I'm so hot that Jocko WOULD want me. 3) I'm so far out of my husband's league that he wouldn't dare refuse me.

timrivtimrivover 3 years ago
Great story...however....

This story at the beginning reminded me of the story where the wife gets hit on by a black guy and leaves with him returning the next day. In that one they divorced. Can see how you put the guy in a position that with two kids a small home and a untenable position financially that he really had no real choice but to suck it up and stay married. The part about dee and Dave was totally unnecessary seems as if you felt it was Dee’s fault and she needed to be punished and Dave was also in need of being shown that he put in the same position did exactly what he told Jim not to do.

I really wish you would reverse the story where the husband was the good looking guy who goes and dances with a hot girl then leaves with her. Would love to see how you would write the story from the scorned woman’s point of view. Doubt that it would end the same way. But try it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you

I appreciate this story in that it makes me understand that I'll never read another of your stories. The asshole football player needs to have his knees introduced to a Louisville slugger.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Very disappointed that the story was written that Jim would allow himself to start to leave with her. Not in character at all. Been in a similar situation (although not a setup) and I wouldn’t have even dance with Ellen. The athletes I knew in my day would definitely hit on a sexy married lady but never pursue after that. Too many other options.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
what fucking willing cuckoldry garbager

One star for this trash.

ScorpioJJScorpioJJover 3 years ago
They were both weak

He should have found a better woman, one that wouldn't run off with a scumbag like Marc. Marc, needed a tire iron to the knee. Let's see how often married women would cheat on their husbands with a former football star who walks with a limp.

BBeinhartBBeinhartover 3 years ago

Great story, likeable but fallible characters, realistic resolution. What’s not to like? Well, personally I would like to see some revenge - preferably involving humiliation - on the asshole football player. But that is just my preference. Five big stars!! 💥💥💥💥💥

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Fluently written

tripe. Same old formula: Martian Slut Ray + the copyrighted weak, low T, needy, cuckish husband. The "Ellen" plot device was was garishly implausible, ridiculously transparent effort to show that the husband was no better than the wife and therefore must forgive her and be a good cuck. Marc continuing to pursue the wife and insinuating he wanted to marry her was equally absurd. Again, we are given a ridiculous, transparent plot device to show the slut still "cares". The business about keeping the "marriage" intact for the children is typical in this genre, but more harm is done by maintaining what is essentially a forced, fraudulent marriage. It's far more important to teach children that principle is more important than convenience, financial considerations, and so on.

The problem I have with all of these stories involving a cold-blooded, deliberate, publicly humiliating, adulterous betrayal is that the men in these RAACs are completely unrecognizable as remotely normal human beings, let alone as men. What's reality? For any principled man she would be divorced and the "friends" would be excommunicated with prejudice. The father would stay close to his children, and they WOULD BE TOLD that the marriage broke because their mother did something unforgivably evil and dishonest. As for the blather about divorce, it is NOT a forgone conclusion today that the wife would get the children if the father fights. Shared custody is common, and there is no child support in that case. Alimony isn't as common as authors think. In this case, the wife would have gotten nothing in the vast majority of states. The asset split in many states is affected by adultery, and her written confession would settle that matter.

I think that the reason so many authors here write as if divorce law stands as it did in 1950 is that they want to use it to motivate a RAAC or to at least create dramatic tension. Unfortunately, departing from reality to such an extent just undermines the story. If you want to write stories with the sort of divorce law assumed in this story, put it in a different time or place.

GA is a gifted wordsmith, but he needs to think harder about plots. This story is over scored on the strength of the fluency of his writing, but any serious thought about the plot will lead to the conclusion that this is a long, technically well crafted, offensive congeries of cliches and worn out tropes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ahh question or two

Why is Marc able to continue in his ways without justice? Why did Jim not sue Marc for his intrusion into the marriage? Why has not some husband not taken a baseball bat to his knees on some dark night? A good story, but a little wanting for lack of reprisal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A bigger man.

No one is perfect and any marriage that can't survive one infidelity was surely not founded on true love in the first place. If you really love someone and they stray but regret it, surely you forgive them....

grifternrgrifternrover 3 years ago

Overall I liked this story. It did what it was intended to do, pull on my emotions. My one complaint in this genre, is why is it always the men that have to be the martyrs. Linda says that she knows what Jim went through, but she doesn't. She doesn't have to look at him at night and wonder if he is thinking about her to the gorgeous woman he only danced with. She is the one that has that incredible night of sex in her "memory bank" to pull out whenever she wants. She still has no idea how it feels, she might think she does, she might have played the scenario out in her imagination, but the fact remains that she can find comfort in the fact that Jim DIDN'T have an incredible night of mind blowing sex with someone she can't "compete" with. In all of the well thought out and well written stories in this genre, where the husband is a thoughtful, emotionally mature man, he has to play the martyr, but it never seems the women have to. Their husband has a one night stand, the women get to run out and have sex with a Greek god, and come home and their husband has to accept it as his just due. I only know of one story (Hedge Funds, I think) where the husband doesn't have to play the martyr, but even that one doesn't really get into the husbands quest for an equalizer. Other than that Mrs Lincoln, I liked the play. LOL. I really did like this story, for the emotional journey it took me on. It was well written.

ShadowRosieShadowRosieover 3 years ago

This is almost a humiliation kink, lower his self-respect to slave - story. Bring the uber master your wife for him to fuck - story. It wouldn't take much for that to be put in this place, especially when the athlete tries to get the wife again and again. I am glad to see people with a little backbone in this story. It's what makes it work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Excellent work

No, I don't think it's likely that very many wives would actually go through with it. Women are not the visual horn dogs most of us men like to think they are. In fact you have to suspend believability to think most any wife who is long married with children would do that to her husband in that way in front of her friends. That said, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Great setup, my emotions were rolling as the train wreck developed. That is the ultimate sign that it's a captivating story. Lots of solid, real world marriage advice and even insight of how a woman sees her marriage from the wife. Score will take a beating from the BTB crowd, and I kind of get it, but bravo on the writing and the tale overall.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well written but something amiss

This is incredibly well written and affecting, as evidenced by the pain I (and probably many others) felt reading about the narrator’s reactions to what his wife did. But at the same time it felt almost like an academic exercise. Given the detailed descriptions of the personalities, I just don’t see this wife so brazenly and callously inflicting pain on her husband in this way. It’s too incongruous. That said, the author did an excellent job of trying to tell a story of how they could manage to find their way back. Lastly, the use of the Ellen character at the end seems too contrived and is the biggest false note in the story. I didn’t like it as a way to teach a lesson. The narrator should’ve been more pissed off, as it makes clear that the beautiful woman really didn’t want him and had been a set up.

BrentJWBrentJWover 3 years ago

GA is a masterful writer when it comes to showing the pain of infidelity. The plot holes are what rip me back to reality. Linda is described as the perfect wife and mother in the beginning who then is suddenly hit with the Martian Slut Ray and deviously dumps her husband in front of all their friends. Then to top it off waltzes back home the next day to her family happy as a clam without a hint of guilt or remorse, nonchalantly telling hubby nothing has changed. Wow! The wives in their group epitomize the term ‘trailer trash’ to think that way.

The setup with Ellen was a nice attempt to create the same scenario but it misses because it’s not really the same. Linda left in front of their friends knowing that her husband was true to her. Jim started to leave with Ellen with no friends there and knowing that his wife had already done the same.

Linda should have been made to do a major mea culpa in front of all friends and family before Jim even considers building a new marriage with her. The repeated comparisons that Marc is a more skillful lover would have done the marriage in for me. 5*

shalpa64shalpa64over 3 years ago

God, what a damn wimp! Wanna know why?

Cause he took her back? A little, yeah, but I guess he had his reasons, even if we disagree.

Cause he lets 'L.W.' play with his emotions like a damn puppeteer? Partially, yeah. Old dude needed a kick in the nuts.

Putting up with hearing what a nice guy the asshole is and having to hear the wife defending him? Getting warmer...

No payback for the asshole, 'hometown hero'? Absolutely, fucking YES!

Ruin the whole town's opinion of the golden boy with the recordings and letter. Keep wifey's name out of it if you have to, but absolutely positively BURN HIS ASS D O W N!!!

End of

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
The thing is...

it is technically good, but the guy is an absolute wimp and the woman is a delusional bitch. And the whole thing with the escort seemed not be the old man's doing, but the wife's as a penance, last-minute changed for the uncle in the plot of the story - which of course would make this even more one-sided than it already is. In any case, it all is totally one-sided. And if the guy is ok with this, without any measure of self-respect, then I truly don't know what to say. It is not superficial to end a marriage in such a case. Continuing under such conditions can make it even worse. Why should staying with a woman like that actually be something worth fighting for and suppressing one's own feelings and enforcing self-martyrdom for? Just to be a good person?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thought provoking

I've read loving wife stories that have both btb and raac endings. This seemed to be neither. the husband never did "fish or cut bait" as far as I could see. George, grow a pair!

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 3 years ago

When I saw Randi had worked with you on this I knew my heart was in for a roller coaster ride. You did a masterful job of weaving the reader through a lot of complex emotions and bringing us to a feasible solution. For all the naysaying comments, I frequently comment on this site about true love. So many couples these days lack it, so I can see the animosity and "cuck" screams. When you have children and understand that they and their needs come first, the best solution is always reconcile if it is true reconciliation. What Linda did to him was irreconcilable in marriage, not something you recover from. (If there was a flaw in this story it was how you had the affair unfold, loving wife on a special night, literally walks off with a celebrity - just wouldn't happen.) But somehow you led us through twist of emotions that were something some of us that have faced losing their loving family could follow and empathize with. The incident with Ellen was brilliant and you had me guessing who set it up until you had LW sit down with them, then I knew. The only thing for me, it's who I am I guess, that was missing is the shit show of revenge I would have rained on the Asshole. It would have made national headlines when I was done with him. 5*

PutneybridgePutneybridgeover 3 years ago

Craftmanship. This makes me want to write, to attempt to create a narrative as rich as this. Excellent.

jaythemanjaythemanover 3 years ago
Ellen's Part

I think the Ellen episode should have been carried out further. The husband could have stayed out all night after Ellen clued him in that she was a plant. That way, the wife would have had several hours to feel the husband's pain instead of several minutes. She never seemed to regret her night of cheating, only that she hurt her husband. She needed to feel more pain to make her regret every second of her night with Marc.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great Story

Don't believe the premise that a spouse would in front of friends leave their spouse and go spend the night with him when all friends knew what he or she was doing or that the friends would take the cheaters side. Nevertheless, well written and deserves a 5, which I gave it.


Just_WordsJust_Wordsover 3 years ago
Mixed feelings.

How many times does she have to say, "I know that sex with Mark was the best I've ever had, but..." I mean, shut the fuck up! When does she learn not to rub salt in his wound? As a wife, I can't believe she is real. She has to be an idiot to talk like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

the wimp needed some balls when she got home the next day he should have tossed that vase into the fireplace and smashed it right before he said good bye and left the whore behind and gave the slut a divorce and moved on with his life he still is not sure she won't do the same thing again and he should never see any of the so called friends ever again

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 3 years ago
No coming back from it.

Just no way. Every time they touched he would think of him. He could never trust her again. Should have filed for divorce and named the ass hole in the papers.

The plot where the escort tempts him is silly. His values would not have allowed it.

MwestohioMwestohioover 3 years ago

Well written, gets to the heart of why the divorce decision is hard (children). Didn't care for the ending. The husband suddenly falls off the deep end with a femme fatale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I now know for certain I would not be able to get over cheating. I've never cursed repeatedly out loud at a literotica story before.

dragonmann72dragonmann72over 3 years ago

As I read the story, I wondered 'WHY'. Could what you wrote happen, yes. Would the husband be so understanding, 'NO', unless he was a cuck, sorry. When she pleaded for him to do what ever he had to just don't have an affair, was bull shit.

If Linda really loved Jim like she said, the first thing she would do to start the healing would never say Marc's name again. If she needed to refer to him she should have said 'Asshole' if for no other reason than to elevate Jim's peace of mind. Her first letter she wrote, I understand saying how good he was at sex, but that should have been the last time she should have said it.

She writes him another note she hopes will go over the first to help bring on the healing, but she wrote, 'You already know my night with him was the sexual thrill of my life. I can't deny it; you have it in writing.' If that wasn't bad enough she wrote, 'I know it wasn't anywhere near the best sex we've had, let alone as good as what I had with Marc.' Why not put the knife in and keep on twisting.

Yes, any regular reader could tell Ellen was a set up, but he should have gotten at least one go with Ellen. Linda got all night and again the next morning, Jim should have gotten at least an hour.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
I gave it 5 stars, but....

It was an interesting and well written story. However, there are a couple of glaring differences in what she did, and what he almost did. She did think about her husband before she left with Mr. Dreamy as she enlisted the help of Dee to distract hubby to facilitate her escape, and she humiliated him in front of their friends in the worst way. It’s fine that they reconciled, but he should have done it for the kids, and we should be left with the hope that he and wifey will put the problem behind them as time goes by, but with no guarantees.

UndrApprctdUndrApprctdover 3 years ago
Seemed Like a Good Story, but Took a Ridiculous Turn in the End

You made a valid point about women being shallow. Men have a much higher sense of commitment. Realistically, he would have never done anything with another woman, and his wife couldn't even muster an apology until the silly situation at the end. I'm assuming you're a female, since you have a distorted view of men in general. Try getting some input from a male when crafting your next tale.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This guy is an idiot if he didn’t smell a set up. And then the ‘irresistible’ woman told him so at the end and he still didn’t suspect? I thought the wife set it up as an In told you so’ which should have made the situation worse. But now he’s suddenly NOT going to see football guy in visions with his wife when she wears that blue dress? (And seriously why hasn’t she burned it?)

This whole thing just rang hollow for me. Nice try but a lot of jibber jabber and not much payoff.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Well written stupid story.

Sorry, but people just don't act this way. Wives don't just walk off with other men in front of the whole world and expect to be forgiven. Husbands don't just accept such treatment and roll over and keep her.

I wonder what kind of life you lead to think such behavior is normal.

AbctoyAbctoyover 3 years ago
Good read.

Liked the story but the Ellen thing was hard to swallow. Still a 4*

FireFox59FireFox59over 3 years ago

GA bullshit story. Just went to the comments to confirm that this was another wimpy cuckold story. Note how he/she never lists it in the story tags. I will give GA credit for one of the worst cuckold stories I ever read on Lit before I caught on to his/her bullshit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Rarely make comments. The premise is just BS. The guy was weak, and his wife was weaker. There is no way they built a marriage that is the "envy of our friends" unless they are all cheaters/swingers. What has the wife learned? She can screw whoever she wants and as long as their kids around he'll forgive her. Eight pages and in the end I was just disgusted with both characters.

Pappy7Pappy7over 3 years ago
I think the choices were pretty cut and dried.

If staying together for the kids is so important you have to know that if the little girl could pick up on something being wrong in such a short time she would certainly be able to see it in the long run. The tension that was there could never go away because of the fact wifey kept bringing up it was the best sex of her life but that she would be willing to settle for less to say married. It was evident that she wasn't sorry for what she had done or how she did it and that he was to just suck it up and carry on. When she came back from her little one off she was smiling her best smile but when the reality of being back with second best, that's the smile she put on for him. Her second best. Should have been all he needed to know. As for the character of the pro football player, I'd say he nailed that it. I've known a few and it was spot on to their sense of entitlement. But he wasn't the problem, that was the wife. She is utterly untrustworthy and seemingly very self centered, not good for the long haul. She even admitted she didn't know if it happened again she could resist. No joy. As for the rest of his "friends" and especially his lawyer, manipulation is not an attractive feature in friends. The male character was weak and that might have lead to her going off the rails, but that's just what she did and a train wreck is a train wreck and those same rails will never support a train again. Why are your male characters all so weak and inhibited? They might not get another "anybody's" like they had but that might not be so bad. Kids will be kids and his would have adapted like many others have in the past.

Well written but her character made on sense and his character couldn't be sympathized with at all.

BuzzCzarBuzzCzarover 3 years ago

A beautifully written, overly-contrived story of a man with no backbone at all. Sad.

HighpikeHighpikeover 3 years ago
Simply superb

And enhanced by the moronic drivel of your detractors with the cuckold fixation. You crafted this so very, very well. Thank you. G

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The husband should have spent the night banging Ellen. THEN they could have begun their " new marriage" on even footing, having both been scarred, hurt, and humiliated. Both would know that their spouse had spent the night with a lover much better than they are. And they could have rebuilt a real relationship on the smoldering rubble of their happy marriage that was just an illusion

MormonJackMormonJackover 3 years ago
"The truth of the matter is, if it hadn't been for Emma and Tommy, Linda and I would have already been divorced"

Awesome story! I loved/hated reading it. :)

Only after the line quoted above did the story resolve for me. In the end, the balance was swayed because of the kids. That happens a lot in real life.

Without the kids, I still see imbalance. Jim tried to get Linda back from dancing at the club and she wanted to stay with A$$. Linda utilized a friend to distract Jim - this is particularly egregious: it indicates independent thought not just lust. There were LOTS of times to break the spell of the most gorgeous person in the room.

Amazing story telling. THANK YOU!

gldngolfergldngolferover 3 years ago
This one irritated me

This story has been done before but others have done it better. I think one of the others was titled "Unintended Consequences" and at least in that one the husband had a back bone and divorced the bitch!

This one is another of G.A.'s usual wimpy husbands who get betrayed in a horrible fashion and spends over six pages apologizing for everything under the sun. He was the damn victim! Why does this author make the men apologize for something they did not do?

Even at the very end when L.W. sends a whore to the husband, supposedly to teach the wife a lesson, this author turned it around so the husband is wrong for being enticed away from his cheating spouse. Another, "it's the husband's fault!"

And just like in the other story, the friends are complicit in the betrayal and think they've done nothing wrong. And he doesn't smack a couple heads with tables or chairs? Totally messed up.

But above all, it is just that the husband is always wrong and has no back bone that irritates me more than anything.

Another RAAC. I don't mind reconciliation stories but the perpetrator has to show true remorse, and this wife did not!

MichaelFitzgeraldMichaelFitzgeraldover 3 years ago

Much Ado ...

While reading this gem, I recognized a favorite bit of Shakespeare and started reading again with Much Ado About Nothing in mind.

Sweet Beatrice is enraged when dim-witted but sincere Claudio, home from the wars, listens to false evidence to declares his beloved Hero (a girl) has been unfaithful. She turns to her love Benedick, their Prince's right hand. She begs him to get justice for Hero by killing Claudio. Benedick asks: “Think you in your soul the Count Claudio hath wronged Hero?” Beatrice replies: “Yea, as sure as I have a thought or a soul.” Linda professes her love for Jim in almost exactly those words even as she confesses how she betrayed everything she believed about herself.

Your story asks what happens when the Prince asks Hero to join him for the night, and she says yes. Does she go? Does it matter if Claudio publishes her as a slut? Does Beatrice defend her cousin or denounce her? So we have cheating, allegations, vanity, lust, cruel lovers, tears, anger, innocents in peril, wise counsel, a heartbroken husband, a blasé wife, deceitful friends, looming disaster and vanishing true love. The tale is old; this version is new so, yeah, this is a great and inventive story.

The flower delivery guy and L.W. are deftly played. Keeping the gift card to show Jim was a nice touch. Jim’s emotional shifting back and forth is dizzying but feels right. So, to quote Benedick at the end, “Man is a giddy thing and this is [your] conclusion.”


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Ellen .... !!!!

I enjoyed the story up to where Ellen came into it, from there it was a lost ending. I'm not into burn-it down. But maybe renewing wedding vowels and trying to make a go from afresh?

Still Happy Ending????

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No Way

After reading all your stories--- George must be short for Georgina. No self respecting man would ever put up with his wife leaving him with a table full of there friends to go and fuck someone else. But your stories are always from a women's point of view.

Kids or no kids good riddance. I knew I shouldn't have started reading this-like all of your stories incredibly predictable Georgina.

NsfwavengerNsfwavengerover 3 years ago
Lost it at the end

I don’t like how he fell for Ellen. Should have had him come to his sense in the parking lot and come back on his own. Would have accomplished the same thing without succumbing to the “everyone cheats” justification.

Hooked1957Hooked1957over 3 years ago
A damn instant classic

This story is at least one point underscored in my opinion, probably because of the reconciliation, but to me it's an instant classic. It was wonderfully written and kept me on edge for all eight pages.

My favorite stories are the ones that make me yell at my computer from time to time, like this one did. You grabbed me by the throat early and kept your hold tight.

I am not a reconciliation fan, but this was your story to tell as you saw fit. You certainly didn't take the easy way out for a better score, and for that you get major kudos.

Great job. Five star work.


Wang4Wang4over 3 years ago
Conflictedplease keep writing

Memorable story. Hard to read but REAL marriages aren’t always easy either. Not if they survive.

My only unresolved issue was Linda’s (even if for 24 hours) TOTAL lack of respect for her husband in the way she prepared for and executed her escape from the club without a word. Re entered his life the next day with the “honey I’m home” line. Unless I missed it,he never brought up directly this lack of respect.

Please keep writing.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Just tremendous

I believe you to be one of the top writers on Literotica in the LW genre. Thank you for giving us this gem of a story. I tend to gravitate towards reconciliation stories ... but not n necessarily RAAC stories ... if reconciliation is warranted. In this story it is. Beyond being on of the best writers IMHO in this genre, I think you are beyond that ... you are a true storyteller! Five ⭐️ for this one! Once again, thank you, George.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

The Wife is truly worthless, the story heartbreaking, but unrealistic, the main character is waaaay to calm compared to any normal human being behavior, and the bullshit in the end with ellen is a joke and poor story writing.

No normal man would be able to forgive that, and the children part is the greatest bullshit, you can be a father while being divorced, but you can't be a father if you have a borken mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Excellent story, well written

I felt so sorry for both characters. Well told Well written!

I'm coming around on the resolution. It seemed a little fascile but I'm pleased you got them back together

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Housemouse to Queen of the Harem

You danced up to the real reason Linda left with Marc LaValliere, then slow-danced away.

Linda is sixth in a group of five women. The four "in" girls, the vacant chair, then Linda.

Good ol' steady Linda.

Housefrau Linda.

Missionary sex with the lights off Linda.

Never seen in public without respectable mom briefs style panties, and a firm full-coverage bra, Linda.

Never sucked a cock in risk of discovery Linda.

Not one of the no bra, no panties, I sucked my husband off just before we left the car "in" girls. Who exude sex, demand attention, and get it.

Marc, handed her Cinderella's Glass Slipper. Eons of biology moved Linda from last to first in the pecking order.

THE Alpha male, picked ME as the Alpha Female.


Jealous much bitches? That and the Cinderella experience, made this possible.

Marriage vows, children, unwashed dishes, the past-due cable bill?

None of it mattered.

Omega to Alpha. ALL that mattered in that moment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you for putting your head on a platter

And posting in this category. It isn't easy and not many do it anymore for that reason.

Thank you

Bebop3Bebop3over 3 years ago

Glad to see you back, George. Hopefully there will be more soon.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 3 years ago

"just one night out of our whole marriage, would be something I could remember for the rest of my life. An event, you know, with a capital E? It would have nothing to do with the way I feel about my husband" - It has EVERYTHING to do with the way she feels about her husband! "Jocko" is SO special, that she'd risk her marriage (even if she thinks she isn't), for one night that she'll "remember for the rest of [her] life." Isn't THAT just so special for her husband. As I think I said earlier, would she feel the same way if the situation was reversed? And they don't even see it as a big deal!

Heh, if GA's wife reads this, he's effectively asking her the question!

I would have done one of two things, maybe both: 1) Ask the other guys, what would you do if it was YOUR wife? 2) If any said they'd be okay with it, I'd say, "Then you don't mind if I spend the night with YOUR wife. It's only one night, right?

"My love for you is just the same as it was yesterday." - I LOVE his answer! Her love is the same as it was when she cheated on him.

She doesn't want to tell him about the night because it was better than any night with him.

He wasn't being a gentleman. He knew if they went back to the table Jim would have raised Holy Hell with Linda, maybe convince her not to go.

She was his for as long as he wanted her? So what if he wanted her forever?

I don't know how he can stand being told that Marc was a "virtuoso" lover.

I don't believe for one SECOND that she wouldn't have left him for Marc, or at least wouldn't have chosen Marc over him if they were single.

She still says she respects Marc, when he acted most disrespectfully.

Are supposed to believe that she would say no to the next Marc who comes along?

Yes, she's hypocritical to ask HIM to not take a lover.

"everything he borrowed has been returned, and like my love for you, they are unchanged," - If someone borrows my car, or my tools, and damages them before returning them, they are NOT unchanged.

He should DEFINITELY drop out of that circle of "friends."

I don't even believe her car analogy! If she was offered $50,000 to trade her car for a Maserati, of course she'd take it! Even if there's no room for the kids, 50K will buy a very nice family sedan.

She keeps saying that she's the same, but that's the problem! She's the same as the woman who cheated.

"Was the only way to have a happy, faithful marriage, to marry someone nobody else would ever want?" - What's that old song? "If you want to be happy for the rest of your life, don't make a pretty woman your wife."

Dave's full of shit! Neither he nor any of the other guys would accept Jim fucking their wives; they certainly wouldn't still be friends afterwards.

As he's said a couple of times, why is the burden on HIM to fix things?

She's splitting hairs when she says that she didn't say that Marc wasn't a better lover. I suppose when you're referring to sex as "making love" she's right, but she most certainly DID say that the sex with Marc was better.

She TOLD Marc that he could please her in bed better than her husband could?!

It's obviously a plus that she's been turning Marc down, but right now she's trying to save her marriage. What happens in a year or two or three when things get back to "normal" and something similar presents itself?

The Deus ex Machina of Ellen was too pat. At first I thought that she was a set-up until Jim started to go of with her. Even so, he DIDN'T leave with her, even if it took looking at Linda to stop him.

He should DEFINITELY tell her that if it wasn't for the kids they'd be done.

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